Syntax methods of transmitting someone else's speech. A. Blok has wonderful lines. A quote is a verbatim excerpt from a statement or composition of someone, or precisely quoted someone's words, which are used to confirm or explain any

Methods of transferring someone else's speech.

  • Direct speech.

  • Dialogue

  • Punctuation marks in dialogue:

  • Indirect speech.

  • Quote.

  • Punctuation marks for quotations.

Direct speech.

    Direct speech is an accurately reproduced foreign speech transmitted on behalf of the person who spoke or wrote it. This way of transmitting someone else's speech retains not only its content, but also its form, for example: And my mother threw up her hands and said: “Don't be upset, Denis, because of the mice. No, and don't! Let's go buy you a fish! What do you want, huh? " (V. Dragunsky). Direct speech may include not one, but two or more sentences, different in their structure. In direct speech, all the features of someone else's speech are preserved: it can contain interjections, particles, modal words, addresses, incomplete sentences.

    The duration of the notification procedure is strictly defined and controlled. A typical brainstorming session consists of five stages: Problem Introduction - The problem is recorded by the teacher. It should be short, precise, challenging. The facilitator explains why this issue is important, the group is concerned. A reminder of how to suggest solutions to a problem. By writing the proposals submitted by the participants to solve the problem, the ideas are written exactly as they are communicated, in the two groups can be identified in the larger groups.

    When the time is up, the facilitator asks the creators questions - explanatory only. Only the one who presented the idea has the right to explain it. Participants are asked to evaluate their ideas, choose the most promising ideas and try to agree on their positions. Rules for submitting proposals: - the more proposals, the better, - do not evaluate, - everyone can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe solution, - in one case, you can give only one solution, - give all the solutions that come to mind, even those that give You are banal, absurd, or stupid.

  • Direct speech is an independent sentence (or several sentences) and forms a special syntactic structure with the words of the author.

Punctuation marks in direct speech.

  • If direct speech goes into a string, then it is surrounded by quotes, for example: "Do you remember their address well?" - Sukhokhlebov (B. Polevoy) interrupted me.

  • If direct speech begins with a paragraph, then a dash is placed before it, for example:

  • - I haven't sold a single flower in my life! - Nikolai Nikitich (K. Paustovsky) solemnly answered.

  • The basic rules for setting punctuation marks in direct speech are most conveniently presented in the form of diagrams, therefore, some notation should be introduced:

  • A, a - the words of the author;

  • P, p - direct speech.


  • Dialogue is a type of direct speech, which is a conversation between two or more persons.

  • The dialogue consists of replicas. A reply is an answer or remark of one interlocutor to the words of another.

  • Each replica of the dialogue, as a rule, is recorded on a new line. Instead of quotation marks, a dash is placed before the remark.

  • A dialogue can consist of two, three, four (sometimes more) replica sentences, closely related in meaning and structure. The content and form of the first remark determine the content and form of the second, and so on. Thus, only a combination of remarks helps to understand the meaning of the dialogue.

Punctuation marks in dialogue:

  • 1) if dialogue replicas are given each from a new paragraph, then they are not enclosed in quotation marks, a dash is placed in front of them, for example:

  • - Do you know how to keep a secret?

  • - You ask.

  • - Swear.

  • - I swear!

  • (A. Fadeev);

  • 2) in the case when the replicas go in one line without indicating who they belong to, each of them is enclosed in quotes and separated from the adjacent one with a dash, for example: “So are you married? I did not know the wound! How long has it been? " - "About two years". - "On whom?" - “On Larina” (A. Pushkin);

  • 3) in the case when the words of the author follow the replica, a dash is omitted before the next replica, for example: “How are you doing? - asked Ekaterina Ivanovna. “Nothing, we live a little,” said Startsev (A. Chekhov).

Indirect speech.

