Famous tall buildings. The tallest buildings in the world

When talking about the most big houses planets, they are usually divided into champions in terms of volume (the largest buildings) and area (the most spacious). Today we bring to your attention the second category towers of babel, with record-breaking extensive floor space. Given the development and popularity of air travel and international tourism, it is easy to guess that the most spacious houses are airports and hotels. But there are exceptions, the military and merchants also like it when there are a lot. However, about everything and everyone - in order.

The Grand Prix in the Gigantomania nomination is fairly awarded Dubai International Airport Terminal 3. Everything that the Indians and Pakistanis build for the wealthy Arabians is striking in scope and luxury. Terminal 3 was opened in October 2008 at a cost of $4.5 billion and covers an area of ​​1.5 million square meters (or 150 hectares). This, for comparison, is 5 times more than the Moscow Kremlin. Inside the terminal there are 82 running tracks, 97 escalators, 157 elevators.

(Holland) occupied 990,000 "squares" of precious Dutch land. It is the second largest building in the world and the first in Europe. Every day, many thousands of flowers from all over the world are brought here and sold here. Every second bouquet bought in the underpass is settled.

Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 with an area of ​​986 thousand m 2 was specially built for the 2008 Olympics. Its construction and stuffing cost the PRC 3.5 billion US dollars. The terminal is connected to the subway, on which the journey to the center of the Chinese capital takes about 20 minutes. As planned by the architects, the new terminal looks like a red fiery dragon from the sky, but many observers admit that the shape of the building is more like a girl's thong panties that have been stretched out.

Hotel-Casino Venetian in the city of Macau, the gambling capital of Asia, has 40 floors with a simply obscene level of luxury. At the service of millionaires, Venetian offers 3,000 multi-room rooms, 3,400 slot machines, 800 tables for gambling. This is the largest hotel in Eurasia, and one night costs at least $180, which is not too expensive for such chic.

In Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) - a complex of American-style skyscrapers (203 meters high), with an area of ​​700 thousand m 2. This "city within a city" is considered the most massive building built "in one time". Inside Berjaya Times Square, there are two five-star hotels, a huge shopping center and amusement park, residential residences and offices.

The hotel and casino is owned by the American Automobile Association (abbr. AAA, not to be confused with batteries and anonymous alkonauts). The area is 645 thousand "squares". The money bag resort opened in January 2008 at a cost of $1.8 billion. The building houses America's most luxurious auto shop, where you can touch and buy such cool and expensive cars as Lamborghini, Bugatti, Saline and Spiker.

In 7th place in the list of the most spacious houses on the planet is the well-known. The US Department of Defense building is famous for its area of ​​610,000 m 2 , it is the most crowded office building on Earth. The Pentagon employs 23,000 civil servants with and without uniforms, as well as 3,000 service personnel. These people drink 5,000 cups of coffee a day and go to 234 toilets. The perimeter of the Pentagon is one and a half kilometers, there are 7754 windows in its five above-ground floors.

Object K-25 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee - the 8th largest building in the world (60 hectares), a former uranium enrichment plant. K-25 was built simultaneously with the Pentagon and is designed for 12,000 jobs. In 1987, the K-25 facility was officially closed, work on the deconstruction and decontamination of the nuclear plant continues to this day, because this is a difficult and dreary business, but it still needs to be done.

Hong Kong International Airport occupies the 9th place and 570 thousand m 2. Among the locals, he is known by the exotic name of Chek Lap Kok. This is one of the busiest airports in the world in terms of passenger and cargo traffic, it has repeatedly won prizes as the best airport in the world. The $20 billion airport was built on an artificial island in 1998 and is still considered China's main air gateway to this day.

And in 10th place in the ranking of unusually spacious buildings - another Asian miracle. This is again an airport and it is called. The location is the city of Bangkok. Area - 56.3 hectares. In addition to being in the "top ten", Suvarnabhumi is proud of the world's highest aviation control tower (132 m), as well as two parallel runways that allow you to receive and send aircraft at the same time. They say that during the construction of the airport, Thai officials received just insane kickbacks, and this is also a record.

, there are other criteria. Let's talk about them.

