As written by indirect speech. Indirect speech is

In the process of communication, it often becomes necessary to convey someone else's speech (the speech of another person and his own speech, but uttered earlier). Moreover, in some cases it is important to convey not only the content, but also the very form of someone else's speech (its exact lexical and phraseological composition, grammatical organization), and in others - only the content. Thus, the reproduction of someone else's speech can be both mandatory and necessary.

In accordance with these tasks, the language has developed special ways of transmitting someone else's speech: 1) forms of direct transmission (direct speech); 2) forms of indirect transfer ( indirect speech). Each type has its own both structural and semantic norms of design.

Sentences with direct speech represent a non-union (intonational and semantic) combination of parts, in one of which - the author's words - the very fact of someone else's speech is established and its source is called, and in the other - direct speech - someone else's speech itself is reproduced. For example: Once in Vilya one of my client's friends told me after a debate: “Whatever they think of you, everyone who listens to you involuntarily feels: this person is telling the truth” (S. Andreevsky).

Syntactic norms in the field of direct speech require correctness in its design, which is directly related to the communicative orientation of the statement itself. Direct speech should not be confused with indirect speech, which does not accurately reproduce someone else's speech, but only conveys its content.

Indirect speech is a complex sentence with an explanatory clause: The caretaker ... announced that the horses sent from Kistenevka had been waiting for him for the fourth day (A. Pushkin). Thus, statements that in direct speech are independent parts in indirect speech are converted into difficult sentence, where the arrangement of parts (main and subordinate clauses) is more constant: the part that conveys the content of someone else's speech is most often in postposition.

It should be noted that offers with by various means communications are intended for the transmission of types of foreign speech, diverse in their modality. This is due to the syntactic norms that determine the unity of the form of expression with its semantic orientation. So, proposals with the union what convey the content of the narrative forms of indirect speech with persuasion or denial, sentences with unions as if, as if - the content of narrative sentences with a tinge of uncertainty, presumptiveness: Someone told him that the general had long been dead (Yu. German).

Sentences with different union words convey the content of interrogative sentences of someone else's speech (indirect question): Ivan Ilyich asked her where the headquarters was (A. Tolstoy).

If direct speech is represented by an interrogative sentence, then in indirect speech the statement of the question is replaced by a message about the question. In this case, particles are used in the union function whether or what : I asked quite inappropriately if he had come to our side on business (A. Pushkin).

When formalizing someone else's speech in the form of an indirect there are some lexico-phraseological and morphological changes in the composition of the utterance. For example, personal and possessive pronouns, as well as forms of personal verbs, are used from the point of view of the author, not the person of the speaker: He told me: “I will help you write a report” - He told me that he will help write a report.

These norms are violated when personal forms of direct speech are transferred into indirect speech without changing. A similar mixture of two forms of transmission of someone else's speech is characteristic of conversational style... Such a speech is called half-direct: The innkeeper said that he would not give you food until you pay for the former. The syntactic norms of book speech exclude such use, since there is often a darkening of the information fabric of the content: Dolokhov asked who would go with me to reconnaissance (it is not clear who should go to reconnaissance with whom).

Direct speech is marked with quotation marks. If the words of the author stand before direct speech, then a colon is placed after them, and the first word of direct speech is written with a capital letter:

1) Valya, warmly hugging her mother by the shoulders, calmed her down, escorting her to the door: "Don't worry, Mom."

2) He [Seryozha] rushed onto the highway and shouted with all his might: "Long live comrades!"

3) The young machine gunner approached Seryozha and asked in surprise: “ Where are you from, comrade

If direct speech comes before the words of the author, then a comma and a dash are placed after it; if a direct speech contains a question or an exclamation, then a question or exclamation mark and a dash are put after it. The author's words in all cases begin with a lowercase letter:

1) "I AM i will not give you up to anyone ", -tonya promised solemnly.

2) "Who was that?" - Pavka asked Klimka in bewilderment.

3) "In the gun, lads / Gang!" - Pavel shouted.

Note. There are cases (rather rare) when direct speech breaks the words of the author. Then a colon is placed before direct speech, and after it is a comma (question or exclamation mark) and a dash, for example:

1) He said: « I am not feeling well today ”,- and fell silent.

2) And only when he whispered: Mom! Mom / "- it seemed like it was getting easier for him.

