What is Pereyaslavl Rada. Pereyaslavskaya Rada

Liberation from the Poles of Volyn to Dubno, Bratslavshchina, Podolia. In June 1653, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in a letter to Bohdan Khmelnitsky, announced his consent to the transfer of the Cossack army and the population of Ukraine to Russian citizenship. At the Zemsky Sobor on October 1, 1653, a decision was made to accept the Hetmanate into the Russian state and to start a war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. V the last days 1653 the Russian embassy, ​​headed by the boyar Vasily Buturlin, met with B. Khmelnitsky, his colonels and general staff Zaporozhye troops in Pereyaslavl near Kiev. On January 8, 1654, the Rada gathered here. It was attended by the hetman, the general and regimental foreman, Cossacks of all regiments, the Russian gentry, representatives of urban and rural communities, residents of Pereyaslavl and surrounding villages and townships. The central point in the ceremony of the act of unification of Ukraine with Russia was the speech of B. Khmelnitsky. After the Rada spoke in favor of Ukraine joining Russia, B. Khmelnitsky and the Cossack foreman in the local church sealed the decision with an oath. In the tsar's letter, presented by Buturlin to Khmelnitsky, it was said about Moscow's decision to accept "all the Zaporozhye Troops in cities and lands" as citizenship, to keep Ukraine "in defense and in defense."

All the participants were glad to take the oath: "To be them in the lands and in the cities under the sovereign's high hand forever relentless." The conditions for entry were determined in the "Articles of Bogdan Khmelnitsky" signed in Moscow in March 1654, according to which:

1) a register of 60 thousand people was established;

2) in Ukraine, it was envisaged to preserve local characteristics in the region administrative structure, the organization of military forces, in political and legal, while all management of Ukraine was subordinate supreme power king;

3) the hetman had the right to foreign policy relations with all states, except for Turkey and the Commonwealth.

Pereyaslavskaya Rada - it is believed that it was a nationwide meeting of representatives of all segments of the population of the restored Hetmanate, held on January 18th. Art. in the city of Pereyaslav. In fact, Bohdan Khmelnitsky, who arrived at the scene on January 16, on January 18 in the morning held a secret council with the foreman and during the day - with the colonels and representatives of 14 Cossack regiments out of 17 registered at that time. There were no representatives of the Pavolochsky regiment and its colonel Mikhailo Sulichich, Umansky Josip Glukh, there was no Ivan Bohun in Pereyaslav. Philon Dzhedzhaliy, Colonel Kropyvnyansky, appeared three days late. There were no Ukrainian clergy there and no representatives of other cities and regions, except for the Pereyaslavl bourgeoisie. Next, let's turn to the document:


From the article list of Russian ambassadors who were in Pereyaslovl with Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky: Middle Boyar Vasily Buturlin, Okolnichego Ivan Alferyev and Duma Clerk Larion Lopukhin

The Hetman had a secret Rada with Colonels, and with judges, and with Troops Yasauly, - and Colonels, and Judges, and Yasauly under the Tsar high hand bowed down.

And according to the secret Rada, which the Hetman had with his Colonels in the morning on the same days, at the second hour of the day, the drum was beaten, at the hour of the day, to the meeting of the whole people to send advice about a matter that wants to be accomplished.

And as a great multitude of various ranks of people gathered, they made a lengthy circle about the Hetman and about the Colonels, and then the Hetman himself went out under the bunchyuk, and with him the Judge and Yasauly, the clerk and all the Colonels, and the Hetman became in the middle of the circle, and Yasaul Voiskovoy ordered everyone to be silent; then, as they fell silent, the Hetman began to speak to all the people:

