Modular kitchen grace flowers. Modular kitchen grace flowers Possible threats and problems

Anthurium is beautiful and original evergreen. People also call it a flamingo flower; in my opinion, this is a very accurate metaphor. A flower can decorate even the most modest room and bring exotic colors to a boring office.

Indoor varieties of anthurium usually reach about 60-90 cm in height. The leaves can be of a wide variety of decorative shapes - heart-shaped, dissected, lanceolate. But the main decoration of the plant, of course, is the flowers - yellow tails-inflorescences, framed by a colored diamond-shaped blanket. The palette of shades of the bedspread sheet is diverse. Sometimes you can see varnished bright red anthuriums, purple, white, green, etc. Depending on the type of inflorescence, plants smell completely differently: some have a barely perceptible aroma, others have a strong odor, others emit a pleasant flair, and others - wow...

Delightful anthurium can bloom almost all year round, if favorable conditions are created for him.


  1. This close-up view, which has dark green heart-shaped leaves and aerial roots. The color can be white, red, yellow, green, pink.
  2. Anthurium crystal. This plant is famous for the extraordinary beauty of its velvety heart-shaped foliage. Its color changes as it grows, and its length reaches about 20 cm.
  3. Anthurium Scherzer. The height of the species is only 40 cm, its stems are shortened, the leaves are leathery, matte, green, covered with black dots. The blanket is very thick, fiery red in color.
  4. Anthurium is magnificent. This is a low plant with dark green large leaves with contrasting white veins.

to his appearance Anthurium has won many hearts.
Due to its specific decorative appearance, it is often used by interior designers


Tropical forests are the homeland of the amazing anthurium. South America. In order to successfully grow it at home, it is necessary to create conditions as close as possible to its habitat, as well as provide the correct and timely care. The main aspects for caring for anthurium will be:

  • timely transplantation;
  • suitable soil;
  • intense lighting;
  • increased humidity level.

Young plants are replanted every year, and adults - at least once every three years. For this you will need wide, flat plastic pots.

Attention! Treat the transplantation process very carefully and responsibly, try not to damage the fragile measles system.

A mixture of soil with humus, peat and sand is suitable for growing anthurium. Also take care to create a good drainage system, which will serve as pieces of brick or charcoal.

If the roots of the plant are exposed, cover them with moss, which will protect them from drying out.

Water the anthurium with water room temperature. During the hot season, provide the plant with more abundant watering, and in winter it is better to reduce it. It is advisable to keep the plant in a room with air humidity of about 60%. Spray the anthurium with water from a spray bottle from time to time.

The plant must receive sufficient quantity light, but direct sunlight should be avoided. In this case, preference should be given to soft diffused light. In summer optimal temperature the air temperature will be +20-24 o C, and in winter - about +18 o C.


By providing the plant proper care, it will delight you with its shoots with roots. It can also be grown from seeds.

Rinse the seeds under water and then place them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours (this will protect against mold). Place damp foam rubber in a shallow container and place the prepared seeds on it. Cover the container with glass.

As they germinate, the seeds dive into suitable soil several times, each time increasing the space between the seedlings by 2 cm. When the seedling reaches 7 cm in diameter, it is planted on permanent place into a shallow pot.

As you can see, the procedure is simple. Cultivate
even a novice gardener can grow anthurium without much difficulty


Appearance dark spots on the leaves may be the cause of excessively low indoor air temperatures. Move the flower to a warmer place and reduce watering for a while.

Yellowed and dry foliage indicates a lack of light or lack of light. sunburn. If the tips of anthurium leaves turn black, this is a signal that the plant is incompatible with the soil. The flower needs to be replanted as soon as possible.

Protect the plant from dangerous pests Regularly wiping the leaves with a damp sponge and spraying them with water will help.

If you approach the growing process correctly, give the anthurium all your care and attention, then it will delight you with inimitable flowering and rich foliage for most of the year.

Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road - 950 rubles, outside the Moscow Ring Road - 30 rubles. / km. Pickup available. Payment upon receipt in cash or by bank card. If the product is in stock, delivery will take place within 1-3 days; if it is out of stock, it will take 1 to 2 weeks to order. Delivery days: Tuesday-Saturday. The maximum delivery distance beyond the Moscow Ring Road is 100 km. Delivery to shopping center - 1000 rub. (with obligatory lathing). Manufacturer - Horizon.

Lifting conditions

Lifting on a freight elevator for one loading: walls up to 250 cm - 500 rubles, walls more than 250 cm - 700 rubles; cabinets and hallways up to 150cm - 500 rub., cabinets and hallways up to 250cm - 700 rub., cabinets and hallways from 250cm - 800 rub.; children's and bedrooms - 500 rub.; kitchens -500 rub.; chests of drawers, shoe racks, desks - 200 rubles; computer tables- 300 rubles, mattresses - 100 rubles, sofas free of charge. Lifting by hand per floor: walls up to 250cm - 150 rubles, walls over 250cm - 300 rubles; cabinets and hallways up to 150 cm - 150 rub., cabinets and hallways up to 250 cm - 300 rub., cabinets and hallways from 250 cm - 350 rub.; children's - 250 rub., bedrooms - 300 rub.; kitchens -250 rub.; chests of drawers, shoe racks, desks - 100 rubles; computer tables - 200 rubles, mattresses - 50 rubles, sofas - 250 rubles.

Assembly conditions

Assembly - 10% of the order amount (but not less than 1500 rubles). Departure of the collector outside the Moscow Ring Road - 30 rubles. / km. Assembly of chests of drawers, desk desks and shoe racks at least 800 rubles. Assembly is carried out in agreement with the client within 1-3 days. Remember, you can do the assembly yourself if you wish.

Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road - 950 rubles, outside the Moscow Ring Road - 30 rubles. / km. Pickup available. Payment upon receipt in cash or by credit card. If the product is in stock, delivery will take place within 1-3 days; if it is out of stock, it will take 1 to 2 weeks to order. Delivery days: Tuesday-Saturday. The maximum delivery distance beyond the Moscow Ring Road is 100 km. Delivery to shopping center - 1000 rub. (with obligatory lathing). Manufacturer - Horizon.

Lifting conditions

Lifting on a freight elevator for one loading: walls up to 250 cm - 500 rubles, walls more than 250 cm - 700 rubles; cabinets and hallways up to 150cm - 500 rub., cabinets and hallways up to 250cm - 700 rub., cabinets and hallways from 250cm - 800 rub.; children's and bedrooms - 500 rub.; kitchens -500 rub.; chests of drawers, shoe racks, desks - 200 rubles; computer tables - 300 rubles, mattresses - 100 rubles, sofas free of charge. Lifting by hand per floor: walls up to 250cm - 150 rubles, walls over 250cm - 300 rubles; cabinets and hallways up to 150 cm - 150 rub., cabinets and hallways up to 250 cm - 300 rub., cabinets and hallways from 250 cm - 350 rub.; children's - 250 rub., bedrooms - 300 rub.; kitchens -250 rub.; chests of drawers, shoe racks, desks - 100 rubles; computer tables - 200 rubles, mattresses - 50 rubles, sofas - 250 rubles.

Assembly conditions

Assembly - 10% of the order amount (but not less than 1500 rubles). Departure of the collector outside the Moscow Ring Road - 30 rubles. / km. Assembly of chests of drawers, desks and shoe racks costs at least 800 rubles. Assembly is carried out in agreement with the client within 1-3 days. Remember, you can do the assembly yourself if you wish.