What where when school tour questions. The game "what? where? when?" for children of the preparatory group

Intellectual game"What? Where? When?"

This game is intended for extracurricular activities in geography with 6th grade students and pursues goal broadening their horizons and increasing their interest in learning. The game can be used to organize a public review of knowledge, school holidays, seminars to study the experience of extracurricular work, a methodological week at school.

Game scheme:

1. Pre-qualifying games in grades 6-a and 6-b one week before the main game. The winning team represents the class in the main game.

2. The main game.

Rules of the game:

1. The game is played by one team from a class of 8 people.

2. The number of spectators can include everyone: classmates of the players, students of other classes, teachers, parents.

3. Two weeks before the game, the teacher acquaints the players with the scheme of the game and its topics (geography, ecology), gives the necessary explanations.

4. Before the start of the game, cards with the numbers of questions are laid out on the tables at which the teams sit, the captains of the teams indicate the name of the team there.

5. After the question asked by the teacher, the team is given 1 minute to think over the answer and for the captain to bring the card with the answer to the competition jury.

6. The jury is represented by the deputy director for VR, the head of the school library, members of the School Council. They count the number of correct answers and give points to the teams.

7. At the end of the game, the jury sums up the results.

Questions and answers.

    These lakes are the largest in the European part of our country. One of them is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, the other is the largest salt lake in the world. Name them. (Lake Ladoga and the Caspian Sea).

    A.S. Pushkin has these words about this city:

I love you, Peter's creation,

I love your proud, stern look

A sovereign creation of the Neva,

Coastal granite

The pattern of your fences is cast-iron,

Of your brooding nights

Transparent dusk, moonless shine,

When I'm in my room

I write, I read without an icon lamp,

And the sleeping masses are clear

Deserted streets, and drills

Admiralty needle,

And, not letting the darkness of the night

To the golden skies

One dawn to change another

Hurries, giving the night half an hour.

Which city are these lines dedicated to? (Petersburg).

    In severe winters, when ice reaches great thickness in lakes and stagnant bodies of water, fish germ occurs from a lack of oxygen. What needs to be done to prevent this? (Make ice holes, close them with reeds with a pointer).

4. It looks incredible: frogs, fish, crayfish, jellyfish, wheat grains fall to the ground along with the rain. One of the residents of the small Argentine town of San Justo described what happened on January 10, 1973: “I thought my husband was crazy because he shouted:

Look, the cow flies through the air!

I turned around and was stunned. Indeed, a cow was flying through the air. "

What formidable natural phenomenon resulted in the described events? (Tornado).

5. The only boundaries of this sea are currents covering the sea area of ​​6-7 million km2. There are about 60 species of fauna and flora in the sea; among them is a huge accumulation of algae. Their presence gave the sea its name, and because of its unusually green color, sailors who first came to the area mistook it for land. What kind of sea is it? (Sargassovo).

6. This is a very salty lake with no drain, called the sea. The water resembles brine, so it is uninhabited. Name the sea. (Dead).

7. These lakes are the largest in the European part of our country. One of them is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, the other is the largest salt lake in the world. Name them. (Ladoga and Caspian).

8. He is the smallest among others, the coldest, the smallest. Name it (Arctic Ocean).

9. About this continent, even before its discovery, there was a firm conviction that

he exists. He was called "Unknown Southern land". What is this

mainland? (Australia).

10. A small ship sank in March 1889 off the western coast of Africa. A month later, Europe received information about the shipwreck. How did this happen if there was no communication with the ship? (The Gulf Stream).

11. This country did not give the world any cultivated plants, no pets. Because before the arrival of Europeans, local residents did not know agriculture and cattle breeding, but were engaged only in hunting and collecting wild edible plants. Name the country. (Australia).

12. Name the most big Island Russia. (Sakhalin)

13. This river originates from a small spring on the Valdai Upland and after a few kilometers it spills into a huge reservoir. Name it. (Volga).

