What to prepare for the six-month memorial service. What is prepared for the funeral: traditional dishes

Every person experiences loss in life. loved one, whom you need to remember and honor throughout your life. The menu for a funeral must, first of all, comply with the religious norms of the deceased. In addition, each dish must be prepared with high quality, so choosing a good establishment is a responsible step.

Our complex offers its own organization of such an important event. We offer a menu for funerals 40 days and others important dates. Our variety of offerings will suit any budget. For example, you can choose a menu for 700 rubles per person if your budget is small.

Menu for 700 rubles per person

Why choose us?

If you have not yet made your final choice in favor of any institution, then you should definitely find out about our advantages:

  • For all customers we provide the best offers in terms of price and quality in the city. You can order different menus for the 9-day funeral. A popular option is the menu for 1000 rubles per person. The price includes all food and drinks required by the religion;
  • We do not oblige the customer to purchase alcohol from us. Everyone can purchase alcohol on their own and bring it to the funeral. We do not charge extra for our own alcohol;
  • Our team has the best service staff. Each employee understands the importance of such an event, therefore they provide services at the highest level;
  • To organize funerals, we offer our clients three halls. They differ in design and capacity. The customer can choose what suits his wishes and requirements.

The funeral menu is selected in advance upon first contact and approval of the order. An excellent option would be a menu for 1200 rubles per person.

Menu for 1200 rubles per person

Cold appetizers
Assorted fresh vegetables 50 gr.
Herring with potatoes 50 gr.
Assorted homemade pickles 50 gr.
Assorted meats 50 gr.
Kutya 50 gr.
Pancakes 2 pcs.

How do we work with our clients?

We work with each client in four stages. The first stage is for a person to contact our company. You can call yourself or leave a request for a call on our website. During the first conversation, you can clarify all the details you are interested in. For example, what menu do we offer for funerals 40 days and other dates.

At the second stage, the customer comes to our complex to get acquainted with the halls. In the process, he can choose what suits him. Can also indicate some wishes for textile design. At the third stage, the order is confirmed: the hall is selected and the menu is determined. If you have a larger budget, you can choose a menu for 1,500 rubles per person.

Menu for 1500 rubles per person

Cold appetizers
Assorted fresh vegetables 50 gr.
Cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet paprika, greens
Herring with potatoes 50 gr.
Herring, pickled onion, potato
Assorted homemade pickles 50 gr.
pickled cucumbers, pickled cherry tomatoes, gherkins, sauerkraut
Homemade jelly 50 gr.
Assorted meats 50 gr.
Homemade boiled pork, beef tongue, chicken roll with garlic and herbs
Kutya 50 gr.
Traditional funeral porridge with raisins and honey
Pancakes 2 pcs.

The final stage is holding a funeral service high level. It doesn’t matter what you choose: a memorial menu for a 9-day funeral or other options, we will do our job in at its best, all guests will be happy.

All relatives and other close people gather to remember the soul of the deceased. It is believed that properly organized wakes contribute to the comfort of the soul in the next world. If this is your first time being burdened with such sad troubles, you may not know what to prepare at a funeral.

There is a list of dishes that need to be prepared and put on the table. There are also instructions regarding the order of dishes served. All traditions agree on one thing: the table should not be luxurious and bursting with a variety of food and alcohol. Alcoholic drinks should be consumed in moderation.

Mandatory dishes for funerals

What exactly should be on the table at a funeral? Here is a list of traditional dishes:

  • Kutya. Usually made from wheat, but today it can be made from rice. Raisins, honey, and poppy seeds are added to the dish.
  • Pancakes. The first pancake is left for the soul of the deceased, the rest are distributed one by one to the guests. Some people give the second pancake to the beggars so they can remember kind words deceased.
  • Kissel. It is the simplest element of a funeral table to perform.
  • Fish dish. Hot and cold snacks may be served.

When you think about how to set the table for a funeral, remember: the number of meat dishes should be kept to a minimum. According to customs, heavy food is inappropriate at the event.

Funeral table setting

Choose a modest, plain tablecloth with black ribbon trim around the edges. Be sure to place an empty plate with cutlery for the soul of the person who is going to be commemorated. A glass of vodka is placed on top, on which bread is placed. It is also common to place a lit funeral candle on the plate. The seating area for these devices should remain empty.

What else to consider when preparing the table for a funeral

We recommend that you listen to traditions and assemble a table in accordance with customs. You can prepare the required dishes and supplement the list with some other permitted dishes. It is allowed to prepare salads from vegetables so that the table does not look sparse. Hot soup is also appropriate: cabbage soup, borscht or other stew.

