The largest earthquakes in the last 10 years. The most destructive earthquakes in the history of the Earth ...

To all good day, I am very glad to welcome those who are interested not only in games or shopping, but also in world problems. It is about the problems associated with cataclysms that I wanted to talk today.

World catastrophes, one way or another, affect the life of every person on the planet. And it does not matter in what part of the earth there was an earthquake, flood or volcanic eruption. Some people always suffer, while others sympathize and try to help.

Unfortunately, scientists cannot fully understand how to predict a terrible event. Take an earthquake, for example. This is an extremely dangerous natural phenomenon that cannot be predicted. The calculations of scientists made it possible to learn about future tremors of the earth's surface only a few hours before their start.

But here, too, there may be danger in the calculations, because an earthquake can be much stronger than the predicted one. Animals are the most effective predictor of impending disaster. Many people say that animals are closer to the earth and are more connected to it. So love your pets and they can save your life.

The danger of earthquakes lies in wait for those residents, whose houses are located in mountainous areas. After all, the mountains are a kind of scars in the places where the titanic plates break. Fortunately, most of the earthquakes take place at the bottom of the oceans, but this, too, is fraught with danger for coastal areas of residence. It is practically impossible to escape from the strongest tsunami.

The worst earthquake in the history of mankind: the tragedy in Chile

The strongest earthquake in the history of mankind happened just off the coast The Pacific and nearly wiped out Chile in 1960. According to various sources, the strength of the tremors on the ocean floor at the epicenter was about 10 points. It is worth looking at the aftermath of the wave that swept away large coastal cities almost to the ground.

The tsunami that covered Chile destroyed not only residential areas, but also industry, everything had to be rebuilt. At the time, it cost more than $ 400 billion.

The strongest earthquakes in the world on the Richter scale: top 5

You cannot predict where the next earthquake will occur. How many people will suffer. It is only known that over the past hundred years the number of the most severe disasters in the history of mankind has increased.

List of known major earthquakes:

  • Keminskoye is considered one of the largest inland earthquakes. It took place in Kazakhstan in 1911, then, with an amplitude of 9 balls, it almost completely collapsed Almaty city.
  • The next most destructive earthquake, after the Chilean, happened in Alaska in 1964. Due to the low population density in this part of the earth, only 9 people were affected by tremors of 9.5 points, plus 190 drowned. But because of the huge wave, the coasts of Canada, Japan and California were seriously affected.
  • In 1952, a 9-point earthquake took place off the coast of Kamchatka. And the rising giant wave 17 meters high demolished Severo-Kurilsk almost completely, a third of the residents of the city and nearby settlements died as a result.
  • The Indian tsunami, which drowned most of the coastal cities of Indonesia, Thailand, southern India and Sri Lanka, in 2004 Earthquakes began near the island Sumatra... Then the disaster took the lives of more than 300 thousand people.
  • But the most catastrophic earthquake counts Japanese... Although it took place quite recently in 2011, it brought more than just destruction to our country. The aftereffect of the earthquakes was the tsunami ox, which damaged nuclear power plant Fukushima. You can still hear the echoes of that catastrophe. And the radioactive cloud hung over the ocean for a long time, and the whole world with bated breath followed its movement.

Is it possible to prepare for underground disturbances? Predict what consequences it will bring? Is there salvation and where to look for it?

A person has many questions when he thinks about it. Problem the current person not that he is not ready for disasters, he just does not think about them. After watching TV and sympathizing with the victims, we forget about everything. We don’t think that our country is also located at the intersection of fractures of titanic plates, and in Russia, as nowhere else, there is a high probability of earthquakes.

Some theory about earthquakes

Due to modern scientific advances, scientists have suggested that tremors occur almost every day in the world. Most of them we do not feel, because of the great depth of the epicenter or its small strength.

A person will feel shocks or a wave, only starting from 3 points, before that the force is so weak that only devices can catch the impulse. Some people believe that there are many more earthquakes during the full moon.

The causes of underground disturbances can be not only natural, but also caused by man. Regular testing of weapons or mining is disrupting the landscape and structure of the earth's surface. The most dangerous human impact is the adjustment of the mountainous terrain. As you know, it is there that earthquakes most often occur.

Only people find it difficult to prove that they are wrong and they need to change their way of life so that after us the descendants can live peacefully for more than one thousand years.

World wars and human cruelty towards brothers lead to the fact that cataclysms began to occur more and more often. After all, the earth is also a living and intelligent organism ...

