Blue hole in dahab. Mysteries of the Dark Depths: Dean's Blue Hole

Among the ten most dangerous places for diving on the planet is blue hole, located in the Red Sea, near the resort of Dahab.

But despite the fact that the vertical, deep, underwater cave is dangerous for inexperienced divers, it is incredibly popular with diving enthusiasts and is a cult place for technical divers who aspire to dive in this place.

About the Blue Hole

If you look at the Blue Hole from a height, then in the expanse of the sea, a karst failure surrounded by beautiful coral reefs will look almost black hole, because its depth is 130 meters. This underwater hole was named Blue, because the walls of the coral tunnel are painted blue due to the reflection of the bright southern sun in the water. The azure reflections that color the walls of the tunnel make an indelible impression on divers, and everyone who has been here with admiration talks about this amazing creation of nature. A 50-meter-diameter cave is connected to the sea by a narrow strait, and the depth of the strait is approximately 55 meters. At the strait, massive rocks hang over the abyss, which they called Arka. Another exit to the open sea is at a depth of seven meters and is a dense coral garden. In the tunnel, at a depth of six meters, there are small holes called "saddles".

The attraction attracts both casual divers who dive for pleasure and techno divers who dive for the purpose of setting a personal best or winning a diving competition. There are also recreational divers near the Blue Hole who try again and again to experience unforgettable sensations when passing the route leading to the huge Arch. For any category of divers, this is a great place for active recreation, since entry into the water is convenient, the cave itself is located near the shore, the waves on the sea surface are not high and there are no currents under water.

The traditional route for diving enthusiasts There are two ways to enter the Blue Hole: through the nearby Bells drive site and from the wooden inner part deep sea bowl offers stunning views.

Most tourists pass through Bells - it is a narrow well, about thirty meters, leading to the Blue Hole, divers swim along the amazing coral wall to the cave, and go around it, admiring the beauties underwater world. This dive takes place at a depth of 20-30 meters.

Depths are of interest only to experienced divers, while techies using nitrox know the route - diving to a depth of 54 meters and passing through the Arch. By the way, hammerhead sharks are found at a depth of 50 meters. It is very dangerous to dive even deeper without special training, but, unfortunately, not everyone heeds the warnings, as evidenced by the body of a nameless diver who died here lying at a depth of 111 meters.

The blue hole has glorified Russian freedivers who dive into the beautiful abyss only with a snorkel and mask, this dive is called "in one breath". In the deep-sea cave, divers have set many records for deep technical diving, and it was here that the world record for trimix diving was set.

Mystical speculation and reality

There is a legend that the padishah drowned his depraved daughter here, who managed to curse it before her death. beautiful place, but the death in the Blue Hole of divers is not caused by an ancient curse, but only by the neglect of mandatory safety rules by tourists. For example, the passage of the Arc "in one breath" usually leads to a tragic ending.

There are mystical speculations that at a depth of about a hundred meters, when their deep well exits, the fish turn over and swim about their business upside down, and the diver, turning upside down, begins to move in the wrong direction that he planned. It is really difficult to say whether this is so, but without the appropriate equipment and without sufficient qualifications, it is not advisable to dive into the Blue Hole without the accompaniment of an experienced and professional diver. As a rule, the depletion of the oxygen supply in the cylinder during ascent and nitrogen anesthesia leads to death.

A memorial erected on the shore reminds tourists of divers who died by negligence and as a result of a tragic accident. Dozens of plaques with the names of the dead are fixed next to the memorial.


There is everything on the shore to make tourists feel comfortable here: parking lots, cafes, shops and a paid toilet. There are also trailers in which those who wish can spend the night. Prices, of course, are higher than even in the most average Egyptian eatery, but overpriced price tags do not interfere with many tourists to relax and swim quietly. In Dahab, you can get quality diving equipment and a few lessons in numerous diving clubs. For example, renting equipment for four dives will cost a tourist 120 euros.

