What is a ghetto during World War II and in the modern world? Jewish ghetto Lodz - the city of the dead (Poland)

I have long wanted to understand what happened in the Warsaw ghetto in April-May 1943. In general, the Warsaw Ghetto was formed on the site of a medieval Jewish settlement in Warsaw. Until 1940, about 160,000 people lived in this part of the city ( a third of the population of the Polish capital), and in 1942 there were almost 400,000.

The Jewish site says:
The difficult conditions of the ghetto - overcrowding, hunger, lack of fuel, spreading epidemics and lack of medicines - caused a high death rate: about 4,000 people a month.”

Note that at that time natural death among such a number of people would have been about 1200 people per month. If we add neglect of the Jewish canons to the rules of elementary hygiene to the factors of natural mortality, then any outbreak of the disease turns into a catastrophe...

Mentioned below William Shearer, working for Jewish masters, writes:
July 22(1942) the great began"relocation". For the period up to October 3, according to Stroop, there were"relocated" 310 322 Jew. More precisely, they were transported to extermination camps, mainly to Treblinka, where they were sent to the gas chambers (??? how is this known?). Yet Himmler was not pleased. When he arrived unexpectedly in Warsaw in January 1943 and found that 60 thousand Jews still living in the ghetto,

Almost 400,000 people, minus 310,000 and minus 60,000 gives less 30,000 people. Those. just like that maximum the number of people can be considered as the excess of deaths over births. If it is logical to assume that in the difficult conditions of life in the ghetto, the birth rate did not exceed the level natural mortality, then for 2.5 years or 30 months from unnatural causes, less than 1000 people died every month. For example, as a result of epidemics, internal gang warfare and the bloodthirstiness of the Nazis.

Agree that less than 1000 man is not the same as around 4000 person per month! Those. Even with only a modicum of common sense, one can see that lies are the main means of Zionist propaganda.

Here is what William Shearer, a well-known American journalist and historian of that time, writes about living conditions in the Warsaw Ghetto:
There was nowhere for the Jews to work, except for a few arms factories owned by the Wehrmacht or insatiable German entrepreneurs who knew how to extract large profits from the exploitation of forced labor. At least 100,000 Jews tried to survive having a bowl of soup a day, often made from straw. It was a hopeless fight for life.”

People in the ghetto. Zionist website http://www.memo.ru/history/getto/history/f007.htm
Prisoners of the Warsaw Ghetto emaciated from straw soup.

Again, it must be clarified that Shearer was working at the time in company CBS, the founder of which was someone Samuel Paly , son Jewish emigrant from Ukraine ( Paley's father, Samuel Paley, a Ukrainian Jewish immigrant). Therefore, it is not surprising that the studies of the Leningrad historian Alekseev V.M. illuminate completely different situation in the ghetto.

Here is what he writes in his book “The Warsaw Ghetto no longer exists.” about the job situation:
In 1941 shops only 27,000 of the 110,000 workers who lived in the Warsaw Ghetto provided permanent employment.”

You ask what is shops”? No, these are not shops.
A number of German, Polish and Jewish entrepreneurs received military orders and the right to hire Jewish workers. The enterprises that emerged in this way were called « shops».”

Those. wealthy Jews officially exploited their less wealthy relatives right under the fascist regime. But the remaining official unemployed ghettos also did not sit idle.

Tanners processed skins, specially imported for this purpose from"Aryan side". From the wreckage of aircraft (and this was illegally delivered to the ghetto) made bowls, spoons and other aluminum utensils. Many toys were made by young children. Watchmakers were delivered with"Aryan side" clock - for repair.

Ghetto life.Photo from a Zionist site http://www.memo.ru/history/getto/history/f005.htm
Normal life, men work.

The woodworking industry developed - sawing wood, making furniture, pipes, mouthpieces, and small haberdashery items. Spoons were made from old pipes. Chemical-pharmaceutical production, processing of fats, butter-making, and soap-making were established. A foundry business arose: they made iron stoves, door bolts, etc.
Hundreds of mills were grinding for the "Aryan side" grain specially delivered to the ghetto. Along with 70 legal bakeries, 800 illegal ones worked in the ghetto. The owners of underground enterprises had to pay large bribes to agents of the Polish and Jewish police, but with cheap work force, guaranteed sales and the absence of taxes, the "case" ultimately gave a good income.

Products for the black market were also made in some shops where German orders were carried out. Illegal goods were packed together with legal products ordered by the Germans. The total value of illegal exports from the Warsaw Ghetto was PLN 10 million per month, while the shops produced products for 0.5-1 million per month. Representatives of the quartermaster service of the German Wehrmacht did not disdain the illegal products of Jewish artisans, who bought goods cheaply through Polish intermediaries..

The economy of the ghetto could not develop without well-organized smuggling. Smuggling has largely disrupted Hitler's plans rapid starvation of the Warsaw ghetto. In the notes left by the dead residents of the ghetto, there is more than once a wish that a monument be erected after the war“to an unknown smuggler.”

Such a “hopeless struggle for life”, eating only “a bowl of straw soup a day”.

Children in the ghetto. The same site.
Pay attention to the abundance of bottles of alcohol.

By the way, the Leningrader cites very interesting evidence coexistence of fascists, Poles and Jews in Poland. As the saying goes, a raven will not peck out a crow's eye.

The orders instituted by the Nazis in occupied Poland were unusually quickly corrupting, first of all, the Germans themselves. An individual German, taken outside the official system, i.e. acting on internal impulses and for himself, wrote V. Yastrshembovsky, to whom we have already had the opportunity to refer , can be defined as a thief. Not a criminal, not a robber - that refers to the system - but just a thief.“A policeman, searching my apartment, stole a bar of soap, an assistant foreman in a factory where I worked, stole my sweater, Minister Frank, visiting the doomed Royal Castle, stole eagles from the coronation throne, an SS soldier, checking my documents on the street , stole 20 zlotys from my briefcase.

But that's not the point, continues the Polish economist . According to German laws and German morality, a Polish thing is an ownerless thing, its appropriation by a German is not theft. But the German stole from the German authorities and sold the item to the Pole! Almost all Germans stole. On the black market - and it provided 80% of all consumption in occupied Poland - goods stolen from the German army and administration by the Germans themselves accounted for half.

Service in the ghetto, in the opinion of many greedy and depraved gendarmes, provided especially favorable conditions for quick enrichment. The gendarmes agreed - always trying to hide it from colleagues and from superiors - with the Jewish police and at the agreed time let carts with smuggling through. The driver showed only some piece of paper, supposedly a pass, so that strangers would not have suspicions. Even more Active participation the contraband was received by the Polish policemen who were on duty at the gate. They got the lion's share of requisitions - an average of about 60%. The rest went to the German gendarmes and Jewish policemen..”

