The most promising business ideas from america

In America, they have been doing business for a long time, and there many know how to make it profitable. In this country, non-standard ways of making money, which bring good income, have been flourishing for a long time. Many American entrepreneurs make big money for a long time from fast food kiosks, organic food, and even paper dishes for home delivery.

These are, of course, not all ideas developed in America. This country is simply teeming with creative ideas that can be implemented in Russia.

Consider the most popular ideas in the United States.

American business ideas are mainly focused on factors:

  • providing the population with work, that is, employment;
  • replenishment of the state budget treasury;
  • development of the social sphere;
  • positive dynamics of growth of economic sectors.

Despite the fact that America's national debt is growing, it remains a prosperous country. And this is mainly due to the good development of the country's business structure.

Many entrepreneurs are developing new and profitable ideas, which we will now consider.

Children's mobile toys

Everyone has mobile phones - both children and adults. And there are practically no mobile applications designed for the children's audience.

What is required for the organization:

  1. Availability of specialized software.
  2. Experience and skills in child psychology can be used as an assistant to one of the children or nephews.
  3. Great desire to work.

As ideas, you can use ready-made children's applications, they can simply be optimized and supplemented with creative nuances. For example, you can use an application that selects cartoons of a certain topic from YouTube.

Creation of a rope park

It should be noted that the number of tourists is increasing every year. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of this fact and organizing a successful business.

Organization of a rope park - a good option recreation for parents and children. The rope park can be opened in two types - open and closed.

To organize a park open type, will require less investment than a closed one. The disadvantage is that it can only work in the summer.

If you want to get more profit from it, then organize it at some popular resort. But the activity of the closed park will be carried out all year round.

You need to understand that artificial conditions can quickly get bored with visitors. Therefore, it needs to be periodically modernized and supplemented with new products.

The idea can pay off in about two years.


Few have heard of such a business as catering, but that's okay. You can make good money on it, and this is the main thing.

Its whole point is to deliver homemade food and drinks to your home for those who are tired of fast foods. Responsibilities include mediation between the customer and the restaurant, which is responsible for preparing the food.

You will design menus and deliver food to customers' homes. For a business to flourish, you need to constantly come up with new and unusual disheswhich will be in great demand among customers.

If things go uphill, then in the future it will be possible to hire cooks and couriers who will be responsible for delivery delicious meals hungry customers.

Car wash

Opening a car wash is a very lucrative business that brings good profits. There are more and more cars on Russian roads, and in this regard, the demand for washing cars is increasing.

To open a car wash, you do not need to purchase special certificates, the main thing is desire.


  1. Increased demand.
  2. High profitability.
  3. Minimal competition.

Negative sides:

  1. High initial investment that not everyone can afford.
  2. Often getting into loans.
  3. Car wash - work with water, the room will high humidity, because of which you will have to often carry out repair work.

Now it's worth considering the level of income as an example. As an example, we use a dry wash in a large mall next to a parking lot for 150 cars.

Service requires an administrator and two car washes.

Approximate calculation:

  1. average cost car wash - 300 rubles.
  2. The daily average number of clients is 30 people.
  3. The level of income per day is 9,000 rubles.
  4. Average income of employees, 40% of the proceeds - 3,600 rubles.
  5. The number of costs per car (detergent + washing of towels) - 35 rubles.
  6. The level of expenses for each day is 30 * 35 \u003d 1,050 rubles.
  7. Profit per day \u003d 9,000 - 3,600 - 1,050 \u003d 4 350 rubles.
  8. Profit per month \u003d 4 350 * 30 \u003d 130 500 rubles.
  9. Rent of premises per month - 15,000 rubles.
  10. Monthly taxes - 5,300 rubles.
  11. The level of net profit for the month will be 130,500 - 15,000 - 5,300 \u003d 110,200 rubles.

The period for which the car wash will pay off will be 2 years.

Luggage storage

This service is not new and many have heard about it for a long time, but it is used in few places. Therefore, the competition will be minimal.

Special relevant business will be on the beaches. After all, many come there with things or purchases that they purchased on the way to the beach, but there is nowhere to attach and leave few people unattended.

