Sagittarius how to understand it. Sagittarius in Love: Ideal Partner and Relationship Compatibility

Love is something that can both give happiness and take it away. So that your feelings bring only positive emotions, you need to know everything about the preferences of your man. This is especially true if you are in love with a man born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

Sagittarians are impulsive, extremely quick-tempered and restless. This is a very inspiring zodiac sign. Next to Sagittarius, you will definitely feel strong and desirable, but you should also not be too calm, because you can’t relax next to such a man.

Secret one: Sagittarius always knows what he wants. If he needs advice, he will definitely ask you to help him. These men most of all appreciate in women their unobtrusiveness and the ability to go into the shadows when necessary. This does not mean that your beloved does not need you, Sagittarians just have moments when they need to be in the spotlight in order to amuse their pride. Take it for granted, because Sagittarians are difficult to change.

Secret two: for those women who are in love with Sagittarius, astrologers have good news - these men are much more mature than representatives of other Zodiac Signs. In almost one hundred percent of cases, they mature much faster than their friends, which speaks of their individuality. Often they are too serious, but this is just a mask. Summarizing the second secret, I would like to note that for the harmony of relations, your man will need to see that you remind him of himself. Try to match it.

Secret three: these men are very persistent, very strong in spirit. They will be able to protect you from trouble and from problems, but it is also necessary to maintain this character trait of Sagittarius. This man will be able to get out of the most difficult situation, but only on the condition that his abilities will not be criticized - otherwise you risk losing him.

Secret Four: there are no words that Sagittarius cannot say in person. If he does not tell you about your shortcomings, then you should not worry. But be prepared for the fact that your lover will always tell the truth, without covering up unpleasant moments with flattery. This can also be assessed with positive side because it speaks of honesty. The main advantage of the Sagittarius man is that he is honest with loved ones. And also strives to fulfill its promise in one hundred percent of cases. But remember, he will demand the same from you.

Secret five: such a man will try to hide his nervousness and depression, which are extremely rare for Sagittarius, but do happen. If you notice that your man is sad or depressed, upset, taciturn, the best way out is to maintain a delicate balance between the desire to help and an even attitude. They don't like being pitied. Just be there for him at such moments, and Sagittarius will never forget it.

Do not forget that the above secrets are not always relevant for men born under the Sign of Sagittarius. This information is suitable for special situations that will be similar to those described. In any case, men love when they believe in them - regardless of belonging to one or another Zodiac Sign. We wish you success in love, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.01.2016 00:40

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about the Zodiac Sign of your man, you ...

With any Signs of the Zodiac, it can be difficult to achieve harmony in family life. But if your man...

For representatives astrological sign Sagittarius is characterized by kindness, gallantry, high level morality and non-trivial thinking. For a Sagittarius man in relationships with women, her personal traits and spiritual values, he is not able to fall in love only with a beautiful appearance. A young lady can easily understand the true intentions of a gentleman born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, since he is not used to hiding feelings for a long time and takes a leading role in love relationships.

The behavior of a Sagittarius man in love

In the life of a Sagittarius man, love occupies one of the key roles. To learn about relationship young man to a representative of the opposite sex, you need to pay attention to his behavior. For a Sagittarius in love, the following signs are characteristic:

  • A delighted and burning look, constant eye contact with his beloved.
  • Joint pastime and interest in the hobbies of his chosen one.
  • Regular signs of attention in the form of pleasant compliments, flowers and cute presents.
  • Perky laughter and sparkling humor, good location spirit.
  • Excessive concern for appearance, classic style in clothes.

A loving representative of this astrological sign behaves carefully and attentively towards the girl, strives to introduce the young lady to all the people from her inner circle and is happy to compromise.

Sagittarius in love will never raise his voice to his beloved, will not dare to criticize her in the presence of strangers. The guy will not force things and bring the moment closer intimacy enjoying every moment in life. He will always listen to women's opinion and consult with his chosen one before making an important and responsible decision.

In love, a man is affectionate and gentle, will do everything possible to make his beloved happy and color her life in bright colours giving unforgettable impressions and joyful emotions. Sagittarius is generous, will protect his young lady from various troubles and will never rush out loud words and promises in vain in order to make a good impression.

