The great Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius. Cyril and Methodius - the great Slavic enlighteners

Saints Cyril and Methodius did a titanic job - they brought the Slavs to a fundamentally new level. Instead of disunited and heterogeneous paganism, the Slavs had a single Orthodox faith, from the people, not ...

Saints Cyril and Methodius did a titanic job - they brought the Slavs to a fundamentally new level. Instead of disunited and heterogeneous paganism, the Slavs had a single Orthodox faith, from a people without a written language, the Slavs became a people with their own unique writing, for centuries it was common to all Slavs.

In the 9th century, the history of the Apostolic Age was repeated, as the twelve disciples of Christ were able to change the world of the Mediterranean, so two selfless missionaries, by preaching and scientific works, were able to bring a huge ethnos of Slavs into the family of Christian peoples.

Start of ministry

The brothers Cyril and Methodius were born at the beginning of the 9th century in Thessaloniki, in a city in which, in addition to the indigenous inhabitants of the Greeks, many Slavs lived. Therefore, the Slavic language was practically native for them. The elder brother, Methodius, made a good administrative career, for some time he served as a strategist (military governor) in the Byzantine province of Slavinia.

The younger, Konstantin (this was the name Cyril had before becoming a monk) chose the path of a scientist. He studied at the University of Constantinople, which existed at the imperial court - in the capital of Byzantium, the university was founded long before the opening of similar educational institutions in Western Europe.

Among the teachers of Constantine were remarkable representatives of the "Macedonian Renaissance" Leo the Mathematician and Photius, the future patriarch of Constantinople. Konstantin was promised a promising secular career, but he preferred to study science and serve the Church. He was never a priest, but he was ordained a reader - this is one of the degrees of clergy. For his love of philosophy, Constantine received the name Philosopher.

How best graduate he was left at the university as a teacher, and at the age of 24 he was entrusted with a matter of national importance - as part of a diplomatic embassy, ​​he went to Baghdad, to the court of Caliph Al-Mutawakkil. In those days, theological disputes with non-Christians were a common occurrence, so the theologian was certainly part of the diplomatic mission.

Today, at religious summits, representatives of different faiths talk about anything, but not about religion, but then the issues of faith in society were a priority, and Constantine the Philosopher, having arrived at the court of the Caliph, testified to the Baghdad Muslims about the truths of Christianity.

Khazar mission: on the territory of modern Russia

The next mission was no less difficult, because. went to the Khazar Khaganate, whose rulers professed Judaism. It began shortly after the siege of Constantinople and the plunder of its suburbs by the "Russian" squads of Askold and Dir in 860.

Probably, Emperor Michael III wanted to enter into an alliance with the Khazars and involve them in the defense of the northern borders. Byzantine Empire from militant Russians. Another reason for the embassy could be the situation of Christians in the territories controlled by the Khazars - in Taman and in the Crimea. The Jewish elite oppressed the Christians, and the embassy had to resolve this issue.

Embassy from Sea of ​​Azov It went up the Don to the portage to the Volga and down it went down to the capital of Khazaria - Itil. There was no kagan here, so I had to travel across the Caspian Sea to Semender (a region of modern Makhachkala).

Uncovering the relics of Clement of Rome near Chersonese. Miniature from the Menology of Emperor Basil II. 11th century

Konstantin the Philosopher managed to resolve the issue - the Christians of Khazaria were returned freedom of religion, their church organization in Taman and Crimea (Full archdiocese) was restored. In addition to important administrative issues for the protection of Khazar Christians, the priests of the embassy baptized 200 Khazars.

The Russians defeated the Khazars with a sword, and Konstantin the Philosopher with a word!

During this journey Saint Cyril miraculously acquired the relics of Saint Clement, Pope of Rome, who died in exile in the Crimea in the year 101.

Moravian mission

Saint Cyril, endowed with great abilities to learn languages, differed from ordinary polyglots in that he was able to construct an alphabet. This difficult task of creating Slavic alphabet he spent a long time, in those months when he managed to stay in the monastic silence on the Small Olympus.

The result of prayerful and intellectual hard work was Cyrillic, the Slavic alphabet, which underlies the Russian alphabet and other Slavic alphabets and writing (it must be said that in the 19th century it was believed that St. Cyril created the Glagolitic alphabet, but this issue still remains debatable ).

The work done by Cyril cannot be called simply professional, the creation of an alphabet and writing that was brilliant in its simplicity was a matter of the highest and even divine level! This is confirmed by such an impartial expert of Russian literature as Leo Tolstoy:

“The Russian language and the Cyrillic alphabet have a huge advantage and difference over all European languages ​​​​and alphabets ... The advantage of the Russian alphabet is that every sound is pronounced in it - and it is pronounced as it is, which is not in any language.”

Almost with the alphabet ready, Cyril and Methodius in 863 went on a mission to Moravia, at the invitation of Prince Rostislav. The prince was overcome by Western missionaries, but the Latin, in which the German priests conducted services, was not understandable to the Slavs, so the Moravian prince turned to the Byzantine emperor Michael III with a request to send them a "bishop and teacher" who would convey the truths of faith in their native language for the Slavs language.

Vasilevs sent Constantine the Philosopher and his brother Methodius to Great Moravia, who by that time had left secular service and accepted monasticism.

During their stay in Moravia, Cyril and Methodius translated those liturgical books that are used for worship, including the Gospel and the Apostle. In the Moravian mission, which lasted three years and four months, the holy brothers laid the foundations of the Slavic written tradition, the Slavs were able not only to participate in the divine service performed in their native language, but also to better understand the foundations of the Christian faith.

Cyril and Methodius transmit the alphabet to the Slavs

One of the points of the program of the Moravian mission was the creation of a church structure, i.e. diocese independent of Rome and its clergy. And the claims of the Bavarian clergy to Great Moravia were serious, Cyril and Methodius had a conflict with clergy from the East Frankish kingdom, who considered it acceptable to conduct church services only in Latin, and argued that Holy Scripture should not be translated into Slavonic. Of course, with such a position, the success of Christian preaching was out of the question.

Cyril and Methodius twice had to defend the correctness of their beliefs before the Western clergy, the second time before the Pope Adrian II himself.


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Cyril (in the world Konstantin) and Methodius - brothers, the great Slavic enlighteners. The merits of Cyril and Methodius in the history of culture are enormous.

Cyril developed the first orderly Slavic alphabet and this marked the beginning of the widespread development of Slavic writing.

Cyril and Methodius translated many books from Greek, which was the beginning of the formation of the Old Slavonic literary language and Slavic book business.

Cyril and Methodius for many years carried out great educational work among the Western and Southern Slavs and greatly contributed to the spread of literacy among these peoples.

Cyril and Methodius were the founders of the literary and written language of the Slavs - the Old Slavonic language, which in turn was a kind of catalyst for the creation of the Old Russian literary language, Old Bulgarian and the literary languages ​​of other Slavic peoples.

The life and work of Cyril (Konstantin) and Methodius is reproduced in sufficient detail on the basis of various documentary and chronicle sources.

Constantine (826-869) and his elder brother Methodius (820-885) were born and spent their childhood in the Macedonian city of Thessalonica (now Thessaloniki).

Both brothers lived mostly spiritual lives, striving for the embodiment of their beliefs and ideas, attaching no importance to sensual pleasures, or wealth, or career, or fame. The brothers never had wives or children, wandered all their lives without creating a home or permanent shelter, and even died in a foreign land.

Both brothers went through life, actively changing it in accordance with their views and beliefs. But as traces of their deeds, only the fruitful changes they made to the life of the people, and vague stories of lives, traditions, and legends, remained.

Konstantin already in childhood most of all loved science. One of the teachers of Constantine, who taught him philosophy, was the famous Photius, who twice held the post of Byzantine patriarch, compiler and author of many major literary works. The friendship between Constantine and Photius largely predetermined the fate of Constantine.

Konstantin, refusing a profitable marriage and a brilliant career, took the priesthood, and after secretly leaving for a monastery, he began to teach philosophy (hence the nickname Cyril - "Philosopher").

Proximity with Photius affected Cyril's struggle with the iconoclasts. He wins a brilliant victory over the experienced and ardent leader of the iconoclasts, which undoubtedly gives Constantine wide fame.

