Formation of a commander administrative system. Formation of the administrative command system

History of the economy: Tutorial Shevchuk Denis Alexandrovich

7.5. Conditions for the formation of a command and administrative system of the Russian economy

At the end of the Xi-early twentieth century. The country has "state capitalism".

"State Capitalism" is a special system of economic management, combining the rigid bureaucratic centralism of state power with the increased force and independence of private capital, combined into large unions and syndicates, as well as a liberal opposition, consisting mainly of the intelligentsia and based on the State Duma.

The reasons for the formation of the system of "state capitalism" in Russia:

1) slow pace of development;

2) insufficient incentives for entrepreneurship;

3) mobilization path of development;

4) the connection of the development of industry with state orders;

5) the duality of the socio-economic structure: industrial capitalism and archaic agriculture;

6) the narrowness of the domestic market and the instability of the financial system.

The desire for macroeconomic regulation was not a specific Russian feature. However, the forms of its manifestation in our country had their own specifics. Before the beginning of the XX century. Their main characteristic was the class. For example, the state industry developed mainly in the interests of the nobility. In the 90s, the main focus is already on the development of private entrepreneurship, the regulation of which is carried out through the system of state promenade. World War sharply strengthened the need to coordinate all participants in economic life. The formation of a centralized regulation system was carried out both "from above" by creating special government agencies to solve the problems of the military economy and "below" through the activities of representatives of private capital. There was a third force: left parties and public organizations affecting the formation of public opinion in the country. Between 1914 and 1929. were tested various options Direct state intervention in the implementation of the economic process in order to plan its systematic regulation.

During the war years, the framework of centralized regulation was composed of four special meetings formed in August 1915 - on defense, transportation, fuel and food. They had broad powers and were headed by leading members of the government, whose indications were subject to utmost execution. Special meetings relied on an extensive network of regional and local authorities.

In the case of the emergence of interdepartmental friction, "sustaining" was created with the participation of the Minister of Internal Affairs. Already during this period, there are features inherent in the Russian model of the Command-Administrative System:

1) the multiplicity of regulatory authorities;

2) the main function is equipped with distribution (the introduction of state monopolies on bread, coal, sugar, oil and cotton);

3) coverage of the lack of financial resources by strengthening direct taxation of the peasantry;

4) an administrative limitation of the growth of agricultural prices with an increase in industrial prices;

5) the creation of a system of state plans, primarily on the harvesting of food.

Despite the measures taken by the government, the economic situation in the country sharpened, which served as one of the factors of the social revolution.

The experience of centralized regulation of the national economy, the provisional government includes two main points: the introduction of a number of state monopolies (on bread, coal and sugar) and an attempt to create an economic center generating a single plan. For this, the Government created the Economic Council.

The practical experience of the implementation of measures gave the result, which is the opposite expected. The ineffective policy was determined by a number of factors: the uniqueness of bureaucratic state Structurestrying to replace the market mechanism for approval of supply and demand; The destruction of the partnership apparatus traditionally serving commodities between the city and the village, which deestives the influence of the village manufacturers of fixing prices for their products, while all other prices grew. Under these conditions, the attention of economists who adhered to various ideological and political orientations, increasingly began to attract general issues systematic regulation of the entire national economy. Two completely different approaches are distinguished.

1. The desire to develop the concept of economic reform using the most important principles of planning (antitrust laws, democratization of production activities, linking national and private interests, integrity and centralism of economic policies).

2. Justification of the use of the state as a force capable of replacing the market and actively intervene in the economic mechanism for its modernization. At the extreme left flank, the supporters of this position were the Bolsheviks, approving the need to bring to the logical end of the trend of the consolidation and monopolization of social production by enforcing syndicating, the nationalization of key spheres of production, attracting workers to the management and organization of working control.

The victory of the October Revolution led to the transformation of the second position in the dominant. However, formed in the early years soviet power Government bodies, such as Highways, largely reproduced the system of centralized industry management during the First World War. The economic policy of this period had a situational character, that is, the nature of responding to what is happening processes. It was expressed in practical steps: the implementation of the land decree (section, and then altered the Earth); The reduction of the nationalization of the financial system (public and private banks) and industrial enterprises to the elemental confiscation, which eventually pushed SNK to make a decision on universal nationalization of large (June 1918), and later (January 1919) of the entire industry, the nationalization of trade with her replacing the forced state-organized distribution and establishment of direct trade between the city and the village (November 1918); Introduction of food scrolls (January 1919) and universal labor obligation, etc. It is obvious that these and other measures were not implemented by the common program, but were carried out exclusively in order to somehow save the remnants of economic ties and focus in their Hands of indispensable resources in conditions of threats and worrying of civil war and intervention. In such conditions, the folk management system was characterized by the following features:

Rigid centralization and lack of effective horizontal ties between vertical formations - Master of Poland and addicts;

The plurality of planned organs, their interdepartmental nature and the elementality of occurrence;

Emphasis on the centralization of distribution functions;

Alienation of the management office of the state from the popular masses and the real economic process.

The reasons for the rapid formation of the administrative and command management system in Soviet Russia:

The support of the new power on the repressive apparatus;

Traditionally strong state intervention in the economy;

Domination of justice ideas in mass consciousness.

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Objective and subjective prerequisites for the formation of a command and administrative system in the USSR

The Command-Administrative Management System is centralized public administration, which forces all enterprises to carry out planned directives (mandatory tasks) with the help of orders and other off-economic methods. Characteristic features of this system are reflected in the scheme.

Command-Administrative Management:

Direct management of enterprises from the center.

Full control of the state for production and distribution.

Management with only administrative-order methods.

Power regime created by I.V. Stalin in the 1930s, got the name of totalitarian. In totalitarianism, at the head of state, one person carrying out the highest power. There are no rights and freedoms, any dissent is suppressed, the same doctrine, which the leader adheres to the only correct proclaimer. But for the existence of totalitarian regime, it was necessary to create a special state system. Stalin created it, and she was called command-administrative. The basis of it was the bureaucratic apparatus, the nomenclature (nomenclature is a circle of officials, the appointment and approval of which refers to the competence of a higher authority). It was in the hands of the nomenclature that all spheres of life of the Soviet society focused.

The administrative and command system resembled the pyramid, at the top of which was the leader, surrounded by the five-six closest associates, together with which he developed the main decisions on the country's internal and foreign policy issues, which later issued a nomenclature in the form of laws and decrees. According to some reports, for all the years of Soviet power, from 1917 to 1991, the number of persons directly participating in the adoption and registration of such cardinal decisions did not exceed 2-3 thousand people. At the base of the pyramid there were millions of ordinary Soviet workers: workers, peasants, intelligentsia.

Prerequisites for the formation of a command and administrative system in the USSR in 1920-30.

For the 30s in the USSR arose in the USSR. The political system was characterized by totalitarianism - the regime that fully subordinates, controls and regulates all spheres of society.

One of the important prerequisites for the formation of this system was a monopoly on the power of one party. Inside the party itself, democratic principles were gradually coagulated, the collective principles of management were weakened. The congresses of VKP (b), party conferences (in 1918-1929 were convened (in 1918-1929. 9 congresses and 9 conferences took place, in 1930-1941 3 congresses and 2 conferences).

