Backgammon rules lesson. Backgammon long game rules

A beginner who only wants to get acquainted with the rules of backgammon can be scared away at first species diversity this desktop entertainment. But, as elsewhere, do not be afraid in advance. First, study general rules games that will help you master other variations of this entertainment in the future. And there are generally two variations: short and long backgammon. The essential difference between these two types from each other is the ability to capture the opponent's checkers, as well as the initial placement of chips. But in both variations there is a winner and a loser - the one who was the first to line up his checkers overboard.

  • In addition to the fact that there are several variations of the game in backgammon, there are also three types of victory, each of which is characterized by the advantage of the player at the time of taking the upper hand over the opponent.
  • The situation when the loser did not have time to bring all his checkers into the house, and the winner, in turn, took his off the board, is called "Mars".
  • The second option, when the loser still brought his checkers home, but he could not take them off the board, is called "Home Mars".
  • Coke has its designation in short and backgammon. According to the rules, such a victory is counted when the loser failed to move the checkers out of the house. In short backgammon - when the loser did not have time to remove a single checker from the bar.

In terms of points, everything is still quite simple. Easy win - 1 point, mars - 2 points, home mars - 3 points, coke win - 4 points.

How to play long backgammon - the basic principle of the game

In this type of game, 2 players compete with each other on the board, which is divided into 4 subgroups, each with 6 cells. The game begins with both players lining up the "Head" - all 15 checkers in one line on the edge of the board.

The player's task is to move all his checkers into the house and remove them from the field faster than the opponent does.

The right of the first move is given to the one who has a large combination on the dice. Only one checker moves per move. An exception is the case when a double occurs on the first move of the game.

According to the result of the throw, the opponents move the backgammon counterclockwise, but you cannot move your checker to a cell that is occupied by the opponent's checker. You can put all your checkers on one cell. In the case when it is impossible to make a move, the right to move is transferred to the opponent.

As soon as the checkers are brought into the house, they can be removed from the board.

How to play short backgammon - the basic principle of the game

Just like in long backgammon, there are 4 fields, 6 cells each, for a total of 24. The essence of the game is to move the checkers into the house and take them overboard faster than the opponent can do it.

But, the game process is fundamentally different from long backgammon: here the checkers move against each other, while you can even knock the opponent's checkers off the cell. True, only if the checker is on the cell alone. In one move, you can knock down several checkers. They all go to the "bar" - the center of the board. You can move with 1-2 checkers, but if a double falls out (a combination on dice, when both dice have the same number). If a player has not yet returned all his checkers from the “bar” to the board, he has no right to move with the rest.

As in long backgammon, the player who brought his checkers into the house first and brought them over the board won.

Why you should learn to play backgammon

Playing backgammon is a great way to pass the time when there is absolutely nothing to do. It is also very common to meet backgammon players on the trains. This is a great way to make new acquaintances during the gameplay or just watch the game of two seasoned players from the side.

Backgammon (tavla, backgammon) is perhaps the oldest board game in human history. Games with boards and dice, according to archaeological excavations, were known to the Sumerians and the ancient Egyptians. A board game with very similar rules was already known in ancient rome. In its current form, the game appeared in medieval Persia. Backgammon has been played in Western Europe since the 12th century.

In this article we will tell you about the rules of backgammon for beginners (step by step).

General information

The game is played on a special board with checkers. Two opponents play with two sets of checkers (white and black). The goal of the game is to move all your checkers around the board as soon as possible, and also to make it difficult for the opponent's checkers to advance. The winner is the one who first managed to remove the checkers from the field. The number of moves depends on the roll of the dice: thus, when playing backgammon, luck plays a big role. At the same time, in order to successfully complete the game, the player must work with his head and correctly apply the strategy.

There are two types of games with different rules: long and short backgammon. Long backgammon is a classic version of the game, known in the East and in Russia. Short backgammon is a European, reformed version of the game, created by the Englishman Edmond Hoyle in the 18th century. V Lately short backgammon became widespread in our country, but did not supplant long backgammon.

We will describe the rules of the game in both versions.

