Choose a name for the boy according to the church calendar. Orthodox names according to the calendar for girls and boys

According to popular beliefs, May boys are one of the most stubborn, but purposeful children with a strong character. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is in May that the days of the saints Great Martyr George the Victorious and the Apostle John fall. These saints themselves were people of exceptional fortitude. In this regard, it is not surprising that babies born on Orthodox holidays have a strong character.

Back in the 12-13th century, shortly after the Baptism of Rus, the tradition of naming children in honor of the revered righteous was already widespread. It is believed that a child named after a holy righteous Christian will have a role model in front of him throughout his life. The patron saint will help to accept difficult decision at the crossroads, will illuminate the road through life.

Choosing a name is a big decision

Preparing for childbirth, expectant mothers devote a lot of time to choosing a name for a child. It is tempting to call his son an original and memorable name. But you need to understand how responsible this decision will be. With the name that you give the child, he will go on throughout his life, and, more importantly, to appear before God. It is no coincidence that since ancient times the names had a sacred meaning, therefore, during the sacrament of baptism, so much attention is paid to the selection of a name according to Christmas time.

If you know for sure that the birth of your child will take place in May, you need to choose a name for the boy in advance. Usually in Russia, names were chosen according to the calendar. The child was named according to the name day closest to his birthday. In May Orthodox name day a lot, so you can safely open the list and choose. Another way of choosing is to turn to church calendar... You can also discuss this issue with your spiritual mentor.

Matching name and character

Names have a big impact on a child's character. This is not only the choice of a guardian angel that will always protect your child from adversity, but also a serious event that in some way determines the fate of a person. May Day offers many options for strong and strong-willed names for a boy. Consider some of them, as well as what characteristics they carry for a boy.

the 6th of May Traditionally, the memory of St. George the Victorious (one of the most revered holy martyrs in Orthodoxy) is honored. George can be characterized as an attentive listener, a good and loyal friend. He is diligent and responsible, devoid of rancor.

  • Gregory is also a name of Greek origin. Means "not asleep".

One of the oldest Christian names, identified with the qualities of an ideal Christian. Gregory is characterized by the ability to stand up for himself and for his ideals of justice. Boy Gregory in childhood studies the world with curiosity, and growing up, he knows how to weigh words so as not to offend people.

  • Ivan is a common Orthodox name derived from the Hebrew "John", which means "have mercy on God."

May 21st Orthodox Christians all over the world pay homage to the memory of John the Theologian, the closest follower to Christ, who did not abandon Him even during the crucifixion. Ivan is an active boy, with a great will and a difficult character. About Ivanov, we can say for sure that the saying “to be born in May - to suffer all your life” is right. Such people are open, always ready to help, honor traditions and foundations, endure all trials on their way with perseverance.

  • Paul is a name of Latin origin meaning "small".

Pauls are usually sociable and moral people. Such a boy in childhood observes the prohibitions of his parents. Growing up, he becomes a couch potato, calmly walking towards his goal.

  • Cyril - among the ancient Greeks it meant "lord", and from Persian - "sun".

May 24 celebrate the memorable day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, who donated literature to the inhabitants ancient Russia... The boy, whose name is Kirill, is characterized by curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He does not give in to someone else's influence, while he chooses his own path.

The boy's name according to the calendar

In the Orthodox month, there are many options for how to name a boy in accordance with the date of his birthday. Every day in May calendar has several masculine names, so future parents should have no problem choosing. Traditionally, the name was determined according to the calendar as follows:

  • or on the child's birthday;
  • or on the eighth day from birth;
  • or on the fortieth day from birth, when it is supposed to perform the sacrament of baptism.

The mother and father have at least fifteen alternatives for selection. An important point, which must be taken into account - some Orthodox names in the world have a slightly different form. For example, the one named at baptism Dionysius, whose Angel days fall on the 4th, 19th, 25th and 31st, will be called Denis in the world. The same situation is with Yegor, whose baptismal form according to the calendar is George.

