What liturgy is celebrated on Easter. How is the Easter service in the church

Since the dawn of Christianity, the faithful have spent Easter night in the temple. According to the historian Eusebius, Emperor Constantine the Great turned this sacred night into a jubilant day. All over the city high pillars were lit up, like lamps of fire, so that this mysterious night became brighter than the brightest day.

From 8 o'clock in the evening in front of the Shroud, the reading of the Acts of the Apostles begins to commemorate the new life - the life of the Church, redeemed by the Blood of Christ.

At half past midnight, the choir begins to sing the Great Saturday Canon with the Wave of the Sea. But these mysterious words sound quite differently here. There is no more sorrow, the soul catches in them the joyful approach of the Resurrection. During the singing of the Midnight Office, the Shroud is carried away to the altar and rests there on the Throne, remaining there until the Feast of the Ascension as a sign of the forty-day stay of the Risen Savior on earth.

Everything calms down in the temple, immersed in twilight, in anticipation of the sacred moment.

Easter Matins

Easter Matins begins at 12 o'clock at night with a solemn procession of the cross around the church. The clergy, clothed in the full dignity, with a cross, the Gospel, icons and banners, surrounded by worshipers with lighted candles, to the joyful ringing of bells, leaves the church as if to meet the coming Savior, singing the stichera: Thy Resurrection Christ the Savior, Angels sing in heaven and honor us on earth, with a pure heart, to praise you. The angelic song is already sounding in the heavens, and people are still marching in the darkness of the night, but the heart is already beating tremblingly in anticipation of the all-enlightening joy of the Resurrection. Walking around the temple, the procession stops in the vestibule in front of closed doors, as if at the entrance to the tomb of the Lord. And here comes the joyful news: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the grave. The doors are opened - and the entire sacred host solemnly enters the temple shining with lights. The chanting of the Easter canon begins. According to the interpretation of the synaxarum (a short reading after the 6th canon of the canon, containing the result of the divine service), the word "Easter" means translation; from non-being - to being, from hell - to heaven, from death and decay - to immortality, which is the original and natural state of man. From the chanting of Easter as a "translation" human life to its original sources - immortality, eternal life- and the Easter canon begins.

Song 1

Irmos: Resurrection day, let us enlighten (shine), people: Easter, Lord's Easter (that is, the transition to another being), for from death to life and from earth to heaven, Christ God transferred us, singing a victory song.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

Troparion: Let us purify our senses and see Christ shining with the unapproachable light of resurrection, and singing a victory song, let us clearly hear from Him: "Rejoice!"

Let the heavens rejoice in dignity (as it should, as it should), let the earth rejoice too: let the (whole) world, visible and invisible, celebrate, for Christ has risen - eternal joy.

Song 3

Irmos: Come, (and let us) drink a new drink, not miraculously worn out from a barren stone, but the source of incorruption (immortality), produced (like rain) from the tomb by Christ, in whom we are established.

Tropari: Now everything is filled with light - heaven, earth and hell, therefore may all creation celebrate the rebellion of Christ, by which it was confirmed.

Yesterday I was buried with You, Christ, today when I rise up with You resurrected; I crucified with You yesterday, but glorify me with You. Himself, Savior, in Thy Kingdom!

Song 4

Irmos: On divine guard, God-spoken (ie, the prophet of God) Habakkuk may stand with us and show (us) an Angel shining with light, loudly, piercingly exclaiming: "Today is the salvation of the world, for Christ has risen as almighty." (Oppressed by the thought of the triumph of evil, the prophet Habakkuk tensely awaited from God the news of the triumph of righteousness and the salvation of the world.)

Troparion: As the first-born male, born of the Virgin, He appeared as Christ, as He who is offered for food is called the Lamb, as an alien from filth - blameless, our Passover, and as true God - perfect.

Song 5

Irmos: (Let's) get up early in the morning and instead of myrrh we will bring (our) song to the Lord, and we will see Christ - the Sun of righteousness pouring out on everyone (rays) of life.

Tropari: (The dead,) bound by the bonds (literally, ropes, chains) of hell, (suddenly) seeing Thy, Christ, immeasurable mercy (and as if enlivened by this) with joyful feet rushed to the light (even literally stamping joyfully with their feet, as well as, for example, they clap their hands for joy), praising the eternal (that is, real, true, come once and for all) Easter.

Life is behind the grave - this is the highest essence of the Easter celebration. Christ raised up to life those who had died before His coming, but who were expecting him. He raised up the dead with faith in Him after His coming, just as He will raise up those who are dying now and who have to die in this age. For all of them, for all of us, the posthumous expectation of His second glorious coming is only a three-day stay in the tomb according to the Example and image of Christ Himself. The believing people on Easter days carry this good news to the graves of their departed.

Let's go (same) with lamps in our hands towards Christ coming out of the tomb, as the Bridegroom and together with the celebrating ranks (angelic) we will celebrate the saving Easter of God

Song 6

Irmos: You, Christ, descended into the lowest depths of the earth and broke the eternal locks that held the chained (in chains of prisoners) and on the third day, like Jonah from the whale, came out of the tomb.


Even if you descended into the grave, Bezsmertne ...

From the mystical heights of divine thought, the kontakion again leads us to the historical event of the resurrection, and the ikos that follows it tells us about the experiences of the holy myrrh-bearing women, who hastened to anoint the life-giving and buried body, the flesh of the One who raised Adam, but Himself lies in the tomb. Like magicians, they hasten to worship Christ, not in shroud, but entwined with a shroud. Their weeping is replaced by the joyful vision of an Angel announcing the resurrection to them. This is followed by the singing of a Sunday song, which is repeated at every Sunday Matins: having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. We worship Thy Cross, Christ, and we sing and praise Thy holy Resurrection: Thou art our God, do we not know Thee otherwise, we name Thy name. Come all faithful, let us bow to the saint Christ's Resurrection: behold, the joy of the whole world comes with the Cross. Always blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection: having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death.

Canto 7

Troparion: We celebrate death, destruction of hell, the beginning of another - eternal - life, and in rapture we sing of the culprit (this) - the One blessed God of the fathers and the pre-glorified one.

Canto 8

The Eighth Canto reminds us that the joy of the Passover is the joy of the Eucharist given by Christ to the whole world.

Tropari: On this named and holy day, "feast of the feast and the triumph of celebrations," the faithful are invited to come and share this joy.

Come, let us partake of the new grape fruit, divine joy, the Kingdom of Christ.

Look around you, Zion (an appeal to the New Testament Church, the Upper Room of Zion, where the Last Supper was celebrated) and see: now they have flocked to you like wondrous stars from the West, North, South and East, your children, blessing Christ in you forever.

Canto 8 ends with the glorification of the Holy Trinity.

After the 8th canto at the usual Matins, the song of the Mother of God follows. My soul will magnify the Lord. Here it is replaced by special Easter choruses honoring the Sufferer, Buried and Risen Christ. Chorus 3 expresses the meaning and content of the entire Easter celebration:

Christ New Easter, Living Sacrifice, Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world.

Christ is that new Easter, about the fulfillment of which He spoke to His disciples at the Last Supper (Luke 22, 15-16). He is that living Sacrifice, which was supposed to end all the Old Testament sacrifices, the Lamb about whom the prophets prophesied (Isa. 53: 7).

In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul already definitely calls Christ “our” Easter, saying: “Our Easter is Christ” (1 Cor. 5: 7).

Thus, aspirations were fulfilled, prophecies were fulfilled, and the secret Easter, the mysterious Easter was openly revealed to people.

The 4th refrain is the Archangel's greeting to the Theotokos: An angel cries out more gracefully: Pure Virgin, rejoice, and pack the river, rejoice: Your Son is risen three days from the grave; and the dead raised up; people have fun.

Canto 9

The Mother of God is the new Jerusalem, the New Testament Zion, the glory of the Church, and the irmos of the 9th canto unites together Her image with the image of the glorified Church of Christ:

Irmos: Shining, shining, the new Jerusalem, the glory of the Lord ascends on you: rejoice now and rejoice, Zion: You, Pure One, flaunt the Mother of God, about the rise of Thy Nativity.

In the troparions of Canto 9, Easter jubilation reaches its highest tension. The soul is overflowing to the brim like a full cup and no longer finds words to express its bliss.

Tropari: Oh, how divine, about how kind, about how sweet is Your voice, Christ ...

O great and most sacred Easter, Christ! Oh, Wisdom, Word of God and Power! Grant us more perfect communion with You in the eternal (non-departing) light of Your Kingdom.

The following chant in coined and powerful words again tells us about the unity of Easter of the Cross and Easter of the Resurrection.

The path to resurrection lies through death and the image of this path is given to us by Christ.

Having fallen asleep in the flesh, as if dead, for the King and Lord, Thou art raised three days ago, Adam raised from aphids and abolishing death: Easter of incorruption, salvation of the world.

At the end of Matins, solemn Easter stichera are sung.

Stichera: Ch. 5th

Verse: May God rise, and scatter him against him.

Sacred Easter has appeared to us this day: New Holy Easter: Mysterious Easter: All-Honorable Easter: Christ Easter Redeemer: Immaculate Easter: Great Easter: Easter of the Faithful: Easter that opens the door of Paradise to us: Easter that sanctifies all the faithful.

Verse: Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear.

Come from the vision of the wife of the evangelist, and cry to Zion: receive from us the joys of the Annunciation, the resurrection of Christ: flaunt, rejoice, and rejoice in Jerusalem, seeing the King of Christ from the grave, as if the bridegroom is happening.

Verse: So let sinners perish from the presence of God, and let the righteous rejoice.

The myrrh-bearer of the wife, deep in the morning, presented herself to the grave of the Life-Giver, found the Angel sitting on the stone, and that one having proclaimed to them, to the same verb: that you are looking for Zhivago with the dead; that weep incorruptible in the aphids; go ahead and preach His disciple.

Verse: This day, the Lord have created it, let us rejoice and rejoice at the stench.

Easter is red, Easter, Easter of the Lord, Easter is honorable to us. Easter, embrace each other with joy. Oh, Easter! Deliverance of sorrow, for from the grave this day, as if Christ had risen from the palace, fulfill the joy of women, saying: preach the Apostle.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Resurrection day, and let us be enlightened with triumph, and embrace each other. Rtsem: brethren! and to those who hate us, let us forgive the whole by resurrection, and so we cry out: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the tombs.

After the last stichera, the rite of Christianship takes place, about which in the Colored Triodion (which includes the divine service of Easter Weeks until Trinity) it is said: "We sing Christ is Risen, until the brothers kiss each other."

The custom of greeting each other with a brotherly kiss is very ancient. In the ancient church, it was performed at every Liturgy, but now the fraternal kissing of the priests at every Liturgy before the start of the Eucharistic Canon has remained of it. At the same time, the clergy greet each other with the words: Christ is in our midst. - And it is and will be.

During Easter Matins, believers first come up to confer with the clergy, and then kiss each other three times. The words Christ is Risen - Truly Risen do not cease in the church throughout Easter Matins. Between all the songs of the canon, the clergy walk around the temple and, passing through the rows of worshipers, joyfully greet them with an Easter exclamation. Truly Risen, hundreds of voices are thundering to them, and these

the joyful exclamations of the people merge with the jubilant singing of the choir.

Matins ends with a solemn reading of the words of St. John Chrysostom.

Catechurative word

on the Holy and Light-bearing day of the Most glorious and saving Christ of the God of our Resurrection

Those who are pious and God-loving, may enjoy this wonderful and bright celebration. He who is a discreet slave, let him enter, rejoicing, into the joy of his Lord. Whoever has exhausted himself by fasting, let him now receive a denarius. Those who have worked from the first hour, let them receive a fair pay today. Those who came after the third hour, let them begin to celebrate with gratitude. If anyone is in time by six o'clock, let him have no doubts, for he does not lose anything. Whoever is late even by the ninth hour, let him proceed without any hesitation. If anyone came only in the eleventh, let him not be afraid that he delayed, for the Lord, being generous, accepts the latter as well as the first. It gives shelter for rest to the one who came at the eleventh hour, as well as to the one who worked from the first. He has mercy on the latter and cares for the first, and gives to him, and bestows this, and accepts deeds and welcomes intentions, and values ​​action and praises desire. Therefore, all enter into the joy of your Lord - and the first and second enjoy the reward. Rich and poor, rejoice together. Temperate and lazy, honor this day. You that have fasted and have not fasted, rejoice today. The meal is complete, enjoy everything. Taurus is great, let no one go hungry. Everyone enjoy the feast of faith; all taste of the riches of goodness. Let no one weep for his poverty, for the kingdom has come for all. Let no one grieve for sins, for forgiveness has shone from the grave. Let no one fear death, for the death of the Savior set us free: the One whom she held in her power, extinguished her. Triumphant over Hell Descended into Hell. Hell had a bitter experience when he tasted His flesh. And, seeing this, Isaiah exclaimed: “Hell had a bitter experience when it met You in hell. I had to bitterly, because it was abolished; bitter, for he was reproached; bitter, for he was put to death; bitter, for it is destroyed; bitter, for he was bound in chains. Took a body and (suddenly) bumped into God; took the earth, and met Heaven; accepted what he saw and fell for what he did not see. Death, where is your sting? hell where is your victory? Christ is risen - and you are defeated. Christ is risen, and the demons fell. Christ is risen - and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen - and life has come. Christ is risen - and not a single dead person is in the grave. For Christ, having risen from the dead, became the (resurrected) Firstborn of the dead. To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Easter Liturgy

The clocks are replaced at the Paschal Liturgy with the joyful singing of selected stichera from the Paschal Canon. There is no reading at all - everything is sung. The Royal Doors, both the northern and southern doors of the altar, remain open all the time as a sign that heaven is now open to us. The Royal Doors are closed only on Saturday, Easter week after the Liturgy.

The Easter Liturgy, celebrated for the rite of St. John Chrysostom, is all imbued with the joy of the Resurrection, as evidenced by the frequent repetition of the Sunday troparion and other Easter hymns. Instead of the Trisagion, the verse is sung again: Elitsy was baptized into Christ, put on Christ, but here this endowment in Christ means not only co-crucifixion with Him, but also co-resurrection, in accordance with the canon's song:

"Yesterday Christ was buried in thy burial; today I will be resurrected with conscience." Instead of the Apostolic reading, the 1st chapter of Acts is read, which tells about the Savior's appearances to the disciples after the Resurrection, about His command not to leave Jerusalem and to await the fulfillment of His promise to send the Spirit - the Comforter.

Gospel reading takes us back to eternity. It may seem surprising that the Gospel of the Passover Liturgy does not tell us about the Resurrection. In fact, the reading of the 1st chapter of John is the highest revelation about the truth underlying the entire Gospel story. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... Jesus Christ, who suffered and was buried by us in the sight (image) of a servant and was resurrected in glory as if God is the 2nd Person of the Holy Trinity, from the beginning is the Word that is eternally abiding in the bosom of the Father, He laid the beginning of life, and this life was a light

people. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; and we saw His glory, the glory, as of the Only Begotten of the Father ... and from His fullness we all received and grace for grace (John 1: 1-17). These words contain the highest dogmatic revelation about God-man and God-manhood. The Gospel is usually read in different languages to commemorate the universality of Christianity.