How to Win a Sagittarius Man

What should be the chosen one?

For such men, female mystery and mystery are extremely important, they do not like straightforward and tactless ladies, they do not accept rudeness and earthiness. To conquer the Sagittarius man and win his heart forever, you need to constantly engage in your spiritual and personal growth, to be a highly intelligent and bright woman, to pay due attention to her appearance.

Sagittarius is perhaps one of the most attractive signs of the zodiac. He has the features that are often endowed with the image perfect man every lady's dream. At the same time, the representative of this sign values ​​​​freedom above all else, so winning his heart is very difficult task. No wonder so many women want to know how to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with them. And for this you need to learn about it as much as possible.

Who is a Sagittarius man?

This is the last sign of the zodiac cycle and the element of fire, which also includes Leo and Aries. But unlike them, the flame of a representative of this constellation can rather be compared with smoldering coals, ready to flare up again when the wind blows.

The main features of the astrological portrait:

  • People born under this constellation are friendly, cheerful and sociable. The directness inherent in this sign often discourages others - Sagittarius always expresses his opinion “on the forehead”, not particularly caring about delicacy. The lack of a sense of tact is more than offset by ease of communication, optimism and some kind of youthful enthusiasm, for which he is loved. This man is always full of friends. He surrounds himself with people with similar interests, does not tolerate lies and falsehood, and demands the same from others.
  • Sagittarius is a loyal and reliable friend who you can rely on in any situation. It's not scary to go into reconnaissance with him. He will always come to the rescue in difficult times, no matter what it costs him. The habit of expressing one's opinion, not embarrassed in expressions, calling a spade a spade often causes a feeling of resentment in people. However, it is simply impossible to be angry with Sagittarius for a long time, because speaking the truth, he does not aim to intentionally offend or humiliate someone.
  • Men of this sign are good storytellers. If a Sagittarius is present in the company, and he was asked to tell some fascinating story from life, then all the time he speaks, those around him listen with bated breath. Few have such a gift, so being in the company of this person is a pleasure.
  • He loves nature, traveling, good music. At the same time, he constantly needs to learn something new, so the best leisure for a man of this sign is traveling long distances with all the attributes of a real outdoor activity (fishing or hunting, evening gatherings by the fire and songs with a guitar). Take off in a matter of minutes, spontaneously decide to go on a long journey as is, without long fees Sagittarius is normal.
  • If the "centaur" has decided something, then it is useless to dissuade him. Attempts to restrict his freedom in some way annoy this man very much. Such tactics will not help to fall in love with him. There are only two ways out of this situation - either step aside and not interfere with the implementation of another fixed idea, or go in search of adventure with him.

Unbelievable but true. He is often called the darling of fate, since no sign of the Zodiac is as lucky. Under the most monstrous set of circumstances, he inexplicably comes out "dry out of the water." Perhaps this explains its ease of climbing.

What kind of women do Sagittarius men like?

In most cases, they themselves cannot really explain what attracts them more in the representatives of the opposite sex. With absolute certainty, we can name only some of the features that a girl who dreams of falling in love with Sagittarius should have. This is a sense of humor, sociability, curiosity, lack of complexes and naturalness.

What is important for Sagittarius in a woman?

Of course, a man of this sign, like any other representative of the stronger sex, is inclined to love with his eyes, but the external attractiveness of a woman is more likely to be perceived by him as a pleasant bonus in addition to intelligence.

Usually this man chooses a mate from his social circle. It is very important for him that the lady of his heart shares his interests, otherwise he will get bored very quickly in her company. A woman who wants to fall in love with Sagittarius, first of all, should be an interesting companion and only then everything else.

A lady can be three times a beauty, an excellent hostess and a cook, but if there is nothing to talk about with her, such a person is unlikely to be interested in a Sagittarius man, and even more so, she will not have a single chance to fall in love with him. Boring, limited persons of the opposite sex, prone to constant suspicion and jealousy, disgust him.

The wife of Sagittarius, first of all, should be his faithful friend and comrade-in-arms, and only then the mistress and mother of his children. And if the companion can find mutual language with his friends, then the admiration of this guy and there will be no limit at all.

