Why should women wear a headscarf in church? Women's head covering

Corinth during the time of the Apostle Paul was a huge city. Its population numbered more than seven hundred thousand people. Since the city was located on a narrow isthmus connecting the southern part of Greece with its northern part, all movement from north to south was concentrated in Corinth - there was no other way. This geographical position made Corinth one of the important shopping centers ancient world.

Corinth was the richest and most big city Greece. The population lived in luxury, and luxury and material prosperity always go hand in hand with unrighteousness.

It was to this city that the Apostle Paul came in 51 and preached the Gospel in weakness and fear. Some time later, Paul wrote two letters to the Christians of this city. In the first, he touched on a number of pressing issues, one of which is the requirement for Christian sisters to cover their heads.

Paul's teaching is not a statement of ancient Jewish tradition. The head covering was different from the traditions existing at that time, it symbolized the great principle of the Christian faith. The commandment applied specifically to Christians. Let us consider the principle on which it is based, as well as the problems that have arisen in connection with this.

The Apostle Paul sets out God’s point of view quite specifically: “I also want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God” (1 Cor. 11:3).

The head is the leader, the leader. Christ is the leader of the husband, and the husband is the leader of the wife. Every man saved by Jesus Christ must submit to his Savior and Lord. And every Christian woman should joyfully acknowledge her subordination to her husband, established by God himself.

A headdress does not make a woman equal to a man, as some people interpret. On the contrary, if a woman covers her head, then she recognizes her inequality in front of a man and expresses consent to his dominance.

By covering her head, a Christian wife can boldly, like her husband, approach the throne of God and pray directly to God. Husband and wife have equal rights in their relationship with God, but when it comes to family structure, they are not equal.

In accordance with God's law, the head of the family is the husband. He owns the last word in decision making. The wife must recognize and agree with her husband's leadership position. This Divine institution cannot serve as an excuse for the cruelty and intolerance of a husband towards his wife. He should not think that everything in the house should revolve around him and to please him.

Headship is not the same as domination. A husband should not become a tyrant. He has a great responsibility. The husband must acknowledge his submission to Christ, and the wife must acknowledge her submission to her husband. This is the principle of primacy.

The order of primacy is not a question of superiority, but a question of power. When this power is guided by the fear of God, it produces harmony, blessing and peace. To more clearly understand the meaning of headship in the relationship between husband and wife, let us trace the relationship between God and Christ.

Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). This speaks of equality. Elsewhere Jesus said: “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me?... The Father who abides in Me, He does the works” (John 14:10). This speaks of cooperation. In the third case, Jesus testified: “The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do that which pleases Him (John 8:29). This speaks of the subordination of the Son. In the relationship between the Father and the Son there is a mutual understanding, or recognition, that the ultimate power belongs to the Father, the Father has priority.

If leadership and leadership are necessary and useful in Divine relationships, then how much more important and necessary is it in human society! A husband and wife will only fulfill their destiny when they joyfully occupy the position God has assigned for them.

"Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered disgraces his head; and every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is as if she had been shaven" (1 Cor. 11:4-5) ). The husband shows his submission to Christ by removing his head covering during prayer or preaching. And the wife shows her subordination to her husband by covering her head during prayer or prophecy. In this form, the wife must go into the presence of God to receive His blessing. A wife who is obedient to the Word of God has the right to all the promises of God given to mankind at redemption.

Having laid down the principle, the Apostle Paul lays out several reasons why Christian wives should keep their hair long and covered.

Baring your head is shameful

“For if a woman does not want to be covered, then let her have her hair cut; but if a woman is ashamed to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered” (1 Cor. 11:6). In the days of the Apostle Paul, people understood that it was a shame for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved. Short hair was universally considered a sign of shamelessness and fornication, and only fallen women cut their hair. Long hair was a sign of virtue. Reluctance to cover your head as a sign of submission to your husband, according to Scripture, is the same shameful act as cutting your hair.

God found it necessary to use a visible sign to remind us of the Divine order in the relationship between husband and wife. This sign should be the wife's long, uncut hair and a covered head.