14. Which continent do all the oceans wash? (Eurasia)

15. A vision in the desert over an overheated flat surface. (Mirage)

17. What is heavier than 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of down? (Same)

19. Who initiated the development of America? (Christopher Columbus)

20. What sea creature claims to have eight limbs? (Octopus)

21. The only vehicle, the driver of which remains a pedestrian on one leg. (Kick scooter)

22. The only city in the world that immortalized itself in a sandwich with a cutlet. (Hamburg)

23. The only thing that everyone living on Earth is doing all the time. (Breathe)

24. The only country in the world whose astronauts were on the moon. (USA)

25. The only river flowing from Lake Baikal. (Angara)

26. Plants excrete it. (Oxygen)

27. There are four of them in a year. (Seasons)

28. It happens when there is no rain: it is hot as in the desert. (Drought)

29. That which comes from the sun, and from the lamp in the evening. (Light)

30. Is Europe part of the world or mainland? (Part of the light)

The jury sums up the results. There is a game with the fans.

Questions for fans:

1. There are more than 2,600 nature reserves in the world. In our country, the number of reserves exceeds 150. What reserves in our country do you know? (Astrakhan, Oksky, Caucasian).

2. Complete the phrase: “The Shilka and Argun rivers give rise to the river ... (Amur).

3. This ocean is called the water artery of the Earth (Atlantic)

4. Snow does not melt above this line. What is this line? (Snow).

5. Which bird has the same name as the fruit? (Kiwi) 6. Golf, football, badminton, tennis originated in England. Is this true? (Yes)

7. How do they write in Japan: from right to left or from top to bottom? (Top down)

8. In whom do the people who are called werewolves in Europe in legends become? (Into the wolves)

9. This country W. Churchill called "a riddle surrounded by mystery", and Napoleon said that "there are no roads, only directions." Name the country. (Russia)

10. The homeland of this tree is Australia, Tasmania. Currently, it is bred all over the world, including Black sea coast Caucasus. Its leaves possess healing properties... Its height reaches 100 meters, the tree is drought-resistant. Name it. (Eucalyptus).

Based on the results of the game, the results are summed up and the winning team and the most active fans are awarded.

Game plan.

  1. Representation of teams and captains.
  2. The captain's choice of the number under which the team will play.
  3. Acquaintance with the rules of the game.

Rules of the game.

1. Each team is asked 6 questions from different fields of knowledge: mathematics, social sciences, chemistry, philology, physics, natural science. Questions prepared by the school teachers.

2. The teams answer in turn, choosing any of the questions they have proposed:

  • from the field of mathematics;
  • from the field of history or social science;
  • from the field of chemistry;
  • from the field of the Russian language or literature;
  • from the field of physics;
  • from the field of biology or geography.

3. One minute is allotted for pondering the question.

4. For the correct answer, the team gets 1 point.

5. If the team did not give the correct answer, then other teams can answer. For the correct answer to the opponent's question, the team receives 0.5 points.

6. The winner is the team that scored large quantity points.

7. If, according to the results of the game, several teams scored the same number

points, then a "Blitz - poll" is carried out: the leader in turn asks the same number of questions to each team, 20 seconds are given for thinking.

8. The results of the game are recorded in the protocol.

9. Summing up the results of the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

Results protocol of the game “What? Where? When? And why?"

Question number Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
№ 1
Answers to the questions of the opponents
№ 2
Answers to the questions of the opponents
№ 3
Answers to the questions of the opponents
№ 4
Answers to the questions of the opponents
№ 5
Answers to the questions of the opponents
№ 6
Answers to the questions of the opponents
Answers to additional questions
Outcome of the game

Questions for Team 1.

1. What mathematical term means the word “music” in translation from Greek?

Answer. Proportion.

2. Who was the first Russian sovereign to issue a personal decree on the procedure for driving in the city?

Answer. Anna Ioanovna.

My first syllable is swept out with a broom,
The informant considers the second syllable.
In general, I will say, dear friends,
For many patients, instead of sugar, I am.
Name the substance.

Answer. Sorbitol.

4. "Happy hours are not observed." Name the author.

Answer. A. Griboyedov.

5. Wanting to chill the pot of water as quickly as possible to room temperature Is it better to put ice on the bottom or on top of the pan?

Answer. When cooled, the colder layers of water, as the heavier ones, sink down. Therefore, if you put ice at the bottom, then there will be no mixing, and the cooling will take a very long time. For faster cooling, place ice on top.

6. Name the dry valleys in the Sahara, the bottoms of which only fill up during heavy rainfall.

Answer. Wadi.

Questions for Team 2.

1. The motto of the work sent to the competition of the Paris Academy of Sciences was: “Say what you know, do what you must, be ...”. Complete the phrase.

Answer. ... What to be.