The whole Liturgy takes place in joy and lightness of spiritual uplift. The Cherubic song sounds in a new way, for the Angels who sing of the King of reigns have come down to earth to preach the gospel of His Resurrection. The words of the Symbol sound in a new way: She suffered, and was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. With a new feeling, we Thank the Lord, realizing in a new way that the very word "Eucharist" means "Thanksgiving."

From apostolic times, Christians have had an immutable custom to consecrate this night with the communion of the Holy Mysteries, for the joy of Paschal is the joy of the Eucharist.

The Easter Liturgy ends with the exultant Christ Risen, with which the choir responds to all the exclamations of the priest. This joy without an edge, this universal rejoicing is already a prototype of the coming Kingdom of Glory given in the Revelation of the Apostle John: And I heard, as it were, the voice of a large people, as it were the sound of many waters, as it were the voice of mighty thunder, saying: Alleluia! for the Lord God Almighty has reigned. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory; for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has prepared herself. And it was given to her to be clothed in fine linen, clean and bright (Rev. 19: 6-8). The wife and bride of the Lamb - the Church of Christ, which has adorned Itself with all the treasures of joy and beauty, now celebrates and rejoices and invites everyone to come to the blessed Triumph of Love. Both the spirit and the Bride say: come. And let him who hears say: come, let him who is thirsty come, and whoever wants, let him take the water of life free (Rev. 22:17). This water of life is Christ - the New Easter, the Living Sacrifice, the Lamb of God, who took away the sins of the world.

The service in the church on Easter is especially solemn, since it marks the main event of the year for Christians. It is customary to stay awake on the saving night of Christ's Bright Resurrection. From the evening on Great Saturday, the Acts of the Holy Apostles are read in the church, containing a testimony in the Resurrection of Christ, followed by Easter Midnight Office with the canon of Great Saturday.

The beginning of the festive service

Let's start by asking what time the church service begins on Easter. So, if you plan to stay awake on Easter night, then you should know that the beginning of the service in the church on Easter starts shortly before midnight, when midnight is served in all churches.

At this time, the priest and the deacon go to the Shroud, censing is performed around it. At the same time, they sing "I will rise and be glorified", after which they raise the Shroud and carry it to the altar.

How is the service in the Church at Easter? There are a number of important points. The Shroud is placed on the Holy See, where it must remain until the Passover. At these minutes, all the priests in full vestments line up according to the order of the throne. Candles are lit in the temple.

Exactly at midnight with the Royal Doors closed (double doors opposite the throne in the altar, the main gates of the iconostasis in Orthodox church) the clergy quietly sing the sticira (text dedicated to the verses of the psalm) about the resurrection of the Savior of the world.

"Thy Resurrection, Christ Savior, the Angels sing in heaven, and on earth, grant us praise with a pure heart."

The veil is opened and the same stichera is sung again louder. The Royal Doors are opening. The verse about the resurrection of the Savior is sung in full voice.


Another important part of Easter night is the procession of the Church towards the risen Savior. The procession is carried out around the building of the temple, accompanied by incessant pealing.

At the very beginning of the procession, a lantern is carried, behind it is the altar cross, the altarpiece Mother of God... Behind them, in two rows, are followed by standard-bearers, singers, candle-bearers with candles in their hands, deacons with their candles and censers, and behind them priests.

The last pair of priests (the one on the right of the pair) carries the Gospel, and the icon of the Resurrection is in the hands of the priest next to the left. The procession closes with the Primate of the Church with a Trisveshnik and a Cross in his left hand.

The procession stops in front of the closed gates of the western entrance to the temple. At this moment, the ringing dies down. The abbot of the church, having received a censer from the deacon, makes an incense. At the same time, the clergy chant three times: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs."

Then a series of verses is sung, for each troparion "Christ is Risen" is sung. After that, all the clergymen sing: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death," ending with the words: "And giving life to those in the grave." The doors to the temple are opened and the procession participants go inside the temple.

How long is the church service on Easter? The festive night service lasts until 2-3 o'clock in the morning. Consider this point if you are planning to come to the temple with children. After the procession, Matins begins, which continues with the Divine Liturgy.

At this time, believers partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. If you are planning to take communion, you should go to confession in advance and receive a blessing. This is necessary because before communion one should be clean both in body and spirit.

End of matins

At the end of Matins, you will see how the priests begin to Christ among themselves in the altar while singing the stichera. After that, they christen with each of the worshipers, if the church is small and the number of believers allows it.

Usually in large churches, where many believers come to the Easter service, the priest utters a short greeting on his own and ends it with a threefold “Christ is Risen!”, While overshadowing the Cross on three sides, and then returns to the altar. In the short phrase "Christ is Risen!" the whole essence of faith is contained.

Easter Hours and Liturgy

In many churches, the end of Matins is followed by Easter Hours and Liturgy. Easter hours are read not only in the temple. Throughout Easter week they are usually read instead of morning and evening prayers. During the chanting of the hours before the Liturgy, the deacon performs the usual censing of the altar and the entire church.

If several priests conduct divine services in the church, then the Gospel is read in different languages: in Slavic, Russian, Greek, Latin, and in the languages ​​of the peoples best known in the area. During the reading of the Gospel from the bell tower, one can hear "overkill" when all the bells are struck once, starting from the little ones.

How to behave in the temple

Entering the church, you must cross yourself three times with waist bows: with three fingers only with your right hand. Be sure to remove your gloves when doing this. Men should take off their headwear.

If you want to address a priest, first you need to say: "Father, bless!" After that, you can ask a question. When accepting the blessing, fold your palms crosswise - palms up right to left and kiss the right hand, blessing you, of the priest.

The temple, especially on Easter night, is a special place that a spiritual sacrament takes place. Therefore, you should behave accordingly. Remember what is going on church service it is not recommended to turn your back to the altar.

If you come with a child, explain to him in advance that here you need to be quiet, you cannot talk loudly, laugh. Do not use a cell phone in the temple or let your child do it. Switch the device to silent mode. While the Easter service is going on, you should focus solely on this.

While you are among the other believers during the service, and the priest, while reading, overshadows you with the cross, the Gospel and the image, at this moment you need to bow slightly. It is customary to overshadow yourself with the Banner of the Cross at the moment when you hear the words: "Lord, have mercy", "In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit", "Glory to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Leaving the temple, make the sign of the cross three times, make three bows in the bow when leaving the temple and when leaving the church gate, facing the temple.


With the royal doors and veil closed:

Priest: Blessed is our God always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Reader: Trisagion. NS Holy Trinity ... O ours ...

Reader: A min. G redeem, have mercy. (12 times)

NS reidite, let us worship our Tsar God.

NS Come, let us worship and fall down on Christ, our King God.

NS Come, let us worship and fall down on Christ Himself, the Tsar and our God.

Psalm 50:

NS Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take out my sin before me. You who have sinned, and evil in your sight, have I done, as if you were justified in your words, and conquer always judging you. Behold, in transgressions I am conceived, and in sins bore me my mother. Behold, you loved the truth; You have revealed your unknown and secret wisdom. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. To my hearing dasi joy and gladness; the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn away Thy face from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquity. Build a pure heart in me, O God, and renew the spirit of rights in my womb. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of Thy salvation, and with the Spirit of the Lord confirm me. I will teach the wicked in Thy way, and the wicked will turn to Thee. Deliver me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation; my tongue will rejoice in Thy righteousness. O Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. As if you would have wanted sacrifices, you would have given them: do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God the spirit is broken; a contrite and humble heart God will not despise. Bless, O Lord, with Thy good pleasure Zion, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; then they will lay calves on your altar.

Canon of Great Saturday, Tone 6:

The Canon, according to tradition, is read by one of the clergy in front of the Shroud.

Song 1:

Irmos: By the wave of the sea / Hidden ancient, / the persecutor of the tormentor, under the earth hid / the saved children; / but we, like a young woman, / God will drink, // gloriously be glorified. (Twice)


Troparion: G Oppose my God, / the original singing, and I will sing a song for You, / by Your burial of my life, He opened the doorways, // He who killed death and hell by death. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: G Oh Thy on the Throne and share in the tomb, / premier and underground, thinking of my Savior, / dying in Thy mortification: // More than the mind, you were dead, Life-Giver. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: D(Twice)

Troparion: D And you have fulfilled all your glory, / you descended into the lower earth: / from you, my composition, like in Adam, is not hidden from you, and is buried, // you have rotted away, renew me, loving man.

Troparion: D And you have fulfilled all your glory, / you descended into the lower earth: / from you, my composition, like in Adam, is not hidden from you, and is buried, // you have rotted away, renew me, loving man.

Katavasia, voice 6:

By the wave of the sea / Hidden ancient, / the persecutor of the tormentor, hiding under the earth / the saved children; / but we, like young women, / We will feed the Lord, // gloriously be glorified.

Song 3:

Irmos: To you, on the waters / hanging / the whole earth is uncontrollable, / seeing the creature / hanging on the forehead, / shuddering with horror, / is holy, // is it not for Thee Lord, they cry out. (Twice)


Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: Oh Thou didst show Thy burial brothers, multiplying visions. / Now Thy hidden Thy God-wanted understood Thou, and those in Hell, the Lord, // is holy, unless Thee, O Lord, crying out. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: P Thou hast roasted the hands, and thou art united the one that was apart from the old. / In the robe of the Savior, the hedgehog in the shroud and in the grave, / Thou hast allowed the shackled one, // be holy, unless Thee Lord, crying out. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: G(Twice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Troparion: G robes and seals, Incompatible, / the content was a desire: / for you showed the power of Thy action, / God-efficiently singing: // is holy, unless Thou Lord, Human-loving.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion: G robes and seals, Incompatible, / the content was a desire: / for you showed the power of Thy action, / God-efficiently singing: // is holy, unless Thou Lord, Human-loving.

Katavasia, voice 6:

To you, on the waters / hanging / the whole earth is uncontrollable, / seeing the creature / hanging on the forehead, / shuddering with horror, / is holy, // is it not for Thee Lord, they cry out.

G redeem, have mercy. (Three times)

Sedalen Voice 1:


G rob Your Savior, warriors, / be dead from the shining of the coming Angel, / preaching the Resurrection to the wives. / We praise thee, aphids of the consumer! / We fall to Thee, Risen from the grave, // and To one God our!

Song 4:

Irmos: On Thy Cross / Divine exhaustion / seeing Habakkuk, / terrified, crying: / Thou hast suppressed the strong / the state is Better, // communing with those in hell, like Almighty. (Twice)


Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: C You have sanctified the eighth day this day, / you have blessed him of the old with the repose of deeds: / revert all things and renew, // Sabbathing my Savior, and edifying. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: C by the silt of the best, who conquered you, / from the flesh, your soul was divided, / the bonds tearing apart the wallpaper, // death and hell, to the Word, by your power. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: A(Twice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Troparion: A d In a word, shit thee, be upset, / a person was deified in vain, / wounded by wounds, and the Omnipotent, // by a terrible sight of death.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion: A d In a word, shit thee, be upset, / a person was deified in vain, / wounded by wounds, and the Omnipotent, // by a terrible sight of death.

Katavasia, voice 6:

On your Cross / Divine exhaustion / foreseeing Habakkuk, / was terrified, crying: / You cut off the strong / the power of the Better, // communing with those in hell, as if Almighty.

Song 5:

Irmos: Thy Epiphany to Christ, / to us mercifully former, / Isaiah seeing the Light of the Night, / from the night, crying out: / the dead will rise, / and the creatures will rise up in the grave, // and all earthly ones will rejoice. (Twice)


Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: N Opening the earthly to the Creator, having been ringed, / and the shroud and the coffin reveal the hedgehog in the Word, the sacrament. / A good-looking adviser, the Council of the Rozhdestvens, forms for You, // in Thee is a great new-creating me. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: C mortal death, / by burial the perishable prelagaesh, / incorruptible create bo, / divinely immortally creating acceptance, / flesh for Thy corruption not in the sight of the Lord, // below Thy soul in hell is strangely left byst. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: And(Twice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Troparion: And z Nebrovny past, and pierced in the ribs of my Master, / from Ney made you the renewal of Evino, Adam was, / falling asleep more than nature a natural sleep, // and having erected life from sleep and decay, as if Almighty.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion: And z Nebrovny past, and pierced in the ribs of my Master, / from Ney made you the renewal of Evino, Adam was, / falling asleep more than nature a natural sleep, // and having erected life from sleep and decay, as if Almighty.

Katavasia, voice 6:

Thy Epiphany to Christ, / to us mercifully former, / Isaiah saw the Light of the Everlasting, / from the night matins crying: / the dead will rise, / and the creatures will rise up in the grave, // and all earthly people will rejoice.

Song 6:

Irmos: Yat was, / but not kept in the whale's perch Iona: / Bearing your image, / of the suffering one, and the burial of the one given, / as if from the palace of the beast from the beast. / You invite the Custodians, / keeping vain and false, // this mercy left nat. (Twice)


Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: B yen you were, but you were not divided into the Word, / you even took part in the flesh: / even if your temple was ruined during the time of passion, / but this is the same composition of your Godhead and your flesh. // In both, you are the Son, the Word of God , God and Man. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: H The sin of Adam was human-destructive, but not deicidal: / even if Thy flesh suffers a earthy creature, / but the Divine remains impassive; (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: C(Twice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Troparion: C Hell reigns, but does not last forever over the human race: / Thou dost rely in the grave of the Derzhavna, the life-giving hand, / Thou didst open the keys to death, / and thou hast preached to those who have slept there from time immemorial;

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion: C Hell reigns, but does not last forever over the human race: / Thou dost rely in the grave of the Derzhavna, the life-giving hand, / Thou didst open the keys to death, / and thou hast preached to those who have slept there from time immemorial;

Katavasia, voice 6:

Yat was quick, / but not kept in the perch of the whales, Jonah: / Bearing your image of the suffering, and the burial that was given, / as if from the palace of the beast from the outside. / You invite the Custodians, / keeping the vain and false, // this mercy was left to nature ...

G redeem, have mercy. (Three times)

Kontakion, voice 6:

B I travel the prisoner, it looks dead, / and wrapped itself in meek and shroud, / in the grave it is supposed to be a mortal Immortal: / the wife came to anoint Him with peace, / crying bitterly and crying: / this Saturday is blessed, // in which Christ falls asleep for three days, will rise ...

WITH Obtain all ascended to the Cross, / and all creation weeps, The one who sees the nakedness hanging on the tree, / the sun is hidden by the rays, and the stars have laid down the light: / the earth trembled with much fear, and the sea escaped, / and the stone disintegrated, many tombs were opened , / and the bodies of the holy men. / Hell groans from below, / and the Jews are advised to slander Christ's Resurrection. / The wives cry: / this Saturday is blessed, // in which Christ, falling asleep, will rise three days.