In the late 1920s. The crisis of NEP began. The USSR industry did not have time for the development of agriculture. The alternate peasant could not buy money the necessary industrial products for their proceeds from the sale of its products. Sowing areas began to shrink. The government procurement of agricultural products fell, hunger began in the cities. It was possible to overcome the crisis in two ways. Economic plan, supporters of which were N.I. Bukharin, A.I. Rykov and other party like-minded people, provided for foreign investment in soviet economy, market saturation (at the expense of these funds) by industrial goods, gradually launching industries producing TNP (consumer goods). But the implementation of this plan would be stretched for many years and put the USSR dependence on capitalist states. I.V. Stalin and his supporters preferred the method of violent seizure of agricultural products in the peasants, proven during the civil war.

To this end, in 1928 it was decided to hold collectivization? The policy of the Soviet state aimed at the mass creation by violent methods of collective farms. The aim of collectivization was proclaimed: "Elimination of fouls like a class", the socialization of the means of production, centralized management of agriculture, an increase in the effectiveness of agricultural labor, receiving funds to the country's industrialization.

The violent holding of collectivization ensured the inflow of funds for industrialization - the process of creating large machine production, the formation of a new social structure and the transition on this basis from the agricultural society to the industrial. For the first time the slogan of the transition to industrialization proclaimed the HIV All-Russian Party Conference of the Bolsheviks in 1925. The objectives of industrialization were determined: overcoming the technical and economic backwardness of the USSR from developed Western states, the transformation of the country from agrarian in the industrial, the elimination of the backwardness of the agricultural sector of the economy, creating a powerful defense system and strengthening international The provisions of the USSR.

To successfully carry out collectivization and industrialization, it was necessary to keep millions of people in obedience, prevent any manifestations of independence and dissent. To this end, in our country, a mighty repressive system was created, which arose in the years of the Civil War and finally formed in the 1930s. Her foundation amounted to the authorities of the internal affairs? NKVD, who came to the change of the HCHK-OGPU, who gradually came out from under control not only the state, but also the party apparatus, directly obeying only I.V. Stalin.

It should be noted that the Stalinist policy found approval from the main mass of the Communists who joined the party at a time when I.V. Stalin was its Secretary General. These were in our bulk, poorly educated, culturally retarded, politically illiterate people who connect their entry into the party with the ability to make a fast career, get a privileged position. The repression was put forward by the leadership positions of the first secretaries of the Commands, the People's Commissars, Directors of the largest plants of young people at the age of thirty with a small years. That is why in front of the Great Patriotic War among the highest leadership of the country, communities of the armies and military districts, there were too few experienced personnel.

After the defeat of the "right-hand shock" in the party no longer was an open organized opposition. True, there were still separate manifestations of discontent, disagreement with the "General line". But they could no longer change the situation.

The XVII Congress, called the "Congress of the Winners", passed in the absence of any criticism of Stalin, who speakers praised him in every way. They were joined and those present at the congress of former members of opposition groups. At the same time, former oppositionists died in their mistakes, thereby recognizing their final defeat. For the first time in the history of the party, the Congress did not accept the Central Committee of the Department of the General Resolution, but simply suggested "all party organizations to be guided in their work with the provisions and objectives put forward in the report of Comrade Stalin."

Thus, the dictatorship of the party is increasingly turning into the dictatorship of its leader, the cult of his personality is formed.

A characteristic feature of the political system of the 30s. The splitting of the party with the state, the transformation of employees of a partgosapeption (the so-called nomenclature) to the new dominant layer of society. At the same time, the working masses were actually alienated from real power. This is seen by the example of the new Constitution of the USSR, adopted in December 1936. Its text contained many democratic norms: restrictions on the rights of citizens' rights were abolished, universal, direct, equal, secret voting was introduced, broad rights and freedoms were proclaimed, etc. But the constitution did not have a mechanism for their implementation and remained largely in a document? Declaration, sharply dreamed of the real life of that time.

Repressions were one of the most important components of the Public political life of this time in the USSR. They were carried out by the hands of a powerful cartel system, the basis of which was the OGPU organs. Since 1934? The NKVD of the USSR, in whose jurisdiction was a branched system of Gulag. Hard ideological control of society, a monopoly on the media made it possible to implement an image of an internal enemy into public consciousness. Accompany repressions with large-scale propaganda campaigns. The peculiar effect of "addiction" to mass arbitrariness was formed. In the spout of the flywheel repression, the events played a special role on December 1, 1934. On this day, SM was killed in Leningrad. Kirov. On the same day, a resolution was made by the Presidium of the USSR CEC on the procedure for considering accusations in the preparation or commitment of terrorist acts. As a result, no more than 10 days was discharged for these cases, they were considered without a prosecutor and a lawyer, sentences to the highest punishment were executed immediately. Command-administrative methods of management have adversely affected the functioning of the political system of the Soviet society. Its development was contradictory and complex. The main was a contradiction between the democratic form and the bureaucratic essence of the political system. The specified significant extent was associated with a closed nature of the political system of the Soviet society, which was that an exhaustive list of all components of this system was determined in a constitutional manner (first it was the Constitution of the USSR 1936 p., And subsequently - the Constitution of the USSR 1977 under excessive The centralization of the executive power develops a kind of cancer - the bureaucracy of the state apparatus. In this case, officials work formally, they use their positions in personal and mercenary interests. For any bureaucratic apparatus, the irresistent growth of management states is characterized.

In the USSR, totalitarianism as a phenomenon was formed in fact immediately after the formation of the state, in the mid-20s of the 20th century. The totalitarian regime was the only way to consolidate its position in the state and implement all its strategic goals.

Initially, this form of authoritarian rule affected the economic sphere: the Bolsheviks abolished the right of free labor, replacing it with coercion, partially militated the economy and monopolized most enterprises.

To strengthen totalitarian regime, members of the RCP (b) physically destroyed the opposition, thus establishing the sole dominance of their party. For the final formation of totalitarianism, it was necessary to prepare fertile soil in the face of popular humility.

The government began the introduction of the first ideological propaganda, which was to control the media, the inheritance isolation of the country, a single ideological education, as well as in the unification of spiritual life.

The beginning of the Totalitarian Machine of Historians consider the court over Esrars in 1922. For the first time after the October Revolution, according to the official judicial decision, oppositionists were sentenced to shooting. By the end of the 20s, all opposition forces were eliminated by the surroundings of Stalin.

During this period, the functioning of correctional labor camps began, thanks to the foresight of Stalin, they were built in Eastern Siberia back in 1919. One of the most ambitious camps at the time, was the Solovetsky camp, which was sent to the so-called, "enemies of the people" - White Guards, clergy, fists.

The camp system reached its apogee in 1930, with the formation of Gulag. Five years after the creation, in the system of the Gulag there were more than one and a half million prisoners. According to the results of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party, at which the cult of Stalin was debunked, more than 20 million people put their heads in the Gulag camps, of which 97% were innocent.

During this period, the bonds were actively encouraged - anyone had the opportunity to make a denunciation on his neighbor and accuse him of anti-state activities. "The guilty" without trial was sent to the link, and in the worst case, they sentenced to death.

Mass repressions also touched the arts and science figures that did not support government policies. Many scientists, writers, artists were forced to secretly emigrate in the United States and European countries.

The main rod of totalitarianism was the cult of the leader - Stalin. Announced himself the only receiver of the Leninist movement, Joseph Vissarionovich became a real leader of the Great State.