2. What word do Italians use to express admiration, and in the 18th century they called a hired killer?

Answer. Bravo.

3. What silver salt is used in medicine?

Answer. AgNO 3.

4. "O great, mighty, truthful Russian language!" Name the author.

Answer. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

5. Is it possible to extinguish a burning kerosene by filling it with water (the density of kerosene is less than the density of water)?

Answer. It is forbidden. The water will sink down and will not block the access of air (which supports combustion) to the kerosene.

6. Why the Red, White and Yellow Seas have colored names.

Answer. In the Red Sea, water is red in color - this is the result of blooming of microscopic blue-green algae. The White Sea owes its name to ice, which covers it for more than two hundred days a year. Yellow sea - color gives yellow

silt, which is carried out by rivers.

Questions for Team 3.

1. What woman mathematician was the daughter of the famous English poet?

Answer. Ada Byron - Countess of Lovelace.

2. The Mongolian commander Subedey did not allow anyone to touch him, but once in Moscow he even allowed himself to be beaten. Where? To whom?

Answer. In the bathhouse, to the attendant.

3. What substance, widespread in nature, decomposes under the influence of fluorine?

Answer. Water.

4. Which two words are short but require deep thought?

Answer. Well no.

Answer. The range of a bullet depends, other things being equal, on the initial bullet velocity (exit velocity). If the gun is suspended, then it will deflect back and the initial velocity will be less and, therefore, the bullet will fly not as far as in the case of a gun fixed motionless.

6. When storing potato tubers, their weight decreases by spring. Explain why?

Answer. Living cells consume organic matter during respiration and evaporate water, so the mass of tubers decreases.

Questions for Team 4.

1. What theorem was called the “bride theorem” in the old days?

Answer. Pythagorean theorem.

2. What is the name of the Egyptian about whom Hegel said: "He is a symbol of symbolism."

Answer. Sphinx.

3. What explains the fact that in Russia, in contrast to Western Europe and the East, there were no alchemists, alchemy?

Answer. There was money in Russia.

4. “I met you - and everything that was past in an outworn heart came to life”. Name the author.

Answer. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

5. Why do the windows of houses appear dark during the day? darker than the outside walls, even if the walls are painted with dark paint?

Answer. Because the reflection of light from the wall is always greater than the reflection from transparent ones, i.e. letting in light, windows.

6. In the wetlands of the tundra, many plants suffer from a lack of moisture. What is the reason for this?

Answer. Cold water it is poorly absorbed by plants, as the root pressure decreases and the suction force decreases.

Blitz question.

  • What is the name of a French oceanographer (a person who studies the problems of the world's oceans) and the name of his ship?

Answer. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Calypso.

  • A person has 10 fingers. How many fingers are there on ten hands?
  • Which scientist is the author of the chemical language?
  • V Egyptian pyramid there is a number inscribed on the tomb, which is evenly divisible by all numbers from 1 to 10, inclusive. Call this number.

Answer. 2520.

  • Is it possible to get closer to the horizon.

Answer. It is impossible to get closer because of the sphericity of the Earth.

  • Which Russian princess first became a French queen?

Answer. Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise.

  • What is greater than the product of all numbers or their sum?

Answer. Sum.

  • What kind of art are the following names: Charles Gounod, Camille Saint-Saens, Adolphe Adam, Hector Berlioz, Georges Bizet, Jules Massenet, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel.

Answer. Music.

  • What does a spoke have to do with trigonometry?

Answer. The term "radian" comes from the Latin word "radius" - a spoke, a ray.

  • “An angel flew across the midnight sky ...”. Name the author.

Answer. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov.

  • In the sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaohs, two straight lines intersect, what did they mean?

Answer. The confluence of the Nile into the Mediterranean Sea.

Extracurricular activity. Intellectual game "What? Where? When?" 2-3 classes

08.02.2016 4098 524 Orishak Yulia Vasilievna

Targets and goals

· Promote the formation and development of students' intellectual and spiritual potential.

· Create conditions for each student to demonstrate their abilities, intellectual skills.

· Develop qualities such as the ability to listen to another person, work in a group

Game progress

Good afternoon dear friends? Dear guests!

Welcome to the game "What? Where? When?"

We meet our teams _______ ______________________

Competitions will start here today.

They will require perseverance and attention.
All smart guys will show knowledge,

And the rest should learn from them.

We wish you creative success.

