Download games. Games and exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress in children, to reduce aggression and weaken negative emotions, to realize effective forms of behavior

Relaxation games allow the child to get rid of emotional tension and frustration, initially predetermined by the antagonism of real life relationships between a child and an adult.

Explanatory note

The main purpose of the complex

The game cures aggressiveness.

- O showing help to children preschool age(from 2 to 7 years old) in development and in adaptive capabilities.


Decreased emotional and mental stress, anxiety;

Awareness of their bodily sensations and experienced feelings;

Removal of emotional and muscular tension;

Muscle tone optimization

Teaching methods of regulating one's emotional state, internal self-control;

Formation in children of the ability to mental self-defense in extreme situations, during the period of overvoltage and overload;

Increasing the functional level of body systems (exercises for training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, activating metabolic processes);

Changing aggressive stereotypes of behavior and the formation of more adaptive behavioral patterns;

Formation of positive attitudes.

Expected results

With regular exercise, children should develop a sense of wholeness, clarity and reliability of their own body, as a necessary contact for physical and emotional well-being.

Thanks to the development of psycho-self-regulation skills, motor activity will decrease in hyperactive and anxious children during the educational process.

Thanks to the work of muscles, listening to music, mastering breathing exercises, an active discharge of emotions is provided. This is especially important because, due to their age features children are often unaware of their "psychological thorns".

In children, when listening to music, the corresponding emotions are revived, and there may be vivid memories about previously unreacted experiences, which is important for finding the root cause nervous tension in some children.

Classes according to the program will help the formation of more adaptive behavioral patterns in children and the formation of positive attitudes.

With the help of exercises, there will be a special (rehabilitation) psychological adaptation to social tension, stressful situations.

Teaching constructive forms of stress relief and relaxation, relieving psycho-emotional stress, bodily clamps. At this stage, children are taught the skills of consistent relaxation of the muscles of the body, short-term methods of relaxation (both the whole body and individual muscle groups). For this purpose, methods of directed fantasy, musical relaxation therapy, storytelling are used. Relaxing exercises and games (relaxation) for children.

The child behaves aggressively. Our reaction? Most often, adults condemn such behavior, punish the baby, scold, lose control of themselves, become aggressive themselves, thus aggravating the situation.

Aggression is militant hostility towards others. But we must remember that the child's aggression is often not only an attack, but also an upholding.

Stimulating exercises that increase energy potential:

claps (palms, fists);

self-massage of the head;

self-massage of the auricles;

foot self-massage;

massage and self-massage of hands and fingers;

work with fingers (performing various figures from fingers).

These exercises are not only aimed at increasing the functional level of the body's systems and potential energy level, but also enrich the child's knowledge of his own body, develop attention, volition, calm and balance the psyche.

Very effective use in the program of musical relaxation therapy.


Explanatory note ……………………………………………..……2-4

I junior group

“Fly” of playing with hands…………………………………………….…….….…..9

“Fist” of the game with hands……………………………………………………..10

"White Swan" games with hands…………………………………….….…...11

“Pointer” of playing with hands…………………………………………………….12

"Cheerful kitten" stimulating exercise………………………..13

"Breeze" breathing exercises………………………………….…...13

"Repeat!" dramatization exercise……………………….…… ….…..13

"Bumps" gymnastics for hands……………………………………..………13

"Chizhik - fawn" games with hands……………………………………….....14

"Boy with a finger" games with hands……………………………………..15

“Greek and cancer” games with hands………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“About grandma” games with hands……………………………………………..........17

“Owl Owl” games with hands…………………………………………….....18

“Cap” of playing with hands……………………………………..……………….19

"Dandelion" breathing exercises………………..………….….......19

II junior group

"Lazy" stimulating exercise………………………………..…21

“Sleeping kitten” stimulating exercise with elements of breathing exercises…………………………………………………………………..….21

"Cold - hot" irga staging……………………………...…21

“The sun and the cloud” stimulating exercise with elements of breathing exercises………………………………………………………….22

"Funny Animals" dramatization game…………...……………………...22

“Butterfly” breathing exercises………………………………………….22

"Catch up with the vegetables"stimulating exercise…………………………..22

“Close your eyes” staging………………………………………….22

middle group

"Touch" game for tactile perception…………...…………...24
"Repeat ka!" and gra-pantomime ………………………………...…….……24