Imagine yourself in its place, not only are they constantly pumping out oil, extracting metals, they are also fighting, destroying not only people, but also environment, grassing with lead and burning thousands of kilometers of earth.

As a result, the soil dies, and with it all the plants. There are so many beautiful things in the world that a person will never grow up. An intelligent being cannot be so disrespectful to nature.

How to behave during an earthquake

The rules of conduct during earthly talk, each of us went through in school. Even regular drills are preparation both physically and mentally.

How can react a common person when does the earthquake start? The first is fright, and it's good if you quickly pull yourself together, orient yourself and go to a safe distance from the surrounding buildings, which can collapse if the tremors are strong.

But when panic breaks out, it most often occurs in office buildings, where workers are energized every day. And then a catastrophe happened, the running around begins instead of constructive evacuation.

At the first shocks, it is worth hiding under the table, then when a wall or ceiling collapses, you will suffer less, and it will be easier for rescuers to find. If you decide to leave the building, then it is worth doing this at the first shocks until they become stronger or the surrounding objects begin to fall.

Try to keep along walls without windows. When shaken, the glass will crack in the first place and you can get severely injured. As soon as you got out of the building, step back to a safe distance. You should not go by car, due to the electronics, the car can simply be blocked, and along with it, you.

If you live in an earthquake-prone area, then it is worth preparing a bag or backpack with the essentials for the first time. You can also put documents and some money there. It is convenient in a critical situation, you can immediately grab and run out of the dangerous room.

12 points on the Richter scale: adventure project "On the Edge" and learn a lot! See you soon!

Text - agent Q.

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According to reports from the National Earthquake Information Center, on behalf of the US Geological Survey, there is at least one highly destructive earthquake in excess of magnitude 8 every year on Earth, about 18 earthquakes ranging from 7 to 7.9 magnitude, which are categorized as very strong, 120 strong earthquakes, the strength of which reaches 6-6.9 points, about 800 moderate aftershocks from 5 to 5.9 points, slightly more than 6,200 minor earthquakes, with a magnitude of 4-4.9 and about 50 thousand weak earthquakes, which have a score of 3 up to 3.9. But in the history of the Earth there were such earthquakes that remained in the history books as the deadliest - they took the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and caused harm to millions. It is about such natural disasters that we will talk today.

Earthquake in Aleppo, Syria, 1138

Earthquake in Syria in 1138- one of the most powerful in history

One of the most powerful earthquakes known to mankind, and the fourth in the number of victims (estimated at over 230,000 deaths). This earthquake had 8 points on the Richter scale. The earthquake occurred in several stages, covering the territories of modern northern Syria and southwestern Turkey, later Iran and Azerbaijan. The peak of destruction fell on October 11, 1138, when Aleppo suffered.

After the earthquake, the population of Aleppo recovered only by early XIX century.

Earthquake in Ganja (now the territory of Azerbaijan), 1139

The strength of this earthquake was 11 points. As a result of the disaster, about 230 thousand people died.A mountain collapsed during an earthquake Kapaz and blocked the bed of the Akhsu River, which ran through it, as a result of which eight lakes were formed, one of which is a lake Goygol ... This lake is currently located on the territoryGoygol reserve.

Earthquake in Egypt, 1201

Over 1 million victims of the 1201 earthquake in Egypt

This earthquake is included in the Guinness book as the most destructive. According to the chroniclers, the number of victims was 1 million 100 thousand people. It is believed that the figures indicated by historians are far from the truth, and there is a rather big chance that the facts were exaggerated. However, the catastrophe was gigantic in scale, which had a huge impact on historical development region.

Gansu and Shaanxi earthquake, China, 1556

China earthquake in 1556 killed 830,000 people

It killed approximately 830,000 people - more than any other earthquake in human history.At the epicenter of the earthquake, 20-meter dips and cracks opened. The destruction affected the territories located 500 km from the epicenter. The huge number of victims was due to the fact that most of the population of the province lived in loess caves that collapsed after the first aftershocks or were flooded mudflows.

Within six months after the earthquake, repeated seismic shocks followed several times a month, but of lower intensity.

Earthquake in Kolkata, India, 1737

This is the most tragic earthquake in its consequences in the history of the country.... It claimed the lives of about 300 thousand people.