Panov Colonels, Yasauly, Sotniks and all the Zaporozhye army, and all Orthodox Christians! you all know how God freed us from the hands of enemies who persecute the Church of God and embitter the entire Christianity of our Eastern Orthodoxy, that for six years we have been living without the Sovereign in our land in ceaseless warfare and bloodshed with our persecutors and enemies who want to eradicate the Church of God, so that the name Ruskoe is not remembered in our land, which has already bothered us all, and we see that it is impossible for us to live more without the Tsar; for this, now they have brought together the Rada, which is clear to all the people, so that naturally with us they will form the Emperor of the four whom you want; the first Tsar is Tours, who many times through his ambassadors called us to his region; the second Khan of Crimea; the third King of Poland, who, if he wants to, can accept us in the same affection now; the fourth is the Orthodox Great Sovereign of Russia, Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, the Eastern Autocrat of All Russia, whom we have been asking ourselves for six years incessantly; here which you want to elect. The Tsar of Tours is a busurman; you all know how our brethren, Orthodox Christians, the Greeks endure trouble, and what is the essence of the godless oppression; The Krim Khan is also a busurman, whom we accepted out of need and friendship, what unbearable troubles I accepted! What captivity, what merciless shedding of Christian blood from the Polish Pans of oppression, you don’t need to tell anyone; you all know that it is better to venerate a Jew and a dog than a Christian, our brother. And the Orthodox Christian Great Sovereign, the King of the East, is with us the one piety of the Greek law, one confession, one is the body of the church with the Orthodoxy of Great Russia, the head of the property of Jesus Christ

That Great Sovereign, the Tsar of Christianity, took pity on the intolerable bitterness of the Orthodox Church in our little Russia, did not despise our six-year ceaseless prayers, now having bowed his merciful Tsarist heart to us, he deigned to send his great neighbors to us with his Tsar's mercy, whom he has deigned to eat. let us love with zeal, except for His royal high hand we will not find a most graceful refuge; and there will be someone who does not agree with us now, wherever he wants, a free road. To these words, the whole people cried out: we will under the Eastern Tsar, the Orthodox, with a strong hand in our pious faith, die, rather than not to the perpetrator of Christ, the bastard, get enough.

Then Colonel Preyaslovsky Teterya, walking in a circle on all sides, asked: do you deign to advertise all the people: all are unanimous;

Then the Hetman prayed: wake it up, so that the Lord our God will strengthen under His Tsar's strong hand; and the people for him all cried out unanimously: God! confirm, God! Strengthen that I am all one for ever. "

Immediately, the Hetman, the foremen and some colonels swore allegiance to the Tsar of Moscow, who pledged to be "eternal subjects to his Tsarist Majesty of All Russia and his heirs." After the Rada, representatives of the Moscow embassy visited 177 cities, villages and towns to take an oath of allegiance to the tsar from the population. Settlements of the "department of the Zaporizhzhya Army", which "attached the painting in the following order: the Bratslavsky regiment 31 city, Belotserkovsky 19 city, Korsunsky 19 places, Cherkassky 5 places, Pereyaslovsky 11 places, Nezhinsky 16 places, Mirgorodsky 12 places, Kievsky 22 places, Chernihiv 7 places, Kropivyansky 9 places, Poltava 15 places. And in total: 166 cities. "

The higher Orthodox clergy refused to take the oath; they did not arrive in Pereyaslav from Kiev. Part of the townspeople of Pereyaslav, Kiev and Chernobyl were forcibly sworn in by the Cossacks. Speeches against the oath took place in individual settlements of the Bratslav, Umansky, Poltava and Kropyvnyansky regiments. It is not known whether the Zaporozhye Sich swore allegiance.

Nevertheless, according to the data of the Russian embassy, ​​127,328 Cossacks, bourgeois and free military villagers took the oath, women and peasant mob were not sworn in.

In the painting of the Russian artist of the XIX century A.D. Kivshenko, better known for his painting "The Military Council in Fili", one can see the reaction of the Pereyaslavl bourgeoisie and the Cossacks to the just announced news of the upcoming reunification.

Where is the place for that mass delight, which is imitated on all the familiar canvas of M.I. Khmelko "Forever with Moscow, forever with the Russian people"?

Assignment for the seminar lesson number 7.

Prepare a report up to 8 minutes on one of the topics of the lecture plan with the following mandatory sections:

1. Relevance of the topic

2. Materials used and methods research:

- historical and genetic,

- historical-comparative (comparative),

- historical and typological,

- historical and systemic,

- method of diachronic analysis,

- the method of historical periodization,


3. Points of view on the problem in historiography

4. Results

5. Main conclusion

6. Annotation (in Russian and English)

7. Keywords(in Russian and English)

Similar information.