What is the essence of this business? The cities have rivers, seas and beaches.

Quite often there are several beaches. You can agree with the administration to rent a small space for the installation of lockers.

What is required to open the service, cost:

  1. Buy a section, several sections with storage cells - $ 400.
  2. Rent of space for the installation of sections - $ 100.

What income will be the result of the activity?

The profitability of the service will directly depend on the cell rental price. If the cost of renting a cell is $ 1, then the income level from 24 cells is $ 24. For the month, the income level will be $ 720.

The business will pay off in a month.

USA business ideas can be taken from the video.

Waste bricks production

One of the creative ideas is to make bricks from industrial waste. The main advantage of these bricks is that they do not need additional firing.

For the production of bricks, materials are used:

  1. The main component, 70% is ash.
  2. Clay.
  3. Lime.
  4. Sodium hydroxide.

Eco BLAC production is a profitable service, because many energy companies are willing to pay money for the utilization of boiler ash. As a result, a businessman can make money from brick production and waste disposal.

The production of this material is not based on firing, but on alkaline activation. Bricks are formed from waste at ambient temperature using alkaline activation.

For production, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment, which means that the costs will be minimal.

Taxi and pet hotel

In the United States, pet taxis are in high demand. It is advisable to open this activity in big cities.

This service is mainly aimed at wealthy people. The whole point of this service is to accompany the pet to and from the veterinarian.

You will need a large car and roomy animal cages. Earnings directly depend on the tariff that you will set yourself.

Pet hotels are popular in America. The whole point of the service is the care and placement of animals.

It is not necessary to rent a separate room, if possible, then animals can be left in your house. IN recent times this service is in great demand, because many owners cannot take the animal with them on vacation or on business trips.

But a hotel for pets is an advantageous solution. It is better to open a business in big city, in a small town it will be unprofitable.

Employment agency

Unemployment is an urgent problem in the world, so finding a job has become quite difficult. But you can make money on this, just open an office in which you will offer employment services.

So what is the benefit of this service? You will be able to make money with the help of employers interested in finding specialists.

What is required for this service?

Rent a room and purchase computers on which clients will perform tests of knowledge and level of suitability for the desired position. As a result, the client will be able to get a long-awaited job, and you - a percentage of the number of contracts concluded between clients and employers.

Opening a thrift store

The essence of this case is based on the fact that you buy used and old things from people at a discounted price. Give it a presentation and sell it at an inflated cost.

As a result, you get the difference between cost and sale. And the clients are happy that they got rid of unnecessary junk and received money.

This business requires only two conditions:

  • rent a room for a warehouse and store;
  • develop an advertising concept.

Opening of the market for used cars and auto parts

This service in America already long time brings profit to many entrepreneurs. The purpose of this service is in the collection the right people with common interests in one place.

What is required to open a case? Rent small area land, preferably outside the city.

Then you need to build a small mini-market selling cars and spare parts.

This event is held only once a week. And the profit consists in collecting money for entering the territory of the mini-market.

As a result, you get money, and the sellers get their target audience... The buyer remains in the black, he will be able to see everything he needs in one place.

Vending machines

This is a fairly convenient service. In these vending machines, you can sell drinks, food and various small goods almost around the clock.

To do business, it is enough to purchase this machine and rent a small piece of space to install the machine. Rest assured, the activity will pay off in the first month.

Feather pillow restoration

Oddly enough, this idea also came from the United States. Pillows are important thingwhich is essential for healthy sleep.

Over time, the down filler deteriorates, breaks, picks up moisture and dust, as a result, linen mites and other harmful microorganisms may appear there. Therefore, periodically, the filler must be pulled out, dried, shaken.

Many people face this problem, so this business will be in high demand.

To open, you will need to rent a room, purchase an apparatus for the restoration of pillows, a vacuum cleaner and sewing machine... In general, the opening will require from 100,000 rubles to 250,000.

The most famous American sites for fresh business ideas

If you suddenly decide to open your own business and do not know where to start, then American sites with a detailed description of fresh business ideas can help in this.

    It is in great demand.

    More than 100 creative American business ideas can be found here.
    There is also an eBay consultant service.

