Let's talk about sea bass fish and its beneficial and harmful properties. Perch beneficial properties

Fish is a unique natural product that has been used in cooking for thousands of years. different nations peace. Of particular value is sea bass, the benefits and harms of which have already been well studied. Perch fillet is famous for its unique taste, and dishes prepared from it always become the highlight of any feast. How is sea bass harmful and beneficial?

General information

There are about 90 species of sea bass in nature. They live in the cold waters of temperate and northern latitudes of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Sea bass belongs to the suborder Percoidae, the family Scorpionidae and the genus Distinctive feature This species has large round eyes and ray-shaped fins with sharp ends, the injection of which causes painful local inflammation. These fish are predatory and deep-sea, but they do not live on them. They can be found at depths of 100-1000 m. The most common individuals are single-colored or striped in pink-red color. Second characteristic- live birth. Females do not spawn, but give birth to already formed fry. The smallest varieties of this fish are about 20 cm long, and the largest can reach 1 m. The maximum lifespan of sea bass is 15 years.

Composition and calorie content

Sea bass has an amazing range of vitamins and microelements. The harm and benefits of this fish are determined precisely by its composition, including magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel. This fish is also rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, B, PP. In addition, sea bass contains polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, taurine and is easily digestible. human body protein.

Despite such a rich composition, the calorie content of this product is quite low. 100 g of fresh fish contains 103 kcal, smoked - 88, boiled - 112, and fried - 137. The same can be said about fat content. Atlantic perch contains 6%, and Pacific perch 3.3% fat. Therefore, fish can be used in dietary nutrition.

Popularity in cooking

When frozen, fillets of this type of fish can be stored for a relatively long time and still remain fresh. It also has a pleasant taste and aroma and contains negligible bones. It is these features that have led to the enormous popularity of sea bass in cooking. This fish is fried, boiled, stewed, smoked, baked and salted. The best taste qualities has salted fish.

Sea bass is especially popular in Japan, the harm and benefits of which are well known here firsthand. The Japanese call this type fish in the spring, since it is at this time of year that sea bass fishing begins. Another name for this species is mebaru, which the perch received because of its huge eyes, disproportionate to the body. For Japan, this fish is traditional, as it is used in preparing sushi, sashimi, soups and other dishes.

Sea bass: harm or benefit?

Fish, of course, should be present in the human diet. However, there are such species that can be not only useful, but also harmful to humans. For example, sea bass, the harm and benefits of which will be discussed below.

Harm and contraindications

It is known that many useful vitamins and microelements contains sea bass, the benefits and harms of which have long been known to people. What harmful properties does this fish have?

IN last years More and more information is emerging about its dangers. This is directly related to the improvement of the ecological condition of water bodies, since heavy metals accumulate in fish. Sea bass is also harmful if storage, processing and preparation technologies are not followed.

It can definitely be said that salted fish is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease. Doctors also do not recommend eating perch if you have the following diseases:

  • allergy to fish;
  • anemia;
  • gastritis in the acute stage;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • dyspepsia;
  • heart disease;
  • gallstones;
  • leukopenia;
  • minor hemorrhages;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • lack of zinc in the body;
  • oncological diseases;
  • increased anxiety;
  • gout;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • noise in ears;
  • endemic goiter;
  • erythrocytosis.

Sea bass: beneficial properties

As mentioned above, beneficial features This type of fish is determined by its composition. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for normalizing metabolism and blood cholesterol levels. They prevent the development of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Taurine is required for tissue and cell growth and metabolic processes. B12 is needed for the synthesis of DNA molecules. Perch fillet also contains the antioxidant myelin, which is necessary for fat metabolism.

Thus, this fish is perfect for the diet of people suffering from diseases of the circulatory, nervous, digestive systems, skin and pancreas, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, brain hypoxia, hyper- and hypoglycemia, acid-base balance disorders, cervical erosion, and memory impairment , increased fatigue, depression. Sea bass should be present in the diet of pregnant women and the elderly. This fish is also useful for children, as it helps prevent rickets and slow growth, as well as with nervous and physical exhaustion, recovery from past illness, poor performance. Perch will have a beneficial effect on nervous system, head and spinal cord, bones, skin, hair.

