How to quickly make a real magic wand with magic that grants wishes? How to make a magic wand: the secrets of real magicians

Magic wand- a very important tool for a young magician or a small

Sorceresses. She enhances your magical abilities, directs the flow of energy, helps to create and transmit magic.

What to make a magic wand from?

At all times it was believed that best material for the manufacture of a magic wand - this is a tree. After all, a tree is a living organism associated with all the elements of the world: earth, sun, water and air. The trees soak sunlight leaves, roots drink water and feed on the energy of the earth, and the branches of trees receive a charge from gusts of wind. The tree is able to transfer all this energy to a magic wand.

How to choose a tree for a magic wand?

To do magic wand, any tree can do. Most importantly, remember that

The one that you often see and walk under it every day or often play next to it is best. But it should not stand by the road or on noisy streets. It is better to choose one that grows in the distance, in a quiet place.

How to find a branch for a magic wand?

A magic wand is best made from a dry branch that has fallen from a tree. It will not be difficult to find such a branch in parks and squares where you often walk. Finding a suitable branch, hold it in your hands. Try to feel what energy emanates from it, and understand whether it is pleasant to you. It often happens that the desired branch seems to be calling its owner. You can go around a lot of trees, but you will definitely find yours!

And most importantly: never break branches from a tree! Remember that the tree is alive, and if you hurt it, it will never give you its magical power!

When you finally find that very branch, be sure to thank the tree for this gift - stand next to it, talk to it and stroke its trunk.

Now your future magic wand needs to be processed.

Ask your dad or older brother to help you with this! It is necessary to cut the knots, process the ends and polish the branch. Your magic wand should look beautiful!

Now let's move on to the most important: how to make a real magic wand that can work wonders?

The wand must be dedicated - charged with magical energy!

The initiation is carried out on the night of the full moon (you can ask your parents about when the next full moon is). Take your wand, put it on a piece of white cloth (a handkerchief will do), and take it to a place where the moonlight falls (you can by the window). Place the stick with one end pointing east and the other end pointing west. Stretch out your hands to her and repeat three times:

“Wand, wand, become my assistant! Give me the powers of fire, water, earth and air. I swear to do only good".

The wand must be left under the moon until morning, and removed before sunrise.

If everything is repeated correctly, then you can make a magic wand who can do everything!

How and where to store?

You need to store the magic wand in a special case or wrapped in dense fabric. You should not throw your tool anywhere - it is better if the wand is kept by a little witch under the bed.

It is impossible to get a wand unnecessarily! Remember that this is not a toy, but a powerful magic item that should only be used on special occasions.

It is worth knowing that conjuring with a magic wand will not work right away - the wand needs time to get used to the owner and understand his desires. So don't get discouraged if you don't succeed at first. Practice more and very soon you will become a real witch or fairy!

And remember: a magic wand should never be used to harm! The received forces of nature simply will not obey you if you wish to do evil to someone. Use your magic only for good, helping people and nature.

Any of those who dream of miracles dreams of one day acquiring a wand with the poetic and symbolic name Magic.

How to do

After carefully studying the numerous tips on how to make a Real Magic Wand, as well as how to control this item, we came to the conclusion that in fact there is only one advice - fantasy to help you!

In principle, making a magic wand at home is absolutely realistic. Its manufacture will not take much effort, finance and time. For example, you can make it from a regular pencil ( detailed instructions - ).

Or here is another option - to make a wand, you can use an elderberry or walnut branch, which people have endowed with magical qualities since ancient times. If, for some unknown reason, you didn’t have such branches at home, go after them to the nearest forest.

To the question of when to go, we will answer this way - when there will be a positive attitude, complete spiritual harmony, and a desire to merge with nature. If you believe in the phases of the moon, then do the ritual of making the waxing moon.

So, let's say all the conditions are met, and now you are standing in the forest in thought. Go around the elder tree four times, blow, spit and, hanging on the branch you like, break it off, crashing to the ground - an option, although bewitching, but threatening with bruises and splinters. It will be more effective and safer to simply cut the stick carefully.