Such conditions of existence in the Warsaw ghetto somehow do not agree with the words of the Jewish website mentioned above about “ghetto prisoners ". Yet in Russian with the word „ prisoner” completely different associations are connected, they are implied completely other living conditions for people.

In general, all Zionist propaganda in the media about the living conditions of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto is a set deceitful phrases that have a strong impact on emotional the state of those who read, but having little correspondence with reality. Lies are everywhere.

And it was not for nothing that the Poles, when meeting a column of Jews going to work, shouted after them:

« Dear Hitler, Zloty Hitler, he taught the Jews to work!» . Although the Poles themselves are morally still the same ...

Now, actually about the uprising. Liberal Wikipedia:

During the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, the Jewish militant organization consisted of 22 armed detachments, among which were five groups of Dror,..

The total number was up to 600 armed fighters. The command headquarters was located in a house at 18 Miley Street (the building became known as Anielevich's bunker). Poorly trained and poorly armed detachments resisted for almost a month.

During the uprising in the ghetto, most of the members of the Jewish military organization died. Some managed to break out of the ghetto with the help of Simcha Rotizer-Rotem and hide in the Wyšków forests, where they organized partisan detachments and fought under Yitzhak Zuckerman.

There are a lot of questions, and the main one is who did the people rise up against? After all, there was an uprising in ghetto inside. And the entire administration of the settlement was its own, Jewish, for the Jewish ghetto is a territory of self-government.

Who resisted? poorly trained and poorly armed" people almost month? Germans???

Let us turn again to the book of the American “The End of the Warsaw Ghetto”, where it is stated with great pathos:

They had very few weapons - several pistols and rifles, two dozen machine guns stolen from the Germans, yes homemade grenades. But on that April morning, they were determined to use them for the first and last time in the history of the Third Reich against the Nazi enslavers..”

Look, poorly trained people with such insignificant weapons without the supply of ammunition for almost a month resisted the battle-hardened SS units. And all this - in the reduced territory of the Warsaw ghetto (" 900 X 270 meters ") against " SS General Stroop threw at them tanks, artillery, flamethrowers and demolition platoons ”.

I do not believe!

Researcher of Jewish lies Alexey Tokar also does not believe official Zionist propaganda. Therefore, we will continue to publish his works.


Why don't I believe in the Holocaust?

Raid against thieves and bootleggers
Why don't Jews explore life in the ghettos of Chernivtsi, Proskurov, Kremenchug, Vinnytsia, Zhmerinka, Kamenets-Podolsky, Minsk and dozens of other cities? Is it because the Jewish Judenrats and the Rabbinate collaborated with the Nazis, and the Jews were terrorized not by the Germans at all, but by their own native Jewish police?

In total, about 1000 ghettos were created in Europe, in which at least a million Jews lived. In the "Handbook on camps, prisons and ghettos in the occupied territory of Ukraine (1941-1944)", prepared by State Committee archives of Ukraine in 2000, more than 300 ghettos are mentioned - this means that in Ukraine there were 300 Judenrats, each of which included 10-15 influential Jews and rabbis, and dozens, if not hundreds of Jewish policemen (in the Lvov ghetto there were 750 Jewish police officers).

Let me remind you that ghettos are residential areas that existed on the principles of Jewish self-government in German-controlled territories, where Jews were forcibly moved in order to isolate them from the non-Jewish population.

The self-governing body of the ghetto was the Judenrat ( "Jewish council"), which included the most authoritative people in the city or town. For example, in Zlochev (Lviv region), 12 people with a doctorate degree became members of the Judenrat. The Judenrat provided economic life in the ghetto, and the Jewish police kept order there.

Most often, in the context of the Holocaust, they mention the Warsaw ghetto formed in 1940, the maximum number of which reached about 0.5 million people. Jews worked on German orders both inside and outside the ghetto.

Upper layer made up in the ghetto successful businessmen, smugglers, owners and co-owners of enterprises, senior officials of the Judenrat, Gestapo agents. They arranged magnificent weddings, dressed their women in furs and gave them diamonds, restaurants and nightclubs with exquisite food and music worked for them, thousands of liters of vodka were imported for them.

“The rich came, hung with gold and diamonds; there, at tables laden with dishes, under the pops of champagne corks, “ladies” with brightly painted lips offered their services to military profiteers, - this is how Vladislav Shpilman describes the cafe in the center of the ghetto, whose book “The Pianist” formed the basis of the film of the same name by Roman Polansky. “In the rickshaw carriages, graceful gentlemen and ladies sat, stretched out, in expensive woolen suits in winter, in French silks and expensive hats in summer.”

There were 6 theaters, restaurants, cafes in the ghetto , but the Jews had fun not only in public institutions, but also in private brothels and card clubs that arose in almost every home ...

Bribery and Extortion in the Warsaw Ghetto reached astronomical proportions. Members of the Judenrat and the Jewish police made fabulous profits on this.

For example, in the ghetto the Germans were allowed to have only 70 bakeries, at the same time there was still 800 underground. They used raw materials smuggled into the ghetto. The owners of such underground bakeries were heavily bribed by their own police, Judenrat and gangsters.

Many smugglers who got caught became Gestapo agents - they reported on the hidden gold, on the activities of gangs. Such were the smugglers Kohn and Geller, who took over the entire transport business inside the ghetto and, in addition, traded in smuggling on a large scale. In the summer of 1942 they were both killed by competitors.

The Warsaw ghetto was a nationwide center for illegal foreign exchange transactions - the black exchange of the ghetto determined the rate of the dollar throughout the country.

Personally, I was most struck by another fact from the life of the ghetto black exchange: one miraculously surviving Jew recalled that they traded there land plots in Palestine!

It is extremely interesting why the Jews call the "uprising" carried out by the Germans in April 1943, the cleansing of the Warsaw ghetto, drowning in unsanitary conditions, debauchery and corruption? Why are they afraid to tell the truth about who and against whom there "rebelled"?

After all, the German raid was provoked by Jewish thieves armed to the teeth, racketeers and smugglers, thereby endangering civilians- the elderly, women, children.

Jewish fighters "revolted" at all not against the Germans, as the legend says, they killed their Jewish police and almost the entire Judenrat inside the ghetto, they killed theater artists, journalists - 59 out of 60 (!) employees of the Zhagev newspaper (Torch) died at the hands of Jewish mafiosi. They brutally took the life of one of the leaders of the ghetto, sculptor and prominent Zionist 80-year-old Alfred Nossig.

The bandits terrorized the population of the Warsaw ghetto, imposing almost all of them with a reketir tax. From those who refused to pay, they abducted children or took them to their underground prisons on the street. Mila, 2 and on the territory of the Tebens enterprise - and there they were brutally tortured.