    Indirect speech is the transmission of someone else's speech on behalf of the speaker, and not the one who actually uttered it. Unlike sentences with direct speech, sentences with indirect speech convey only the content of someone else's speech, but cannot convey the features of its form, for example: We talked about how the birds I caught live (M. Gorky). In its form, a sentence with indirect speech is a complex sentence in which the main one contains the words of the author, and the subordinate clause contains someone else's speech. These simple sentences as part of a complex are joined by unions what, as if to, or pronouns who, what, what, how, where, when, whyetc., or a particle whether, eg: Scientists believe rivers can be protected from pollution; The commissar slyly asked Meresiev if he had read the article (B. Polevoy); Ivan Ilyich asked her where the headquarters was (A. Tolstoy).

    Modify ideas. Brainstorming 635 - This is a brainstorming session that allows even the most timid to activate. Helps to find best solution your problem. Everyone receives a page divided into 6 main parts, each main part is divided into 3. Rules for submitting proposals: - Creative work is done in writing in a team of 6 people. Each person should write 3 ideas for solving the problem in separate boxes within 5 minutes - after 5 minutes, each person passes their form to a neighbor, and every 5 minutes everyone writes 3 ideas, until the forms cover all group members within 30 minutes - After they must not be repeated as written, they must be new, modified or developed before they are introduced. - Unrealistic, fantastic or even crazy ideas can be presented without any restrictions. - Ideas should be written clearly and concisely.

  • The question that is transmitted in indirect speech is called an indirect question. It should be remembered that after an indirect question, a question mark is not put, for example: We asked the teacher when to submit the abstract.

  • The words of the author usually precede the indirect speech and are separated from it by a comma.


  • A quote is a verbatim excerpt from a statement or composition of someone, or precisely quoted someone's words, which are used to confirm or explain a thought.

Punctuation marks for quotations.

  • Quotes are formatted as follows:

  • 1) if the quote stands at the words of the author and represents direct speech, then in this case punctuation marks are placed, as in sentences with direct speech, for example: F. Iskander remarked: “Wisdom is a mind infused with conscience”;

  • 2) if a quote is introduced into the author's speech as part of a sentence, then in this case it is highlighted in quotes, but written with a lowercase letter, for example: NG Chernyshevsky rightly believed that "the development of language follows the development of people's life";

  • 3) if a quotation is included in the author's proposal as a component, then it is highlighted in quotes, and punctuation marks are put in those that are dictated by the structure of the sentence itself, for example: LN Tolstoy's thought “time is the relation of the movement of his life to the movement of other beings”, expressed in his diaries, has a philosophical content;

  • 4) if the quotation is given in part, then an ellipsis is put in place of the missing words, for example: VG Belinsky wrote: "Pushkin's verse is noble ... faithful to the spirit of the language";

  • 5) quotes from poems are not enclosed in quotation marks if the verse line is observed, for example:

  • A. Blok has wonderful lines:

  • Like any year, sometimes at night,

  • In the fall, in the splendor of beauty,

  • My star owns me -

  • This is how You ascend to me now.

    1) We will have to spend the night here: in such a blizzard through the mountains you cannot move Maksim Maksimych. (M. Lermontov) 2) Krylov roared Nothing, you will not die and do not think! Now I will treat you. (I. Erenburg) 3) Pavka said sharply You quieter, do not fly, otherwise you will burn yourself. (M. Gorky) 4) Father said more than once. It's a pity that we don't have a gun with us. (S.Aksakov) 5) Well, now you and I have procured a supply, the old man explained to the dog. (D. Mamin-Sibiryak) 6) Ulya said How well all people in the world could live if they only wanted, if they only understood! (A. Fadeev) 7) Look: that's how it was smashed! Tsyganok said, raising his sleeve, showing me his bare arm to the elbow in red scars. (M. Gorky) 8) The unhappy old man repeated, kissing the dead friend of Muzgarko, Muzgarko ... What am I going to do now without you? (D. Mamin-Sibiryak) 9) Let me say one skeptic is this box from lemon? (I. Goncharov) 10) I can read Petrus spoke and soon I will learn to write with a pen.