Demanding God's Order

“Therefore, the husband should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God, and the wife is the glory of the man. For man is not made of woman, but woman is of man; and man was not made for woman, but woman for man (1 Cor. 11: 7-9). Paul recalls that at the creation of the world there was a difference between man and woman, by virtue of which man should dominate over woman. God created first Adam, and then Eve. The veil on the wife’s head is a symbol of the fact that she adheres to the established. God of order and honors her husband as the head.

“Therefore a woman should have on her head a sign of authority over her, for the angels” (1 Cor. 11:10). Angels encamp around those who fear the Lord and deliver them, as the psalmist says about this (Ps. 33:8). God sends angels to minister to those who will inherit salvation (Heb. 1:14).

Based on the above passages, the Angels in heaven are interested in the physical and spiritual well-being of God's children. Women who voluntarily wear the sign of power on their heads are subject to heavenly protection. Oh, how necessary this is these days! Who doesn't want to live safely in modern society? This is possible for those wives who submit to God's order of headship and visibly show it.

The veil on the head is a sign that equally applies to earthly life and heavenly life. It shows that the wife has a certain place in the order of God's creation. If she does not want to recognize her husband’s authority, refusing to wear the sign of his authority over herself, she neglects the command of God.

Demand for decency

“Judge for yourselves, is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered? Doesn’t nature itself teach you that if a husband grows hair, then this is a dishonor for him, but if a wife grows hair, it is an honor for her, since the hair was given to her instead bedspreads?" (1 Cor. 11:13-15). All people have an innate sense of what is right and wrong, and our common sense tells us that long hair- an honor for a woman.

My wife and I never cut our daughters' hair, sincerely wanting them to accept Christ when they grew up. We wanted it to be easy for them to follow His teaching. I once heard a woman tell our daughter, “Never let Mommy or Daddy cut your hair!” Despite the fact that our culture is developing in a completely different direction, contrary to the order established by God, and many have no respect for Divine law, yet people have enough common sense to understand that long hair is an honor for a woman.

This is what nature itself teaches

Nature is a good teacher. She tells us that a woman should have long hair, and a man should have short hair. Many sincerely declare, “Scripture does not tell us how long women’s hair should be!” In the Scripture we are looking at, Paul uses three words to describe the length of a woman's hair: shaved, cropped, and long. What hair is considered long? - Those who did not shave or cut their hair.

“And if anyone wanted to argue, we have no such custom, neither do the churches of God” (1 Cor. 11:16). If anyone remains deaf to common sense and cannot convince himself of the strength of this argument, he should simply remain silent, by virtue of the apostolic authority. Paul says that neither he nor the churches he founded allow a woman to pray or prophesy with her head uncovered.

Head covering is a common practice apostolic church. Roman catacombs, sculptural bas-reliefs on the walls of buildings, early historical documents- everything indicates that in ancient times wives covered their heads. This was a universal practice in all the churches of Greece, Rome, Antioch, and Africa.

Some believe that Paul allows the instructions he gives to be disobeyed in the event of disagreement, if the teaching is controversial. But this is not true. Can the Holy Spirit first talk about why and how a wife should cover her head, and then say that this should not be done if there is controversy?

Many argue that covering the head is an outdated custom and does not apply to them today. However, there is no such clause in the Word of God. All Scripture is inspired by God and is personally relevant to us. The Apostle Paul says: “If anyone considers himself a prophet or spiritual, let him understand that what I am writing to you is for these are the commandments of the Lord” (1 Cor. 14:37).

True happiness comes from a right relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. This relationship is maintained by our doing the will of God as expressed in His Word. It teaches that the wife should be subservient to her husband. She is commanded to wear a visible sign of submission on her head. This sign influences the prayers of the wife, because God is happy to answer the requests of that woman who, in humility, joyfully submits to His institution. Such a wife receives blessings and is under the protection of God Himself.

The veil over the wife's hunger also speaks of her purity and modesty. It is a visible evidence of the action of the grace of God, which has done its work in the heart. A wife who covers her head and at the same time shows pride, self-love and a dominant spirit dishonors God and the church.

The Bible does not specifically tell you how to make a veil or how to wear it. But she teaches that the wife's head should be covered. Therefore, the veil should be of sufficient size to cover the natural glory of the woman, that is, her hair, and so that the fulfillment of the Divine principle of subordination of the wife can be seen by others.