Boy names by date of birth

Below we provide a list of Angel days in May so that you can choose a name for your newborn boy according to the calendar:

As you can see, there are a lot of options. If you are guided by the criteria that we talked about above, determining the names according to the calendar, then three dates are highlighted, and then the name of the child is already selected. The main thing here is the desire of the parents, but in case of difficulty, they can turn to a spiritual mentor or priest who will baptize the baby in order to choose a different name.

Choosing a name according to the Orthodox calendar

Many people turn to the calendar when deciding what to call their son. Orthodox holidays to find there a holy righteous patron for the child. This is the right decision, as we have already talked about. There are several major Orthodox holidays in May, the proximity of which to the birth of a child will help you decide on your future name.

  • May 6 - memory of George the Victorious. You can call your son George or Yegor.
  • May 8 - commemoration of the Apostle Mark.
  • May 10 - commemoration of the holy martyr Simeon. The son can be called Semyon.
  • May 13 - memory of Jacob Zebedeev. Modern version name - Yakov.
  • May 15 - memory of St. Athanasius the Great. Also the day of uncovering the relics of the passion-bearers Boris and Gleb. When they were baptized, they were given the names Roman and David, which are very common in recent years.
  • May 21 - memory of John the Evangelist. It is customary to call boys born on this day Ivans.
  • May 24 - Day of Remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In addition, since in the world Cyril was called Constantine, you can call your son so.

These righteous people left a significant mark on the history of Orthodoxy. If one of them becomes the patron saint of your baby, he will always be accompanied by light and good luck in life.

Even before the baby is born, parents begin to think about how to name the baby. The name is given to a person once for a lifetime, so it is important to approach his choice consciously. The name you choose for a girl or boy will largely determine the character and even the fate of a son or daughter. On our site you will learn how to name a child by the sign of the zodiac, how different names combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this or that name for a girl or boy, you will find interesting detailed descriptions of a variety of male and female names.

How to name a child by date of birth

Even carriers of the same name can have completely different tempers and fate, since they are also largely influenced by the day, month and year of the child's birth. Summer Alexandras are significantly different from winter ones, and those born in the year of the Boar Anastasia are completely different from their Teski-Sheep.

After all, any parents would certainly like their children to be happy, harmonious, successful and successful. This is why many of us start thinking ahead of time about how best to name our child.

The influence of the date of birth on the fate of a person has been thought about since ancient times. Today the science of numbers and their meaning in our life has become widespread and popular. Numerologists propose to name the child by the date of his birth, determining the most successful name for her.

In addition, there is an astrological calendar that studies the combination of different names with the signs of the zodiac. Consider also what time of year and what year the baby was born. For example, the character of a spring child needs to be supported by a firm, decisive name, and a gentle, romantic one is more suitable for an autumn one.

How to name a child according to the church calendar

Another simple and very in a convenient way naming a child based on the date of birth is choosing a name according to church calendar... For each day of the year, the church calendar offers several names, the carriers of which celebrate their day of the angel on this day. It is believed that the saints, whose day falls on the same date, will protect the person named after him, and this is important.

If you do not like the name proposed for a specific date, then you can choose one of those whose name days fall on any of the next days after that, but not those preceding it. And may heavenly powers protect your baby!

What name should you choose for your baby? Taking into account fleeting fashion or age-old cultural traditions? Answers in the article. As a bonus: a detailed table with the names of the boys and the indication of the patron saints for January.

The saints are not just a church calendar showing the days of remembrance of the saints and the circle church holidays... This is, first of all, Short story Christianity, since each name in this calendar is associated with some person or event that is important for Orthodoxy.
By naming your baby according to the Holy Calendar, you allow him to become a part of Orthodox traditions.

How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar?

Many parents complain that the names in the Holy Calendar do not always correspond to the desired. In addition, many names in the Holy Calendar are quite dissonant (from the point of view modern man). But this does not mean that parents have no choice.
The name according to the Holy Calendar can be chosen based on several key dates:

  1. On the baby's birthday
  2. For dates between the date of birth and the date of baptism of the child
  3. On the date of the baby's baptism and several days in advance from the date of baptism

Important: our ancestors considered the day of the child's naming the eighth day from the date of his birth.