Dice, board and checkers

The inventory is simple: a board with twenty-four holes, two dice and thirty checkers (fifteen white and the same black).

The playing field is inner side boards (as opposed to chess and checkers). The board is divided into two halves (this division is called a "bar").

In short backgammon, the arrangement before the game is as follows. Opponents sit opposite each other with different parties boards. Each player lines up checkers of his color in the upper right hole of the game board. In fact, your checkers will be lined up with right side boards, checkers of the opponent - on the contrary. The initial location of the checkers is called the "head".

The color of the checkers does not determine the order of the move (this issue is decided by throwing the dice)

During the game, you will need to pass your checkers through the holes (fields) on the upper and lower edges of the board. The upper right hole at the start is already occupied by your checkers, the lower left hole is occupied by the opponent's checkers. Opponents lead their checkers around the board counterclockwise. Your task is to lead them first through the holes of the far edge of the board, and then through the holes of its near edge to the right near quarter, which is called your "home". After that, you can start withdrawing from the board of your checkers. Your opponent performs the same task - his "home" is (from your point of view) on the far left edge of the field.

Backgammon: game rules for beginners with pictures:

The winner is the one who was the first to remove all his checkers from the game.

Third required element inventory - these are two dice (dice). In backgammon, they have a special name - zara. Before each move, the player rolls both dice. The amount of possible points determines what actions the player can perform.

Rules for playing long (simple, classic) backgammon

At the beginning of the game, all the checkers of the opponents are placed in the manner described in the previous section, in the "head". Then, by rolling the dice, the players determine who owns the first turn.

Before making a move, the player again rolls two dice to determine how many steps he can move the checker forward. For example, the rolled numbers 3 and 2 allow him to remove the checker "from the head" and advance it three holes and two more holes forward. The next move is made by the opponent, then the players continue to walk in turn.

When removing checkers “from the head”, players can move only one checker per turn. But there is an exception: the backgammon rules provide for a double. If at the first throw of the dice a double falls out: 3 and 3, 4 and 4, 6 and 6, you can move with two checkers (for example, when throwing 3 and 3, move both of them forward by three cells).

  • move with one checker twice in one move (for example, if 2 fell on one die and 3 on the other, move three steps with one checker and immediately two)
  • move with two checkers (when throwing dice 2 and 3, move one checker 2 steps, the other 3 steps).

This is very important point: the player can choose which option is more appropriate and act according to the circumstances.

If your own checker is already in the hole, you can put your own checkers there (in any quantity).

If there is already an opponent's checker in the hole, you cannot put your own checker there.

You can't walk any number of steps.

You can't go back.

It is impossible to skip a move if there is any opportunity to go. According to the rules, you must make a move in your turn, even if this action worsens your position. You can skip a move only if the rules do not allow you to move at all.

Backgammon game, photo:

If there is a double (the same throw of two dice), then the total number of steps is doubled. For example, when throwing 4:4, the player moves not 8 holes forward, but immediately 16 (one checker for 16 hole-fields or two checkers for 8).

During the game, it is desirable not only to bring all the checkers to your "home" as soon as possible, but also to put spokes in the opponent's wheels. By placing six cells of your color in a row, you create an "impassable barrier" through which the enemy cannot break through. We remember that it is impossible to go to a hole occupied by an opponent's checker, and, say, when throwing dice on 5 and 4, it is impossible to immediately go nine points forward, but only 4, and then immediately 5 steps (or first 5 , and then to 4). Thus, it will not work to jump over the "bridge" of the opponent's six checkers.

There is a limitation regarding the construction of "bridges". You can build a bridge only if there is at least one enemy checker in front of this barrier.

When all the checkers are already in the "house", the player will begin to remove them from the board in order to complete the game as soon as possible. As long as at least one checker remains on the board, your game is not over. This is also done by rolling dice. So, when throwing 1 and 3, one checker is removed from those that are in the first and third holes on the right. If all the checkers have already been removed from this field, the checker from the senior position is removed. At the same time, checkers can not only be removed, but also moved in the “house”.