Difficult tasks will not be a hindrance.

Well, we wish everyone "Not a fluff - not a pen!"

After all "What? Where? When?"

Quite a difficult game!

Jury introduction: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Erudition" (warm-up)

Leading:Teams must collect as many tokens as possible, and the one with the highest number has the right to start the game first.

1. What type of transport does the train belong to? (ground)

2. What bird is called a forest doctor? (woodpecker)

5. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with scales? (fishes)

6. What is the organ of hearing? (ears)

7. All their life they go to overtake, but cannot overtake each other? (legs)

8. Which bird arrives first in the spring? (rook)

9. What kind of berry is white, black, red? (currant)

10. Which bird is considered the most talkative? (magpie)

11. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

12. Who was red in summer and gray in winter? (squirrel)

13. What tree leaves turn red in autumn? (maple)

15. Do both parents and children wear fashionable berets? (mushrooms)

16. Made a hole, dug a hole. The sun is shining and he doesn't know. (mole)

Well done! Count the tokens.

There are cards and questions on the board from 1 to 10

Logic puzzles

Fairy tales

Our Motherland - Kazakhstan

Each section has 10 questions, a black box and a video question.

The rules of the game are as follows: you choose a number from 1 to 10, the presenter reads out the question and gives one minute to think it over, 10 seconds before the end of the minute he starts the countdown. The team captain must choose who is given the right to answer the question. If the team did not have time to give an answer before the end of the minute, the answer is not valid.

So, the first to start the game are the ____ class team


1 Logic puzzles

1. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lesson)
2.What do you think is the best hand to stir coffee with cream and sugar? (With the same hand that holds the spoon.)
3. What do you think, what stones do not exist in the river? (Dry stones)

4. Black box: They knock, knock - they don't tell you to be bored.
They walk, they walk, and everything is right there. (WATCH)

5. Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there? (One)

6. Is Winpooh a pig or a boar? (Bear)

7. No matter how much you go along it,
Everything will run ahead (Shadow)

8. Video question:There are 13 chickens, 5 hares, 2 puppies, 1 cat and 4 ducks in the room. They were also visited by the owner with the dog. How many legs are there in the room? (Two. Legs only in humans, all animals have paws).

9. I go - he remains. (Track)

10 can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, because he cannot speak)


2. Fairy tales

1. Where did Dr. Aibolit go by telegram? (to Africa)
2. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventure of Buratino"? (Artemon)
3. The groom of the Flies-clatter. (Mosquito)
4. Whom did Emelya catch in the hole? (Pike)
5. What flowers did I go for? New Year the heroine of the fairy tale "Twelve Months"? (Behind the snowdrops)
6. Black box: This box contains what Pinocchio received from the tortoise Tortilla.

7. What did Emelya ride in the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"? (On the stove)
8. What did the fleas give to Mukha-Tsokotukha? (Boots)
9. Video question: What is the name of the hero of the Kazakh fairy tale "Greedy Buy and ..."

10. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen", who went all over the world to look for her named brother? (Gerda)

Warm-up for the audience.

1. Without which bread cannot be baked? (No crust).

2. How can you carry water in the sieve? (In the form of ice).

3. Who has a head for the road? (Cow, head and horns).

4. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

5. What does the duck swim from? (From the shore).

6. What does the dog run on? (On the ground).

7. What is the tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth).

8. What is the worst river? (Tigris River).

9. If you throw a yellow ball into the Black Sea, what will it be? (Wet).

10. Can a penguin call itself a bird? (No, since the penguin cannot talk).

11. How many peas can fit into one liter jar? (None, since peas cannot walk).

12. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will no longer be on an empty stomach).

13. What notes can be used to measure space? (Mi-la-mi).

14. On the table are a ruler, pencil, compasses and elastic band. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin? (You need to get a sheet of paper).

3. Tour

3. Our Motherland - Kazakhstan

1. State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Flag, coat of arms, anthem)

2.Black box: What is the most popular Kazakh musical instrument (Dombra)?

3.National currency (Tenge)

4. Competition of akyns (Aitys)

5. The first pilot-cosmonaut of the Republic of Kazakhstan (T. Aubakirov)

6.Video question: Name the city - center for space exploration (Baikonur)

8. Kazakh warrior - hero (Batyr)

9. Capital of the Republic (Astana)

10. The first President of our country (Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev)

-That's the end of the third round! We ask the jury to summarize, and I suggest you watch "Yeralash"



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Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

Form of carrying out: Connoisseurs Club

Place: assembly hall

Children age: 8 - 13 years old

Number of participants:3 teams of 5 people

Time spending: June, from to

Duration: 45 minutes

Topic: Nature of Russia

Target: revitalization cognitive activities child.