Great Kanto Earthquake, Japan, 1923

The number of victims of the earthquake in Japan in 1923 - 4 million

Strong earthquake of magnitude 8.3 on September 1, 1923 in Japan. The earthquake caused the death of several hundred thousand people and caused significant material damage to the entire state. In terms of the scale of destruction and the number of victims, it is the most destructive in the entire history of Japan.The official death toll is 174 thousand, another 542 thousand are missing, over a million were left homeless. The total number of victims was about 4 million.

The material damage suffered by Japan from the Kanto earthquake is estimated at $ 4.5 billion, which at that time amounted to two annual budgets of the country.

Earthquake in Chile, 1960

Earthquake in Chile in 1960 - one of the strongest in the history of mankind

It is one of the strongest earthquakes in the history of mankind that occurred on May 22, 1960 in Chile, the strength of which at the epicenter reached 9.5 points, and the fault was 1000 kilometers. Because of natural disaster 1655 people were killed, 3000 people were injured, about 2 million people were left homeless, and losses were caused by half a billion dollars. The tsunami caused by this earthquake reached the shores of Japan, the Philippines and Hawaii and caused significant damage to coastal settlements.

Earthquake in Ashgabat in the Turkmen SSR, 1948

Earthquake in Ashgabat - the most fatal earthquake in the USSR

The most fatal earthquake in the Soviet Union. It consisted of two strong aftershocks at intervals of several hours. The incident happened on the night of November 5-6. The severity of the natural disaster was approximately 9 points. It took several seconds to completely destroy the 130 thousandth settlement... It is still not clear how many people died that night. Approximately the number of deaths is estimated at 160 thousand people, and this is in aggregate up to 80% of the total population of the city and its environs.

Earthquake in Indian Ocean, 2004

An underwater Indian Ocean earthquake triggered a tsunami that has been recognized as the deadliest natural disaster in modern history... The magnitude of the earthquake was, according to various estimates, from 9.1 to 9.3. The destruction affected Port Elizabeth in South Africa, despite the fact that it was several thousand kilometers from the epicenter. Some coasts had to face waves above 20 meters. The huge release of energy that accompanied the collision of tectonic plates caused the displacement of Sumatra and its neighboring islands by several tens of meters. Killed, according to various estimates, from 225 thousand to 300 thousand people.

Earthquake in Haiti, 2010

Damage from the 2010 Haiti earthquake is estimated at 5.6 billion euros

After the main shock magnitude 7 many repeated aftershocks, 15 of them with a magnitude of more than 5.According to official data, as of March 18, 2010, the death toll was 222,570 people, and 311,000 were injured. Material damage is estimated at 5.6 billion euros.

Earthquake off the east coast of Hons Island, Japan, 2011

it strongest earthquake in the famous history of Japan. The earthquake occurred at a distance of about 70 km from the nearest point on the coast of Japan. Initial calculations showed that the tsunami waves took 10 to 30 minutes to reach the first affected areas in Japan. After 69 minutesafter the earthquake the tsunami flooded Sendai airport.

The official death toll from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan is 15,892. Damage from the earthquake in Japan is estimated at 16-25 trillion yen (198-309 billion dollars).

Nature works in mysterious ways. By providing best conditions for life, it also provides the world with various calamities, probably in order to maintain a balance between good and evil. She gives oxygen to breathe and shows her strength through thunderstorms. She shows her kindness, and at the same time, how evil she can be. One way to show your anger is with an earthquake.

As one of the worst forms of natural disasters, it certainly takes a huge toll.
Earthquakes are usually caused by the displacement of tectonic plates located below the Earth's surface. When tectonic plates collide, they make the surface of the Earth vibrate, which leads to earthquakes.

The place where the earthquake occurs is called the epicenter, and the device for measuring the frequency of the earthquake is the seismometer. The basic principle of a seismometer is to measure the frequency of vibrations generated at a specific location. He prints a zigzag drawing on a sheet of paper and calculates the value on the Richter scale using mathematical calculations.

The earth experiences many earthquakes throughout the year. Most of them are rather weak and not felt. Usually their magnitude is less than 4, but some earthquakes are strong enough and can cause huge destruction. The magnitude of such earthquakes is above 8 points.

The earthquake with the highest recorded magnitude was 9.5. Together with strong vibrations on the surface of the Earth, causing buildings to fall and causing huge losses, earthquakes are the main cause of tsunamis and other natural disasters.

Generally, earthquakes occurring under the sea or ocean are the most common causes of tsunamis. The earthquakes that are considered the most powerful are described below.

