Initial tips for beginners. Taking the first steps: how to start playing Minecraft

Minecraft is most popular game the developers of which managed to sell over 100 million copies of the game. It is ranked second in the world as the game with the most large quantities copies of the game sold. The first place in the world is, of course, occupied by the game Tetris. As you understand, the game Minecraft has won millions of sympathy from players. Many well-known YouTubers began their careers with this game, filming letsplays, guides, reviews of mods, plugins, textures and walkthrough maps.

1) Choose the right platform.

This cult game is widespread in almost every gaming industry. Beginning with mobile phones(smartphones) and ending with consoles such as PS3, PS4, Xbox 360. But let's not forget that the Minecraft game was originally designed to be played on a personal computer. And the best way to get acquainted with the game and enter it for the first time is from a computer. Since the game was created specifically on PC, it is better to start playing it with the computer version. But you can also start playing on consoles. But we do not recommend getting acquainted with the game on mobile versions games, since many game functions are not available in them. Although the game consists of almost nothing but cubes, it spends a lot random access memory, since Minecraft is written in Java. Many will say, what is there to do there? The game has nothing... Excuse me, the game has huge worlds of which there are three in the standard version - the Normal world is the world where you start your game, the Ender world is the world in which the boss Ender Dragon is located and in which special wish you can get through the portal, and the Nether World (Underworld) - a world where Ghast is the boss, and where sand and dead souls are located, and the world consists of hellish bricks.

2) Never rush.

The first misconception is that Minecraft is a very fast game, and by logging into it for an hour you can complete the entire game. What about development? high level achievements? The game has excellent magic, resource extraction and much more. This game does not dictate its own rules to you, you will do it and the game will end. This is an open world game and you yourself must choose your own path of development. You yourself must understand what you need in the game - construction, excavations (resource extraction), a passion for magic, battles with mobs and bosses (you can even turn off aggressive mobs in the game settings by changing the difficulty setting to PEACEFUL), and much more, and everything that whatever. As the saying goes open world, open to everyone.

3) Play Survival.

The most popular Minecraft game mode is, of course, Creative Mode. This mode is useful for getting acquainted with the game; you can place an unlimited number of blocks in it. Creative mode is also useful for experiments in construction. But we advise you to play the Survival mode, as it will show you all the delights of the game. Fighting mobs Agriculture breeding animals and growing plants. We also recommend the survival mode only because it allows you to upgrade achievements in the Minecraft game. You can also make achievements on our website by clicking on (clickable) and create the achievement you want.

4) Learn to love cubes in Minecraft.

Many people who go into Minecraft don’t understand why the whole world consists of just cubes. Why can’t it be made to look normal with smoothed textures like in all other games. Let's try to understand: Minecraft is something like Lego, and every time a new world is created, it is generated by itself. When you move around the map, along with your movement, a continuation of your world is generated. It's very simple. But there are a lot of shaders, resource packs (textures), mods - which are designed to change the world of the Minecraft game to a more realistic one.

Screenshots from the mod No Cubes.

But still Minecraft game this is a game of your imagination, and look at it with your exclusively individual imagination, you will be able to understand the whole concept of the game - rivers, lakes, deep and unexplored caves, high and large mountains - a completely new, beautiful world will open up for you.

5) Once you start the game, don’t get lost.

Every time creating new game A new and unknown world is generated for you, and absolutely no one can tell you where you will appear. The most important thing is not to get lost. After all, you may be lucky and find yourself right next to a forest and mountains where you can immediately get hold of wood to build a home, and craft armor and tools, and mountains are, of course, minerals and rocks. Or you can simply find yourself in the desert where it is hot all day long and there is only sand, a lot of sand, a lot of sand and grass and green cacti dried up from lack of water. Also finding ourselves on any small desert island, you won’t even understand which way to swim to find dry land nearby. But remember, Minecraft is a game in which you can die in several ways - Fall from high altitude and crash, die from an unequal battle with evil mobs, choke in the water (when you are under water for a long time), and die of hunger (in Minecraft you need to eat). To fight mobs, arm yourself with full program- armor, or with arrows. And under no circumstances should you go into caves without weapons, as evil mobs appear at night or in the dark. Be careful. Don't panic under any circumstances. If night comes and you have not built a home for yourself, then simply dig a hole or hole in the mountain and fill it with blocks, thereby you can survive the night, or climb onto tall tree, or build a column of 9-15 blocks high by jumping on it and then survive the night in the same way.