    Its main function is to find the information you need and to help you with the purchase of any goods.

  • Of course, starting a business is a responsible business and requires a careful approach.

    If you decide to open a business and want it to generate income, be sure to check out initial basics and study what will be in demand in your city.

    Also, you can explore creative ideas from the USA and choose the most suitable one.

    Promising business ideas that are in demand in the United States are presented in the video.

    In contact with

    Business ideas from America - features of doing business in the USA + 8 interesting ideas + how applicable they are in our country.

    Which country has the most original and amazing startups? Of course, the USA!

    It is here that many business ideas are born that soon find fans around the world: vending machines, delivery services, dry cleaners, laundries, mobile coffee shops.

    But today we will consider new business ideas in Americathat appear there on a permanent basis.

    It seems that the creative thinking of the guys from the States will never run out. But will the novelties be able to adapt to our realities of life?

    Let's figure it out together.

    Business features in America

    It's no secret that many American citizens are not employees, but have their own business. Moreover, in the States it is quite
    with a small start-up capital. In addition, in the future, you can count on support from the state.

    So, what accompanies a business idea in America:

    • laws are written for everyone, therefore, everyone is equal in front of them, which is an undoubted plus for starting a business;
    • americans are constantly looking for a way simplify your life, therefore, many business ideas are associated with this aspect;
    • mixing of different cultures also postponed its imprint on business development in the United States;
    • tough competition due to the large number of entrepreneurs, it forces them to constantly come up with various marketing gimmicks;
    • outsourcing is highly developed, that is, the transfer of certain powers to another company - accounting, legal, advertising services, which significantly speeds up many processes in doing business, moreover, these issues will be solved by specialists in their field;
    • taking a loan is a common thing here, Americans do not gnaw on debt.

    It is also worth dwelling on the US tax policy. Here she is one of the most loyal in the whole world.

    As an example, here the tax burden on small businesses is 7 times less than in Russia.

    Thus, we see that pleasant tax rates, the ability to take out a loan at a low interest rate, as well as the desire to simplify your life, allow you to generate various in America.

    At the same time, entrepreneurs invest a lot in marketing, both monetary and mental resources, since the consumer here is extremely spoiled, and it is no longer so easy to surprise him.

    Business ideas from America: 8 striking examples

    Well, now we turn to the consideration of American business ideas, which have already managed to conquer the inhabitants of this country. Moreover, some of them are quite simple and obvious, while others are quite extraordinary and original.

    1) Joint viewing of matches in the virtual space is a new business idea in America.

    Watching football with friends at the bar or on the couch at home is quite fun. But if there is no way for everyone to gather in one place, but cheer for your favorite team big company I still want to, then comes to the rescue virtual reality platform LiveLike VR.

    To plunge into virtual space, you need Samsung Gear VR glasses and a downloaded app on your phone, through which the match will be broadcast.

    The app works on iOS and Android platforms.

    I would also like to note that the developers are working on the possibility of viewing matches in 360 degrees, as well as inviting friends through the popular social network Facebook.

    Official website of the program:

    2) Farm at home: Edn's project as a business idea in America.

    This business idea from America is aimed at residents of apartments, as well as those who do not have their own land plot for growing vegetables and fruits.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthis project is to enable such people to grow plants right at home. In this case, modern technologies will be used.

    What is a home farm?

    This is a rack with several shelves that contain holes for growing plants.

    The owner of such a "vegetable garden" will need to sow seeds, fill the containers with water, and connect it to the system using the application on the phone. It, in turn, will send alerts on what needs to be done and when to harvest.

    Now on the official website of the project two options for organizing a home farm are presented:

    The founders of the business idea project from America claim that you can grow any plants that can later be transplanted onto the street or into larger pots.

    But the home farm is best suited for growing greens: basil, rosemary, spinach.

    3) Edible postcards Eat the fine print is a new business idea in America.

    For those who want original congratulations to the sweet tooth, as well as lovers of unusual gifts, edible cards were invented.

    Such new idea business has not yet expanded outside America, but this does not mean that it will not be able to take root in other countries!