Emperor Michael, and then Patriarch Photius, began to constantly send Constantine, as an envoy of Byzantium, to neighboring peoples to convince them of the superiority of Byzantine Christianity over all other religions. Constantine goes to Bulgaria, converts many Bulgarians to Christianity; according to some scholars, during this trip he begins his work on the creation of the Slavic alphabet. He participated in the embassy of Photius to the Arabs of the Baghdad Caliphate, on the occasion of the exchange of prisoners, and he was an excellent polemicist with Muslim learned theologians.

In 858, Constantine, at the initiative of Photius, became the head of a mission to the Khazars. During the mission, Constantine replenishes his knowledge of the Hebrew language, which was used by the educated elite of the Khazars after their adoption of Judaism. On the way, during a stop in Chersonese (Korsun), Constantine discovered the remains of Clement, Pope of Rome (I-II centuries), who died, as they thought then, here in exile, and took some of them to Byzantium.

The journey into the depths of Khazaria was filled with theological disputes with the Mohammedans and Jews. The whole course of the dispute, Constantine subsequently outlined in Greek for reporting to the patriarch; later this report, according to the legends, was translated by Methodius into the Slavic language, but, unfortunately, this work has not come down to us.

Constantine was called the Philosopher for a reason. Every now and then he broke out of the noisy Byzantium somewhere in solitude. I read and thought for a long time. And then, having accumulated another store of energy and thoughts, he generously squandered it in travels, disputes, disputes, in scientific and literary creativity. The elder brother, Methodius, walked through life on a straight, clear path. Only twice did he change her direction: the first time, having gone to the monastery, and the second, again returning under the influence of his younger brother to vigorous activity and wrestling.

The younger brother wrote, the older one translated his works. The younger created the Slavic alphabet, Slavic writing and book business; the elder practically developed what the younger had created. The younger was a talented scientist, philosopher, brilliant dialectician and subtle philologist; the elder is a capable organizer and practical figure.

Little is known about the first years of Methodius' life. Probably, there was nothing outstanding in the life of Methodius until she interbred with the life of his younger brother. Methodius entered the military service early and was soon appointed governor of one of the Slavic-Bulgarian regions subject to Byzantium. Methodius spent about ten years in this position. Then he left the military-administrative service alien to him and retired to a monastery. Here, in a quiet shelter on Mount Olympus, Constantine also moved for several years, in the interval between travels to the Saracens and the Khazars.

Konstantin, in the quiet of his refuge, was probably busy completing the work that was in connection with his not new plans for the conversion of pagan Slavs. He compiled a special alphabet for the Slavic language, the so-called "Glagolitic", and began the translation of the Holy Scripture into the ancient Bulgarian language. Awareness of the existence of divine services in the folk language among the peoples of the East inspired Constantine with the idea of ​​using the Slavic language in worship. Constantine, together with Methodius, was destined to realize this idea on the soil not of Bulgaria, but of Moravia, which was already considered Christian, but churchly unorganized, former subject the claims of the Bavarian-German episcopate and at the same time fought for its political independence against Louis the German. With the support of the secular and spiritual Byzantine authorities, Constantine and Methodius went to Moravia in 863. Here they worked for more than three years; they converted pagans, affirmed believers in faith and morality, taught Slavic literacy, translated liturgical parts of Holy Scripture and the main church rites, and all this, and especially their Slavic church service, caused displeasure of the Latin German clergy. Almost insurmountable obstacles arose in the way of the spread of the Slavic rite in Moravia. Constantine and Methodius had only one way out - to seek solutions to the difficulties created by the Germans in Byzantium or Rome.

The brothers decided to return to their homeland and, in order to consolidate their business in Moravia, to take with them some of the students, Moravans, for enlightenment in the hierarchical ranks. On the way to Venice, which lay through Bulgaria, the brothers stayed for several months in the Pannonian principality of Kotsela, where, despite its ecclesiastical and political dependence, they did the same as in Moravia. Upon arrival in Venice, Constantine had a violent clash with the local clergy.

Here, in Venice, unexpectedly for the local clergy, they are given a kind message from Pope Nicholas with an invitation to Rome. Having received a papal invitation, the brothers continued their journey with almost complete confidence in success. This was further facilitated by the sudden death of Nicholas and the accession to the papal throne of Adrian II.

Rome solemnly welcomed the brothers and the shrine they brought, part of the remains of Pope Clement. Adrian II approved not only the Slavic translation of the Holy Scriptures, but also the Slavic worship, consecrating the Slavic books brought by the brothers, allowing the Slavs to perform services in a number of Roman churches, and consecrate Methodius and three of his disciples as priests. The influential prelates of Rome also favorably reacted to the brothers and their cause.

All these successes went to the brothers, of course, not easily. A skilled dialectician and an experienced diplomat, Konstantin skillfully used for this both the struggle of Rome with Byzantium, and the fluctuations of the Bulgarian prince Boris between the Eastern and Western churches, and the hatred of Pope Nicholas for Photius, and the desire of Hadrian to strengthen his shaky authority by acquiring the remains of Clement. At the same time, Byzantium and Photius were still much closer to Constantine than Rome and the popes. But over the three and a half years of his life and struggle in Moravia, the main, only goal of Constantine was the strengthening of the Slavic script he created, Slavic book publishing and culture.

For almost two years, surrounded by sugary flattery and praise, combined with hidden intrigues of temporarily silenced opponents of Slavic worship, Constantine and Methodius live in Rome. One of the reasons for their long delay was Constantine's deteriorating health.

Despite weakness and illness, Constantine makes two new literary works: "The acquisition of the relics of St. Clement" and a poetic hymn in honor of the same Clement.

A long and difficult journey to Rome, a tense struggle with the irreconcilable enemies of Slavic writing undermined the already poor health of Constantine. At the beginning of February 869, he went to bed, took the schema and the new monastic name Cyril, and died on February 14, taking from Methodius a promise to continue the work begun in Moravia before his death.

With the death of a talented brother, for the humble, but selfless and honest Methodius, a painful, truly cross path begins, littered with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, dangers and failures. But the lonely Methodius stubbornly, in no way inferior to his enemies, goes this way to the very end.

True, on the threshold of this path, Methodius relatively easily achieves a new great success. But this success generates an even greater storm of anger and resistance in the camp of the enemies of Slavic writing and culture.

In the middle of 869, Adrian II, at the request of the Slavic princes, sent Methodius to Rostislav, his nephew Svyatopolk and Kotsel, and at the end of 869, when Methodius returned to Rome, elevated him to the rank of archbishop of Pannonia, allowing worship in the Slavic language. Inspired by this new success, Methodius returns to Koceolus. With the constant help of the prince, he, together with his students, unfolds a large and vigorous work to spread Slavic worship, writing and books in the Blaten principality and neighboring Moravia.

In 870, Methodius was sentenced to prison, having received an accusation of violating the hierarchical rights to Pannonia.

He remained in prison, under the most difficult conditions, until 873, when the new pope John VIII forced the Bavarian episcopate to release Methodius and return him to Moravia. Methodius is forbidden to worship Slavic worship.

He continues the work of the ecclesiastical organization of Moravia. Contrary to the prohibition of the pope, Methodius continues worship in the Slavic language in Moravia. In the circle of his activities, Methodius this time also involved other Slavic peoples neighboring Moravia.

All this prompted the German clergy to take new actions against Methodius. German priests turn Svyatopolk against Methodius. Svyatopolk writes to Rome a denunciation of his archbishop, accusing him of heresy, of violating the canons catholic church and in disobedience to the pope. Methodius manages not only to justify himself, but even to persuade Pope John to his side. Pope John allows Methodius to worship in the Slavic language, but appoints him Bishop of Wiching, one of Methodius' most ardent opponents. Wiching began to spread rumors about the condemnation of Methodius by the pope, but was exposed.

Tired to the limit and exhausted by all these endless intrigues, forgeries and denunciations, feeling that his health was constantly weakening, Methodius went to rest in Byzantium. Methodius spent almost three years in his homeland. In the middle of 884 he returned to Moravia.