Gangs of robbers took everything indiscriminately from both the poor and the rich: they took off watches, jewelry, money, not yet worn out clothes, and even food hidden for a rainy day. These Jewish gangs terrified the ghetto. Often, in the silence of the night, a shootout began between the gangs themselves - The Warsaw ghetto has turned into a jungle: one attacked the other, at night the screams of the Jews were heard, who were attacked by robbers.

Bandits three times in broad daylight robbed the cash desk of the Judenrat, taking away the money that went to feed homeless children, treat typhus patients and other social needs. They imposed on the Judenrat an indemnity of a quarter of a million zlotys, and the department of supply of the Judenrat with an indemnity of 700,000 zlotys.

The Judenrat paid the contribution on time, but the supply department refused. Then the Jewish gangsters kidnapped the son of the cashier of the department and kept him for several days, after which they received the required amount.

But only after the bandits began to attack the German patrols, the Germans, who had endured all these outrages for a long time, intervened, and began " raid against thieves and bootleggers. Jewish policemen took an active part in the action - they, as people who know the area well, helped the German assault groups a lot when combing the quarters.

Not the Germans, but Jewish gangsters destroyed the ghetto, blowing up houses and setting them on fire with Molotov cocktails. Hundreds of innocent people died in the fire of a grandiose fire. The Germans tried to put out the fire, but to no avail - the bandits set fire to new buildings.

That's how about failed attempt mine the building says one of the militants Aaron Carmi: « And they still didn't plant mines there... Three of our guys went down to the basement to blow it up. So what? They stick out there with their tongue stuck to their asses. And here I am spinning ... and it was a tragedy!».

One of the fighters Kazik Ratezer confessed many years later: what right did we, a small group of young people from ZOB(one of the bands) decide the fate of many people? What right did we have to riot? This decision led to the destruction of the ghetto and the death of many people who might otherwise have survived.».

How did the "rebellion" end? The ghetto was completely destroyed, all the inhabitants of the ghetto were sent to labor camps - practically they all survived. Germans even not shot militants captured with weapons.

On the Internet, photos of rebel girls in caps are popular. Far right - Malka Zdroevich, she was captured with weapons, but she was not shot, but sent to work in Majdanek, of course, she "miraculously survived the Holocaust."

An even more popular photo shows a group of Jews being led out of a basement. In the foreground is a boy in short pants with his arms raised, behind him is a German soldier in a helmet with a rifle in his hands.

This Boy - Zvi Nussbaum (Zwi Nubaum)- An ENT doctor living near New York, and a German soldier - Josef Blosche (Josef Bl o sche)was put on trial in East Germany after the war and executed on charges of participating in an action to suppress the "uprising" in the Warsaw ghetto.

Commander of the Rebellion Mordechai Anilevich Together with their headquarters, they committed collective suicide in the basement at 18 Myala Street, where the headquarters of one of the gangs was located.

A few words about the portrait of the leader of the uprising: gang members recall that when Anilevich ate, he covered the bowl with his hands. They asked: “Mordka, why are you covering the bowl with your hands?” He answered: "I'm so used to the brothers not being taken away." He was the son of a fishmonger from the Warsaw suburbs, and when the fish were not taken for a long time, his mother made him tint the gills with paint to make it look fresh.

In early May, the leaders of another gang discovered a passage through the sewer and left the ghetto (perhaps they would have left earlier, but did not know about this pipe) - they left, leaving scattered groups of their militants who were in other places.

According to the memoirs of one of the members of the leadership of this gang, at the same time they refused to take with them several peaceful Jews who asked for help ... The Germans destroyed the last gang of criminals on June 5 on Muranovskaya Square.

The thieves, racketeers and smugglers who fled outside the ghetto formed new gangs that robbed the Polish peasants. General Bur-Komorowski, commander Polish underground army Craiova on September 15, 1943 issued an order expressly prescribing destruction of marauding Jewish criminal gangs accusing them of banditry.

Perhaps someone will continue to look for the evil intent and guilt of the Germans in the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto, but I will offer these researchers to think about why the Germans did not touch hundreds of other ghettos, where there was no corruption, smuggling, racketeering, unsanitary conditions, and the parcels of the Red Army were not stolen Cross, did the businesses work?

As an example, we can cite the Teresienstadt ghetto, comparable to Warsaw in terms of the number of people, where German and Czech Jews maintained exemplary order. The Jewish Council of Elders of Theresienstadt has repeatedly informed Red Cross inspectors that they are enjoying surprising favorable conditions , given that Germany was heading for defeat in the war, and world Jewry was the first to call for its destruction.

Head of the Judenrat in the Bialystok ghetto ( city ​​in northeastern Poland) Ephraim Barash managed to convert residential buildings to the workshops, to get tools and machines, to establish the work of more than 20 factories that worked for the needs of the German army.

Commissions came, including from Berlin, and inspected these factories. Barash organized an exhibition on the Aryan side to show how ghetto contributes to the German war effort. In November 1942, the Germans liquidated some useless surrounding ghettos, but the Bialystok ghetto was not touched.

It should be noted that in many ghettos of Eastern Europe Jewish quarters because of the total lack of sanitation turned into a zone of increased epidemiological danger - epidemics of typhus and dysentery broke out there.

Most common cause death among the Jewish population in the ghetto was not a “holocaust” at all, but infectious diseases. And to be completely frank, the main cause of these diseases was Judaism-conditioned rejection of European hygiene procedures.

The history of the Warsaw Ghetto given here looks quite unusual, but everything that was written here is 100% taken from Jewish sources, and the entire article is based on them by about 80%.

If you learn how to clean Holocaust stories from propaganda husks, get rid of obsessive subjective assessments and extract “naked information”, you will most often find the exact opposite meaning of what happened.

Alexey Tokar

The Warsaw Ghetto is a residential area created by the Nazis during the occupation of Poland, where Jews were forcibly moved in order to isolate them from the non-Jewish population. During the existence of the ghetto, its population decreased from 450 thousand to 37 thousand people. The German soldier-radio operator and part-time photographer Willy Georg, while in Warsaw in 1941, managed to illegally get into the ghetto and shoot four films of the horror that was happening, after which, during the arrest, his camera was confiscated, but the films survived until our days.

Newspaper vendor at work

After the troops of the Third Reich entered Poland in October 1939, the occupying authorities issued an order according to which Jews were ordered to hand over cash to financial institutions. It was allowed to leave no more than 2000 zlotys per person.

Young Jewish woman in the crowd

AT public transport The Nazis put up offensive posters with the aim of inciting ethnic hatred.

Street book dealers

Speaking about the reasons for the creation of a ghetto in settlements Poland, the Nazis claimed that the Jews were carriers of infectious diseases, and their isolation would help protect the non-Jewish population from epidemics.