Magnitude: 8.6
Date: 15 Aug 1950

Despite the fact that it is known as the Assam Earthquake, the epicenter was in Tibet. About 800 people became victims of the disaster. The earthquake not only affected Assam and the Tibet region, but also damaged the outskirts of China.

800 deaths are known from the records, but in reality there were many more. A huge number of people suffered from severe injuries, so this earthquake was among the ten worst.

Magnitude: 8.6
Date: March 28, 2005

One of the most devastating consequences of an earthquake is that it occurs near water bodies. It causes the water to form tides and waves, leading to another natural disaster called a tsunami.

This is exactly what happened on the islands of Sumatra when the earthquake struck in the popular month for tourists - March. Since this is an island state, the earthquake led to the formation of a tsunami and spread throughout the regions as far as Sri Lanka.

The number of victims of the earthquake was 1,500 people, more than 400 were injured, including the victims of the tsunami.

Magnitude: 8.7
Date: April 2, 1965

This earthquake occurred exclusively under water, which caused tsunami waves, from which there was a loss. What happened in one of the most beautiful places Earth, the earthquake caused a huge tsunami, resulting in damage estimated at thousands of dollars. There were no reports of casualties or injuries from the islands, as there is no population in those areas.

Magnitude: 8.8
Date: January 31, 1906

Much time has passed since this catastrophe. The earthquake struck underwater, leading to the infamous tsunami. The waves hit the coast of Colombia, the United States, and even the islands of Japan, bringing the death toll to about 1,500.

After this tsunami, various coastal areas began to take preventive measures to prevent losses caused by the tsunami.

Magnitude: 8.8
Date: February 27, 2010

One of the worst days in Chile's earthquake-prone history. As a result of this earthquake, more than 500 people were killed. The tsunami caused by this earthquake added to the effect, displacing hundreds of thousands of people, of which 50 are still missing.

The number of injured people was 12,000. Thus, this earthquake became one of the most powerful in the history of mankind.

Magnitude: 9.0
Date: 4th November 1952

Imagine a 9 meter high wave approaching you at a very high speed! What would you do? Wouldn't you feel helpless! A similar situation occurred in Kamchatka, Russia in 1952, when a huge tsunami caused by an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale left people feeling helpless.

They left their property and tried to find a safe place. Fortunately, no one was killed in the earthquake.

Magnitude: 9.0
Date: 11 March 2011

Who can forget the earthquake that caused the tsunami, as well as the destruction of thermal power units in Japan, due to which this area became exposed to the harmful radiation of uranium and thorium? Occurring just a few years ago, this earthquake is considered one of the most powerful.

The area of ​​Japan is small, but this country is rich in knowledge and technology. This earthquake challenged thousands of Japanese minds. Despite suffering such enormous losses, the government and the people came together to mitigate the impact of such an earthquake and tsunami, and within a short time, they re-established themselves the title of superpower!

Magnitude: 9.1
Date: December 26, 2004

Mentioned twice on the list, it is clear that Sumatra is one of the most earthquake prone regions. Just three months before the magnitude 8.6 earthquake, this earthquake swept away more lives and caused damage to property than what happened later.

It caused a devastating tsunami, which killed about 300 thousand people in the countries South Africa and South Asia. It is known that after several days of the earthquake, a volcano erupted in Andaman.

Magnitude: 9.2
Date: 28 March 1964

The name speaks for itself! One of the most large earthquakes in history because of its power. The victims were 150 people, and the damage was estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.

The tremor was felt only in parts of New America, but the resulting tsunami traveled across different places causing huge damage.

Magnitude: 9.5
Date: May 22, 1960

The lands of Chile can be renamed into the Land of Volcanoes, since this is where the maximum number of earthquakes occurs. This is the second time a country name has been mentioned on this list. This earthquake claimed the lives of 1,700 people, and the tsunami caused by it - 2 million lives.

More than 3,000 people were seriously injured. The total amount of damage is $ 600 million, which, of course, is not a small amount. The country is trying to take many steps to prevent any losses caused by earthquakes, and to some extent these efforts are paying off!

Video about the strongest earthquakes in the world from ADZI

In this article, we have collected the most strong earthquakes in the history of mankind, which became catastrophes of a universal scale.

Experts annually record about 500,000 tremors. They all have different strength, but only a few of them are really tangible and cause damage, and a few have a strong destructive power.