Returning to Moravia, Methodius in 883. engaged in the translation into Slavic of the full text of the canonical books of Holy Scripture (except for the Maccabees). Having finished his hard work, Methodius weakened even more. April 19, 885 Methodius died.

With the death of Methodius, his work in Moravia came close to ruin. With the arrival of Viching in Moravia, the persecution of the disciples of Constantine and Methodius began, the destruction of their Slavic church. Up to 200 clergy disciples of Methodius were expelled from Moravia. The Moravian people did not give them any support. Thus, the cause of Constantine and Methodius perished not only in Moravia, but among the Western Slavs in general. On the other hand, it received further life and flourishing among the southern Slavs, partly among the Croats, more among the Serbs, especially among the Bulgarians and, through the Bulgarians, among the Russians, Eastern Slavs who connected their destinies with Byzantium. This happened thanks to the disciples of Cyril and Methodius, who were expelled from Moravia.

From the period of activity of Constantine, his brother Methodius and their closest students, no written monuments have come down to us, except for the relatively recently discovered inscriptions on the ruins of the church of Tsar Simeon in Preslav (Bulgaria). It turned out that these ancient inscriptions were made not by one, but by two graphic varieties of Old Slavonic writing. One of them received the conditional name "Cyrillic" (from the name Cyril, adopted by Constantine during his tonsure as a monk); the other received the name "Glagolitsy" (from the Old Slavonic "verb", which means "word").

Cyrillic and Glagolitic almost coincided in their alphabetical composition. Cyrillic, according to manuscripts of the 11th century that have come down to us. had 43 letters, and the Glagolitic had 40 letters. Of the 40 Glagolitic letters, 39 served to convey almost the same sounds as the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Like the letters of the Greek alphabet, the Glagolitic and Cyrillic letters had, in addition to the sound, also a numerical value, i.e. were used to denote not only speech sounds, but also numbers. At the same time, nine letters served to designate units, nine - for tens and nine - for hundreds. In Glagolitic, in addition, one of the letters meant a thousand; in Cyrillic to denote thousands was used special sign. In order to indicate that the letter denotes a number, and not a sound, the letter was usually highlighted on both sides with dots and a special horizontal line was placed above it.

In Cyrillic, as a rule, only letters borrowed from the Greek alphabet had digital values: at the same time, each of the 24 such letters was assigned the same digital value that this letter had in the Greek digital system. The only exceptions were the numbers "6", "90" and "900".

Unlike the Cyrillic alphabet, the first 28 letters in a row received a numerical value in the Glagolitic, regardless of whether these letters corresponded to Greek or served to convey special sounds of Slavic speech. Therefore, the numerical value of most Glagolitic letters was different from both Greek and Cyrillic letters.

The names of the letters in Cyrillic and Glagolitic were exactly the same; however, the time of occurrence of these names is unclear.

The arrangement of letters in the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets was almost the same. This order is established, firstly, on the basis of the numerical value of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic letters, secondly, on the basis of the acrostics of the 12th-13th centuries that have come down to us, and thirdly, on the basis of the order of letters in the Greek alphabet.

The Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets differed greatly in the form of their letters. In Cyrillic, the shape of the letters was geometrically simple, clear and easy to write. Of the 43 Cyrillic letters, 24 were borrowed from the Byzantine charter, and the remaining 19 were built to a greater or lesser extent independently, but in compliance with the unified style of the Cyrillic alphabet. The shape of the Glagolitic letters, on the contrary, was extremely complex and intricate, with many curls, loops, etc. On the other hand, the Glagolitic letters were graphically more original than the Cyrillic ones, much less like the Greek ones.

Cyrillic is a very skillful, complex and creative reworking of the Greek (Byzantine) alphabet. As a result of careful consideration of the phonetic composition of the Old Slavonic language, the Cyrillic alphabet had all the letters necessary for the correct transmission of this language. The Cyrillic alphabet was also suitable for the exact transmission of the Russian language, in the 9th-10th centuries. the Russian language was already somewhat phonetically different from Old Church Slavonic. The correspondence of the Cyrillic alphabet to the Russian language is confirmed by the fact that for more than a thousand years it took only two new letters to be introduced into this alphabet; multi-letter combinations and superscript signs are not needed and almost never used in Russian writing. This is what determines the originality of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Thus, despite the fact that many letters of the Cyrillic alphabet coincide in form with the Greek letters, the Cyrillic alphabet (as well as the Glagolitic alphabet) should be recognized as one of the most independent, creatively and in a new way constructed alphabetic-sound systems.

The presence of two graphic varieties of Slavic writing still causes great controversy among scientists. After all, according to the unanimous testimony of all annalistic and documentary sources, Konstantin developed some one Slavic alphabet. Which of these alphabets was created by Constantine? Where and when did the second alphabet appear? Closely related to these questions are others, perhaps even more important ones. But didn’t the Slavs have some kind of writing before the introduction of the alphabet developed by Constantine? And if it existed, what was it?

Evidence of the existence of writing in the pre-Cyrilian period among the Slavs, in particular among the Eastern and Southern, was devoted to a number of works by Russian and Bulgarian scientists. As a result of these works, as well as in connection with the discovery of the most ancient monuments of Slavic writing, the question of the existence of a letter among the Slavs can hardly be in doubt. This is evidenced by many ancient literary sources: Slavic, Western European, Arabic. This is confirmed by the indications contained in the agreements between the Eastern and Southern Slavs with Byzantium, some archaeological data, as well as linguistic, historical and general socialist considerations.

Less materials is available to resolve the issue of what the oldest Slavic letter was and how it arose.

Pre-Cyrillic Slavic writing, apparently, could only be of three types.

So, in the light of development general patterns development of writing, it seems almost certain that long before the formation of relations between the Slavs and Byzantium, they had various local varieties of the original primitive pictographic writing, such as the “features and cuts” mentioned by the Brave. The emergence of the Slavic writing of the type “devils and cuts” should probably be attributed to the first half of the 1st millennium AD. e.

True, the oldest Slavic writing could only be a very primitive writing, including a small, unstable and different assortment of simple pictorial and conventional signs for different tribes. This letter could not turn into any developed and ordered logographic system.

The use of the original Slavic script was also limited. These were, apparently, the simplest counting signs in the form of dashes and notches, family and personal signs, signs of property, signs for divination, perhaps primitive route schemes, calendar signs that served to date the dates for the start of various agricultural works, pagan holidays, etc. P. In addition to sociological and linguistic considerations, the existence of such a script among the Slavs is confirmed by quite numerous literary sources of the 9th-10th centuries. and archaeological finds. Arising back in the first half of the 1st millennium AD, this letter was probably preserved by the Slavs even after Cyril created an ordered Slavic alphabet.

The second, even more undoubted type of pre-Christian writing of the Eastern and Southern Slavs was a letter that can be conditionally called the letter "proto-Cyril".

A letter like "devils and cuts", suitable for designation calendar dates, for divination, counting, etc., was unsuitable for recording military and trade agreements, liturgical texts, historical chronicles and other complex documents. And the need for such records should have appeared among the Slavs simultaneously with the birth of the first Slavic states. For all these purposes, the Slavs, even before they adopted Christianity and before the introduction of the alphabet created by Cyril, undoubtedly used Greek letters in the east and south, and Greek and Latin letters in the west.

The Greek script, used by the Slavs for two or three centuries before they officially adopted Christianity, had to gradually adapt to the transmission of the peculiar phonetics of the Slavic language and, in particular, be replenished with new letters. This was necessary for the accurate recording of Slavic names in churches, in military lists, for recording Slavic geographical names, etc.

The Slavs have advanced far along the path of adapting Greek writing to a more accurate transmission of their speech. To do this, ligatures were formed from the corresponding Greek letters, Greek letters were supplemented with letters borrowed from other alphabets, in particular from the Hebrew alphabet, which was known to the Slavs through the Khazars. This is how the Slavic “proto-Cyrillic” writing was probably formed. The assumption of such a gradual formation of the Slavic “proto-Cyrillic” writing is also confirmed by the fact that the Cyrillic alphabet in its later version that has come down to us was so well adapted for the accurate transmission of Slavic speech that this could only be achieved as a result of its long development.

These are the two undoubted varieties of pre-Christian Slavic writing.