Stalin was very skillfully learned to deal with his opponents - his main competitor, L. Trotsky, ordered to kill, the same fate suffered Frunze and Kirov. With the help of ideological propaganda and punitive measures, the leader of totalitarianism provided himself with "love and reverence" of the Soviet people.

The totalitarian model provided high rates of industrialization, which allowed the decade to create advanced industries of the heavy and extractive industry. In the military and postwar period, an extensive military-industrial complex was created, which became the "Pole of Growth" and ensured the development of science, related industries, defense infrastructure. The mobilization nature of industrialization, the limited internal resources of accumulation, supporting the global system of socialism led to the chronic lag of industries producing widespread goods. Thus, industrial potential was created at the expense of artificial understatement of consumption, reducing the vital level of the population.

Radical transformations and victory in the Great Patriotic War allowed the USSR to achieve such geopolitical power, which was not in history russian state. After the death of I.V. Stalin In 1953, the party and the whole country realized the need to update. The Soviet leadership wanted to prove the ability of the USSR to build a society, wherever the performance indicators, scientific and technical development, social security, the standard of living of the population would be higher than in developed Western countries. The question of the formation of a model of advanced modernization.

It followed a way to move from a mobilization option of economic development to a sustainable development model. The limited efficiency and exhaustion of totalitarian growth resources (non-equivalent exchange from the village, employment enthusiasm, restriction of consumption, forced labor) required the search for new resources and development incentives. Successor I.V. Stalin should have changed the decision-making mechanism and their execution, since no one could inherit the authority and the Harizm of the leader. The society felt the need to stabilize the social structure and internal relations designed for evolutionary development without repression, mass migrations in the city, decking, deportations, mobilization to the army.

In December 1925, the XIV CVP (b) congress was taken by industrialization. The purpose of industrialization was the transformation of the USSR from the country, importing machinery and equipment, to the country, which produce them. Machine equipment was planned to implement in everything national economy And on this basis to achieve accelerated development. The primary role was given to the heavy industry.

The Bolsheviks rejected the economic concept of the "bourgeois" intelligentsia (prominent economists A.V. Cheynova, N.D. Kondratieva, S.N. Prokopovich, BDUCKUS), who saw in agriculture and market economy, the main source of national wealth. Their position, supported by the Commissar of Finance G.Ya. Sokolnikov, was regarded as "agrarian" and "populic".

Inside the Bolsheviks party on the issue of industrialization, two directions collided. "Left", most consistently defended LD. Trotsky, E.L. Preobrazhensky and G.L. Pyatakov, stood for the predominant development of the heavy industry. "Right" direction, the main theorist of which was N.I. Bukharin, and the conductor of these ideas in the Volnch - F.E. Dzerzhinsky, insisted on the continuation of the NEP. The Deputy Chairman of the Highway Pyatakov performed for the planned, centralized industrialization in the absolute priority of the heavy industry. Supported by his Trotsky insisted on the establishment of the "dictatorship of industry".

F.E. Dzerzhinsky, headed in 1924, spoken for the development of light industry, which would bring temporary, but rapid profits and partially satisfy the requests of the peasants. In July 1926, there was a conflict between Dzerzhinsky and Pyatakov regarding the Economic orientation of the Highway. After the death of F.E. The Dzerzhinsky course for "super-industrialization" was continued by the new leaders of the EMD.

The most fully, this course was embodied in the first five-year plan (1928 / 29-1932 / 33), designed for the forced creation of the socialist industry. The main task of the five-year plan was the transformation of the country from the agrarian-industrial in the industrial. The section dedicated to the development of the industry, prepared under the leadership of the Chairman of the VSNC V.V. Kuibyshev, provided for the average annual increase in industrial products in the amount of 19-20%. Such high rates of development required the maximum voltage of forces in the country. However, very soon and these forced plans were revised towards a sharp increase. New, "adjusted" control numbers did not have a real economic basis and by the end of the five-year plan were not fulfilled in most types of products.

By April 1926, the creation of the united, very dissimilar opposition, called the "Trotskyist-Zinovievsky bloc". It entered G.E. Zinoviev, L. B. Kamenev, who supported them by L.D. Trotsky, G.L. Pyatakov, N.K. Krupskaya, H.G. Rakovsky, I.T. Smilga and others. The opposition opposed the Stalinistic thesis on the possibility of building "socialism in one, separately taken country", believing that Stalin betrays not only the world, but also the Russian revolution in favor of Nap. They also performed against the ban on the congress of the party of fractional struggle and resolutions on the need to submit a party minority to the party majority.

The union was fragile, since all its participants were united in their hostility to Stalin, but did not have a big political influence, lost their posts in the party and state leadership in recent years. At the Plenary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) in October 1926, the opposition was ideologically crushed, ld Trotsky, L.B. Kamenev and G.E. Zinoviev is removed from senior posts in the party. In 1927 On the day of the 10th anniversary of October, the opposition organized parallel official demonstrations of their supporters in Moscow and Leningrad. Heads of the Trootski-Zinoviev bloc and 93 oppositionist, including LB Kamenev, were excluded in 1927 from the party. In early 1928, L.D. Trotsky was expelled in Almaty, and a year later - beyond the USSR. Zinoviev and Kamenev, forced to "recognize their mistakes," were restored in the party. The XV Party Conference (1927) unanimously adopted the abstracts of Stalin about the possibility of "building socialism in one, separate country", which meant his complete victory over his political opponents within the party in this matter.

Further disputes between NEP opponents and his supporters led to the final design of the "right opposition". She was headed by N.I. Bukharin, A.I. Rykov and M.P. Tomsk, who had a great influence in planning institutions. The concept of industrialization of Bukharin was directly related to the continuation of the NEP, which provided primarily to consistently develop the market economy.

On September 30, 1928, Bukharin published in the "Pravda" "Notes of Economist" in which I made an economic program for the opposition. He explained the crisis in the country to plan planning, errors in pricing policies, a deficit of industrial goods, the ineffectiveness of the help of agricultural cooperation. In return, he offered to change the economic course at the expense of certain concessions to the peasantry, such as the opening of the markets, an increase in the purchase prices for bread, and if necessary, and buy bread abroad.

Create a collective farm, according to Bukharin, it was possible only if they are more viable than individual farms, and industrialization is necessary only if it is "scientifically planned", is carried out with regard to the country's investment opportunities and in the countries in which it Allows the peasants freely stock products. In one of his speeches, he called on the peasants to "enrich, not afraid of any repression," and believed that even the wealthy peasants can "doors" in socialism.

However, the rejection of centralization in the economy would inevitably lead to the abandonment of centralization in political life, undermining the right of the party to management. Despite the high scientific level, the article Bukharin became a reason for creating a myth about the "opposition to the right", a dangerous bias in the party, the ultimate goal of which is the restoration of capitalism in the USSR. In November 1928, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party unanimously condemned the "right bias", from which Bukharin, Rykov and Tomsk were marked.

According to Stalin, the critical position at the agricultural front, which led to the failure of the bakery campaign and edema in 1928 the card system in the cities was caused by the actions of the fists and other hostile forces seeking to "undermine the Soviet system", in June 1929, the print reported On the beginning of a new stage - "mass collectivization". Following this, on October 31, 1929, "Pravda" called on solid collectivization, and in the article Stalin "Year of the Great Framer" argued that "Helliumpa turned face to collect farms." It was decided to transition to solid collectivization. This meant the end of the NEP.