3) To my question: « Is the old caretaker alive?» - nobody could give me a satisfactory answer.

a) If at the place of the break in direct speech there should have been no sign or there should have been a comma, semicolon, colon or dash, then the author's words on both sides are separated by commas and dashes. The author's words and the first word of the second part of direct speech are written with a small letter. Examples: 1) “I your resident,- she said,- i'm on duty today». (Without the words of the author it would be: “I your resident, I'm on duty today ”).2)"For us,- nina said emphatically, - he[Oleg] now there will always be Kashuk "... (Without the words of the author it would be: “For us, he will now always be Kashuk ».)

b) If there should have been a full stop at the place of the break in direct speech, then after the direct speech, a comma and a dash are placed in front of the author's words, and after the author's words, a full stop and a dash. The second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter: “Our presence on the ground at such a tense moment is necessary,- finished Bartashev.- I AM i'm leaving tomorrow. " (Without the words of the author it would be: “ Our presence on the ground at such a tense moment is essential. I am leaving tomorrow ")

c) If there should have been a question or exclamation mark at the place of the break in direct speech, then this sign and a dash should be placed in front of the author's words, and a full stop and a dash after the author's words. The second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter: 1) « Why six? - paul asked.- After all, they change at seven. " (Without the words of the author it would be: “ Why six? After all, they change at seven ")2) "Well, good, good / - valya laughed.- I will not tell anyone". (Without the words of the author it would be: "Well, okay, okay / I won't tell anyone")

When transmitting a dialogue, each replica usually (especially in print) begins on a new line, a dash is placed in front of the replica, and quotes are not used, for example:

- And you, Maxim Maksimych, aren't you going?

- No with.

- Why?

- Yes, I have not yet seen the commandant ...

Note. The dialogue can be formatted in another way: the replicas are written in a selection, each of them is taken in quotes and separated from another dash, for example: Sometimes you ask her: "ABOUT what did you sigh, Bela? Are you sad? " - "Not!"-" You want something? " - "Not/» - « Do you miss your family? " - "U i have no relatives».

When replacing direct speech with indirect, personal and possessive pronouns (as well as personal forms of verbs) are transmitted on behalf of the author, and not the person whose speech is transmitted. For example: “What's your name? The landowner asked. (Direct speech), but: The landowner asked what his name was. (Indirect speech).

If direct speech is expressed by a declarative sentence, then when replacing an indirect one, it is conveyed by an explanatory subordinate clause with the union what: Direct speech: Paul, leaving home, said to his mother: “On Saturday I will have guests from the city”; tolearned speech: As Paul left home, he told his mother that on Saturday he would have guests from the city.

If direct speech denotes an urge, command, request and the predicate in it is expressed by a verb in the imperative mood, then when replacing indirect it is conveyed by a relative clause with a union to: "Let go of him (the man)," I whispered in Biryuk's ear... (direct speech); I whispered in Biryuk's ear to let him go.(Indirect speech).

Direct speech, in which the predicate is expressed by the imperative mood, can be transmitted and a simple sentence with addition to indefinite form: Biryuk told the girl to shine a light on the master (Indirect speech); “Shine a light on the master,” Biryuk said to the girl. (Direct speech).

If direct speech is an interrogative sentence, then when replacing an indirect one, it is transmitted by an indirect question (with a particle whether or without it by means of union words which, which, what and etc.). With an indirect question question mark not put: "Have you heard from your son?" - I asked her at last... (Compare: I asked her at last if she had news from her son.).

Indirect speech is less expressive, less emotional than direct speech. Appeals, interjections, particles available in direct speech are omitted when replacing it with indirect speech. Their meanings can sometimes only be conveyed in other words, more or less close to them in meaning. In this case, an approximate retelling of direct speech is obtained.


1. Barkhudarova S.G. Spelling dictionary of the Russian language. -M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1971;

2. Berezina S.N. Russian language in diagrams and tables. -M .: Eksmo, 2006;

3. Belchikov Yu.A. Lexical stylistics: problems of study and teaching. - M., 1988;

4. Vvedenskaya LA, Pavlova LG, Culture and the art of speech. Rostov-on-Don 1999 ;

5. Vinogradov V.V. Problems lit. languages \u200b\u200band patterns of their formation and development. - M., 1967;

6. Gaikhman O. Ya. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook. -M., 2003;

7. Goloshchapova T.G. Russian language and culture of speech: Study guide... - M .: TsOKR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007;

8. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook. -M .: Logos, 2002;