How to get to the Blue Hole

Dahab is only fifteen kilometers from the Blue Hole, and they get to the place either by taxi or by sightseeing bus.

Everyone can admire them from a bird's eye view or from a safe place on the shore. But only experienced divers can plunge into their arms and return alive and unharmed.

One of these blue holes in the Red Sea, lurking not far from the village of Dahab, claimed the lives of many reckless divers. It is often called the cemetery of divers, there is even a memorial with dozens of names of the dead on the coast. Nowadays, the Egyptian government has banned the placement of new signs so as not to create anti-advertising for a profitable tourist destination.

An ancient legend tells of the emir's daughter, who, in the absence of her father, indulged in orgies with local youths. So that her father would not find out about her unsightly behavior, after the amusement, the unfortunate people were thrown into a bottomless pit. The emir, having learned about the cruelty of his daughter, ordered her to be executed. The girl, without waiting for the execution, threw herself into the same pit. Before the jump, she shouted out that she would take to her everyone who dared to enter the water in this place.

The Dahab blue hole is a huge coral funnel with a diameter of 50 meters and going deeper than 100 meters. Reflecting from the walls, the sun's rays turn it into a fantastic tunnel leading to the sea. At a depth of 54 meters there is a passage to the open sea. This place was a trap for divers who stayed there forever.

The largest hole in diameter, called the Great Blue Hole, is located on the territory of a small state in Central America. The photo of this hole has become a symbol of Belize - a dark blue spot on a turquoise surface. caribbean looks very impressive from above.

The hole is 305 meters wide and 120 meters deep. listed it as one of the top ten places in the world. made the Great Blue Hole a World Heritage Site.

Starting from a ten-meter depth, coral thickets rage. There are many fish here, including lionfish, giant grouper, many lobsters, shrimp, crabs, sea ​​turtles. There are nurse sharks and reef sharks.

At a depth of 70 meters there are entrances to giant underwater caves, decorated with outlandish stalagmites and stalactites. The caves are connected to each other by passages. In one of them, three skeletons of people who got lost here were found.

One of the blue holes nature formed right off the coast of the island of Gozo,. In this place a huge rock encloses small plot sea, in which there is a well 60 meters deep.

Off the coast of the numerous islands of the Bahamas, there are many underwater caves and the famous blue hole named Dana, which is the deepest in the world (200 meters). The hole is located right near the shore: after walking a few meters, where the water is knee-deep, you can suddenly fall to a depth of two hundred meters.

In these places, freedivers, divers without scuba diving with a breath hold, set records. In 2010, New Zealander William Trub dropped 101 meters and became the first to reach such a mark.

It is impossible to ignore the deep-sea funnel in the South China Sea, it is called the Dragon Hole, the locals call it the Eye of the South China Sea.

Literary scholars believe that this hole is mentioned in the classic, fantasy-satirical novel by an unnamed 16th-century author, Journey to the West. The novel tells about the companion of a monk-traveler, the king of monkeys, to whom the dragon of the underwater kingdom, living in a deep cave, gave a magic club.

The Dragon Hole has been known for a long time, but only recently, with the help of robots equipped with sensors, its depth was determined. It is 300 meters, the diameter is also rather big - 130 meters. At a depth of up to 100 meters, life is in full swing, but deeper, where an oxygen-free environment begins, life stops. To date, the measurement results have not been confirmed by international experts.

To get a lot of impressions, to be surprised and admired, it is not necessary to fly to deep space miracles are nearby. The blue holes closest to us are located in picturesque corners. For example, a blue hole off the southwestern coast of the island of Korcula. Its depth is 35 meters. The entrance to the hole is at a depth of 10 meters. Crabs, octopuses, shrimps, turtles and fish are found in its waters, you can even meet sharks.

Egypt has interesting place irresistibly attracting divers from all over the world, both amateurs and professionals. This is the famous Blue Hole - a unique geological formation off the Sinai coast of the Red Sea, not far from the city of Dahab.