  1. the formation of a sense of partnership in the children;
  2. develop friendly relations in children and adults, connected by a common cause;
  3. apply the knowledge gained earlier in non-standard conditions;
  4. broadening the horizons of schoolchildren;
  5. to acquire love for their Fatherland.

Equipment: media projector, PowerPoint presentation, screen,microphones, musical equipment, cassettes, discs with songs and music; photo and video equipment.

Accessories: playing field with sector numbers, envelopes with tasks, scoreboard, clock, gong, black box and its contents, top "Prancing horseman" or spinner (inside tennis balls with numbers and treble clefs), prizes (sweets, diplomas for 15 people), sheets papers, pens, pencils

Decoration: owl toy, poster, game program, invitations, the hall is decorated with posters (for children and purchased) with the name of the game, on the theme of the game, balls; map of Russia, slogans, colored envelopes.

There is a table for the presenter on the stage. Behind the presenter there is a scoreboard for the score of the game.

Musical arrangement:

  1. TV music
  2. children's numbers to fill in pauses (tiktonik, singers, dancers ...)
  3. animal voices
  4. I, you, he, she - together the whole country! (Sofia Rotau and children's choir)

Responsible persons on duty:the guys of the senior detachment (who take out the black box - in white gloves, in a top hat / hat), the director of the hall, 1-2 children change the scoreboard on the stage.

Quiz program

1. Gathering of participants.

2. Distribution of teams.

3. Brief rules from the host / jury.

4. Beginning.

5. The course of the game.

6. Announcement of results.

7. Awarding of the winners.

8. End of the game.

Option A

Takes place following the example of the TV game What? Where? When ?, which was invented in 1975 by TV presenter Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov. The essence of the game lies in the opposition of the team of Experts (a game team of six people) to the team of TV Viewers. own mind find the answer to the question sent by the viewer. Typically, players are asked questions that can be answered using general knowledge and logic. For each correct answer, the team of Experts receives one point, in case of an incorrect answer, a point is awarded to the team of Viewers. The game is played up to six points. If, during the announcement of the question by the leader, the expert understood the answer to it, he can give a sign (usually a fist with a bent up thumb), after which the team captain can tell the presenter before the discussion of the question begins that the answer is ready. If the answer turns out to be correct, in addition to a score in favor of the experts, the team has the opportunity to take an extra minute of discussion. The number of minutes depends on the number of correct answers given ahead of schedule, and the team can take more than one extra minute in a row.

The quiz has Golden Rule: "What is the question - this is the answer!" Therefore, remember the correctness of the question and its wording.

Option B

During the game, all teams sit in the hall. At the beginning of the game, the host once again explains the rules of the game. Rules of the game: the facilitator reads out the question and gives one minute for discussion to all teams. After a minute, a sound signal sounds, after which, within 20 seconds, the teams must pass in writing your answers to the presenter. After 20 seconds, a second beep sounds, after which responses from commands are no longer accepted. The facilitator quickly looks through the sheets with the answers of the teams and before he gives the correct answer, he can read, without naming the team that handed in this sheet, “original answers”. Then the presenter says the correct answer, and the results of the first question are entered on the scoreboard. If the team answered the question correctly, they receive one point. In this case, the rating of the question is written in brackets - the number of teams that did not answer the question. Then the game continues and the next question is asked. In the intervals between questions, you can turn on music (about 5 seconds each). After the presenter reads half of the questions, in order for the teams to rest a little, you can turn on some musical number (musical pause). After a musical pause, the game resumes. The team that wins the game (scoring the most points) is awarded medals of the winners, nominal diplomas of the champions of the game. What? Where? When ?, as well as memorable prizes. If two teams have typed the same number points, then the sum of the rating of all questions is looked at to identify the winner. Which team has it more, that one won the game. Losing teams receive incentive prizes. With a large number of participating teams, it is possible to allocate places (from the first to the third). There is also a possible special prize for the team for the most original version answer.

Questions often use "gaps" or "replacements": you need to guess which character, word or phrase is missing or replaced. In some questions, handouts are used: an object, a picture or a text.