    At the end of the session, ideas should be given a short break followed by a presentation. The next step is to consider ideas and choose one solution. Exercise is an action taken to master certain abilities, remember a certain content, realize certain facts, experience certain states.

    Chart - A drawing showing some of the relationship between two dimensions. Using the diagram, you can represent the results of the research, the exercises carried out in the group. The simplest is the histogram. Prepared by the teacher, it serves as a visual aid made by class participants, allows them to discover dependencies, contribute more deeply to the topic, organize certain data, better memorize the topic.

  • I, I ... I will go with you cried Petya.

  • You don't need to go at all, said Denisov, addressing Dolokhov, and I will never let him in.

  • Petya cried out beautifully. Why shouldn't I go? ..

  • Yes, because there is no need.

  • Well, excuse me, because ... because ... I'm going, that's all. You can take me, he turned to Dolokhov.

  • Why ... Dolokhov answered absentmindedly, peering into the face of the French drummer.

  • For a long time you have this young fellow he asked Denisov.

  • Today they have taken it, but they know nothing. I kept it with me.

    1) I did not ask my faithful companion why he didn’t take me straight to those places. (I. Turgenev) 2) Karas said that one can live in the world by truth alone, and the ruff argued that one cannot do without it, so as not to cheat. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 3) Some said that he was the unfortunate son of rich parents ... (L. Tolstoy) 4) The mother asked a worker who worked in the field, how far was the tar factory. (M. Gorky) 5) They drove up to the hut and asked where to find the household part. (D. Furmanov) 6) Pavel Dmitrievich Korin, showing me his, the best in Russia, and therefore in the whole world, a private collection of icons, said that he invested all the money earned by the artist's labor into this collection. He said that it took him forty years to compose this collection of truly beautiful icons. (V. Soloukhin)

    A fictional, imaginary situation when several people imagine something that is not at that time, using as a means of expressing their bodies and voices. The drama, which stimulates and develops the natural tendencies of a person associated with his "entry into the role," is aimed at developing independence in thinking and action, an open and active attitude, expanding emotional feelings, enriching the imagination. Introduction. The choice of a common theme for the team, the choice of role players. Discuss the participants in the game, their feelings, the relationship of the content of the drama to their problems, interpretation of behavior, expression.

    1) The boy frightenedly said that, grandmother, I am afraid. 2) I replied that I do not remember anything. 3) You are asking why I am not refunding my money. 4) The police officer answers the driver as if I will deal with you at the police station. 5) Grandmother reproachfully said that you are not ashamed. 6) The Director assured us that I would take drastic action. 7) The head of the station said that I would help you in purchasing tickets. 8) The student remembered and said that, Marya Nikolaevna, I had found a solution to the problem.

    Scenes are a great way to engage participants: - Put yourself in the other person's shoes to try to understand the thoughts and feelings that someone has in the situation. - Try new ways of behaving. - Find out how others and they react to themselves. Different views and behavior in specific situations. - they risked new ways to behave safely and safely without fear of making a mistake or having a real negative effect. For psychodrama to be useful, it is important to remember that the participants play their roles using their own experiences, so that the situations in which they play are related to their actual problems.

    1) Speaking strictly, the language is never completely established: it constantly lives and moves, developing and improving ... (V. Belinsky) 2) Grammar does not prescribe laws for the language, but expresses and approves its customs. (A. Pushkin) 3) ... our extraordinary language itself is still a mystery. (N. Gogol) 4) In the linguistic sense, the people are all people who speak the same language. (N. Chernyshevsky) 5) Brevity is the sister of talent. (A. Chekhov) 6) In simplicity, words are the greatest wisdom, proverbs and songs are always short, and the mind and feelings are invested in whole books. (M. Gorky)

    Each drama must be carefully discussed. Discussion - exchange of ideas reflecting the views of the participants on a given issue. The debate is characterized by controversy over the attempt to find the right position, acceptable to both sides. Discussion allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the problem, teaches you to hold positions, manipulate arguments, rely on others, stabilize your beliefs and consider the world. Depending on the role of the lead teacher, discussions are held in at least three different options: focused, organized, free.