    A postcard that you can eat looks the same as a paper one. At the moment, manufacturers offer 4 flavors: blueberry, lime, strawberry and orange... The period for which it can be eaten is one year. It can then be kept as a keepsake.

    The cost of such a delicious presentation is $ 9, and it is delivered to plastic bag... Adequate and relatively low cost of goods made this business idea from America quite successful and profitable.

    Americans can purchase it on the official website:

    4) Apparatus for pouring beer.

    All over the world there are true connoisseurs of beer who pay much attention to drinking, turning this action into a real ritual.

    Many people know that the taste of a hoppy drink is influenced not only by its quality and temperature for serving, but also by how it is poured into a glass. And for this reason, a business idea was developed in America to create a special device called Fizzics.

    Its meaning is that the drink practiced using a special technology using ultrasoundwhich forms bubbles of the same size. Due to this even distribution of bubbles and correct pressure, a thick and stable foam is obtained, as well as the taste of the drink improves.

    The cost of such an American device for connoisseurs of delicious beer is $ 200. But on the official website, you can often stumble upon profitable discounts.

    The official website of the developer of this business idea from America:

    5) Thermal stones: ingenious new business ideas in America.

    Thanks to coffee lovers, a lot of business ideas have appeared in America. And this is not surprising, because there are many lovers of this strong drink.

    This business idea was inspired by the fact that more than 20 million liters of coffee are poured into the sink because of the cooling. And this is every day. Imagine, a delicious drink ceases to be such for its lovers, because it has become cold.

    And so two friends, who later formed a company in New York called Coffee Joulies, came up with the idea to develop special stones capable of supporting optimal temperature drink so that it does not cool down so quickly.

    They are made of food grade steel and by appearance resemble coffee beans. Their use is very simple: you need to immerse capsules on the bottom of a cup or glass, after which you can enjoy the drink for some time.

    Also, such stones can be placed on the bottom of the thermos, and used to maintain the right temperature and other drinks.

    6) GymPact: a business idea from America for lazy athletes.

    Fans of sports and training are becoming more and more, because the fashion for beautiful and fit bodies only strengthens its position. But still, many do not have enough motivation to go to gymcausing some to miss classes.

    And especially for such undisciplined athletes, it was developed a mobile application that gives a monetary reward those who do not miss classes and confidently go to their goal.

    The project budget for this new business idea from America is formed from the penalties paid by those who did not show up for class.

    How to understand that you are not a penalty box?

    In the gym, which was chosen for training, you need to "check" according to the schedule. Those who do not miss training and even exceed their weekly limit, receive a pleasant reward.

    Such a system of motivation works in two directions - do not miss workouts, so as not to lose your money, and go to them, so that in the end.

    Official site of the resource:

    7) Salad vending machines: a business idea from America.

    You won't surprise anyone with vending business ideas from America.

    But now Luke Saunders was able to come up with something new, and filled the vending machines with fresh salads... This decision immediately found its fans, because now the general fashion for proper nutrition and sports that compete well with fast food.

    Farmer's Fridge offers its customers salads, the ingredients of which are laid out in layers. Such simple technology allows food to last longer.

    But considering that the vending machines are updated early in the morning, and after 6 pm, discounts on unsold assortments begin to operate - the consumer will not "run into" the expired product.

    Also hallmark of this vending business from America are the machines themselves, made in an eco-style: wood combined with green paints.

    8) Automatic water leak detector: business ideas in America.

    The project for a new business idea in America called Water Hero was developed not only for those who periodically forget to close the water, but also simply for responsible citizens who are worried about the possibility of a leak.

    How it works?

    The device is attached to the water meter, after which the sensor begins to track the magnetic impulses of the water meter. The received information on water consumption is transmitted to the phone using a mobile application. If it was noticed that the water flow exceeds a certain limit, then its supply will be stopped.

    In fact, such an invention not only helps households to save money in absentia on the upcoming repairs in the event of a leak, but also has a positive effect on nature, since water will not be wasted filling a house or apartment.

    Official website of the developer:

    Will business ideas from America take root in Russia?

    It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally.

    It is believed that one in three business ideas came from the United States, and most of them are adapting to different conditionsoperating on the territory of many countries, including Russian ones.