"Jewel" of the game for hands…………………………………………………...24

"Playing with sand" exercise on tactile perception………………...24

"Ant" gymnastics with elements breathing exercises……….25

"Full sails" breathing exercises…………………....………….25

“The bee is flying” dramatization game………………………………………………..25

"leaves are falling"dramatization with elements of breathing exercises………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Senior group

“I am silent - I whisper - I shout” attention exercise……………………27
"Clouds" relaxation exercise………………………………………………...27

"Waterfall" relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the trunk, arms, legs……………………………………………………………..28

"Smile" relaxation exercises to relieve tension from

facial muscles…………………………………………………………………...28

"Sunny Bunny" relaxation exercises for lifting

tension from the muscles of the face…………………………………………………...28

"Bee" relaxation exercises for relieving tension from the muscles of the face with elements of breathing exercises……………………..............29

"Butterfly" relaxation exercises to relieve tension from

facial muscles with elements of breathing exercises…………………..…29

"Swing" relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the face with elements of breathing exercises……………………………..29



"Sculpture" relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the face with elements of breathing exercises……………….……..31

"Ball" relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the trunk, arms, legs……………………………………………………….……..31

“Hush” game – dramatization…………………………………………………32

"Finger - boy" games with hands…………………………………...…32

"Squirrel" games with hands……………………………………………………….32

"nut" and games with hands…………………………………………………..33

"Soap bubbles" breathing exercises………………………...…33

Stimulating exercise…………………………………………………33

(1-3 years)


(games with hands)

Here a fly flew, (with the fingers of the right hand

waving to different sides)

She sat down on the jam, (Clap on the left hand


She smeared her belly- (Palms rub against each other,

pointing in different directions)

feigning flight )


(games with hands)

How will I clench my fist (we clench our hands into fists)

Yes, I'll put it on the side (put the fists sideways on


Unclench your palm (unclench your fists)

I'll put it on my leg (we put our hands on our knees)

"White Swan"

(games with hands)

A white swan swims (the hand depicts a swan)

bends the neck. (hands are connected between

Would you like to fly

Wings spread (fingers spread

in different directions,


depicting wings)


(finger games)

My mouth can eat index finger

show lips)

nose to breathe and ears to listen. (pointing to the nose, ears ...)

can eyes - blink (blink)

hands - grab everything, grab (we show with our hands



Game "Funny Kitten"

(stimulating exercise)

(The game is played to cheerful, moving music).

One of the children is wearing a kitten mask. The rest stand in a chain, holding on to each other. The “kitten”, turning either to the left or to the right, tries to catch its “tail”, i.e. the last child in the chain.

After he succeeds, the "kitten" becomes at the end of the chain. The game is repeated several times.


(breathing exercises)

Invite the child to blow through a straw into a glass of water (you need to make sure that your cheeks do not puff out and your lips are motionless).


(Exercise dramatization)

Eyebrows up and down.

"Fly on the nose" - the fly sat on the nose.

"Hare" - how a hare eats a carrot.


(Gymnastics for hands)

Imagine that you are cubs and your mother bear is playing with you. She throws you cones. You catch them and squeeze them with force in your paws. But now the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs ... (repeat 2-3 times)


(games with hands)

-Chizhik - fawn where have you been? (throw finger)

-I washed my hands on the river (my hands)

The wind blew, I fell spread my fingers and

we blow ourselves with the wind

In a puddle, hands are dirty, we shake off our hands

about each other

"Tom Thumb"

(games with hands)

Thumb boy, where have you been? (we sort through


- with this brother I went to the forest ... a child


- I cooked cabbage soup with this brother ... on each side

- with this porridge ate slightly rubbing

- I sang songs with this brother ... every phalanx)

"Greek and Cancer"

(games with hands)

Greek rode across the river. (brushes clenched into fists

both hands draw circles in the air

He sees the Greek: there is cancer in the river. arms extended forward

thumb pointing down

He put his hand into the river. point one hand down

Cancer by the hand of the Greek tsap with the other hand - grab

lowered hand

"About Grandma"

(games with hands)

Yes, she lived by the river (we spread our hands, as if

stroking the water surface)

I wanted to grandmother (again hands to hips)

Swim in the river (depict swimming)

And the grandmother bought (hands on hips)

Soap and washcloth (hands forward - wipe hands)

This fairy tale is good, (right hand forward

I'll start over thumbs up)

“Once upon a time there was a grandmother” (hands on hips)

"Owl - owl"

(games with hands)