Choosing a name for a boy according to the Holy Calendar

Agree, having at your disposal 30-40 dates with names, you can always choose a wonderful name for your baby. The main thing is that the fate and deeds of the saint, whose name you are going to name the baby, inspire both him and you for life, full of light, wisdom and creation.

The choice of a name for the youngest member of the family, as a rule, causes heated debate. The wise remark of Theophan the Recluse will reconcile all the relatives and friends of the baby: "Here the matter will be without any human considerations, as God willing: for birthdays are in the hands of God."

Rely on the wisdom of the Elder and open the Holy Calendar and continue reading the article. Below you will find names for boys corresponding to the Orthodox calendar for January. The tables also contain information about the meaning of each name, about its origin and about the patron saints of the name.

Boys' names according to the Holy Calendar - January: meaning, origin, patron saint

January is a harsh month and this cannot but affect the children born this month. Among the virtues of January babies: patience, determination and restraint. You can see the names in other months in the articles: , ,

Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Michael biblical Who is like god Holy Martyr Michael Bogoslovsky, presbyter
Nikita from greek winner Holy Martyr Nikita Belevsky, Bishop
Peter from greek stone, rock Presentation of St. Peter, Metropolitan
Prokop from the Greek Procopius naked sword Blessed Procopius
Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Holy Martyr Sergius Tsvetkov, Deacon (New Martyr)
Theophan from greek Epiphany Saint Theophanes, Bishop of Monemvasia
Filaret from greek loving virtue Saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Kiev
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Basil from greek regal
David from Hebrew. favourite Martyr David Dvinsky, Armenian
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Holy Martyr John Smirnov, Hieromonk (New Martyr)
Makar from greek blissful, happy Holy Martyr Macarius Mironov, Hieromonk (New Martyr)
Naum biblical comforting Saint Naum of Ohrid
Paul from Latin small, junior Venerable Paul of Neocaesarea, bishop, preacher
Basil from greek regal Holy Martyr Basil Spassky, Priest

Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In Orthodox traditions, it is not customary to name children in honor of Jesus Christ. If you nevertheless chose the name Jesus for your son, then the holy righteous Joshua will become the patron saint of the baby (but the date of the name day will not be January 7!)

Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Volkov, Priest (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Krylov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Basil from greek regal Venerable Martyr Vasily Mazurenko, Hieromonk (New Martyr)
Gregory from greek awake Holy Martyr Gregory Serbarinov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
David biblical favourite Reverend David
Dmitriy from greek belonging to Demeter Holy Martyr Demetrius Chistoserdov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

from Euthymius,

from greek

pious Holy Martyr Euthymius of Sardis, Bishop
Joseph biblical God will increase Apostle Joseph Barsava
Konstantin from greek permanent, persistent Monk Constantine of Synadia (Phrygian)
Leonid from greek from a lion Holy Martyr Leonid Antoshchenko, Bishop of Mari (New Martyr)
Michael biblical who like god

1. Holy Martyr Mikhail Smirnov, Deacon (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Mikhail Cheltsov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Nicodemus from greek victorious people Venerable Nicodemus of Tismansky, Romanian
Nikolay from greek conqueror of nations

1. Holy Martyr Nicholas Zalessky, Priest

2. Holy Martyr Nikolai Tarbeev, priest

Osip from the biblical Joseph God will increase
Jacob from the biblical Jacob on the heels
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Tsitseronov, Priest (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Dagayev, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Arkady from greek resident of Arcadia Holy Martyr Arkady Reshetnikov, Deacon (New Martyr)
Dorotheus from greek God's gift Holy Martyr Dorotheos Melitinsky
Efim from the Greek Euthymius pious Martyr Euthymius of Nicomedia
Ignat from Latin fiery Venerable Ignatius of Lomsky, Yaroslavl
Leonid from greek from a lion Holy Martyr Leonid Vmktorov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Nikanor from greek contemplating victory Holy Martyr Nicanor, apostle from 70
Nicodemus from greek conquering people Holy Martyr Nicodemus of Belgorod, Bishop (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Venerable John of the Caves, monk
Benjamin from the Hebrew Benjamin son of the right hand, beloved son Venerable Benjamin
Georgy / Egor from greek cultivator Saint George of Nicomedia, Bishop
Laurus, Lawrence laurel tree Venerable Lawrence of Chernigov
Mark from Latin hammer Reverend Mark of Pechersk
Thaddeus Greek / Hebrew gift of god / praise Venerable Thaddeus the Confessor
Theophilus from greek godly