Do not forget to say a couple of pleasant words to the tree - you need to thank mother nature, and then she will certainly respond to you with love.

At home, the cut stick must be sanded, dried, rubbed with incense and decorated. For decoration, use any materials at hand - colored paper, foil, multi-colored ribbons, rhinestones, stickers. Make the wand bright so that it becomes your vitamin, antidepressant, amulet.

Also, in response to the question of how to make a magic wand, real magicians usually give such recommendations: follow it to the swamp on a full moon, and the wand will find you. Here, the city dwellers decide for themselves whether they will set off in search of a swamp among the sleeping windows of the metropolis at night, or they will manage in more conservative ways.

Another version of the magic wand is associated with the magic of fire. Remember how magical and bewitching they look sparklers! This must be used in the work of positive and good magic. So, we make a wish, strike a match, set fire to a magic Bengal wand and write our wish in the air with it. For greater effect, it is better to do this in complete darkness. Suitable for fire magic and incense stick. The principle of action is the same: set fire and write.

And if you want to make the most real wand, similar to the one used by the wizard of all times and peoples Harry Potter, then be sure to watch this video: there is a detailed instruction.

So, we told you how to make a magic wand, but remember that truly magical properties it is endowed only by your sincere faith in miracles.

Where to store

Throwing a stick anywhere is fraught with the fact that at one fine moment you will return from work, and your missus innocently digs with it in his ear, scratches his left heel, plays fetch with Bonya, a Yoksherk terrier, or selflessly conducts to the beat of Ramstein's "Du hast mich ..."

And does not tolerate careless treatment. Let your wand know only your gentle hands.

Put it in the women's holy of holies - a drawer with cosmetics. Men are usually afraid to climb there, so as not to inadvertently twist their neck.

How to use

It is preferable to use a magical attribute at home. Don't go out of your way to portray a fairy somewhere in a public place. Because if you take out a wand, for example, in the queue to the local therapist and, waving it in front of the patients standing in front, yell: “You were not standing here! Chufir! ”, At best, you will receive in response something like: “Girl, and the psychiatrist takes on the second shift!” Well, at worst, you run the risk of getting hit on the head with the same stick, and forever losing faith in the power of magic.

Create your own home rituals. For example, before leaving the house, tap the soles of the shoes with a stick three times so as not to be late for an important meeting. Or recalculate the salary by touching each bill with a stick to avoid unreasonable spending in the coming month and increase income a myriad of times. Or learn the location of bioactive points and use a wand to do yourself a magical acupuncture massage that gives strength and energy ...

In general, there are a lot of options on how to use a wonderful wand, it all depends on your desires.

And may you not be able to stop the annoying rain on the street with one wave of the wand. But this wave, perhaps, will give the feeling that the sun is awakening inside you, and you can light it by cutting it out of colored cardboard and attaching it to the curtain.

A crystal ball, a book of spells, a charmed amulet and a magic wand are the main witchcraft props that any magician must have at his disposal. Young persons who believe that nature has endowed them with the gift of divination often ask practicing psychics the question: where can we buy a magic wand? Many novice sorcerers sincerely believe that in London, in Diagon Alley, such wands are sold on every corner, but in Russia there was a certain hitch with magical attributes, and therefore they cannot be found in stores. Naive boys and girls still do not understand that shops selling real magic wands do not really exist. Only the sorcerer himself can make an effective magical attribute, and the entire process of making such a powerful magical item takes exactly 90 days - that is how long it takes for a banal twig to gain strength and transform into an occult wand.

tree spirit

Before you get down to business, understand for yourself that a magic wand is not an automaton for fulfilling any whims and desires. A magical wand is something like a vessel, inside which a tree spirit favorable to you should settle, and it will not work to drive this forest essence there by force or lure it with cunning. The spirit can only be politely invited, and if he is naughty - try to persuade, which may take quite a long time.