Owl - an owl, a big head (the child is taken

behind the head with hands)

He sits on a bitch (sits down on


Looks in all directions (turns his head)

(hands left and right)

Yes, suddenly how to fly (waves his arms)


(games with hands)

Cap under the cap (the child stretches out his palm)

Under the cap is a cap (covering it with the other palm)


(breathing exercise)

Invite the child to blow on a faded dandelion (watch for the correct exhalation)

(3-4 years)


(stimulating exercise)

Today my children did a lot of work, played and probably got tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine that you are lazy and bask on a soft, soft carpet. The surroundings are quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest easy, you are lazy. Rest your hands, rest your legs ... (pause - stroking the children). The arms are resting at ..., the legs are resting at ... Pleasant warmth covers your entire body, you are too lazy to move, you are pleased. Your breathing is perfectly calm. Your arms, legs, your whole body is relaxed. A feeling of pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, throw off laziness and at the expense of "three" open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood.

Sleeping kitten”

Imagine that you are funny, mischievous kittens. Kittens walk, arch their backs, wag their tails. But now the kittens are tired...they start yawning, lie down on the rug and fall asleep. In kittens, the tummies rise and fall evenly, they breathe calmly (repeat 2-3 times).


(irga staging)

Imagine that you are playing in a sunny meadow. Suddenly a cold wind blew. You felt cold, you froze, wrapped your arms around yourself, pressed your head to your hands - you are warming yourself. We warmed up, relaxed ... But then a cold wind blew again ... (repeat 2-3 times).

The sun and the cloud"

(stimulating exercise with elements of breathing exercises)

Imagine that you are sunbathing. But then the sun went behind a cloud, it became cold - everyone huddled into a ball to warm up (hold their breath). The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became hot - everyone relaxed (on exhalation). Repeat 2-3 times.

"Funny Animals"

(game dramatization)

Children imagine an animal named by the teacher near them and emotionally react to it.

Exercise "BUTTERFLY"

(breathing exercises)

Cut butterflies out of paper and hang them on strings. Invite the child to blow on the butterfly so that it flies (while making sure that the child makes a long smooth exhalation). Performing the exercise: take air through the nose, do not raise the shoulders, the exhalation should be long and smooth, it is necessary to ensure that the cheeks do not puff out (for starters, you can hold them with your hands) you can’t repeat the exercise many times in a row, as this can lead to dizziness

"Catch up the vegetables"

(stimulating exercise)

One evening in the garden (Children walk in a circle, holding hands in the center of the circle - blindfolded.) Turnips, beets, radishes, onions.

They decided to play hide and seek, but first they stood in a circle. They calculated clearly right there: (They stop, spin the driver.) One, two, three, four, five.

Hide better, hide deeper, (They scatter, squat, the driver is looking.) Well, you go look.

Exercise "Close your eyes"


Ask your child: have you tried squinting your eyes before going to bed? What you see? Draw. Ask the children to repeat this exercise.

(4-5 years)


(Game for tactile perception)
This game will help the child relax, relieve tension, increase his tactile susceptibility. Prepare items made from various materials. It can be pieces of fur, glass things, wooden crafts, cotton wool, something made of paper, etc. Put them on the table in front of the child. When he examines them, invite him to close his eyes and try to guess how you touch his hand. Note. You can also touch the cheek, neck, knee. In any case, your touch should be gentle, unhurried, pleasant.

"Repeat ka!"

Pantomime Game

Music from the “Sounds of Nature” series sounds. - I suggest you show with gestures what I will talk about: - flowers have blossomed

bees flew to collect honey - a breeze blew - trees swayed

the sun smiled from behind the clouds - grasshoppers jump in the grass

a spider weaves a cobweb - birds fly from branch to branch

and sing songs


(hand games)

Imagine that you are holding something very valuable, dear to you, and someone wants to take it away from you. You squeeze your fists tighter and tighter ... even tighter, the bones have already turned white, the hands begin to tremble ... But then the offender is gone, and you open your fists, your fingers become relaxed, your hands lie calmly on your knees ... they rest ... (repeat 2-3 times ).

Sand play”

(exercise for tactile perception)

Imagine that you are sitting on the beach. Take sand in your hands (as you inhale). Strongly clenching your fingers into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (holding your breath). Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your hands and fingers. Drop powerlessly hands along the body, too lazy to move heavy hands (repeat 2-3 times).