Canto 7:

Irmos: An unspeakable miracle, / in the cave rescuing / the venerable youths from the flame, / in the grave it is dead / lifeless it is supposed, / in the salvation of us singing: / God of the Deliverer, // blessed art. (Twice)


Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: U ulcerate hell, in the heart / reception of the Stricken with a spear in the ribs, / and sighs with Divine fire, we are dependent, / for the salvation of us singing: // Deliverer God, blessed be you. (Three times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: B the coffin is greeted, / in ourselves we accept as if the Sleeping Companion, / the Divine treasure has shown itself, / in the salvation of us singing: // To the Deliverer, God, blessed art. (Three times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: Z By the law of the dead / the hedgehog is in the tomb, Life accepts everyone, / and this source shows the uprisings, / to the salvation of us singing: // God of the Deliverer, blessed art. (Three times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: E

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Troparion: E dino is inseparable, / the hedgehog is in hell, and in the grave, and in Eden, / the Divine of Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, / for the salvation of us singing: // God, blessed be the Deliverer.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion: E dino is inseparable, / the hedgehog is in hell, and in the grave, and in Eden, / the Divine of Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, / for the salvation of us singing: // God, blessed be the Deliverer.

Katavasia, voice 6:

An unspeakable miracle, / in the cave rescuing / the venerable youths from the flame, / in the grave it is dead / lifeless it is supposed, / in the salvation of us singing: / God of the Deliverer, // blessed art.

Canto 8:

Irmos: Fear, fear heaven, / and let the foundations of the earth move: / behold, the living is imputed to the dead in the highest, / and little will be accepted into the grave. / Bless his youths, / sing the priests, // exalt people forever. (Twice)


Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: P The Most Pure Temple is crumbling, / the fallen one sets up a tabernacle: / To Adam the first, the Second, Alive in the highest, / down even to the treasures of hell. / Bless his youths, / chant the priests, // exalt people for all eternity. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: P Resta the insolence of the disciples, / Arimathea, however, is Joseph: / dead and nothing in vain, over all God, / asks and buries, the call: / bless the youths, / chant the priests, // people, exalt for all eternity. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: Oh(Twice)

Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord.

Troparion: Oh new miracles! / Oh goodness! / Inexpressible patience! / Will be imprinted under the earth by will, Alive in the highest, / and like a flatterer, God will be slandered. / Bless his youth, / sing the priests, // exalt people forever.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion: Oh new miracles! / Oh goodness! / Inexpressible patience! / Will be imprinted under the earth by will, Alive in the highest, / and like a flatterer, God will be slandered. / Bless his youth, / sing the priests, // exalt people forever.

Katavasia, voice 6:

Chorus: Fear, fear heaven, / and let the foundations of the earth move: / behold, the living is imputed to the dead in the highest, / and small will be accepted into the grave. / Bless his youths, / chant the priests, // exalt people forever.

Canto 9:

At the beginning of the 9th canto, according to tradition, the royal gates are opened. A priest with a deacon celebrating the midnight office, having censed around the Shroud.

Irmos: Do not weep for Me Mati, / see in the grave, / You conceived a Son in His womb without a seed: / I will rise and be glorified, / and I will exalt with glory, ceaselessly like God, // by the faith and love of Thee who magnify. (Twice)


Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: B strange to your birth, / avoided diseases more than nature, / be pleased with the Beginningless Son: / now Thou, my God, / breathless and seeing dead, / with the weapon of sorrow I will be torn to pieces by fierceness, // but rise again, as if I will be exalted. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: Z The earth covers Me as it wants, / but the hellish gatekeepers are afraid, / the garments see bloodstained clothes, Mother, revenge: / enemies with the Cross striking like God, // packs will rise again, and I will exalt Ty. (4 times)

Chorus: Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Troparion: D(Twice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Troparion: D but the creature rejoices, / let all earthly things rejoice, / the enemy is captivated by hell: / from the worlds of the wife, let them scatter, / I deliver Adam and Eve all over the world, // and on the third day I will rise again.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion: D but the creature rejoices, / let all earthly things rejoice, / the enemy is captivated by hell: / from the worlds of the wife, let them scatter, / I deliver Adam and Eve all over the world, // and on the third day I will rise again.

Katavasia, voice 6:

When singing katavasiya 9th canto, the priest and deacon raise the Shroud and bring it into the altar. Following this, the royal gates are closed. The shroud is placed on the holy throne, where it must remain until Passover.

Do not weep for Me Mati, / see in the grave, / in His womb without a seed you conceived a Son: / I will rise and be glorified, / and I will exalt with glory, ceaselessly like God, // by faith and love You magnify.

Reader: The Trisagion. NS Holy Trinity ... O ours ...

Hiereus: Thine is the Kingdom and the power and glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Troparion, voice 2:

Chorus: E when you descended to death, the Immortal Belly, / then hell you killed you with the radiance of the Divine. / When you resurrected those who were dead from the underworld, / all the Forces of Heaven to cry: // Life-giver, Christ our God, glory to Thee.

Small Augmented Litany:

Priest: P

Chorus: G Oppose, have mercy, (three times, for each petition.)

Hiereus: We still pray for our Great Lord and our father, Holy Patriarch
Cyril and about our lord the Most Reverend Metropolitan (or the archbishop, or His Grace Bishop (name), and about all our brethren in Christ.

We also pray for all the brethren and all Christians.

Hiereus: As God is merciful and loving man, and we give glory to Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Priest: Glory to Thee, Christ God, our Hope, glory to Thee.

Chorus: C lava, and now. G redeem, have mercy. (Three times) B speak up.

Dismissal of Great Saturday.

Priest: Alike us for our sake and for our sake of salvation, having humbled Himself and in our poverty, put on the will of Passion and endure and die with Christ, our True God, with the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the glorious and all holy Apostles, and will save us, like the Good and the Lover of Man.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (Three times)

Light Easter Matins.

The Primate receives in his left hand the Cross with the Easter Threesome, in his right hand - the censer.

Exactly at 12 o'clock (local time), with the royal doors and curtain closed, the clergy sing the sticira for the first time:

The clergy in the altar:

With each chanting of the stichera, the primate, preceded by the deacon, performs an incense around the throne with a candle.

The veil is opening.

The second time the sticira is sung a little louder:

The clergy in the altar:

Thy Resurrection, Christ the Savior, / Angels sing in Heaven, / and honor us on earth / with a pure heart // Praise Thee.

The royal gates open and remain open until the end of Bright Week.

For the third time, the stichera is sung loudly and up to half:

The clergy in the altar:

Thy Resurrection, Christ the Savior, / Angels sing in Heaven, /

The chorus concludes:

AND honor us on earth / with a pure heart // praise you.


The clergy leave the altar.

The procession begins, during which everyone continuously sings the stichera:

People: Thy Resurrection, Christ the Savior, / Angels sing in Heaven, / and honor us on earth / with a pure heart // Praise Thee.

In the procession, a lantern is carried in front of it, followed by a pair of the Altar Cross and the Altarpiece of the Mother of God (so that those who look at the approaching procession see them positioned in the same way as in the altar (the Altar Cross - on the right, the image of the Mother of God - left)). Then go in two rows, in pairs, gonfalons, singers, candle-bearers with candles, deacons with their candles and censers, and behind them are the priests, the younger ones in front. In the last pair of priests, the one on the right carries the Gospel, and the one on the left carries the icon of the Resurrection. The procession is completed by the Primate with the Trilion and the Cross. Where there is one priest, laymen are allowed to carry icons of the Resurrection of Christ and the Gospel on their shroud. (Artos is not worn at this procession, since he has not yet been consecrated.)

The procession in the usual manner goes around the temple with continuous pealing.

After going around the temple, the procession stops in front of the closed western doors of the temple. Those wearing shrines stop near the doors, facing the west in the following order: a lantern (in the center, directly in front of the doors), then (from the south side to the north) the Altar Cross, the Gospel, the icon of the Resurrection, the altarpiece of the Mother of God, the banner-bearers and the candle-bearers stand on the sides. The primate and fellow priests stand before the shrines by rank.

The ringing stops.

The abbot, having received the censer from the deacon, in complete silence, burns the holy places, the clergy, the singers and those who are to come, and, finally, the deacon.

The deacon accepts the censer, censes the primate and returns the censer to him.

The Primate, three times (and not once), having marked the closed church doors with a censer with a censer, proclaims in a great voice:

Priest: Glory to the Saints, and the Consubstantial, and the Life-giving, and the Inseparable Trinity, always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Easter start:

The clergy, very publicly:

NS(Three times)

Chorus: X ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and (Three times)

who hate Him.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.


Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Chorus: And giving belly to those in the grave.

The doors of the temple are opened. Everyone enters the temple and sings the festive troparion:

People: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

And they sing until the deacon comes out to the great litany.

The clergy enter the altar.

Great litany:

Deacon: M let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (For every petition)

Deacon: Oh



O Kirill








Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Chorus: A min.

Easter Canon, Tone 1:

The Easter Canon is sung in full in chorus: the irmos, and the refrains, and the troparia, and the katavasii.

Censing is performed on each canon song.

During conciliar services, censing is performed by all the priests in turn (and in case of a large number of priests, in pairs).

Song 1:

Irmos: Resurrection day, / let us be enlightened, people. / Easter, Lord's Easter: / from death to life, / and from earth to heaven, / Christ God bless us, // singing victorious. (Four times)

O we purify our feelings, and we will see / with the unapproachable light / of the Resurrection, Christ / shining, / and rejoice, flowing, / let us clearly hear, // singing victorious. (6 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

N Heaven must be worthy, let the earth rejoice, / let the world celebrate, / all visible and invisible: / Christ is boast, // eternal joy. (6 times)


Resurrection day, / let us be enlightened, people. / Easter, Lord's Easter: / from death to life, / and from earth to heaven, / Christ God bring us over, // singing victorious. (Three times)

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Small litany:

For the recitation of litanies and the performance of incense, the deacon (with a candle in his hand) in all cases proceeds from the altar by the royal gates (throughout the entire Bright Week).

Deacon: NS

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hiereus: As Thy power, and Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Song 3:

Irmos: Come, we drink new beer, / the miracle-working is not barren from stone, / but the source of incorruption / from the grave of Christ who gave birth, // in Nemzha we are established. (Four times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

N You are not all filled with light, / heaven and earth, and hell: / may all creation celebrate / the uprising of Christ, // it is affirmed in it. (6 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

V Chera was buried in You, Christ, / I share this day / I will rise again for You, / I was crucified in You yesterday, // You yourself shall glorify the Savior in Your Kingdom. (6 times)


Come, we drink new beer, / the miracle-working is not barren from the stone, / but the incorruptible source / from the tomb that gave birth to Christ, // in Nemzha we are affirmed. (Three times)

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hiereus: As Thou art our God, and we give glory to Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Ipakoi, voice 4:

Chorus: P The morning was redarted even about Mary, / and the stone was rolled away from the grave, / I hear from the Angel: in the light of the everlasting existence, / with the dead, what are you looking for, like a man? , // as if he is the Son of God, saving the human race.

Song 4:

Irmos: On the Divine Guard / God-speaking Habakkuk / may he become with us, and show / a luminous Angel, / clearly saying: / today is the salvation of the world, / as Christ is risen, // as omnipotent. (Four times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

M the already ubo floor, / as if the virgin womb was opened, / Christ appears: / as a man, / the Lamb will be called: / blameless, / as tasteless of filth, / our Easter, / and as if God is true // perfect is spoken. (4 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

I AM to the one-year-old lamb, / blessed us with the crown Christ, / by will for all was slain, / Easter of purification, / and packs from the coffin red // righteousness of the Sun has risen to us. (4 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

B ohofather ubo David / playing in front of the hay ark, / the people of God's sanctity, / images are seen in sight, / we rejoice Divinely, / as if Christ was risen, // as almighty. (4 times)


On the Divine Guard / God-speaking Habakkuk / let him become with us, and show / a luminous Angel, / clearly saying: / today is the salvation of the world, / as if Christ has risen, // as omnipotent. (Three times)

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: For God art is good and lover of mankind, and we give glory to Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Song 5:

Irmos: Let us morning deep in the morning, / and instead of peace we will bring a song to the Lord, / and we will see Christ / the truth of the Sun, // life is shining for all. (Four times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

B Your immense benevolence, / with hellish bonds, you can see, / to the light of Christ, / with merry feet, // Easter praising eternal. (6 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

NS Let's celebrate the candles, / coming out of Christ from the grave, like a bridegroom, / and celebrate with any festive rites // God's saving Easter. (6 times)


Let us make the morning deep, / and instead of peace, we will bring a song to the Master, / and we will see Christ / the truth of the Sun, // life is shining for all. (Three times)

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hiereus: As holy and glorified thy most honorable and glorious name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Song 6:

Irmos: Thou art descended into the underworld of the earth, / and you crushed the eternal faith, / containing bound, Christ, / and three days, like from the whale Jonah, // you were raised from the grave. (Four times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

WITH preserving the whole sign of Christ, / thou art raised from the grave, / the keys of the Virgin are not harming in Thy birth, // and thou hast opened the doors of heaven for us. (6 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

WITH my pasture, / living and non-sacrificial slaughter, / as God Himself / brought Himself by will to the Father, / you resurrected the all-kind Adam, // rose from the grave. (6 times)


Thou hast descended into the underworld of the earth, / and crushed thou the eternal faith, / containing bound, Christ, / and three days, like from the whale Jonah, // thou art raised from the grave. (Three times)

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hiereus: Thou art the King of the world, and Savior of our souls, and we give glory to Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Kontakion, voice 8:

A still and into the grave you descended, Immortal, / but you destroyed the power of hell, / and you rose again, as a conqueror, Christ God, / to the myrrh-bearing wives: rejoice, / and grant peace to your apostle, // grant resurrection to the fallen.

E But before the sun, the Sun sometimes went down into the grave, / anticipating the morning, looking like the day for the myrrh-bearer of the virgin, / and a friend to friends crying: / O friend! Come, we will anoint the life-giving and buried body with a stench, / the flesh of the resurrected fallen Adam, which lies in the tomb. / We go, sweating like magic, and worship, / and bring peace like gifts, not in swaddling clothes, but in a shroud entwined, / and weep, and Let us cry: O Lord, rise up, // give resurrection to the fallen.

V (Three times)

V Oskres Jesus from the grave, / as a prophecy, / give us an eternal belly // and great mercy. (Three times)

Canto 7:

Irmos: Delivering children from the cave, / being Man, / suffers as if mortal, / and mortal passion, / in incorruptibility he will clothe grace, / One is blessed // of the fathers, God, and glorified. (Four times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

F ene from the worlds of God-wise in the footsteps of Thee: / He is, like dead, with tears I seek, / bowing to the rejoicing Living God, / and the secret Easter // Thy, Christ, a disciple of the good news. (4 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

WITH dead we celebrate the mortification, / the destruction of hell, / another life of the eternal beginning, / and playfully sing the Guilty, / the One Blessed // of the Fathers of God, and the pre-glorified. (4 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

I AM to truly sacred, / and this all-festive, saving night, / and luminous, / to the day of light, / the herald of the rise of the present: // in her, the flightless Light from the coffin of the flesh ascends to all. (4 times)


Delivering children from the cave, / being a Man, / suffers as if mortal, / and mortal passion, / will clothe grace in incorruptibility, / God is only blessed // of the fathers, and glorified. (Three times)

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: May the state of Thy Kingdom be blessed and glorified, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Canto 8:

Irmos: This is the named and holy day, / One Saturday is King and Lord, / holidays are / and celebration is celebrations, // we will bless Christ forever. (Four times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

NS Ryidite, a new grape of birth, / Divine joy, / in the deliberate days of the Resurrection, / the Kingdom of Christ we will partake, / singing Him // like God forever. (4 times)

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

V Enlighten your eyes, Zion, and see: / behold, I have come to you, / like a shining light, / from the west, and the north, and the sea, / and the east of your children, // in you blessing Christ forever. (4 times)

Chorus: Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee.