How to find the right tree

Before you make a magic wand, determine what kind of tree is your intercessor and benefactor.

You can do this in one of three ways:

  • think about which trees you like more than others;
  • walk around the forest park, stand under the crowns of trees of different species, listen to your inner feelings and determine which plant you feel most comfortable near;
  • study your horoscope and find out which tree is considered the patron saint of people born under your zodiac sign.

Having decided on the breed of "your" tree, find a suitable specimen of this species and ask him for a branch. It is best to ask for it from a tree that “knows you well”, that is, it grows in your yard or a nearby public garden. The ideal time for such a ritual is the evening before the full moon.

The best option for further development of events will be the moment when the tree responds to the request and itself drops the branch at your feet. But if such a miracle does not happen, it does not matter. You just need to feel the wave of benevolence emanating from the crown of the plant.

Feeling such tacit consent, choose an escape suitable for your purposes (smooth, a cubit long and no more than index finger twig) and cut it off with one sharp, powerful blow of the knife.

Processing a twig and turning it into a magic wand

Bringing the branch home, tear off all the leaves from it and remove the bark. In order not to frighten the spirit of the tree, from now on you cannot touch the magic wand with iron, so you will have to clean and process the twig with nails, pumice and stone whetstone. Place a pristine twig slightly sticky from tree sap all night on a window sill illuminated by moonlight.

The next morning, sand a slightly dried twig with a piece of pumice stone.

Then, every evening, put the “semi-finished product” of the magic wand under your pillow. And when you wake up, first of all, polish it with a touchstone or the same pumice stone. In the process of grinding, mentally or aloud talk to the twig, tell her about your dreams and life problems.

As the twig dries, more and more bumps and bumps will appear on the twig, and you will clean and clean them every morning. This whole cycle will last until the wand becomes hard and smooth, like ivory.

When this finally happens, the magic wand can be rubbed beeswax and decorate - wrap its handle with a leather strap or scarlet cotton thread and attach a charmed talisman or a tassel of eagle feathers to it.

Having acquired your own magical attribute, take care of it like the apple of your eye, never give it to strangers and try to keep it with you all the time.

For masquerade and carnival

In the event that you are not going to really tell fortunes and you just need a beautiful “magic” wand for the carnival costume of a fairy or king of elves, it will be much easier and faster to make it.

To equip a little "sorceress" for a masquerade ball, there is no need to call the fairy godmother for help. A magic wand, so necessary for a carnival costume, can be built in a couple of hours from any improvised means - for example, from colored felt and a long pencil.

So, for work you will need:

  • glue gun;
  • felt for crafts in three harmonizing colors;
  • lurex ribbon;
  • a bag of silver sequins;
  • long pencil.

Operating procedure

  • Draw on cardboard three circles with a diameter of 7, 5 and 3 cm and enter five-pointed stars into them. Round the ends of the rays so that the stars look like curly gingerbread.
  • Cut out cardboard templates along the outlined outlines and, using them as patterns, make two stars of each size out of felt. In total, you should get two sets of blanks, each of which includes: one of the smallest, light color asterisk, one medium bright color and one large dark tone.
  • Using a glue gun, attach the stars one on top of the other in descending order.
  • In a spiral, wrap the pencil with lurex tape in tight turns, and fix the ends of the braid with drops of glue.
  • Lubricate the wrong side of one felt blank with glue, attach to it inner part the second blank and, until the glue has set, insert the sharpened tip of the pencil between the stars.
  • Decorate the star with sequins and hand the finished wand to the little "witch".

- an invariable attribute of the characters of legends and legends with magical powers. As a rule, this wonderful item replaces an extraordinary sword in the hands of a magician, fairy, sorcerer or sorceress. Of course, sometimes it happened that even a mere mortal took possession of the wand.