9. Gorshkov A.I. Russian stylistics. - M., 2001. - M., 2000;

10. Kostomarov V.G. On the differentiation of the terms "oral" and "spoken", "written" and "book" // Problems of modern. philology. - M., 1965;

11. Petrishcheva E.F. Style and stylistic means // Stylistic studies (based on modern Russian language). - M., 1972;

12. Chemko L.A. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. -M., 1986;

13. Shmelev D.N. Rus. language in its func. varieties. - M., 1977;

14. Shcherba L.V. Fav. work in Russian. language. - M., 1957.

Indirect speech

- this is someone else's speech, reproduced not on behalf of the speaker and introduced by the author of the narration in the form of an explanatory subordinate part of a complex sentence. For example: So he, without any hesitation, explains to Bunin that he does not consider him a poet and that Gumilyov and all the Apollo people were indignant when such a highly qualified printing house as Golike printed his Listopad. (I. Odoevtseva).

In K. p. personal forms of verbs and pronouns are used on behalf of the narrator. The syntactic center that organizes the entire construction with K. p. Is the author's introductory words - this is the main part of a complex sentence.

Especially often K. p. used in newspaper genres. As a rule, these are clichéd constructions with a set of introductory words: said that…; report that ...; conveyed that ...; write that ... ... For example: Yesterday the leader of this party said that it was decided to nominate a candidate for the election (From newspapers).

In such sentences-constructions, there are no elements of expressiveness inherent in direct speech: addresses, interjections, some particles, the imperative form of the verb, vernacular, dialect, slang words, etc. Therefore, in a number of cases, direct speech cannot be transformed into indirect speech without substantially changing its content. For example: Although the postmaster was very eloquent, but he, taking the cards in his hands, immediately expressed a thinking physiognomy on his face .... Leaving the figure, he hit the table firmly with his hand, saying, if there was a lady: "Come on, old asshole!"if the king: "Come on, Tambov man!" And the chairman said: "And I have his mustache! And I have her mustache!" Sometimes, when the cards hit the table, the expressions burst out: "Ah! Was not, there is nothing, so with a tambourine!" Or just exclamations: "worms! wormhole! pickency!" or: "pikendras! pichurushuh! pichura!" and even just: "pichuk" - the names with which they crossed the suits in their society " (N. Gogol).

K. p. very convenient for brief retelling extensive statements. At the same time, it can be extremely generalized, but it can also include fragments of a verbatim statement.

The linguistic meaning of K. r., According to M. Bakhtin, is "in the analytical transmission of someone else's speech. Simultaneous with the transmission and inseparable from it analysis of someone else's utterance is a mandatory sign of any modification of indirect speech. Only the degrees and directions of analysis can be different."

M. Bakhtin distinguishes two main modifications of K. p. - subject-analytical and verbal-analytical. In the first case, someone else's utterance is perceived "as a certain semantic position of the speaker, and in this case, with the help of an indirect construction, his exact subject composition is analytically conveyed (what the speaker said). ... This is achieved only at the cost of a certain depersonalization of the transmitted speech." Subject-analytical modification of indirect speech, from the point of view of M. Bakhtin, is poorly developed in Russian. language. But another is widespread - verbal-analytical, in which someone else's utterance is transmitted "as an expression that characterizes not only the subject of speech (or even not so much the subject of speech), but also the speaker himself: his speech manner, ... his state of mind, expressed not in the content, but in the forms of speech (for example, discontinuity, word placement, expressive intonation, etc.), his ability or inability to express himself well, etc. "

With the help of K. p. it is possible to convey someone else's speech only with one degree or another of accuracy, which can give the listener (reading) the impression of a free or involuntary interpretation of the statement.

Lit.: Kodukhov V.I. Direct and indirect speech. - L., 1957; Milykh M.K. Constructions with indirect speech in modern Russian. - Rostov n / a., 1975; Trufanova I.V. Methods of transferring someone else's speech in Russian. - Yelets, 1994; Bakhtin M.M. Indirect speech, direct speech and their modifications // Freudism. Formal method in literary criticism. - M., 2000.

HE. Emelyanova

Stylistic encyclopedic Dictionary Russian language. - M :. Flinta, Science. Edited by M.N. Kozhina. 2003 .