The third, however, not certain, but only a possible variety of it can be called "proto-verbal" writing.

The process of formation of the alleged proto-verbal writing could take place in two ways. Firstly, this process could proceed under the complex influence of Greek, Jewish-Khazarian, and possibly also Georgian, Armenian and even runic Turkic writing. Under the influence of these writing systems, Slavic “features and cuts” could also gradually acquire an alpha-sound meaning, partially retaining their original form. Secondly, some Greek letters could also be graphically changed by the Slavs in relation to the usual forms of “features and cuts”.

Like the Cyrillic alphabet, the formation of proto-verbal writing could also begin among the Slavs no earlier than the 8th century. Since this letter was formed on the primitive basis of the ancient Slavic "features and cuts", insofar as by the middle of the 9th century. it had to remain even less precise and orderly than the proto-Cyrillic writing.

In contrast to the proto-Cyrillic alphabet, the formation of which took place almost throughout the entire Slavic territory, which was under the influence of Byzantine culture, the proto-glagolic script, if it existed, was apparently first formed among the Eastern Slavs.

In conditions of insufficient development in the second half of the 1st millennium AD. political and cultural ties between the Slavic tribes, the formation of each of the three alleged types of pre-Christian Slavic writing should have occurred in different tribes in different ways. Therefore, we can assume the coexistence among the Slavs not only of these three types of writing, but also of their local varieties. In the history of writing, cases of such coexistence were very frequent.

At present, the writing systems of all the peoples of Russia have been built on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet. Writing systems built on the same basis are also used in Bulgaria, partly in Yugoslavia and Mongolia. The Cyrillic script is now used by peoples who speak more than 60 languages.

the largest life force, apparently, possess the Latin and Cyrillic groups of writing systems. This is confirmed by the fact that all new peoples are gradually moving to the Latin and Cyrillic basis of writing.

Thus, the foundations laid by Kontantinos and Methodius more than 1100 years ago continue to be continuously improved and successfully developed up to the present time.


Mezhuev V.M. Culture and history. M., 1977.

Istrin V.A. 1100 years of the Slavic alphabet. M., 1988.

Tikhomirov M.N., Muravyov A.V. Russian paleography. M., 1982." alt="(!LANG: The childhood of the Thessalonica brothers." width="455" height="35"> !}

The creators of the Slavic alphabet Konstantin(when he was tonsured a monk, he was named Kirill) (827-869) and Methodius(815-885) came from the Byzantine Thessalonica(now - Thessaloniki in Northern Greece), in which a large Slavic population lived and the Slavs occupied many official posts. The father of the brothers was rich and of "good family", he held a significant position in Thessalonica under the command of the Thessalonica strategist - military commander.

Cyril began attending school at the age of eight. He studied diligently, mastered the Greek language, counting, mastered horse riding and military techniques. But his favorite pastime was reading books. After the death of his father, he left Thessalonica and went to Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. At this time there flourished interest in antiquity.

Among the teachers of Cyril, the most significant was the future Patriarch Photius - an expert on ancient culture. Students studied the poems of Homer, the tragedies of Sophocles, the philosophical writings of Plato and Aristotle. Kirill, one of the best students, was accepted into the civil service. After completing the course of sciences, he held the high academic post of patriarchal librarian.

Observing the life of the courtiers, Cyril understood how much time these people lose at hours-long ceremonies next to the emperor's family. Therefore, he rarely came to the palace and reluctantly, finally left the civil service and began to teach philosophy at the university.

The teaching did not last long. Cyril, who knew well not only Greek, Arabic and Latin, but also the language of the Slavs, was sent to Bulgaria on an educational mission. But the enlightenment of the Slavs turned out to be impossible without books in their native language. Therefore, Cyril set about creating the Slavic alphabet. His first assistant was his elder brother Methodius, who had retired from military service to a monastery. Methodius mastered the new alphabet, compiled by his brother, and set about translating church books into the language of the Slavs. The brothers began to translate from the book into Slavonic in the second half of 862.

On May 24, 863, in the city of Pliska, which at that time was the capital of Bulgaria, the brothers Cyril and Methodius announced the invention of the Slavic alphabet.

In the same year 863, the brothers arrived in Moravia with the created alphabet and ready-made translations. For forty months until the spring of 867 they enlightened the Slavs in Moravia. And at the end of 867 - beginning of 868, the Pope invited Cyril and Methodius to Rome. There they received the right to educate the people. But in Rome, Cyril suddenly fell ill, and on February 14, 869, the creator of Slavic writing, the first teacher of the Slavs, died. Methodius became the successor of his brother's work. In Rome, he received the high rank of archbishop, returned to Moravia and continued his educational activities.

13. A letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.

14. One of the developed languages ​​of the world, using the Cyrillic alphabet.

1. Explain the origin of the words alphabet and alphabet.

2. Are the words alphabet and alphabet synonyms?

3. When did the Slavs write?

4. Why is the Slavic alphabet called Cyrillic?

5. Consider the Cyrillic alphabet.
How many letters does it contain?

6. How many letters are in the modern alphabet?

7. Which letters of the Cyrillic alphabet are outdated and are not used nowadays?

8. How is the memory of Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius honored in the Slavic countries?

9. Are there any monuments to the brothers? Where are they installed?

10. Read the words written in Old Slavonic.

Try to translate them into modern Russian.

Match them with related words that are used today.

11. Why do you need to know the alphabet?

12. Where is alphabetical order used?

Their memory is celebrated on May 11 in honor of the consecration of the Slavic languages ​​​​by the Gospel, February 14. memory of St. Cyril on the day of death, April 6. memory of St. Methodius on the day of death

The siblings Cyril and Methodius came from a pious family that lived in the Greek city of Thessalonica. They were the children of the governor, a Bulgarian Slav by birth. St. Methodius was the eldest of seven brothers, St. Konstantin, in monasticism Cyril, - the younger.

St. Methodius was at first in a military rank and ruled a Slavic principality subordinate to the Byzantine Empire, apparently Bulgarian, which gave him the opportunity to learn the Slavic language. After staying there for about 10 years, St. Methodius then accepted monasticism in one of the monasteries on Mount Olympus ( Asia Minor). St. Constantine from an early age was distinguished by mental abilities and studied together with the infant emperor Michael with the best teachers of Constantinople, including Photius, later Patriarch of Constantinople. St. Constantine perfectly comprehended all the sciences of his time and many languages, he studied the works of the saint with particular diligence. For his mind and outstanding knowledge of St. Constantine was nicknamed the Philosopher.

After completing the teachings of St. Konstantin took the rank and was appointed curator of the patriarchal library at the church of Hagia Sophia, but soon left the capital and secretly went to the monastery. Searched there and returned to Constantinople, he was appointed as a teacher of philosophy at the Higher School of Constantinople. The wisdom and strength of faith of the still very young Constantine were so great that he managed to defeat the leader of the heretic iconoclasts Annius in the debate. After this victory, Constantine was sent by the emperor to debate the Holy Trinity with the Saracens and also won. Soon, Constantine retired to his brother Methodius on Olympus, where he spent time in unceasing prayer and reading the works of the holy fathers.

One day the emperor summoned the holy brothers from the monastery and sent them to the Khazars to preach the gospel. On the way, they stopped for some time in the city of Chersonese (Korsun), where they prepared for the gospel. There the holy brothers miraculously found the relics of Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome. There, in Chersonese, St. Konstantin found a Gospel and a Psalter written in "Russian letters" and a man who spoke Russian, and began to learn from this man to read and speak his language.

Then the holy brothers went to the Khazars, where they won the debate with the Jews and Muslims, preaching the gospel doctrine. On the way home, the brothers again visited Chersonese and, having taken the relics of St. Clement, returned to Constantinople. St. Constantine remained in the capital, and St. Methodius received hegumenship at the small monastery of Polychron, not far from Mount Olympus, where he had asceticised before.

Soon, ambassadors came to the emperor from the Moravian prince Rostislav, who was being oppressed by the German bishops, with a request to send teachers to Moravia who could preach in their native language for the Slavs. The emperor called Constantine to him and told him: "You need to go there, because no one can do this better than you." St. Constantine, with fasting and prayer, embarked on a new achievement. With the help of his brother Methodius and the disciples of Gorazd, Clement, Savva, Naum and Angelyar, he compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated into Slavonic the books without which divine services could not be performed: the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter and selected services. This was in 863.