If you look at the magic wand from the point of view modern science, then we can say that it is simply an object that changes the probability. Thus, due to the use of magic, the probability of some desired events is brought to 1 - that is, an unlikely event in itself suddenly happens. You can make a wand from various materials, different size, with a different core. It is best to make it out of wood.

To start a magical action, the formulation of a desire was usually pronounced, then an arbitrary wave of the wand was performed. At the same time, it was possible, with the help of a gesture, to indicate the place for the appearance of the called object or creation. In certain cases, in addition to a wave, it was required to draw a special sign or image of a rune, sometimes it was required that the lines of the spell sound simultaneously with the movement of the wand. If you do not do everything necessary, then the wand simply will not do anything.

There is no information left about the creators of real magic wands. They just came from the depths of time as already existing magic items. Often, once discovered, they were passed down from generation to generation. There is no evidence of the creation of the wand.

According to knowledgeable witches, a magic wand can be made by a master from anything: wood, plastics, stones. However, it is easiest for a beginner to turn to the natural strength of the tree, as the most accessible.

How to make a magic wand

There are no strict criteria for choosing the starting material for a magic wand. Usually a tree branch of small thickness is chosen for it (most often with thumb or less). It can be both straight and cunningly twisted - the main thing is that you like it, so that you feel the magic in it. Be sure to thank the tree, because a magic wand is a very valuable item. By the way, it is not necessary to cut a branch from a living tree, because a branch found on the ground is also suitable for making a magic wand.

After that, the processing of the wood fragment begins. You need to decide on the length, which can vary from 10-15 centimeters to a meter. You should be guided by your feelings. Most often, a stick is made from 15 to 30 centimeters. Then the bark layer is removed with nails or sandpaper. It is allowed to process the resulting workpiece with a knife and a file. Please note that you need to free the wood from the bark immediately, on the same day as you picked up the material.

After that, the magic wand is covered with paint or a suitable varnish. Prior to this, the stick can be provided with a pattern (it is burned out or cut out on the surface of a tree). After the paint has dried, the stage of charging the wand with magical energy begins. To do this, you need to know exactly for what purposes the wand is made, what can be created with its help. After that, a spell is developed. As a rule, this will take some time, more than one day. Then take the wand in your hand, feel the magical energy living in it, see in your thoughts your deeds that you perform with the help of a magic wand. An important element is to take an oath not to do evil to any life. Only after that you can start using the wand.

Choosing the material of wood for the magic wand

Let's figure out which wood is better to make a magic wand.

one). Cherry wood allows you to create the most deadly item, whatever the core. If you combine a cherry and a dragon's heartstring, then the resulting wand can only be used by a wizard capable of the greatest self-control and possessing a strong mind.

2). The ash wand is always loyal to its owner. If you transfer or donate it, then the wand will lose its power. This appears even stronger if you provide it with a core of Unicorn hair.

3). The use of holly for wand material is suitable for those whose path is fraught with possible risks. At the same time, the properties of holly are very dependent on the material of the core. In particular, when using the Phoenix Pen, a very confusing situation develops (a non-permanent tree and an independent Phoenix conflict). But if the perfect balance is found, then the wand becomes an artifact unsurpassed in power.

4). It is very rare to find a stick, the material for which was vine. Almost always, this is a sign of the owner's desire for great achievements, as well as foresight and the presence of surprises. If you think that you know the owner of such a stick well, you are probably mistaken.

And, remember, the most important thing is to believe in it, to believe in magic! Faith is stronger than anything! Each person is endowed with great energy and potential. Only by truly believing in yourself, all your dreams come true. Magic wand to help you!

The magical power contained in artifacts is capable of transforming reality not only in fairy tales, but also in Everyday life. How it works and how to make a real magic wand with your own hands - this will be discussed in this article about real magic.

Many enterprising businessmen, after the release of the saga of the young wizard, began vying to offer to purchase the “Harry Potter magic wand”. However, a real magic wand, as we all know, is a one-piece, exclusive and “live” product. The wand itself chooses its owner, so it is impossible to buy a valid copy in the store.