It is believed that there are no draws in backgammon. However, in last years there was one exception. If one of the opponents has already removed all the checkers from the field, it is necessary to give the other one move. If during this move he also manages to remove all the checkers, it is considered that a draw has come.

The end of one game is not the end of the match. Opponents can play several games for points. It is important that in long backgammon there are two types of wins. A more complete victory is called “mars” (one opponent has already completed the game, and the other has not yet had time to put all his checkers into the “house”). The losing mars loses double points.

Long backgammon rules: video

Rules for playing short backgammon

There are many similarities between the two games. Same board, same number of checkers. Therefore, we will only talk about specific features short backgammon.

The rules of the game in short (fast) backgammon are such that the opponent's checkers move towards each other (White's house and Black's house are opposite each other). Therefore, the game is more of a battle than a race.

The rules allow and prescribe to knock down an opponent's checker from the board. As we remember, in long (classic) backgammon you cannot put your checker in the hole if someone else's checker is already there. In short backgammon, the rules are different - if there is only one checker in the hole (this is called a “blot”), the opponent can throw it away, putting his own in this place. But if there are more than two checkers in one hole, it is impossible to take them or stop on this field. Captured checkers are stacked on the "bar" (a line that divides the field in half). The opponent of the stasis is in a disadvantageous position: on the next move, he is ordered to return his checker to the game. It has to be put into action in the "house" of the enemy, that is, at the maximum distance from the target - one's own "home". In which hole to put it, determines the roll of the dice. So, if the bones show 3 and 5, then you can choose to put a checker in the third or fifth hole. If it is technically impossible to make such moves (the holes are occupied by two or more enemy checkers), you will have to skip the move and try your luck next time.

To "beat" the opponent's checkers means to slow down his progress towards the finish line and, consequently, increase his own chances of winning. For this reason, occupying a consolidated field (hole) with only one chip is quite dangerous.

You can win in short backgammon in different ways. A more complete victory is called "mars" (if the loser has not yet managed to remove a single checker from the field). An even more complete victory is called "coke" (if the loser did not manage to remove a single checker and, in addition, at least one of his checkers remained on the bar or in the "house" of the opponent). "Mars" gives double points, "coke" gives triple points.

Rules of the game of short backgammon: video tutorial





To play backgammon means to plunge into ancient tradition, which came from the East, the oldest board found is at least 5000 years old.

It was once very common among the nobility, and the outcome of the party influenced the decisions of the rulers.

Where do the white and black stones go

The meaning of the process is to ensure that the player’s stones go a full circle around the board, end up in the “house” (the last quarter of the playing board), and then the player must remove the stones from the board before the opponent.

Is there a difference between long and short backgammon

Differences between short backgammon and long backgammon:

  • the initial arrangement in short ones is more complex;
  • in them you can shoot down single enemy chips, which is unacceptable in long ones;
  • in short ones there is a cube of doubling (doubling), which allows you to double the bet, increase interest. When the doubling system was implemented in 1920, backgammon became a sport;
  • the skill of the player means a lot to victory. In long backgammon, the role of chance is great.

Backgammon, or backgammon, is preferred by most people in the West.

The result of a game is often unexpected. Sometimes it seems that one player is in a stalemate, but even in one move, a desperate situation can change radically. This is why this game is loved all over the world. The long backgammon variant is popular, but its rules are simpler.

Where to begin

If you sit down for backgammon, you should learn how to play, the rules and basic principles in advance.

Before starting the game, it is important to understand how the playing field is arranged.

There are 24 triangles on the board, which are called "points".

Stones move over them. The initial position of the checkers is called the "head".

The movement is counterclockwise. You need to pass all your stones through the board to the "house".

Chips are usually red and white or red and black.

The main thing is that they should differ in color.

Cubes (zara) when thrown must fall on one side of the board and lie steadily on the edge. The game is played with 2 dice.

Two numbers fall on them, for example 4-1. This means that one checker can be moved by 4 points, and the other by 1.

The exception is the first move (“from the head”), you can only move one chip. If during the first move it hits the points where the opponent's chips are, then let's move with two checkers.

The tactic is to master as much as possible large quantity points to limit the movement of the enemy.