Ternary: O the Almighty, both the Word, and the Soul, / the three Nature united in the Hypostases, / Most Substantial and Divine, / in Thee we are baptized, // and we will bless Thee for all eternity. (4 times)


This is the named and holy day, / One Saturday is the King and the Lord, / holidays are / and the celebration is celebrations, // we will bless Christ forever. (Three times)

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: For bless thy name, and be glorified Your kingdom, Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Canto 9:

Deacon: B My soul will magnify / has risen three days from the sepulcher // Christ the Life-giver.

Irmos: C

Irmos: C Vestis, shines, / the new Jerusalem: / glory be to the Lord / lift up on you. / Rejoice now / and rejoice, Zion. / You, Pure One, show off, Mother of God, // about the rise of Thy Nativity.

Irmos: C Vestis, shines, / the new Jerusalem: / glory be to the Lord / lift up on you. / Rejoice now / and rejoice, Zion. / You, Pure One, show off, Mother of God, // about the rise of Thy Nativity. (Twice, with chorus)

Chorus: Christ is a new Easter, / Living sacrifice, / Lamb of God, // take away the sins of the world.

Troparion: Oh (Twice, with chorus)

Chorus: An angel cries out more gracefully: / Pure Virgin, rejoice! / And pack the river: rejoice! / Your Son is risen / three days from the grave, / and raised up dead: // people, have fun.

Troparion: Oh Divine, oh beloved, / oh sweetest of Your voice! / It’s not wrong with us / you promised to be, / until the end of the age of Christ: / His faithfulness, // confirmation of the hope of property, we rejoice. (Twice, with chorus)

Chorus: You awakened you asleep dead from the age, // royally roaring like a lion from Judas.

Troparion: Oh Divine, oh beloved, / oh sweetest of Your voice! / It’s not wrong with us / you promised to be, / until the end of the age of Christ: / His faithfulness, // confirmation of the hope of property, we rejoice. (Hereinafter, once)

Chorus: Mary Magdalene flowed to the tomb, / and saw Christ, // as if you were asking the helper.

Troparion: Oh Divine, oh beloved, / oh sweetest of Your voice! / It’s not wrong with us / you promised to be, / until the end of the age of Christ: / His faithfulness, // confirmation of the hope of property, we rejoice.

Chorus: Angel shine to the wives crying out: // stop crying, as if Christ is risen.

Troparion: Oh

Chorus: Christ is risen, right to death, / and raising the dead, // people have fun.

Troparion: Oh Easter is great and most sacred, Christ! / About wisdom, and the Word of God, and power! / Give us the truth to You to receive communion, // in the non-evening days of Your Kingdom.

Chorus: Today every creature rejoices and rejoices: // as if Christ is risen, and hell is captivated.

Troparion: Oh Easter is great and most sacred, Christ! / About wisdom, and the Word of God, and power! / Give us the truth to You to receive communion, // in the non-evening days of Your Kingdom.

Chorus: Today is the Lord of the captivity of hell, // erected by yuzniks, who have been obsessed with fierceness since centuries.

Troparion: Oh Easter is great and most sacred, Christ! / About wisdom, and the Word of God, and power! / Give us the truth to You to receive communion, // in the non-evening days of Your Kingdom.

Chorus: My soul will magnify

Troparion: Oh Easter is great and most sacred, Christ! / About wisdom, and the Word of God, and power! / Give us the truth to You to receive communion, // in the non-evening days of Your Kingdom.

Chorus: Rejoice, Virgin, rejoice, / rejoice, blessed one, / rejoice, glorified one! // Your Bo Son is risen three days from the grave.

Troparion: Oh Easter is great and most sacred, Christ! / About wisdom, and the Word of God, and power! / Give us the truth to You to receive communion, // in the non-evening days of Your Kingdom.

Chorus: My soul will magnify / has risen three days from the grave // ​​Christ the Life-giver.

Irmos: C Vestis, shines, / the new Jerusalem: / glory be to the Lord / lift up on you. / Rejoice now / and rejoice, Zion. / You, Pure One, show off, Mother of God, // about the rise of Thy Nativity.

Chorus: My soul magnifies / suffered by will, and was buried, // and rose again three days ago from the grave.

Irmos: C Vestis, shines, / the new Jerusalem: / glory be to the Lord / lift up on you. / Rejoice now / and rejoice, Zion. / You, Pure One, show off, Mother of God, // about the rise of Thy Nativity.


Shine, shine, / the new Jerusalem: / glory be to the Lord / ascension upon you. / Rejoice now / and rejoice, Zion. / You, Pure, shine, Mother of God, // about the rise of Thy Nativity. (Once)

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: For thee are praised by all the Forces of Heaven, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and they glorify Thee, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.


NS Having fallen asleep, / as if dead, / to the King and Lord, / thou art three days old, / raised up Adam from aphids, / and abolishing death: / Easter incorruptible, // salvation of the world. (Three times)

Praised are the psalms, voice 1:

Chorus: B Let every breath praise the Lord. / Praise the Lord from heaven, / praise Him in the highest. / / A song to God befits you.

NS bring down Him, all His angels, / Praise Him with all His might. // A song to God befits you.

The Reader: Celebration Stichera, Tone 1:

Praise Him for His might, / Praise Him for the multitude of His majesty.

NS Om Thy, Christ, a saving passion, // and we glorify Thy Resurrection.

Praise Him in a trumpet voice, / praise Him in the psalteries and gusleh.

TO enduring rest, and abolishing death, / and resurrected from the dead, / subdue our life, O Lord, // as the One is All-Powerful.

Praise Him in the tympanum and face, / Praise Him in the strings and organ.

A Yes, captive and resurrecting a man, / By Thy Resurrection, Christ, / are honored with a pure heart, // Petite and praise Thee.

Praise Him in the cymbals of the good-hearted, praise Him in the cymbals of exclamation, / let every breath praise the Lord.

B Your glorious descent is glorious, / we sing to You, to Christ: / you were born from the Virgin, / and you were inseparable from the Father: / you suffered as a man, / and you endured the Cross by will, / you were raised from the grave as from the palace, / yes save the world, // Lord, glory to Thee.

Easter stichera, voice 5.








Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and ever and
till the end of time. Amen.


NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

During the singing of the stichera of Easter, the clergy begin to christen among themselves in the altar.

The priests, having made Christ among themselves in the altar, proceed to Solea.

The Primate comes out with the Cross and the Trinity, utters a short general greeting from himself to those who are to come and ends it with a three-fold overshadowing of the Cross and a Trinity on three sides, exclaiming:

Priest: Christ is Risen!

People indeed he is risen!

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, slowly)

The Primate takes the Cross with a candlestick to the altar and goes out to the pulpit to read the Omnipotent Word of St. John Chrysostom.

The exuberant word of John Chrysostom:

Priest: Like the saints of our Father John, Archbishop of Constantinople, Zlatoust, the Omnipotent Word on the holy and luminous day of the most glorious and saving Christ, our God of Resurrection.

If anyone is pious and God-loving, let him enjoy this good and bright blessing of celebration. If anyone is a discreet servant, let him enter rejoicing into the joy of his Lord. If anyone takes the trouble to fast, let him now accept the denarius. If anyone has been eating from the first hour, let him take this day a righteous duty. If anyone comes after the third hour, let him celebrate thanks. If anyone reaches it by the sixth hour, let him know nothing, for he gets the wrong thing. If anyone is deprived of even the ninth hour, let him begin, not hesitating, not being afraid. If someone reaches exactly, and at the eleventh hour, may not be afraid of slowing down: the loving God, the Lord, accepts the last one as well as the first: he rests at the tenth hour of the one that came, as if he did from the first hour. And the last one has mercy, and the first pleases, and to him he gives, and to this he bestows, and he accepts deeds, and kisses the intention, and honors the deed, and praises the proposal. Even so, enter all into the joy of your Lord: both the first and the second, receive a bribe. Wealth and bastards, rejoice with each other. Temperance and laziness, honor the day. Fasting and non-fasting, rejoice today. The meal is complete, enjoy everything. A well-fed calf, let no one go hungry, all enjoy the feast of faith: all accept the wealth of goodness. Let no one weep for misery, for a common Kingdom appears. No one else weeps for sins, forgiveness is from the grave of the ascension. Let no one be afraid of death, let us be free of Spasov's death. Quench yu, Izhe kept from her. Captives of hell, Descended into hell. Grieve him for having tasted his flesh. And this is what Isaiah is doing, cry out: hell, he says, be upset, shit at Thee. Be upset, for be abolished. Be upset, for it was quickened. Be upset, for die. Be upset, for you have fallen down. Be upset, for you will contact. Pleased with the body, and adore God. Welcome the earth, and shit the sky. You are a pleasure when you see it, and you cannot see it in a hedgehog. Where is your, death, sting; where is your, hell, victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and demons have fallen. Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life dwells. Christ is risen, and there is not one dead in the grave. Christ has risen from the dead, The beginning of the departed was fast. Glory and power to him, forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion John Chrysostom, voice 8:

Chorus: Have yours, as the lightness of fire / having shone, enlighten the grace of the universe: / not the avarice of the world's treasures, / show us the height of humility, / but punishing your words, Father John Chrysostom, // pray the Word, Christ God, save our souls.

Litany augmented:

Deacon: P have mercy on us, God, according to your great mercy, we pray to you, hear and have mercy.

Chorus: G

Kirill, ,

E We pray for our God-protected country, its power and army, and let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity.




Chorus: A min.

The litany of supplication:

Deacon: And Let us fulfill our Lord's morning prayer.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: D

Chorus: P Oday, Lord. (For every petition.)

Deacon: A






Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Chorus: A min.

Priest: Peace to all.

Chorus: And perfume yours.

Deacon: G

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hierophant: Yours is, to be merciful and to save us, our God, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Deacon: P wisdom.

Chorus: B speak up.

Chorus: A min. Have

Chorus: And giving belly to those in the grave.

Easter leave.

Priest: Christ is Risen!

People indeed he is risen!

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.



Chorus: B Cyril (High-) Most Reverend (name),/(arch-) bishop (metropolitan (title))

And immediately the Easter clock is sung:

Easter Hours:

The Easter Hours are sung in full.

Chorus: A min. NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times)

V Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, / let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, / the only sinless one, / We worship Thy Cross, Christ, / and we sing and praise Thy Holy Resurrection: / Thou art our God, / don’t know otherwise, / we call Thy name. / Come, all faithful, / let us worship the Holy Resurrection of Christ: / behold, joy to the whole world came by the Cross. / Always blessing the Lord, / we sing His Resurrection: / having endured the crucifixion, // destroy death by death. (Three times)

Ipakoi, voice 4:


Kontakion, voice 8:


Tropari, voice 8:

V about the grave of the flesh, in hell with a soul like God, / in paradise with a robber, and on the Throne was Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, // do everything, indescribable.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I AM to the Life-bearer, like the most reddish of paradise, / truly and the palace of every royal, the most luminous, Christ, Thy tomb, // the source of our resurrection.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

V Lavishly consecrated Divine village, rejoice, / Thou hast given joy to the Mother of God, calling: // Blessed are Thou in wives, O All-Immaculate Lady.

G redeem, have mercy. (40 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

H The most natural Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without corruption of God the Word who gave birth to the existing Mother of God, we magnify Thee.

AND Bless me the Lord, father.

Priest: Through the prayers of the saints, our Father, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us.

Chorus: A min. NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

B speak up.

Small Sunday leave:

Priest going out to the pulpit with a cross without tricolor:

Risen from the dead, Christ, our True God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the monks and God-bearing father of ours and all saints, will have mercy and save us, as is Good and Humanitarian.

Chorus: A min.

This rite is supposed to be performed on Bright Week instead of the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th hours, midnight office and Compline.

Divine Liturgy:

Deacon: B Speak to the lord.

Priest: Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Easter start:

The priest stands in front of the throne with the Cross and the trinity in his left hand and a censer in his right, and the deacon is in a high place with a candle.

The clergy, very publicly:

(Three times)

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times)

The priest censes the throne in front and sings with the clergy:

Clergy: May God rise again, and scatter Him, / and flee from His face
who hate Him.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

The priest censes the throne on the south side and sings with the clergy:

Clergy: Like the smoke disappears, let it disappear, / like the wax melts from the face of the fire.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

The priest censes the throne on the eastern side and sings with the clergy:

Clergy: So may sinners perish from the Face of God, / and righteous women, yes

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

The priest censes the throne on the north side and sings with the clergy:

Clergy: This day, the Lord create it, / let us rejoice and rejoice at the stench.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

The priest continues to burn incense at the altar, iconostasis and worshipers, and sings with the clergy:

Clergy: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Clergy: Both now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Clergy: Christ is risen from the dead, / death trampled upon death

Chorus: And giving belly to those in the grave.

The priest, while censing the worshipers, greets them with an Easter greeting: "Christ is Risen!"

Great litany:

Deacon: M let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (For every petition)

Deacon: Oh Let us pray to the Lord in heavenly peace and the salvation of our souls.

O the peace of the whole world, the welfare of the Saints Churches of God and the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.

O in this holy temple, and with faith, reverence and fear of God entering them, let us pray to the Lord.

O our great Lord and Father, His Holiness the Patriarch Kirill, and about our Lord, the Most Reverend Metropolitan (or: the Archbishop, or: the Most Reverend Bishop named), honest presbytery, in Christ the deacon, for all the clergy and people, let us pray to the Lord.

O God-protected our country, its power and army, let us pray to the Lord.

O this city (or about this world), every city, country and by faith of those who live in them, let us pray to the Lord.

O the goodness of the air, the abundance of the fruits of the earth and peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.

O floating, traveling, sick, suffering, captives and about their salvation. Let's pray to the Lord.

O rid us of all sorrow, anger and need, let us pray to the Lord.

Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

NS Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hierophant: Like all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever, befits Thee.

Chorus: A min.

EASTER Antiphons:

Antiphones 1st:

Verse 1: Shout / O Lord, all the earth.

Chorus: M

The verse is the same: Shout out to the Lord, all the earth, / Sing to His name, give glory to His praise.

Chorus: M With the prayers of the Theotokos, Savior save us.

Verse 2: Cry to God: if Thy deeds are terrible, / in the greatness of Thy strength they will lie to Thee and foil Thy.