A true wizard finds his wand intuitively, but you can learn how to make a magic wand from an unsightly twig. And it's better to do it right now!

How to make a real magic wand

Have you noticed that wishes come true? This is the magic that everyone is endowed with to one degree or another. By itself, the wand is just a wand, an antenna that accumulates and amplifies the magician's energy. How to make a magic wand that is obedient to its owner and "pretends" to be an ordinary branch for everyone else?

A real magic wand - piece goods, exclusive and "live"

Let's start with some simple truths:

  • The wand should be natural to keep the memory of the tree's vitality. This can only be found in the forest or in the park, since the trees planted in the city are weak and have no connection with the elements.
  • A branch broken by a wizard loses its strength, “dies off”, so the tree must itself give a branch after sincere request and an honest promise not to use magic to harm living beings. If this condition is violated, the wand will never gain the necessary strength and will take energy from its owner.
  • Each tree is endowed unique qualities, but the magician must feel "his" wand. To do this, just pick up a twig, close your eyes and feel its weight in the palm of your hand. If one gets the impression that the wand has become an extension of the hand, then it is “the one”.
  • Say "thank you" to the tree. Even science has already proven that sincere gratitude has magical property, so these are not just familiar words, but the first spells available to everyone, the meaning of which for the majority has been lost. Give the tree some of your energy and wish it well. In this case, the wand will not lose touch with the forest and will be fed by its pure, inexhaustible energy.

And now you can start making a magic wand!

How to make a magic wand at home: affordable magic

Ash, birch, cedar, maple, chestnut, alder, hazel ... In general, there are no trees completely unsuitable for creating magic wands. Nevertheless, there are specimens that take energy away (well, that's how they are arranged, what can you do?): aspen, spruce, pine. The branch chosen by the inner instinct (seen by the “third eye”) must be hidden and brought home. In the wizard's house, the wand will be saturated with his energy even before it becomes truly magical.

A beautiful pebble or crystal will fill the magic wand with the inexhaustible energy of the Earth

How to make a magic wand at home? It's not technically difficult, but not as easy as it might seem!

  • The mystery of creating a wand does not tolerate prying eyes, so the magician should not allow it to be seen before the rite of passage.
  • A wand carefully peeled from the bark must be treated with sandpaper (sandpaper), pronouncing the spell “I conjure you, oh, all-powerful branch (birch, cedar, etc.) with the forces of four elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire! Embrace their strength and power. Be my faithful assistant!
  • At the base of the wand, you need to make a hole (with a nail, screw, screwdriver) so that it does not crack, in order to place the magic core. Fairy-tale "cores", alas, are inaccessible to modern wizards, but the magic spilled everywhere is just waiting for embodiment! A feather (but not a black crow or a rooster!) will fill the wand with the power of the Wind, a beautiful light pebble or a real crystal will give energy from the bowels of the Earth, an ember will fill it with the power of Fire, and fish scales with the power of Water. Choose an element close in spirit, and it will help you everywhere.
  • piece of wood or salt dough on the holy water seal the magical core tightly by sealing it with a ring or inscribing the initial letter of the patron element (A - air, air; E - earth, earth; W - water, water; F - fire, fire).
  • Some cover the stick with varnishes. It's not forbidden, but it's not welcome either. It is better to cover the magic wand with natural fragrant oil before initiation and, wrapping it in a scarf, leave it until the next full moon.
  • The final step is the initiation of the wand. You can dedicate the wand to the full moon or to one of the fire festivals held by the magical community on May 1 (Beltane) or October 31 (Samhain, Celtic New Year). To do this, at midnight, a magic wand is placed on a snow-white fabric, a candle is lit and they say “Become a guide, helper and keeper!”. Then the candle is extinguished in water and buried in the ground. All these manipulations are a tribute to the ritual. It is important to understand that the wand is only an attribute, the magic is inside the wizard and only concentrated in amulets and other artifacts.