There are many Christian wives today who do not cover their heads. They teach in Sunday schools and testify to others about God. Doesn't it seem strange to you that many, calling themselves Christians, want to do great things for God, but do not want to fulfill His small commands and thereby bring joy to the Father? Let us remember the warning words of our Lord: “Not everyone who says to Me: ‘Lord! Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven? (Matt. 7:21).

Taken from the almanac for parents

In Corinthians 11, Paul addresses themes that became relevant to the young church of the first century.

The first part of the chapter is dedicated to a woman: should she cover her head or not in church?

In his discussion, Paul compares the woman's covered head with her long hair.

As Paul says in verse 15:

but if a wife grows hair, it is an honor for her, since hair was given to her instead of a veil?

  • In our congregation, a woman grows her hair and wears a veil - there is no violation.
  • Some women attend the meeting wearing a headscarf, which is also permitted and there is no violation.

I propose to expand the study of the topic and now consider the issue more closely.


1 Cor. Chapters 11 and 14

Chapters 11-14 are perhaps the most difficult to understand modern Christian. But they are also among the most interesting in the entire Epistle, because they deal with the problems that arose in the Corinthian church in connection with church services.

We see in them a nascent church, busy solving the problems that arose in the struggle against sacrifice and related to the creation of true worship. We will understand this section more easily if we identify its various components from the very beginning.

  1. 11,2-11,16 is considering whether women can attend services with their heads uncovered.
  2. 11,17-23 discusses the problem that arose in connection with the feast of love, that is, the communal meals or agape, which were celebrated every week by the Corinthian Christians.
  3. Verses 24-34 concern the correct observance of the sacrament of the sacrament in the Corinthian church.
  4. In Chapter 12 Paul considers the problem of merging into a single harmonious whole people endowed with different talents. In this chapter, Paul portrayed the church as the Body of Christ and Christians as components of that Body.
  5. Chapter 13 is a great hymn of love, showing people the most excellent path in life.
  6. 14,1-23 are devoted to the problem of “tongues”, various gifts of communication with God and people.
  7. 14,24-33 are devoted to the problem of order and organization in the church and in worship; here Paul is trying to bring order and discipline to the vibrant enthusiasm of the newborn church.
  8. 14,34-36 discussing the place of women in church service in Corinth.


(1 Cor. 11:2-16)

This is one of those passages that has no universal meaning.

At first glance, they may seem to be of only historical interest, because they deal with problems and situations that are not relevant to us. But, nevertheless, such places are of great interest to us, since they shed light on the internal problems and affairs of the early Christian church; they are also of great interest to a person who looks closely at things: after all, the principles applied to solve them are immutable.

A controversial issue in the Corinthian church was whether a woman could take part in worship with her head uncovered. Paul answers directly and unequivocally: the veil is a symbol of subordination, worn by an inferior in the presence of a superior. Since the man is the head of the house, the woman is subordinate to him, and therefore cannot appear at church services without a veil; a man should not appear in church with his head covered.

It is unlikely that we in the twentieth century could so easily accept this view of the dependent and subordinate position of women. But this chapter should not be read in the light of the twentieth century, but in the light of the first century, and the following points should be kept in mind:

+ 1) What was the significance of the veil in the East?

And today, women of the East wear a veil - a long veil that covers it almost to the toes, leaving only the forehead and eyes open.

In Paul's time the eastern veil was even more closed. It covered the head, leaving only the eyes open, and went all the way to the toes. A respected and self-respecting Eastern woman could not even think of appearing somewhere without a veil.

T. W. Davis writes in the Hastings Dictionary of the Bible:

« Not a single decent woman in an eastern village or city leaves home without it, and if she does, she risks ruining her reputation. Indeed, English and American missionaries in Egypt told the author that their daughters and wives were forced to wear a veil when going out.«.

The veil had two meanings:

  • a) It expressed subordination,
  • b) It provided the woman with strong protection.

Verse 10 is very difficult to translate. In the Synodal Edition of the Bible this verse is given as follows:

“Therefore, a wife should have on her head a sign of authority over her...”