Game rules What? Where? When?

Several teams of participants play simultaneously. The facilitator reads the question. At the signal, a minute of discussion begins, during which the teams must come up with an answer. An audible signal sounds 10 seconds before the end of the discussion minute. The team writes down its version in a prepared answer form, and at the end of the minute the team captain hands over his answer to the leader. 10 seconds after the expiration of the time allotted for the next question, answers will not be accepted.

After the drawing of each question, the presenter reads out the answer options and announces the correct answer.

Teams that answered the question correctly receive 6 points; those who answered incorrectly or did not answer at all - 0 points.

The game continues until the drawing of 25 questions.

For a game, a team can receive a maximum of 150 points and a minimum of 0 points.


The organizers of the event invite spectators to take their places in the hall. The teams wait their turn a little to the side. After the announcement, the teams are invited to the hall and sit at three tables near the stage. On the stage there is a screen, a media projector.The game table must be placed in the middle of the hall, on it is the playing field (a circle divided into sectors with a top). The jury was given a place in such a way that it was possible to observe the game in the team and identify not only a strong team, but also a player.Envelopes with assignment numbers are spread out on the table. The facilitator has texts of assignments with answers.

LEADING: - Hello, dear guests!

 The opening melody of the game plays.

LEADING: - We are glad to welcome you to our club “What? Where? When?".

Will take place today team play between the detachments, where everyone can show their intelligence, resourcefulness, logic of thinking. We have chosen a difficult topic - the Nature of Russia.

Dear club members and spectators! During the game, you must carefully follow the progress of the discussion and choose the best player at the end.

The jury will help us. Representation of the jury members.

So, our experts are invited to the club, or teams are invited to the game table

« », « », « »

 Drum roll, music playing.

Players are listed here with the appropriate epithets added (for example, Most Observant - First Name Last Name! Etc.)

 Music is playing.

HOST: - And now I will introduce you to the rules of our game! You see on the table a game circle, which is divided into sectors.

Orange is the BLITZ sector

- Connoisseurs must answer 12 questions. For each correct answer, connoisseurs are given 1 point.

- Question 13 - BLITZ. This envelope contains as many as 4 questions that experts should quickly answer. If they do not answer at least one question, a point is awarded to the audience.

We spin the top.  Music is playing.

Main questions.

1. A portrait of a hero.

Body length 60-90 cm, weight - up to 24 kg, in autumn, before hibernation - up to 34 kg. The shape of the massive body is peculiar. The neck is short, almost invisible. The legs are short, massive, resting on the ground with the entire foot. On the fingers there are long blunt claws adapted for digging.

The coat is coarse. The coloration of the back and sides is brownish-gray with a silvery tinge. On the muzzle there are two dark stripes extending from the nose to the ears.

It lives in deep burrows that digs along the slopes of sandy hills, forest ravines and gullies. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. It feeds on mouse-like rodents, frogs, lizards, birds and their eggs, insects and their larvae, molluscs, earthworms, mushrooms, berries, nuts and grass. Is of great benefit agriculture... (Badger).

1 minute to think.

PLAYERS: confer and write down their answer on a piece of paper, then hand over to the presenter.

MODERATOR: - Dear s nodoki, ... Reads out the answers and names the correct one.

ASSISTANTS: put on the scoreboard the results of the teams.

2. In the old days in Siberia there was such a custom - each pood of mined metal was marked with a shot from a cannon. What metal had such honor. (Gold).

3. Animal tracks. Slide.

5. Description of the area.

This area has a very harsh climate; only those plants and animals live here that can endure cold, strong winds. Large fauna is rather rare here. (Tundra).

6. Painting of the artist. Slide show.

Name the trees. Who will name the artist. ( Pinery... Mast forest in the Vyatka province. I.I. Shishkin).

7. This is the king in the plant kingdom, which is immensely popular around the world. A huge number of legends, legends and stories were composed about him. How many epithets and metaphors he was not awarded, but his most famous second name is "The Root of Life". It rightfully earned itself such a name, because it appeared in the Tertiary period, experienced significant climate changes and has survived to our days, bearing in itself all the useful and valuable properties that have been preserved and augmented over a million years.

(Siberian ginseng).