To have something to compare

When it comes to talking about large areas, they are often compared to a football field. This is convenient, but not always accurate, as it often forgets to indicate what size field is meant. We will not measure the buildings in our selection of football fields, but to make it easier for you to imagine their scale, we indicate here that the world's main football organization FIFA recommends that matches be played on a 7,140 sq. m (i.e. 0.714 ha) and 105 × 68 m in size.

Here we will give two other landmarks: Red Square in Moscow has an area of ​​​​approximately 2.5 hectares (approximately 330 × 75 m), and Palace Square in St. Petersburg - 5.4 hectares. Recall that there are 10,000 square meters in one hectare.

By volume

Here the undisputed leader is the plant of the company Boeing in Everett, pc. Washington (USA). Its volume is 13,385,378 cubic meters. m, and the area - 399,480 sq. m (number three in the world in terms of base area). This giant, almost a kilometer long, 500 meters wide and five-story building c high (to accommodate more than 20-meter keels of airliners and still have room) was built in 1966–1968, when Boeing started producing Boeing 747. Even today, the largest aircraft of the company are assembled there, and many pieces at the same time. Up to 30 thousand people work at the plant under the light of one million lamps.

“This building is so large that clouds gather under the roof and rain comes out of them,” they say on the Internet. This is a myth: the building is well ventilated, and despite Washington State's humid and cool climate, advanced modern airliners assemble in dry and fairly comfortable conditions.

Number two in the world in terms of volume is the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca: almost half that in volume, about 8 million cubic meters. But number three (5.6 million cubic meters) is also an aircraft plant, and it belongs to the main competitor Boeing, companies Airbus. At the factory named after Jean-Luc Lagardaire in Toulouse (France) they assemble the largest airliner in the world - A380.

Al-Haram Mosque can hold up to 4 million people during Hajj

Worthy of special mention Aereum- a hangar built in the mid-1990s by a German company Cargolifter AG 50 km south of Berlin for the construction of airships. This dome, 360 × 210 meters in size and up to 107 m high (it will easily fit St. Basil's Cathedral from Red Square - with all the turrets, domes and basement, and there will still be room) covers the world's largest undivided space - a volume of 5.2 million cubic meters. Business Cargolifter AG didn’t go, so in 2004 a year-round tropical theme park was opened here with groves, ponds and waterfalls. It is called Tropical Island Resort.

The park is open around the clock - you can stay there even for the night

By area on a piece of land

Here we are talking about exactly how much land the building occupies. According to this indicator, number one - Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer, a building in the Dutch city of Aalsmeer, where a flower auction is held every morning from Monday to Friday. Millions of flowers from all over the world are brought annually to this 700 x 750 m structure with an area (on the surface) of half a million square meters, most resembling a warehouse about two stories high. Here they are sold, bought and immediately set off again, since the Amsterdam airport is nearby and the seaports are nearby.

About 20 million flowers pass through this building every day.

Number two - with a slight lag - the automaker's factory Tesla in Fremont, pcs. California: about 427 thousand square meters m. In general, among the largest buildings in terms of area on the surface there are a lot of logistics centers and warehouses. The top ten largest facilities in the world by this indicator, in addition to those mentioned, also include logistics centers Michelin, Nike and John Deere(all in USA). This is logical: products that are ready to be shipped around the world are easiest to place just in such long and flat spaces.

By total floor area

Unlike the previous paragraph, this takes into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the premises of the structure. And Asia is the leader here: the largest building in the world by this indicator is located in China, in the city of Chengdu. This is the Global Center New century» with an area of ​​about 1.76 million sq. m. For comparison: the total area of ​​​​the premises of the Aviapark shopping center, one of the largest in Moscow, is about 460 thousand square meters. m. The length of the "New Age" is 500 meters, the width is 400 meters, the height is 100 meters, and inside, in addition to cinema and hotel shops, there are also offices, a contemporary art center and a water park with an artificial beach (giant screens depict sunrises and sunsets) .