Backgammon in social networks and for smartphones

Social network"VKontakte" offers to play in applications. - Follow this link to play long backgammon, short ones are here -

For iOS, there is such an application WITH various designs, game options and difficulty levels. Or here classic design. You can play both short and long backgammon for free.

You can have fun and earn while playing

You can play for money on the following resources:

  • - This is one of the most popular places to win. Here you can find different variants backgammon.
  • - On this site, you do not need to download an additional client to play. All known payment systems work.
  • - Yes big choice tables. You can choose the appropriate level, size of bets, speed.

What needs to be done to win

Do not forget what the essence of long backgammon is. You need to remove your checkers from the board before the opponent. Before you make a move, you should consider its benefits to you.

Superiority must be won from the first moves. To do this, each move you need to rearrange one chip from the initial position, and move the second forward. So very soon everyone will be introduced into the game, and there will be no forgotten and blocked by the enemy.

You can not give the enemy the opportunity to occupy three points in a row near your "head". Putting chips into the game will become much more difficult.

A special combination of dropped dice from two identical numbers (“jackpot”) makes it possible to make 4 moves, instead of the usual 2. Try to get ready for this. After all, such a case can change the course of the entire game.

Blocking the enemy on the approach to your quarters will help slow his advance forward. You need to take from 3 to 5 points in a row.

On the way to the "home" with checkers, you need to take the most advantageous positions from the middle of the quarter. One stone stuck among the opponent's chips can lead to defeat.

In short backgammon, you should calmly follow your plan, the enemy will definitely try to confuse you if he understands your strategy.

Understanding its importance comes with the growth of skill. Mastering various tactics will bring self-confidence.

You need to keep the situation under control all the time: who is closer to victory, how to turn the game moment in your favor.

Short backgammon strategies:

  1. House building. It is necessary to transfer the checkers to positions in the house as soon as possible. It will be more difficult for the opponent to retreat and bring in the captured checkers. The reset phase will be closer.
  2. Combination. Simultaneous construction of the house and the removal of two checkers from the opponent's house.
  3. Risky game. The desire to occupy strategically advantageous positions can lead to both an early victory and an equally quick defeat.
  4. Withdrawal of checkers. The main task is to withdraw two checkers from the opponent's space. Only rolls on 5-6 and 6-6 give this opportunity.
  5. Anchor game. "Anchors" on the opponent's side, although they do not prevent him from moving towards the "home", but substitute his checkers for knocking out.
  6. Careful game. The player focuses on defense, the game can drag on. One successful move by the opponent can decide the outcome of the game.

When playing both long and short backgammon, understanding the opponent's strategy already brings your victory closer.

Backgammon develops strategic and tactical abilities no worse than chess. This game will be a test and training for attention and ingenuity.

It is worth looking for worthy real, not virtual opponents, because they can become real teachers for you, pointing out mistakes and revealing interesting combinations.

How to play backgammon - rules for beginners


Short backgammon game rules

In short backgammon, success depends on skill to a much greater extent than in long backgammon, which is why in the West they play among themselves and hold tournaments in fact only in short backgammon. The same applies to online backgammon sites - they all offer short backgammon, where they are called backgammon.

How to play this game:

The main differences between the game of short backgammon, which make it more dynamic and exciting:

1. Arrangement of checkers.
2. Drawing broken checkers.

To start the game of short backgammon, everyone throws one zara. These rolls determine who goes first and what numbers he will use for the first move. If both fell out same values, throw zaras until different ones fall out. The player who dropped more, moves his checkers according to the numbers on both sides.

In the game of short backgammon after the first move, players alternately throw both backgammon. The number on each of them tells how many points the player can move his checkers. Checkers always move in only one direction - from points with large numbers to points with smaller ones.

Short backgammon - starting position

pic 1. Initial arrangement of checkers for playing short backgammon.

In the game of short backgammon, points are numbered for each player separately, starting from the home of this player. The home of each player is the last quarter of the playing field for him, starting from the point where there are five stones in the initial position. The farthest point is the 24th point, which is also the 1st point for the opponent. In short backgammon, each player has 15 checkers. At the beginning, each player's checkers are arranged as follows: two checkers in the 24th point, five in the 13th, three in the 8th and five in the 6th.