Building a powerful, independent military-industrial power with a ratified economy, which saw Soviet Union Stalin's leadership, demanded along with the industrialization of the decisive transformation of the agricultural sector of the economy, in which a private-air, small peasant farm prevailed. In itself, the creation of large engine agricultural production along with industrial modernization was necessary. The question was how to achieve progress in agriculture. The naturally evolutionary process was anti-delivered the path of forced solid collectivization. Solid collectivization was carried out in conditions; When the material and technical base was created simultaneously with the creation of a collective farm building.

Special Commission, headed by the Commissar of Agriculture Ya.A. Yakovlev, developed a collectivization schedule, published on January 5, 1930 by the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the pace of collectivization and measures of the state assistance to collective farm construction." The ruling has specified to complete the solid collectivization of grain areas in stages to the end of the five-year plan. In accordance with it, the North Caucasus, the lower and middle voltage was subject to "continuous collectivization" by the fall of 1930, other grain areas - for a year later. The best form of collective management of the economy was recognized as a agricultural artel as more advanced in comparison with the partnership for the processing of the Earth. Earth, cattle, technician in Arteel was complained.

Another commission led by V.M. Molotov was a question about the fate of Kulakov on the basis of the proclamation by Stalin's transition from the policy of limiting fouls to the liquidation policy of him as a class. "Spicking" has become part of Collectivity process. The fists were divided into three categories: they included those who were engaged in counter-revolutionary activities in the second - those who did not have the active resistance of the Soviet power, but, being exploiters, "promoted the counter-revolution." These two categories were subject to arrest and eviction to remote areas of the country (Siberia, Kazakhstan), and their property was confiscated. The fists of the third category, "loyal to the Soviet power", were condemned for resettlement within their field for untreated land.

According to the established practice, the cams were taken to consider anyone who hired at least one seasonal worker, had agricultural equipment, a little less primitive than an ordinary plow, or held two horses or four cows. In the 1920s. Fists accounted for about 750 thousand to 1 million families, but their economic situation suffered a lot after the crisis of payments due to ever-growing taxes. As a result, tens of thousands of middle peasants underwent the delamination. In some areas, 80 to 90% of the middle peasants were convicted as "bribers", their fault was that they shied away from collectivization. According to modern data, about 5 million people were expelled and exiled.

For the collectivization of power mobilized 25 thousand workers. Forces of the local authorities and the "twenty-five thousand thousands" began a vigorous compulsory association of soles in the communes, when not only the means of production, but also a personal subsidiary farm began. Every decade of the newspaper published data as a percentage of collectivized farms, but often these data were artificially inflated by local authorities, and many collective farms existed only on paper. The result of such "victories" was the long-lasting disorganization of agricultural production.

The reaction to what was happening was the article Stalin "Dizziness from success", which appeared in the "True" on March 2, 1930. In it, Stalin condemned the so-called "gentlements" - numerous violations of the principle of voluntariness in organizing, collective farms and derailization, whose victims became middle peasants, as well as Running from the Selhers to the Commune when small cattle, bird, inventory, construction was generally promoted. All responsibility for the mistakes assumed placed on the local manual. The result of the article was the decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) dated March 14, 1930 "On the fight against the curvature of partlinia in the collective farm movement", after which the massive outlet of the peasants from the collective farms began.

Since the fall of 1930, the campaign of grain harvesting by collective farms has become a permanent phenomenon and originally brought more grain to the state than the NEP has managed to receive in recent years. This prompted the authorities to continue collectivization policies. By July 1931, the percentage of collectivized farms was approximately 57.5%. The July Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party stated that the collective farm peasantry became a central figure of agriculture, and collective farms are the main producers of agricultural products.

But by the end of the summer of 1931, the bakery began to give malfunctions: decreased grain receipts. I called and became the inevitable conflict between the sake of the crop of the peasants, on the one hand, and the authorities on the other hand, and the authorities on the other hand. The goal to overcome the resistance of the peasants had the law entered into force on August 7, 1932. The law, which gave it to silent to expulsion to ten years for damage caused by the collective farm.

The result of excessive pressure on the peasantry was terrible hunger in the Volga region, in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and in Kazakhstan, from which only Ukraine died from 4 to 5 million people. In contrast to 1921, when the hunger was officially recognized and the authorities appealed to international help, information about the mass hunger of 1932-1933. In the Ukrainian villages were completely denied by the government and hid even inside the country.

After this tragedy, the government was forced to revise the methods of carrying out blanks. By the decision of the Central Committee of the Party of January 19, 1933, the billets were declared an integral part of the compulsory tax charged by the state and not subject to the velocity. The state took control over the size of the sowing areas and the harvest in collective farms, despite the fact that, according to the Charter, the SelhersArts, these issues obeyed only the general assembly of collective farmers.

In 1935, a new approximate charter of agricultural artel was adopted at the II All-Union Congress of Kolkhozniki (instead of the Charter of 1930), which for many decades ahead determined the lifestyle in the village. The land was fixed behind the collective goals in the "Eternal Use", the brigade method of labor and pay for work was established. The collective farms were serviced by agricultural machinery, which was focused on state-owned machine-tractor stations (MTS).

Contrary to expectations, collectivization did not lead to a visible increase in agricultural production. Although in 1935 the Card system was canceled in the cities, in 1936-1940. Gross agricultural products remained at 1924-1928, i.e. Prechotos village. At the same time, the collective farms made it possible to significantly increase the harvesting by the state of agricultural products, especially grain. In 1935, when 98% of all treated lands in the country were socialist property, the state seized in the village more than 45% of all agricultural products, i.e. Three times more than in 1928 the state bought it at prices, barely covering 20% \u200b\u200bof the cost.

To attach the peasants to the ground and the collective farm at the turn of 1932-1933. Passport regime with registration at a certain place of residence was introduced. Passports were issued only to residents of cities, and the collective farmers did not receive them. The policy of collectivization, accompanied by the application of compulsory measures, contributed to strengthening the command-administrative system. After some time, during the period of industrialization, equally strict police bureaucratic methods were applied to other public groups.

The modernization of the industry was carried out in the years of three pre-war five years: I- 1928 / 29-1932 / 33; II - 1933-1937; III - 1938-1942. (It turned out to be interrupted in June 1941 in connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War). For incomplete three five-year plates, new industries were created: machine-tool, aviation, tractor-building, automotive, chemical, etc. built 8,900 enterprises of the Allied value. The base of industrialization was the European part of the RSFSR and Ukraine, where old industrial areas were located and lived the bulk of the population. The areas of the Urals and Siberia were also subject to industrial restructuring, where since the late 1930s. Dubler enterprises have been carried out hard.

In the success of the first five-year plan, a significant role was played by the Socialist Competition. It made it possible to raise productivity due to enthusiasm, a conscious and disinterested attitude towards work. The winners began to assign the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (the first of this title was received by I.V. Stalin).