The Blue Hole is an underwater cave surrounded by beautiful coral thickets with almost sheer walls, vertically descending into the depths. Scientists find it difficult to explain the origin of this formation. The maximum depth of the cave is over 100 meters, the diameter is about 50.

Thanks to the purest water The Red Sea Blue Hole is a mesmerizing sight. From the shore, the cave looks like a dark blue spot on the green-blue sea surface, like a gate to another world. However, the sun's rays penetrate deep enough, and from the deck of the ship you can see how rich in living creatures the amazing underwater kingdom of the Blue Hole is.

The underwater world of the cave attracts many divers. The main challenge is the so-called Arch - a coral formation at a depth of about 55 meters, framing the entrance to an underwater grotto, which ends in the sea 200 meters from the Blue Hole. It is considered a special chic for divers to pass the route through the Arch without special equipment. Those who succeeded can be counted on the fingers of two hands.

Every year, thousands of divers attempt to pass the Arch or reach the bottom of the Blue Hole, including without scuba gear. The fate of many daredevils turned out to be sad and brought the Blue Hole the fame of a “divers' graveyard”. A fairly simple-looking dive route claimed hundreds of lives.

Local residents tell a legend that tells about the emir who ruled in ancient times in these places. His beautiful daughter was not distinguished by strictness of character and indulged in love pleasures with local young men when her father went camping. To keep the secret, the unfortunate "lovers" of the girl were subsequently drowned. When the father found out about this, he ordered the execution of the whore. However, she herself threw herself into the abyss, vowing to take everyone who enters the sea here.

The death of so many divers is due to the effect of "nitrogen intoxication". Neutral in the normal state, nitrogen, which is part of the air, at a depth of 40 meters begins to affect nervous system exciting action. Below 60 meters, coordination of movements is disturbed, euphoria appears, and at a depth of 80 meters hallucinations occur, the diver loses a sense of reality and may, for example, offer to breathe from his balloon to a nearby fish. At depths of 100 meters, complete loss of consciousness is possible. The existence of this barrier was confirmed by Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who explored the Blue Hole in the last century.

However, the formidable glory of the Blue Hole does not deter tourists. Diving to depths of up to 30 meters is quite safe, and acquaintance with the underwater world of the Red Sea will leave an unforgettable experience. Magnificent coral gardens, thousands of colorful fish, fantastic miraculous "palaces" - all this is the Blue Hole.

Those wishing to dive deeper can take the help of experienced instructors from local diving clubs. In general, all the infrastructure necessary for tourists is deployed next to the cave - cafes, parking lots, shops, toilets. There are no hotels here, but there is no need for them - Dahab is only 15 kilometers away, and a bus or taxi ride takes a matter of minutes. Boat trips to the Blue Hole are also organized.

September 6th, 2013

We begin to analyze the topic. This time I took only 10 topics (I'll rest a bit), so probably few people managed to do it :-). One of those who did it petr_leycans, this is what he asks: "Mecca" of all divers, the most dangerous place to dive, the siphon, you dive in one place, and emerge in the open sea, I still can’t decide to dive there

A blue hole is called an underwater vertical failure off the coast of the Red Sea near the Egyptian city of Dahab. The depth of the almost round failure is one hundred and thirty meters. The blue hole at a depth of fifty meters is connected to the Red Sea by a 26-meter tunnel in the wall of the coral reef, called the Arch.

The unique structure of the coral reef and its stunning nature attract many divers here. However, the passage from the Blue Hole to the Red Sea through the Arch requires very high qualifications and special training. Unfortunately, the misjudgment of the risk of this dive often leads to tragic results. No wonder the failure received the ominous nickname "divers' cemetery", according to official sources, more than forty people died when trying to pass through the Arch. On the shore near the Blue Hole, memorial plaques have been erected for some of the dead.

However, diving into the Blue Hole without passing through the Arch is popular with tourists. A lot of corals grow on the vertical walls of the failure and the most beautiful sea ​​fish, and the feeling of imminent danger only exacerbates the senses.