Having completed the translation, the holy brothers went to Moravia, where they were received with great honor, and began to teach the service in the Slavic language. This aroused the anger of the German bishops, who celebrated divine services in Latin in the Moravian churches, and they rebelled against the holy brothers, arguing that divine services could be celebrated only in one of three languages: Hebrew, Greek or Latin. St. Constantine answered them: “You recognize only three languages ​​worthy of glorifying God in them. But David said: “Let every breath praise the Lord!” The Lord has come to save all nations, and all nations must praise the Lord in their own tongues.” The German bishops were disgraced, but became even more embittered and filed a complaint with Rome. The holy brothers were called to Rome to resolve this issue. Taking with them the relics of St. Clement, Pope of Rome, St. Constantine and Methodius went to Rome. Having learned that the holy brothers were carrying holy relics with them, Pope Adrian with the clergy went out to meet them. The brothers were greeted with honor, the Pope approved the service in the Slavic language, and ordered the books translated by the brothers to be placed for consecration in Roman churches and to celebrate the liturgy in the Slavic language.

While in Rome, St. Constantine fell ill and, in a miraculous vision, informed by the Lord of the approach of death, he took the schema with the name Cyril. Fifty days after the adoption of the schema, on February 14, 869, Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril reposed at the age of forty-two. Departing to God, St. Cyril commanded his brother St. Methodius to continue their common cause - the enlightenment of the Slavic peoples with the light of the true faith. St. Methodius asked the Pope for permission to take away the body of his brother for burial in his native land, but the Pope ordered that the relics of St. Cyril in the church of St. Clement, where miracles began to happen from them.

After the death of St. Cyril Pope, following the request of the Slavic prince Kotsel, sent St. Methodius to Pannonia, ordaining him archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia, to the ancient throne of St. Apostle Andronicus. In Pannonia, St. Methodius, together with his disciples, continued to distribute worship, writing and books in the Slavic language. This again angered the German bishops. They achieved the arrest and trial of Saint Methodius, who was exiled to captivity in Swabia, where he endured many sufferings for two and a half years. Released by order of the Pope and restored to the rights of an archbishop, St. Methodius continued the gospel preaching among the Slavs and baptized the Czech prince Borivoi and his wife Lyudmila, as well as one of the Polish princes. For the third time, the German bishops persecuted the saint for not accepting the Roman teaching about the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and from the Son. Saint Methodius was summoned to Rome and proved before the Pope that he kept the Orthodox teaching pure, and was again returned to the capital of Moravia, Velehrad.

there in last years In his lifetime, Saint Methodius, with the help of two disciple-priests, translated into Slavonic everything except the Maccabean books, as well as the Nomocanon (Rules of the Holy Fathers) and the patristic books (Paterik).

Anticipating the approach of death, St. Methodius pointed to one of his students, Gorazd, as his worthy successor. The saint predicted the day of his death and died on April 6, 885, at the age of about sixty. The funeral service for the saint was performed in three languages: Slavic, Greek and Latin; the saint was buried in the cathedral church of Velegrad.

Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius were canonized as saints in antiquity. In Russian Orthodox Church the memory of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Enlighteners of the Slavs has been honored since the 11th century.

The lives of the holy first teachers of Slovenia were compiled by their disciples in the 11th century. The most complete biographies of the saints are the lengthy, or so-called Pannonian, lives. Our ancestors were familiar with these texts from the time of the spread of Christianity in Russia. Solemn celebration of the memory of Sts. The first hierarchs Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius were established in the Russian Church in 1863.