8. Portrait of the hero. On average, it weighs 1 - 2 kg, but in some bodies of water, individuals of 2.5 - 3.5 kg are caught. In large lakes, there are frequent cases of capture of 4.5-9-kilogram specimens. She can hunt in all layers of the water, but most often it keeps in thickets aquatic plants on the border with deep water areas. In rivers, it can be found near underwater shoals and pits.

The bloodthirsty predator has a very wide diet, nevertheless preferring larger prey (it is known that it can drag ducklings under the water). She hunts any fish. (Pike).

9. Poetic page. What sea does Dmitry Rumata write about? (The black word cannot be read!)

Secrets of the Black Sea

A sea of ​​fairy tales and mysteries

The Black Sea keeps!

The scent of legends is so sweet

The magic of legends is a magnet!

A sea of ​​truths, revelations,

A sea of ​​inventions and secrets,

A sea of ​​thousands of generations

A sea of ​​hundreds of thousands of countries!

There were Turks, Persians, Greeks,

And the Tatar horde

Raided here

To posts and cities.

Along the Caucasus passes,

By the river Assa towards the sunset,

We walked loaded with goods

Tehran and Samarkand.

Let's remember a song about Jason,

It was a long campaign,

But Argo was driven by the waves

At sea - Pontus is still Aksinsky!

Land of the fabulous Colchis,

A distant coast of the Amazons,

We could find everything here,

What secrets were hidden from us!

10. Black box. The assistant takes out to the music. - Name what is in the box

The yellow resin was used by the Greeks as a varnish; she was romantically named by them after the golden-haired queen Berenice.

He adorned the crown egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, this is one of the very first precious stones... Information about him is already found in Homer's "Odyssey" (by the way, there he is the only one of all the specifically named gems). The Roman historian Tacitus reports that it was brought "from the country of the Germans", Phoenician merchants traded it, calling it Sakhal (drops of resin). For a number of tribes, the stone served as money. (Amber. Kaliningrad region).

11. A tree grows in the taiga and forest-tundra of Siberia. Its wood is hard, heavy and very durable. The wooden tower of the Yakutsk prison, built in the 17th century from this tree, has survived to this day. The needles of this tree are soft and fall off every year. (Larch).

12. What is superfluous?

a) Brown bear, lynx, bustard, wild boar, squirrel, sable, black grouse. ( Bustard - lives in the steppes, and the rest of the animals are forest).

b) Lemmings, arctic fox, elk, owl, hare, partridge, reindeer. ( Elk - a forest animal, the rest are tundra).

c) Mosses, lichens, cloudberries, oak, blueberries. ( Oak - a forest plant, and the rest are tundra).

13. Blitz Questions:

Is the tree a symbol of our Motherland? (Birch).

How many legs does a grasshopper have? (Six).

The most the deepest lake in the world (and its depth)? (Baikal, 1637m.)

What animal loses its “headdress” every winter? (Elk. Once a year, in winter, it sheds its antlers).

Conclusion. Announcement of results.

LEADING: - Dear viewers! The seats were distributed as follows:

Third place -

Second place -

First place -

Winner's reward ceremony.

Presentation of diplomas and a sweet prize. Remain in place. Choosing the best player.

LEADING: - According to the jury, the best player was ...

Prize to the team for the most original version of the answer

 Music is playing.

LEADING: - Russia, Rus, Motherland, Motherland, native land, Fatherland! Each person has his own, but we all have a single country in which we live. It's Russia! She, like a dear mother, is one for all. It is necessary to protect it and protect forests, fields, rivers, flora and fauna.

Love Russia!

Thank you all for participating in our game. I declare the end of the game. Until next time, friends!


Play with the audience.

1. What forest bird considered a long-liver?(Wood crow. Life expectancy is two hundred years or more.)

2. What kind of fish builds a nest?(Catfish, stickleback.)

3. The fur of this beast was worn as a sign supreme power king, king, prince. In the old days in England, it was only allowed to be worn by members of the royal family. Later, officials were honored with this honor. Their rank could be judged by the number of tails of this beast on the clothes. This animal lives in Siberia, eats rodents, blueberries, lingonberries. He is agile and strong. (Ermine).

Emergency questions.

1. What is the smallest animal?(Shrew. Her height is 3.5 cm.)

Distribute the task in advance to adults.

Choose a team of 5 people, a captain, come up with a name. Announce a topic,

Game analysis

We analyze the held event, draw conclusions and make suggestions for improving this event.


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