What to cook for a wake after a funeral at home largely depends religious views family of the deceased. Please note that Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards grand farewells, and the opinion pagan tradition is the opposite.

You can easily create a menu for 9 days; the funeral at home in this case will take place according to all known rules.

What to cook for a funeral?

After a funeral, it is customary to commemorate the deceased on the ninth day. In this case, there is no need to invite guests, since those who want to remember him will come themselves. You definitely need to figure out what should be prepared for a funeral, since this is an important event in the lives of people who have lost a loved one. You can organize them on day 9 in the dining room or at home.

It should be remembered that the menu should not be too rich, since this event is not a holiday. It's better to put dishes on the table home cooking. The most acceptable first courses are cabbage soup and chicken noodles.

If you are fasting, give preference to very tasty mushroom noodles.

As the most acceptable side dish, prepare mashed potatoes or peas, buckwheat porridge. Place cabbage rolls, bean side dishes, stuffed peppers or pilaf on the table. Among the hot dishes for a funeral, it is better to prepare chops or cutlets. You can diversify the menu with fish dishes, which have long been ideal option for a menu acceptable in Lent.

On funeral table be sure to put it vegetable salads. The menu should include kutia, which is best prepared from millet or rice, to which raisins and honey are added. At the end of the meal, glasses of compote or jelly should be placed on the table. For dessert, serve unfilled pancakes, cookies and candy.

You cannot put alcohol on the table.

Recipes for the most affordable dishes

As mentioned above, there should be kutya on the funeral table. This dish is filled with dried fruits, honey, candied fruits and poppy seeds. Place a handful of rice into slightly salted and boiling water and rinse it. You need to cook the rice for half an hour. After this, dried fruits are added to it. Before preparing kutya, you should definitely pray in order to fill your soul with good thoughts.

It must be remembered that this is a symbol of the obligatory resurrection of the deceased. In addition, this dish is served at the beginning of the meal at such an important event.

Kutya should be placed in a cauldron, dish or bowl.

The simplest dish is a lean vinaigrette. To prepare this dish, take:

  • 400 g beets;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 200 g pickled cucumbers;
  • 200 g sauerkraut;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 400 g potatoes;
  • a little salt;
  • 150 g. onions.

Beets, carrots and potatoes need to be boiled, cut into small cubes and mixed. Add chopped onions and cucumbers to the resulting mass. Sauerkraut rinse thoroughly and add to the future salad, which should be dressed sunflower oil and salt.

There is a fairly simple recipe chicken soup with noodles, which is 100% suitable for a funeral menu. You need to take:

  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 1 chicken;
  • 2 l. water;
  • 2 carrots;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 300 g homemade noodles;
  • a few peas of allspice.

The chicken needs to be placed in a pan, pour clean water, add parsley, bay leaf, pepper, carrots, salt. Cook the chicken until done.

Then we take it out, filter the resulting broth, add noodles and bring to a boil. You need to cook until the noodles float to the surface.

The soup is served in bowls, into which pieces of chicken are first placed.

Salads must be on the funeral menu. To prepare hearty and delicious dish take:

  • 150 g canned corn;
  • 300 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • 150 g boiled beans;
  • 4 pickled cucumbers;
  • 3 slices of black bread;
  • a little mayonnaise;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • salt.

Cut the bread into small cubes and dry in a hot frying pan. We also finely chop all the other ingredients, mix, add bread, salt, mayonnaise.

As mentioned above, meals don't have to be luxurious. However, why not offer guests a very delicious salad, which will look harmonious on the funeral table. Take:

  • 10 g vegetable oil;
  • 300 g beef tongue;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 10 g soy sauce;
  • 5 g garlic;
  • some concentrated chicken broth;
  • 5 g pine nuts;
  • 10 g sesame oil;
  • 30 g green onions;
  • egg.

You need to boil the tongue and cut it into strips. Add carefully chopped pepper, onion and garlic to it. Then add concentrated chicken broth, sesame oil, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt. The finished salad should be refrigerated for about 3 hours.

Before serving, decorate the salad with nuts and eggs.

An inexpensive salad for a wake can be prepared from Chinese cabbage. Take 25 g lemon juice, half a cabbage, some greens, 1 bell pepper, vegetable oil, 3 small tomatoes. First you need to chop the cabbage, sprinkle it lemon juice and salt. Then mix it with chopped tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. The entire mixture is seasoned with oil.