But the Greek text literally means that a woman should have " your power on your head«.

William Ramsay explains it this way:

« In Eastern countries, the veil represents the power, honor and dignity of a woman. With a veil on her head she can go everywhere in safety and deep respect. She is not visible; watching a woman dressed in a veil on the street is a sign of extremely bad taste. She's lonely. All other people do not exist for her, just as she does not exist for them. She stands above the crowd... And a woman without a veil is insignificant, anyone can insult her. The power and dignity of a woman disappears along with the veil if she throws it off«.

In the East, therefore, the veil has an extremely important. It not only indicates the dependent position of women; it is also an indestructible protection of her modesty and chastity.

+ 2) We must also remember what the position of women was among the Jews.

According to Jewish law, a woman was much lower than a man. She was created from Adam's rib (Gen. 2:22.23) to be her husband's helper (Gen. 2:18).

There was one rabbinic interpretation, which we looked at here: . It sheds light on the Jewish attitude towards women.

The sad fact is that according to Jewish law, a woman was the thing and property of her husband, over which he had full right. It is also regrettable that, for example, in the synagogue, women did not take any part in the worship service, but were completely isolated from men in a closed gallery or other part of the building.

According to Jewish law and custom, it was unthinkable that women could claim equal rights with men.

There is an interesting phrase in verse 10 that women should wear a veil “for the sake of the angels.”

There are no clear interpretations about the meaning of this phrase. Perhaps it dates back to ancient history.

  • A) angels are guardians of the world order established by God, in which
    man and woman must be different from each other;
  • b) angels are people, messengers from other churches who might be confused appearance Corinthian women

+ 3) It should be remembered that this situation arose in Corinth, probably the most dissolute city in the world.

Paul took the position that it was better to go too far in the direction of excessive modesty and severity than to do anything that would give the pagans a reason to criticize Christians for licentiousness, or that could become a source of temptation for Christians themselves.

It would be entirely wrong to give this passage a universal application; it was closely associated with the Corinthian church, and is in no way connected with the issue of whether women should wear veils in church today. But although it is only local and temporary, it contains three immutable truths:

1) Strict standards of human behavior are always better than too loyal ones.

It is much better to give up your rights if they may become a stumbling block for someone else, rather than insist on them. It has become fashionable to openly condemn customs and conventions, but it is always better for a person to think twice before breaking them. Although he should never be a slave to conventions.

2) Even after Paul has emphasized woman's dependence on man, he insists on their mutual dependence.

Neither he nor she can live without each other. If there is subordination between them, it is only so that they living together was more productive and more enjoyable for both.

3) Paul ends this passage with a rebuke of the person who argues solely for the sake of arguing and arguing.

No matter what disagreements may arise between people, there is no place in the church for deliberately picky men and women. Sometimes you do need to stand up for principles, but you should never be picky.

Can't people disagree and still live in peace?


city ​​of Corinth

Corinth was a special city in the ancient world. It was one of the largest trading centers, through which significant trade routes passed. It was the capital of the province and even for a time competed with Athens for control of colonies and trade. Every two years, an alternative to the Olympic Games, the Isthmian Games, was held there, which included gymnastic, equestrian, poetic and musical competitions.

The city had two ports, its own colonies and was very expensive to live in. It was filled with people of different nations and peoples.

The main temple of the city in the acropolis was the temple of the goddess of love and fertility Aphrodite, which housed more than a thousand temple prostitutes who served merchants and travelers. It is worth noting that women of the corresponding lifestyle walked with their heads uncovered, moreover, with their hair down.

“Biblical Encyclopedic Dictionary” by E. Nyström.

In it you can read that in Corinth there was a temple of the pagan goddess Aphrodite. The servants of this temple were ritual harlots, by entering into a relationship with whom, the person who came performed an act of worship of Aphrodite. The distinctive sign of these same harlots, by which everyone recognized them on the city streets, was their shaved head.

In the culture of the ancient world, Corinth was famous for its riotous lifestyle, as a city of the cult of fertility with its numerous feasts and debauchery. In connection with this, a new word even appeared in Greek – « Corinthate", meaning an unbridled lifestyle. When a character from Corinth appeared on stage in Greek theaters, he was virtually always drunk, which clearly illustrates the image of this city in ancient Greek culture.