The essence. In a nutshell.

In the seventeenth century, in the city of Pereyaslavl, an agreement was signed on the annexation of Ukraine to Russia.


From the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries, Orthodox Ukraine and Belarus were part of the Catholic Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This gave rise to problems of a different nature: religious, social and national. However, at the same time, the individual culture of these peoples was developing, therefore it cannot be said that the period had an exclusively negative meaning.

In the sixteenth century, Lithuania and Poland united to form the Rzeczpospolita. The crises have only intensified. In the seventeenth century, the situation reached its climax.


The main participants in that conflict are rightfully considered the Zaporozhye Cossacks. And no wonder.

Officially, the Cossacks were in the service of the king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but in reality they rebelled as soon as they felt that they were being oppressed. This happened quite often, but only Bohdan Khmelnitsky was able to bring the struggle for freedom to absolutely new level... And he had every reason to do it: because of the Poles, Khmelnytsky lost his youngest son, his beloved woman and his estate. In court, no one listened to his just claims. After all these events, Khmelnitsky gathered the Cossacks, who were respected. Without hesitation, they proclaimed him their hetman, and a hundred thousand people followed Bohdan Khmelnitsky to the war. At first, the Cossacks won victory after victory, plunging the Poles and all of Europe into shock, but in the decisive battle, luck turned away from them. Khmelnytsky was forced to sign a peace treaty that was unfavorable for the Cossacks, which did not change anything in the established state of affairs in Ukraine.

Conclusion of a contract.

It became clear: in order to defeat the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a protectorate of a strong state is needed. The choice fell on Russia. So they decided primarily because of the unity of religion and culture. Khmelnitsky wrote personally to Alexei Mikhailovich, but the tsar hesitated. And for good reason. The issue was controversial. The loss of Smolensk was fresh in the memory of the Russians, and the annexation of Ukraine would inevitably entail another war with the Commonwealth. However, at a meeting of the Zemsky Sobor, the highest estate-representative institution of the Russian state, the issue was decided in favor of unification.

On December 31, 1653, the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich sent an embassy headed by Buturlin to negotiate in Pereyaslavl, where the hetman himself arrived a day later, along with the Cossacks. They chose between the Turkish king, the Crimean khan, the Polish king and the Russian king. Initially, there was no unanimity among the Cossacks, but after Bohdan Khmelnitsky made his famous speech, they made a decision.

Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

Three hundred people, including Bogdan Khmelnitsky, took the oath to Alexei Mikhailovich.

The Cossacks began to draw up an agreement. It included eleven provisions. The essence of the requirements was as follows:

1) Russian state must protect Ukraine from the Tatars and the Commonwealth.

2) The Cossacks will be increased to forty thousand people.

3) The privileges of the Zaporozhye army remained with him.

4) Ukrainian priests from now on enjoyed royal privileges.

5) Ukrainian taxes went to Moscow.


In March 1654 this list was sent to Moscow. Its storage and delivery was entrusted to Pavel Teter and Samoil Bogdanovich. Both were judges of the Zaporozhye army.

The Russians revised the treaty, and modified the provisions. New list long years called "Ides of March".


Following the conclusion of treaties and the introduction of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine, the Russian-Polish war followed. It drained the forces of both states. Finally, on January 30, 1667, the Andrusov armistice was concluded for thirteen and a half years. Russia received Smolensk and Ukrainian lands by left side Dnieper. Also, Kiev passed into the possession of Alexei Mikhailovich, but only for two years. Zaporozhye was jointly ruled by Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. However, the collapse of the latter was already close, largely due to the actions of the Zaporozhye Cossacks led by Bohdan Khmelnitsky.

Pereyaslavl Rada and "Articles of March" 1654

An embassy headed by V. Buturlin was sent to Ukraine, which was supposed to announce to the hetman the decision of the Zemsky Sobor and bring the Cossacks to the oath. They brought with them royal gifts to the hetman - a banner, a mace, a ferryaz and a hat. Bogdan was on the border, trying to settle relations with the Tatars and Poles. When all negotiations ended in failure, he informed the Russian ambassadors that he would meet with them in Pereyaslavl. This city, near the Russian border, was not chosen by chance. In an extreme case (with the offensive of the Poles and Tatars), the Cossacks could go abroad under the protection of the tsar.