6) Learn to get food.

Food is one of the most important parts of the game, since without food you can die. So start looking for food right away. Cows and chickens are best suited for eating pigs. But we advise you to fry the meat before eating, as raw food can cause food poisoning. But if you are on the verge of starvation, you can also eat raw meat. You can also grow wheat and make bread from it. You can also craft a fishing rod and use it to catch fish in any body of water (lake, sea, ocean, river), and in any puddle you can find fish and fry it.

7) Start building beautifully in Minecraft.

At first, of course, you can build boxes like shelters from evil mobs and rain. Over time, you should learn to build beautifully in the game, since when returning from hunting or battles, or mining, you will see your house every time. Build beautiful house, in which you will fit perfectly, and in which you will be comfortable, and you can, feeling safe, while away the evenings by the fireplace or stove, biting a very tasty cake.

8) Make a bed.

A bed in Minecraft is a spawn point. If you die anywhere, you will be reborn near your bed. Place a bed and lie down on it, thereby establishing a respawn point. And thus you will not lose your home later. If you do not install a bed, then after death you will find yourself at the point where you first appeared on the map when the world was created and the game began. And the house may be very far from this point.

Survival lessons in Minecraft should start with basic gaming basics:
Install block – RMB (right mouse button).
Destroy a block – LMB.
Movement – ​​W, ​​S, A, D.
Sneak – Shift.

The next step is to select the game mode

So let's get started.
First, take a look around. The game features several different types biome, for example, jungle, swamp, taiga, desert... Mushroom island. There is also Hell and Heaven, but this is not so important now. The first and most important step is to find the tree. And to break it you have... Hands. For now.

So we need a workbench. It is made from boards (all the necessary recipes can be found on our website in the right menu). And the boards, as you understand, are made of wood. So we collect the required quantity and, using witchcraft, we obtain our treasured design. I advise you to immediately, “without leaving the cash register,” create a wooden one and an ax, since they will be useful to you in the near future.

Now you need a shelter, and there is not much time left to build a house. Let's dig a cave! As soon as you get to the stone, use that same wooden pickaxe. So. What do we have? Workbench, cave, wooden ax and a pickaxe, as well as a stone. What to do next? Pay close attention to the setting sun, that's what! And while you have time (and I hope you still have it), you can chop down more trees, look for coal and preferably kill animals nearby. If possible, you can try to kill 3 sheep to make a bed for yourself, but this is not necessary. Don't run far from your shelter!

So, you, as a very attentive player, managed to obtain resources for yourself, and carefully watched the sun all this time. And then you saw the sunset. You should immediately return back to the cave, from which you, listening to advice, did not stray far. Climb into your cave and bury yourself there so that no light comes to you. If you were lucky enough to find coal earlier, create a torch. It’s the same with sheep: if possible, make a bed. The presence of monsters nearby can be easily checked: go to the bed and press RMB. Don't go to bed? Right. When all sorts of creepy creatures are wandering around next to you, the desire to snore peacefully in your crib somehow immediately disappears. Occasionally, you can dig out (literally for 1 second!) and check if day has come. And when it does come... You can dig out and start building a house for yourself. But before that, it would be great to make a sword. It becomes much safer as the day goes on. But some monsters, for example, the notorious Creeper, do not burn in the sun. Yes, and you can meet spiders. You may also encounter particularly gifted representatives of evil spirits who may be hiding in the water or behind the trees. Understand why you need a sword?..

This initial action plan will help you understand some of the game's features and gradually begin to explore the gaming world of the Minecraft universe. Good luck!

The good thing about the forest is that it contains a huge amount of one of the most popular materials in Minecraft - wood. In addition, it is easy to get something edible here, since gamers encounter quite a variety of animals and birds: cows, chickens, sheep and pigs. All of them will serve as a source of meat that can be fried in the oven and satisfy their hunger.