    If we talk about new business ideas in America, then some of them will definitely not find a response in Russia, since they are completely tied to the American mentality. Some of them will work fine for us, and another part will be able to adapt if they are finalized to our realities.

    For example, a certain category of consumers may be interested in a beer machine, so why not become an official representative of the manufacturer. The same goes for the water leakage sensor and thermal stones. Sale of salads is now more relevant than ever, because we have more and more fans of healthy and proper nutrition.

    We present to your attention an interesting selection

    completely new business ideas and the USA:

    Thus, we see that business ideas from America may well work for us 100%. But they can also inspire Russian entrepreneurs to create something similar, but suitable specifically for our conditions.

    Having decided to start their own business, every entrepreneur is faced with the need to choose a type of activity. In most cases, business ideas are based on the experience of developing successful russian businessmen, which is not always justified. For this reason, you should not dwell on common options, but you should pay attention to those foreign business ideas that are not in Russia.

    Why do business ideas from abroad have the right to develop in Russia?

    Entrepreneurship always remains relevant - the majority of people working "for an uncle" dream of their own business, in addition, the state provides various subsidies and support that contribute to the development of the business. Nevertheless, aspiring businessmen often face a number of problems, including an insufficient legal framework and difficulties in doing business.

    In America and Europe, business is a significant market segment that provides economic growth. Doing business in these countries is somewhat easier than in Russia, since the entrepreneur receives advisory and information support completely free of charge. In addition, the rights of the owner of their business are reliably protected at the legislative level.

    What attracts Russian entrepreneurs to small business ideas abroad?

    Reasons for attention there are several business novelties abroad:

    What do you need to know before implementing Western business ideas that are not available in Russia?

    Having decided to start your own business based on a Western business idea, be sure to consider the following factors.

    Demand... Not every business that brings income to Western businessmen will be as successful in Russia. For example, a special taxi for animals or a hotel for pets will be in demand exclusively in megacities or regional centers, while in small towns the enterprise will be unprofitable.

    Possibility of purchasing equipment... If you decide to organize a business for the production of goods, then make sure that you can purchase original equipment or its analogues in Russia and abroad.

    Own financial and physical capabilities... Among domestic ideas, there are many that do not require large financial and time costs.

    For example, it offers partners for 59,000 rubles to receive a ready-made business with an online store. Entrepreneurs will be able to organize the sale of Paper Binders - original handmade dolls.

    Unique design matches perfectly with high quality and environmental safety. Businessmen get the opportunity to trade in dropshipping. They are also provided with recommendations to help them make a profit as a result of using the franchise. Partners are offered the opportunity to receive a stable income with minimal effort.

    However, when implementing a foreign business idea, be prepared for large financial investments (especially if you open a production) and daily work at least 8-10 hours - only in this case the business will become profitable and will grow.

    Popular business in America

    American businessmen have a lot of ideas, some of which cannot be realized in Russia due to their absurdity. For example, in Colorado, the Auld Sod Export Company sells mud to every corner of the world. Surprisingly, this service is in demand among the Americans - in half a year, the creators of the project were able to earn $ 2 million.

    Of course, there are also adequate ideas that are available for implementation in Russia - they can be studied further.

    Working as a personal consultant

    If you have unique knowledge, you can easily make money on your own - open a personal consultation for a specific profile for those who need it.

    So, you can consult on psychological, legal, economic, dietary and other issues. The main thing is that you are a truly competent and highly qualified specialist.

    Customers who turn to you for help get obvious benefits:

    • personal information remains confidential, anonymous - the specialist does not know the real data of the client;
    • you do not have to pay exorbitant amounts for the service - its price is affordable.

    Since the businessman does not have to pay rent for the premises for consulting, the costs of organizing and running a business are reduced, respectively, the cost of a consultation is lower.

    As a rule, an online consultant quickly recruits a staff of clients, so the business fully pays off within the first couple of months.

    Car seat covers production as a small business idea abroad

    In the United States, covers for vehicles have recently begun to be produced, designed to protect vehicles from adverse weather conditions - rain, hail and so on. Such products will be in demand among car owners who regularly leave their car in the open air.