1. The Monk Theophlus of the Caves, recluse

2. The Monk Theophilus of Omuch

Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Organov, Priest (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Trapitsyn, Archbishop (New Martyr)

Bohdan from the Greek Theodotus God-given Holy Martyr Theodotus
Basil from greek regal

1. Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia

2. Holy Martyr Basil of Ankyria (Caesarea)

Vyacheslav from Old Slavs. most glorious Holy Martyr Viacheslav Infantov, Priest (New Martyr)
Gregory from greek awake Saint Gregory Nazianzen the Elder (Theologian), Bishop
Eremey from the Hebrew Jeremiah exalted by God / may the Lord exalt Monk Martyr Jerimiah Leonov, monk (new martyr)
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy

1. Holy Martyr John Suldin, Priest (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr John Smirnov, Priest (New Martyr)

Michael biblical Who is like god Holy Martyr Michael Bleive, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Nikolay from greek conqueror of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Bezhanitsky, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Peter from greek stone, rock Martyr Peter of the Peloponnesian
Plato from greek wide Holy Martyr Plato (Kulbush) Revelsky, Bishop (New Martyr)
Trofim from greek breadwinner Holy Martyr Trofim Myachin, Priest (New Martyr)
Theodosius from Greek Theodosius God-given Venerable Theodosius of Triglia, abbot
Jacob from the biblical Jacob on the heels Holy Martyr Jacob Alferov, Priest (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Basil from greek regal Martyr Vasily Petrov (new martyr)
Kozma from greek world order, universe Saint Cosmas of Constantinople, Archbishop
Mark from Latin hammer Reverend Mark the Deaf
Modest from Latin modest, unpretentious Holy Martyr Modest
Peter from greek stone, rock Monk Peter of Rome
Seraphim from Hebrew fire Angel Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, miracle worker
Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Holy Martyr Sergius
Sidor from Isidore gift of isis Blessed Righteous Isidore
Sylvester from latin forest Saint Sylvester, Pope
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander, Bishop

2. Holy Martyr Alexander of Skalsky, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Aristarch from greek best boss Holy Martyr Aristarchus of Alamea, Bishop
Artem / Artemy from greek healthy, unharmed Apostle of 70 Artem Listriysky, bishop
Arkhip from greek chief rider Apostle of 70 Archippus
Afanasy from greek immortal Venerable Athanasius of Syandemsky, Vologda
Denis from the Greek Dionysus God of fertility and winemaking Holy Martyr Dionysius the Areopagite of Athens, Bishop
Efim from the Greek Euthymius pious Venerable Martyr Euthymius of Vatopedi, abbot
Zosimus from greek going Monk Martyr Zosimus of Cilicia, hermit
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Apostle from 70 Joseph Barsava
Carp from greek fetus Apostle of 70 Carp
Clement / Klim

from greek /

from latin

vine / gracious Apostle of 70 Clement, Bishop of Rome
Kondrat / Kondraty from greek square, broad-shouldered Apostle of 70 Kondrat of Athens
Luke from Latin light Apostle from 70 Lucius
Mark from Latin hammer Apostle of 70 Mark John Evangelist, Bishop
Nikolay from greek conqueror of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Maslov, Priest (New Martyr)
Ostap from the Greek Eustathius stable Saint Eustathius the First of Serbia, Archbishop
Paul from Latin small, junior Holy Martyr Pavel Filitsyn, Priest (New Martyr)
Prokhor from greek sang Apostle of 70 Prochorus of Nicomedia, Bishop
Rodion from the Greek Herodium hero, heroic Apostle from 70 Herodion of Patras, bishop
Semyon from Simeon listening