In March 1940, a number of urban areas with a high concentration of the Jewish population were declared a quarantine zone. About 113 thousand Poles were evicted from these areas and 138 thousand Jews from other places were settled in their place.


The decision to organize the ghetto was made on October 16, 1940 by Governor-General Hans Frank. By that time, there were about 440,000 people in the ghetto (37% of the city's population), while the area of ​​the ghetto was 4.5% of the area of ​​Warsaw.

Man unconscious at the window

Initially, leaving the ghetto without permission was punishable by 9 months in prison. From November 1941 began to apply the death penalty. On November 16, the ghetto was surrounded by a wall.

street beggar

The officially established food rations for the ghetto were designed to starve the inhabitants to death. In the second half of 1941, the food ration for Jews was 184 kilocalories.

Firewood trade by weight

However, thanks to illegally supplied foodstuffs in the ghetto, real consumption averaged 1125 kilocalories per day.

Old men begging on the street

Some of the inhabitants were employed in German production. So, 18 thousand Jews worked at the sewing enterprises. The working day lasted 12 hours without days off and holidays. Of the 110,000 workers in the ghetto, only 27,000 had permanent jobs.

A group of women with baskets on the street of the Warsaw ghetto

On the territory of the ghetto, illegal production of various goods was organized, the raw materials for which were supplied secretly. Products were also secretly exported for sale and exchange for food outside the ghetto. In addition to 70 legal bakeries, 800 illegal ones worked in the ghetto. The value of illegal exports from the ghetto was estimated at 10 million złoty per month.

An elderly Jew on the streets of the Warsaw ghetto

The corpse of a Warsaw ghetto resident lying on the sidewalk

A stratum of residents stood out in the ghetto, whose activities and position provided them with a relatively prosperous life (merchants, smugglers, members of the Judenrat, Gestapo agents). Most of the inhabitants suffered from malnutrition. The worst situation was for Jews resettled from other regions of Poland. Lacking connections and acquaintances, they had difficulty finding work and providing for their families.

Two women selling on the streets of the Warsaw ghetto

Demoralization of youth took place in the ghetto, youth gangs were formed, homeless children appeared.

old man begging for alms

Rumors circulated in the ghetto about the mass extermination of Jews in the provinces of Poland. To misinform and reassure the inhabitants of the ghetto, the German newspaper Warschauer Zeitung reported that tens of thousands of Jews were building a production complex. In addition, new schools and shelters were allowed to open in the ghetto.

Tea drinking on the street

On July 22, 1942, the Judenrat was informed that all Jews, with the exception of those working in German enterprises, hospital workers, members of the Judenrat and their families, members of the Jewish police in the ghetto and their families, would be deported to the east. The Jewish police were ordered to ensure that 6,000 people were sent daily to the railway station. In case of failure to comply with the order, the Nazis threatened to shoot the hostages.

Shoe dealers

On the same day, a meeting of members of the underground Jewish network was held, at which the assembled decided that the sending of residents would be carried out in order to be resettled in labor camps. It was decided not to resist.

A vegetable stall in the Warsaw ghetto

Every day, people were driven out of the hospital building, designated as a collection point, onto the loading platform. Physically strong men were separated and sent to labor camps. In addition, those employed in German enterprises were released. The rest (at least 90%) were herded 100 people into cattle cars. The Judenrat made statements refuting rumors that the wagons were going to extermination camps. The Gestapo distributed letters in which, on behalf of the residents who had left, they talked about employment in new places.

Exhausted man sitting on the sidewalk

In the early days, the police captured the poor, the disabled, orphans. In addition, it was announced that three kilograms of bread and a kilogram of marmalade would be given to those who voluntarily came to the collection points. On July 29, the encirclement of houses began with a check of documents; those who did not have certificates of work at German enterprises were sent to the loading platform. Those who tried to escape were shot. Lithuanian and Ukrainian collaborators also took part in these checks. By July 30, 60,000 people had been taken out.

emaciated child

Two children begging on a sidewalk in the Warsaw ghetto

On September 21, the houses of the Jewish police were surrounded, most of the police, along with their wives and children, were sent to the extermination camps.

Tea drinking on the streets of the Warsaw ghetto

Within 52 days (until September 21, 1942), about 300 thousand people were taken to Treblinka. During July, the Jewish police ensured the dispatch of 64,606 people. In August, 135,000 people were taken out, for September 2-11 - 35,886 people. After that, from 55 to 60 thousand people remained in the ghetto.

Wood and coal street vendors in the Warsaw ghetto

In the following months, the Jewish Fighting Organization, numbering about 220-500, and the Jewish Fighting Union, numbering 250-450 people, took shape. The Jewish Fighting Organization offered to stay in the ghetto and resist, while the Jewish Fighting Union planned to leave the ghetto and continue operations in the forests. The members of the organizations were mostly armed with handguns, improvised explosive devices, and bottles of combustible mixture.

elderly jews

From April 19 to May 16, 1943, a armed uprising. The uprising was crushed by the SS troops. During the uprising, about 7,000 ghetto defenders were killed and about 6,000 burned alive as a result of massive arson attacks on buildings by German troops. The surviving inhabitants of the ghetto, numbering about 15,000 people, were sent to the Treblinka death camp.

Group portrait of residents of the Warsaw ghetto

A passer-by serves children on the street in the Warsaw ghetto

Street traffic in the Warsaw ghetto. In the foreground is a horse-drawn hearse and a cyclist

Why don't Jews explore life in the ghettos of Vinnitsa, Zhmerinka, Minsk and dozens of other cities? Is it because the Jewish Judenrats and the Rabbinate collaborated with the Nazis, and the Jews were terrorized by their own Jewish police?...

A terrible Jewish ghetto: theaters, restaurants, cafes...

In total, about 1000 ghettos were created in Europe, in which at least a million Jews lived. In the "Handbook of camps, prisons and ghettos in the occupied territory of Ukraine (1941-1944)", prepared by the State Archives Committee of Ukraine in 2000, over 300 ghettos are mentioned - this means that there were 300 Judenrats in Ukraine, each of which included 10 -15 influential Jews and rabbis, and dozens or even hundreds of Jewish policemen (there were 750 Jewish policemen in the Lvov ghetto).

Let me remind you that ghettos are residential areas that existed on the principles of Jewish self-government in German-controlled territories, where Jews were forcibly moved in order to isolate them from the non-Jewish population. The self-governing body of the ghetto was the Judenrat (“Jewish Council”), which included the most authoritative people in the city or town. For example, in Zolochiv(Lviv region) 12 people became members of the Judenrat with Ph.D.. The Judenrat provided economic life in the ghetto, and the Jewish police kept order there.