See what "Indirect speech" is in other dictionaries:

    Indirect speech - the speech of a person transmitted by the speaker (or writer) in a sentence subordinate to his own phrase that introduces this speech. When transmitting indirect speech, the utterance is transformed according to certain rules that differ from language to language ... Wikipedia

    INDIRECT SPEECH - one of the forms of transmission of someone else's speech, syntactically organized in the form of a complex sentence, for example: He said that he would come tomorrow. Wed Direct speech … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Indirect speech - INDIRECT SPEECH. The transmission of the speech of another person, put in formal dependence on the speech of the person transmitting it, as opposed to direct speech transmitted verbatim, regardless of the speech of the person serving as the transmitter. Examples: direct speech: ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    INDIRECT SPEECH - (English indirect speech). Foreign speech transmitted in a narrative complex sentence. For example: “She says not to be expected” ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    INDIRECT SPEECH - (English indirect speech) a form of retelling the objective content of someone else's speech; expressed as a complex sentence. Examples: “She says not to be expected”; "He asked me to say that everything is going fine." Requires a special intellectual ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    indirect speech - a syntactic way of introducing someone else's speech into the text. Constructions with indirect speech are complex sentences, where the words of the author are the main thing, and someone else's speech is a subordinate clause. In this case, the rules for coordinating the person and the time are important ... ... Literary encyclopedia - the speech of a person transmitted by the speaker (or writer) in a sentence subordinate to his own phrase that introduces this speech. When transferring K. p. the utterance is transformed according to certain rules. For example, K. p. 3rd person is transferred ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Indirect speech - one of the ways of transmitting someone else's speech, in which its content is formalized as a subordinate clause in the verb of speech or thought; Wed: He said that he wanted to see her, He thought that he would not return. Unlike straight. speech admitting letters. repetition ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Direct speech is a speech that is conducted by the speaker, on behalf of the person to whom it was said, for example: The designer said: "I am called tomorrow to the chief engineer."
In direct speech, there are usually the words of the author indicating who it belongs to (words of the author Constructor said).
With direct speech in writing, put following signs punctuation:
a) direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks;
b) if direct speech is after the words of the author, then a colon is placed in front of it and the first word of direct speech is written with a capital letter (Chelkash asked: "Now where are you? y\u003e) \\
c) if direct speech is before the words of the author, then a comma and a dash are placed after it (“Hello, Semyon *,” Chelkash said calmly).
When a direct speech contains a question or is pronounced with an exclamation, then a question mark or an exclamation mark and a dash are placed after it (“Who is shouting? - a stern shout was heard from the sea.“ Let's go! ”- Gavrila said.) -,
d) if direct speech is broken by the words of the author, then the words of the author are highlighted on both sides by commas and dashes
("No," said the boy, "I can't go now");
e) if there should be a dot at the place of the break in direct speech, then a comma and a dash should be placed in front of the author's words, as in case d) ("Bring money in the morning," Chelkash said shortly, "and now I'm going to bed") -,
f) if there should be a question mark and an exclamation mark at the place of a break in direct speech, then this sign is put in front of the author's words with a n dash and after the author's words a full stop and a dash ("What are the things?" Chelkash asked severely.
Ksvenny speech is someone else's speech, conveyed not literally, but only by content. For example: The designer said that he was called tomorrow to the chief engineer.
When direct speech is replaced by indirect, one should pay attention to the use of personal and possessive pronouns, since they are transmitted in indirect speech from the point of view of the narrator, and not the author.
When speaking indirectly, quotes are not put, it is separated by commas, like a subordinate clause.
When direct speech, which is an interrogative sentence, is replaced, interrogative pronouns and adverbs in indirect speech turn into union words. For example; "Where will we stop?" - the tourists asked the chief of the campaign. When replacing, there will be: Tourists asked the head of the hike where they would stop.
A question conveyed in indirect speech is called an indirect question. There is no question mark after it.
If there is a question in direct speech and there are no interrogative pronouns or adverbs, then when replacing this questioning sentence with an indirect question, the union is used: “Will you go on a business trip?” I asked a friend (direct question). When replacing it will be: I asked a friend if he would go on a business trip.
When replacing direct speech with indirect, when direct speech is a declarative sentence, it is replaced by an explanatory subordinate clause with the conjunction chton, for example:
Direct speech. Zhukhrai said to Pavel: "I will tell you about the real road."
Indirect speech. Zhukhrai told Pavel that he would tell him about the real road.


  1. 2.3. Direct - indirect, causal - symptomatic, heterogeneous - autogenous, individual - group, directive - non-directive psychotherapy
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