On the morning of January 17, 1654 (n. S.), A secret council of elders took place in Pereyaslavl, who decided to accept the tsar's protectorate. Then this was announced in the presence of the Cossacks, although due to the haste and the military situation in Pereyaslavl there were no representatives of all regiments to hold the general council. The next day, Khmelnitsky, accompanied by the elders and Russian governors, went to the cathedral church of Pereyaslavl to take the oath there. But there was a conflict. Bogdan demanded that the voivode swear an oath on behalf of the tsar that the great sovereign would not hand over the Zaporozhye Army to the Polish king and would preserve all the liberties of the gentry and the Cossack. Buturlin said that this "nicolas never happened and will not happen in the future," so that someone would swear an oath on behalf of the tsar. It was in vain that the hetman referred to the experience of such oaths on behalf of the Polish king. Buturlin offered to state their requests in writing and send them to the king.

This conflict clearly reflected the mental differences that the foreman, who grew up on the traditions of the Commonwealth, and the Russian boyars, had. The Cossack elite's interpretation of the "articles" with the Moscow tsar as treaties was completely natural. Both Bohdan Khmelnitsky and his successors relied on the tradition of treaties with the Rospolita. It was fundamental difference in the traditions (in the Commonwealth, the king was equal to his subjects (gentry), since he was elected by them - in contrast to the Russian autocrat.

As a result, the oath was first taken, and only after that the embassy was sent to Moscow. There, in response to the submitted "articles", Alexei Mikhailovich approved a document called "March Articles" or "Articles of Bohdan Khmelnitsky."

Nine articles included provisions on “sergeants”, elected in cities, and tax collection (“give all sorts of income to the treasury of the tsar's majesty”); payment of salaries to the foreman and the Cossacks; allocation to the foremen of the mills; the content of the "outfit"; the prohibition of the hetman to have relations with the Polish king and the Turkish sultan, as well as the need to report in writing about all other foreign ambassadors; about sending Russian troops against the Polish king; about the constant presence of Russian military men at the border for protection from the Poles. Most of the articles were written very vaguely, leaving a lot of scope for their interpretation.

When negotiating in Pereyaslavl, each of the parties pursued different goals and in many respects looked at the treaty differently, based on their traditions and mentality. For Khmelnitsky, this was a reasonable way out of a critical military situation. His further plans included strengthening the Ukrainian hetmanate and expanding its borders. Before him and his entourage apparently stood the same example of free vassalage of the Danubian principalities. For Alexei Mikhailovich, the most important thing was the return of the Smolensk region, the spread of his influence over Belarus. Nikon considered far-reaching plans for the liberation and unification of the entire Orthodox world. Such different approaches and assessments could not fail to generate conflict situations in the future.

Of course, the hetman and the foreman recognized the tsar's vassalage. For example, they asked him for confirmation of their land ownership. All residents were sworn in to the king. But in reality, during this period, the dependence of the hetmanship was determined by only two formal signs - the payment of taxes to the tsarist treasury and the need to report on the arrival of foreign embassies. In fact, even these provisions have never been implemented. Khmelnytsky very tentatively looked at his obligations, approximately as before at the agreements with the Polish king. Practical value had only a military alliance between Ukraine and Russia. It was a compromise that could only be tolerated during the war.

Likewise, it is wrong to believe that the articles (at least from the point of view of the foreman) did not leave room for a "legal exit." Paradoxically, the tsar himself created a precedent. In the decision of the Zemsky Sobor in 1653 in order to justify B. Khmelnitsky and all the inhabitants of Ukraine in violation of the oath to Jan Casimir (they took it back in 1648), it was said that Jan Kazimir, ascending the throne, swore an oath to defend the Christian faith. Not a very compelling reason from a legal point of view, but in any case, the fact of violation of the agreement by one side was recognized by Moscow as the basis for the release of the other side from kissing the cross. Why be surprised that in the future the execution or violation of treaty articles by the tsar was considered by the Ukrainian Cossack elite as an unconditional reason to release them from the oath - just like in the case of the Polish king.