The enlighteners of the Slavs are considered to be the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, who in 863 first set foot on the land of Moravia.
However, enlightenment was by no means literacy training, since the Slavs had long used their literacy, as the educators themselves point out. This was just some modernization of the Slavic syllabary for a letter that is considered very convenient to use. Moreover, it is convenient for conducting worship on Church Slavonic foreigners, that is, not Slavs. This is also indicated by some letters of the Cyrillic alphabet, which subsequently turned out to be simply superfluous for the Slavs themselves:
"fita, izhitsa, psi, etc." (p. 131).
Moreover, the Cyrillic alphabet, allegedly invented for us by the Greek enlighteners, has a rather strange designation for our sound U - OU. Which once again indicates that Cyril and Methodius did not invent their alphabet for the Slavs at all, but quite the opposite: the Slavic teachers tried to enlighten the Greeks who were not capable of pronouncing the sound Y (for example, Ruma among the Slavs and Roma in pronouncing this locality Hellenes living in the Apennines).
Here is another fairly weighty fact: an explanation of the strange duality of the root of the name of God's people: ros and rus, dew (race = rush) and rus. In the Paley of the Solovetsky Library on "The Death and Burial of Adam" (p. 13), we find what we are looking for:
"... Jerusalem" (p. 208).
In the Greek inability to pronounce the letter U - this is where the root of this strange transition is: Russia - Russia (Russia [Russia] this). Our country, as well as our city, "... Jerusalem" (p. 218), apparently, it was customary to display in the text: Rous.
That is why it is precisely the victory of Greek customs under Metropolitan Macarius, when our primordial prayer finger-folding was replaced by two-fingered (at least officially), crowned with the replacement of the name of our country, Russia, - Russia:
“The contemporary Metropolitan Macarius of Ivan the Terrible was the first to begin using the word Russia and the sovereigns who followed Ivan the Terrible, in their speeches and letters, for the most part used the word “Rusia” and very rarely Russia, and only in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich instead of “Rusia” came into general use the word Russia…” (p. 563).
So the origin of this strange combination, OU, which is completely unnecessary in our language, very clearly indicates those who once needed it so urgently: the Russian people, who easily pronounce any of the most complex shades of human speech, or the Greeks, who do not pronounce it so much for us the usual and so unfortunate sound for them.
But this is not all the arguments in favor of our enlightenment of them, and not vice versa. For some reason, the letters we use for numbers in Cyrillic do not go in a row, A-B-C-D, but A-C-D. Which is explained by the same thing: the letter B is absent in the Greek alphabet, as well as U. Therefore, the Hellenes could not even pronounce the name of this letter. And precisely for this reason, it, read by the Greeks in our texts together with B in exactly the same way, among the Greeks had only the designation of the number 2. All of the above is completely sufficient to determine: which of us enlightened whom. Moreover, it was for the reason we discovered that the Cyrillic alphabet was called:
"Greek writing" (p. 249).
That is, the same letter that the Greeks used to read prayers in Church Slavonic. Therefore, the features of this alphabet are: exclusively for the Hellenes and the necessary letters and letter combinations, the order of designation of numbers and the graphic similarity of some letters to each other. What is necessary only when reading the texts written on it by the Greeks. For us, which is natural, all of the above heaps are absolutely useless. Moreover, in the Old Slavonic texts, the difference between these letters, B and C, looks even more illegible than in modern ones. That is why it is a very big inconvenience for us. So, according to this indicator, a self-evident conclusion should be ascertained: the similarity of writing by the writers of the letter was chosen exclusively for them.
And here, by the way, is confirmation of this from the nineteenth century before last. Venelin:
“... the Greeks in the 9th, 10th, and partly 11th centuries wrote in the same statutory handwriting that Russians wrote before Peter the Great, and with which our church books are still printed” (p. 663).
And here is another very interesting detail noticed by Venelin on the topic of some kind of literacy of the Greeks:
“From 800 to beginning of XII century, almost only Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus wrote in this Empire, around the 950s. The rest of writing consisted in copying liturgical books by monasteries, by charter and half charter” (p. 665).
In our country, this script, introduced, which we now prove by the facts already available, for the education of an illiterate people, which at that time were the Greeks, was legalized by Prince Vladimir, replacing our runic writing. The Greeks, up to that moment of writing, which it turns out, did not have any at all.
It looks like they didn't even much later. After all, back in the 13th century, we continued to write liturgical books for them:
“The Vatican Library even now holds the book “The Charter of the Church,” written in Greek in 1317 by Hieromonk Nilus” (p. 8).
And the book also indicates the area that produced liturgical books for the Greeks who were semi-literate at that time, which is reflected even in its title. She wrote:
“within Russia, in the city called Tver” (p. 44).
Here is some clarification of its Tver authors:
“It was written in the Fedorovsky Monastery, whose abbot was Ivan Tsaregradets ...” (p. 8).
That is, a person who is familiar with the native language of the area from where the main part of our people once moved to the Russian Plain. Because of the blatant illiteracy of the Greeks themselves in those days, it was he who was in charge of teaching the brothers in faith, the Greeks, who remained in the south, the basics of our Orthodox culture.
However, in the future, no cultural centers of Greece, supposedly even baptizing us, can be traced at all. After all, the Greeks themselves, already in the era of Peter I, still remained a primitive, illiterate people, not even able to make books for themselves. And those, even liturgical ones, which were used by the Greeks of Constantinople:
“... they print in Venice, and Venice is pope, and the pope is the main enemy of the Christian faith. How can they be pious and where to get it from? No matter how books are sent to them from Venice, and so they sing from them ”(l. 70v.).
So we taught the Greeks our letter. It is this letter, which has already been noted, that they used for at least three centuries. Then, apparently, the so-called "ancient Greek" letter was invented. The Greeks gradually, during the 11th century, switched to it. This Esperanto, apparently, for a couple of centuries precedes another Esperanto - Latin.
However, that ancient culture, which is attributed to them by false history, they never possessed. This is confirmed even by the fact that XVIII century they still have not mastered the too sophisticated art of the printing press. Books were brought to them from Venice, as several centuries earlier from Tver.
But the features of an even more ancient letter - Glagolitic. First, it completely lacks the letters required to display the sounds pronounced by the Greeks. And secondly:
“... the Glagolitic also reflects the Hebrew alphabet ...” (p. 252).
What is the Hebrew language?
“The literary language of the Bible… was called by the ancient Jews… “kena ʻanit”, i.e. “Canaanite”” (p. 240).
And that's what kind of people the Canaanites are, to whose name the falsifiers of history treacherously attached this actually purely Negro - Khamov language. The pre-revolutionary Church Slavonic dictionary of Grigory Dyachenko quite clearly dismisses all today's attempts by the Jews to write down the people of God of the white-skinned Slavonic Russian Abraham to themselves:
“The language of Canaan is the language spoken by the native inhabitants of the land of Canaan, the descendants of Canaan, the son of Hamov, and which was incomprehensible to both Abraham and his descendants living among the Canaanites, therefore, this is the ancient Hebrew language [Is 19, 18] ... " (p. 849).
And to what nation could Abraham belong, to whom the language of the natives of Canaan was so alien?
Only to the one whose sound RA means something important. And the important, that is, God and the sun, means it only with us. For example: RA light - the light of God, the sun; RA arc - the arc of God, the sun; RA with the mind - the mind with God, with the sun (without God it is no longer the mind - it is something else). And therefore, Sar RA, From RA il, then RA (from which - history), etc. It is about the progenitor of this people that it is said that he was the only one who did not visit the construction Tower of Babel, and therefore he alone had the language of God:
“…Assur came out of this land and built Nineveh…” [Genesis 10, 11].
And Assur = Russa. It is he who represents the very people of God, which is mentioned in our literature of antiquity - the Torah. And it is with the name of this people that the name of the city is connected, where the Israelites, people who came out of paradise, built a sanctuary for God in the city of God the Creator - Jerusalem. What the ancient prophet Daniel writes about:
"... Lord!.. Your name is called on Your city and on Your people" [Dan 9, 19].
The city, as everyone knows, is called Ie Rusa lim (where Ie is God; lim is the old word for a haven) - the land of God Rusa. That is why God's people are obliged to be called exclusively with a capital letter - Russian! And the land of this people is the Russian Land, which from time immemorial has been called the foot of the Throne of the Lord.
And Rusa, which as a people is imprinted on the city of God, is the second son of Shem. And therefore the Russians should be called Semites, and not the Canaanites at all - the descendants of Ham and Canaan. After all, it was precisely this boorish seed that God, having promised Palestine to Israel, strictly strictly, as our Torah testifies, ordered to exterminate. In the book of Joshua, these nations are listed by name. And following the history Old Testament, the Israelis, the children of Assur - Russian, should have been exterminated:
“The Canaanites… and the Amorites…” [Josh 3:10].
This is confirmed by the Bible Encyclopedia of 1891 edition:
“... all the Canaanites had to be destroyed ... But the Israelites did not fulfill the will of God regarding the Canaanites” (p. 740).
And this is how the Bible destined by God for the extermination of the nationality has to do with the language, to which today official history, completely groundlessly, is attributed to the biblical people of Israel:
“... two subgroups are clearly distinguished - Canaanite (Moabite, Ammonite, Phoenician (Canaanite) and some other languages) and Amorite (Ugaritic, Amorite proper). The Hebrew language occupies an intermediate position between them. Historically, he absorbed both Canaanite and Amorite elements” (p. 187).
That is, those very peoples that were required by the Israelites (people from paradise - that is, who did not lose their language and appearance in the Babylonian pandemonium, which was led by the grandson of Ham, Nemrod [the ancestor of the dumb]), exterminate. And that's who are those who staged a revolution in our country, and then "perestroika" with the subsequent dismemberment of the country into 15 parts. Sergey Nilus:
"Masons are Hamites, a seed cursed by God" (p. 218).