1. Chile, May 22, 1960

One of the most terrible earthquakes happened in 1960 in Chile. Its magnitude was 9.5 points. 1,655 people became victims of this natural phenomenon, more than 3,000 were injured varying degrees gravity, and 2 million were left homeless! Experts have calculated that the damage from it amounted to $ 550,000,000. But besides this, this earthquake caused a tsunami that reached the Hawaiian Islands and killed 61 people.

2.Tien Shan, July 28, 1976

The magnitude of the earthquake in the Tien Shan was 8.2 points. According to the official version, this terrible incident claimed the lives of more than 250,000 people, and unofficial sources say the figure is 700,000. And this may indeed be true, because during the earthquake, 5.6 million buildings were completely destroyed.

3. Alaska, March 28, 1964

This earthquake caused 131 deaths. Of course, this is not enough when compared with other cataclysms. But the magnitude of the aftershocks that day was 9.2, which resulted in the destruction of almost all buildings, and the damage caused amounted to $ 2.3 billion (adjusted for inflation).

4. Chile, 27 February 2010

This is another devastating earthquake in Chile, which caused considerable damage to the city: millions of destroyed houses, dozens of flooded settlements, broken bridges and highways. But most importantly, approximately 1,000 people died, 1,200 people went missing, and 1.5 million homes suffered varying degrees of damage. Its magnitude was 8.8 points. The Chilean authorities estimate the damage to be more than $ 15,000,000,000.

5. Sumatra, December 26, 2004

The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.1 points. Massive earthquakes and the ensuing tsunami killed more than 227,000 people. Almost all the houses in the city were razed to the ground. In addition to the huge number of local residents affected, over 9,000 foreign tourists were killed or missing while on holiday in the regions affected by the tsunami.

6. Honshu Island, March 11, 2011

The earthquake on the island of Honshu shook everything East Coast Japan. In just 6 minutes of a 9-point disaster, more than 100 km of the seabed was raised to an 8-meter height and collapsed on the northern islands. Even the Fukushima nuclear power plant was partially damaged, which provoked a radioactive release. The authorities have officially stated that the number of victims is 15,000, local residents say that these numbers are grossly underestimated.

The earthquake in Neftegorsk was of magnitude 7.6. It completely destroyed the village in just 17 seconds! 55400 people lived on the territory that fell into the disaster zone. Of these, 2040 died and 3197 were left without a roof over their heads. Neftegorsk was not restored. The injured people were relocated to other settlements.

8.Alma-Ata, January 4, 1911

This earthquake is better known as the Kemin earthquake, since its epicenter fell in the valley of the Bolshoi Kemin river. It is the strongest in the history of Kazakhstan. Characteristic feature this catastrophe was the long duration of the phase of destructive fluctuations. As a result, the city of Almaty was almost completely destroyed, and huge gaps in the relief formed in the region of the river, the total length of which was 200 km. In some places, entire houses were buried in the gaps.

9.Kanto Province, September 1, 1923

This earthquake began on September 1, 1923 and lasted 2 days! During this time, 356 tremors occurred in this province of Japan, the first of which were the strongest - the magnitude reached 8.3 points. Due to the change in the position of the seabed, it caused 12-meter tsunami waves. As a result of numerous tremors, 11,000 buildings were destroyed, fires started and a strong wind quickly spread the fire. As a result, another 59 buildings and 360 bridges burned down. The official death toll is 174,000 and another 542,000 are missing. Over 1,000,000 people were left homeless.

10. Himalayas, August 15, 1950

This earthquake happened in the highlands of Tibet. Its magnitude was 8.6 points, and the energy corresponded to the force of an explosion of 100,000 atomic bombs... Eyewitness accounts of this tragedy were terrifying - a deafening roar emanated from the bowels of the earth, underground vibrations caused seizures of seasickness in people, and cars were thrown 800 m away. One of the sections of the railway sank 5 m underground. people, but the damage from the disaster amounted to $ 20 million.

11.Haiti12 January 2010

The strength of the main shock of this earthquake was 7.1 points, but after it a series of repeated vibrations followed, the magnitude of which was 5 or more points. The disaster killed 220,000 and injured 300,000. More than 1,000,000 people lost their homes. Material damage from this disaster is estimated at 5,600,000,000 euros.

12. San Francisco, April 18, 1906

The magnitude of the surface waves of this earthquake was 7.7 points. The tremors were felt all over California. The worst thing is that they provoked a huge fire, due to which almost the entire center of San Francisco was destroyed. The list of victims of the disaster included more than 3,000 people. Half of the San Francisco population lost their homes.