The cyclopean complex in the new area of ​​Chengdu was built in three years - from 2010 to 2013

The main competitors of such complexes around the world are airports. So, number two in terms of total area of ​​premises is the terminal of the 3rd Dubai International Airport in the UAE with an indicator of 1.71 million square meters. m. It was built with the expectation of serving up to 43 million people (this is more than the entire Sheremetyevo Airport in 2017), despite the fact that only two airlines use the terminal - the local Emirates and Australian Qantas. Another top ten (in sixth position) is Beijing Capital Airport Terminal 3 (also known as Beijing Capital). It is noteworthy that the leader in the previous category - the flower auction building in Aalsmeer - entered the top five in this one too: the usable area of ​​the building is almost twice as large as the area on the surface - 990,000 thousand square meters. m.

Special categories

Speaking of the most large buildings and buildings in the world, it is impossible not to mention a few more. Let's say - the largest structure ever built on the planet, stretching for 9 thousand kilometers through China (its total length - with all branches - is even more: 21 thousand kilometers).

Most high building on the planet today is the 828-meter Burj Khalifa in Dubai (UAE).

Carry honorary title The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, apparently does not last long: in 2020, in the same emirate of Dubai, it is planned to open a building 100 meters higher. And if everything goes according to plan, then at the other end of the Arabian Peninsula, in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) in the same year, a tower with a height of 1004 meters will be completed

The heaviest building in the world - to readers Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest (Romania). It weighs over 4 billion kilograms. It was laid in 1984 by order of the dictator Ceausescu in the center of Bucharest, destroying a significant part of the historical buildings of the city and even tearing down the hill, and it took more than ten years to build. Today it houses, in addition to the Romanian Parliament, a museum of modern art, several government agencies. At the same time, the building is only 70% occupied and, apparently, in in full will never be used.

Photo: Maurice King / en.wikipedia.org, julhandiarso / Getty Images, Tropical Islands Resort / en.wikipedia.org, Visions Of Our Land / Getty Images, Sino Images / Getty Images, Momentaryawe.com / Getty Images

The largest building in the world by mass, but the second tallest May 6th, 2013

We are very much with you. However, I heard about this building for the first time. And it's practically a record holder! See how times change and new objects appear right before your eyes!

The Abraj Al-Beit Towers is also known as "Makkah Clock Royal Tower" and is a huge residential complex located in Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The building is unique in that it holds several world records in marine construction. Among them: the tallest hotel in the world, the tallest clock tower in the world and the largest clock, the largest building in the world in terms of area, the second tallest building in the world after Burj Dubai. The building complex was built a few meters from the largest Islamic mosque - Masjid al Haram.

It is the largest (but not the tallest) structure in the world by mass, it is also the tallest structure in Saudi Arabia and the second in the world after the Burj Khalifa.

That's how it all started!

When completed, it will be the tallest freestanding tower, the tallest building in Saudi Arabia, the largest and tallest hotel in the world, with a planned height of 601 meters. The area of ​​the structure will be from 1.500.000 m2. Same as Terminal 3 in Dubai international airport, in United United Arab Emirates which is also under construction. The Abraj Al Beit Towers will surpass the Emirat Park Towers in Dubai, which until then was considered the tallest hotel in the world. A complex of 6 towers, the height of the central (somewhat reminiscent of Big Ben in London) is 525 meters.

The building is located across the road south of the entrance to the Masjid al-Haram, which houses the Kaaba. The most tall tower The complex will serve as a hotel to help provide accommodation for the more than five million pilgrims who visit Mecca each year for the Hajj.

Abraj al-Bayt will have a four-story shopping center and a garage for more than a thousand cars. The residential towers will accommodate residents while two helipads and a conference center will accommodate business guests. In total, up to 100,000 people can be accommodated inside the tower. The project will use clock faces for each side of the tower hotel. The highest residential floor will be located at 450 meters, just below the clock. The dimensions of the dials are 43 × 43 m (141 × 141 m). The roof of the clock is located at a height of 530 meters above the ground. A 71 meter spire will be added to the top of the clock, giving it a total height of 601 meters, making it the second tallest building in the world upon completion, topping Taiwan's Taipei 101.

The tower will house an Islamic museum and a lunar observation center.

The complex is being built by Bin Laden Group, the largest construction company in Saudi Arabia. The clock tower is designed by the German company Premiere Composite Technology, Clock, from the Swiss engineering company Straintec. The total cost of the project is $800 million. The Bin Laden Group was founded by Mohammed bin Laden.