Chorus: M With the prayers of the Theotokos, Savior save us.

Verse 3: Let the whole earth bow down to You, / and sing to You, and let the Most High sing to Your name.

Chorus: M With the prayers of the Theotokos, Savior save us.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Chorus: M With the prayers of the Theotokos, Savior save us.

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hiereus: For Thy power and Thy is the kingdom and power and glory, of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Antiphones 2nd:

Verse 1: God blessed / blessed.

Chorus: WITH A lleluia. (Once)

The verse is the same: God, harbor us, and bless us, / enlighten Thy face against us, and have mercy on us.

Chorus: WITH feed us, Son of God, risen from the dead, singing Ti: A lleluia. (Once)

Verse 2: Let us know Thy way on earth, / in all nations Thy salvation.

Chorus: WITH feed us, Son of God, risen from the dead, singing Ti: A lleluia. (Once)

Verse 3: May the people confess to You, God, / may the people confess to You all.

Chorus: WITH feed us, Son of God, risen from the dead, singing Ti: A lleluia. (Once)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and ever and in
eyelids of centuries. Amen.

E only begotten Son and the Word of God, He is immortal / and willing to our salvation for the sake of / to incarnate from the Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, / immutably incarnate, / crucified, Christ God, right death by death, / One of the Holy Trinity, // to the Holy Trinity, // asked to the Father and Spirit, save us.

Small litany:

Deacon: NS Like and pack, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: For God art is good and lover of mankind, and we glory to you, to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Antiphones 3rd:

Verse 1: May God be resurrected, / and scattered around him.

Troparion: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Once)

The verse is the same: May God rise again, and scatter Him, / and may flee from the presence of Him who hate Him.

Troparion: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Once)

Verse 2: Like the smoke disappears, let it disappear, / like the wax melts from the face of fire.

Troparion: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Once)

Verse 3: Thus may sinners perish from the presence of God, / and may the righteous rejoice, may they rejoice before God.

Troparion: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Once)

Entrance with the Gospel:

Deacon: P foolishness, I'm sorry.

Input Verse: V churches bless God, the Lord from the fountain of Israel.

At the entrance:

“Come, let us bow down ...” is not sung (except for hierarchical services), but immediately:

Troparion of the holiday, voice 4:

Chorus: NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Ipakoi, voice 4:

NS The morning was redarted, even about Mary, / and the stone was rolled away from the grave, / I hear from the Angel: in the light of the Existing / with the dead, what are you looking for, like a man? , // as if he is the Son of God, saving the human race.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holiday kondak, voice 8:

A still and into the grave you descended, Immortal, / but you destroyed the power of hell / and you rose again, as the Conqueror, Christ God, / proclaiming to the myrrh-bearers: rejoice! / And grant peace to your apostle, // grant resurrection to the fallen.

Deacon: G Let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Priest: As holy art, our God, and to Thee we give glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever.

Deacon: G reign, save the godly.

Chorus: G Oppose, save the godly

Deacon: And hear us.

Chorus: And hear us.

Deacon: And till the end of time.

Chorus: A min.

Instead of the Trisagion:

E A lleluia. (Three times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

V O Christ is put on. A lleluia.

E the faces are baptized into Christ, into Christ are put on. A lleluia.

Deacon: B mute.

Priest: Peace to all.

Reader: And perfume yours.

Deacon: P wisdom.

Reader: P roqueman, voice eighth:


Chorus: C For her the Lord has made her day, / let us rejoice and rejoice in it.

Reader: And Confess to the Lord, for it is Good, for His mercy is in the age.

Chorus: C For her the Lord has made her day, / let us rejoice and rejoice in it.

Reader: S for her the day God make him, /

Chorus: B let us rejoice and rejoice in it.

Deacon: P wisdom.

Reader: D the apostle reading of the Holy Bible.

Deacon: B mute.

(Acts., Cred. 1)

Reader: P First of all, we have created a word about all, about Theophilus, even Jesus began to do the same and teach. Even to the day, vonzhe, having commanded the Apostle by the Holy Spirit, they were also chosen, ascended. In front of them and set yourself alive, according to your suffering, in many [true] flags, appearing to them for fourty days, and saying even about the Kingdom of God: With them and poisonous, commanded them not to be separated from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, he had heard from Me. : as John baptized with water, but you have to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, not in many of these days. But when they came together, I asked Him, saying: Lord, why do you establish the kingdom of Israel in this summer? Speech to them: bear your understanding of the times and years, even the Father put in His power: But you will receive the power, I will find the Holy Spirit on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the last of the earth.

Priest: Peace of ty.

Reader: And perfume yours.

Deacon: P wisdom.

Reader: G las fourth: A hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Chorus: A hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Reader: T We have resurrected the possessions of Zion.

Chorus: A hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Reader: G make a ghost from Heaven to earth.

Chorus: A hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Deacon: B Speak, lord, evangelist, holy glorious and all valiant apostle and evangelist John.

Priest: God through the prayers of the holy glorious, all valiant apostle and evangelist John, may he give you the verb, proclaiming the gospel with many power, in fulfillment of the gospel of his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Deacon: A min.

Second deacon or priest:

NS foolishness, forgive, let us hear the holy Gospel.

Priest: Peace to all.

Chorus: And perfume yours.

Deacon: Oh t John of the Holy Gospel reading.

Chorus: C

Second deacon or priest:

Deacon: V the beginning is the Word, and the Word is to God, and God is the Word. This is from time immemorial to God. All That was, and without Him nothing is faster, faster. In Tom is the belly, and the belly is the light of man. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not embrace it. There is a man sent from God, his name is John. This one came as a testimony, that he testifies of the Light, that they have all faith in Him. Not that light, but yes testifies to the Light. Be the true Light, Izhe enlightens every person coming into the world. In the world there is, and the world is fast, and His world is not known. In his own arrival, and his own did not accept him. Elitsy accepted Him, gave them the area of ​​being a child of God, believing in His name. They are not like blood, nor from the lust of the flesh, nor from the lust of the masculine, but were born of God. And the Word was flesh, and dwelt in us, and in sight of His glory, the glory of the Only Begotten from the Father, fill with grace and truth. John testifies of Him and crying out, saying: This be, His beh, He who is Coming for me, was before me, as if I were the first. And from His fulfillment we all receive, and grace is grace: For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth were given by Jesus Christ.

Chorus: C lava to you, Lord, glory to you.

Litany augmented:

Deacon: R

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: G

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: NS have mercy on us, God, according to your great mercy, we pray to you, hear and have mercy.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (Three times, for each request)

Deacon: E we pray for our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness the Patriarch Kirill, and about our Lord, the Most Reverend Metropolitan (or: the Archbishop, or: the Most Reverend Bishop name) , and to all our brethren in Christ.

E We pray for our God-protected country, its power and army, and let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity.


E We pray for the blessed and ever-memorable creators of this holy temple, and for all the pre-existing fathers and brethren, lying here and everywhere, Orthodox.

E we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and forgiveness of the sins of the servants of God, the abbot, brethren and parishioners of this holy temple.

E We pray for those who bear fruit and do good in this holy and all-honorable temple, who are toiling, singing and coming people, who expect great and rich mercy from You.

Priest: As God is merciful and lover of mankind, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Litany of the catechumens:

Deacon: P pray, public, Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (For every petition)

Deacon: B Ernia, let us pray for the catechumens that the Lord will have mercy on them.

O speaks them with the word of truth.

O reveals the gospel of righteousness to them.

WITH will unite them with His holy catholic and apostolic Church.

WITH feed, have mercy, intercede and save them, O God, with Thy grace.

O bow your head to the Lord.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: Yes, and those with us glorify Your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

The litany of the faithful, first:

Deacon: E faces of the public, go out.

Second Deacon: Oh beckons, go out.

First: E faces of the public, go out.

Second again: D and no one from the catechumens, trees of faith, packs and packs, let us pray to the Lord in peace.

(If one deacon serves, then all petitions are proclaimed in a row:

Deacon: E faces of the public, go out. Publication, go out. Elitsy. announcements, go out. Yes, no one from the catechumens, the trees of faith, packs and packs in peace, let us pray to the Lord.)

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P wisdom.

Hiereus: Like all glory, honor and worship befitting Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

The litany of the faithful, the second:

Deacon: P aki and paki, let us pray in peace to the Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (For every petition)

Deacon: Oh over the world and the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.

O the peace of the whole world, the welfare of the holy churches of God and the unification of all, let us pray to the Lord.

O in this holy temple, and with faith, reverence and fear of God entering them, let us pray to the Lord.

O rid us of all sorrow, anger and need, let us pray to the Lord.

Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: P wisdom.

Hierophant: As if we always keep under Thy dominion, we give glory to Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Cherubic song:

Chorus: And but the Cherubims are secretly forming and life-giving Trinity, the Trisagion song is humming, we will postpone all everyday care.

Great entrance:

Deacon: B our great lord and father Cyril, Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and our lord (High-) Most Reverend (name), (arch-) bishop (metropolitan (title)), may the Lord God remember in His Kingdom always, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Priest: Most Reverend Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic order, and the Church's worship, to the brethren of this holy temple, all of you, Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God remember in His Kingdom, always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min. I AM Let us raise the King of all, with the angelic invisibly Dorinoshim ranks. A lleluia, halleluia, halleluia

The litany of supplication:

Deacon: And let's fulfill our Lord's prayer.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (For every petition)

Deacon: Oh offered by Honest Darech, let us pray to the Lord.

O in this holy temple, and with faith, reverence and fear of God entering into them, let us pray to the Lord.

O rid us of all sorrow, anger and need, let us pray to the Lord.

Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: D not everything is perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, we ask the Lord.

Chorus: P Oday, Lord. (For every petition)

Deacon: A ngela is peaceful, faithful to the mentor, guardian of our souls and bodies, we ask the Lord.

NS we ask the Lord for the grove and remission of our sins and sins.

D Good and useful to our souls and peace, we ask the Lord.

NS The other time of our life in peace and repentance, we ask the Lord to die.

NS Christian deaths of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful and kindly answer at the Terrible Judgment of Christ, we ask.

NS Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves, and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: By the bounty of Thy only-begotten Son, with Him blessed art, with Thy Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Priest: Peace to all.

Chorus: And perfume yours.

Deacon: B let us fall in love with each other, but with like-mindedness we confess.

Chorus: Oh tzah, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, / Consubstantial Trinity / and inseparable.

Deacon: D believe, doors, we will behold wisdom.

Symbol of faith:

People I eat in one God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born of the Father before all ages. Light from Light, God, true from God, true, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Who was all. For us, for the sake of man and for our salvation, he descended from heaven and incarnated from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. And he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. And packs of the coming with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, Life-giving, Who is from the Father who proceeds, Who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke the prophets. In one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I tea the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the century to come. A min.

Eucharistic Canon:

Deacon: C Let us be good, let us become with fear, let us behold, bring the holy offering in the world.

Chorus: M the illusion of the world, / the sacrifice of praise.

Priest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and love God and the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

Chorus: And with your spirit.

After Communion of people:

Chorus: A hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Priest: Save, O God, Thy people, and bless Thy heritage.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Once, drawn out)

Priest: Always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Once, drawn out)

Final litany:

Deacon: P grow up to accept the Divine, saints, most pure, immortal, heavenly and life-giving, terrible Mysteries of Christ, we are worthy to thank the Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: D All is perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, having asked for ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: As Thou art our sanctification, and to Thee we give glory, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Hiereus: Let us depart in peace.

Chorus: Oh the name of the Lord.

Deacon: G Let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Prayer outside the ambon:

Priest: Bless the blessing of Thee, Lord, and sanctify those who trust in Thee, save Thy people and bless Thy heritage, preserve the fulfillment of Thy Church, consecrate loving splendor to Thy house: Glorify those with Thy Divine power, and do not leave us who trust in Thee. Give peace to Thy world, to Thy churches, to the priest, to the army and to all Thy people. For every gift is good, and every gift is perfect from above, descend from You, the Father of lights, and to You glory, and thanksgiving, and worship, we send to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Prayer for the consecration of artos:

Deacon: G Let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Priest: Almighty God and Lord Almighty, who is like Thy servant Moses in the exodus of Israel from Egypt, and in the deliverance of Thy people from the bitter work of Pharaoh, Thou hast commanded to slay the lamb, representing on the cross the one who was slain by our will for sharing the Lamb, taking up Thy sinning Son of all beloved , Our Lord Jesus Christ. Even now, we humbly pray to Thee, look upon this bread, and bless and sanctify it. For we also, Thy servant, in honor and glory, and in remembrance of the glorious resurrection of the same Son of Thy Lord Jesus Christ, Who, from the eternal work of the enemy and from the unresolvable bonds of hell, permission, freedom and conquest by virtue, before Thy Majesty is now in this all-luminous one, Glorious and saving day of Easter, this we bring: we bring this, and that kiss, and eat from it, partakers of your heavenly blessing, and all disease and illness from us by your power to ward off, giving health to everyone. Thou art the source of blessing and the giver of celibacy, and to Thee we bestow glory to the Beginning Father, with Thy Only Begotten Son, and Thy Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

The priest sprinkles artos with holy water, saying:

This artos is blessed and sanctified by sprinkling of sowing sacred water, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Three times.)

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (12 times)

Hiereus: The blessing of the Lord on you, the One with grace and love for mankind, always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Priest: Christ is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death //

Chorus: And giving belly to those in the grave.

Easter leave.

The priest went out to the pulpit with a cross and a tricolor:

Christ resurrected from the dead, trampling death by death and giving a gift to those in the grave: our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all saints, will have mercy and save us, as is Good and Humanitarian.

And it overshadows those who are to come with the Cross and the trilings on three sides, loudly saying with each overshadowing:

Priest: Christ is Risen!

People indeed he is risen!

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

AND we have been given an eternal belly, we worship His three-day Resurrection.


Chorus: B our great Lord and Father Cyril, / His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, / and our Lord (High-) Most Reverend (name),/(arch-) bishop (metropolitan (title)), / our God-protected country of Russia, / the abbot, brethren and parishioners of this holy temple / and all Orthodox Christians, // Lord, save them for many years.

Prayer for the blessing of meat

in the holy and great week of Easter.

Hiereus: Blessed be our God, always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min. NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times)

Deacon: G Let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: G Lord have mercy.

Priest: Look, O Lord Jesus Christ, our God, for brushed meat, and sanctify me, as you sanctified a ram, whom You will bring to You faithful Abraham, and a lamb, whom You have brought Abel for all fruitfulness: like a well-fed calf, whom You have commanded to eat, and Your erring sons , and pack the one who returns to You: yes, as if you were worthy of Your goodness, enjoy yourself, sitsa and those sanctified from You, and the blessed ones, let us enjoy the food of all of us. Thou art the true food, and the giver of the good, and we glorify Thee with Thy Beginning Father, and the Most Holy, and the Good, and Thy Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the blessing of cheese and eggs.

Deacon: G Let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: G Lord have mercy.