Short backgammon is the goal of the game

The goal of backgammon backgammon is the same as in long backgammon - to transfer all your checkers to your home and then remove them from the board. The first player to remove all of their checkers wins the game.

Short backgammon - the movement of checkers in the game

pic 3. Variants of checkers moves in short backgammon.

1. In the game of short backgammon, a checker can only move to an open point - one that is not occupied by two or more opponent's checkers.

2. There is short backgammon in the game. the numbers on both doors determine the individual moves. For example, if a player has rolled 4 and 6, he can move one checker to four squares, the other to six, or one checker to ten (four plus six) points at once, the latter only if the intermediate point (distanced by 4 or 6 fields from the starting point) is also free.

3. In the game of short backgammon, the player who has a double plays each of the numbers on each of the dice twice. For example, if the roll is 6-6, then the player must make four moves of six points, and he can move the checkers in any combination he sees fit.

4. The player is obliged to walk both numbers that have fallen out, if possible (or all four, if a double has fallen). If only one number can be played, the player must play that number. If each of the numbers is playable individually (but not both together), the player must play the higher number. If a player cannot make a move, then he misses it. When a double is rolled and the player is unable to make all four moves, he must do everything possible.

How to beat and charge a checker in the game of short backgammon

In the game of short backgammon, a point occupied by only one checker is called a blot. When the opponent's checker stops at this point, the blot is considered beaten and the checker is placed on the bar.
In short backgammon, it is fashionable, respectively, and you need to put two checkers at one point, protecting them from a fight. The ability to make double checkers is determined by a roll of dice.

Accordingly, it is impossible to beat the double checkers, or put your own there. If a zara makes it possible to go to a point occupied by more than one opponent's checker, then the checker "does not go". When the six squares in front of the checker are occupied by the opponent's doubled checkers, your checker is locked. As long as there is a barrier, she will not be able to move.

Clarification: you cannot kill an opponent's checker and "hide", that is, you cannot move it in the same move so that it stands on a point with its other checker and becomes doubled and protected from being beaten.
* beat and cover one of your checkers with another;
* beat and move on to a free item (do not hide);
* beat and throw away.

pic 4. White rolled 6-4 and one of the checkers is on the bar, they must charge the checker in point 4 in the house, since point 6 is occupied by red.

In short backgammon, if his checkers are on the bar, the first duty of the player is to load them in the opponent's house. The checker returns to the game, entering a point equal to the value that fell at dawn. For example, when there is short backgammon in the game, the player has rolled 5 and 3, he has the right to charge a checker in the fifth or third points, if they are free from two or more opponent's checkers. If both points are occupied, according to the scores, the player skips his turn. If the player cannot enter all the checkers, according to the points dropped, they disappear. Once all the checkers have been removed from the bar, you can move as usual, moving any checker you like.

Throw away the checkers in the game of short backgammon

When a player has brought all his fifteen checkers to his home, he can start to throw them off the board. In short backgammon, the player throws a checker like this: throws the dice and the checkers standing on the points, according to the points dropped, are removed from the board. For example - 5 points fell out, you can remove the checker from the fifth point. When there is not a single checker on the point equal to the dropped die, it is allowed to move the checker from points smaller than the number dropped at dawn.

pic 4. White rolled 6-4: he discards the checkers from the 5th and 4th points.

In the game of short backgammon, the situation when the loser managed to throw out at least one checker is called "oin". The loser "oin" pays a single bet. The situation when one player has thrown out all his checkers, and his opponent has not managed to throw out any, is called "mars". In this case, the loser loses double the bet. In addition to single games, you can also play matches - up to a set number of points.

Short backgammon with dave:
Before his throw, everyone can offer the opponent ‘dave’ - to surrender or raise the bet. Both contestants have the initial right to make such an offer. When the offer is made, accepted, and the rate is increased, the one who previously accepted it has the right to make ‘dave’. Before the start of the game, the opponents agree on how the bets will increase either in geometric (2, 4, 8.), or in arithmetic (1, 2, 3, 4.) progressions.
There is no ‘Mars’ when playing short backgammon.