Tower name:
1. Zamzam - a well in Mecca, located on the territory of the Al-Haram mosque. Archangel Gabriel indicated his location to Hagar, Ismail's mother.
2. Hagar - a slave, a servant of Sarah during the childlessness of the latter, who became Abraham's concubine and gave birth to his son Ishmael.
3. Qibla - the direction towards the Kaaba. In Muslim religious practice, worshipers are required to face this direction while praying.
4. Safa - Safa and Marwa - two hills in the courtyard of the mosque al-Haram mentioned in the Koran. During the Hajj, pilgrims climb Safa Hill, turn to face the Kaaba and turn to Allah with a prayer.
5. Makam - An analogue of the Christian Ladder, a spiritual state on the path of self-improvement

More than five million pilgrims visit Mecca every year. There is a hotel in the Royal Tower that can accommodate about 100,000 people. In addition, the towers contain residential apartments, a shopping center, a garage for 800 cars and even 2 helipads.

The construction of Abraj al-Beit was completed in 2012.

In a 5 star Abraj al-Bait 858 rooms served by 76 elevators, also designed to provide quick access to the holy mosque of Al Haram for prayers.

Due to its proximity to Holy Kaaba, the holiest site of Islam, Abraj al-Bait will become a "beacon for pilgrims", guests will also be able to visit the museum of Islamic icons and art objects designed to develop cultural heritage region.

To the complex Abraj al-Bait includes three luxury hotels with luxury suites, a four-story shopping mall, two helipads and a conference center.

The hotel has nine restaurants, where you can experience the taste of both Indian and Lebanese cuisine, as well as taste the grilled steak.

Washne is home to the Lunar Observatory and the Museum of Islam. It is located in a huge complex. Abraj al-Bait, which is part of the development project of King Abdulaziz, aimed at modernizing the surrounding area Mecca and Medina.

The Meccan clock is located on the Royal Clock Tower of the complex. high-rise buildings Abraj al-Bait (Abraj Al-Bait), which is located almost opposite the main shrines of Islam Al-Haram Mosque and the Kaaba house. All the buildings of Abraj al-Bayt are five-star hotels where wealthy Muslim pilgrims on Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, stay.

It is worth telling a little more about the complex of high-rise buildings Abraj al-Beit. This complex was built by Saudi Arabia's largest construction company Saudi Binladin Group in 2012. The complex, which cost approximately $15 billion to build, is itself the largest hotel in the world, with a capacity of 100,000 guests. In addition, the complex is the most massive structure in the world and the most tall building in Saudi Arabia. The height of its Royal Clock Tower is 601 meters and in height this building is inferior to only one building in the world - the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai.

The total height of the Royal Clock Tower also includes the height of the 70-meter spire, which is crowned with an Islamic crescent. By the way, this spire is used to track the moon during the Islamic holiday of Ramadan. But, in addition to all of the above, this tower has another technological miracle - the world's largest clock, designed by the Swiss company Straintec.

Each of the four dials of this watch, located at a height of about 400 meters, has a diameter of 43 meters and consists of 98 million glass mosaic pieces. The dials, hour hands, 17 meters long, and minute hands, 22 meters long, are illuminated by two million green and white color. In addition, another 21,000 LEDs form a kind of information board, which displays calls for each of the five daily prayers. Thanks to high altitude the location of these watches, the light from their dials and additional displays is visible in good weather at a distance of about 30 kilometers.

In a previous article, we discussed the tallest skyscrapers in Russia. Unfortunately, now none of the skyscrapers erected in the country is among the ten tallest buildings in the world. Therefore, until the completion of the construction of the Lakhta Center (hello to the commentators of the previous article), we will talk about skyscrapers in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, China, the USA, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

willis tower

The oldest of the ten tallest skyscrapers in the world today was built in 1974 in Chicago. Its height is 442 meters without the spire, with the spire - 527 meters. In the Russian-language Wikipedia, the Willis Tower is ranked 11th, but this is somewhat incorrect: the Lakhta Center, which has already been ranked 8th in the ranking, will be completed in 2018.