Which women will attract the attention of Sagittarius for sure?

He soberly looks at the world, but, despite this, he truly enjoys adventures that are not devoid of romance. He is always interested in learning something new, therefore:

  • the attention of Sagittarius can be attracted by a foreigner or a woman who is radically different from him in social origin.
  • for the same reason, he will most definitely pay attention to that lady whose interests coincide with his hobbies.
  • he may also be interested in a lady for whom he himself is an object of imitation.

Often, a Sagittarius-teacher can fall in love with his student or listener of a course. Men of this sign remain children in their hearts until old age. With age, they become especially attractive to the opposite sex.

It is interesting. A man of this sign experiences sexual attraction, as a rule, to those persons of the opposite sex who cause him a sense of respect.

Signs and behavior of a Sagittarius man in love

If a woman is observant, she can easily figure out the "centaur" whose heart was pierced by Cupid's arrow. The state of being in love with this man consists of two stages. At the first of them, he will savor his senses like a gourmet of good, aged wine. He will act slowly, showing care and attention to the object of his adoration, making beautiful gifts. Moving on to the second stage, Sagittarius will begin to look at his passion more carefully, in order, in the end, to decide whether she is worthy of becoming his wife.

The main signs that he is in love:

  • In the presence of a beloved woman, Sagittarius' eyes light up, a smile appears, the mood rises;
  • he cannot resist the desire to touch his beloved, take her by the hand, hug her;
  • in communicating with her, he carefully chooses words so as not to offend her by chance.

How to conquer a Sagittarius man?

In their youth, these people rarely seek constancy in relationships. You can attract a Sagittarius man, and even fall in love with him, but you should not count on a long romance, since his main goal is a girl with whom you can have fun - no more. But with age, representatives of the fire sign begin to think about the eternal, so it becomes quite simple to conquer them.

The main weapon of a lady who decides to win his heart will be an extraordinary sense of humor. In addition to wit, this man highly appreciates naturalness and openness in women. Other qualities that will help him fall in love:

  • the ability to maintain a relaxed conversation;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • flawless appearance;
  • benevolence and openness, but not easy accessibility;
  • love for nature and travel;
  • the ability to break away at any moment and go on a journey with your chosen one.

4 golden rules of conduct

At its core, this man is a hunter. If the prey itself falls into the hands of Sagittarius, it is not interesting to him. It is worth remembering a few rules and constantly adhering to them, then the passion for this sign will never pass:

  1. If you want to fall in love with a Sagittarius, never hang yourself on his neck and do not impose your communication. Become inaccessible, awaken in him the desire to achieve, but do not overdo it. This man cannot stand cutesy and mannered ladies - the simpler the better. But don't confuse simplicity and openness with accessibility.
  2. Do not try to limit his freedom and tie him to you. There must be other interests in the life of this man. Remember that every action causes a reaction. How more woman will strive to put him on a short leash, the more passionately he will want to break away from him. And at the same time, giving complete freedom of action will attract this man like a magnet.
  3. Do not complicate the relationship with excessive seriousness, be easy and independent in dealing with him. Don't make plans out loud family life with Sagittarius, this can frighten him long before he manages to fall in love with this passionate admirer of freedom.
  4. Naturalness and frankness are the main companions long relationship with Sagittarius. Even insignificant omissions in trifles can be regarded by this man as a lie and insincerity. And if a sprout of doubt arises in his soul, then he cannot come up with anything better than a break.

On a note. Any manifestation of an attempt to limit his freedom - whether it be contracts, obligations, strict rules, or simply the desire to impose his opinion on him, will immediately be regarded as pressure and blackmail. If you want to fall in love with him, have patience. For any serious decision, Sagittarius must mature himself.

Zodiac signs compatibility

In conclusion, it is worth considering which women are more suitable for a Sagittarius man. Which of them has a real chance not only to fall in love with this guy, but also to build a strong relationship with him? We read, draw conclusions.


The main thing in this union is to achieve mutual understanding and trust. If both signs direct their innate energy in the same direction, they will have a life full of fun adventures and exciting moments.