Once upon a time, millions of years ago, a coral that had already grown two meters into a solid wall suddenly stopped growing. Its edges, continuing to grow, grew together only after hundreds of thousands of years. The result was a huge coral hole, called blue because of its celestial color. This is a huge hole with a diameter of approximately 55 meters, which, in the form of a narrowing well, plummets down to a depth of 102 meters. This place is available for diving only for experienced divers.

All dives in Dahab are made from the shore, the locals even arranged something like a cafe next to the dive site.

There is no official information about who was the first to dive in the arch. It is widely believed that the huge void in the reef body was originally seen on a sonar screen by the Israelis.

The architecture of the reef is truly unique. A huge arch in the wall of the reef, separated by an oval lagoon from the open sea, has a vault slightly inclined towards the sea, descending from 49 to 54 m. The bottom of the arch is a steep slope. It descends from the very shore and at the entrance to the arch has a depth of about 90 m, at the exit to the outer side of the reef - 120 m of depth. The arch was made in a reef 26 meters thick - at its top. This location makes it extremely dangerous for divers who are not certified to such depths and who do not have special equipment. Many divers, including very experienced divers, have been severely punished for their carelessness in attempting such "light" passages of the arch.

What are the reasons - after all, for many experienced divers, diving for 50 seconds small meters is not something out of the ordinary? Let's figure it out.

The arch is oriented to the northeast. Therefore, it is extremely poorly lit. The exit from the arch to the outer side of the reef is in the shade. The entrance to the arch is a narrow and deep chute, closed on the sides. Straight sunlight deeper than 20 meters does not fall. Plus depth. Therefore, it is always twilight there - even on the outer side of the reef.

A dive often starts with a dive at inside reef. Having safely reached the planned depth, the diver is already in twilight. Here he sees the faintly luminous silhouette of the arch and begins to swim under the arch to the outer side of the reef. And here he is waiting for a serious test of buoyancy skills. Because the arch is dark and depth control by visual reference points is almost impossible. The Luminous Blue Hole is still too far away for that. The walls of the arch are in complete darkness. At such moments, people who are not ready for these conditions may begin an uncontrolled gain in depth. At depths of more than 70 m, it is no longer as dark as under the vault of the arch - enough light gets there to read instrument readings without a flashlight and without backlight. Even at a depth of 100 m it is not as dark as under the very arch.

The most common diving route for technical divers is to enter the water from the bridges in the lagoon, swim across the surface to the reef wall at the arch. Dive to a depth appropriate to your qualifications. The bottom in the form of an inclined slope will be in this place at a depth of 90 m. Almost always in the lagoon at a depth of 60-80 m you can find a flock of dog-toothed tuna (Dog-toothed tuna) in an amount of 4 to 12 pcs. After that, divers go through the arch to the outer side of the reef. They ascend with decompression stops along the reef wall, at a depth of 7 m through the saddle they return to the lagoon, where they pass the rest of the decompression.

Another route option is to enter the water through the “Bells” crevice - Bells behind the cemetery of dead divers, descend to a depth of 65 m and swim, with a reef along right hand. At the same time, there is nowhere to turn, and the arch will be right in front of you - you won’t have to look for it. You should carefully monitor the consumption of the bottom mixture - under normal conditions (light fair current), the route to the Arch takes about 15 minutes. If the current turns out to be opposite, it may be right to start climbing up to 60-55 m earlier, before reaching the arch.

Blue Hole in Dahab- one of the most mysterious and beautiful reefs of the Red Sea, is considered one of the best dive sites in the world class and one of the most dangerous.

Legends say that in ancient times the emir lived in these places, and he had one daughter. When the emir went on military campaigns, his daughter indulged in orgies with local youths. And so that rumors about her depraved deeds did not go beyond the palace, the unfortunate young men were drowned in a bottomless pit. In the end, the emir nevertheless found out about the immoral behavior of his daughter and ordered the execution of the whore. Then the emir's daughter threw herself into this very Blue Hole ('Blue Hole') and last words her were: ‘I will still take for myself everyone who dares to enter the water in this place.’ No one knows how true the legend is, but memorial plaques with the names of the scuba divers who died here are suggestive.