(gymnastics with elements of breathing exercises)

Imagine that you are sitting in a clearing, the sun is gently warming. An ant climbed on toes. With force, pull the socks over yourself, legs tense, straight. Let's listen to which finger the ant sits on (holding the breath). Let's throw the ant off its feet (on the exhale). Socks go down - to the sides, relax your legs: legs rest (repeat 2-3 times).

Exercise "Full sails"

(breathing exercises)

Blow smoothly and for a long time on a paper boat.

Performing the exercise: take air through the nose, do not lift

the exhalation should be long and smooth, it is necessary to ensure that the cheeks do not puff out (for starters, you can hold them with your hands)

do not repeat the exercise many times in a row, as this can lead to dizziness

"Bee is flying"

(game dramatization)

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

A bee sat on a flower, Lowered her proboscis. A mosquito flies up to her - What are you looking for there? - Nectar. - Aren't you tired, not tired of looking?

No, for those who are busy with business, there is simply no time to be bored.

"leaves are falling"

( dramatization game with elements of breathing exercises )

Cut out various colored paper autumn leaves and explain to the child what leaf fall is. Invite the child to blow on the leaves so that they fly. Along the way, you can tell which leaves fell from which tree. Exercise technique: to draw air through the nose, not to raise the shoulders, the exhalation should be long and smooth, it is necessary to ensure that the cheeks do not puff out (for starters, you can hold them with your hands), you can not repeat the exercise many times in a row, as this can lead to dizziness.

(5-6 years old)

"I am silent - I whisper - I shout"
(attention exercise)
As you probably noticed, hyperactive children find it difficult to regulate their speech - they often speak in raised tones. This game develops the ability to consciously regulate the volume of their statements, stimulating the child to speak either quietly, then loudly, or completely silent. He will have to choose one of these actions, focusing on the sign that you show him. Arrange these signs in advance. For example, when you put your finger to your lips, the child should speak in a whisper and move very slowly. If you put your hands under your head, as during sleep, the child should shut up and freeze in place. And when you raise your hands up, you can talk loudly, shout and run.

Note. It is better to finish this game at the “silent” or “whisper” stage in order to reduce the excitement of the game when moving on to other activities.


(exercise relax)

Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, big, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you are warm and comfortable. With each breath and exhalation, you begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, to the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light. Your whole body becomes light as a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the biggest and fluffiest, to the most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently strokes you, this fluffy and gentle cloud ... (pause - stroking the children). Stroking ..., stroking ... You feel good and pleasant. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud lowered you into a clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and open your eyes on the count of three. You had a good rest on the cloud.


from the muscles of the trunk, arms, legs)

Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. Wonderful day, blue sky, warm sun. The mountain air is fresh and pleasant. You breathe easily and freely. But our waterfall is unusual, instead of water, soft white light falls in it. Imagine that you are standing under this waterfall and feel how this beautiful white light streams over your head.

. You feel how it pours over your forehead, then over your face, down your neck ... White light flows over your shoulders ... helps them become soft and relaxed ... (pause - stroking the children). And gentle light flows further along the chest at ..., along the stomach at ... Let the light stroke your hands, fingers. The light also flows through the legs and you feel how the body becomes softer and you relax. This amazing waterfall of white light flows around your entire body. You feel completely calm, and with each breath you relax more and more. Now stretch and open your eyes at the count of three. The magical light filled you with fresh strength and energy.


Imagine that you see a beautiful sun in front of you in the picture, whose mouth broke into a wide smile. Smile in response to the sun and feel how the smile passes into your hands, reaches the palms. Do this again and try to smile wider. Your lips stretch, cheek muscles tense up… Breathe and smile… your arms and hands are filled with the smiling power of the sun (repeat 2-3 times).

Sunny Bunny”

(relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the face)

Imagine that sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further across the face. Gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke gently, so as not to frighten away, the head, neck, tummy, arms, legs. He climbed up by the collar - stroke him there too. He is not mischievous - he catches and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine a warm, summer day. Substitute the sun for your face, your chin also tans (open your lips and teeth while inhaling). A bee is flying, going to sit on someone's tongue. Close your mouth tightly (hold your breath). Chasing the bee, you can vigorously move your lips. The bee flew away. Slightly open your mouth, exhale with relief (repeat 2-3 times).