Opposites attract - this expression is relevant just for the Sagittarius-Taurus pair. Optimist and pessimist, it would seem that such a union is not possible by definition. However, if both signs work a little on their shortcomings, and can also accept each other for who they are, then their union can be quite successful.


Despite the different elements, these signs have a lot in common. Craving for adventure, knowledge, lightness and energy. Both highly value freedom and do not accept its limitations, therefore, like no other, they will be able to understand each other. It doesn’t cost anything for Gemini to fall in love with Sagittarius - with them he will never get bored.

An alliance with this sign is unlikely. Obvious differences in views make these signs completely incompatible. Cancer constantly thinks about the future, family and stability are important to him, and Sagittarius, with his craving for adventure and the habit of living one day at a time, will constantly feel infringed on his rights.

The most best couple for the Sagittarius. These signs have a complete coincidence - the constant, even fire of Leo will support and not let the embers of Sagittarius die out. This couple has perfect sexual and spiritual compatibility. What else do you need for a long and happy life together?


A man-fire and a woman-earth is a complex combination. An alliance is possible only if both make concessions - she will allow him to arrange bright holidays life, and he will not burn her much with his heat.


Complete mismatch. The Libra woman is very serious, the Sagittarius man, on the contrary, is constantly joking. She does not want to understand his childish spontaneity and youthful pranks. He considers her a meticulous bore who does not know how to enjoy life.


A complex and controversial union, however, it is possible, but only if each of the signs compromises with respect to the partner. And it is not known which of them will be more difficult.


There is definitely compatibility, because each of them is a mirror image of the second. The only issue that they need to settle is to learn to look not at each other, but in one direction. By combining their energies, these signs will be able to conquer the whole world.


This sign is very secretive, it is difficult for him to express his feelings, while Sagittarius is waiting for the utmost clarity in everything. Omissions on the part of Capricorn can give rise to doubts in the soul of his partner, which over time will develop into complete distrust. In this case, the relationship will become impossible.


Not only do these signs feel great in each other's company, they also give a feeling of happiness to anyone who witnesses their relationship. They, like a magnet, attract people to them and share their happiness and positive energy with them.


Another of the signs of the zodiac, the qualities of which Sagittarius appreciates very highly. The deep and rich spiritual world of Pisces, the diversity of interests and the ability to keep up a conversation on any topic is an ideal basis for building a happy relationship.

To fall in love with a Sagittarius man and keep him close for a long time or even forever can only be a woman for whom openness, sincerity and a thirst for life are natural needs. Only in this case everything will turn out by itself and you won’t have to limit yourself in some way, break your habits in an effort to become for him the one he wants to see.

To fall in love with a Sagittarius guy, you need to be popular. Men of this sign are very susceptible to public opinion. They will not tolerate closed prudes next to them. The ideal girlfriend for them is the one who has many friends, is active, the star of any party. He needs a woman who will constantly move, not sit still. Sagittarians are irresistible travelers and revelers. And they choose partners who love this lifestyle. They do not know fatigue and do not accept excuses. Sagittarius will not like it if the girl refuses to accompany him in all his adventures. It will seem to him that she does not love, since she does not want to support his initiatives.

Sagittarius is very good memory, use it. Show small signs of attention, flirt, he will remember it. Very soon he will have a single picture, and he will rush to the attack to understand whether you are really in love

In addition, for a Sagittarius man, the character and spiritual qualities of a girl are very important. They come first, not looks. Men of this sign love smart girls. A sense of humor is also very important to them. But the appearance goes to the background and even to the third plan. Of course, Sagittarius will not like the unkempt girl. But here are some minor flaws - a large nose, teeth that are not too even, short legs - he simply will not notice. He is used to seeing people first of all as a person and does not get hung up on appearance.

Sagittarius in love: how he behaves

Sagittarius is witty, cheerful and pathologically truthful. If he falls in love, it will be written on his face. His gaze will change every time the object of attention appears on the horizon. He will try to come closer, touch, start a conversation. He doesn't hesitate to ask you out on a date. The Sagittarius guy will not be against it when the girl takes the initiative. He behaves openly and loves that others also do not hide their desires.