Most often, in the context of the Holocaust, they mention the Warsaw ghetto formed in 1940, the maximum number of which reached about 0.5 million people. Jews worked on German orders both inside and outside the ghetto. The upper layer in the ghetto was made up of successful merchants, smugglers, owners and co-owners of enterprises, senior officials of the Judenrat, and Gestapo agents. They arranged magnificent weddings, dressed their women in furs and gave them diamonds, restaurants and nightclubs with exquisite food and music worked for them, thousands of liters of vodka were imported for them.

“The rich came, hung with gold and diamonds; in the same place, at tables laden with dishes, under the pops of champagne corks, “ladies” with brightly painted lips offered their services to military profiteers - this is how the cafe in the center of the ghetto describes Vladislav Shpilman, whose book Pianist"formed the basis of the film of the same name Roman Polansky.

“In the rickshaw carriages, graceful gentlemen and ladies sat, stretched out, in expensive woolen suits in winter, in French silks and expensive hats in summer.” There were 6 in the ghetto theaters, restaurants, cafes, but the Jews had fun not only in public institutions, but also in private brothels and card clubs that arose in almost every home ...

Bribery and extortion in the Warsaw ghetto reached astronomical proportions. Members of the Judenrat and the Jewish police made fabulous profits on this. For example, in the ghetto, the Germans were allowed to have only 70 bakeries, while at the same time there were more 800 underground. They used raw materials smuggled into the ghetto. The owners of such underground bakeries were subject to a large bribe his own police, Judenrat and gangsters.

Many smugglers who got caught became Gestapo agents - they reported on the hidden gold, on the activities of gangs. These were the smugglers Kohn and Geller, who took over the entire transport business inside the ghetto and traded, in addition, on a large scale in smuggling. In the summer of 1942 they were both killed by competitors.

The Warsaw ghetto was a nationwide center for illegal foreign exchange transactions - the ghetto black exchange determined the dollar exchange rate throughout the country. Personally, I was most struck by another fact from the life of the ghetto black exchange: one miraculously surviving Jew recalled that they traded there land plots in Palestine!

It is extremely interesting why the Jews call the "uprising" produced by the Germans in April 1943 cleaning up the Warsaw ghetto, drowning in unsanitary conditions, debauchery and corruption? Why are they afraid to tell the truth about who and against whom there "rebelled"? After all, the German raid was provoked by armed bov jewish thieves, racketeers and smugglers, thereby endangering the civilian population - the elderly, women, children.

Jewish fighters "revolted" not at all against the Germans, as the legend says, but killed inside the ghetto its Jewish police and almost the entire Judenrat, they killed theater artists, journalists - 59 out of 60 (!) employees of the Zhagev (Torch) newspaper died at the hands of Jewish mafiosi. They brutally took the life of one of the leaders of the ghetto, a sculptor and a prominent Zionist, 80 years old Alfred Nossig.

The bandits terrorized the population of the Warsaw ghetto, imposing a racketeering tax on almost everyone. From those who refused to pay, they abducted children or took them to their underground prisons on the street. Mila, 2 and on the territory of the enterprise Tebens- and there they were brutally tortured. Gangs of robbers took everything indiscriminately from both the poor and the rich: they took off watches, jewelry, money, not yet worn out clothes, and even food hidden for a rainy day. These Jewish gangs terrified the ghetto. Often, in the silence of the night, a shootout began between the gangs themselves. The Warsaw ghetto turned into a jungle: one attacked the other, at night the screams of Jews were heard, who were attacked by robbers.

Bandits three times in broad daylight robbed the cash desk of the Judenrat, taking away the money that went to feed homeless children, treat typhus patients and other social needs. They imposed on the Judenrat an indemnity of a quarter of a million zlotys, and the department of supply of the Judenrat with an indemnity of 700,000 zlotys. The Judenrat paid the contribution on time, but the supply department refused. Then the Jewish gangsters kidnapped the son of the cashier of the department and kept him for several days, after which they received the required amount.

But only after the bandits began to attack on German patrols, the Germans, who endured all these outrages for a long time, intervened, and began a "raid against thieves and bootleggers." Actively participated in the action jewish cops- they, as people who know the area well, helped the German assault groups a lot when combing the quarters. Not Germans, but Jewish gangsters destroyed the ghetto by blowing up houses and setting them on fire with Molotov cocktails. Hundreds of innocent people died in the fire of a grandiose fire. The Germans tried to put out the fire, but to no avail - the bandits set fire to new buildings.

This is how one of the militants tells about an unsuccessful attempt to mine the building Aaron Carmi: “And they still didn’t lay mines there ... Three of our guys went down to the basement to blow it up. So what? They stick out there with their tongue stuck to their asses. And here I am spinning ... and it was a tragedy! One of the fighters Kazik Ratezer confessed many years later: “What right did we, a small group of young people from ZOB (one of the gangs), have to decide the fate of many people? What right did we have to riot? This decision led to the destruction of the ghetto and the death of many people who might otherwise have survived.”

How did the "rebellion" end? The ghetto was completely destroyed, all the inhabitants of the ghetto were sent to labor camps - almost all of them survived. Germans even they did not shoot the militants captured with weapons.

On the Internet, photos of rebel girls in caps are popular. Far right - Malka Zdroevich, She was captured with a weapon, but she was not shot, but sent to work in Majdanek of course she miraculously survived the Holocaust».

An even more popular photo shows a group of Jews being led out of a basement. In the foreground is a boy in short pants with his arms raised, behind him is a German soldier in a helmet with a rifle in his hands. This Boy - Zvi Nussbaum(Zwi Nu;baum) is an ENT doctor living near New York, and a German soldier is Joseph Blosche(Josef Blosche) was put on trial in East Germany after the war and executed on charges of taking part in an action to suppress an "uprising" in the Warsaw ghetto. Rebellion Commander - Mordechai Anilevich Together with their headquarters, they committed collective suicide in the basement at 18 Myala Street, where the headquarters of one of the gangs was located.

A few words to the portrait of the leader of the uprising: gang members recall that when Anilevich ate, covered the bowl with his hands. They asked: “Mordka, why are you covering the bowl with your hands?” He answered: "I'm so used to the brothers not being taken away." He was the son of a fishmonger from the Warsaw suburbs, and when the fish were not taken for a long time, his mother made him tint the gills with paint to make it look fresh. In early May, the leaders of another gang discovered a passage through the sewer and left the ghetto (perhaps they would have left earlier, but did not know about this pipe) - they left, leaving scattered groups of their militants who were in other places.

According to the memoirs of one of the members of the leadership of this gang, at the same time they refused to take with them several peaceful Jews who asked for help ... The Germans destroyed the last gang of criminals on June 5 at Muranovskaya area. The thieves, racketeers and smugglers who fled outside the ghetto formed new gangs that robbed the Polish peasants. General Bur-Komorovskiy, commander of the Polish underground Home Army on September 15, 1943, issued an order expressly ordering the destruction of marauding Jewish criminal groups, accusing them of banditry.