Precautionary measures

Speaking about sea bass fish, the harms and benefits of which have already been discussed above, it should be noted that when preparing it you must be extremely careful and take some precautions. The fact is that the sharp rays of the fins have poisonous glands at their ends. When pricked by a fin, local severe inflammation occurs, which is accompanied by noticeable pain. Sometimes such contact causes local paralysis. If you suffer from hypersensitivity or allergies (especially to fish), cutting this fish is strictly contraindicated for you. It is recommended to cut off the fins with scissors.

One of the most popular types of fish in cooking is sea bass. The benefits and harms to the human body are determined not only by its composition, but also by the method of preparation. Not everyone can eat this type of fish. If you have serious illnesses, especially in the acute stage, or allergies, it is better to avoid sea bass. When cutting a fish carcass, precautions should also be taken.

Numerous experts in the medical field strongly recommend including sea bass in your daily diet, as it is fully saturated with phosphorus, iodine, protein and numerous additional vitamins that are so necessary for a person to fully develop.

But the fact is that in order to get the maximum benefit from fish, you should know everything about how to choose it correctly, store it, as well as what contraindications for consumption and precautions there may be. That is, today we will consider all these questions in order to fully get acquainted with sea bass.

The composition of this fish is rich in a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. In order to better understand this and know how it can affect chemical composition The composition of this product on the human body should be studied in more detail.

Thus, perch meat contains:

  1. Omega acids. The fact is that it is this element that takes the most Active participation in normalizing blood cholesterol levels. Also, even fatty acids can become excellent prophylactic against vascular and heart diseases, also has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  2. Taurine. It has an excellent ability to activate the growth of tissues as well as cells. At the same time, it normalizes metabolic processes;
  3. Myelin. An excellent antioxidant that breaks down fats well. Necessary for pregnant women to fully saturate all cells of the body with oxygen.

Nutritional value per 100 grams of product:

Substances that predominate in the composition of sea bass:

Index Quantity Area of ​​influence
Vitamin D 0.77 mg Has the ability to prevent the development chronic form various diseases. Stabilizes immune system, thereby protecting the body from colds
Vitamin B12 0.27 mg Takes part in synthesis, removes accumulated toxins, and fully saturates all cells with oxygen. As a result of all this, appetite is normalized and growth is stimulated
Fe (iron) 1.04 mg Normalizes a person’s physical activity and ability to work, improves blood circulation, strengthens bones and restores function thyroid gland
Phosphorus 3.08 mg Naturally, first of all, this substance positively strengthens teeth and bones and significantly reduces painful sensations for back diseases. Is a source of energy for the entire human body
Iodine 0.99 mg Bears full responsibility for regulating the metabolism of proteins and fats. Is a necessary element for full-fledged work thyroid gland
Calcium 4.16 mg The main function is to strengthen bone tissue. In addition, it may have an antiallergic effect.

The most common varieties of sea bass:

  • golden appearance;
  • rock bass;
  • white;
  • blue type

Due to its rich composition, such fish has a huge number of useful properties, but first it is necessary to consider diseases in which eating sea bass alleviates the condition and a person recovers much faster:

  1. Rickets in childhood;
  2. Diseases associated with the head and skin diseases;
  3. Problems with the thyroid gland;
  4. Disruption of the pancreas;
  5. Recovery process after major operations during the rehabilitation period;
  6. Diseases of the female reproductive system;
  7. State of depression or nervousness.

Nutritionists recommend that their patients eat foods that include sea bass meat every day if they strictly adhere to the prescribed diet. The fact is that such fish is fully saturated with useful substances that can saturate the body at a time when it is experiencing a stressful state.

This type of fish is not very common in use, so at the moment there is only one area of ​​application - cooking. Sea bass can be prepared in a variety of ways. That is, this can be done using heat treatment before direct serving. There are also ready-made canned goods that have excellent taste, due to which they are often used as a filling for gastronomic pies.