A Sagittarius man in love surrounds his chosen one with a waterfall of emotions. And sometimes they are quite contradictory. First, he swears his love, then he is offended that the girl reacted too evenly to his words, and starts screaming about breaking up the relationship. After five minutes, he calms down, repents, and begs for forgiveness. And this can be repeated several times a day. Only very patient women are able to endure such intensity of passions.

Sagittarius, whose heart is full of love, does everything for his chosen one. Every day he comes up with surprises to conquer his beloved more and more. And it doesn't have to be expensive gifts. Sagittarians amaze with their imagination. When they are in love, they are able regular dinner turn into a magical performance. Men of this sign will get bouquets from under the table, write romantic notes on napkins, etc. They will charm and seduce in every possible and impossible way. And they will be very disappointed if the girl does not properly respond to manifestations of feelings. She must express her emotions violently. According to Sagittarius, this means that the surprise turned out.

How to keep a Sagittarius close

To maintain a relationship with a representative of this sign, you need to support all his undertakings and always be there. Sometimes because of this, you have to sacrifice your own interests. For example, if Sagittarius suddenly wanted to climb onto the roof and count the stars in the middle of the night, a girlfriend must be nearby. After all, someone should appreciate the romantic impulse and admire. Sagittarians work for the public, it is very difficult for them to be alone. In this regard, they are quite selfish and for the sake of their own needs are able to forget about the desires of others. It is not too important for them whether the girl wants to eat, sleep, or it is time for her to go to work. All this later, and now - another adventure in which she must accompany her beloved.

At the same time, Sagittarius themselves are very fond of being useful. You can ask a Sagittarius guy for any favor, and the more difficult it is, the better. Sagittarius begin to feel sympathy for those for whom they have done something significant. They become attached to a woman every day more and more if they feel their responsibility to her.

What Sagittarians Don't Like

Fall in love with Sagittarius

There are several reasons why Sagittarians are able to break the strongest relationships. First, treason. Representatives of this sign are owners in a cube. If they conquered a woman, then they are sure that she belongs to them completely and forever. Therefore, not only physical contact with another man is considered cheating, but also correspondence with the former, spending the night with friends, too close communication with the mother. All this causes a terrible wrath of Sagittarius. They are not ready to share their girlfriend even with their own children. Therefore, they do everything to divert attention to the kids on themselves. Representatives of this sign become good fathers, as they do not shy away from walking and playing with children. They do all this so that the beloved woman pays more attention to them, and not to the kids.

Secondly, Sagittarians really do not like dependent partners. The ones who can't go shopping alone or don't know how to change a light bulb. Sagittarius themselves do not require help and want their beloved to cope with small tasks on her own. And they are happy to take the big ones on their shoulders, as they are used to being responsible for the couple.

Do not play on the feelings of Sagittarius. He may forgive the deception once or twice, but then just turn around and leave.

The third thing that Sagittarius does not like is the restriction of freedom. This is a very friendly sign, its representatives are always surrounded by a crowd of friends, close and distant relatives. Beloved should not interfere with the partner to satisfy their need for communication. Without this, Sagittarians become aggressive, angry, their unspent energy splashes in a completely wrong direction.

The Sagittarius man attracts a woman with his optimism, energy and positive. He tries to see the good in everything, never loses heart and does not get hung up on trifles. The world in his eyes is full of secrets, mysteries and everything unknown that he wants to know, explore and expand the horizons of his knowledge.

He easily makes contact, is open to communication, sincere, eloquent and interesting in itself as a person with versatile views on life. You can talk to him freely different topics, reflect on life and take a deeper look at the world. Because he is characterized by deep views on the universe. On the life situations he looks from different parties, have the ability to philosophical thinking.

Sagittarius man in love is attracted by everything sublime, refined, romantic. He has no clear boundaries, he is interested in everything unknown. He needs food for the mind, reflections.

In relationships, he behaves friendly, there is no strictness, adherence to principles, pedantry in him. In a woman, he notices more of the good, ignoring the bad. Sometimes it is too good-natured and naive. But when making mistakes, he can not always immediately draw a conclusion for himself so as not to repeat them. But on the other hand, in many ways he wants to see the meaning.