The very idea of \u200b\u200bsocial protection was nothing more than an appeal to the work class enthusiasm, the way all top Qualities And the aspirations of people put in service socialist construction, did not imply material remuneration. In the work of Stalin "To the issue of agrarian policy in the USSR, the thought was justified, in many ways repeated ideas E.L. Preobrazhensky that workers, in contrast to capitalists, can be content with minimal profit or not to take care of it at all. It is not by chance that the thesis was justified in 1929, when the return on the beneficial means of production decreased. At the same time, engineers and technicians have understood the engineers from the very beginning that any record not confirmed by the relevant measures on the rational organization of labor will soon lead to disorganization of production. For ordinary work, the next "labor feat" turned into an arbitrary and universal increase in production standards.

In the summer of 1935, the Stakhanov movement arose, named by Donetsk Shakhtar A.G. Stakhanov. His priority for multiple day norms has developed and received the character of a whole movement in different industries Industry. The leadership of the party emphasized the revolutionary nature of the movement.

At the same time, measures were taken to strengthen the discipline of labor. Significantly increased the powers of directors of enterprises. A new wage system was introduced -, piece, in accordance with the Law of 1931, the volume of social benefits was raised in direct dependence on the continuity of the experience in the enterprise. In September 1932, mandatory labor bookswhich marked all the former jobs. Reducing the flow fluidity contributed to the introduced system of registration. The non-appearance to work is severely punishable by law of November 15, 1932, which provided for immediate dismissal, depriving food cards (until 1935) and eviction from the occupied area. By the decision of January 8, 1939, any late in more than 20 minutes was equated with an unjustified absence, and the re-delay led to dismissal. The introduction of a whole complex of such measures expressed the desire of the power to increase productivity through out-economic coercion.

According to the new legislation, adopted on July 10, 1934, a special meeting was created - an unconstitutional extrajudicial body in the state security system. The concept of the new "socialist" legality of the Prosecutor General of the USSR A.Ya. Vyshinsky was withdrawn from the legal language formula "presumption of innocence." It was believed that the court would not fundamentally establish an objective truth, since the crime cannot be reproduced, therefore the goal of the court is not the search for the truth, but the establishment of the "probability" of the accused of the accused. Objective evidence was not required if a person confessed the crime. The recognition of a person mined under such circumstances became the main charge argument. If recognition was not sufficient, the possibility of comparison was sufficient, the presence of a criminal plan. Responsibility of all defendants became equal independently of complicity.

Political processes were to maintain the feeling of drama of the moment and the need to combat the income of underground enemy organizations, which go back in the pre-revolutionary past. Many accused declared by spies, pests, saboteurs were allegedly in the past agents of the royal security, which means that hiding enemies associated with the underground "Trotsky-Zinovievsky Center", intending to overthrow the Soviet government. These processes have pursued a specific goal - to achieve the final political defeat of all disagreements with the general line of the party and simply dissatisfied.

December 1, 1934 was killed by see Kirov, Member of Politburo, Secretary of the Central Committee and the Leningrad GC Party. The new decision taken on the same day on the procedure for considering accusations in the preparation or commitment of terrorist acts was delivered to the Court for these cases in the conditions that excluded the objective clarification of all the circumstances of the case. For a consequence, no more than ten days was given. Cases were considered without a prosecutor and a lawyer. Appeal and pardon were not allowed. The sentence to the highest punishment was performed immediately.

The OGPU was transformed into the People's Commissariat of the Interior (NKVD), which was consistently headed by G.G. Yagoda, N.I. Heds, turned gradually from performers in the "scapegoats", and then L.P. Beria, who managed to survive Stalin. In the approved II All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the list of the First Soviet Government was the first to be called Lenin, the last - Stalin, and between them - 13 people. Of these, only three after Lenin died by their death, the rest were announced by the "enemies of the people" and repressed.

Repressions of the 1930s. Finally strengthened the personal positions of Stalin and his supporters in the authorities. At first, a wide campaign against those figures were deployed, which were responsible for distorting the party line when implementing it. Then, the supporters of Stalin were then appointed to many key posts in the party and the state. At the past in 1934, the XVII congress of the party was approved by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe victory of the Central Committee of the Central Committee in Socialist Construction, an outstanding contribution to this victory personally I.V. Stalin, who was recognized as the only leader of the party and the people. In addition, the congress officially announced the exchange of party tickets undertaken to guide the order in the structure of the party apparatus.

On December 5, 1936, a new constitution was adopted, according to Stalin, the most democratic in the world. She marked the victory of socialism. Universal eligible law and direct secret voting were introduced. But the real practice made elections by non-alternative: the only candidate for deputies chosen by the party bodies was put forward. In the midst of mass repression and lawlessness of the article, the Constitution solemnly declared the introduction of the principle of openness of all trials, confirmed the right of defendant to defense, proclaimed the freedom of the press and assembly, the inviolability of the person, dwelling and correspondence. Each citizen was declared the right to work, rest, education.

In March 1939, at the XVIII Congress of the Party, the thesis was adopted about the construction of socialism in the USSR mainly and the transition to the construction of communism. It was an ideological design of the general course of the party to strengthen the role of the state as a whole and its central apparatus to create a powerful military-industrial power.

In the 1930s. The country has formed a model of economic development, many features of which have been survived until the 1990s. Huge investments in the priority industries - engineering producing industry, the production of electricity - was carried out to the detriment of the life of the population, "So as the production of consumer goods, the development of light industry and agriculture moved to the background. Despite the notable increase in the production of military products, it was provided by reducing the production of metal industries of the non-military industry, which was further exposed to the economy on the eve of the war.

On average, the growth of industrial production in the 1930s. It was high and amounted to 15-18% per year, which was explained as a low starting level and team methods of leadership of the planned economy. The positive result was that the forced industrialization allowed the USSR to achieve economic independence from the West in the supply of strategic materials and equipment. The country overcame the absolute lag from leading powers. This allowed Stalin to declare in the late 1930s. On the transformation of the USSR from agrarian to the industrial country.

Public administration (the end of the 1920s - 1930s.)

At the end of the first decade of Soviet authorities, the Soviet society entered into a new period of political and economic development, the result of which was the established in the 1930-1940s. Command-bureaucratic system and totalitarian political regime. The defining effect on the development of events was provided by political processes that took place at the time in the USSR, in particular the aggravation of the political situation in the country, related to intensified after the death of V.I. Lenin the struggle for power within the Bolshevik Party and the following elevation I.V. Stalin.

In the late 1920s. As a result of a complex political and ideological struggle among the party leaders, a line to coagulate NEP, which turned out to be unnecessary in the conditions of a fastened administrative command management system. This line defended Stalin, who managed to strengthen his position in the highest echelons of the party elite due to the removal of the party elite and to press the other no less well-known "heirs" of Lenin, who fought for power.

For some time, Stalin contrasted against the policy of the "Big Jump" policies, Stalin opposed the support of the populist plant to the rapid construction of socialism in one country.

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) held in April 1929 supported the Stalinist Populist Program "The Offensive of Socialism over the entire front" and the accelerated transformation of the country into an advanced industrial power. The planned tasks of industrialization in the direction of their increase were revised. Thus, it has already been discovered in priority to Stalin the passion for administration, running forward, voluntaristic management methods. Over time, subjectivist planning is becoming the main feature of managing the development of the national economy in the USSR.

The need for forced industrialization, acquired the nature of the "jump", the Stalinist leadership argued the exacerbation of the international situation in the late 1920s, the threat of war from the "capitalist environment". However, this boat was often used as a convenient reason for imposing the overestimated pace of modernization of society, coagulation of democracy.