Naturally in order to use the fish and get from it maximum benefit Initially, you should know how to choose it correctly, and then store it.

Buying sea bass is certainly not a tricky business, but for the right choice You should know a few simple rules:

  • the carcass itself and, naturally, the gills should have a bright pink tint, since a pale color will indicate that the fish is no longer fresh;
  • the scales should be white;
  • It is best to avoid making a mistake by purchasing fish only from conscientious sellers so as not to ultimately harm your body.

Storage conditions:

  • it is necessary to strictly observe the prescribed temperature regime;
  • Use only clean storage containers.

If you follow these instructions, you can avoid negative effects on the body. The fact is that many manufacturers use dyes during primary processing to improve the external qualities of fish, but the fact is that they greatly reduce the beneficial properties of the fish.

All fish have a wide range of culinary uses, and sea bass is naturally no exception. It can be prepared in a variety of ways using pre-heat treatment. Besides all this, this fish ultimately makes excellent gourmet dishes, which are currently valued and revered all over the world.

As for the combination, it has an excellent taste if served with rice or vegetables. In this case, it is advisable to use flavorings and spices to increase the taste aspect.

Naturally, if a product has great benefits for the body, then it certainly cannot harm it. But the fact is that some peoples of the world simply refuse to eat dishes related to sea bass. Of course, this product should not be eaten because it has allergic reactions to any type of fish.

But in order not to harm your body when eating sea bass, you need to take some precautions. Thus, you need to be very careful when cutting the carcass. The whole point is that there is poison in the fins. It is an injection from such a fin that can cause paralysis in a person, and after the injection the wounded area will hurt for a long time.

Thus, in order not to harm your precious body, you should be as careful as possible when purchasing and cutting the product. If you do all this, then you can not be afraid and get the maximum benefit from consuming a tasty and healthy product in the process.

  1. According to their own external features the fish is very similar to river perch, but if you pay attention you can notice some differences in appearance and internal view, since such fish themselves belong to different families;
  2. Very sharp fins are poisonous and can cause harm to humans if wounded;
  3. The largest variety of sea bass can be found on the coasts of California;
  4. The sizes of such fish can range from insignificant (20-25 cm) to particularly large representatives of the species (up to 1 meter);
  5. Such fish belong to species that have a long lifespan. Thus, the average lifespan of this species is 50-100 years;
  6. Your food (small fish, crayfish or other small representatives underwater world) sea bass are caught on the bottom. They do this spontaneously, disguising themselves and then unexpectedly attacking from an ambush.

Today we learned a lot of things that we didn’t even know about such a useful fish as sea bass. And if you follow all the rules and precautions, you can get the maximum benefit from the fish and no harm.

Perch is a predatory fish. The exact origin of the name is unknown, but there is a version that it came from the ancient Slavic “eye”. Perch can be either sea or freshwater. But, despite same names, they belong to different families.

Sea bass are divided into 110 species. It belongs to the scorpionfish family. Lives in Quiet and Atlantic Oceans. It can grow up to a maximum of 1 meter in length, and can gain up to 20 kg in weight. Sea bass is considered a long-liver. He can live from 50-70 years. Sea bass has poison on its sharp fins, and the injection can cause local inflammation. Interesting fact During reproduction, female perch do not spawn, but give birth to fully formed fry.

Useful properties of sea bass

  1. A fish carcass contains a considerable amount fish oil, which consists of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. And these acids are known to participate in the regulation of metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels.
  2. Also it's not poor prevention cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. Fish meat contains a lot of excellent protein, which is very well absorbed by the human body. Protein is very important for the brain.
  4. This fish is also rich in vitamin taurine, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the growth of cells and tissues. He is still actively involved in metabolic processes.
  5. This fish contains all the vital vitamins in sufficient quantity. Also, in perch required quantity contains macro- and microelements.
  6. With the help of vitamin B12, it synthesizes DNA and myelin. the vitamin is considered an excellent antioxidant, is involved in fat metabolism, and is also important in acute and chronic hypoxia.
  7. Its benefit is that it helps to improve the health of the skin, mucous membrane, digestive and nervous system, and the human thyroid gland.