Another's speech is the speech of the interlocutor, a third person, or the speaker's own speech, uttered earlier. Alien speech is also called what a person thinks about, what he writes. Someone else's speech is transmitted different ways: using sentences with direct speech, indirect speech, and a simple sentence... Direct speech is an accurately reproduced speech of someone else, transmitted from the person who pronounced it (aloud or mentally). A sentence with direct speech consists of two parts: the speech of a stranger and the words of the author that accompany direct speech. For example: “Live Grisha! Live our dear! " - Dunyashka screamed in a sobbing voice from afar (Sholokhov). Direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks. Between the words of the author and direct speech, a colon is placed when direct speech is after the words of the author, and a dash when it is in front of the words of the author or is broken by the words of the author. For example: Grigory, perked up, blinked at Natalya: "Petro will cut the Cossack at once, look." "Is everyone gone?" - thought Irina. “I will go with the Cossacks,” Listnitsky warned the platoon officer. “Tell me to be saddled with a black one” (Sholokhov). Each sentence in direct speech is written with a capital letter and at the end of it is put the sign that is needed according to the purpose of the statement and the intonation of this sentence (dot, question mark or exclamation mark).

In the discussion, the leader plays an active role, directly influencing the course. Focused discussion stimulates logical thinkingrequires a deep knowledge of the topic from the coach. In a structured discussion, the facilitator allows participants to lead the discussion, assuming they are following their established rules and procedures. In a free discussion, its spontaneous course is allowed, only the topic is fixed, the participants themselves determine the course of the discussion. An organized and free discussion stimulates the participant's activity, helps him to gain confidence and gain more confidence in the team.

Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech

Dialogue. Punctuation marks in dialogue

A dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons. The words of each person participating in the conversation are called cues. The author's words may accompany the replica, or they may be missing. Each dialogue replica usually begins on a new line, with a dash in front of the replica, and no quotation marks. For example: Pan pointed with a pen to a chair: - Sit down. Gregory sat on the edge. - How do you like our horses? - Good horses. Gray is good too. - You pass it more often (Sholokhov).

Through collaborative exploration and discovery, participants gain views that are truly their own, as well as self-confidence as a result of achieving those views. Egoists discuss and present their positions. Classical discussion - the lecturer discusses the topic, gives a voice, sums up the discussion.

Chain Discussion - the facilitator asks everyone to talk about the problem that is being discussed one after another, just as they sit next to each other. Everyone is forced to speak. You can limit the number of sentences you speak and the response time, or vice versa, and recommend that you speak for a specific time.

Indirect speech sentence

Sentences with indirect speech serve to convey someone else's speech on behalf of the speaker, and not the one who actually uttered it. Unlike sentences with direct speech, they convey only the content of someone else's speech, but cannot convey all the features of its form and intonation. Sentences with indirect speech are complex sentences consisting of two parts (the words of the author and indirect speech), which are connected by conjunctions what, if, so, or pronouns and adverbs who, what, what, how, where, when, why, etc., or whether it is a particle. Indirect speech with alliances that seems to express the content of the narrative sentences of someone else's speech. For example: The hunter said that he saw swans on the lake. The hunter said he saw swans on the lake. Indirect speech with a union to express the content of the motivating sentences of someone else's speech. For example: The captain ordered the boats to be launched. Indirect speech with pronouns and adverbs what, who, what, how, where, where, when, why, etc., or whether it expresses the content of interrogative sentences of someone else's speech. For example: I asked what time it was; We asked the people we met where they were going; I asked my friend if he had solved this problem. A question conveyed in indirect speech is called an indirect question. There is no question mark after an indirect question. When replacing sentences with direct speech with sentences with indirect speech special attention need to pay to correct use personal and possessive pronouns, since in indirect speech we transmit other people's words on our behalf. It is also important to understand that not all features of someone else's speech can be transmitted indirectly. For example, in indirect speech there can be no references, interjections, forms of imperative mood and many other forms characteristic of oral speech.