A feature of Stalin's industrialization was that priority was given to the development of primarily the heavy industry to the detriment of light and agriculture. The chronic lag of these industries has become over time the main feature of the Soviet economy. Public Administration since the late 1920s. Functioned on the basis of five-year plans that had the power of the law, which were often revised arbitrarily towards the increase.

In the autumn of 1929, a course was announced for the forced collectivization of agriculture, whose character reflected the results of administration and run forward. On January 5, 1930, a special decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was published "On the pace of collectivization and measures of state assistance to collective farm construction", which proclaimed the conduct of continuous collectivization in most areas of the country. Conducting collectivization, the Stalinist leadership pursued the goal from collective farms of the state counterparties on the onset seizure of bread and raw materials in the peasants for the successful conduct of industrialization.

The change in the domestic political course led to a change in the country's political leadership, displacement, and then the destruction of the Stalin old party frames. In 1927, on charges of organizing countertices in connection with the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution, LD were excluded from the party. Trotsky, L.B. Kamenev and G.E. Zinoviev. In 1929, he was removed from the post of editor of the Truth, and then removed from Politburo N.I. Bukharin, the recent Ally Stalin in the fight against the "left" opposition. In the same year, the country was expelled by TROUB, filmed from the post of Chairman of the Council of State University and replaced by V.M. Molotov, supporter N.I. Bukharina A.I. Rykov.

In the late 1920s. It was marked by the turn of the Stalinist leadership to the practice of repression, which was launched in 1928 I: a wide campaign against "permit" and ended with the physical destruction of all major party leaders who were in the opposition to Stalin in the second half of the 1930s.

With the victory of the "General Line" of Stalin for the construction of socialism in one country and the accelerated industrialization began an attack on democratic institutions arising during the NEP period. A grand cleaning of local councils was carried out, all of them were raised into a tough dependence on the financial capabilities of the center, began to be financed on the residual principle from the funds left on the financing of industrialization. Since 1928, fellowhoz and Gukh were closed. NKVD no longer dealt with local government issues and did not oversee the local economy. Instead, the OGPU was created - the body of supervision over the population and the punitive organ of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Against this background, an administrative and territorial reform of 1928-1930 was quite natural, the administrative and territorial reform of 1928-1930, who finally buried the hopes for the revival of the Institute of Self-Government in Russia. In this regard, the region was "cut" in the advantage of a volitional solution, their dimensions were 2 times higher than the former provisions. At the same time, the creation of areas formed under the slogan of the "bow of the city and village" and engaged in both agriculture and industry, led to the actual destruction of specialized rural authorities. According to the same political reasons, the city was "cut" to the districts, whose authorities were endowed with competence, similar to the one that had city authorities. As a result, a tough vertical was created, in which the authorities of different levels inevitably faced the spheres of competence and finance, which gave the opportunity to the center to interfere and solve disputes in their own interests. By the end of the 1920s. This work was mainly completed: the new so-called three-star system was approved in the Russian Federation - district, district, region (edge); In the rest of the Union republics - two-born (district, district).

The policy of accelerated industrialization required major changes in the industrial management system.

In the 1920s. It was built on a combination of functional (Glavn, Rabbitrin, the Commission of the GOELRO, GPU, etc.) and industry (sectoral drug addicts) of manual principles with a predominance of one of them. For the 1930s. The prevalence of the industry principle of governance, strengthening the trend towards the uniqueness and centralization in the distribution of raw materials, labor and products produced is characteristic. The beginning of this process was made in January 1932 by the decision of the USSR CEC on the restructuring of the industrial management. Formally, the refusal to build the party and state apparatus prevailed to this functional principle was declared at the XVII CVP Congress (b) (January - February 1934). In March 1934, based on the instructions of the Congress, a special decree of the CEC and SCC of the USSR was adopted, according to which state administration authorities were to be rebuilt on the basis of production and sector and territorial principles. The implementation of the resolution of 1934 was accompanied by crushing, the disagreement of almost all drug addicts. A single industrial addict was abolished - the Wighs, its organs in the provinces, edges, regions, districts. Instead, three sectoral addicts were created instead: the drug addict of the USSR heavy industry (drug addresses, NKTP), the People's Commissariat of the Light Industry of the USSR (Narcomlegrome) and the People's Commissariat of the Forest Industry of the USSR (Narcomclops). In 1934, the fourth - addict food IndustryIn 1939 there were already 21 of them (from the NKTP in 1936, the drug industry and the Mercanity Engineering People's Commissariat) were distinguished. From the People's Commissariat of the Communications of the Communication, the drug vendor was highlighted, from the Derscommission - the People's Commissariat of Grain and Livestock Soviet farms. In May 1939, a drug addict was created, which was headed by the management of a huge construction production complex. On the basis of the People's Commissariat of the Fuel Industry, the drug addicts of the oil and coal industry were created, as well as the drug addict.

The People's Commissariat was abolished and merged with the WCSPS (the funds of the State Store, Sanatorium, Rest Houses, Scientific Institutions, was a public administration authority, which led the Labor Organization.

The emergence of two dozen industrial addicts strengthened the state administration of the rapidly developed industrialization of the country, mechanization and engineering of processes in various fields. At the same time, there were ample opportunities for the "smudging" of the device, carrying out the cleaning of the controls, without which the administrative command system is unthinkable. Disaggaling of drug addicts and their crushing contributed to the emergence and development of departmentalities, with the time the specificity of the Soviet economic system. Within the framework of this management system, industry addicts turned into closed administrative and economic units (agencies), speaking at the same time as the central bodies of government and management bodies.

At the same time, all-Union starts, centralization, bureaucratisis increased, increased responsibility for the implementation of the "Party and Government Directives". The volume and parameters have increased dramatically. government controlled, the role of the allied organs and the and valid apparatus, the control apparatus has grown numerically, which has become increasingly bulky ("multiple"). The executive apparatus became the main control of the management, was acting directively and rigidly.

Other negative consequences The reform of the industrial management reform was the rapid growth of the management apparatus. According to the census of the population of 1939, for 10 years it has grown 6 times. In order to establish control over newly created addicts and coordinating their activities, the authorities were forced to create new bureaucratic superstructures. The concentration of power in the hands of the union-union state and party bodies led to an even greater growth of the management office, accompanied by the bureaucratization of public life. In no less, the lack of educated, qualified managerial specialists contributed to this, which determined the low level of quality and efficiency of management, which the ruling elite tried to compensate for the giving the state-owned bureaucratic, command-administrative nature. The personal composition of the governing bodies was formed from competent specialists, at the expense of workers and peasants ("promoters"), accelerated learning them in various courses, slaves, educational institutions.

Under these conditions, the role of control and punitive bodies in the system of power and management increased significantly. In addition to the newly created in 1934 of the People's Commissariat of the USSR (NKVD of the USSR), which carried out the universal administrative supervision (to the NKVD, the FLGPs of the Function of the Political Police were transferred to the NKVD), various human monitoring authorities (financial, planned, etc.) acted. All of them were strictly centralized and worked on the scale of the USSR, regardless of the councils.