Unlike marine species, river perch has no subspecies. Found in Northern Asia, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The fish is indiscriminate in food, eating everything that moves. These two types also differ in reproduction. A female river perch spawns when the water temperature is not higher than +12. River perch grows up to 35 - 40 cm and weighs up to 2 kg. Life expectancy also differs from sea bass; river bass lives no more than 20 years.

Despite the very tasty meat, some people do not like perch because of its spiny rays and dense scales, which are very difficult to clean. Therefore, perch can often be cooked only by removing only the internal organs. But, to remove the scales, you can use boiling water, in which the fish is immersed for 1-2 seconds. After this procedure, cleaning the scales of the perch is much easier.

Calories and nutritional value

River perch meat contains proteins (18.5 grams per 100 grams), fats (1 gram), vitamins, but no carbohydrates. Calories – 82 kcal. When fried and smoked, the ratio changes: the amount of fat increases to 10 grams, carbohydrates appear, and therefore the calorie content increases - up to 180-200 kcal/100 grams of product.

Perch also contains the following minerals: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iodine, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, cobalt, nickel. Most potassium – 300 mg.

Useful properties of river perch

  1. Perch meat is white, lean, very aromatic, tasty, with relatively few bones. It can be consumed fried, boiled, baked or dried. It is also used for preparing canned food and fillets. Perch is considered a dietary fish. After freezing, it retains its taste for about 3-4 months at a temperature of -18.
  2. Perch is considered the most the best fish for cooking fish soup. To enhance the taste of the fish soup, you can add various spices, mushrooms, cucumber pickle, and dry white wine.
  3. Perch cooked by hot smoking is considered the most delicious. It is smoked on fruit trees, without spices, for 2 hours.
  4. The benefits of fish are very great for the mucous membranes of the body, normalizing blood sugar levels and maintaining healthy thyroid function.

When purchasing sea bass, it is important to know that the fish must be fresh, not frozen. The important thing is that the quality of the fish is influenced by the conditions and environment in which the fish grew. If it is caught in the open sea, lake, river, and not grown in captivity, then the composition of omega-3 fats in it will be much higher.


Avoid consumption by people with urolithiasis, kidney disease and urinary tract. Also contraindicated for people with individual intolerance.

In Latin, the name of this family of fish is Perca. This inhabitant of lakes, rivers and seas belongs to the predators, but is actually an omnivore. This fish is not so difficult to catch, but fishermen still consider it a worthy trophy (especially if a large specimen is caught). The meat of this fish is quite tasty and belongs to dietary products, and gourmet dishes from it can be found in national cuisine Finns, Italians. All this is about perch.

general characteristics

As already mentioned, perches can live in both fresh and salt water bodies. But at the same time, it is worth understanding that common perch (also known as river perch) and sea perch are different families of fish. The most common three types of freshwater perch are:

  • common - lives in fresh and brackish waters of Eurasia;
  • Balkhan - found only in the Semirechye basin (Kazakhstan);
  • yellow - found in freshwater in North America.

Typically, perch “occupies” shallow waters with algae, where it is easier for it to hunt smaller fish. Larger specimens prefer deeper depths. In Lakes Constance and Onega, perches are found at almost 40 meters depth.

Biologists classify Perca as a predatory fish, but in reality the perch doesn’t care what it eats. Although its diet often contains tadpoles, eggs of other fish, insects, worms, crustaceans, and small fish. And large specimens do not even refuse crayfish.

You can recognize an ordinary perch by its oblong, slightly flattened carcass on the sides, tightly covered with scales. The second sign that there is a perch in front of you is fins with sharp spines. The color of these fish is usually green-yellow (but may vary slightly depending on the area where they live), the upper fin is bluish-red, the dorsal fin is greenish, and the rest are red.