13. Messina, December 28, 1908

This was one of the largest earthquakes in Europe. It struck both Sicily and southern Italy, killing approximately 120,000 people. The main epicenter of the tremors, the city of Messina, was virtually destroyed. This 7.5 magnitude earthquake was accompanied by a tsunami that struck the entire coast. The death toll was over 150,000.

14. Haiyuan Province, December 16, 1920

This earthquake had a magnitude of 7.8. It destroyed almost all houses in the cities of Lanzhou, Taiyuan and Xi'an. More than 230,000 people died. Witnesses claimed that the waves from the earthquake were visible even off the coast of Norway.

15. Kobe, January 17, 1995

This is one of the most powerful earthquakes in Japan. His strength was 7.2 points. The destructive force of the impact of this catastrophe was experienced by a significant part of the population of this densely populated area. In total, more than 5,000 people died and 26,000 were injured. A huge number of buildings were razed to the ground. The US Geological Survey estimated all damage at $ 200,000,000.

A series of earthquakes in Italy resulted in several hundred deaths. It is a tragedy, but it could be worse. NV chose the most devastating earthquakes throughout the history of civilization

How HB, the Italian earthquakes were quite strong - magnitudes 6.2 and 4 on the Richter scale. However, in contrast to popular beliefs of the inhabitants, the strength of the shocks is not always directly related to the number of victims.

Much depends on how densely populated the region in which the disaster occurs and what is the seismic resistance of buildings.

The latter factor played an important role in the Italian events. In particular, some observers point out that the economic damage will be enormous due to the fact that old buildings in many cities in central Italy have simply taken shape like houses of cards. All this will have to be rebuilt.

At times, earthquakes of colossal strength resulted in relatively small casualties. As it was in Alaska in 1964, when an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.2 on the Richter scale killed 128 people. For example, in the Armenian city of Spitak in 1988 an earthquake of 7.2 magnitude led to the death of 25 thousand people.

HB chose 7 underground cataclysms that claimed the greatest number of human lives.

The most monstrous earthquake in the history of mankind. The death toll exceeded 830 thousand people.

No measurements were taken in those days, but, analyzing eyewitness accounts, scientists estimate it at least 8 points on the Richter scale. In the epicenter of the earthquake, cracks more than 20 m deep opened. Destructions were recorded within a radius of 500 km from the epicenter.

Such a huge number of victims is due to the high population density, as well as the fact that most people lived in the lungs wooden buildings and caves dug into the hillsides.

The earthquake is unique in nature. It consisted of two shocks identical in strength (7.8 points on the Richter scale). The second followed 16 hours after the first.

In total, 650 thousand people died as a result of the tragedy. The destruction was so terrible that the government of communist China even agreed to accept help from the capitalist sworn enemies.

227 thousand people died as a result of the most powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean (9.3 points) on the strength of the equivalent of 23 thousand nuclear charges, similar to the one that was detonated in Hiroshima.

The enormous tsunami caused by the earthquake struck 11 Asian countries... The waves reached 15 m in height.

An underground shock with a force of 7.8 on the Richter scale led to the death of 200 thousand people and monstrous destruction on an area of ​​over 3.8 thousand square meters. km.

Over the next few months, more than 20,000 people died of the cold, losing their homes in the midst of a harsh winter.

A powerful earthquake (7.9 points) literally wiped out Yokohama from the face of the earth and led to tremendous destruction in Tokyo.

143 thousand people died, more than 1 million were homeless. A total of 600,000 buildings were destroyed (90% of buildings in Yokohama and 40% in Tokyo).

Soviet authorities tried in every possible way to hide the truth about the cataclysm of 1948. Therefore, for many decades in official sources, the number of victims indicated the figure of 10 thousand people.

During the perestroika era, documents were published according to which the death toll was 11 (!) Times higher.

As a result powerful earthquake(7.9 points) Ashgabat turned into ruins in a matter of minutes - almost not a single whole building remained in the city.

A push of 7 on the Richter scale and a series of subsequent blows, some of which reached 4 on the Richter scale, claimed the lives of at least 100,000 people. 250 thousand private houses and about 30 thousand state buildings were destroyed.

The cataclysm in Haiti was marked by an unprecedented unity with which the developed countries the world sent aid to eliminate the consequences of the earthquake. The United States sent an aircraft carrier to the shores of Haiti with food rations and medicines... More than 20 countries have sent military contingent to Haiti to provide assistance and maintain order in the devastated country.