(relaxation exercises to relieve

tension from the muscles of the face with elements of breathing exercises)

Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face is sunbathing, your nose is also sunbathing - expose your nose to the sun, your mouth is half open. A butterfly flies, chooses whose nose to sit on. Wrinkle the nose, lift the upper lip up, leave the mouth half open (holding the breath). When chasing a butterfly, you can vigorously move your nose. The butterfly has flown away. Relax the muscles of the lips and nose (on the exhale) (repeat 2-3 times).


(relaxation exercises to relieve

tension from the muscles of the face with elements of breathing exercises)

Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face is tanning, the gentle sun is stroking you (the muscles of the face are relaxed). But then a butterfly flies and sits on your eyebrows. She wants to swing like on a swing. Let the butterfly swing on the swing. Move your eyebrows up and down. The butterfly has flown away, and the sun warms (relaxation of facial muscles) (repeat 2-3 times).

(6-7 years old)

Game "Sculpture"

(relaxation exercises to relieve

tension from the muscles of the face with elements of breathing exercises)

Children are divided into pairs. One of them is a sculptor, the other is a sculpture. On the instructions of an adult (or a leading child), the sculptor sculpts a sculpture from "clay":

- a child who is not afraid of anything;

- a child who is happy with everything;

- child who completed difficult task etc.

Topics for sculptures can be suggested by an adult, or by children themselves.

The players usually switch roles. A variant of a group sculpture is possible.

After the game, it is advisable to discuss with the children what they felt in the role of a sculptor, a sculpture, which figure was pleasant to portray, which one was not.


(relaxation exercises to relieve tension

from the muscles of the trunk, arms, legs)

The words of this game are learned in advance with children. During the game, words are replaced one by one with movements, which the host agrees with the children in advance.

Flying, flying through the sky balloon

The balloon flies across the sky

But we know, a ball to the sky,

Never arrive

Flies - waved hands are shown, flight is depicted;

In the sky - the index finger of the right hand is raised up;

Ball - a circle is circled in front of him with his hands;

But we know - hands lean against the chest;

We - hands spread out in front of us;

Not at all - hands are crossed;


(dramatization game)

Two mice must cross the road on which

the kitten is sleeping, they either walk on tiptoes, then stop and sign to each other: “Hush.” The etude is accompanied by the music "Sleeping

kitten "Verlin - expressive movements, protrusion, index finger to the lips.


(games with hands)

- Finger-boy, where have you been?

- I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Show first line

thumbs on both hands. Then alternately connect them with the rest of the fingers.


(games with hands)

(At the very beginning, the cam is compressed)

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts.

(Alternately unbend

all fingers,

starting with big)


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Zainka mustachioed ...


(games with hands)

Instruction: “Now imagine that you are cracking a hard nut. Clench your teeth tightly. Like this. (The host shows how to clench your teeth). Jaws tense, steel as stone. It is unpleasant. Unclench your jaws - it became easy, your mouth opened slightly, everything is relaxed. Listen and do as I do.


(breathing exercises)

teach to breathe correctly, using the life or game experience of the child.
Instructions: All of you have blown soap bubbles more than once. Let's make a circle of fingers. Let's inhale the air and slowly, in a circle of fingers, exhale the air in the lungs. Freeze and watch the soaring soap bubbles. You can count them. (This exercise can be done with a real bubble machine.)

stimulating exercise

Self-massage of the auricles: we rub the ears with our palms, as if they were frozen from frost, knead the ears three times from top to bottom

Balalardyn psychology

zhenildenuine arnalgan oyyndar

Games for psychological relief


Games of psychological unloading

"The Frogs"

Draw frogs that hunt mosquitoes. They hid and froze. Caught a mosquito, happy! Now imagine that one of the frogs jumped into your palm. What will you do? (I'll carefully plant her on the grass). Show how you will hold the frog in your palm and put it on the grass.

"Clockwork Toys"

Children, now you will turn into clockwork toys: "Turn around yourself, turn into a Masha doll (into a bear cub, a bunny, etc.) The clockwork doll is broken. Children freeze in a certain position. Feel the tension. Now show how you can relax. First drop your head, then your right hand, then left hand then the torso. You are very sorry for the broken doll, show how upset you are. Dad fixed the doll. And you are very happy. Show how happy you are.


Depict how an old grandmother climbs the stairs. It's hard for her, she groans: Oh, oh! You helped her and told your mom about it . Mom was delighted: Ah - ah - ah!

"Turn into a tree!"