Just think: in forty years, only nine skyscrapers in the world have surpassed the 108-story Willis Tower in Chicago, and in the United States, only the Freedom Tower, opened in 2014, beat this result.

The skyscraper was designed by the architectural bureau Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, which later erected both the Freedom Tower and the tallest building at the moment, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The building was originally called the Sears Tower, and the Willis name was given in 2009. The foundation of the Willis Tower rests on concrete piles driven into solid rock. The frame consists of nine square "tubes" forming one large square at the base. Each such "pipe" consists of 20 vertical beams and many horizontal ones. All nine "pipes" are welded up to the 50th floor, then seven pipes go up to 66, five remain to the 90th floor, and the remaining two "pipes" rise another 20 floors. What exactly it looks like is clear from a 1971 photograph.

The worker stands on the spire of the tower.

Willis Tower is on the right in this photo, with two spiers.

Zifeng Tower

In Chinese Nanjing, until the middle of the 19th century, there was a Porcelain Pagoda, Buddhist temple 78 meters high. Travelers described it as one of the wonders of the world. It was replaced by the Zifeng skyscraper.

The construction of the 450-meter Zifeng high-rise building was completed in 2009. It is the business center of the city. It houses offices, shops, shopping centers, restaurants and an observatory. In total - 89 floors.

Work on the construction of the tower lasted only four years. In the process, the project was changed: the tower could have a height of 300 meters. For China, where the population density is extremely high, effective use land is extremely important. The triangular construction site was used to the maximum: the skyscraper has triangular base.

The idea of ​​the architects was to interweave the motifs of Chinese dragons, the Yangtze River and green gardens. The river is the vertical and horizontal seams separating the glass surfaces. These surfaces themselves, according to architectural thought, are a reference to dancing dragons. Vegetation and pools were placed inside the building.

View of the city from the spire on a skyscraper.

petronas towers

In the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, in 1998, skyscrapers were erected called the Petronas Towers. The height of the two 88-storey skyscrapers is 451 meters, including the spire.

The skyscraper was built in the "Islamic" style, each building is an eight-pointed star with semicircular ledges for stability. The construction site was changed after geological surveys. Initially, one skyscraper was supposed to stand on limestone, the other on rock, so one of the buildings could sag. The site was moved 60 meters. The foundation of the towers is currently the deepest concrete foundation: the piles are driven 100 meters into the soft ground.

Construction was complicated important condition: only domestically produced materials could be used. Especially for the building, they developed durable elastic concrete, reinforced with quartz and comparable in strength to steel. The mass of the skyscraper turned out to be twice that of similar steel buildings.

The bridge between the twin towers is fixed with ball bearings. Rigid fastening is impossible, as the towers sway.

The elevators in the building are two-story models designed by Otis. One cabin stops only on odd floors, the second - on even ones. This allowed to save space inside the skyscrapers.

International Commerce Center

The 118 floors of the Hong Kong International Commerce Center house offices, a hotel and shopping malls. The height of the building is 484 meters. It was originally planned to build a skyscraper with a height of 574 meters, but the project was changed due to a ban on the construction of buildings higher than Mount Victoria.

Construction was completed in 2010, but there was no official opening: tenants were already using the building with might and main. From floors 102 to 118, it is the highest above ground hotel operated by the Ritz-Carlton. On the last, 118th floor, there is the highest swimming pool in the world.

In 2008, China built the Shanghai World Financial Center, a neighbor of the Shanghai Tower. The height of the 101-storey building is 492 meters, although 460 meters were originally planned. The building housed a hotel, conference rooms, offices, shops and a museum.

The building can withstand earthquakes up to seven points, has fire-protected floors. After the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, the design of the building was finalized so that it could withstand a direct hit by an aircraft.

Due to its silhouette, the skyscraper got the name "opener". The trapezoidal opening at the top was supposed to be spherical, but the Chinese government forced the design to be changed so that the building did not resemble the rising sun on the Japanese flag. Such changes made it possible to reduce the cost and simplify the design. This was the plan for the upper part of the building:

Here is the result:

Taipei 101

Taiwan's capital, Taipei, boasts a skyscraper over half a kilometer tall. Together with the spire, Taipei 101 is 509.2 meters tall and has 101 floors.