1. Apostle from 70 Simeon of Jerusalem

2. Apostle of 70 Simeon Niger

Stepan from Greek Stephen crown, diadem

1. Apostle of 70 Stephen the First Martyr, Archdeacon

2. Holy Martyr Stephen Ponomarev, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Terenty Roman generic name smooth, polite Apostle of 70 Terenty of Iconica, Bishop
Timofey from greek worshiping god Apostle of 70 Timothy of Ephesus, bishop
Trofim from greek breadwinner Apostle from 70 Trofim
Thaddeus from Greek Theodore gift of god Apostle from 70 Thaddeus
Philip from greek horse lover

1. Apostle from 70 Philip

2. Holy Martyr Philip Grigoriev, Archpriest

Jacob from the biblical Jacob on the heels Apostle from 70 James
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Gregory from greek awake Venerable Gregory of Akrit
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Martyr Joseph Bespalov (New Martyr)
Matvey from the New Testament Matthew bestowed by god Martyr Matthew Gusev (New Martyr)
novel from Latin Roman

1. Venerable Martyr Roman of Karpenisia

2. Holy Martyr Roman Lacedaemon

Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Holy Martyr Sergius Lavrov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Thomas biblical twin Saint Thomas
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Anton From Greek or Latin Holy Martyr Anton of Egypt
Victor from Latin winner Holy Martyr Victor Usov, Priest (New Martyr)
Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Pasternatsky, Archpriest
Georgy / Egor from greek cultivator Rev. George Hozevit
Gregory from greek awake Reverend martyr Gregory of Pechersky, miracle worker
Dmitriy from greek belonging to Demeter Holy Martyr Demetrius Plyyshevsky, Priest
Evgeniy from greek noble Martyr Eugene
Emelyan from greek affectionate, flattering Venerable Emilian of Cyzicus, Venerable
Ilya biblical My god is yahweh Venerable Elijah of Egypt
Michael biblical Who is like god Saint Michael Rozov, priest (new martyr)
Julian / Julius Roman generic name Holy Martyr Julian of Egypt, Abbot
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Zakhar from the biblical Zechariah memory of the Lord / man Martyr Zechariah
Paul from Latin small, junior Holy Martyr Paul Nikolsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Panteley from greek all-merciful Holy Martyr Panteleimon
Peter from greek stone, rock Saint Peter of Sevastia, bishop
Philip from greek horse lover Philip II (Fedor Kolychev) Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Anatoly from greek resident of Anatolia Holy Martyr Anatoly Grisyuk, Metropolitan (New Martyr)
Gregory from greek awake Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop
Zinovy from greek one who lives by the will of Zeus Holy Martyr Zenobius (New Martyr)
Makar from greek blissful, happy Venerable Macarius of Pisemsky
Paul from Latin small, junior Venerable Pavel Obnorsky (Kovelsky)
Peter from greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter the Dormition, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Vitaly from Latin vital Reverend Vitaly Gazsky
Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Fokin, Priest (New Martyr)
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Saint Joseph of Cappadocia
Michael biblical Who is like god Saint Klopsky (Novgorodsky)
Nikolay from greek conqueror of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Matsievsky, Priest (New Martyr)
from Greek Stephen crown, diadem Holy Righteous Stephen
Terenty Roman generic name smooth, polite Holy Martyr Terenty
Fedor from greek God's gift Holy Martyr Theodore Antipinus, priest
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Afanasy from greek immortal Holy Martyr Athanasius
Maksim from Latin greatest Venerable Maxim Kavsokalivit
Nikifor from greek the one who brings victory Venerable Nicephorus
Peter from greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Absalomite (Ani)
Jacob from the biblical Jacob on the heels Venerable Jacob of Nisibia, Bishop
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Adam biblical human Reverend Adam
Andrey from greek courageous Righteous Andrew
Aristarch from greek best boss Righteous Aristarchus
Benjamin from Hebrew Benjamin son of the right hand, beloved son Venerable Benjamin
David from Hebrew. favourite Reverend David
from biblical John God's mercy Confessor John Kevroletin, hieroschemamonk (new martyr)
Ilya biblical My god is yahweh Reverend Elijah
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Venerable Joseph of Raifsky (Analyin)
Isaac biblical he will laugh Reverend Isaac
Makar from greek blissful, happy Venerable Macarius
Mark from Latin hammer Reverend Mark
Moses biblical the one who was taken out of the water Reverend Moses
Paul from Latin small, junior Rev. Paul
Savva from Aramaic old man Reverend Savva
Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Reverend Sergius
Stepan from Greek Stephen crown, diadem Reverend Stephen
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Varlaam from the Chaldean God's Son Venerable Varlaam of Archangel (Keretsky)
Gabriel from the biblical Gabriel God is my strength Venerable Gabriel of Serbia
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Venerable John Kuschnik
Michael biblical Who is like god Holy Martyr Mikhail Samsonov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Paul from Latin small, junior Venerable Paul of Thebes
Prokhor from greek sang Rev. Prokhor Pshinsky
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Anton From Greek or Latin engaging, opposing