Turn around yourself, turn into a tree! Imagine that you have become an oak tree. Plant your feet firmly on the floor, clench your fists. A strong wind barely, barely shakes the oaks. They moan low voice: s-s-s. And now turn into birches. Birches are swayed even by a light breeze. Raise your relaxed hands, shake them. Birches sing in a high voice: s-s-s-s.

Picture a puppy getting wet in the rain. We feel sorry for the puppy. And this is a guilty cat, who was punished by the mistress. Show how they wander sadly through the streets. how sad they are. You smiled at them, and your smiles lifted their spirits. Show what kind of mood they have.

Picture ducklings walking onto a pond. The duckling hurt his leg. Express the emotions of compassion and pain. ducklings saw huge dog. Show how scared they are. Depict how the mother duck protected the ducklings, and then how she taught them to swim.

Cold. Show how you are cold and shrunken, warm and relaxed. Show how children make a snowman: they roll snowballs, put them on top of each other, it’s hard for them. You are playing snowballs. You accidentally hit in the face, pretend to be upset. You are afraid to move down the mountain - show how scared you are. We rolled down the mountain, did not fall, we have fun, joy. It started to blizzard, it became cold - we are not happy with the blizzard.


"Let's say hello"

Purpose: development of imagination, creation of a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.

Game progress: At the beginning of the exercise, the facilitator talks about different ways greetings, accepted and humorous. Then the children are invited to say hello by touching their shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, invent their own unusual way of greeting for today's lesson and say hello through it.

"Describe a friend"

Purpose: development of observation and the ability to describe external details.

Game progress: the exercise is performed in pairs (simultaneously by all participants). Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes of their partner. Then the description is compared with the original and a conclusion is made about how accurate the child is.

"I'm sitting, I'm sitting on a stone"

Purpose: development of empathy, the ability to express support for peers.
Game progress: Players become in a round dance and sing, and one (or several) squat in a circle, covering their heads with a handkerchief. I sit, I sit on a stone,
I'm on fuel

Who truly loves me

And who will replace me

Will change me, change me

Still snuggle?

After these words, anyone can come up and stroke the person sitting in a circle on the head, hug, say affectionate words (sip). Then he himself sits in a circle and covers his head with a handkerchief. The next wisher "doves" him.


"Magic Chair"

Game progress: One of the children sits in the center on the "magic" chair, the rest say affectionate words to him, compliments. You can stroke the person sitting, hug, kiss.

"Glue Rain"

Purpose: development of a sense of the team, removal of emotional and physical stress, training in the consistency of one's movements with others.

Game progress: Children stand in one line, put their hands on each other's belts, and with such a “train” (glued raindrops) begin to move. On the way they meet various obstacles; it is necessary to step over boxes, walk along a makeshift bridge, go around large boulders, crawl under a chair, etc.

"Toy Changers"

Purpose: the game teaches children to interact with others using non-verbal means communication.

Game progress: All children stand in a circle, each holding a toy in his hands. The driver stands with his back to the players and counts loudly to ten. During this time, the players change objects. All actions will be performed silently. Swapping the same toy twice is not allowed. The driver enters the circle, his task is to guess who exchanged toys with whom.


"Magic Pen"

Purposes and Description: This poetry game is a great opportunity for children to relax and focus their attention. It strengthens the attachment of each individual child to you as the leader of the group, so that it will be easier for you to attract the attention of the children. At the same time, the body consciousness of children is trained, especially their tactile sense. The game is of great interest to children. They willingly touch each other with a "magic" pen. Here everyone gets a chance to a short time Easily be the center of attention.
At first, you can still count an error of about a centimeter good result. If the child is too far from the target, you can note: "You almost hit!" Then point him to right place thumb and forefinger.

Materials: a large beautiful feather (the tips of your own fingers can serve as imaginary).

Age of participants: from 3 years.

Instruction (leading to children): “Sit in a circle on the floor. I have a magic pen with which I will touch different parts of your body. It is pleasant to the touch, and its touch will instill vivacity and fun in you. I will approach each of you one by one. The child I stop next to closes his eyes. Then I gently touch the magic pen to his face, neck, palm or arm. Without opening the eyes, the child should touch the index finger to the place that the pen touched. Then he can open his eyes, and the magic pen will touch another child.”
(Touch each child with a pen. Remember that children learn by watching. Working with older children, after a while you will be able to trust one or more children with a magic pen.).


Purpose: teaching the child one of the techniques of self-regulation.

Stroke: A naughty child is invited to wind bright yarn into a ball. The size of the ball can become larger and larger each time. An adult reports that this ball is not simple, but magical. As soon as a boy or girl begins to wind it up, they immediately calm down.