Perhaps someone will continue to look for the evil intent and guilt of the Germans in the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto, but I will offer these researchers to think about why the Germans did not touch hundreds of other ghettos, where there was no corruption, smuggling, racketeering, unsanitary conditions, and the parcels of the Red Army were not stolen Cross, did the businesses work?

As an example, we can cite a ghetto comparable to Warsaw in terms of the number of people. Theresienstadt where German and Czech Jews maintained exemplary order. Jewish Council of Elders Theresienstadt repeatedly informed the Red Cross inspectors that they enjoyed surprisingly favorable conditions, given that Germany was going to defeat in the war, and world Jewry was the first to call for its destruction.

Head of the Judenrat in the ghetto Bialystok(city in northeastern Poland) Ephraim Barash managed to convert residential buildings into workshops, get tools and machines, set up work more than 20 factories that worked for the needs of the German army. Commissions came, including from Berlin, and inspected these factories. Barash organized an exhibition on the Aryan side to show how the ghetto contributes to the German war effort. In November 1942, the Germans liquidated some useless surrounding ghettos, and the ghetto Bialystok was not touched.

It should be noted that in many ghettos in Eastern Europe, Jewish quarters, due to total unsanitary conditions, turned into a zone of increased epidemiological danger - epidemics of typhus and dysentery broke out there.

The most common cause of death among the Jewish population in the ghetto was not at all " holocaust", a infectious diseases. And to be completely frank, the main cause of these diseases was due to Judaism. rejection of European hygiene procedures.

The history of the Warsaw Ghetto given here looks quite unusual, but everything that was written here is 100% taken from Jewish sources, and the entire article is based on them by about 80%.

If we learn to clear the Holocaust stories from propaganda husk, get rid of obsessive subjective assessments and extract " bare information”- you will most often find the exact opposite meaning of what happened.

Which Jews were exterminated in Nazi Germany

There was no Holocaust! Don't believe me look..

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

Permanent address of the article: http://xn----8sbeybxdibygm.ru-an.info/news/Jewish-ghetto-fascist-germany-theaters-restaurants-cafe-racket-poverty-unsanitary conditions/

GRODNO, March 23 - Sputnik, Inna Grishuk. Every year in mid-March, Grodno remembers a black date in the history of the city. 75 years ago, in German-occupied Grodno, half of the inhabitants, the entire Jewish population, were killed and sent to death camps.

Those years were remembered for brutal murders, bloody massacres and two ghettos in the very heart of Grodno, where Grodno Jews were expected to be sent to death camps and crematoria in inhuman conditions.

Half of the inhabitants were Jews

At the time of the arrival of the Germans, about 30 thousand Jews lived in Grodno - half of the total population. Many have heard a lot about the German ideology.

“The Jews who fled from occupied Poland in 1939 said that the Germans were creating a ghetto to exterminate the Jews. They passed through Grodno in large groups and moved east,” says historian Boris Kvyatkovsky, whose father visited the Grodno ghetto, then Auschwitz, miraculously survived but lost his first family.

Poorly educated people did not take all this seriously. By the beginning of the war, the Jewish population consisted of women, children, the elderly, and men of non-military age who knew little about politics and refused to believe in monstrous things.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

“There was no one to explain to people what awaits them with the arrival of the Germans,” says Kvyatkovsky.

Young people were taken into the Polish or Soviet army, and the most active people, consisting of political parties were destroyed or sent to prison.

According to him, the majority believed that the Germans did not fight civilians. This stereotype has remained since the First World War. This conviction was reinforced by the rumors that the Germans started at first: perhaps the Jews would be sent to work.

Two ghettos

Already in the autumn of 1941, two ghettos were created in Grodno, into which all Jews from Grodno and the surrounding villages were resettled. Ghetto No. 1 was set up around the synagogue and in the area of ​​modern Bolshaya Troitskaya Street, resettling local Poles and Belarusians from their homes.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

Ghetto No. 2 was located in the area of ​​​​modern Antonova Street not far from the bus station. Approximately 10,000 Jews were resettled here, mostly women, children, all disabled. They occupied all the basements, shacks, attics.

“It was the densest area of ​​​​residence. The Germans created such crowding. People lay on the floor, often sat shoulder to shoulder, afraid to turn around so as not to disturb the neighbor’s sleep,” the interlocutor cites the recollections of eyewitnesses.

They said that the disease never broke out. Local doctors did everything possible to conduct health education, to help those who fell ill.

"Couldn't admit that brother"

A number of people recalled that schools were working, there was a library. A number of enterprises for the production of soap, starch, syrup even arose. There were sewing and shoe workshops, in which, by order of the Germans, clothes and shoes were repaired for the needs of the Wehrmacht.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

The Jews soon surrounded both ghettos with a two-meter fence and barbed wire.

Boris Maksovich recalls that during the construction of such a fence, the Germans shot him without trial or investigation. uncle in front of my father.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

My father and uncle dug holes for the fence posts. The escort constantly bullied his uncle, called names, covered the hard-dug earth with his boots. Uncle could not stand it and smashed the skull of the German with a shovel. He was shot on the spot.

“Father could not do anything. Moreover, to admit that this is his brother, they could also be shot for this. With great difficulty, he only asked for permission to bury the body,” says Kvyatkovsky.

The interlocutor recalls that his father was sent to Auschwitz on one of the last trains and miraculously survived, being in the hospital. A man in peacetime spoke little about that period. Boris Maksovich himself has not yet decided to go to Auschwitz - it is too hard emotionally.

Death for the Bukhara carpet

In those days, the killing of Jews was considered something ordinary. Actions of intimidation were constantly taking place so that people would not even have the thought of resistance. A Jew could be shot right on the street just because he looked at a German soldier or officer the wrong way.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

“Many were so shocked that someone was beaten to a pulp or killed that they simply lost their will, even strong men", says Kwiatkowski.

For example, during the operation of the ghetto, the commandant of the ghetto, Vize, demanded that the Jews give him a Bukhara carpet, which they allegedly had.

The rabbi, teachers, doctors and other authoritative people were taken hostage. They threatened to be shot. The Jews did not find the carpet, someone said that the Catholic ministers in the city have such a carpet.

“It was possible to go beyond the barbed wire that surrounded the ghetto. The question is where? The occupiers hung announcements on all pillars with the text of the decree, according to which it was forbidden to help Jews with clothing, food and other support. The only punishment was death,” — Kwiatkowski says.

But life forced people to go beyond the wire - in search of food, medicine, which were smuggled into the ghetto. If the Germans discovered it, then death awaited the offender.