One can imagine the problems faced by the Christian community in such a context, consisting of inhabitants of this city who were accustomed to a certain way of life in Corinth. Therefore, it becomes clear why such problems as relationships with prostitutes (6 chapters), debauchery that does not cause any reaction from the community (5 chapters), drunkenness at the Supper (11 chapters), and participation in pagan fertility feasts (8 chapters) are relevant for Christians accustomed to living in such a city.

According to the custom of Greece and eastern cities, women did not appear in public with their heads uncovered, with the exception of women of low behavior. Corinth was overflowing with prostitutes, priestesses of the temple. Some Christian women, taking advantage of their newfound freedom in Christ, showed up to church meetings with their heads uncovered, which horrified more modest Christian women. Paul tells them not to neglect the opinion of the public in matters of women's apparel.

Angels are watching for Christian worship.

Hair was considered one of the most important manifestations female beauty, therefore, it was shameful for a woman to cut or shave her head, as a result of which she became like a man.

Women cut their heads only as a sign of mourning.

Christian traditions require women to enter the temple with their heads covered. However, now this applies only to Russian Orthodox Church. For example, religious women enter Greek cathedrals without hats.


The fact that women who have converted to Christianity should cover their heads with a scarf during prayer is stated in the Gospel of the Apostle Paul: “... Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head, for this is the same as if if she were shaved, for if a wife does not want to be covered, then let her have her hair cut, and if a wife is ashamed to be shorn or shaved, let her cover herself... (...) Judge for yourself, is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered?”

In this letter, the Apostle Paul clearly outlined for the Corinthians an explanation of this rule: “... A husband should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God, and the wife is the glory of her husband. For man is not from wife, but woman is from man; and the man was not created for the wife, but the wife for the husband...” Accordingly, by covering her head with a scarf, a Christian woman recognizes the headship of her husband and adheres to established order- accepts the Lord through her man, and honors him as created in the image and likeness of God.

Apostolic Letter

As you know, the teaching of the Apostle Paul that women should cover their heads during prayer refers to the section “epistles to the inhabitants of the city of Corinth.” In the middle of the first century, the apostle arrived in this coastal city from Athens and found the first Christian community there. However, otherwise it was still a pagan city of the Roman Empire.

"Biblical Encyclopedic Dictionary Erika Nyström reports that in the first centuries of our era, one of the largest temples of Aphrodite at that time was located in Corinth. The servants of the cult of this pagan goddess were ritual harlots, with whom they entered into intimate relationship, any person performed an act of worship of Aphrodite. The distinctive sign of all these priestesses - harlots - was a shaved head.

Meanwhile, historians who study the Bible suggest that girls, handed over to the service of a pagan goddess in childhood, could later hear the sermons of the Apostle Paul and accept them. But having converted to the Christian religion and community, it is clear that these women still remained physically hairless for a long time.

And now the parting words of St. Paul “...if a woman is ashamed to be shorn or shaved, let her cover herself...” speaks somewhat differently. Turning to Christ in prayer when you have the mark of a harlot is shameful both before people and before God. That is why the apostle recommended that all women, without exception, cover their heads, and “... if the wife does not want to cover herself, then let her have her hair cut...”. After all, all women, including those who have repented of their sins, are equal before God and are loved by him equally.

Greek tradition

In Greek Orthodox churches It can be observed that women always pray with their heads uncovered. When entering the church, everyone, regardless of gender and age, even if they have hats on their heads, takes them off. True, this tradition is not so ancient, it exists no more than two centuries and is related to the national liberation struggle of the Greeks against Turkish rule.

In the first quarter of the 19th century, Greece came under the rule of Ottoman Empire and all women were required to appear on the streets and in public places wearing hijabs, even if they were not Muslim.

Greek women, like men, protested against forced Islamization and attended Christian services at night. At the same time, the Greek women took off the Turkish scarves they hated as a sign of freedom in Christ.

Since that time it has become an important religious-national tradition. And as for the message of the Apostle Paul regarding the covering of a woman’s head, the Greek priests point to the fact that nowhere in the Gospel is it stated that women are forbidden to enter the temple without a headdress. This means that Greek women do not violate religious rules in any way.