Modification: The teacher can offer the child to “pull out” imaginary feathers from his clothes (on the back): large and very small. Next, ask the child to say which bird feathers he has already pulled out.

"Baking a Pie"

Purpose: stress relief, learning to respect others, developing imagination. Material: blanket or plaid.

Move: One of the children is covered with a blanket and offered to lie face down on the carpet. Then they stroke it with their hands, “sift flour”, “roll it out”, “knead it”, “stick raisins” or “spread it with jam”. Then the "pie" is turned over and decorated. The pie will tell you when it's ready. They unfold it, and it rises, ruddy, hot, as if from an oven. Exercise is done with those who want.

"Dad's Elephant on His Back"

Goal: relieve stress, create positive emotions, the development of the imagination.

Move: Children who wish to participate in the game lie under one blanket on their stomachs, eyes closed. An adult runs one or more fingers along their backs, as if drawing the outlines of various objects. If this turns out to be difficult to solve, you can “let them run” on the backs of various animals: a cat, an ant, an elephant. After all, the gait of animals is different and it is possible to reproduce it with hand movements.

Quiet time for mice

The host invites the children to turn into mice. Show how they bite off pieces of cheese - they have lunch. Stroking their tummies - they ate. To announce with a sleepy squeak that they want to sleep. Then the mouse children are laid down on the mat to “sleep”. Relaxation music is turned on.

"From seed to tree"

Purpose: teaching expressive movements, relaxation.

Action: Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands in the center and invites the children to turn into a small wrinkled seed (shrink into a ball on the floor, take in their heads, close them with their hands). An adult gardener takes care of the seeds very carefully, waters them (strokes the head and body), takes care of them. With a warm spring sun, the seed begins to grow slowly (children-seeds slowly rise). His leaves open (hands rise), the stalk grows (the body stretches), twigs with buds appear (hands to the sides, fingers clenched). A joyful moment comes - and the buds burst (the fists open sharply), the sprout turns into a beautiful strong flower. Summer comes, the flower becomes prettier, admires itself (look at itself), smiles at the neighboring flowers, bows to them, lightly touches them with its petals (reach the neighbors with your fingertips).

But then a cold wind blew, autumn came. The flower sways in different directions, struggles with the weather by swinging its arms, head, body, bends, leans towards the ground and lies on it. He is sad. Time goes by, the winter snow has gone. The flower again turned into a small seed (curl up on the floor). The snow wrapped the seed now it is warm and calm. Soon spring will come again, and it will come to life.

The teacher walks between the children, shows them the movements. After the children “curl up on the floor, an adult approaches each child and strokes them.


Kholmogorova V. "School of good wizards"

They help children to have positive feelings for each other and create an atmosphere of cooperation. You can use these games when children feel quite confident in the team.

"Blindfold Walk"

Goal: The game promotes trust and forms responsibility for the other person.

Stroke: Children, at will, are divided into pairs - a blindfolded follower and a leader. The leader takes the follower by the hand and explains where they are currently moving, what awaits them and how to avoid falling or colliding with things. The follower must fully trust the leader. Ask the children to switch roles after a while. At the end of the activity, discuss the children's feelings during the game, in which role they enjoyed the most.


Purpose: trains the ability to correlate actions with a partner, forms trust and cohesion.

Stroke: From chairs turned back to each other, the teacher builds an intricate "maze" on the floor with narrow passages. Then he tells the children: “Now you have to go through the whole maze. But this is not a simple labyrinth: it can be passed together only by turning to face each other. If you ever turn around or unhook your hands, the doors of the labyrinth will slam shut and the game will stop.

Children are divided into pairs, face each other, hug and begin to slowly go through the maze. In this case, the first child walks with his back, turning to face his partner. After the first couple has passed through the maze, the second one starts moving. Children, along with an adult, watch the game.


Warm-up exercise "Noise is growing"

Move: The host says: “Guys, today we will learn how to play new game where your cheeks and throats will “talk”. The game is called Noise Rise. Imagine that there was a little Shumok in the world. He spoke like this: "Shhh." But Shumok gradually grew up, matured and spoke in a different way: “Whhhh!”. Finally, Shumok turned into a real Noise: “J-zhzhzhzh. Let's show together how Shumok grew up.