The position of the Ukrainian clergy became a conflict moment from the first days of the annexation. In Moscow, it was believed that after accepting the "high hand of the tsar" the next step would be the subordination of the Kiev metropolis to the Moscow patriarch. But this caused a sharp protest from the Kiev Metropolitan S. Kosov. The author of a brilliant study of the relationship between the Ukrainian and Russian clergy, K. Kharlampovich, believed that the main factors in this position of the Kiev Metropolitan were the idea of ​​Russian Orthodoxy as poorly educated, the fear of tight control by the Moscow Patriarch and not a desire to quarrel with the Patriarch of Constantinople, who for many decades provided serious support in difficult for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church time.

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1 Historical background
2 Decision of the Zemsky Sobor
3 Preparation of the Pereyaslavl Rada
4 General military council in Pereyaslav
5 Consequences of the Pereyaslavl Rada

Pereyaslavskaya Rada


Ancient history of Ukraine

Pereyaslavskaya Rada - a meeting of representatives of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, headed by Bogdan Khmelnitsky, held in January 1654 in Pereyaslav.

1. Historical background

The Russian Orthodox population living in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was subjected to national and religious oppression by the Catholic Poles. The protest against oppression resulted in recurrent uprisings. In these conditions, Russia looked like a natural ally of the rebels. For the first time, the hetman of the registered Cossacks Krishtof Kosinski, who led the uprising against the Polish gentry in 1591-1593, turned to Russia for help. Later, after the refusal of Sigismund III to satisfy the demand for an increase in the register, the embassy of Hetman Peter Sagaidachny, headed by Peter Odinets, asked to accept the Zaporozhian Army into Russian citizenship.

In 1622, Bishop Isaiah Kopinsky proposed to the Russian government to accept the Orthodox population of Ukraine into Russian citizenship.
In 1624, Metropolitan Job Boretsky asked for the same.

In 1648, a major uprising broke out under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. The rebels consisted mainly of the Cossacks, as well as of the bourgeoisie and peasants. A number of victories won over the Polish army allowed them to conclude the Zboriv peace treaty with Warsaw, which provided the Cossacks with autonomy.

Soon, however, the war resumed, this time unsuccessfully for the rebels, who suffered a heavy defeat at Berestechko in June 1651. In 1653, Khmelnitsky, seeing the impossibility of winning the uprising, turned to Russia with a request to accept the Zaporozhye Cossacks into its composition.

In the fall of 1653, the Zemsky Sobor, held in Moscow, made a decision to accept the Russian Tsar of the Zaporozhye Cossack Host as citizenship, and on October 23 (November 2), 1653, the Russian government declared war on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

2. Decision of the Zemsky Sobor

Decision of the Zemsky Sobor in 1653

<…>And about the hetman about Bohdan Khmelnitsky and about the entire Army of the Zaporozhye boyars and the Duma people were sentenced that the great sovereign tsar and Grand Duke Alexey Mikhailovich of All Russia deigned that Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky and all the Zaporozhye Army with their cities and lands to take under their sovereign high hand for the Orthodox Christian faith and saints churches of God, because the gentlemen are glad and the whole Rzeczpospolita to the Orthodox Christian faith and to the holy churches of God rebelled and want to eradicate them, and so that they, hetman Bohdan Khmelnitskaya and all the Zaporizhzhya Army, sent to the Great Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich weight Beat Russia with a brow of many, so that he, the great sovereign, would uproot the Orthodox Christian faiths and destroy the holy churches of God by persecuting them and persecuting them and having mercy on them, ordered them to be accepted under his sovereign high hand. But if the sovereign would not grant them, he would not be willing to accept them under his sovereign's high hand, and the great sovereign for the Orthodox Christian faith and the holy churches of God would intercede in them, ordered them to reconcile through his great ambassadors, so that the world would be reliable for them.

And according to the sovereign's decree, and according to their petition, the sovereign's great ambassadors, in reply, said that the king and the gentlemen would be glad to reassure the civil strife, and they would reconcile with the Cherkasy, and the Orthodox Christian faith was not persecuted, and the churches of God were not taken away, and they should not be forced into bondage. in which they did not repair, but would teach the world according to the Zborov agreement.