Not far from the underwater cave, on the shore, there is a memorial, which contains dozens of tablets with the names of the divers who died here. Recently, it was forbidden to place new signs, as the Egyptian government considered that this could negatively affect the tourist attractiveness of this unusual, but deadly natural site.

At the moment, the list of people who have overcome the arch in freediving mode (that is, holding their breath) is very short. There are only a few names here, among which there are such professional divers as Bifin (South Africa), Herbert Nietzsch (Austria), Natalya and Alexei Molchanovs (Russia). It is worth noting that Natalia Molchanova is still the only woman who swam the arch in one breath!

Andrey Chistyakov, TDI instructor, writes:

For all of us who knew James, it still hurts and I'm sure we still don't fully believe that this great guy, the King of Blue Hole, is no more. But he stayed there on June 1, 2003. And before him there were still a lot of others, maybe not so bright, but just like him, who endlessly loved the sea, knew diving and knew how to dive. And Rob Palmer, Hurghada, 1997? By the way, James died while diving with a spark, i.e. it was not a "one-balloon gamble". And hardly anyone can blame Rob for incompetence. I remember a big bewildered article in the Octopus about Palmer's death. Have you ever wondered what killed them? The answer is very simple - deep dives in the air, for the initiated - DEEP AIR.

Let's say it out loud, Deep Air is the theme! Yes, a noose around the neck of technical diving, but - the topic! This is what they have done, are doing, and will continue to do. Almost everyone is engaged, but everyone is silent - instructors do not tell their students, experienced divers do not tell beginners, exchanging meaningful glances after the next jump of 110 meters ... Saying, don’t do this, I won’t - I know, it’s useless. Let's just go to the first scenario.

"Techie". So, the Blue Hole, 12 o'clock in the afternoon (it is unlikely before, firstly, techies like to sleep, they say, they need to have a good rest, and secondly, one dive a day is usually done, so there is nowhere to rush). Techies dress calmly - behind the back are sparks with air, on the side - one stage with 50 nitrox - the second is useless, the Yo-Yo profile does not require. On the shore, they seriously agree that today - a maximum of 100 meters, deeper - no, no. And they dive. Diving takes place in the usual manner - the vest is completely blown off - and with a stone down, the main thing is to have time to slow down before the bottom. And here it is the bottom under the Arch - 70, 80, 90 meters - anesthesia pleasantly envelops the body, but the Techie is still a fine fellow - he collects at the bottom bright tubes dropped by unlucky tourists from Sharm, fins, and, if you're lucky, computers. And the drugs are doing their job. From the corner of his eye, our techie sees that his comrade has gone deeper - uh, no, brother, you're lying - you should add a couple of meters. With the remnants of vision (black dots in front of the eyes, tunnel vision), our hero fixes the figure on the computer - 110 meters. Wow, but the condition is excellent, today it can be deeper. And it goes deeper, the bottom is favorable - such a pleasant slope with unexpected steps.

What's on the next step? And gradually, imperceptibly for himself, he falls asleep, and his legs continue to calmly row - deeper and deeper ... Even on the ascent, the leader of the group discovers that two are not visible - but then one of the lost ones falls past him like a stone from above - this is the remnants of consciousness at 112 meters I pressed the waistcoat inflator, and then woke up at a fifty kopeck, saw with horror my computer - and quickly down, settle. But anxiety gradually fills the consciousness of the leader, the second is nowhere to be found and, having missed the last stop for 15 minutes, he rushes upstairs. Here it becomes clear - the second one will never surface again - and at the moment, there is probably still air in his spark and he is sleeping calmly at 140 meters, breathing evenly, VR3 on his wrist indifferently shows total time surfacing 4 hours, but the diver happily lies at the bottom and breathes.