    The easiest way to organize this business is purchase of car seat covers and their subsequent resale with a certain margin.

    Alternatively, you can purchase a franchise from the copyright holder "Hail Storm Products" for the production of covers, but this will require more impressive financial costs than working as an intermediary.

    Organization of comfortable tourism

    Many people prefer to rest as "savages", ie yourself. To make their vacation more comfortable, Americans produce and sell special transforming kits, which represent a fairly spacious tent... In such a tent, beds are provided for tourists, small kitchen and other benefits, for example, a shower cubicle.

    In Russia, it is important to engage in both the sale of travel kits and their renting. It is important to diversify the range of goods on offer as much as possible, as well as provide tourists with the opportunity to rent or purchase related goods.

    Initial investment in business start from several hundred thousand rubles, and pays off enterprise in 4-5 months.

    Release of rubber tiles

    Such entrepreneurship belongs to the sphere of production, so a businessman has the opportunity to receive financial support from the state. In addition, the idea has other advantages:

    • a small number of competitors;
    • quick payback - it takes less than a year from launch to reaching a stable profit;
    • production profitability exceeds 50%.

    Initial material investments production costs are high - about 2 million rubles are spent on the acquisition of technology, the purchase of equipment and raw materials. The sale of products does not cause problems - rubber tiles are appreciated by consumers for their long service life, durability, and aesthetic appearance.

    Silent Events as a Popular Business Idea in America

    Quite often, during parties and other celebrations at home, neighbors are disturbed by noise and music, which causes conflicts. Solve this problem simple - just install temporary soundproofing.

    Such a business idea is absolutely new for Russia, but, according to the forecasts of professionals, its profitability will be quite high - up to 40%.

    To engage in such activities, you will need to invest over a million rubles in the business. This amount will include the purchase of equipment and the official registration of the business.

    Installation of devices with natural flowers

    The design of such a machine is highly adaptable:

    • the sale process is fully automated;
    • assortment is formed after analyzing customer demand;
    • the flowers remain fresh for two weeks after being placed in the vending machine.

    In addition to the above merits, such a business allows an entrepreneur to significantly save on renting premises and salaries of sellers.

    The cost equipment cannot be called low - one machine will cost 1,000,000 rubles, but this business idea, due to its originality, is quite viable and profitable, and the presumptive payback period is six months.

    Popular business in Europe

    In Europe, new business ideas keep pace with emerging consumer demand, so most types of entrepreneurship turn out to be profitable and profitable. Since the needs of Russians are not much different from those that arise among European consumers, the ideas of entrepreneurs from Europe are quite realistic to implement in Russia as well.

    Fuel oil production

    This business has a socio-economic focus. In addition, it contributes to the improvement of the ecological situation.

    Such entrepreneurship has one important plus - a businessman will not have to spend money on the purchase of raw materials, since most individuals and companies are ready to give old tires for free, just not to dispose of them on their own.

    Fuel oil obtained from tires is in high demand among consumers, so there are no problems with product sales. But expenses for the organization and launch of production are quite large - they amount to at least 5,000,000 rubles. If you manage to buy equipment that is already in use, then you can reduce the amount of investment by a quarter.

    According to forecasts, such a business in Russia will pay off in two years.

    Edible tableware

    Eat dishes are especially popular in Europe. This idea is also relevant for Russia, it can be implemented in the catering sector.

    As a rule, containers are made from jelly or chocolate - such an extraordinary approach to serving drinks and desserts delights consumers.

    To implement such an idea no special investment required, since containers can be made manually without purchasing equipment. It is worth considering that given idea is auxiliary, that is, it will allow you to attract more customers to your cafe or restaurant.

    Prepaid Taxi

    Almost all people use taxi services, but the service provided by companies does not always satisfy customers. For example, if a person commutes to work at the same time every day, he has to call a taxi every day and hope that the driver will arrive at the appointed place on time.

    The essence of the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing a "taxi on a prepaid payment system" as a European business idea that does not exist in Russia is delivery of the car to the client at a pre-agreed time at the right place during a certain period ... The idea can be realized by both the owner of the car fleet and the private owner - for this it is enough to agree with several people who need such a service.