Also, there is usually a body of water nearby (sometimes even more than one), from where, if necessary, you need to draw water. If the player makes himself at least wooden tools and digs well with them, then not very deep in the depths he will come across stones and cobblestones, which will be useful for building a dwelling, a stove and for performing a number of other game tasks. There are also other materials that are more valuable here, such as diamond and iron ores.

At the same time, in the forest the player constantly needs to be on guard. Some tree species growing there have a very dense crown, under which it will be quite dark even during the daytime. Therefore, any hostile mobs can spawn there: skeletons, zombies, creepers, etc. Gamers should be careful not to overlook them and to take cover from their attacks in time.

What is important to do first?

In this regard, it is especially important to first build yourself at least a poor home. As building material Even earthen blocks will do. It is worth making a fairly spacious room (at least four by four cubes and at least three in height) with a roof and lighting it. It is also necessary to hang a door at the entrance so that monsters cannot enter the building.

Crafting a door, torches, a wooden sword and other tools will require a lot of wood. You can even chop it bare, while periodically paying attention to the crown: apples often fall out from there - a sure way to satisfy hunger.

The gamer needs to make more boards from wood blocks, a workbench from four of their blocks, and then do everything else on it. Having created wooden tools, you must try to dig with them sufficient quantity stones and cobblestones (usually it is not located very deep underground). From the latter you need to craft a stove, and in it burn part of the wood into coal.

Torches are made from coal and wooden sticks (they are made on a workbench from two blocks of boards). First of all, they should be used to illuminate the home (including placing several on the roof so that creepers do not appear there) and the dug mine. Also, on any journey for resources, you need to take with you a sufficient number of torches - fortunately, they are stacked in stacks of 64 pieces.

Extraction of materials and improvement of daily life

As soon as the house is equipped and the player has enough resources, it is worth building a boat out of wood and going to explore the reservoir on it. Having then chosen any shore, it will be possible to obtain valuable resources there. However, when digging a steep wall, it is important to be careful, because behind it there may be lava or even a treasury, which often contains a spawner of hostile mobs.

However, you should not choose a high difficulty level for the game. Then monsters will be found in moderate numbers. Lava can be completely dislodged if solid blocks are placed on top of it. Having removed them after such manipulations, the player will find that the lake of fire is no longer there.

When a gamer comes across a treasury with various materials, you should definitely take them with you, and at the same time the chest in which they were located. If you come across leather, it is important to craft armor from it, which will come in handy at first

All found resources must be hidden in a safe place (your home) and you must go on any outing almost light. Then, even if the inventory is lost (for example, when it falls into lava), the player will not be left without all valuable materials and will be able to calmly continue the gameplay.

Having strengthened the house with stone or cobblestones, it is worth thinking about the beds. To do this, you need to dig a couple of parallel grooves in the ground at a distance of one block from each other, fill them with water, then craft a hoe, plow your garden with it and sow it with wheat. Its seeds are found in grass, of which there is a lot in the forest.

It is also not a sin to build a pen with a gate and lure a couple of sheep (or other potential animals) there with the help of wheat. If you craft scissors, you can get fur from these pets. By feeding two sheep with wheat, you will be able to put them into love mode, which will cause them to begin to multiply.

Cows along the way should be milked - if you have a bucket. Their milk is useful for creating some culinary masterpieces - like cake - and also as a medicine against poisons.

Minecraft | Minecraft is a game in which you don’t have to run around and complete someone’s tasks or follow some kind of plot. The world of Minecraft exists for you to build and transform it into something unimaginable. This article will help you figure out how to survive in Minecraft.

Information about the change of day

A game day lasts 20 minutes of real time:

10 minutes lasts a day

Evening and morning twilight last 1.5 minutes

The night lasts 7 minutes

At night, the world is shrouded in darkness, and with it, aggressive monsters appear on the surface. And you will have to survive.

Important control keys:

Movement: W, A, S and D

Jump: Space

Crouch, Sneak: Hold Shift - While sneaking, you won't fall off the cliff!

Inventory: E

To select items on your “belt”, press keys from 1 to 9.

The story of survival itself

Once you appear in a new world, you have two main tasks: create tools and build a shelter to survive in Minecraft. You must do all this before the

First night. Find trees and these will be your first steps towards survival in this world.