This is what was known before the revolution about the Hamites, who already a century later, someone, rearranging everything upside down, legitimized to consider God's people. And now it is perfectly clear who did it, seizing power in the country. And power was seized: the Blanks and the Bronsteins, the Gubelmans and the Gauhmans, the Apfelbaums and the Rosenfelds. Only one non-Canaanite turned out to be in the top twenty of the leadership - the Georgian Stalin. The titular nation, of course, after who was nothing became everything, was not only in the top twenty, but also in the two hundred and was not even close. Known only as a simply necessary exception, the "Kremlin Satyr" seated as a "wedding general" - a wedge-bearded lover of ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater - the all-Union headman Kalinin.
Someone will object that, they say, people can make mistakes. Where does such confidence come from that Sergei Nilus, whose circulation “Near is at the door” immediately after the seizure of power by the Masons, was burned by our well-known poet, a favorite of the Bolsheviks, Alexander Blok, a member of the Masonic lodge “Lucifer”?
On October 29, 2000, from the honest hands of Father Nikolai (Guryanov), Valery Mikhailovich Yarchak, the author of the book “The Word and Deed of Ivan the Terrible”, received the “Tsar’s Collection”, in which Nikolai Guryanov noted the Akathist to the Holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II, where confirmation clearly sounds discovered by us: "Rejoice, accuser of the Jews, the tribe of Canaan."
And that's who Nikolai Guryanov was. Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov):
"In our end times Elder Nikolai is a lamp similar to Seraphim of Sarov” (p. 747).
That's even how! That is why the equation of Jews = Canaanites is already becoming sanctified and at this kind of spiritual level: at the level of Seraphim of Sarov himself…
And therefore, the Glagolitic alphabet, since it is based on a certain "Jewish" language, which is the average between the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the two slave nations to be destroyed, the Amorites and the Canaanites, was intended to teach church literacy to the mixed black and yellow slaves of the Israelite tribes. That is, in the language that the Slavonic Russian Abraham did not understand. And therefore, thanks to our letters, Cyrillic and Glagolitic, both the Greeks, and the Amorites, and even the Canaanites, cursed by Noah, received the opportunity for the Glory of our Word. But, as it turned out now, their teaching was not at all for the future - they turned everything upside down and began to physically exterminate their benefactors under the pretext of revolution: "who was nothing, he will become everything." How exactly is it said about them:
“...cursed is Canaan; he will be a servant of servants to his brothers” [Genesis 9:25].
So both the Bible and belonging to God's people are simply insolently rewritten today for the Canaanites, who in fact were slaves of the people of Israel in biblical times. And the Glagolitic alphabet was invented, which is already in fact, precisely for their enlightenment.
The same applies to the Cyrillic alphabet:
“The creator of the Slavic alphabet, Cyril, long before he created this alphabet, while passing through the Crimea, in Korsun (Chersonese), saw a Russian gospel and a Psalter written in Russian letters: “get that Gospel and Psalter, Russian letters are written , and find a person by saying that conversation, and having a conversation with him and accept the power of speech, apply different letters to your conversation, a vowel and a consonant, and creating a prayer to God, soon begin to honor and say, and multiply wonders to him ... ", - it is said in “Pannonian Life” (Cyril)” (p. 73).
And there is something to marvel at: in order to master the Proto-Slavic syllabary, one desire is not enough - you also need to have a genetic ability to learn this language. Especially if we take into account that the Greek letter itself did not exist at that time. In what language could these “enlighteners of the Slavs” themselves, Cyril and Methodius, be able to read? So after all, only on ours, which follows from all of the above and were able to.
However, in the histories of historians, everything is different:
“The “Tale” of the Brave says: “Before the word, not the name of books, but with traits and cuts to chtyah and reptile, the trash of existence” (p. 29).
Here they are traces of enemy propaganda, now more and more leading themselves into a dead end.
We observe a picture similar to the Slavic literacy in relation to the primordially Russian set of rules - Domostroy. Having discovered some borrowings from Domostroy that have been preserved abroad, they are trying to convince us that it was we who adopted it from them, and not they, for once, tried to adopt something good from us:
“A great influence on the creation of the text of Domostroy was exerted by contemporary Western European “house builders”, dating back to ancient texts of this type (up to the ancient Greek writings of Xenophon “On the economy”, “Politics” by Aristotle) ​​... ”(p. 41).
The beginning of the ancient way of life of the Russian people, which today is most clearly preserved in the work of hundreds of generations - Domostroy, was laid long before the birth of Christ, when, as part of the guidance on the path of Truth, as an edification to the younger generation, along with biblical texts, the best of works of ancient Russian authors.
Copying our set of rules abroad is only a link in the chain of copying by them from us and everything else. In the Cyril Reformation, an attempt to return the Greeks to the previously lost WORD can be traced. It was this humanitarian program, judging by its results, that the saints of the Hellenic Enlighteners Cyril and Methodius carried out. However, later everything was turned upside down ...
Here is the sequence of glossing over reality. The Thessalonica, indeed, a legend, told us about the enlightenment of some savages from a snow-covered island by the light of their own gospel, which the Greeks rewrote for them, that is, for the “savages”, in the newly invented alphabet. That is why these same savages, as the legend says, became enlightened. When all the copies of this gospel in the language of the “savages” were managed to be destroyed by those interested in it, it became possible to declare that these same blue-legged, that is, Slavs, “books” were not at all “named”, but “features” - de and “cuts” somehow there it is very unintelligible "Chtyakhu" and "pishu".
What does it say? After all, they could deny us the ability to write. Why didn't they announce our complete illiteracy right away?
A Russian man prayed daily to his God, and for this he rewrote the texts of prayers, of which there were, naturally, whole deposits in every house. It was still practically impossible to exterminate them with one stroke of the pen. Only when the "features" with "cuts" were completely destroyed, when the Russian people had been rewriting their prayers for several hundred years with letters imposed under Prince Vladimir, then it was announced that we had no Christian books. And about the "features" with "cuts" over time, they decided to inspire us that if there was a story about them, then it refers, they say, not at all to us, but to someone else.
In what era was this misinformation concocted? And most importantly, for what needs?
So after all, it is exactly timed to coincide with Vladimir's baptism:
“The legend “On Writings” was written in Bulgaria at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century, already after the life of Cyril (826–869) and Methodius (820–885) ... Ivan Fedorov included the legend in the edition of the “ABC”” (p. 5) .
That is, it was Fedorov who tried to convince us that we were “not named” books. Therefore, he was nicknamed a special beacon of progress: a kind of first printer. Moreover, his disgrace at the court of John IV speaks of the complete discrepancy between the text of the Bible printed by him and the texts of the sacred books. Ancient Russia. And this is precisely because the translations of the Fedorov edition were made according to the sacred books of Judaism, Catholicism and the Greek religion, which John IV, not without reason, equated with the Ethiopian confession.
And there were plenty of attempts to introduce cultures alien to us. Here is one of them:
“... some Jew Theodore, having arrived in the Moscow State, in all likelihood from Lithuania, was baptized and conducted his affairs in such a way that the Metropolitan instructed him, as he knew the Jewish language, to translate the Psalter into the Slavonic, which he did. This psalter has been preserved in the collection of manuscripts of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery and, according to the latest research by our scientists, it turns out to be the Jewish prayer book “Makhazor”, and, according to one of the researchers, M.N. Speransky, “none of the psalms of this translation contains prophecies about Christ”, which are so numerous in the true Psalter, since Theodore ... “fanatically devoted to Judaism ... translated not the Psalter of David at all, but the Jewish prayers used during worship, in which the Jewish opposition (hostility) to the doctrine of the trinity of the persons of the Godhead.
The dark personality of Theodore the Jew was only the forerunner of much more dangerous destroyers of our Faith” (p. 188).
But it was precisely this kind of literature, fabricated by the accursed Canaanites, that underlay the seduction of our country into the heresy of the Judaizers.
“... secret apostates, who by day seem to be priests of the Living God, and by night of a strange god, are historical fact or rather, a series of facts that cannot be brushed aside. And they always penetrated the head of any local church that they were trying to get their hands on. Since the time of Pilate, Christ has been crucified not by the mob [that is, the black slaves of the Israelites - Canaanites - A.M.], but by religious pseudo-spiritual leaders, who in essence are the children of the devil. At the end of the 15th century, one of these, Metropolitan Zosima, was at the head of the Russian Church” (p. 35).
Here there is a very sharp contradiction, which, on the one hand, puts Archbishop Gennady of Novgorod at the head of the victorious Jewish church faction, on the other hand, he is reproached by the books he took to translate the text of Holy Scripture:
“At the same time, as if forgetting about the purity of Orthodoxy, Gennady did not disdain either the texts of the Catholic Vulgate (the Bible in Latin), or even translations from the Hebrew language” (p. 34).
That is, the language, as it now turns out, is pseudo-biblical - Canaanite:
“... it was he who was the basis of the first printed edition of the Slavic Bible (Ostroh Bible by Ivan Fedorov, 1582) ...” (p. 34).
And it was the disgraced book printer - Ivan Fedorov. Because this is how his career as a “first printer” in Moscow began and ended:
“After the Apostle, Ivan Fedorov, having released the Chasovnik in 1565, was forced to escape from popular unrest, which even caused a fire in the printing house, to flee to the Lithuanian borders, where he founded a printing house in Zabludovo and Ostrog ...” (p. 204).
That is, the printing house did not burn down at all. That is why it continued to be used by Ivan the Terrible even after the escape of the disgraced printer of Russophobic literature banned in Russia. Yes, and it appeared in complete independence from him, since there is no word anywhere about the ownership of this printing house by Fedorov. That is, it turns out that he was not actually a first printer. But he only treacherously climbed into the holy of holies of Russian statehood - to the printing press - the press of that and subsequent times.