    Caring for the environment

    Europe is especially concerned about ecological situation, therefore, all ideas related to its improvement are in great demand.

    Russian businessmen can adopt the following ideas of their European colleagues:

    • growing vegetables, herbs, fruits in ecologically clean areas without the use of chemical fertilizers and other chemicals. Production costs vary from several tens of thousands of rubles to infinity, the amount directly depends on the type and scale of the opening production. A small business will pay off in one season;
    • holding festive events in an eco-style... They are held in natural conditions, using attributes made from natural materials. The cost of holding eco-celebrations is quite high, and the costs of the organizers are minimal, therefore this business is considered profitable - on average, it pays off in 3-4 months.

    There are many ideas for business abroad that are not available in Russia, but they can be successfully implemented. So that such a business does not turn out to be unprofitable, you should analyze its relevance and relevance in a particular region, assess your own capabilities and approach the organization with maximum responsibility.

    Many small business ideas implemented in our country originate in America. The United States is regarded as an innovator in many areas of business. In this publication, we have collected the best working business ideas of 2019 in the USA, which have great development potential.

    Trade in bulk goods

    So, let's discuss the best new business ideas in the USA or what is relevant at the moment in business. Recently in America, companies have begun to appear en masse that pay special attention to environmental protection. There are many green business ideas in the US in 2019, such as making various products from recycled materials or restoring old things. Another popular eco-business project is a store that sells goods without packaging. At such outlets, you can buy only environmentally friendly, unpackaged goods:

    • Bread;
    • Cereals;
    • Vegetables and fruits;
    • Nuts and stuff.

    All products are released in buyers' containers. The client can choose any product he needs and buy it in the required amount... As a rule, all products sold in these stores are produced by local farmers. Refusal from packaging and significant savings on delivery allows entrepreneurs to reduce the prices of goods. According to experts, such a small business in the United States has broad development prospects, since in the future such small shops with organic products, unlike large supermarkets, will be very popular.

    Mobile applications

    Want to know what is good to sell in the US? Everything related to the Internet and mobile devices. Entrepreneurs who noticed this trend in time managed to open their US business without large start-up capital and are making good money.

    According to statistics, approximately 60% of users access the Internet with mobile devices... In this regard, the market for mobile applications began to grow actively. If you want to have your own profitable business, use this opportunity to start a successful business.

    The easiest way to implement this idea is to buy a franchise. You don't need any special knowledge or special education to create a mobile application using the constructor. Such ready business costs 60 thousand rubles. Every month you will have to pay a subscription fee, about 10 thousand rubles. All initial investments will pay off in just one month. After you build a base regular customers, offer them service, such as making changes to the application several times a year.

    Mobile apps are hugely popular in the business world. Many business owners are trying to establish communication with customers through various gadgets, so the development of mobile offers can be safely called the most promising and quickly payback business.

    Sale of solar panels for gadgets

    Nowadays, almost every person has various gadgets that need recharging. The simplest solution to this problem is the use of universal solar panels. Such items are included in the list of the most popular items in the United States. Solar panels can be charged anywhere. The most important thing is that the weather allows it. In addition, the solar battery can be charged from a regular network. These compact, cost-effective devices eliminate the need to carry chargers with them.

    The solar cell trade is. Such a profitable business can be done in our country. Solar panels can be purchased from Chinese suppliers for 700-800 rubles. Such products can be sold with a surcharge of more than 200%, at 1600–1800 rubles. The most convenient way to sell solar panels is online or on social networks. You can also open a point of sale in the market.

    Delivery of goods by drones

    New business ideas in the United States are distinguished by unexpected and sometimes quite bold ideas. For example, Amazon has patented a new way to deliver goods to customers using drones - unmanned aircraft... Some skeptics believe that this delivery method will not be widely used due to the limited weight of the package. But the vice president of the company claims that 86% of all purchases are not heavier than 2 kg, which means that they can be delivered to customers using drones without any problems.

    Despite the high cost of transporting goods by copters, the difficulties associated with obtaining a flight permit, and the great responsibility for the cargo, this business idea with the United States attracts many entrepreneurs. Perhaps, in a couple of decades, drones will completely oust courier delivery services from the market.