Having found a tree, break it with LMB until a piece falls off of it, which you can pick up. To collect resources, you just need to hold down the left mouse button and hit the block until it breaks. After the block falls out, just walk next to it and it will be added to your inventory.

Collect wood until you have 10 pieces. IMPORTANT: in multiplayer, it is prohibited to break blocks at a certain distance from the spawn point (spawn location)

Now it's time to look for a place to house it. The main thing is that your shelter for the first night should be just a shelter, that is, its main task will be to keep monsters away from you. It will be great on hills or peaks, but this is not important, even on the plain.

Once you find a place, you will need to process the wood blocks into planks.
Press "E" to open your inventory, there is a place for creating items, 2x2 cells in size to the right of your character. Put a block of wood in any of the slots after, you can guess that on the left we can get 4 boards from it. Make yourself 24 planks from 6 blocks of wood Now you can make yourself a workbench from 4 planks! Most of the items and tools in the Minecraft game are created on the workbench, so find one for the workbench a good place in my house.

Place a workbench in your home using RMB. After that, you can open it by right-clicking on it. You will see a window for creating objects measuring 3x3 cells.

So we need sticks. Place two boards like this: one on top of the other to make sticks. Make 12 sticks (6 boards)

Using the boards and sticks that are in your inventory, make wooden tools at the workbench. The first thing you need in this world is a pickaxe!

Now is the time to start building a house. The purpose of the first shelter is simple - it should protect you from monsters that appear at night. You can start building around the workbench that you installed, or you can take it with you and move it to another place by simply destroying this block (hitting it with your fists or with a pickaxe, whichever is faster)

Using a shovel you dig the ground faster. Using a pickaxe - a stone, an ax is great for cutting down trees. Well, save the sword for the monsters.

The first survival shelter in Minecraft can be built from the ground, which will come out the fastest. However, if there are stone deposits somewhere in the area, then it is better to dig them out using a pickaxe and build a house out of stone.

The last step in order to have a peaceful night is to find cobblestones to build a stove.

If you don't see any mountains or exit nearby rock on the surface, you can dig a hole in the ground with a shovel and get to rock. Use a pickaxe to mine stone, 20 pieces should be enough for the first time.

After you have enough stone, lock yourself by simply walling up the entrance. Return to the workbench and start building the furnace. To build a furnace, you need to place cobblestones in all slots of the workbench, except for the central one. The oven can be placed in the same way as a workbench.

Once you have a stove, you can make torches for lighting. Open the stove and put a board in the bottom slot (we will use it as fuel) and put a few pieces of wood in the top slot - it will turn out great charcoal. The first piece of coal can be used as fuel to keep the fire going (it burns much longer than the board). Make 5 pieces of coal.

We will make torches from the remaining sticks and coal. Open your inventory ("E") and place the coal over the stick, if done correctly you will get 4 torches. Place torches inside and, if you wish, outside the home.

That's it, the basics of how to survive in Minecraft have been obtained, and you are ready to explore the surrounding area and build the buildings of your dreams.

You already have a shelter, several torches, a full set of wooden tools, a stove and a workbench.

I advise you to spend the night creating stone tools (they are much stronger than wooden ones and extract blocks faster), digging a mine, or stepping into the darkness on the street, but who knows how long this journey will be.

This collection of tips (instructions for the game) begins from the moment you enter the game. If you don’t yet know how to install the game, we recommend reading our instructions: .

Introduction: About World Generation

When creating a new world, it is generated completely randomly, and your position in it is also random. If you don’t like the generated world (for example, I don’t like deserts and winter, and once the starting point was in the water) - just create a new game.

We are starting to explore a new world

A player appears in the world with absolutely nothing, and the first thing to do is tools. But before you run away from the starting point in an unknown direction, advice number 1:

1) Do not run far from the starting point - the same point will be the place of appearance after death. Remember this place.

The very first tools that can be made are wooden. We run to the nearest tree and “chop” it with our hands.

2) In order to destroy blocks you need to hold down the left mouse button

For starters, 4-5 blocks of wood will be enough. Afterwards, open the inventory (key E) and make boards from wood:

We make sticks from the boards (you won’t need more than 8 for now):

And we make a workbench from the boards:

Now we need to use the workbench to gain access to the 3x3 crafting grid. To do this, open the inventory, move the workbench to the quick launch panel, and place it on the ground with the right mouse button (RMB). And RMB open it.