In fact, the personality of this "pioneer" is rather dark:
“Neither about the origin of Ivan Fedorov, nor about his education, we know nothing ...” (p. 204).
So he was not, as it seemed to us before, some important state dignitary, vested with the power of printing at the court of Ivan the Terrible. But some incomprehensible figure, from nowhere at that time appeared in Moscow.
Perhaps, based on his connections, we will be able to determine at least the contours of his activities? After all, there is a very wise saying on this subject: tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.
And here we stumble upon a rather surprising connection. In the complete absence of any information about Ivan Fedorov at all, it is only known that he:
“…was acquainted with Maxim the Greek…” (p. 204).
And here is what is already known about him (not to be confused with the Monk Maxim the Greek of the time of Andrei Rublev):
“In the 15th century, the learned monk Maxim the Greek (1480–1556) was invited to Moscow from Athos to translate church books from the Greek language. He noticed errors in translations of liturgical books. The deterioration of these books over time also increased as a result of mistakes made by uneducated scribes” (p. 56).
Well, that's understandable. Although all the citizens were literate, it was with us, and in Greece - only "learned monks", who received their book scholarship, by the way, first from Russian Tver, and then from papist, that is, to them, the Greeks, heterodox Venice. But it is we who are recognized as silly ignoramuses both abroad and among our own home-grown foreign-besophiles. Therefore, only we could be wrong. However, at that time, Russian people were not yet familiar with this theory of theirs. And therefore:
“When Maxim the Greek pointed out the shortcomings of church books, he was accused of “defaming the Russian holy miracle workers who were saved by old books.” He was imprisoned…” (p. 56).
Simple and concise.
However, there is also a defending opinion:
“... due to insufficient knowledge of the Russian language, important errors crept into the translation of Maxim Grek” (p. 256).
One way or another, whether he was to blame or not, but for such liberties then they acted simply: they put him in a jail. It was there that he sat with us, for his special harmfulness, half his life.
But this disgraced religious teacher, who came to us, unfortunately, was not at all alone: ​​since then, there have been more than enough such "translators" on our sacred texts.
And now, after many years of purposeful destruction of our ancient books, it was possible not only to introduce the Ostrog version printed by Fedorov into our use, but also to earn it under the belonging of God's people to the atheistic people - the natives of the land of Canaan.
And even today, no matter how it contradicts our once church dogmas, translations from the Canaanite began to be considered “canonical”. According to them, the only one, now they verify the content of the Bible.
But this foreigner demanded not only our books to be shipped under the Canaanite and Greek model. Our composition for of the Sign of the Cross at that time also very significantly differed from the generally accepted Greece, languishing in those years under the yoke of the Gentiles:
“... he taught two-fingered ... Maxim the Greek” (p. 112).
And what Ivan Fedorov taught in his version of the interpretation of the Bible is evident from the fact that Ivan the Terrible falls into disgrace for his printed activity. That is why he runs in the same direction hostile to us, where another traitor, Kurbsky, fled a little earlier.
And here, if we do not want to be Ivans who have forgotten their kinship, the very first reproach to Ivan the Terrible is simply shattered to smithereens - an unexpected defeat in the successfully begun by him Livonian War. After all, how, one wonders, can an army win if its head turns out to be a traitor? And, moreover, not he alone, but all three of his main dignitaries of the country from the so-called "Chosen Rada", which, by the way, was not elected by him at all, but which was imposed on him during his childhood? With what to compare it? And with the German general staff. Just imagine what would happen if the Wehrmacht generals who developed the plan of attack on us suddenly, one-time, all turned out to be Russian spies? And just don't talk about Stirlitz - this is a fictional character. But in our country, not only the acting Halder, Kurbsky, turned out to be a traitor, but both Adashev and Sylvester, who hold positions equivalent to the financial genius of the Third Reich Shakht and the propaganda genius of the same Reich, Dr. Goebbels. Well, where would Hitler get himself into in this case?
But under the state of Ivan the Terrible, a digging was carried out by Masons of just such a rank. And we still ask: was it worth it to introduce the oprichnina. Yes, without an Orthodox instrument in a state overlaid with Masons, he would not have lasted not only a year, but a week! And therefore, literally, he imprisoned himself in a monastery, together, however, with all his guardsmen. Then try not to stand with him 12 hour service? Point to the door immediately. And who will stand - on that and you can rely on. And therefore, the oprichnina ends not with the reign of Grozny, but with the grandiose defeat of the Turkish-Tatar army at Molodi, from where, out of the 120,000-strong enemy troops, even five thousand did not return to the Crimea. And the Turkish army remained here all - until the very last Janissary ...
But instead of calling Ivan the Terrible the greatest of the Russian Tsars, as he actually did, who invented a whole system of selecting people through a voluntary withdrawal from worldly goods through the institution of guardsmen invented by him and the only one that operates in our country, our locally revered Tsar, glorified as a saint, turns into propaganda into a tyrant. What in fact was not, and could not be: the enemies he executed, who betrayed him several times and were forgiven several times, that is, in fact, political recidivists, were all copied by him into a special list and he commemorated them during worship. I would try to compile such a list, say, the same Lenin, in the five years of whose government Russia will lose 30 million people. And this is only according to the official census - in fact, this figure can be much more. Indeed, in the country after his "transformations" there were 7 million homeless children. That is, the children whose Bolsheviks killed all their fathers and mothers, grandparents on both sides, as well as all the brothers and sisters of their parents!!!
Today they are trying to keep quiet about it. And it is clear why - America wants to return Bolshevism to us, and with it the GULAG that was lost forever. Therefore, it is customary to speak only good things about the Bolsheviks today. But all this is the fruit of well-paid propaganda.
All the same was observed in the old days, when outcasts were molded from the God-chosen people. That is, in their language, they molded cattle. Themselves children of Sodom and Gomorrah with wild impudence climbed to dress up in those who, according to their plans, were to be subjected to total destruction. What is happening today, when the people were forced to forget their own history. They put him on a palm tree and handed him a banana from this palm tree.
But years passed, excavations were made in Veliky Novgorod and letters of Russian commoners were discovered already in the 11th century. Plus, all of the above features of our history associated with the development of writing by peoples.
This is how this notorious enlightenment looks like, which actually passed not from them to us, but from us to them.
And here is the result of enemy propaganda. Not only has God’s chosenness been removed from us, which, no matter what fables their stories overgrow in history, is read at least in the decoding of the central names of the Bible, but also a veil of grayness and grubbyness has been hung. Where the goal is already read by current events, when we represent the only people in the world that are simply dying out at a terrifying pace or mixing with other nations, and therefore losing their former ethnic identity, turning into a rootless mongrel, whose place is in the garbage. And the most reinforced concrete means for our destruction were chosen by our enemies: to humiliate, trample into the mud, deprive of livelihood, lead to suicide, which is now carried out either through burned vodka, or under the influence of drugs, from which children simply do not have from the school bench. no protection. After all, today drugs are brought to us by everyone and everything: migrant workers, even when they find themselves without payment for their work, do not particularly grieve - when they go to us, everyone is loaded with drugs to the maximum, knowing full well that our laws are for them, as in the same Iran, to wall will not be allowed. Moreover, they will not be allowed to cause them at least a minimum for their distribution of at least some harm. And for the singed vodka coming from the former ASSR, it’s needless to say here: we have practically no hardened alcoholics, for whom the last carriages of our long-distance electric trains were once famous - they were all poisoned long ago, like rats. Now, all the other categories of citizens are dying from the same palenki by the thousands - including from singed expensive cognac. And to help poisoned alcohol and drugs, juvenile justice is now starting to rage, which puts the poor sections of our society out of the law and now has every right to take away a Russian child from the family if there are no oranges in the refrigerator ... And then the next stage begins destruction of the Russian people: the transfer of Russian children for "adoption" by foreign citizens. In Ukraine, when well-wishers tried to find traces of their 25,000 homeless children adopted from them by Israeli citizens, all paths led them to Israeli clinics, where information about the children transferred by Ukraine was lost without a trace ... The same thing happens with Russian children. It is for this purpose that juvenile justice is so rampant today. Moreover, children are taken away only from Russians. No one is taking away any children from citizens of Eastern nationalities and is not going to take them away.
So the destruction of the Russian people today is in full swing. And the beginning of this apathy, which allows the Russian people to dislike themselves and their neighbors so much, allowing themselves to be destroyed even in peacetime, was laid by a disregard for their own history. Everything here is done according to the precepts of Dr. Goebbels, who advised using the following methods to carry out this destruction: “Take away the history of the people, and in a hundred years it will turn into a herd, and in another hundred years it will be possible to control it.”
A hundred years have passed since the seizure of power in Russia by the Freemasons of the Canaanites, and therefore the filthy shoots of our oblivion have already turned Russian society into an uncomplaining herd. Our children are taken away and sawn into organs. Juvenile justice takes away from parents, according to some sources, up to 30 thousand Russian children a year. And we are silent ... Who else doubts that the seizure of our history from us, God's people, has not turned us, Ivanov, who have forgotten our kinship, into ruminating animals, now grazed by wolves gathered in packs and looking at us solely as a means to prolong their own lives ?

For bibliography, see: SLOVO. Series 1. Book. 3. When Russia was baptized