Taipei 101 for some time was also distinguished by the fastest elevators in the world: they rise at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour, or 16.83 meters per second. From the fifth to the eighty-ninth floor, people rise in 39 seconds. Now new record belongs to the Shanghai Tower.

On the 87th and 88th floors there is a 660-ton steel pendulum ball. This architectural solution made not only to decorate the interior. The pendulum allows the building to compensate for gusts of wind. A strong but not rigid steel frame withstands strongest earthquakes. These solutions, together with a foundation of piles one and a half meters in diameter, driven 80 meters into the ground, made the building one of the safest in the world. On March 31, 2002, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake destroyed two cranes on the building and killed five people. The tower itself was not damaged. But there is a theory that it was the skyscraper that activated the seismic activity.

Freedom Tower

World Trade Center 1 in Manhattan, New York, overtook its pursuer in the face of Taipei 101 by 32 meters on the spire, although if you count the distance from the ground to the roof, the American Freedom Tower, on the contrary, loses to the Taiwanese tower by 37 meters. The height of the World Trade Center 1 is 541.3 meters along the spire and 417 meters along the roof.

The building stands on the site that was occupied by the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, which were destroyed as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. When designing WTC1, the experience of the past was taken into account, and the lower 57 meters were made using concrete instead of the standard steel structure.

The building officially opened on November 3, 2014. It is occupied by offices, marketplaces, restaurants and the City Television Alliance.

Royal clock tower

In Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in 2012, a complex of high-rise buildings of the Tower of the House was built opposite the entrance to the al-Haram mosque, where the main shrine of Islam, the Kaaba, is located. The tallest building in the complex is the Royal Clock Tower Hotel with a height of 601 meters. It is designed to accommodate up to one hundred thousand pilgrims out of the five million people who visit Mecca every year. The Royal Clock Tower is the third tallest building in the world.

On the tower at a height of 400 meters there are four dials with a diameter of 43 meters. They are visible from any part of the city. This is the highest altitude clock in the world at the moment.

The length of the spire at the top of the hotel is 45 meters. The spire has 160 loudspeakers for the call to prayer. The 107-ton crescent at the very top of the building has several rooms, one of which is a prayer room.

The tower has 21,000 flashing lights and 2.2 million LEDs.

shanghai tower

The second tallest skyscraper is located in China. This is the Shanghai Tower, a building with a height of 632 meters, adjacent to another skyscraper from the list - the Shanghai World Financial Center. Offices, shopping and entertainment centers, and a hotel were placed on 130 floors.

The elevators in the building were developed by Mitsubishi Electric. Their speed is 18 meters per second, or 69 kilometers per hour. At the moment, these are the fastest elevators in the world. There are three such elevators in the building, four more two-story elevators develop a speed of 10 meters per second.

beautiful view you should not expect from the windows of a skyscraper. The building has double walls and a second shell designed to keep the temperature in.

The tower has a twisted design, which adds stability to fight the wind.

This view shows a spiral trough for collecting rainwater used for heating and air conditioning.

Burj Khalifa

Opened in 2010 in Dubai, UAE, the Burj Khalifa tower overtook all existing skyscrapers and is still the leader in height.

The tower was designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, the architects behind the Willis Tower and 1 World Trade Center we talked about earlier. Built the Dubai Tower Samsung, which also participated in the construction of the Petronas Towers. There are 57 elevators in the building, you need to use them with transfers - only one service elevator can go up to last floor.

The tower houses the Armani Hotel, which was designed by Giorgio Armani himself, apartments, offices, shopping centers, fitness centers and observation decks with jacuzzis. Indian billionaire B.R. Shetty purchased two floors in their entirety, including the 100th floor, at a cost of over US$12 million each.

As with the Petronas Towers, the world's tallest skyscraper has its own special kind concrete. It can withstand temperatures up to 48 degrees Celsius. During construction, concrete was laid at night, adding ice to the solution. The builders did not have the opportunity to fix the foundation in the rocky soil, and they used two hundred piles 45 meters long and 1.5 meters in diameter.

If the Shanghai Tower has a gutter for collecting rainwater, then in the case of the Burj Khalifa tower, this approach is not needed: there is little rainfall in the desert. Instead, the building has a condensate collection system that collects up to 40 million liters of water per year for watering plants.