And a few days later, an elderly man and woman come to Dahab, they are calm, they just can’t cry anymore, and their life has now lost all meaning - after all, the one they loved so much, for whom they lived for, whose rare visits and calls they rejoiced most of all, is gone in the world. They go to the local rescuer and give him 3 thousand dollars - they will give 5 more when he picks up what is left of their son, if the fish and crabs were generous these days - it will still be possible to recognize him ... And then - long formalities with authorities, police and a zinc box are loaded on board the IL-86, frightening the departing tourists ...

AOWD. Today my dream came true - for a hundred greens I agreed with a local guy - he promised to take me to Arka. And what, I’m already an experienced diver, I have 50 dives, I’ve been 60 meters (secretly from the divemaster, together with a friend, on my last trip to the Maldives), I breathe well, one cylinder is enough if you don’t stay under the Arch for a long time. Just think, Arch, they say the upper vault is 55 meters away - so everything is in order. We dive. We calmly dive to 30 meters, it is a little difficult to control buoyancy in the middle of the well - there are no visible landmarks, but, nothing, we can use instruments. And then she appears out of nowhere - beauty! And let me go deeper, otherwise 55 meters is not undignified somehow ....

I make a sign to my benefactor, Susanin, that I will dive deeper already at the exit from the Arch - he twists his finger at the temple, but cannot leave my friend - he has become mad and it is clear that without Susanin he cannot emerge. I’m going down, suddenly the wall smoothly dissolves into blue - and I feel in my ears that I’m falling, but I don’t understand where the top is, where the bottom is. An attack of acute fear was the last thing that flashed through my head - darkness continued ... And on the shore a beautiful young woman was reading a book - soon her only person in the world with whom she felt so good should rise. She dreamily closes her eyes...

"Open water diver". Our instructor is terribly experienced and cool guy offered to pay 100 dollars each and show us something completely unusual - some famous Arch. My wife was frightened and didn’t go, dissuaded me too, but I decided to go - all the more so, well, what is 100 dollars - ugh, thank God, business is going well, when else will I get out to dive? We get dressed and swim to the middle of the well - the instructor shows the “dive” sign, I blow off the BCD and start to fall. But what is it - the usual reef wall is not visible nearby and where is the bottom? I convulsively squeeze the regulator in my mouth and start rowing furiously up with my fins, soon I cease to understand whether I am ascending or sinking - my heart seems to be jumping out of my chest .... It will be very easy to find me - my body will be lifted from a depth of 90 meters on the same day by techies who accidentally came to dive - my wife will pay only a couple of thousand bucks ...

So, before you three scenarios - personally to you, which one is more to your liking? By the way, James Paul Smith, King of Blue Hole, who dived every day, and Robert Palmer, president of TDI-Europe, were very good divers - so humble guys, okay?

Photo Andrey Ryansky

The Egyptian resort of Dahab became a real “Mecca” for divers when an amazing place called Blue Hole was discovered near Dahab, which attracts extreme lovers from all over the world.

This is truly a paradise for diving enthusiasts.

A Blue Hole is a natural rounded dip formed in coral reef. clear waters of this dip give an opportunity to lovers of diving and freediving to truly enjoy the beauties of the underwater world.

Sunrise... Mecca for give... Just weekday... Cafe at the goal...

The blue hole has become just a real find, because Egypt is primarily famous for its pyramids, palm trees and resorts. However, in recent years, extreme types of recreation have become increasingly popular, capable of delivering as much adrenaline as possible into the bloodstream.

Due to the fact that north winds prevail here, in Dahab, which is a hundred kilometers from Sharm el-Sheikh along the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, it is never hot and stuffy. In the relatively narrow, Gulf of Aqaba, there are almost never big waves, as in other resorts in Egypt.

It is called the "Mecca" of divers - the Blue Hole because the sun, reflected in the water, paints the walls of the coral tunnel leading under water in blue. For any person amazing creation nature makes an irresistible impression, but imagine the anticipation of a diver who has the opportunity to admire these azure reflections from inside the tunnel.