He is not interested in meaningless relationships. Especially if there is nothing in common that could connect, unite. For a Sagittarius man, it is important that the views of a woman coincide in many ways.

Positive qualities of a Sagittarius man in love

  • Optimism
  • Positive
  • Sincerity
  • openness
  • Naturalness
  • purposefulness
  • Masculinity
  • Confidence
  • Determination
  • Initiative
  • Activity
  • Generosity
  • romanticism
  • Condescension
  • Naturalness
  • Justice
  • Sociability
  • Versatile views
  • propensity to think
  • Deep thoughts
  • Love for adventure

Negative qualities of a Sagittarius man in love

  • Haste
  • Impulsiveness
  • irascibility
  • credulity
  • naivety
  • idealism
  • thoughtlessness
  • Impracticality
  • Frivolity

See also Character of Sagittarius Character of people of the elements of fire

Sagittarius man - how to understand that he is in love

The behavior of a Sagittarius man in love largely depends on experience love relationship. If he is positive, then he can fall in love more without looking back, immerse him in a whirlwind of love, passion and romance.

A man in love with Sagittarius is peculiar;

  • Enthusiasm
  • Inspiration
  • Energy
  • Eloquence
  • Wit

He is able to quickly light up, quickly get carried away, and his love relationships are full of activity, action. Because his element of fire means action. He will not sit in one place for a long time, he needs changes, impressions, development. If relationships stop developing and become monotonous, they can lose their meaning and interest.

The Sagittarius man is straightforward in words, thoughts, will not hide what he thinks, behave unnaturally, play with feelings. He immediately says what is in his soul, what feelings. With the chosen one, he is sincere and gladly shares his thoughts, what he feels, experiences.

In another option, if he has a negative experience of love relationships, then he may be skeptical about them. Disappointed in love, he may lose faith in it. Although on the other hand, he sometimes believes in luck and luck.

But the negative experience of the past can interfere with the establishment of relationships. He can switch his attention to something else, find a hobby, hobbies, activities, so as not to torment himself with sad thoughts. He does not tend to wait long, be sad, worry. He wants to know life in all its splendor and beauty and expand his horizons.

He likes travel, if not physical, then spiritual, such as reading. And he will be happy to share with the chosen one everything he read that he managed to learn. Sometimes his speech resembles a teacher, he can tell everything in such detail, give weighty arguments, substantiate them with deep views. That it seems that he is giving a lecture.

Sagittarius man in bed

In bed, the Sagittarius man also loves everything sublime, refined, and it is desirable to have pleasure without measure. He sometimes has problems with a sense of proportion, which can affect his health. But on the other hand, he wants to get as much as possible.

He is attracted to foreplay, likes to stretch the pleasure, creating a romantic and passionate atmosphere. The sincerity and similarity of the views of a woman will further push him towards an intimate relationship. He wants feelings to be heated to the limit, and emotions sparkle like flashes of fire. Complexes, conventions, restraint are alien to him. Well understands and feels the needs of women. It will never be boring with him.

Compatibility with the Sagittarius Man will be good if:

  • Likes traveling, adventure, reading
  • There is a craving for surprises and change
  • Attracts a play on words and the mind of a man
  • I like romance in relationships and everything sublime
  • Imaginative men are attracted
  • Difficult without communication and new experiences
  • Repels monotony
  • There is a desire for justice

Compatibility with the Sagittarius Man will be difficult if:

  • I like the silence, peace and measured course of life
  • Repels vanity, noise and confusion
  • I don't like men who talk a lot and not on business
  • Serious, practical men are attracted
  • I want to see a homebody husband next to me

Sagittarius man in a relationship with a woman


How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you

To fall in love with a Sagittarius man, you need to become his like-minded person. He likes it if a woman shares his views, agrees with his opinion, is ready to go with him into fire and into water. The more it unites with the Sagittarius man, the better.

He is attracted by sociable women, with versatile views, with whom you can endlessly reflect on life, learn new things, share your thoughts. If you find more common activities and hobbies, then this will bring you even closer to the Sagittarius man. He is a captivating nature, he does not sit in one place for a long time and he wants a woman to share his hobbies in order to do what she loves with her.