1. Reverend Anthony Great

2. Venerable Anthony Dymsky

3. Venerable Anthony of Krasnokholmsky

Victor from Latin winner Holy Martyr Victor Evropytsev, Priest (New Martyr)

George /

from greek cultivator Martyr George
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Saint John of Rostov, Bishop
Paul from Latin small, junior Holy Martyr Paul of the Assumption, Priest (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander Rusinov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Afanasy from greek immortal

1. Prelate a \ Athanasius the Great

2. Venerable Athanasius of Sandem

3. Righteous Athanasius Navolotsky

Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Zubkovich, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Dmitriy from greek belonging to Demeter Reverend Dmitry
Evgeniy from greek noble Holy Martyr Eugene of Isad, Priest (New Martyr)
Emelyan from greek affectionate, flattering Reverend Emelian
Ephraim from Semitic Ephraim prolific Saint Ephraim of Milassky, Bishop
Illarion from greek happy Reverend Hilarion
Kirill from greek Lord Saint Cyril of Radonezh
Maksim from Latin greatest Saint Maximus the New
Michael biblical Who is like god Holy Martyr Mikhail Kargopolov, Priest (New Martyr)
Nikolay from greek conqueror of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Krasovsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Holy Martyr Sergius Lebedev, Priest (New Martyr)

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It is very difficult to choose a name for a baby, since every mother wants to give her child a beautiful, unusual name... There are several ways to guess names, most in an easy way the selection of a name according to the Holy Calendar is considered. First, you need to determine the month of your daughter's birth. Let's imagine that your daughter is ro ...

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A son was born - heir, protector, father's hope and mother's support. Happy parents have to solve an important problem: how to name the baby? Often this issue is resolved in advance. But sometimes disputes and even quarrels arise about this. Everyone understands that the name given to the child, will stay with him for life. It is believed that it determines fate, therefore it is highly undesirable to call a person differently.

Criterias of choice

What are usually guided by parents when choosing a name for a newborn?

  • beautiful sound;
  • this is the name of a relative (grandfather, dad, uncle);
  • the name of a significant man for the family (say, the doctor who saved the lives of the mother and the newborn);
  • Orthodox tradition(names for the boy by months and days);
  • favorite football player, public figure, film hero, singer, world famous person.

Before choosing a name for my little son, adults need to consider several factors:

The baptism of Rus contributed to the fact that children began to be named in honor of the saints who became famous for their deeds. The parents were convinced that through the name a spiritual connection would arise and the Orthodox Great Martyr would become the patron saint of their baby, give him some of his amazing qualities.

Day Angel- the date with which the name of the person in the calendar is related. Sometimes it coincides with the birthday, sometimes it doesn't. The same name may appear several times in the church calendar. Several Orthodox saints fall on the same day. One name can celebrate Angel Day several times a year. For example, Afanasy can be born in both January and November.

How to choose the right name according to the calendar? The Orthodox Church prescribes to call the boy a name corresponding to his birthday or baptism. If for some reason a number of names are not suitable, you can see the eighth or fortieth day from the date of the baby's birth.

Names by month: Orthodox calendar

It will be about the undeservedly forgotten names, which today can only be read in historical or church literature describing the deeds of Orthodox saints. And here they are, forgotten, but nevertheless euphonic and beautiful, are slowly drifting into our everyday life.

And although many parents still call their babies traditionally, babies with retro names are increasingly common.