Round table is a free exchange of views between partners with the same degree of initiation in the issue under discussion. One of the goals of the round table is to exchange views directly. Participants not only discuss problems, but also discuss the arguments of other participants in the discussion.

Discussion discussion - characterized by the fact that at the first stage the invited experts speak, and only in the second discussion a whole group of participants. Discussion "empty chair" - there are three different opinions on this topic. Participants will get acquainted with the opinion and gather on a poster that fully or partially corresponds to their judgment. For those who cannot identify with any of the three opinions, this is the fourth poster with question mark... After a short conversation in such small groups, each of them delegates a representative to the plenary session.

When translating direct speech into indirect speech, such words and forms are either omitted altogether, or replaced by others. For example: The teacher said: "Alyosha, go get the chalk." - The teacher told Alyosha to go get chalk. The words of the author usually precede the indirect speech and are separated from it by a comma.

Quotes and punctuation marks with them

Quotations are literal (exact) excerpts from the statements and writings of someone, cited to confirm or explain their thoughts. Quotations can stand at the words of the author and represent direct speech. In this case, punctuation marks are placed in quotations, as in sentences with direct speech. For example: VG Belinsky wrote: "Pushkin's verse is noble, elegantly simple, nationally faithful to the spirit of the language." But the quotation can be introduced into the author's speech and as part of the sentence. Then it is highlighted in quotes and written with lowercase letter... For example: Leo Tolstoy's thought “time is the relation of the movement of his life to the movement of other beings”, expressed in his diary, has a deep philosophical content. According to F. I. Shalyapin, art can go through times of decline, but "it is eternal, like life itself."

The delegates sit on four chairs and discuss. Groups do not have the right to vote unless someone wants to sit in an “empty chair” prepared for this purpose. After receiving permission from the lecturer, he sits down in a chair, turns on the conversation, and then returns to the group.

Discussion of the "viewpoint" - from the class participants, we appoint a judge, defenders, prosecutors, jury. Meetings are convened, accusatory and defense speeches are prepared, and the parties collect arguments. After preparing the parties, the judge holds the "cord", gives a voice to the parties concerned, appoints witnesses. Prosecutors and lawyers try to prove the correctness or incorrectness of the dissertation. After listening to the pages, the jury proceeds to the proceedings and determines the verdict.

Control. 79. Make diagrams of the following sentences with direct speech.

1. More and more often I remembered the words: “And maybe - at my sunset, sad love will flash a farewell smile” (Pushkin). 2. "Follow me," she said, taking my hand (Lermontov). 3. "Allow me ..." Emil whispered in a quivering voice, "let me go with you." 4. “Conductor! shouted an angry voice. - Why don't you give tickets? (Paustovsky). 5. "Well, this is positively interesting," the professor said, shaking with laughter, "what is it you have, whatever you grab, nothing!" (Bulgakov). 6. He said, "I've heard that before!" - and asked not to repeat myself.

Discussion " sunlight”Is a kind of discussion in which the participants of the first stage present their opinions on paper sheets. They are then arranged in a circle, with repetitive opinions arranged to create "sunbeams." Relay discussion - after the problem is formulated, the speaker is appointed by the leader. After completing her speech, she points to the next speaker. This discussion is often useful when we want to know everyone's opinions.

Group discussion - initially the group is divided into small groups, sharing experiences, opinions, observations, etc. the groups then present their findings and debate on them. Discussion - the team sits in two concentric circles: the discussion participants sit in the inner circle and the observers sit in the outer circle. In this way, we can activate permanent passive participants or the "silence" of a person's voice constantly.

Control. 80. Rewrite sentences with direct speech, placing punctuation marks.