The weight of an average fish is approximately 1-1.3 kg, and the body usually does not exceed 40 cm. Although it is known that in the waters of Lake Onega you can catch 2-3 kg specimens, in Chudskoye - almost 4 kg beauties, and in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg Sometimes there are giants up to 5 kg or more. But what’s interesting is that such huge individuals do not grow in length, but increase in thickness and height, hence the name – humpback whale.

Perch belongs to those types of fish that are not particularly difficult to catch. And all because they are found in large schools, and the younger the fish, the larger the school they create. Perca fish are quite prolific. Females weighing 250 g “give out” 250-300 thousand eggs, larger ones – more than a million. But as a rule, most of the eggs die without ever becoming fry.

By summer, the offspring of perches appear, and, having reached 2-3 cm, they begin to hunt other fry. For this reason, Perca can become a real threat to other pond inhabitants (they eat the eggs and fry of trout, carp, pike perch, and bream).

Nutritional value and calorie content

River perch meat is a dietary product. A 100-gram portion of fillet contains no more than 85 kcal and only 1 g. But - about 18-19 g. The calorie content (due to fat) is slightly higher in fried or smoked fish. Like any other fish, perch is an excellent source. But it is worth knowing that in “wild” individuals the level of this useful substance is almost 3 times higher than in fish grown in ponds.

Among the useful components that make up perch meat:

  • – 300 mg;
  • – 60 mg;
  • – 225 mg;
  • – 1 mg;
  • – 1.7 mg;
  • – 77 mg;
  • – 165 mg;
  • – 205 mg;
  • – 55 mcg;
  • – 0.2 mg;
  • – 0.2 mg;
  • – 56 mcg;
  • – 35 mcg;
  • – 5 mcg;
  • – 5 mcg.

Also in 100 g of product there is:

  • – 45 mcg;
  • – 1.5 mg;
  • – 94 mcg;
  • – 1 mg;
  • – 0.2 mg;
  • – 0.1 mg;
  • – 0.35 mg;
  • – 1.4 mg;
  • – 7 mg;
  • – 1.5 mg.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of perch are determined by the chemical composition of the meat. And, as you know, it contains a lot of useful components.

First of all, the fillet of this freshwater fish is an excellent source of essential fatty acids (more than 1.5 g per 100 g of product), necessary for the functioning of most body systems. But one of the key effects on humans is improved brain functioning. In addition, perch is rich in B vitamins, in particular B12, which are necessary for melanin synthesis and maintaining DNA structure.

Perca meat is a real mineral and vitamin “cocktail”. Together, these beneficial substances improve the supply of oxygen to tissues, activate fat metabolism, and serve “ building material" For connective tissue and bones. Perch dishes are useful for people with thyroid disorders, restore the integrity of the mucous membranes, and also regulate the level.


Oddly enough, there are people for whom perch meat can be harmful. First of all, this applies to people with gout, urolithiasis, inflammation of the urinary tract, and kidney dysfunction. Individual intolerance to this type of fish is also rare, but still occurs.

Perch in the food industry

Perch fillet is white, tender and lean meat with a good aroma. Dishes from this fish are most often found in the cuisine of the Slavs and residents of the north. And the first mentions of the use of Perca as food are found in ancient chronicles.

Perch is excellent fried, boiled, baked, stewed, stuffed or dried, and also as a filling for pies. Its meat is used for canning and freezing (at minus 18 it will not lose its taste even after 3 months).

It is believed that perch is the most the best choice for fish soup. Both large and very small fish are used for the dish. Large carcasses are boiled in a small amount of broth. Mushrooms, cucumber pickle, spices, and white wine can enhance the taste of this fish. The smallest ones can also be used to make soup. To do this, the gutted carcasses should be wrapped in gauze and placed in a pan of water. After cooking, the boiled fish are thrown away.

Another way to cook perch is hot smoking. The most delicious fish is smoked without any spices over wood from fruit trees. This product is stored for 3 days.

When frying, carcasses are usually seasoned with salt, fragrant herbs and pepper. To obtain a crispy crust, the fillet is dipped in batter and fried in a large amount of oil. The main thing is not to overcook, as in this form the dish can become a source of toxins. Grilled fish also has excellent gastronomic qualities; it develops a characteristic aroma and a bitter taste.