There are many half-forgotten names in the calendar... Some are found in the middle names of older people. Even now you can hear: Nikanorovich, Antipovich, Prokofievich or Afanasyevich. But such as Vlas, Siluan or Thaddeus, have long gone out of use. And yet, many old names have a right to life.


Among the many birthday people in January beautiful name Seraphim(from the Hebrew "fiery angel"). Angel Day - 15.01.

In Orthodoxy, these angels are closest to God. They are called to kindle in the hearts of people a spark of faith and love for the Almighty.

Seraphim are very active and cheerful people. Erudites who are easily given new knowledge. But sometimes they are frivolous.

Affectionate derivatives: Sima, Fima, Simulya.

Other rare birthday people of January: Timothy, Eutykhiy, Ignat, Nifont, Theogen, Leonty, Siluan, Prokl.


A boy born in February is well called Vladimir, Zakhar, Fedor. The familiar sounding of these names will not bring inconvenience to the child in kindergarten or school.

Fans of antiquity can consider the following options: Arseny, Ippolit, Innokenty, Vsevolod.

V recent times gaining more and more popularity old name Mark... The prevalence is predicted to continue to rise.

Mark from Latin means "hammer". The Church connects him with the personality of the holy preacher, disciple of Peter and the author of the Gospel.

Boy mark- a noisy child, prankster and entertainer, and all because he is used to being in the center of attention. In adult life he is very circumspect: "he won't go uphill, he'd better go around the mountain." Knows how to negotiate and convince.

Affectionately Mark is called Marik or Markusha.

February boys can also be called Fedor, Januarius, Lawrence, Makar, Clement, Seraphim, Palladium.


The first spring month is the name day for Ilya, Mikhail, Lev, Vasily, Bogdan, Athanasius, Vladimir.

Pankraty of Taurus, a disciple of the Apostle Paul, died a martyr's death in the name of Orthodox ideas.

Pankraty has a strong character ... It is quick-tempered and harsh, often conflicts, but is capable of sacrifices and disinterestedness in the name of an idea. He despises conservatism, often criticizes the existing order.

Affectionately he is called Pankrasha, Pane.

Other (unused) names: Jeremiah, Isaiah, Pimen, Titus, Nilus, Nicander.


With regards to April name days, it is worth revealing the secret of the name Lazarus(from the Hebrew "God helped"). Celebrated on April 7.

The Church associates this name with the person of Lazar of Serbia, who died at the hands of the infidels in 1389. The prince was known as an enlightener who carried the ideas of Christianity to his people.

The most striking feature of Lazarus is pride... He is very proud and careful. “Do not trust anyone,” this man lives by this principle. He is capable of achieving common goal sacrifice companions. Lazaris are long-livers, and with age they do not lose their clarity of mind.

Affectionate nicknames: Zarya, Lazarka.

Other birthday people of April: Nikita, Yakov, Vladimir, Veniamin, Savva, Sevastian, Gavrila.


May 5 marks the day of the angel Clement(from Latin "merciful").

In Orthodoxy, Clement of Ankyrsky is known, who for more than 20 years took torment for the faith of Christ, and at the end life path was executed.

The name predetermines Clement's traits such as poise and calm disposition... The man is very kind, both people and animals are drawn to him. Leads a healthy lifestyle and often associates his activities with sports and coaching.

Other variants of the name: Klim, Klimushka, Klimusha.

Also in May is the day of the angel at Isaac, Vsevolod, Plato, Leonty, Philemon, Taras, Kasyan.


The June guys can be named after Timothy, Ippolit, Nikita, George, Luke.

The Orthodox venerate Hilarion the Great, famous for the establishment of monasteries in the Palestinian Desert.

Hilarion's temper is light... He is modest and unassuming, too impressionable when it comes to other people's troubles, although he always keeps his own to himself. There may be a bit of stubbornness and ambition in the character.

Affectionate nicknames: Larik, Laryusha, Laryushka.


Methodius, Vasily, Nikolai, Julian, Gennady, Gabriel, Semyon, Martin, Philip - this is how you can call the boys who were born in July.

July 3 name day at Gleb(a word of Scandinavian origin meaning "favorite of the gods").