A wake is a custom of celebrating the dead with a meal. Christianity has not supplanted this custom, although priests try not to participate in it. It is considered indecent to come to a funeral without an invitation. Memorial days for 2013 can be seen. Read recipes for Lenten dishes for the funeral table in another section.

Usually the family of the deceased orders a funeral service in a cafe or restaurant, or holds a funeral service at home. After the cemetery, close relatives and friends go to the funeral.

Trizny is ancient custom have a meal at the grave of the deceased. They became the prototype of modern Christian funerals.

Signs for funerals and memorials

Arriving at the house, you must definitely “clean yourself” after the funeral - it is advisable to change your outer clothing, wash your hands and dry them with a towel. In Rus', a bathhouse was often heated on this day, since touching the stove was also considered a cleansing ritual. Fire - cleanses in many cults and religions.

While the procession is moving towards the cemetery, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the house and wash the floor. Special attention pay attention to the corners in the rooms, door handles, threshold. Then you can fumigate the room with incense or juniper.

Orthodox commemorations are, as it were, a continuation of the divine service through the consumption of food. And on the part of the family of the deceased, organizing a wake is considered Christian charity.

Funerals are also organized for 9 days, 40 days, six months, a year and on the birthday of a loved one. Triple wakes symbolize the journey of the soul to the other world. It is believed that on the third day the soul stops wandering around the house and ascends to heaven, on the ninth the body disintegrates, on the fortieth the heart decays.

Orthodox commemorations require that at the beginning someone read kathisma 17 from the Psalter in front of a lit lamp or candle. Before starting the meal, read “Our Father...”.

IN Ancient Rus' Certain dishes were served at the wake: kanun (fed), kutya (kolivo), pancakes, jelly. Modern housewives try to set the funeral table abundantly and variedly. Cold and hot fish and meat dishes, pies. If the wake falls on a fast day, you should adhere to the requirements of fasting. Below are lenten and fast dishes that can be prepared for the funeral. It is desirable that there be an even number of dishes on the table.

Modern funeral dinner and church traditions

Kanun (full) is a sweet dish made from beans with sugar or honey. Kutya (kolivo) - boiled grains with raisins, drizzled with honey. Traditionally, a funeral dinner begins with these dishes. As for alcohol at a funeral dinner, the Orthodox canons are against it, because seeing off the soul is not a place for fun. However, a modern table is rarely complete without alcohol. For the family of the deceased, this is a reason to relieve stress. That’s why you can often see vodka, cognac, and red wines. Usually during a funeral dinner they do not use knives and forks, but only spoons.

If the funeral service falls during Lent, it will be moved to the next Saturday or Sunday. All memorial days Easter week and next Monday are celebrated on Radonitsa (Tuesday of the second Easter week).

For the deceased, a device and a glass of vodka with a piece of black bread are placed at one end of the table. Sometimes this set is left for up to 40 days.

At the end of the funeral dinner, the hosts distributed the leftover food to the guests. It is often customary to give away pastries, bread, pies to “remember” the deceased at home with those who were not present at the funeral dinner.

Next we present sample menu for the funeral. If the day of the funeral dinner falls during Lent, you should choose dishes for the Lenten funeral.
Menu for the funeral. Kutya
500 g rice, 200 g raisins, 200 g dried apricots, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, salt.
Cut dried apricots and soak with rice for half an hour. Boil rice in 1 liter of water, add raisins and dried apricots, honey, stir. Eat with a spoon. Everyone present must eat 3 tablespoons of kutia.

Menu for the funeral. Homemade noodles
4 legs or whole chicken, carrots, salt, pepper, dill, bay leaf.

Do homemade noodles from 0.5 kg of flour and 3 eggs. Roll out the dough thinly, let dry and cut. Boil the chicken, strain the broth, chop the meat into small pieces. Chop the carrots and put them back into the broth. Before starting the feast, the noodles should be dipped in chicken broth. Add salt and spices.

Menu for the funeral. Lenten borscht
It is prepared like regular borscht, but the broth is prepared without meat.

Cook the beans, add chopped potatoes and cabbage. Make a roast of carrots, onions, beets, tomato paste. Add to broth. Cook for 10-15 minutes, add spices, pepper, salt, garlic.

The borscht should be allowed to brew. Therefore, it must be prepared in advance before the funeral dinner.

Menu for the funeral. Pancakes

The obligatory presence of pancakes in the funeral dinner has been preserved since pagan times, where they symbolized the sun, that is, the idea of ​​eternal life.

4 eggs, 3 cups flour, 1 liter of milk, sugar, salt, a little soda, vegetable oil for frying.