The path to his heart begins with friendly communication, where the main thing is to be natural, sincere and interesting. He appreciates sincerity and openness in a woman, since he himself is quite sincere. In relations, prudence, commercialism, self-interest are alien to him.

How to Marry a Sagittarius Man

Marrying a Sagittarius man is not always easy. On the one hand, he is not against marriage and he needs a woman who shares his views, understands and knows how to support him. But on the other hand, he is quite amorous. And his love can light up like a flame of fire, but also quickly go out. It doesn't always last long enough.

Especially if he notices that the relationship is devoid of any meaning and there is no continuation, development. He himself knows how to renew relationships, but if this happens only unilaterally or he is not satisfied with some qualities in a woman, then the fire of his love gradually goes out. Moreover, he is characterized by idealism and he can be in search of his ideal for a long time. In addition, everything sublime attracts him, therefore, his ideal is also sublime.

But on the other hand, no matter how he strives for everything sublime, constant searches, he is not alien to home comfort and comfort. He appreciates the economy of a woman, the ability to cook deliciously, keep the house clean and tidy so that there is no chaos. Because he often lacks organization and deliberation in actions.

Sagittarius man married

In marriage, a Sagittarius man sometimes lacks the seriousness of responsibility, especially if he is used to a free and problem-free life, he will not shift all family problems onto himself with particular pleasure, and sometimes he will try to avoid them. But over the years, he learns from his mistakes, becomes wiser, more experienced and more serious. What helps him to maneuver in family problems and look at the situation in a multifaceted way.

He prefers a spacious house, there should also be a lot of space in the rooms, he likes everything big where there is space. And it is desirable that it opens from the window beautiful view to the horizon. The main thing is to feel the spirit of freedom in the house.

His rest is often associated with intellectual activity, reading, research, communication, where you can learn a lot of new and interesting information. He is attracted by intellectual activity, where you can think or fantasize, dream.

He may have many friends and acquaintances, because he often wants to expand what he has. In addition, he is friendly, inquisitive and always open to communication. He does not have strict boundaries for the selection of friends. He prefers to communicate simply, naturally, sincerely, at ease, without unnecessary conventions. He likes generalized, figurative reflections.

In clothes, he prefers convenience and comfort, without attaching much importance to how much this thing costs. But if finances allow, he prefers to emphasize his social status.

In food, he is not particularly picky and whimsical, he wants to try a lot, taste, get pleasure and pleasure, he can stretch the process of eating in order to get more pleasure.

Breaking up with a Sagittarius man

In his life there is no place for stagnation and monotony, he is not against change. In a relationship, it can be unstable if nothing serious connected him with a woman. He loves love adventures, but sooner or later any adventure comes to an end. And if there was nothing in common between him and the woman, then parting would be inevitable.

For him, the main thing is to see the meaning, if there is none, then there will be no desire to continue the relationship either. Moreover, if the relationship has outlived itself, the partners have changed, they have different interests, and it’s already a little reminder of bygone feelings and passions.

He also needs a real, rich relationship. And if they were serious, long-lasting and had a lot to do with a woman, then he would be reluctant to break off relations. wants to transfer them at least into friendly communication, so that there is an opportunity to sometimes see each other, talk about life, and maybe help with something.

Often he is friendly towards a woman even after a breakup, he is not inclined to create the image of an enemy, to take revenge. True, it can be quick-tempered, straightforward, may not follow the words. But he also quickly calms down and can continue communication as if nothing had happened.

In the worst case, he can be completely disappointed in love, stop perceiving it, he will no longer be so fascinated and inspired. Sublime thoughts will be erased, and irony and skepticism will come to replace it. Then he will be content only intimate relationship without much emotion or attachment.

See also how to make peace and return the Sagittarius man How to break up with Sagittarius

Relations with the Sagittarius Man will be good if the woman is

  • tolerant and forgiving
  • Sociable, versatile and witty
  • Romantic, sincere and natural in behavior

Relations with a Sagittarius man will be difficult if you show

  • Criticality, dominance
  • Limit him and tell him how to live
  • violate his sense of justice

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or the person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you to find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all the planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.