1. Be quiet, said Krasilshchikov sternly. 2. I want to dine with you in "Prague" the day after tomorrow, she said. She has never been there and is generally very inexperienced. I imagine what you think of me. But in fact, you are my first love. 3. You speak to me already on "you" breathlessly I said you could at least in my presence not speak with him on "you" Why did she ask raising her eyebrows. 4. Finally Sonya said Well to sleep and saying goodbye to them I went to my place ... 5. When I ran up to them, he looked at me and managed to shout cheerfully And hello doctor, while she turned pale to deathly blue ... 6. How eyes shine he said You are not cold.

Behind the Back Discussion - We use this discussion method when evaluating someone's posture or work. We judge in a separate chair, back to everyone, and we command them to listen to the discussion in silence. The rest of the participants speak behind their back. We rarely use this discussion because we must teach people how to talk about difficult topics, clear and courageous expression of their thoughts, the ability to listen to comments and praise. This method is useful when the person in question tends to rush to argue before the arguments are supported by arguments, justifying their behavior, directing the attention of the panellists to other issues when it is difficult to accept the praise. The “hero” of the meeting is included in the discussion only after all ratings have been exhausted.

Control. 81. Compose sentences with direct speech using the data of the cue.

1. Will we be late? 2. No, I don't think so. 3. The point is that I will not go. 4. Well then. I'm even jealous. 5. In general, I must admit it will be better here than in the Crimea. 6. Goodbye!

Control. 82. Make several sentences with indirect speech.

1. Will we have time to arrive at the station? 2. We have enough time. 3. His friend will not go with us. 4. They can be envied. 5. These places better than Crimea... 6. When will they arrive? 7. How did they relax?

An experiment is a test method, the main part of which is to invoke a process or regulate the conditions that affect it so that it can be investigated more thoroughly. When conducting an experiment, participants study in more detail the process they are researching and find dependencies in it.

The game is a fun game based on certain rules, rules. The goal of the game is not to win, learn, test, enrich your experience, study certain mechanisms, content. Decision Making - The goal of this game is to make correct decisions, production common solutions... The situation, the roles of the people present in it.

Control. 83. Rewrite the text, replacing direct speech with indirect.

"Do you like our city?" - asked the children. “I like it, especially flowers adorn it,” I said. “We already have fifty thousand rose bushes. We will fulfill the plan next year ”. “And here's the plan,” I was surprised. “What about? How many residents in the city - so many bushes should bloom! " - "Who invented this?" - "Ivan Ivanovich". "And who is he, this Ivan Ivanovich?" - I asked. “He is one of the first builders of the city,” the girl announced proudly. "He plants the flowers himself."

Leadership - serves to observe the behavior of people in target groups, gives knowledge about oneself. The group completes the task and then considers each other's relationships, behavior, and management style. Board game - the task of the participants is to beat the path, reach the finish line. On the road, you must complete tasks. The game can test the knowledge of the participants, their skills, organize and save the received messages. You can play together or individually.

The wheel map is a method for solving the problem. The map is drawn with a large circle divided into four quarters. Each quadrant contains one question - an idea step. What worries me compared to the desired situation? Divide symptoms into categories. Identify obstacles to solving the problem. What are the possible strategies or recipes? What are the theoretical means? Develop individual ideas. What specific steps need to be taken to address this problem? The map helps you solve the problem step by step.

Control. 84. Compose and write down according to the rules of punctuation sentences with these quotes, accompanying them with the words of the author. Use different verbs to introduce quotes.

1. Speaking strictly, language is never completely established: it constantly lives and moves, developing and improving ... (Belinsky). 2. Grammar does not prescribe laws for the language, but explains and approves its customs (Pushkin). 3. ... Our extraordinary language itself is still a mystery (Gogol). 4. In the linguistic sense, the people are all people who speak the same language (Chernyshevsky). 5. Brevity is the sister of talent (Chekhov).