Mix all ingredients, let the dough stand for 15-20 minutes. Vegetable oil can be added to the dough so as not to grease the pan. Bake thin pancakes, grease with butter.

Funeral lunch menu. Lenten pancakes
Make a batter from 2 cups of flour, warm water, dry or fresh yeast, add salt and sugar, vegetable oil so as not to grease the pan before each new pancake.

Funeral lunch menu. Lenten bun
From the proposed set of products you will get about fifty buns. 2 kg of flour, 1.1 liters of water, a packet of yeast, 300 g of sugar, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 50 ml of vegetable oil.

Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water, let rise a little, add salt and flour, pour in vegetable oil. Wait until the dough doubles in size, form small buns and place them on a baking sheet at a distance from each other and leave for another half hour. After this, bake in the oven at 220 C for about 20 minutes. The finished buns can be greased with sugar syrup. You can use the same dough to bake pies with jam or berries.

The dishes for the funeral dinner are simple: cutlets, Fried fish, chicken, meat. As side dishes, you can choose mashed potatoes or buckwheat, rice porridge. At the end of the meal, it is customary to serve jelly or dried fruit compote.

Read how to bake traditional “ladders” for a funeral.

Funerals are one of the most ancient customs of our people. The first commemorations began to be celebrated by the ancient Slavs. Then they were called funeral feasts. They were celebrated mainly by leaders and respected warriors. The funeral feast included a feast and military competitions held in honor of the deceased or deceased husband. With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the meaning of funerals changed - more attention began to be paid to the soul of the deceased, which was in a “suspended” state during this period.

Photo 40 days after death

Wake to your liking

The 9-day wake is very important. In most world religions, on this day the soul leaves the habitat of its body and goes on a “journey” through the subtle worlds. For “nine” days, relatives and closest friends of the deceased gather in the house of the deceased. They say only good things about him and conditionally “let go” of his soul.

Photo of the forties

The obligatory kutia, pancakes and jelly are served on the table, as well as dishes typical of the area in which the deceased lived.

The forties are a critical period for the soul. It is on this day that it is determined where she will go - to Heaven or Hell. Therefore, relatives gather for a wake 40 days after death to support the soul of the deceased. The more good things are said about the deceased, the higher his chances of finding shelter among the bright angels and finding eternal peace.

Only relatives gather for the funeral for 40 days. Friends of the deceased, pleasant colleagues, colleagues, students and mentors are waiting in the house. According to a tradition preserved from pagan times, the 40-day funeral is accompanied by a feast.

Photos of the wake 40 days

The principle of selecting dishes for the menu for a 40-day funeral is as follows:

  • Mandatory dishes: wheat or rice kutia, pancakes without filling, served with honey and jelly. Each of these dishes has accompanied funeral feasts for many centuries. Each of them has a sacred meaning, helping those present to appreciate the frailty of existence.
  • Traditionally, pies are baked for 40 days after death. With rice and mushrooms, giblets with onions and meat, with berries and cottage cheese.
  • Meat dishes, if the forties did not fall on fasting.
  • Fish dishes, which are more loyally considered by church cooking.
  • Soups, broths - especially in the cold season.
  • Pickled vegetables and salads, most of which have Lenten interpretations, are therefore considered universal dishes at any memorial event.
  • Many housewives cook favorite dish deceased. For example, jellied meat or chicken fricassee.
  • Sweet cheesecakes, shortcakes, pies, cookies, candies. It is these products that will be distributed to people gathered for the forties, or taken to the nearest shelter.
  • Poems and speeches are read at the table for 40 days after death. But they should be as less pretentious as possible and as sincere as possible.

    One year after death

    The year after death is the final event for commemorating the deceased. It is attended mainly by relatives and closest friends. The memorial menu for the anniversary of death is similar to that served for 9 and 40 days.

    Photos from the wake a year after death

    When celebrating a wake a year after death, people remember the good things that the deceased had and list his achievements and successes. The funeral a year after death is accompanied by a funeral prayer and a joint trip to the cemetery of the deceased’s closest relatives.

    Funerals for six months are celebrated very rarely, because this period does not have any sacred meaning. But, when special wish or current circumstances - leaving abroad, an upcoming wedding, christening, some relatives may celebrate a wake six months after death.
    Nine days, forty days, funerals 1 year are milestone events for the soul of the deceased and his relatives in perpetuating his memory. That is why it is customary to celebrate them funeral prayer, a feast and good deeds performed in the name of the memory of the deceased.