During the filming of Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Tom Cruise decided to climb the tower to write Katie Holmes's name on it and get a great shot.

Planned buildings

At the moment, there are only two building projects that can take the first line in the ranking of the tallest skyscrapers in the world.

At 828 meters high, the Burj Khalifa doesn't seem as impressive compared to the Dubai Creek Harbor Tower project. Its height on the roof will be 928 meters - that is, it will already beat the current record by 100 meters. And the height along the spire will completely exceed one kilometer - it will reach 1014 meters. But this is not certain - the parameters of the building are kept secret. Like the Eiffel Tower, the Dubai Creek Harbor Tower will be open for World Expo 2020 if all goes according to plan. The foundation was laid on October 10, 2016. Add tags

Did you know that a skyscraper is a building with a minimum height of at least 150 m. Below is a list of the ten tallest buildings in the world.

Willis Tower - 443.2 m

The Willis Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower, is a skyscraper located in Chicago, Illinois, USA. This 110-story structure, taking into account the two spiers, has a height of 527 meters and from the time of its construction in 1973 to 1998 was the tallest building in the world. Its area is equivalent to 57 football fields and is 323,000 m². About a million people visit the Willis Tower observation deck each year, making the skyscraper one of Chicago's most popular tourist attractions.

Nanjing Greenland - 450 m

Nanjing Greenland is the most high skyscraper Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China. Its construction started in 2005 and completed in 2009. Inside the skyscraper are numerous offices, shops, restaurants and a 500-room hotel. There is an observation deck on the 72nd floor. The area of ​​this 89-storey building is 18,721 square meters.

Petronas Towers - 451.9 m

In eighth place in the list of the tallest buildings in the world are the Petronas Towers - 88-story twin skyscrapers located in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. From 1998 to 2004 they were the tallest buildings in the world. Currently the tallest twin towers. The total area of ​​skyscrapers is 213,750 m², which is equivalent to 48 football fields.

International Commerce Center - 484 m

The International Commerce Center is a 118-story skyscraper located in the Kowloon area of ​​Hong Kong, People's Republic of China. Its construction began in 2002 and completed in 2010. top buildings from 102 to 118 floors inclusive is occupied by a five-star hotel managed by the Ritz-Carlton. The hotel is 425 meters above the ground, making it the tallest hotel in the world.

Shanghai World Financial Center - 492 m

The Shanghai World Financial Center, informally known as the Opener, is a 101-story skyscraper located in the Pudong District of Shanghai, China. It is the second tallest building in China. Its area is 377,300 m². It was opened to the public on August 28, 2008. The Shanghai World Financial Center has the highest observation deck in the world, located at a height of 472 meters above the ground.

Taipei 101 - 509.2 m

Taipei 101 is a 101-story skyscraper worth $1.7 billion. Located in Taipei, the capital of the Republic of China. From 2004 to 2010 it was the tallest building in the world. Its construction began in 1999 and was completed on December 1, 2004. This skyscraper houses some of the fastest elevators in the world, which can rise from the 1st to the 89th floor in 39 seconds at a speed of 63 km/h.

World Trade Center 1 - 541.3 m

World Trade Center 1 or Freedom Tower is a 104-story skyscraper located in New York, USA. Is the most tall skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere, as well as the tallest office building in the world. It was built on May 10, 2013 on the site where the infamous twin towers were located, destroyed on September 11, 2001.

Abraj al-Beit - 601 m

Shanghai tower - 632 m

The second place in the ranking of the tallest buildings in the world is occupied by the "Shanghai Tower" - a 128-story skyscraper located in Pudong, Shanghai, China. Its $2.2 billion construction began in 2008 and was completed in 2014. The total area of ​​the building is 380,000 square meters.

Burj Khalifa - 828 m

The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa. This is a 163-story skyscraper located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Its construction, costing about $1.5 billion, began on September 21, 2004 and was officially completed on January 4, 2010. This modern architectural wonder of the world is part of the newly built Downtown Dubai complex, located next to the city's main shopping area. Since May 19, 2008, the Burj Khalifa has been the tallest building in the world that has ever been built by man.

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