Russian woman and her headdress

In Russia, since the dissemination of “Domostroy” - a collection of advice and instructions from Russian people on social, family and religious issues of the 15th century, the tradition has been preserved when “... it was not the husband who was created for the wife, but the wife for the husband...” Orthodox Christian , even if she is not married, enters the temple with her head covered. In this way, she demonstrates her modesty and humility.

However, the Russians Orthodox priests V Lately It is increasingly argued that whether a woman wears a headdress in church is her personal matter and her legal right to demonstrate her attitude to centuries-old religious traditions. Let it go better woman will enter the temple without a headscarf and turn to God with sincere love, rather than cross the threshold of the temple at all.

IN Orthodox faith There is ancient custom— a woman enters the church with her head covered. Where does this tradition originate and what does it mean, find out why a woman should wear a headscarf in church.

Origins and customs

This custom originated from the words of the Apostle Paul, he said that a woman should have a symbol on her head that signifies her submission and the power of her husband over her. Praying or venerating shrines with your head uncovered is considered shameful. One of the most ancient traditions associated with the church begins with the words of the apostle.

Why should a woman wear a headscarf in church?

A scarf on a woman’s head emphasizes modesty and humility, and communication with God becomes purer and brighter.

In ancient culture, hair was considered the most striking attribute of female beauty. Attracting attention to yourself in church - bad sign, since before the Face of the Lord everyone must be humble and clear their heads of sinful thoughts. Remember, clothes should also be modest; you should not choose an outfit for going to God's temple, with decorations or emphasizing the figure. In this case, a covered head will not make sense.

The scarf is worn to emphasize the woman’s defenselessness and to call on the Lord for help and intercession.

Why should a man take off his hat in church?

When entering any room, a man must take off his headdress as a sign of respect for the owner. In the church it is God. In this way he expresses his respect and demonstrates true faith.

By entering the temple without a headdress, a man shows his defenselessness in the face of the Lord and speaks of complete trust. In the church, a man renounces war and bloodshed and must repent of his sins. This is a symbol of the fact that everyone is equal before God and social status and position do not matter.

It must be remembered that a true believer is obliged to observe certain rules and customs as a sign of respect for religion. For an Orthodox Christian to come to church in inappropriate clothing is unacceptable and shameful. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Each of the existing religions carries within itself a set of certain rules and foundations. Some of them are radically different. But there are also general canons that are observed in many world religions. For example, Christianity, Judaism and Islam prohibit a woman from walking with her head uncovered. Naturally, there are certain nuances in observing these traditions.


According to biblical laws, by covering her head, a woman recognizes the headship of a man. The Apostle Paul said that submission to a man was ordained by God. And every Christian woman should gratefully accept masculinity. A woman's covered head symbolizes humility and is considered important principle Christian faith. IN holy scripture It is said that every woman should grow her hair and cover it with a scarf. Nowadays on the street you rarely see a woman tied with a scarf. Mostly modern women Christianity wears a headscarf only in church, which cannot be said about Muslim women who religiously observe the laws of the Koran.


The principles of the Muslim religion are more radical. In Islam, awrah (concealment of nudity) is strictly observed. According to the Koran, a Muslim woman must sacredly honor God's advice and be pure. In Islam, it is prescribed for a woman to cover her entire body, including her feet and hands, while part of her face may remain uncovered. There is no specific clause about covering the head in the Holy Scriptures, but the clause “hiding the whole body” also includes the head. There is a tradition that in Islam came from the Prophet Muhammad. All his children were girls. And he asked them and their wives to wear headscarves so that everyone around them would know that these women were from his family. In modern Islam this tradition is sacredly revered.


In Judaism, everyone must cover their head. married woman. Modern Jewish women can wear any headdress, including scarves, hats and even wigs. For unmarried girl This rule does not have to be followed. The Holy Talmud strictly highlights the female role and teaches that a woman can show her virtues only to her spouse: before marriage she must be in complete submission to her father, after marriage the man becomes the head of the family. In principle, these principles can be traced in each of the religions discussed - the head is always a man.