Priest: O Lord our God, the creator and creator of all, bless the thickened milk, with nimzha and eggs, and observe us in Thy goodness, as if we partake of them, Thy unenviable gifts will be fulfilled, and Thy inexpressible goodness: like Thy power, and Thy there is the Kingdom, and power, and glory, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Great Easter Vespers.

Before the evening - the 9th hour according to the Easter rite.

At the end of the 9th hour, the priest, dressed in all the priestly garments (during the conciliar service, the primate), standing in front of the throne with a censer in his right hand, with a Cross and a trisigner in his left, creates a cross with a censer and proclaims:

Hiereus: Blessed is our God always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Easter start:

The clergy, very publicly:

Christ is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and giving life to those in the grave.(Three times)

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times)

Clergy: May God rise again, and scatter Him, / and flee from His face
who hate Him.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Clergy: Like the smoke disappears, let it disappear, / like the wax melts from the face of the fire.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Clergy: So let sinners perish from the Face of God, and let the righteous be glad.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Clergy: This day, the Lord create it, / let us rejoice and rejoice at the stench.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Clergy: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Clergy: Both now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

Clergy: Christ is risen from the dead, / death trampled upon death

Chorus: And giving belly to those in the grave.

Great litany:

Deacon: M let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (For every petition)

Deacon: Oh Let us pray to the Lord in heavenly peace and the salvation of our souls.

O the peace of the whole world, the prosperity of the Holy Churches of God and the unification of all, let us pray to the Lord.

O in this holy temple, and with faith, reverence and fear of God entering them, let us pray to the Lord.

O our great Lord and Father, His Holiness the Patriarch Kirill, and about our Lord, the Most Reverend Metropolitan (or: the Archbishop, or: the Most Reverend Bishop named), honest presbytery, in Christ the deacon, for all the clergy and people, let us pray to the Lord.

O God-protected our country, its power and army, let us pray to the Lord.

O this city (or about this world), every city, country and by faith of those who live in them, let us pray to the Lord.

O the goodness of the air, the abundance of the fruits of the earth and peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.

O floating, traveling, sick, suffering, captives and about their salvation. Let's pray to the Lord.

O rid us of all sorrow, anger and need, let us pray to the Lord.

Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

NS Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hierophant: Like all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever, befits Thee.

Chorus: A min.

Lord, I cried out, voice 2:

Chorus: G O Lord, call out to You, hear me. / Hear me, O Lord. / O Lord, call out to You, hear me: / hear the voice of my prayer, / always call out to You. // Hear me, O Lord.

D but my prayer will be corrected, / like a censer before You, / lifting my hand / is an evening sacrifice. // Hear me, Lord.

Reader: Sunday stichera, voice 2:

On 6. Verse: If the lawlessness is nazrishi, Lord, Lord, who will stand? // Like you have cleansing.

Stanza: P Now from the Father to the born God's Word, / incarnated from the Virgin Mary, / come, let us worship. / Having endured the cross, / surrendered to burial, as if He was delighted, / and rose from the dead, // save me a deluded person.

Verse: In Thy name for Thy patience, O Lord, my soul suffer for Thy word, // my soul trusts in the Lord.

Stanza: X Christ Our Savior, / nailed the handwriting on the Cross for us, / and abolish the mortal state, // we worship His three-day Resurrection.

On 4. Verse: From the guard of the morning until the night, from the guard of the morning, // may Israel trust in the Lord.

Stanza: S O Archangels, let us celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, / That bo is the Redeemer and Savior of our souls, / and in glory more terrible and strong in power, // the pack is coming to judge the world, its own creation.

Verse: As the Lord has mercy, and He has much deliverance, // and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.

Stanza: T to you Raspanshagosya and Buried, / Angel preaching to the Vladyka, and verb to the wives: / come see, where the Lord is lying, / is resurrected, as it is said, like He is Almighty. / We also worship You, the One Immortal, // Life-giver Christ, have mercy on us.

On 2. Verse: Praise the Lord, all tongues, // praise Him, all people.

Stanza: K Thou hast abolished with Thy rest, / from the tree of the oath, / Thou hast killed the state with Thy burial, / Thou hast enlightened the human race with Thy uprising.

Verse: As His mercy be established on us, // and the truth of the Lord abides for ever.

Stanza: Oh Confident to You, O Lord, / the mortal gates with fear, / the gatekeepers of hell saw Thee, fearing, / you crushed the copper gates, / and you wiped out the iron faith, / and wore us out from the darkness and the shadow of death, // and tore our bonds you.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

WITH singing a passive song, we will lift up from the lips. / Come all in the house of the Lord, let us fall, saying: / Crucified on the tree, and risen from the dead, / and Thou art in the bosom of the Father, // cleanse our sins.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Dogmatist: P the raide is a legitimate shade, / having come of grace, / as if the bush is not scorched to death, / so the Virgin gave birth to you / and the Virgin remained there. / Instead of a pillar of fire, / righteous ascent of the Sun, / instead of Moses, Christ, / Salvation of our souls.

Entrance with censer:

Deacon: P foolishness, I'm sorry.

Silent Light:

Chorus: C vete Quiet holy glory of the Immortal Heavenly Father, Holy, Blessed, Jesus Christ! Having come to the west of the sun, having seen the evening light, we sing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God. Thou art worthy at all times to be voices of the saints, Son of God, give your belly; the same world Ty glorifies.

Deacon: B mute.

Priest: Peace to all.

Chorus: And perfume yours.

The great prokemen:

Deacon: P let’s grasp the wisdom. NS roquemen great, voice 7th:


Chorus: K is it great God, like our God? / You are God working miracles.

Deacon: C Thou hast shown Thy strength in men.

Chorus: K is it great God, like our God? / You are God working miracles. (For every verse)

Verse 2. And rekh: now began, this betrayal of the right hand of Vyshnyago.

Verse 3. P Omyanukh the works of the Lord, as if I remember from the beginning of Thy miracles.

Deacon: K is God great, like our God? /

Chorus: T You are God, work miracles.

Deacon: And to make us worthy of hearing the holy Gospel, we pray to the Lord God.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (Three times)

Priest: Reading from John of the Holy Gospel.

Chorus: C lava to you, Lord, glory to you.

Deacon: V mute.

(John, cred. 65)

Priest: I exist later on that day in one from the Sabbaths, and with the door closed, where the byahu of His disciples gather, for fear for the sake of the Jew, Jesus came and a hundred in the midst, and said to them: Peace be to you. And these things of the rivers, showing them the hand and the nose, and His ribs. Rejoiced at the disciple, seeing the Lord. Speech to them Jesus packs: peace be with you. As an ambassador, I am Father, and I am sending you. And these are the rivers, dunu and the verb to them: receive the Holy Spirit. Let them forgive their sins, they will be forgiven, and they also hold, hold on. Thomas, however, is one of the two, the verb Gemini, do not be with them when Jesus came. And I verb to him the friends of his disciple: by the sight of the Lord. He said to them: if I do not see a nail plague on His hand, I will put my finger in the nail plague, and I will put my hand in His ribs, I have no faith.

Chorus: C lava to you, Lord, glory to you.

Litany augmented:

Deacon: R with everything from all of my soul, and from all our thoughts.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: G Oppose the Almighty, God our father, we pray Tis, hear and have mercy.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: NS have mercy on us, God, according to your great mercy, we pray to you, hear and have mercy.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy. (Three times, for each request)

Deacon: E we pray for our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness the Patriarch Kirill, and about our Lord, the Most Reverend Metropolitan (or: the Archbishop, or: the Most Reverend Bishop name) , and to all our brethren in Christ.

E We pray for our God-protected country, its power and army, and let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity.

E We pray for our brethren, priests, holy people, and all our brotherhood in Christ.

E We pray for the blessed and ever-memorable creators of this holy temple, and for all the pre-existing fathers and brethren, lying here and everywhere, Orthodox.

E we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and forgiveness of the sins of the servants of God, the abbot, brethren and parishioners of this holy temple.

E We pray for those who bear fruit and do good in this holy and all-honorable temple, who are toiling, singing and coming people, who expect great and rich mercy from You.

Priest: As God is merciful and lover of mankind, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Grant me, Lord:

Chorus: C likeness, Lord, in this evening we will be saved without sin. Blessed are you, O Lord, our Father God, and your name is praised and glorified forever. A min.

B go away, Lord, Thy mercy is on us, as with hope in Thee. Blessed art thou, Lord, teach me with Thy justification. Blessed art thou, Master, give me reason with Thy justification. Blessed art thou, Holy One, enlighten me with Thy justification.

G Oppose, Thy mercy forever, despise not Thy hand works. Praise befits you, singing befits you, glory begs for you. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. A min.

The litany of supplication:

Deacon: And we will fill evening prayer our Lord.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: Z Step, save, have mercy and save us, O God, with Thy grace.

Chorus: G redeem, have mercy.

Deacon: B On the day of everything perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, we ask the Lord.

Chorus: P Oday, Lord. (For every petition)

Deacon: A ngela is peaceful, faithful to the mentor, guardian of our souls and bodies, we ask the Lord.

NS we ask the Lord for the grove and remission of our sins and sins.

D Good and useful to our souls and peace, we ask the Lord.

NS The other time of our life in peace and repentance, we ask the Lord to die.

NS Christian deaths of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful and kindly answer at the Terrible Judgment of Christ, we ask.

NS Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, having remembered all the saints, ourselves, and each other, and we will give our whole life to Christ God.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Priest: For God art is good and lover of mankind, and we give glory to you, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Priest: Peace to all.

Chorus: And perfume yours.

Deacon: G Let us bow our lava to the Lord.

Chorus: T fuck, Lord.

Hiereus: Blessed and glorified the state of Thy kingdom. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min.

Stichera on verse:

Reader: Sunday stichera, voice 2:

Stanza: In Thy resurrection, Savior Christ, / enlighten the whole universe, / and Thou art called upon Thy creation, // O Lord, almighty, glory to Thee.

Easter stichera, voice 5:

Verse: May God rise, / and scatter him against him.

NS askha / sacred to us this day has appeared; / Easter is new holy; / Mysterious Easter; / All-honorable Easter. / Christ the Redeemer Easter; / Immaculate Easter; / Great Easter; / Easter of the faithful. / Easter opening the doors of heaven to us. // Easter sanctifying all the faithful ...

Poem: Yako smoke disappears, / yes disappear.

NS reid / from the vision of the wife of the evangelist, / and cry to Zion: / receive / from us the joy of the Annunciation, the Resurrection of Christ: / flaunt, rejoice / and rejoice, Jerusalem, / seeing the King of Christ from the grave, / as if the bridegroom is happening.

Poem: So let sinners perish from the Face of God, / and let the righteous rejoice.

M iron-bearers of the wife, / deep morning, / presenting to the coffin of the Life-Giver, / finding an Angel / sitting on a stone, / and saying to them, / sice verb: / that you are looking for the Living with the dead; / what is crying the Imperishable in the aphids? // Shedshe, preach as a disciple His.

Poem: This day, which the Lord has created, / let us rejoice and rejoice in it.

NS askha red, / Easter, Lord's Easter! / Honorable Easter / we are hoping. Easter, / we will embrace each other with joy. / O Easter! / Deliverance of sorrow, / for from the grave this day, / as if from the palace / having risen Christ, / fulfill the joy of the wife, verb: / preach the apostle.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

V Resurrection day, / and we will be enlightened with triumph, / and we will embrace each other. / The brothers who hate us, / we will forgive the whole by the Resurrection, / and so we cry: / Christ is risen from the dead, / death is trampled upon by death, // and those who exist in the grave the stomach is bestowed.

NS Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave. (Three times, soon)

Deacon: P wisdom.

Chorus: B speak up.

Priest: Behold, blessed is Christ our God, always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: A min. Have hold on, God, holy Orthodox faith, Orthodox Christians in the century of the century.

The priest holding the Cross with a tricolor sings in the altar with all the clergy:

Christ is risen from the dead, / death trampled upon death //

Chorus: And giving belly to those in the grave.

Easter leave.

The priest went out to the pulpit with a cross and a tricolor:

Christ resurrected from the dead, trampling death by death and giving a gift to those in the grave: our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all saints, will have mercy and save us, as is Good and Humanitarian.

And it overshadows those who are to come with the Cross and the trilings on three sides, loudly saying with each overshadowing:

Priest: Christ is Risen!

People indeed he is risen!

Chorus: X Ristos is risen from the dead, / trampling death by death // and bestowing life on those in the grave.

AND we have been given an eternal belly, we worship His three-day Resurrection.


Chorus: B our great Lord and Father Cyril, / His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, / and our Lord (High-) Most Reverend (name),/(arch-) bishop (metropolitan (title)), / our God-protected country of Russia, / the abbot, brethren and parishioners of this holy temple / and all Orthodox Christians, // Lord, save them for many years.

Woe = to the Heavenly, spiritual, upward

There is a tradition to sing the Easter Troparion during Communion.

Traditionally, the Gospel at Easter Vespers is read at the Royal Doors facing the people.

D Dear visitors of the Orthodox site "Family and Faith"!


NS an audio recording is in front of you Easter service, recorded in the Sretensky Monastery on Easter night.

T For those of you who cannot attend this solemn and blessed service, we suggest you join the praying parishioners of the Sretensky Monastery:

Below is the entire text of the Easter service


O in the morning, the paraekklisiarch, taking the blessing from the abbot, comes out and strikes the great, and rivet enough. And, entering the temple, he burns all the candles and candila: he builds two vessels with burning coal and puts a lot of incense in them, and supplies one vessel among the church, the other in the holy altar, as if the church might be filled with all the incense. The same abbot, having entered the holy altar with the priests and deacons, will dress in the full dignity. And distributes the lights to the brethren, and takes off Honest Cross: The deacon will take up the censer: the priest is the Holy Gospel, and the priest is the image of the Resurrection of Christ: and they are placed with their faces to the west. And they will shut the gates of the church, even to the west. The abbot goes with the priest into the narthex, by the northern doors, the deacon preceding him with two candlesticks, and both faces singing sticira, voice 6:

Thy Resurrection, Christ the Savior, the angels sing in heaven, and on earth make us praise with a pure heart.

T They even hit all the Campans and the heavy one, and they rivet enough. And, having entered the vestibule, they will become with the Gospel and with the image, with a face to the west, as indicated before. The abbot will also take the censer from the deacon in right hand, The cross is on the left and censes images and kliros, and brethren according to custom. To the deacon I present before him a burning light. All the brethren stand holding their lights, praying with attention in themselves, and giving thanks to us for the sake of the suffering and risen Christ of our God. After the end of the censing, the abbot comes before the great gates of the church and leaves the deacon who was coming to him with a candle. Then the deacon took the censer from the abbot's hand, and put the abbot himself to death. And the paki is perceived by the abbot of the censer, standing in front of the church doors, in vain to the east, and he will designate the great gates of the church, (the closed entity), with a cross-shaped censer, three times, holding the Honorable Cross in his left hand, and with a lamp standing with both countries.

AND will loudly proclaim:

Glory to the Saints, and Consubstantial, and Life-giving, and Indivisible Trinity: always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

AND answering us: Amen.

N The abbot, with the rest of the ministers, officiates, the real troparion, in voice 5:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death, and giving life to those in the grave.