There are several such holes in the water expanses of the oceans. But this one, which is located near Dahar, is of particular interest. The diameter of the Egyptian Blue Hole is a little over 50 meters, it goes to a depth of more than 100 meters. Located right next to the coast. Inside the crater there are two exits to the open sea: one in the form of a dense coral garden at a depth of about 7 meters, and the other, shaped like a huge arch, which is located at a depth of 55 meters. It is difficult to overestimate the attraction of the Blue Hole for divers, both casual divers and so-called "techno-drivers" for whom diving is a way to set a personal best or win a competition. In addition, there is a separate direction - recreational divers, who claim that the route inside the tunnel leading to the huge Arch, and from it to the open sea, cannot be forgotten. As a result of such an influx of enthusiasts, enterprising natives organized recreation areas and rental equipment for diving.

The abundance of tourists is quite justified. The underwater world, especially as rich as in the Red Sea, is able to charm even an inveterate cynic. Just imagine the luminous blue of the high seas when viewed from the inside. On the way to the Blue Hole, tourists will have to swim past a sheer wall covered with a variety of underwater plants. On the approach to the Hole, the profile of the wall changes, it becomes more gentle and sometimes from here you can see the inhabitants of the Red Sea - barracudas and tuna. In total, the journey from the start of the dive to the Hole takes about half an hour. Various representatives of the underwater world live in the Blue Hole itself, including such rare ones as clown fish and triggerfish. Coral thickets are diverse and many-sided. You can also see ordinary corals, with tentacle-like appendages, and a huge wavy carpet of coral called Elephant Skin.

The Blue Hole Arch is legendary and huge, according to tech divers. As a matter of fact, it is the entrance to a giant tunnel, passing under the water column and having access to the reefs. Techno divers, appropriately equipped and most experienced, have the opportunity to observe fantastic streaks of light under the Arch's Gothic vault, as well as unique animals and plants found only at such extreme depths.

It should be noted that there are several such coral "wells" in the sea. For example, they can be seen off the coast of America and the Bahamas. They are of natural origin and quite often it is found that between them there are passages at an unthinkable depth, like communicating caves. The secret of Blue Hole at one time was not ignored even by the most famous underwater explorer and traveler Jacques Yves Cousteau. Perhaps this is where his famous "euphoria of the abyss" came from. Today's tourists descend into the depths of the coral structure using scuba gear and accompanied by an experienced diver. Of course, before diving, each diver must be instructed and supplied with valuable advice, but doing without help at first is simply dangerous.

A standard dive for tourists under the guidance of a dive guide usually does not exceed 20-30 meters. The cost of renting equipment plus four dives costs about 120 euros per person. Since the Blue Hole is located at a distance from the resort, about 15 kilometers, you can get to it by car or bus. It is not customary to spend the night there, but there is where to rest and eat.

However, this beauty is very dangerous and quite often leads to tragedies. Many even experienced divers who broke the rule to dive deeper than 25 meters remained forever in the Blue Hole. The names of the divers who disappeared without a trace in the Blue Hole are written on signs along the road to the dive site. It should be so that everyone who passes this road seriously thinks about their own safety. But, despite this, the Blue Hole is becoming more and more visited.

Usually, those who come to try their hand at the Blue Hole stay in Dahab, which is full of hotels for every budget. The Dahab resort itself is a peculiar, almost unique resort town. In addition to water activities, here you can relax just like that. Of course, there are no noisy discos in Dahab, it is a rather quiet place, but there are many small cafes and restaurants, very convenient for families, which are located right on the shore of the bay. Here you can ride bicycles, motorcycles or quad bikes. There are several interesting bike routes of varying difficulty. IN last years lovers of rock climbing come here very often, for them it is also beautiful place. Nearby are the unique sights of Sinai. One of these is one of the most revered Christian shrines.

Rest in Dahab has another huge advantage - it is not seasonal, but year-round. In addition, prices here are much lower than in the elite Sharm el-Sheikh, although the conditions are almost the same. Have a good rest.

Video: Blue Hole (Red...