"Raspberries" and trains of death

From the end of 1942, an operation began to liquidate both ghettos. Kvyatkovsky clarifies that there were no major actions to exterminate Jews in Grodno.

"Because these lands did not want to spoil - they had to be part of East Prussia", explains the interviewer.

Several thousand prisoners were herded into boxcars and sent to camps. They were on the road for about three days, no one gave them food and water.

The Grodno synagogue, which now houses the museum of the history of the Grodno ghetto, was a collection point for Jews. From there they were led in large columns to the "death trains" that took them to Auschwitz and Treblinka. Usually people didn't come back from there.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

Many prisoners, realizing this, hid from the Germans, built hiding places - the so-called "raspberries". But most of them were found or caught in the city. The fugitives were shot on the spot, often using explosive bullets that mutilated the bodies beyond recognition. Usually, after such reprisals, dozens of bodies of ghetto prisoners lay for days on the streets of Grodno in snow red with blood.

Ice suit

Few managed to escape, none of them survived to this day. People managed to escape or jump out of a moving train, and then not run into the Germans or the local population. There were times when simple people gave the Nazis a Jew in exchange for sugar or other products.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

Grodno resident Grigory Khosid jumped out of the car, which was going to Treblinka. A 17-year-old guy made his way through snowy fields and forests for a long time to the Belsky partisan detachment in the Novogrudok region.

Once he almost died: the Polish youth saw Hoshid and pushed him into a river that was not covered with ice. They wanted to kill him, but they decided that he would die on his own. An hour later, the clothes turned into an ice suit, but the guy forced himself to run for a long time so as not to freeze. Rescued good physical fitness and the habit of tempering and swimming in cold water which he had been vaccinated since childhood.

500 days in the basement

The most famous in Grodno is the story of the rescue of 15-year-old Felix Zandman, who later became a world-famous scientist and engineer.

“The boy dreamed of getting rid of what was happening. But in his father, who was broken by the horrors of the ghetto, he could not find help. His maternal uncle turned out to be such a support,” explains Kvyatkovsky.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

When the column of Jews was led to board the cars, Felix and his uncle managed to escape. They reached a house in the village of Lososno. The Puchalski family lived there, who, having five children, already hid three Jews in the basement.

The hostess said: "God himself sent you to us. We know how hard it is in the ghetto."

Over the course of a few nights, the family expanded and deepened the basement. Only one person could lie there. The rest were squatting. For several months they could not wash. Only on the darkest nights did they go out to get some fresh air.

The hardest part was feeding them. Pukhalskaya explained to her neighbors that she was selling so much food from them.

© Sputnik / Inna Grishuk

The March of Remembrance commemorated the "Righteous of the World" - people such as the Puchalski family, who, under the threat of death, helped Jews who fled from the ghetto and hid them.

There was a case when the fugitives almost died. The Germans went around all the houses with a dog, checked if there were hidden people - in the underground, behind a double wall. The girl took the tobacco that had been cut and dried on the newspaper and, as if by accident, stumbled and spilled it on the rug lying on the basement hatch. The dog lost his scent and did not bark.

Now in Grodno every year there is a "March of Remembrance", during which all the victims of the Holocaust, as well as the dead inhabitants of the Grodno ghetto, are remembered. On Zamkova Street, at the entrance to ghetto No. 1, a memorial plaque was erected in memory of the 29,000 Jews who died in the ghetto.

This is another and already modern Jewish chutzpah for the new generation of Poles was dragged by me from a Polish site.
Previously, there were also many fountains of Jewish lies about these events in Warsaw, which took place from April 19 to May 16, 1943.
For example, that it was the brutal suppression by the Germans of the uprising of the anti-fascist underground and resistance in
Jewish ghetto, where the Nazis rounded up the Jews and mocked them.
The faces of the "tortured" Jews immediately rise before my eyes.
Jewish armed resistance - an attempt by Nazi Germany to liquidate the Jewish ghetto. ----Wikipedia))))

They even made a video about how
On April 19, 1943, the uprising of the prisoners of the Warsaw ghetto broke out. was hard to suppress by the Nazis only at the beginning of May. In 1940, at the time of the creation of the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, the ghetto had concluded over 440 thousand Jews, families of mixed marriages... By the time of the uprising, a little more than 37 thousand people remained alive from the population of this ghetto.

jewish roller

Hirsch Glick


Do not consider your path as the last ever,
A victorious star will flash in the sky,

FROM southern countries and countries by the northern seas
We are here together surrounded by animals.
Where the enemy spills even a drop of our blood,
Our courage will increase a hundredfold.

The sun's ray will make the day golden,
We will destroy the enemy and the enemy's shadow,
If we don't avenge our pain,
The song will fly to the descendants as a password.

The people wrote the song with their blood,
A free bird does not sing like that in the sky.
With a bleeding song on your lips
We go forward with revolvers in our hands.

So don't consider your path to be the last ever,
The victorious star will also flash in the sky.
The long-awaited hour will strike and the enemy will tremble,
We'll come here, chasing a firm step.

Translation from Yiddish

High style!

Nicely. Yes? Outright heroic?

But what really happened?

So. We read:

Ghettos are residential zones that existed on the principles of Jewish self-government in the territories controlled by the Germans, where Jews were forcibly or voluntarily moved in order to isolate them from the non-Jewish population. The self-governing body of the ghetto was the Judenrat (Jewish Council), which included the most authoritative people in the city or town. For example, in Zlochev (Lviv region), 12 people with a doctorate degree became members of the Judenrat. The Judenrat provided economic life in the ghetto, and the Jewish police kept order there.


In total, about 1000 ghettos were created in Europe, in which at least a million Jews lived. In the "Handbook of camps, prisons and ghettos in the occupied territory of Ukraine (1941-1944)", prepared by the State Archives Committee of Ukraine in 2000, over 300 ghettos are mentioned - this means that there were 300 Judenrats in Ukraine, each of which included 10 —15 influential Jews and rabbis, and dozens or even hundreds of Jewish policemen (there were 750 Jewish policemen in the Lvov ghetto). Why don't Jews explore life in the ghettos of Chernivtsi, Proskurov, Kremenchug, Vinnytsia, Zhmerinka, Kamenets-Podolsky, Minsk and dozens of other cities? Is it because the myth of the "Holocaust" was born in the inflamed brain of the Zionists, and it was not the Germans who terrorized ordinary Jews at all?

Most often in the context of the "Holocaust" they mention the Warsaw ghetto formed in 1940.

The maximum population of the ghetto reached about 0.5 million people. Jews worked on German orders both inside and outside the ghetto.

The upper layer in the ghetto was made up of successful merchants, smugglers, owners and co-owners of enterprises, senior officials of the Judenrat, and Gestapo agents. They arranged magnificent weddings, dressed their women in furs and gave them diamonds, restaurants and nightclubs with exquisite food and music worked for them, thousands of liters of vodka were imported for them.