In Orthodoxy, the name is associated with the personality of Prince Gleb (brothers Boris and Gleb, who were martyred).

The man named Gleb has a strong character. He is confident and focused. Differs in the absence of vanity, reliability and thrift. Gleb can be stubborn and slow, lack a sense of humor.

Variants of the name: Glebushka, Glebka.


Those boys who were born in August can be called Tikhon, Ivan, Kuzma, Efim, Trofim, Nikolai, Makar, Rodion, Moisey, Prokhor, Pakhom, Seraphim, Semyon.

Prophet Elisha, as teaches Orthodox Church, all his life he spoke to the Israelites about the true God.

The person bearing this name is smart and energetic. And although he has a very finely developed intuition, he is a good analyst. Elisha is also charming, noble, capable of strong, lofty feelings. He is sometimes selfish and ambitious.

Variants of the name: Leseyka, Yelesya, Eliseyka, Lesya.


The first autumn month, among others, has such birthday people: Fedor, Victor, Karl, Joseph, Samuel, Isaac, Ignat.

The Church venerates Euthymius of Thessaloniki, who in early age renounced worldly life, devoted all his deeds to strengthening the ideas of Christianity.

The boy who got this name is growing creative personality ... He is a visionary, emotional and artistic. The man Yefim loves to cook and values ​​his family and home very much, he is often suspicious and jealous.

Affectionate nicknames: Fima, Efimka, Efimchik, Efima.


October kids can be called Benjamin, Valentine, Matthew, Constantine, Herman, Ipatius, Dionysius, Joseph.

Name the baby born on October 10 Aristarchus... The name comes from Greek and translates as "leader of the best."

The Orthodox venerate the great martyr Aristarchus - a like-minded person. He was a bishop, died in Rome, remaining faithful to Christian postulates.

Aristarchus is a courageous and straightforward man, intolerant of guile, good leader... For friends, he will throw himself into fire and water, knows how to defend his opinion, can be an active participant and organizer of all kinds of rallies, marches and strikes. Reacts sharply to injustice, is ready to eradicate evil.

Affectionately Aristarchus is called Stasha, Aristia, and in short - Rice.


This gloomy autumn month, as it were, compensates its sons for the ugliness of everyday life, rewarding them with bright, "sunny" character traits. Children of November are easily carried away dreamers, very kind, sympathetic and amorous.

It is with such a gentle and light character that November bestows Stepan... Moreover, the day of the angel is celebrated on November 10 and 12. Stepan is translated from Greek as "wreath".

Usually small Steps- playful and noisy children. Very inquisitive, they are prone to injury. At school - fidgets and jokers, funny copying others. Adult Stepans are skilled manipulators. They can easily impose their opinion, lead, sincere and generous in love and friendship.

Affectionately can be called Stepushka, Stepanchik, Stepasha, Stepa.


In December, they celebrate the name day Varlaam, Proclus, Filaret, Paramon, Athanasius, Gennady, Nil, Galaktion, Cyril, Thaddeus.

The Great Martyr Plato, a Christian preacher, refused to offer sacrifice to the Roman gods, for which he was tortured and beheaded.

Little Plato is interested in adults. He is very curious and developed beyond his years, and he absorbs knowledge like a sponge.

Adult Plato does not like to work on orders, he is very independent. He is a workaholic, but often argues with his superiors, so he rarely reaches heights in his career. Sometimes it can be manipulated by using the carrot method exclusively. Plato is a kind, generous and hospitable host.

"What do you call a yacht ..."

Inverted last page calendar. Many names flashed before my eyes - beautiful, old, time-tested... And it doesn't matter at all, sunny May outside the window or rainy November. There is no bad weather and no bad names. The only important thing is how a person perceives everything.

What does a name mean for a child:

  • a way of self-identification (to the question: "Who are you?" the child will most likely answer: "I am Dima";
  • connection with family and homeland;
  • identification in society;
  • influences character.

And if dad and mom have chosen an unusual name for their little son, you need to do everything so that the child, and in the future also an adult man, does not hesitate to pronounce it. Tell us about the famous namesakes, tell about the wonderful qualities that are inherent in the name, emphasize its uniqueness. And may your child be happy!