AND we also sing like that, with a sweet sip. This troparion is sung three times from the abbot, and three times from us.

T Even the abbot says verses:

First verse: May God rise again, and scatter Him, and let those who hate Him flee from His Face.

AND for every verse we sing the troparion: Christ is risen: all once.

V second verse: Like smoke disappears, yes disappear, like wax melts from the face of fire. Christ is risen: once.

T Second verse: So let sinners perish from the Face of God, and let the righteous be glad. Christ is risen: once.

H fourth verse: This day, which the Lord has created, let us rejoice and rejoice at the stench. Christ is risen: once.

Glory: Christ is Risen: once.

And now: Christ is Risen: once.

T Even the abbot sings in a high voice: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death. And opens the gates.

The abbot enters with the Honorable Cross, preceding him with two lamps, and to the brethren singing: They also hit all the Campans and make enough sound, three rings.

The abbot entered the holy altar from the priest. And the deacon says a great litany: In peace let us pray to the Lord. Shout: Yako all glory befits You:

And the primate begins the canon, the creation of Mr. John Damascene. Voice 1. Irmos: Resurrection day: Irmos at 4: and troparia at 12, with refrains: Christ is risen from the dead. And paki last kiyzhdo the face of Irmos. Watch the catavasia at the gathering, the same irmos: Resurrection day: And according to it Christ is risen: all three times. The beginning of the canon for each song is always created by the primate, by the right hand or the left country of the beginning. And at the beginning of the canon he censes holy icons and both faces, and to the brethren by rank. And for every song there is a small litany outside the altar, as well as a rekh, on this holy day. An exclamation inside the altar from the priest. The first song is sung by the land of the right hand. On the third, the left sings. We also sing to Sice after other songs.

CANON, Voice 1

Song 1

Irmos: Resurrection day, let us be enlightened, people: Easter, Lord's Easter! From death to life and from earth to heaven, Christ God will lead us, singing victorious.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

Let us purify our senses and see the unapproachable light of the Resurrection of Christ shining, and rejoice in the river, let us clearly hear, singing victorious.

Heaven should be worthy, let the earth rejoice, let the world celebrate, all visible and invisible: Christ is more east, eternal joy.

The same litany, and the exclamation: As Thy power, and Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Song 3

Irmos: Come, we drink new beer, the miracle-working is not barren from the stone, but the source of incorruption, from the grave that gave birth to Christ, we are established in Nemzha.

Now all are filled with light, heaven and earth, and hell: may all creation celebrate the rise of Christ, in him it is affirmed.

Yesterday I was buried in You, Christ, I will resurrect you today, I was crucified in You yesterday. Glorify me yourself, Savior, in Thy Kingdom.

The same litany, and the exclamation: For Thou art our God, and we glorify Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Ipakoi, voice 4:

NS When the morning was redrawn about Mary, and the stone that was found was rolled away from the grave, I hear from the Angel: in the light that exists with the dead, what are you looking for, like a man? You see the shroud of the grave, preach and preach to the world, as the Lord has risen, having killed death, as the Son of God, saving the human race.

And reading in Gregory the Theologian, its beginning: I will stand on my guard:
After reading, the packs are burned by the brothers.

Song 4.

Irmos: On the Divine Guard, God-speaking Habakkuk may stand with us and show a luminous Angel, clearly saying: today is the salvation of the world, as if Christ was risen, as Almighty.

A manly sex, like opening a virgin womb, Christ appears: like a man, the Lamb will be called: blameless, like the tastelessness of filth, our Passover, and as God is true, perfect is spoken.

Like the one-year-old lamb, the Christ blessed crown for us, by the will of all was slain, Easter is a cleansing one, and the sun rises from the grave of red truth to us.

Godfather ubo David, playing in front of the hay ark, galloping in front of the hay ark, the people of God's sanctity, seeing the images, rejoice Divinely, as if Christ was risen, as Almighty.

Ektenia, and the exclamation: For God is good and lover of mankind, and we glorify Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Song 5

Irmos: Let us make the morning deep and instead of peace we will bring a song to the Lord, and Christ we will see the righteousness of the Sun, life is shining for all.

Thy immeasurable benevolence, with hellish bonds and seeing, go to the light, Christ, with cheerful feet, Easter praising the eternal.

Let us begin, with the luminescence, coming to Christ from the sepulcher, like a bridegroom, and we will celebrate the saving Easter of God with all festive rites.

Ektenia, and the exclamation: Like holy and glorified thy most honorable and glorious name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Song 6

Irmos: Thou art descended into the underworld of the earth and crushed the eternal faith, containing the bound, Christ, and three days, like from the whale Jonah, thou art raised from the grave.

Having preserved the whole sign, Christ, thou art raised from the grave, the keys of the Virgin are not harming in Thy birth, and thou hast opened the doors of heaven for us.

My Savior, the living and non-sacrificial slaughter, as if God Himself brought Himself by will to the Father, you resurrected the all-inclusive Adam, rose from the grave.

Ektenia, and the exclamation: Thou art the King of the world and Savior of our souls, and we glorify Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Same kontakion, voice 8:

Even if you descended into the grave, Immortal, but you destroyed the power of hell and rose again, as a conqueror, Christ God, who prophesied to the myrrh-bearing women: rejoice, and give peace to your apostle, grant resurrection to the fallen.

Ikos: Even before the sun, the Sun sometimes went down into the grave, anticipating the morning, looking for a myrrh-bearing virgin, and a friend to friends, crying: O friend, come, we will anoint the Life-giving and buried Body, the flesh of the Resurrected fallen Adam lying in the grave. Let's go, sweat, as if by magic, and bow down, and bring peace like gifts, not in swaddling clothes, but wrapped in a shroud, and we cry and cry: O Lord, rise up, grant resurrection to the fallen.

Sunday song

Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the One Sinless One. We worship Thy Cross, Christ, and we sing and praise Thy Holy Resurrection: Thou art our God, do we not know otherwise, we call Thy name. Come, all faithful, let us worship the holy Resurrection of Christ: for behold, come the Cross, joy to the whole world. Always blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection: having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death. [Three times.]

Jesus is risen from the grave, like a prophecy, give us an eternal belly and great mercy. [Three times.]

Canto 7

Irmos: Having redeemed the youth from the cave, having been a Man, suffers as if mortal, and mortal passion in incorruptibility will clothe grace, Only God is blessed and glorified of the fathers.

Wives from the worlds of God-wise in the trace of You are tempted: He, as if dead, with tears I seek, bowing to the rejoicing Living God, and Your secret Easter, Christ, is a disciple of the Good News.

We celebrate death, death, destruction of hell, another life, eternal, beginning, and playfully sing the Guilty One, the One Blessed Father of God and the pre-glorified one.

As if truly a sacred and all-festive this saving night, and a radiant, luminous day, the herald of the rise of the present: in her, the flightless Light from the coffin of the flesh ascends to all.

Ektenia, and the exclamation: Be the power of Thy Kingdom blessed and glorified, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Canto 8

Irmos: This is the named and holy day, One Sabbath is King and Lord, holidays and triumph are celebrations: we will bless Christ forever.

Come, new grape of birth, divine joy, in the deliberate days of the Resurrection of the Kingdom of Christ let us partake, singing Him like God forever.

Lift up your eyes around you, Zion, and see: behold, I have come to you, like a shining light, from the west and north, and the sea, and the east of your children, in you blessing Christ forever.

Trinitarian: Father to the Almighty, both the Word and the Soul, three Nature united in the Hypostases, Most Substantial and Most Divine, in Thee who are baptized and We will bless Thee for all eternity.

The same litany, and the exclamation: For bless thy name, and glorified thy kingdom, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Chorus on 9th song

My soul will magnify the resurrected three days from the tomb of Christ the Life-Giver.

And irmos: Shining: And the second face sings the same refrain and irmos. The same first lick sings the second chorus:

My soul magnifies by the will of suffering and was buried, and rose three days ago from the grave.

And irmos: Shining: And the second face sings the same refrain, and irmos. The same first lyric sings the third chorus:

Christ new Easter, Living Sacrifice, Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world.

And a verse. And the second face sings the same chorus and verse. The same first lick sings the fourth chorus:

An angel cries out more gracefully: Pure Virgin, rejoice, and pack the river, rejoice: your Son is risen three days from the grave, and having raised up dead people, rejoice.

And a verse. And the second face sings the same chorus and verse.

And the other half choruses are sung one by one to the verse:

Thou woke up, falling asleep, dead from eternity, roaring royally like a lion from Judas.

Mary Magdalene flowed to the tomb and, having seen Christ, as if you were questioning the helper.

Angel shine brightly to the wives crying out: stop crying, as Christ is risen.

Christ is risen, right down to death and raised up to the dead, people, rejoice.

Today every creature rejoices and rejoices: as if Christ is risen and hell is captivated.

Today is the Lord of the captivity of hell, erected by the yuzniks, who have been obsessed with fierceness for centuries.

My soul will magnify the power of the Tri-hypostasis and Inseparable Deity.

Rejoice, Virgin, rejoice, rejoice, Blessed One, Rejoice, Glorified: Thy Son is risen three days from the grave.

Follow the first lick paki sings the first chorus and irmos.

Also, both faces, converging together, sing irmos and troparion: Christ is risen: three times.

Canto 9

Irmos: WITH Hanging, shining, the new Jerusalem: the glory of the Lord ascends upon you, rejoice now and be glad, Zion. But you, Pure One, show off, Mother of God, about the rise of Your Nativity.

O Divine, O beloved, O sweetest of Your voice! With us more falsely you promised to be until the end of the century, Christ: Himself, faithful, the confirmation of the hope of property, we rejoice.

O Great and most sacred Easter, Christ! About wisdom and the Word of God, and power! Give us the truth of Thy communion in the non-evening days of Thy Kingdom.

Ektenia, and the exclamation: Yako Thee praise all the powers of heaven, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and they glorify Thee, now and ever, and forever and ever.


Having fallen asleep in the flesh, as if dead, to the King and Lord, thou art three days old, raised Adam from aphids and abolishing death: Easter of incorruption, salvation of the world. [Three times.]

On praises, Every breath: on voice 1. Let us set verses 4, and we sing the stichera are resurrected, voice 1:

Verse: Praise Him for His might, Praise Him for the multitude of His majesty.

We sing Thy saving passion, Christ, and glorify Thy Resurrection.

Verse: Praise Him in a trumpet voice, praise Him in the psalteries and gusleh.

Enduring cross and abolishing death, and resurrected from the dead, subdue our life, O Lord, for there is One Almighty.

Verse: Praise Him in the tympanum and face, praise Him in the strings and organ.

Hell captive and a man resurrected by Thy Resurrection, Christ, are vouchsafed to you with a pure heart and praise Thee.

Verse: Praise Him in the cymbals of the good-hearted, praise Him in the cymbals of exclamation, let every breath praise the Lord.

Thy divine descent is glorious, we sing to Thee, Christ: you were born of the Virgin and you were inseparable from the Father: you suffered as a man and endured the Cross by will, you were raised from the grave, as if it came from the palace, but save the world, Lord, glory to You.

Easter stichera. Voice 5

Verse: May God rise and be scattered about against Him.

Holy Easter has appeared to us today: Easter is new holy: Mysterious Easter: All-honorable Easter: Easter Christ Redeemer: Immaculate Easter: Great Easter: Easter of the faithful: Easter, opening the doors of heaven to us: Easter, sanctifying all the faithful.

Verse: Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear.

Come from a vision, wife of the evangelist, and cry to Zion: receive from us the joys of the Annunciation of the Resurrection of Christ: flaunt, rejoice and rejoice, Jerusalem, seeing the Tsar Christ from the tomb, as if the bridegroom is happening.

Verse: So let sinners perish from the Face of God, and let the righteous be glad.

The myrrh-bearer of the wife, who deeply presented herself in the morning to the tomb of the Life-Giver, found an Angel sitting on a stone, and that one, having proclaimed to them, sitsa verb: what are you looking for Zhivago with the dead? Why is Netlennago crying in the aphids? Come preach as His disciple.

Verse: This day, which the Lord has created, let us rejoice and rejoice in it.

Easter red, Easter, Lord's Easter! Easter is honorable to us. Easter! We will embrace each other with joy. Oh Easter! Deliverance of sorrow, for from the grave this day, as if from the palace, having risen Christ, fulfill the joy of women, saying: preach the apostle.

Glory, and now, voice 5:

Sunday is the day, and we will be enlightened with triumph, and we will embrace each other. Rtz: brethren, and to those who hate us, we will forgive the whole by the Resurrection, and so we cry out: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the grave.

The same Christ is risen: three times. And we sing this many times, until the brothers kiss each other.

Like the saints of our Father John, Archbishop of Constantinople, Zlatoust, the Censor Word on the holy and luminous day of the most glorious and saving Christ, God of our Resurrection.

A Whoever is pious and loving of God, may he enjoy this good and blessed celebration. If anyone is a prudent servant, let him enter, rejoicing, into the joy of his Lord. If anyone takes the trouble to fast, let him now accept the denarius. If anyone has been eating from the first hour, let him take this day a righteous duty. If anyone comes after the third hour, let him celebrate thanks. If anyone reaches it by the sixth hour, let him know nothing, for he gets the wrong thing. If anyone is deprived of even the ninth hour, let him begin, not hesitating, not being afraid. If someone reaches exactly and at the eleventh hour, may not be afraid of slowing down: the loving Master, accepts the last one as well as the first: he rests at the tenth hour of the coming one, as if he did it from the first hour. And the last one has mercy, and the first pleases, and to him he gives, and to this he bestows, and he accepts deeds, and kisses the intention, and honors the deed, and praises the proposal. Even so, enter all into the joy of your Lord: both the first and the second, receive a bribe. Wealth and bastards, rejoice with each other. Temperance and laziness, honor the day. Fasting and non-fasting, rejoice today. The meal is complete, enjoy everything. A well-fed calf, let no one go hungry, all enjoy the feast of faith: all accept the wealth of goodness. Let no one weep for misery, for a common Kingdom appears. No one else weeps for sins, forgiveness is from the grave of the ascension. Let no one be afraid of death, let us be free of Spasov's death. Quench yu, Izhe held from her, the captivity of hell, Descended into hell. Grieve him for having tasted his flesh. And this being undertaken by Isaiah, cry out: Hell, he says, grieve, shit at Thee's share: grieve, for abolish: grieve, for you have been mocked: grieve, for die: grieve, for you have fallen down: grieve, for you are connected. Pleased the body, and befriended God: Pleasurate the earth, and wipe away the heavens: if you see a hedgehog, you don't see a sink in a hedgehog. Where is your sting, death? Where is your, hell, victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and demons have fallen. Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life dwells. Christ is risen, and there is not one dead in the grave. Christ is more, rising from the dead, The beginning of the departed was fast. To him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

The troparion of the holy is also spoken. Voice 8:

Have With yours, like the lightness of fire, having shone grace, enlighten the universe: not the love of the world and the treasures, show us the height of humility, but punishing your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray the Word, Christ God, save our souls.