In the entire management system, a union-union began intensified. By the end of 1940, the Government of the USSR had 25 all-Union People's Commissariat and 16 Union-Republican. To coordinate their actions, six business councils were created: in metallurgy and chemistry, engineering, in the defense industry, fuel and electrical equipment, on consumer goods, agriculture and billets. These tips had the right to give the obligatory orders to drug addicts of the relevant profile and actually led them. Each Council included 3-5 people led by a substitute for the Council of Sovnarkom.

The expansion of the bureaucratic apparatus caused the need to improve political control over it. The People's Commissariat who carried out this feature was previously burdened by non-functional functions (road management, cartography, a migration case, etc.) In February 1941, the NKVD was divided into two addicts: the People's Commissariat of the Interior and the People's Commissariat of State Security (who also led and led and external intelligence including).

What happened by the mid-1930s. Changes in economic, social and political Development Soviet society was enshrined in the Emergency All-Union Congress of Soviets (December 5, 1936) of the USSR Constitution. The Constitution announced the completion of the construction of the foundations of socialism, the formation of a single-order planning economy and the approval of socialist property as the basis of the Soviet system, the defeat of the fouls and the victory of the collective farm building. The restrictions on electoral rights were abolished in the first Soviet constitutions, the universal, direct and equal election law was introduced, which, however, did not change the creatures of the case in the context of the conservation of a single-party system that did not intend to conduct alternative elections. Art. 126 of the Constitution spoke of the WCP (b) as a guidance core of all public and state organizations Workers.

With the adoption of the Basic Law, the structure of state power was changed. Ceased existence of the previous system of advice congresses. The supreme state authority was the Supreme Council of the USSR, the first elections in which were conducted in December 1937. The system of local councils was also changed. The former advice of workers, peasant and Red Army deputies were transformed into the advice of deputies of the workman. Regional congresses of Soviets abolished. The administrative bodies in the field, as before, were the executive committee of the Councils, in the hands of which were real power. By analogy with the previous Allied CEC, the Supreme Council of the USSR consisted of two equal chambers of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities, equally endowed with the law of the legislative initiative. Members of the Union Council were elected from the entire population of the country in constituencies, members of the Council of Nationalities - according to the norm: 32 deputies from each Union Republic, 11 deputies - from the Autonomous Republic, 5 - from the Autonomous Region, 1 - from autonomous District. The main form of work of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was the sessions convened in accordance with the Constitution twice a year. The Supreme Council of the USSR at a joint meeting of both their chambers chosen the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as part of 37 people (Chairman, 11 deputies in accordance with the number of Union republics, secretary and 24 members). Its functions included: convening the sessions of the Supreme Council, the interpretation of laws, the publication of decrees, the dissolution of the chambers and the appointment of new elections.

Unlike the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Councils of the Union republics were not bicatal, so their national minorities could defend their interests only through the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The Constitution significantly expanded the powers of the union bodies. The Union republics were entitled to the publication of its Codes of laws, as well as the right to address issues of labor legislation, the law on the court and the administrative-territorial device.

The 1936 Constitution did not make any significant changes in the structure and nature of the functioning of the executive. The highest executive body remained the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, which carried out the management of the sectors of the national economy through drug addicts, committees and commissions. SNK was formed by the Supreme Council of the USSR and in its activities was accountable to him and his presidency. The Constitution of the USSR SNK was defined as the highest executive and administrative body of state power.

Despite a number of innovations in the structure government agencies, nature political regime remained the same. State power in the country by the mid-1930s. It was completely in the hands of a narrow circle of the party elite. The principle of destination for responsible positions was formed as the nomenclature principle of party leadership, when party instances were actively forming a personal composition of the authorities and management through the compilation of lists of nomenclature positions. By the end of the 1930s. The nomenclature principle covered the elected authorities of the government, the entire system of state and public administration, economic positions that gave rise to the party despoty and irresponsibility of frames before the people .. The advice was powerful for workers through party and state administrations, which concentrated power and management, and participation wide The masses in the management became a formality that covered the dictate of the party-state bureaucracy. Many purely government functions are transmitted to the party instances. The combination of party and government posts was widely practiced. All regulatory acts adopted by the highest authorities, whether to solve the Supreme Council of the USSR, decrees of its presidium or decisions of the USSR Council, were subject to preliminary consideration and authorized the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Party.

It is significant that the ideology of statehood, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe emergence of the state in the process of transition to socialism, was gradually replaced by the ideology of a strong state. At the XVIII CVP Congress (b), 1939, it was stated on the preservation of the state not only under socialism, but also in the victory of communism in one country. At the same time, the thesis on the increasing leadership role of the party in the public administration and life of society was formulated.

Control questions:

1. What is the associated in the internal policy of the USSR, the departure from the NEP policy and the transition to the policy of building communism in one country? Who is the initiator of this process?

2. As affected the development of the system of state administration of the USSR, the internal party struggle of the 1920s.?

3. What purpose pursued in the country of industrialization policies? Was this goal achieved?

4. Describe the management structure of the USSR economy in the 1930s.

5. What was the urgent need for the adoption of the new Soviet Constitution in the mid-1930s?

6. Find differences in the system of government bodies on the Constitution of the USSR 1924 and the Constitution of the USSR 1936

7. Name the signs of totalitarian regime in the USSR in the 1930s.

8. Give the definition of the administrative command system and name it is characteristic.

9. What is the nomenclature and how it was formed?

10. Name the structure that really implemented political power In the USSR in the 1920-1930s.

After the victory of the October Revolution, the Bolshevik party arose about the paths and methods of the country's further development. The socialist revolution could develop democratic or administratively - command. This question is the question of the development strategy - became the main in the internal party fighting in the 20s. This struggle of ideas and views within the Bolshevik party turned into a struggle for leadership and affected the further fate of the Soviet society. In the 30s in the country administratively formed - Command System. She was: in political field - Full removal of the people from power, management. The establishment of a comprehensive totalitarian government of the state, the formation of bureaucratic centralized methods for managing the company from the army to culture, etc., coagulation of democracy, advice as the organs of the people's self-government becomes simply fiction. Under the slogan of class struggle is carried out by fighting dissent. The country was created at the situation of fear, intimidation, the practice of permanent denunciations was carried out, repression. About 12 million people were sitting in concentration camps every year, i.e. The fifth part of all busy in the industrial sectors. Whole nations were declared enemies, drove away from their territories and moved. From the "punished peoples" the first in the link were Poles. Even in the mid-20s, Polish national districts were eliminated in Belarus, B1936 Polyakov moved from Ukraine to Kazakhstan. In 1937, 190 thousand Koreans, 8 thousand Chinese were exported from Buryatia, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Krai, Chita region in Central Asia, Kazakhstan. Before the war from Karelia, the Leningrad region were evicted Finns. From the Volga region, Moscow, Voronezh, Tambov, and others evicted 1 million Soviet Germans to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. In 1941, the peoples of the Baltic were evicted. In 1944, from Crimea and North Caucasus They evicted the Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Ingush, Balkarians, Kalmykov, Karachay, just about 650 thousand people, etc. This process continued after the war. The goal of Stalinist movements was to break society, changing the geography of people living, their status, classes, and instill fear.

In foreign Policy Totalitarianism manifested In the imposition of his point of view to other peoples.