There are almost no bones in perch, but many people refuse to cook this fish because of the spiny fins and tightly held scales.

How to properly clean a carcass

Needle-like fins and dense scales are not a reason to refuse perch meat. Moreover, there is an easy way to clean the carcass. To do this, the fish must be cleaned of giblets and the fins trimmed with sharp scissors. Then dip in boiling water (no longer than a second or two). After this, the scales will be removed without much difficulty. The main thing is not to overexpose it so that the scales do not fall off along with the skin.

Here are some more tips from fishermen who certainly know how to properly clean a perch:

  1. Press the carcass with its tail against the board and pull it by the head (a crunch should be heard). After this manipulation, the scales will come off easier.
  2. Clean the perch diagonally from the belly towards the back, and then from the tail to the head.
  3. Cover the gutted carcass with salt overnight. By morning, the skin will soften and the scales will come off easier.
  4. Place fresh fish in the freezer for several hours. After this it will be easier to clean.
  5. To prevent the scales from scattering all over the kitchen, you can clean the perch in a bowl of water.
  6. It is easiest to clean fresh fish along with the skin. If you make cuts along the fins and around the head, you can easily remove the skin with a “stocking”.
  7. It is necessary to clean the entrails of the perch very carefully. A damaged gallbladder will give the meat a bitter taste. If bile gets on the fillet, sprinkle the damaged area with a thick layer of salt and scrape it off with a sharp knife.

How to choose the right perch

Frozen perch fillets are selected according to the same rules as any other fish. First, it is important to pay attention to the amount of ice. According to technology, it should not be more than 5%. If the standards are met, the frozen layer will not be noticeable.

Secondly, it is worth considering the weight of the product. An unnaturally light fillet indicates that the product has been in the freezer for longer than expected.

The markings on the label will help you understand whether there are bones in the fillet. The designation “PBO” appears on selected boneless fish, “PBI” warns of the possible presence of small bones.

And one more nuance. If too much liquid comes out of the fillet during cooking, foam appears white, this is a sign of polyphosphates that were “pumped” into the fish.

What to cook from perch

Perch meat is one of the most dietary products. And as many fishermen say, almost anything can be cooked from this fish. Here are the simplest recipes.

Salted perch

For 10 kg of fish you will need a bucket of water and 1 kilo of coarse salt. Wash the carcasses, cleaned of scales, giblets, fins and gills, and pat dry with a towel. Sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the bottom of an enamel bowl, then lay out the fish carcasses in dense rows, sprinkling each row with salt. Upper layer must be made of salt. Cover the dish with fish tightly, press down with weight and leave for 3-5 days in a cool place.

Perch caviar

Remove the caviar from the caviar bags. During this time, prepare a very salty boiling solution. Pour hot brine over the caviar, stir for 2 minutes and strain through a sieve. Prepare another portion of boiling brine and repeat the procedure. When the water has completely drained. Pour a little into the bottom of a clean jar vegetable oil and place the finished product in it. Add salt and a little more oil. Infuse the delicacy in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After this, you can eat it in the same way as salmon caviar or sturgeon.

Dried perch

This recipe is suitable for any other river fish, but perch is especially tasty.

For 5 kilos of perch you will have to use one and a half kilos of salt and about 100 g. Pour a glass of salt and half a glass of sugar into the bottom of the bucket. Place pre-washed and dried fish carcasses on top. Add the remaining salt and cover tightly with a heavy lid. Leave in a cool place for a week or better 10 days. Stir the fish and leave for another day. Place the finished carcasses in a container with clean water and soak for 4 hours. Wash each carcass, dry it from water, string it on a rope and dry it for a week or two.

Baked fish

This dish is very easy to prepare, contains few calories, looks impressive and has many benefits for the body.

Clean the perch carcass, cut off the head and tail. Grate with a spicy mixture (salt, black pepper, coriander), put in glassware and pour in white wine. Leave in the marinade for 2 hours.