    Hourly office rent

    Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to save money on office rent are forced to meet with clients at home. This is associated with certain inconveniences, both for the businessman himself and for the customers. Some people solve this problem by renting a room in another tenant's office, but this is too expensive, since the meeting usually takes no more than 1 hour. How to solve this problem?

    One of best business Ideas of 2019 in the USA is the renting of offices by the hour. How to properly organize such a thing? First of all, you need to rent an office and secure in the contract the right to sublease it. After that, you can start looking for clients. To do this, you need to advertise in the local media or create your own business card website. The average cost of such a service is 50 rubles per hour. For example, if you pay 5 thousand rubles per month for renting an office, you can reach a net profit after subletting the office for 10 hours.

    Entrepreneurs who implemented such a business idea in the United States several years ago made good money, bought their own commercial real estate and are still renting it out, since the demand for such a service remains steadily high.

    Luggage storage

    During the 2008 crisis, residents of many western countries they had to leave the houses bought on credit because they were unable to pay the mortgage. The acquired property had to be deposited somewhere, in connection with which this one of the new business ideas in the United States appeared, which is not in Russia. At the moment in America there are about 50 thousand companies providing such services.

    Lockers can be located in sleeping areas and on central streets major citiesas well as along roads leading to metropolitan areas. This service is actively used by people who change their place of residence, go on a long business trip or divide property after a divorce. According to experts, the volume of this market in the United States reaches 90 billion rubles, and 90% of them are small businesses.

    Salad constructor

    This is one of the newest business ideas in the USA 2019, which can be implemented on the basis of any institution. catering... It lies in the fact that visitors can independently make salads from different ingredients. You need to install a special rack, at the beginning of which there will be disposable dishes. Next, ready-made chopped ingredients for different salads are placed in special containers. The client will himself put herbs, vegetables, meat or fish on the plate and fill the salad with the sauce he likes. This dish costs about 300 rubles.

    Salad builders are very popular with healthy people. In order not to eat something superfluous, they prefer to collect salad on their own from foods suitable for calorie content. it great idea from the USA, which has not yet been implemented in Russia, so novice entrepreneurs can easily take their place in this market segment.

    Making pizza according to an individual sketch

    Many Americans cannot imagine their life without fast food, and in particular, without pizza. This dish has become a part of the diet of many residents of this country, so it is not surprising that many business ideas from the United States are associated with pizza.

    Everyone knows that cooking is a kind of art. If a chef has artistic ability, he is able to create unique creations. Recently, through a well-known chain of American pizzerias, they began to sell unusual pizzas that were made according to the sketches of the buyers themselves. That is, you can draw a picture yourself, and a talented chef, using various ingredients, will transfer it to the pizza.

    To realize such interesting idea for a business from the USA, you need to create your own website where customers can leave orders and a picture of the future pizza. Similarly, many entrepreneurs build a business in the United States to decorate cars, design T-shirts, or design children's toys. If you are looking for new ideas in USA 2019, feel free to embark on this unique project.

    Repair in one day

    Another good 2019 USA business idea for a small town is apartment renovation in one day. It is perfect for people who have experience in the construction industry - plasterers, painters, etc. In order to do this, you need a tool and a team of versatile craftsmen.

    To meet the deadline, it is necessary to correctly plan the repair process. Carefully study all the customer's requirements and the layout of the premises, and only after that start developing the estimate. You must calculate the full cost of the repair before starting work so that there is no disagreement with the customer. If the renovation takes more than one day, offer a 10% discount on the total cost of the work. This US business idea can be implemented both in a large metropolis and in a small provincial city.

    Internet access in old telephone booths

    Many business ideas in 2016 in the USA originated from old projects. For example, look at the phone booths. Previously, there were huge lines to them, and now, when everyone began to use mobile phones, they stand idle in the streets. To make phone booths useful, find a new use for them - convert them into a portal to the Internet.

    This year, five New York boroughs have installed information displays in old telephone booths that show city maps, public transit times, the latest news and location information. government agencies... Why not implement such a business idea from the USA 2019 and in our country?