In economics - Multipleness was eliminated and established the so-called unified public property for the means of production. With that setting, when the people were removed from power, from the disposal of this property, this property became the property of the party and state bureaucracy, but not the people. Out ofeconomic administrative and team methods have been formed. The economic policy was based on the union of the economy, at races, the economy developed at the expense of the people. There was a rigid centralized planning of the entire economy. Conducted forced industrialization due to the peasantry. Associated collectivization was carried out in agriculture.

IN social sphere - Mass repressions were carried out against people, the standard of living of the Soviet people was low. Real income in the first 10 years of industrialization decreased, the quality of life has deteriorated, especially in the village. The rapid increase in cash income caused by exorbitant cash emissions was overlapped by even faster increase in prices; The cities and construction projects spread a card system of supply.

In the village, where there was no card supply, each faulty year caused terrible hunger, mortality increased, the natural population growth slowed down. The Soviet Union has become a country with a declining population.

In ideology - The cult of the leader was formed, the regime of personal power, the class approach to ideology, culture, the suppression of a free person acted.

For many years of the existence of such a system, the type of social psychology, a specific system, has created an adequate system of social psychology. life values and priorities. Shifts in the mass consciousness are, as they consider some historians, the most difficult-based heritage of the administrative command system.

Is it possible to build another society? There are 2 points of view on this problem. Some historians say that if it were not for Stalin, then such a system would not be. The second point of view is that another society in the Soviet country could not be that administratively - the team system most fully corresponded to that level of the country's development, the type of political thinking, which is called barren-communist, authoritarian. At the lecture, this question will be discussed in detail.

It is necessary to highlight objective conditionswho gave rise to an administrative command system. There was a hostile outer environment. A Soviet country had to build socialism alone, there was no experience in conducting socialist transformations. The country was economically backward and experienced large political shocks - a revolution, civil war, which undoubtedly affected society. The working class, which was supposed to be a support of the new government, was not a few, the peasant population prevailed. The country was necessary in short time Return to the level of advanced developed countries.

But the most important factor was the absence of solid democratic traditions in Russia. In the conditions of tsarism, democratic skills could not form the population. People had no ideas about democracy, the values \u200b\u200bof democracy, the need for democracy. The society was in fault, was not civilized enough, i.e. It was culturally and socially backward. Old traditions collapsed, and new ones have not yet been formed. All this predetermined the enormous role of the state, the need to concentrate the entire power in the hands of the state.

Change or soften these objective conditions could subjective factor - Party, its leaders. In the Bolsheviks party, as a result of the struggle for power, the best shots were destroyed. In the 20s, there was a sharp increase in the number of party members at the expense of the influx of new members with minimal political experience and theoretical baggage. They were supported by Stalin, his version of socialism. These ideas about socialism most fully responded to the submission of the masses. It was a simplified version, fast, understandable.

It is this option of socialism - administratively - command system - and was created in the Soviet country. Evaluating this society, it is necessary to keep in mind that there is a point of view: it is administratively - the command system provided the progress of the USSR, the country has become industrial, developed scientific and technical potential formed. Another point of view is that this system slowed down the progress of the country, she was given to society an expensive price, the price of a huge number of lost human lives and broken fate and it would be possible to solve the problems of the country in a different way.

Chronology of events

April 7, 1930- Casses about expanding the system of labor camps transferred to the heading of the camp management (gulag) as part of the OGPU.

January 12, 1933- The settlement of the Central Committee on the conduct of frequency of the party (as a result, its number is reduced by more than 1 million people).

January 26 - February 10, 1934-Xvii party congress. During the secret ballot, a significant part of the delegates voted for the new composition of the Central Committee against Stalin.

January 1936- At first a new cleaning in the party, accompanied by mass arrests.

August 19-24, 1936-Open political process over prominent leaders of the G.E. Party Zinoviev, L.B. Kamenev and others ended with the execution of all defendants.

October 1936-Cructure in the NKVD apparatus.

May-June 1937- Cruel of the command composition of the army and the republican party leadership.

1937-1938 - Mass repressions regarding the command formulation of the Armed Forces of the USSR. More than 40 thousand commanders were repressed. Two thirds of the highest commander was destroyed.

Personal Dictionary

Beria of Lawrence Pavlovich (1899-1953) - Former People's Commissar (Minister) of the USSR internal affairs, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. In July1953, the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee for criminal, anti-party and anti-state actions brought it out of the Central Committee, excluded from the party. Shot. It is directly responsible for mass repressions of the late 30s - early 50s.

Yezhov Nikolai Ivanovich (1895-1940) - Soviet party statesman. From 1935 - Chairman of the Committee of Party Control under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and at the same time secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). In 1936-1938 - People's Commissar of the USSR. General Commissioner of State Security (1937), one of the main performers: repression ("Yevshchina"). In 1939, he was arrested, shot.

Stalin (Jugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich (pseudonym - Coba) (1878-1953) - Soviet political and statesman. In the social democratic movement from 1898 after 1903, joined the Bolsheviks. In 1917-1922 - People's Commissar of Nationalities, at the same time in 1919-1922. - The People's Commissar of State Control, the Workers' and Peasant Inspection, since 1918 - a member of the Revivation of the Republic. In 1922-1953 Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Party. In the 1920s. During the struggle for leadership in the party and the state, he headed the party and installed totalitarian regime in the country. At the XX Congress of the Party (1956) the cult of the personality of Stalin is exposed.

Dictionary of Terms and Concepts

Gulag.- the main management of the Camps of the NKVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs) of the USSR. Consisses to designate the system concentration campsexisting under Stalin.

Dictatorship (Lat.- unlimited power) - Comprehensive political, economic, ideological power carried out by a certain group of people led by their leader. It is characterized by the lack of separation by the authorities, the suppression of democracy and legality, the introduction of terror, the establishment of an authoritarian regime of personal power.

Industrialization - Transition from manual labor to machine in all sectors of the economy. The process of creating large machine production in industry and other industries. In the USSR was carried out from the late 20s. Based on the priority of a heavy industry in order to overcome the backlog from the West, the creation of the material and technical base of socialism, strengthening defense capability. Unlike other countries of the world, industrialization in the USSR began with a heavy industry and was carried out by limiting the consumption of the entire population, expropriation of balance of private owners of the city and robbery of the peasantry.

Collectivization - Policy of the violent conversion of agriculture at the end of the 20s - 30s. Based on the "Decrapping" and planting of collective forms of management of the economy (collective farms) with the publicity of a significant part of peasant property. Repressions were subjected to mass of prosperous peasants (fists), middle peasants and parts of the poor ("bribery"). By decree of the President of the USSR dated August 13, 1990, the repression carried out during the collectivization period was found illegal.

Cult of personality - worship before anyone, worship, exaltation. In the USSR period from 1929 to 1953. Determined as the cult of the personality of I. V. Stalin. The dictatorial regime was established, the democracy was eliminated, Stalin was attributed to the decisive effect on the course of historical development.

"New opposition" - A group in WCP (b), formed in 1925 G. E. Zinoviev and L. B. Kamenev. Speed \u200b\u200bat X1V Congrevkp (b) with a proposal to shift I. V. Stalin from the post of Secretary-General of the Central Committee, orient the national economy on agricultural exports and industrial imports. Congress condemned this performance. Later, almost all group members were repressed.

Repression (Lat.- Suppression) - punitive measure, punishment used by punitive organs.

Totalitarianism (Lat.- All, full) - state power carrying out full (total) control over all parties to the Company under authoritarian regime of management.