Place onion (cut into rings and fried until translucent), slices of tomatoes, and herbs onto a greased baking dish. Place the fish on a vegetable bed and sprinkle the carcass lemon juice. On top are the remains of onions and tomatoes, as well as a little chopped garlic. Bake for approximately 35 minutes.

River perch is one of the fish available in our latitudes. Perca is not deficient and contains no less beneficial components than seafood. River perch is a versatile fish, from which it is always easy to prepare a dish that is not only satisfying, but also extremely tasty, which you and your loved ones will enjoy.

Lovers of fish dishes admire the delicate, refined taste of sea bass meat. But the benefits and harms of fish are completely different from its taste. The prickly inhabitant of salty bodies of water can significantly improve health or undermine it, depending on who and how this delicacy is consumed.

Sea bass is a deep-sea predatory fish with bulging eyes and bright colors. The inhabitant of the seas looks similar to his river counterpart, but has something completely different internal structure and very poisonous thorns. There are more than 100 species of perch living in the Black and Norwegian seas, the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

A valuable gift from the deep sea

The amazing properties of sea bass meat have been known to mankind since ancient times. Thanks to the use of such a product, the body receives vitamins A, groups B, E, D, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron and many other useful substances. Despite the rich chemical composition, such fish is easily digestible because it is rich in protein and amino acids, contains little fat and does not contain carbohydrates at all. Regular inclusion of sea bass dishes in the menu leads to the following beneficial changes in the functioning of the body:

  • metabolism improves;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • the nervous and cardiovascular systems are strengthened;
  • visual acuity increases and the risk of macular degeneration is reduced by half (this disorder threatens blindness);
  • brain activity is stimulated;
  • the aging process slows down;
  • depression stops.

Nutritionists recommend that those losing weight eat this fish often, not only because of its low calorie content (100 g of sea bass contains only 79 kcal). It has the ability to reduce the amount of fat stored in the body and prevent deficiency useful substances, inevitable with strict diets.

Who will sea bass help to recover faster?

Proper nutrition brings recovery closer, so doctors often not only prescribe medications, but also advise which foods make it possible to quickly cope with a particular disease. Considering the benefits of sea bass, doctors recommend feasting on it more often when:

  • rickets in children;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • lesions of the skin and brain;
  • diseases of the female reproductive organs;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • bad mood and depression.

In order for sea bass meat to become a real medicine for a person who has been diagnosed with one of the listed diseases, it is best for him to stew, bake or simply boil such fish.

Is an aquatic predator dangerous on land?

The benefits of sea bass for the body are invaluable, but eating it is harmful for people suffering from:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • allergies;
  • gout.

If you like to feast on salted perch, make sure that you do not have kidney disease, otherwise your health will begin to deteriorate. Don’t forget about the poisonous spines of a sea predator: pricking yourself with them can provoke a serious inflammatory process.

This could be the end of the warnings about the dangers of fish, but, unfortunately, the latest information about the environmental situation does not allow this. Heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic) sometimes accumulate in the body of perch, which are very dangerous for humans. Lesions of internal organs or external defects of the fish indicate that the perch for a long time was in a polluted body of water. But these signs Bad quality may be absent. To avoid trouble, it is best to exclude perch dishes from the diet of children and pregnant women.

To prevent heavy metals from causing the development of pathologies, connoisseurs of perch meat should remember that they need to eat such fish no more than twice a week and take measures to cleanse their body of harmful accumulations.

So, the benefits of sea bass turn into harm if the conditions for its cultivation, storage or preparation are violated. What do you need to know so that the store doesn’t sell you spoiled fish? Remember, with a fresh, high-quality “prickly beauty”:

  • the gills and carcass are brightly colored;
  • the eyes are clean and the meat is firm;
  • after removing the scales, white skin is visible.

Scientific studies have confirmed that fish caught at sea is healthier than fish raised in hatcheries. Buy wild perch that comes from ecologically clean areas. If you purchased canned or preserved sea predator meat, make sure that the product does not contain dyes or preservatives: these additives significantly reduce the beneficial properties of the main ingredient.