And the great sovereign, his royal majesty, for the Orthodox Christian faith, Jan Kazimierz, the king, will commit such an act: to those people who in his sovereign name in registrations showed up, he orders them to give them their guilt. And Jan Kazimier the king and the gentlemen are happy and they put that matter in nothing and in the world they refused from the Cherkasy. And that is why the one who brought them to accept them: in the oath of Jan Kazimier the king says that he is in the Christian faith to be osteretat and defend, and by no means for the faith he himself should not press, and will not allow anyone to do so. But he will not keep his oath, and he makes his subjects free from all loyalty and obedience.

And he, Jan Kazimier, did not take his oath of allegiance, and he rose to the Orthodox Christian faith of Greek law, and ruined many churches of God, and perpetrated unions. And so as not to release them into citizenship of the Saltan of Tours or the Crimean Khan, because they have now become the free people of the royal oath.

And for that, they sentenced Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky and the entire Zaporozhye Army with cities and lands to take over ...

Russian legislation of the X-XX centuries: in 9 volumes.
T.3. Acts Zemsky Cathedrals... M., Legal Literature, 1985.

3. Preparation of the Pereyaslavl Rada

To conduct the negotiation process between the Russian state and the insurgent Cossacks, a large embassy headed by the boyar V. Buturlin left Moscow on October 9 (19), 1653 from Moscow. The Moscow embassy also included okolnichi I. Alferyev, clerk L. Lopukhin and representatives of the clergy.

Pereyaslav was chosen as the venue for the General Military Council, where the embassy arrived on December 31, 1653 (January 10, 1654). B. Khmelnitsky together with the general foreman arrived on January 6 (16), 1654.

4. General military council in Pereyaslav

On January 8 (18), 1654 in Pereyaslav, the elders' council of the Zaporozhye Cossacks took place, and over time - the general military council. It was attended by representatives of Kiev, Chernigov, Bratslav and 5 other Cossack regiments and residents of Pereyaslav. There were no representatives from the bourgeoisie (except for Pereyaslav) and the clergy.

And at the second hour of the same day, “a great multitude of various ranks of people gathered, they made a lengthy circle about the hetman and about the colonels, and then the hetman himself went out under the bunchuk, and with him the judges and jasauls, the clerk and all the colonels. And the hetman stood in the middle of the circle, and the military commander ordered everyone to be silent. " Then, as everyone fell silent. The hetman began to speak to all the people:

Pans colonels, esauls, centurions and all the Zaporozhye Army and all Orthodox Christians! You all know how God freed us from the hands of enemies who persecute the Church of God and embitter the entire Christianity of our Eastern Orthodoxy. That for six years we have been living without a sovereign in our land in ceaseless battles and bloodsheds for our persecutors and enemies, who want to uproot the Church of God, so that the Russian name is not remembered in our land. That has already bothered us all, and we see that we cannot live without a king. For this, now they have gathered the Rada, which is obvious to all the people, so that it is natural for themselves with us to form the sovereign of the four whom you want. The first king is the Turks, who many times, through his ambassadors, called us under his province; the second is the Crimean Khan; the third - the king of Poland, who, if they themselves want it, can now accept us in their former affection; the fourth is the Orthodox Tsar of Great Russia, Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, the autocrat of the East, whom we have been asking ourselves for six years incessantly. Here whom you want to elect! The Tsar of Tur is a Busurman: you all know how our brethren, Orthodox Christians, the Greeks endure trouble and what is the essence of godless oppression. The Crimean Khan is also a Basurman, whom we accepted as a friendship and need, what unbearable troubles I accepted. What captivity, what merciless shedding of Christian blood from the Polish lords of oppression - no one needs to tell you, better than a Jew and a dog, than a Christian, our brother, they revered. And the Orthodox Christian great Tsar of the East is with us of the one piety of Greek law, one confession, one is the body of the Church with the Orthodoxy of Great Russia, the head of the property of Jesus Christ. That great sovereign, the king of Christians, who took pity on the intolerable bitterness of the Orthodox Church in our Little Russia, did not despise our six years of ceaseless prayers, now bowing his merciful royal heart to us, he deigned to send his great neighbors to us with royal mercy, whom you have deigned to eat. let us love with zeal, except for the royal high hand, which we will not find a graceful refuge. And there will be someone who does not agree with us now, where he wants - a wave road.