Therefore, the deacon says the litany: Have mercy on us, O God: and let us fulfill morning prayer our Lord.

And with an exclamation, the deacon: Wisdom. We: Bless. Abbot: Behold, blessed is Christ our God, always, now and ever, and forever and ever. And we: Amen. Confirm, God: Therefore, the abbot, holding the Cross, instead of: Glory to Thee, Christ God: sings: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death. And we sing: And to those who are in the grave bestowed belly. And the abie abbot says dismissal: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death is right by death and a gift of life to those in the grave: our true God, with His Most Pure Matera and all saints prayers, will have mercy and save us, as it is Good and Humanitarian. Likewise, raising the Cross, he says: Christ is risen. Three times. We answer: Truly he is risen. Three times. We also sing the final: Christ is risen: three times, the whole troparion. And on it we will end with singing: And we have been given an eternal belly, we worship His three-day Resurrection. Therefore, many years, and we kiss the Honorable Cross, held in the hand of the abbot.

About the hour of Holy Easter and All Bright Weeks.

It befits Vedati, as from this day the holy and greatness of the Week of Easter even until Saturday, the hours of the sice are sung.

I'll start a priest: Blessed be our God: Face: Amen. Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death, and giving life to those in the grave. three times.

The same verb three times:

Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the One Sinless One. We worship Thy Cross, Christ, and we sing and praise Thy Holy Resurrection: Thou art our God, do we not know otherwise, we call Thy name. Come, all faithful, let us worship the holy Resurrection of Christ: for behold, come the Cross, joy to the whole world. Always blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection: having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death.

Also ipakoi, voice 4, unified:

Before the morning, even about Mary, and the founding stone was rolled away from the tomb, I hear from the Angel: in the light that exists with the dead, what are you looking for, like a man? You see the shroud of the grave, preach and preach to the world, as the Lord has risen, having killed death: as the Son of God, saving the human race.

Same kontakion, voice 8, united:

Even if you have descended into the grave, Immortal, but you have destroyed the power of hell, and you have risen as the Victor, Christ God, who prophesied to the myrrh-bearing women: rejoice, and give peace to your apostle, grant resurrection to the fallen.

This troparion is also the same:

In the grave of the flesh, in hell with the soul like God, in paradise with the robber, and on the Throne was Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, fulfill the Undescribed everything.

Like the Life-bearer, like the most reddened paradise, truly and the palace of every royal, the most luminous, Christ, Thy tomb, the source of our resurrection, will appear.

And now, the Theotokos:

Vyshnyago consecrated Divine village, rejoice. You have given joy to the Mother of God, who call: blessed are You in wives, the All-Immaculate Lady.

The same Lord, have mercy, 40. Glory, and now: Most Honorable Cherub: Bless in the Name of the Lord, Father. Priest: Through the prayers of the saints, our father: We speak: Amen. And packs with a verb like: Christ is risen: three times. Glory, and now: Lord, have mercy. Three times. Bless. And let go of the first hour.

Follow-up of the Liturgy, sometimes it hurts.

I'll start the deacon: Bless the lord. I will proclaim to the abbot: Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. And we: Amen. The abbot sings with the other ministers in the holy oltar: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death, and giving life to those in the grave. Three times. And faces toizhde, three times.

The abbot says the refrains: 1st. May God rise again: Face: Christ is risen: once. 2nd. As the smoke disappears: Christ is risen: once. 3rd. So let sinners perish: Christ is Risen: once. 4th. This day: Christ is risen: once. Glory: Christ is Risen: once. And now: Christ is risen: once. The same abbot sings in a high voice: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death with death. We: And to those who exist in the grave we have bestowed a belly.

Therefore, he speaks the great deacon.

By the litany and by the cry

Antiphones 1, psalm 65, voice 2.

Verse 1: Shout out to the Lord, all the earth. Chorus: Through the prayers of the Mother of God, Savior, save us.

And another face to the same verse: Shout out to the Lord, all the earth, sing praise to His name, give glory to His praise. With the prayers of the Mother of God, Savior, save us.

Verse 2: Cry to God: if Thy deeds are terrible, in the greatness of Thy strength they will lie to Thee and foil Thy. With the prayers of the Mother of God, Savior, save us.

Verse 3: Let the whole earth bow down to You, and sing to You, and let the Most High sing to Your name. With the prayers of the Mother of God, Savior, save us.

Glory, and now: Kupno both faces in a high voice: Through the prayers of the Mother of God, Savior, save us.

Also, the litany is small.

Antiphones the second, psalm 66, the same voice.

Verse 1: God blessed and blessed. Chorus: Save now Son of God, raised from the dead, singing Ti: Alleluia. once.

Another country, the same verse: God, bless us, and bless us, enlighten Thy face on us, and have mercy on us. Save us the Son of God:

Verse 2: Let us know Thy way on earth, Thy salvation in all tongues. Save us the Son of God:

Verse 3: May the people of God confess to You, may all people confess to You. Save us the Son of God:

Glory, and now: together two faces: the Only Begotten Son:

Also, litany.

Antiphones 3rd, Psalm 67, Tone 5.

Verse 1: May God be resurrected, and scattered around him. Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead:

Another country, the same verse: May God be resurrected, and scattered against Him, and may flee from the face of Him who hate Him. Christ is Risen:

Verse 2: Like the smoke disappears, let it disappear, like the wax melts from the face of fire. Christ is Risen:

Verse 3: Thus may sinners perish from the presence of God, and may the righteous be glad, may rejoice before God. Christ is Risen:

And there is an entrance. And the deacon proclaims, if there is, if not, the priest: Wisdom, forgive. We are the entrance: In the churches bless God, the Lord from the source of Israel. And we sing the troparion: Christ is risen: ipakoi: Before the morning: Glory, and now: kontakion: If you have descended into the grave:

Instead of the Trisvyatago: Elitsy was baptized into Christ, put on Christ: Alleluia.

It befits Vedati, as this is the beginning of the Liturgy, and antiphons, and Elitsy were baptized into Christ: we sing throughout the entire Bright Week, even before the New Week: the same is the communion.

Prokeimenon, voice 8: This day the Lord has made him, let us rejoice and rejoice at the stench. Verse: Confess the Lord, as it is good, as in the age of His mercy.

Apostle, Acts reading, conceived 1. [Acts. 1, 1 - 8.]

The first thing you have done about all, oh, Theophilus, even Jesus began to do the same and teach The first book I wrote to you, Theophilus, about everything that Jesus did and taught from the beginning
Even to the day, in onzhe, having commanded the Apostle by the Holy Spirit, they were also chosen, ascended: Until the day that He ascended, giving commandments by the Holy Spirit to the Apostles whom He had chosen,
Before them and set yourself alive, because of your suffering in many true banners, appearing to them for fourty days and saying even about the Kingdom of God: Which He showed Himself alive, after His suffering, with many faithful proofs, appearing to them for forty days and speaking about the Kingdom of God.
Together with them, the poisonous one commanded them not to be separated from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, who hears from Me: And, having gathered them, He commanded them: do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the promised from the Father, which you heard from Me,
Yako John baptized with water, but you have not been baptized with the Holy Spirit after many days. For John baptized with water, and you, a few days after this, will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
But they didn’t come together to ask Him, saying: Lord, why do you establish the kingdom of Israel in this summer? Therefore, they came together and asked Him, saying, Lord, are you not at this time restoring the kingdom to Israel?
Speech to them: bear your understanding of the times and years, even the Father put in His power: He said to them: It is not your business to know the times or seasons that the Father has put in His power,
But you will receive the power, I will find the Holy Spirit on you, and you will be Me a witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the last of the earth. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.

Alleluia Voice 4: Thou hast resurrected the saints of Zion. Verse: The Lord is from Heaven to earth to the ghost.

The Gospel of John, conceived 1. [John. 1, 1 - 17.]

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was to God, and God was the Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Behold God from time immemorial: It was in the beginning with God.
All That was, and without Him nothing is faster, faster. Everything through Him began to be, and without Him, nothing began to be, what it began to be.
In Tom the belly is, and the belly is the light of man: In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in darkness, and darkness does not embrace it. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not embrace it.
There is a man sent from God, his name is John: There was a man sent from God; his name is John.
This one came as a witness, that he testifies of the Light, that they have all faith in him. He came for a testimony, to testify of the Light, so that all might believe through him.
Not that light, but let it bear witness to the Light: He was not a light, but was sent to testify of the Light.
Be the true Light, Izhe enlightens every person coming into the world: There was a true Light that enlightens every person who comes into the world.
In the world there is, and the world is by that, and His world is not known: He was in the world, and the world began to be through Him, and the world did not know Him.
In his own arrival, and his own did not accept him. He came to his own, and his own did not receive him.
Elitsy accepted Him, gave them the area of ​​being a child of God, believing in His name, And to those who received Him, to those who believe in His name, He gave the authority to be children of God,
They are not like blood, nor from the lust of the flesh, nor from the lust of the masculine, but were born of God. who were neither of the blood, nor of the desire of the flesh, nor of the desire of a husband, but of God were born.
And the Word was flesh and dwelt in us, and in sight of His glory, the glory of the Only Begotten from the Father, fill with grace and truth. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father.
John bears witness about Him and the cry of the verb: This is, He is, He is Coming for me, before me, as if the first was me. John testifies of Him and, exclaiming, says: This was the One about whom I said that He who followed me stood in front of me, because he was before me.
And from His fulfillment we are all welcome and grace for grace: And from His fullness we have all received and grace for grace,
As the law was given by Moses, grace and truth by Jesus Christ was. for the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

For the time being, I will hurry up to read the Holy Gospel, the initial deacon, although the Gospel of Honor, says: Bless the Bishop of the Evangelist: The same abbot says: God through the prayers of the Holy Glorious: and the rest, as if indicated in the liturgy. And the deacon goes out, and in the usual place, right at the royal gates, to the east, he will face, I will first proclaim before the throne to the abbot: Forgive wisdom, let us hear the Holy Gospel. Identity and all the priests, the trees are the essence of servants, and to this day the deacons also speak, in different places they have become, from the holy throne to the western gates of the church, one in one. In the midst of all is the archdeacon, and all are honored according to the abbots, one according to the same statute, as the abbot will arrange. And the rector begins: Reading from John of the Holy Gospel. Other identities. Abbot: Let’s listen. Other identities. The abbot, standing before the throne to the east, with his face, honors: In the beginning, be the Word: and the rest. Other identities. And at every cry, or statues of the Gospel, they strike in the church with the unity of the Candia. Paraekklisiarchus is outside the church in a great beat, and in a great Campanian: at the last exclamation, they strike the whole Campanians, and in a great beat, and the Divine Liturgy of Zlatoustago happens in the order of the Divine Liturgy.

Instead of Worthy: we sing:

The angel cries out more graciously, Pure Virgin rejoice, and pack the river, rejoice: Your Son is risen three days from the grave, and having raised up dead, people rejoice.

The same irmos: Shine, shine the new Jerusalem:

Participant: Receive the Body of Christ, taste the immortal source, Alleluia. three times.

When the abbot says: Come with the fear of God and faith. Instead of us, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord: we sing: Christ is risen: once. The abbot says: God save your people: And we: Christ is risen: once. When the priest will utter: Always now and ever: And we: Christ is Risen: once. Let us see the litany. Instead, be the name of the Lord: and instead of a psalm, I will bless the Lord: we sing: Christ is risen: two and ten, and we multiply: until the anaphora from the abbot will be distributed. The same abbot, the Blessing of the Lord on you: Face: Amen. Therefore, instead of the abbot, Glory to Thee Christ God: he sings: Christ is risen from the dead by death, trampling upon death. And the face: And to those in the grave bestowed belly. Therefore, the abbot says dismissal with the Cross according to custom, as if he indicated Matins.

The Easter service is one of the most beautiful and solemn. Priests, dressed in light festive clothes, singing of the church choir, ringing bells poured in the air ... All this creates a unique atmosphere and penetrates into the soul with the majestic and important words for every believer: "Christ is Risen!"

The beginning of the Easter service

The service begins shortly before midnight. The first part of it is called "Midnight Office" with a canon Great Saturday... During it, the Acts of the Apostles are read. After that, the ministers of the church transfer from the middle of the church to the altar and place the shroud on the throne - the image of Christ in the tomb.

At the same time, the choir and the priests sing: "I will rise and be glorified." The Shroud will remain on the Great Throne until the Leaving of Easter, that is, until the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.

Just before midnight, the bell ringing - Blagovest is born and gains power. He announces that a bright holiday has begun.

The priests three times, at first very quietly, and then louder and louder, sing: "Thy Resurrection, Christ our Savior, the Angels sing in heaven, and on earth make us praise with a pure heart."

They sing for the first time when the Royal Doors are closed and the curtain is drawn (catapetasme); the second time - louder, with the Gates closed, but with the curtain open; the third - with the opened Royal Doors and only half of the text. The chorus finishes the second half.

Matins and procession

Exactly at midnight Matins begins. To the sounds of the Blagovest, clergymen with a cross, banners, icons, incense and Easter lamps leave the altar and march through the entire church to the exit. This is a religious procession.

Ahead they carry a lantern, followed by a large altar cross, the image of the Mother of God, and then they walk in pairs: gonfalons, singers, candle-bearers with large candles, deacons with censers and smaller candles, priests.

The last pair of priests carries the Gospel and the icon of the Resurrection. The primate of the temple closes the procession with three crossed and tied candles (trisveshnik) and another cross.

Three times priests and parishioners walk around the church counterclockwise. The laity have lighted candles in their hands. The stichera sounds again, verse six: "Thy Resurrection, Christ our Savior, the angels sing in heaven, and on earth make us praise with a pure heart." And over the church, a jubilant Easter ringing, which replaced the Annunciation, flies up, symbolizing the joy of the news that Christ has risen.

During the procession, the priests repeatedly greet the parishioners with the words: “Christ is Risen!”, Each time repeating them three times in a row. And the laity answer in a well-coordinated chorus: "Truly He is Risen!"

How is the Easter service in the church

After going around the church three times, the procession enters the vestibule and stops in front of the closed doors of the church. The bell ringing ceases, and the priest, having received the censer from the deacon, sprinkles the icons and the parishioners with holy water. The rest of the ministers sing: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs." The Primate reads verses from the prophetic psalm: "May God rise again", to which the parishioners answer: "Christ is risen."

After this, the stichera sounds, and again: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death and giving life to those in the grave." The priest depicts the sign of the life-giving cross on the gate with a censer, and the gate is opened.

Continuation of Matins

The Easter procession enters the church, festively decorated with flowers and numerous lighted candles. The Easter service continues with the second part of Matins. During it, the Easter canon is sung and the "Word of St. John Chrysostom" is read, reminding believers about the meaning of Easter ... The singing of the Easter stichera finishes the Matins: “Let us embrace each other, rtm: brethren! and to those who hate us we will forgive the whole by the resurrection. "

Then the parishioners go up to the priest, kiss the cross and christen themselves ( approx. ed. - kiss three times) with the priest. Many churches give out consecrated dyes (approx. red - colored eggs).