“The rich came, hung with gold and diamonds; there, at tables laden with dishes, under the pops of champagne corks, “ladies” with brightly made up lips offered their services to war profiteers.

This is how the cafe in the center of the ghetto is described by Vladislav Shpilman, whose book The Pianist formed the basis of the film of the same name by Roman Polanski.

“In the rickshaw carriages, graceful gentlemen and ladies sat sprawled out, in winter in expensive woolen suits, in summer in French silks and expensive hats.”

There were 6 theaters, restaurants, cafes in the ghetto, but the Jews had fun not only in public institutions, but also in private brothels and card clubs that arose in almost every house ...

"A group portrait of six young Jewish women sunbathing in the Warsaw Ghetto on the day they passed their university entrance exams. Monday, July 6, 1942."

They eat well.

Fresh produce at the market.

Transport. Rickshaw I wonder who?

The Germans are protective. Well-dressed and prosperous Jews are escorted by German guards

Bribery and extortion in the Warsaw ghetto reached astronomical proportions. Members of the Judenrat and the Jewish police made fabulous profits on this. For example, in the ghetto, the Germans were allowed to have only 70 bakeries, while in parallel there were another 800 underground ones. They used raw materials smuggled into the ghetto. The owners of such underground bakeries were heavily bribed by their own police, Judenrat and gangsters.

Many smugglers who got caught became Gestapo agents - they reported on the hidden gold, on the activities of gangs. These were the smugglers Kohn and Geller , who took over the entire transport business inside the ghetto and, in addition, traded in smuggling on a large scale. In the summer of 1942, they were both killed by competitors. The Warsaw ghetto was a nationwide center for illegal foreign exchange transactions - the black exchange of the ghetto determined the rate of the dollar throughout the country.

Few people know about the existence of the so-called "Group of 13" which included Kohn and Geller.Group 13(Polish Grupa 13, Trzynastka, German Groupe Treize is the unofficial name of an organization of Jewish collaborators that operated in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II until July 1941. The organization took its name from the headquarters, which was located at 13 Leshno Street.

The group was founded in December 1940 by Abram Gantsvaykh, a former member of the Hashomer Hatzair organization, a Gestapo agent. The creation of the organization was authorized by the German Security Service (SD) and was directly subordinate to the Gestapo. The main stated purpose of the creation of the Group of 13 was to combat usury and speculation in the Warsaw Ghetto. In fact, using their power, members of the Group of 13 engaged in extortion, blackmail, influenced the actions of the Judenrat and sought to infiltrate the underground organizations that existed in the Warsaw ghetto. The organization had approximately 300-400 members. Group 13 also had its own prison.

In July 1941, Group 13 was dissolved and its headquarters was incorporated into the Jewish Police. Before the abolition of the organization in the spring of 1941, there was a split in the leadership in Group 13 between Abram Ganzweich on the one hand, Morris Kohn and Zelig Heller on the other. This split occurred as a result of the struggle for a sphere of influence in the Warsaw ghetto. After the dissolution of the organization, which occurred due to the denunciation of Morris Cohn and Zelig Heller, most of the members of the former organization began to work in the Emergency Service and the Ambulance Service. These organizations were established in May 1941 and soon became unofficially used for further smuggling. The horse-drawn carriage of the Warsaw ghetto was also concentrated in the hands of former members of the organization.

In April 1942, most of the former members of the Group of 13 were shot by the Germans. Abram Gantsvaykh and some other members of the organization were used by the Security Service to infiltrate the Jewish underground. After the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, Abram Gantsweich continued to serve the Germans.

Personally, I was most struck by another fact from the life of the ghetto black exchange: one miraculously surviving Jew recalled that they traded land in Palestine!

It is extremely interesting why the Jews call the "uprising" carried out by the Germans in April 1943, the cleansing of the Warsaw ghetto, drowning in unsanitary conditions, banditry, debauchery and corruption?

Why are they afraid to tell the truth about who “rebelled” against whom?

After all, the German raid was provoked by heavily armed Jewish thieves, racketeers and smugglers.

Jewish fighters

Yyrey militants “revolted” not at all against the Germans, as the legend says, but killed their Jewish police and almost the entire Judenrat inside the ghetto, they killed theater artists, journalists - 59 out of 60 employees of the Zhagev newspaper (Torch) died at the hands of Jewish mafiosi ). They brutally killed one of the leaders of the ghetto, sculptor and prominent Zionist, 80-year-old Alfred Nossig. The bandits terrorized the population of the Warsaw ghetto, imposing a racketeering tax on almost everyone. From those who refused to pay, they abducted children or took them to their underground prisons on the street. Mila, 2 and on the territory of the Tebens enterprise - and there they were brutally tortured. Gangs of robbers took everything indiscriminately from both the poor and the rich: they took off watches, jewelry, money, not yet worn out clothes, and even food hidden for a rainy day. These Jewish gangs terrified the ghetto. Often, in the silence of the night, a shootout began between the gangs themselves - The Warsaw ghetto turned into a jungle: one attacked the other, at night the screams of Jews were heard, who were attacked by robbers.

Bandits three times in broad daylight robbed the cash desk of the Judenrat, taking away the money that went to feed homeless children, treat typhus patients and other social needs. They imposed on the Judenrat an indemnity of a quarter of a million zloty, and the supply department of the Judenrat with an indemnity of 700,000 zlotys. The Judenrat paid the contribution on time, but the supply department refused. Then the Jewish gangsters kidnapped the son of the cashier of the department and kept him for several days, after which they received the required amount. But only after the bandits began to attack the German patrols, the Germans, who endured all these outrages for a long time, intervened, and began, in their words, "a raid against thieves and bootleggers". Jewish policemen took an active part in the action - they, as people who know the area well, helped the German assault groups a lot when combing the quarters.

Not Germans, but Jewish gangsters destroyed the ghetto by blowing up houses and setting them on fire with Molotov cocktails. Hundreds of innocent Jews died in the fire of a grandiose fire. The Germans tried to put out the fire, but to no avail - the bandits set fire to new buildings. Here is how one of the militants Aaron Karmi tells about an unsuccessful attempt to mine the building: “And they never laid mines there ... Three of our guys went down to the basement to blow it up. So what? They stick out there with their tongue stuck to their asses. And here I am spinning ... and it was a tragedy!

Another of the militants, Kazik Ratheizer, confessed many years later:

“What right did we, a small group of youth from ZOB [one of the gangs], have to decide the fate of many people? What right did we have to riot? This decision led to the destruction of the ghetto and the death of many people who, otherwise, might have remained alive ... ".

Alexey Tokar

(article and photo judastruth )