You can play short backgammon on the Bwin website, read the review

Preface to "teapots"

If you are a beginner who eagerly wants to learn the algorithm of actions in backgammon, then you should not be afraid of any varieties of this game. In most cases, you first need to familiarize yourself with the fundamental concepts of this fun that are common to all rules.

There are 2 main types of backgammon, hallmarks which are - the ability to push the opponent's checkers beyond the measures of the board and the initial positions of the chips: long and short backgammon. In two variants, the winner and the loser are always revealed at the end of the game.


"Zary" - playing dice (dice);

"Head" - the initial location of the checkers;

"Double" - a combination of charges, in which they have the same values ​​​​after the throw, after which the number of points thrown out is doubled;

"House" - the final quarter of the board all the way, in which all the chips must be laid before the player can walk with them;

"Throw away" - make various moves with checkers, during which the checkers must be outside the player's home;

“Correct” - a word meaning that you or your opponent are not going to move the chip, but only correct it;

"Blot" - a place that is occupied by only one checker;

"Tas" - the upcoming match (in most cases up to three points);

“Dave” - if opponents are entertaining for a sum of money at a certain level of the calculated bet, then, feeling some advantage in the game, may offer to double the bet (dave). But he will be able to perform such an action only at the beginning of his personal turn, until the moment he rolls the dice;

"Beaver" - according to the general norms of backgammon game: a player who has been declared a dave can immediately double the existing bet again and insist on an oncoming redable - beaver, at the moment this player has the bones. The one who was the first of the players to say “dave” has the ability to accept this beaver or refuse it;

"Base" is a positive response to doubling the bets from the opponent in the current game;

"Mars" - a "dry victory" or a victory in which the losing opponent did not have time to throw out a single chip;

"Oin" - a variant of success when the defeated competitor was able to throw out at least 1 checker.

What are some of the main principles of playing long backgammon ?

In this variation of this game, two people play on a board divided into four quarters, containing six cells each. The beginning of the game can be called lining up at the two competitors of the “Head”, so that all 15 chips are lined up in the same length along the edge of the playing board. What is the task of the party members? And the task is simple: make sure that all your chips are in the house and are removed from the board. This must be completed faster than your opponent. Whoever has the largest combination on dice (two points) goes first. During the 1st move, only 1 chip can move. A special case: when a double flies out during the first move.

Consistent with the score of your throw, you and your opponent must move the checkers in the opposite direction of the clockwise direction, while maintaining the condition: it is forbidden to move your chip to a cell already occupied by another player. But on one cell it is allowed to “store” all personal chips. At the moment when you cannot make a move, his right is assigned to the opponent. Another option: from the moment you put your chips in the "house", they are allowed to be removed from the playing field.

And what about the norms about short backgammon?

Similar to long backgammon, there are also four playing fields with six cells each, that is, twenty-four in total. The most important thing here is to bring your chips into the house as quickly as possible and put them off the board, rather than your opponent can do it.

If we compare long and short backgammon, it turns out that they are very different in the gameplay: in short backgammon, it is allowed to knock the opponent’s checkers off the cell if his checker stands alone on the cell, and then your chips(checkers) should move towards each other (approach). One of the advantages of this game: in one move, it is allowed to knock out several opponent's chips at once. Knocked out chips are sent to the "bar" - the middle of the game board. In this entertainment, it is allowed to move with one checker (according to the standard), or with two checkers if you get a double on the dice. In the event that a player has not yet returned all his chips from the “bar” to the board, then he cannot use others.

In fact, as in long backgammon, the opponent who is faster than his opponent will bring all his chips into the house - and will be considered the winner of this game.

What are the reasons to learn to play backgammon?

1. First, backgammon is a great way to pass the time.
2. Secondly, this game is universal, since it can be taken on various trips, so there will be people who, like you, are fond of backgammon, therefore, you will make new friends.
3. And, thirdly, this entertainment improves your thinking and creativity skills, and also helps to strengthen your competitiveness in certain situations.