3) To place or use an item, you need to right-click on it.

Open the workbench and make an axe, shovel and pickaxe:

4) Each tool is effective for its blocks. Ax - for wood, Shovel - for earth/sand/crushed stone, Pickaxe - for stone, sandstone, cobblestones.

Now, you need to mark the starting point (forgot where it was?), to do this, we dig the earth/sand with a shovel. Having collected 50-60 blocks, we make a vertical pillar up to the clouds - we jump, and at the moment of the jump we place a block under ourselves. It should look something like this:

After which we jump off, die (naturally), but immediately “respawn” nearby and pick up all our things.

5) When you die in Minecraft, you lose all your items. And if you die near the starting point, then, in fact, you don’t lose anything, because... you can collect everything at once.

And here’s how our “lighthouse” is visible from the outside - it’s always easy to find the way home if you build a house near the starting point:

6) Build your first house near the starting point - it’s convenient and practical.

But, before you start building a house, you need to do a few more things: - find a cave and get cobblestones - because... wooden instruments are very “weak” and break quickly.

If there is no cave anywhere, you can dig a hole in the ground and get to the stones.

After you have acquired stone tools, it's time to make a furnace and a chest:

The chest is great for storing spare tools and extra junk, and the furnace is an essential tool in Minecraft.

Now it's time to make torches.

7) Torches illuminate a small area around them. Torches burn indefinitely. The torch can be installed on any plane except the “ceiling”. And, most importantly, monsters do not appear in the illuminated area.

For torches you need sticks and coal:

Coal can be found in caves, but it’s easier to make it yourself - using a stove:

8) Loading into the oven necessary materials, you can close the oven window and go about your business - the process goes on without the participation of the player.

If you are not in a hurry to build a house, you can also melt sand in a stove to get glass. My favorite house is made of glass:

Having built a house, surround it with torches, install them inside - so that there is light everywhere. Also, move the workbench, stove and chest into the house (to do this, they need to be broken and picked up).

So that you can enter/exit the house, but the monsters cannot, you need to make a door:

The door takes up 1 block in width and 2 in height.

There should be no “holes” in the house because spiders can climb walls and your house can become your trap.

9) When a house is built where you can wait out the night, you need to think about food. How to get food for yourself is written in.

How to survive the first nights

It’s easy to survive, but spending the first nights interestingly and usefully (I mean construction and crafting) is almost impossible for a beginner. Therefore, contrary to many advice, I recommend not to take a steam bath during the first nights, and not to wall yourself up in some cave, without tools and with one torch.

And during the night you can:

  • prepare a site for building a house (including with the help of creepers);
  • meet the local nocturnal inhabitants;
  • get the basics of combat.

If you did everything as I wrote above - you started to settle down right next to the starting point - then when you die, you immediately come back and pick up things / kill enemies. I happened to fight three skeletons at the same time with my bare hands and killed them.

After the house is built, there are two options for spending the nights: 1) “scrolling” the night using the bed:

To create which you need boards and wool. Wool can be obtained by killing sheep (or shearing them with scissors).

Or, what’s more interesting (an option for real miners) is to dig underground and explore natural caves. And I recommend starting to dig your first cave right away in the house:

And it turns out: during the day, we explore the surrounding area, extract “ground” resources, at night we go into the house and go down into the dungeons.

As you dig your dungeon, sooner or later you will stumble upon the “natural,” and they can be very, very large and deep. And most importantly, with valuable resources - diamonds, redstones, etc.

Rare resources

In order to create something serious, you need rare resources - redstones, gold, diamonds. But where can I get them? There is a universal rule - the deeper you go, the greater the chances of finding a rare resource.

The best option would be this - dig a hole to the very “bottom” (to the “bedrock” blocks that cannot be broken), after which you climb 5-7 blocks up and dig out a cave wide.

The bedrock blocks have begun, there is no need to dig deeper:

I started digging immediately in width, but it’s clear that the resources go a little higher:


Bookmark and explore.

You can share your tips in the comments.