Reunification of Ukraine with Russia. Documents and materials in three volumes. T. 3, M., 1954.S. 373.

To these words, the whole people cried out: "We will let him under the king of the East, Orthodox, die with a strong hand in our pious faith, rather than get enough for the hater of Christ, the trash!" Then the colonel of the Pereyaslavskaya Teterya, walking in a circle, asked us on all sides: "Do you deign to do all this?" Advertised to all the people: "All are unanimous." Then the hetman said: “Wake up the tacos! Yes, the Lord our God will strengthen under his strong royal hand! " And the people according to him, all unanimously, cried out: “God, confirm! God strengthen! So that the Esma are all one forever! "

After the hetman had read the tsar's letter, the foreman and the ambassadors went to the Assumption Cathedral, where the clergy were to swear them in. B. Khmelnitsky expressed the wish that the ambassadors would be the first to take the oath on behalf of the tsar. However, V. Buturlin refused to swear allegiance on behalf of the tsar, stating that the tsar did not swear allegiance to his subjects.

Then the Cossacks took the oath. In total, 284 people took the oath of office on the day of the Pereyaslavl Rada. On behalf of the tsar, the hetman was presented with a diploma and signs of hetman power: a banner, a mace and a hat.

After the departure of Buturlin, the Cossack foreman and the hetman set about working out the conditions on which they would like to become citizens of Moscow Rus. In the form of a petition ("petition"), the tsar wrote a list of 11 points (March article), which was brought to Moscow in March 1654 by Pavel Teterya and military judge Samoilo Bogdanovich with his comrades. In Moscow, the ambassadors announced additional items. As a result, the treaty was considered, which includes 23 articles.

In the history of every nation there is a certain fateful time that determines its further path of existence for many years to come.

For Ukraine, without any doubt, such a turning point was the Pereyaslavl Rada, which became a great event that saved the Ukrainian people from spiritual, economic and national enslavement.

In the 16-17 centuries, Ukrainian lands were in the possession of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They were fully owned by which brutally exploited the indigenous population, calling them slaves.

Economic slavery was closely intertwined with spiritual slavery: in those years, Orthodoxy was underground, since Poland's plans included the Catholicization of all of Ukraine.

Not wanting to endure such a situation any longer, the Pereyaslav Rada was convened by Hetman Khmelnytsky in 1654, which became the final stage of the liberation movement of the Ukrainians.

The hetman made a speech in which he once again recalled the many victims suffered by his people during the liberation wars. He stressed that the only way for Ukrainians to consolidate their gains would be the recognition of Russia.

Khmelnytsky's proposal was met with approval, the elders, Cossacks and burghers took the oath of the Pereyaslavl Rada in 1654, which practically reunited the Ukrainian and Russian people, was of great importance in the further development of both states, which jointly repelled foreign attacks.

What did each side get from this alliance?

The Pereyaslavl treaty provided the Ukrainian peasants with freedom and deliverance from the national and religious oppression of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Ukrainian elders and the gentry dreamed of strengthening their privileges with the help of the Russian throne, becoming the ruling class in Ukraine. And they could get all this only after the adoption of political autonomy within Russia.

The tsarist government recognized the election of the Ukrainian hetman, but with its subsequent approval. All states, except for Turkey and the Commonwealth, could have diplomatic relations with Ukraine.

The Pereyaslavl Rada retained the entire administrative and military apparatus formed during the anti-Polish war, as well as its election. The judicial system had to work according to local traditions and customs.

At the same time, the tsarist government was supposed to control the collection of taxes, some of which were to go to its treasury.

The adoption of such a decision was greatly facilitated not only by the commonality of religion, but also by the existence of political, cultural and economic ties, the age-old closeness of peoples and languages.

However, the Pereyaslav agreement is only very general outline determined the relationship between Russia and Ukraine. Many of its provisions were interpreted by the parties in their own way, unevenly, which created in the future internal strife and conflicts with the Russian tsarist autocracy.

The adoption of this agreement led to a war that broke out between Russia and Poland, and lasted for three years.