Instruction (teacher to children): “Tell me, which of you is often scolded for screaming? For our exercise, just such guys are needed. Let's split into two groups and compete in shouting. And one of you will step aside, appoint him as a judge - he will decide which group will be able to shout louder and more amicably. We will shout like this: first we will start squatting and not very loudly. Then we will gradually rise to our feet, at the same time intensifying the cry and raising our hands up. With a wave of my hand, you need to instantly shut up and lower your hands. Before I start, I’ll remind you once again that it’s not necessarily the loudest group that wins, but the most united group.”


Instruction: “Guys, most of you know how to be obedient children. Today we will learn a little about disobedience, or rather, how to say “no” with different parts of your body. We will do the exercise together, for the first time I will show it to you myself. Let's start with the head. To say “no” with your head means to intensively shake it in different directions, gradually increasing the speed, as if you want to say “no, no, no”. Now let's try to say "no" with our hands, wave in front of us first with our right, then with our left hand, and then with both together, as if we want to give up something, push off. Let's move on to the legs. Buck up first right foot, then left, then alternately. Try to put strength into every movement. You can also add a voice. Try yelling “no” louder and louder for every movement.

"Sparrow Fights"

Purpose: removal of physical aggression.

Move: Children choose a mate for themselves and “turn” into pugnacious “sparrows” (squat, clasping their knees with their hands). "Sparrows" bounce sideways to each other, push. Which of the children falls or takes their hands off their knees is out of the game (“wings and paws are being treated by Dr. Aibolit”). "Fights" begin and end at the signal of an adult.

"Rvaklya" (from 3 years old)

Purpose: helps to relieve stress, gives an outlet for destructive energy.

Material: unnecessary newspapers, magazines, papers; wide bucket or basket.

Game progress: The child can tear, crumple, trample the paper, do whatever he wants with it, and then throw it into the basket. The kid may like to jump on a pile of papers, they are very springy.

"A minute of prank"

Purpose: psychological relief

Move: The leader on a signal (a boa constrictor in a tambourine, a whistle, a clap) invites the children to fool around: everyone does what he wants to jump, run, somersault, etc. The leader’s repeated signal after 1-3 minutes announces an end to pranks.

MBDOU No. 122,


Kinesiology - developmental science
mental abilities and physical
health through certain movements
kinesiology as a science should be sought in
famous philosophical
antiquities. The secret of beauty and youth
Cleopatra was that she
used throughout life
kinesiology exercises, through which I supported my brain in
active state. It is known that aging begins with
brain aging. Keeping the brain in a state of youth, we do not
let the whole body age.
Modern kinesiology
methods are aimed at activating
various sections of the cortex
hemispheres, which allows the development
correct problems in various
areas of the psyche.

With the unformed interhemispheric interaction, there is no
there is a full exchange of information between the right and left
hemispheres, each of which comprehends the external world in its own way.
Under the influence of kinesiology training in the body occur
positive structural changes. Development of interhemispheric
interaction is the basis of the intellectual development of the child.
1. "Drawing with the eyes."
Try to draw in the air with both hands at the same time
mirror symmetrical drawings, letters, numbers.

2. "Rings".
Raise the palms of both hands and begin to connect in turn
in a ring thumb with index, middle, ring and little fingers.
Executed first right hand, then left, then both.
It is recommended to change the pace of the exercise, then speeding up, then
slowing it down.
You can use the text of the poem.
On a visit to the thumb
Came straight to the house
Index and middle
Nameless and last.
The little finger itself
Knocked on the threshold.
fingers Friendly family
They cannot live without each other.
3. "Cross movements".
Put your hands on your knees crosswise - crosswise, on command you need to clap in
clap and change hands.
4. "Ear - nose."
Hold the tip of your nose with your left hand, and
right hand - behind the opposite ear.
Release your ear and nose at the same time, slap
change the position of the hands
exactly the opposite."
All these exercises improve mental activity, develop
self-control and arbitrariness of activity.
Games and exercises aimed at removing muscle
and emotional
5. "Tender Chalk"
entertainment - draw or

write various pictures or letters on each other's backs, and then
guess what was shown.
Many children like this game, but, unfortunately, not very much.
suitable for anxious boys and girls, as they are trying to unravel
ideas of a partner in the game, they can worry, worry, as a result of which
tighten the muscles more and more. Therefore, we propose a modification
of this game.
You and I will not guess what we painted on our backs, we
imagine ourselves as artists and draw on each other's back beautiful
landscapes. Everyone chooses a "canvas" for drawing - the back of a neighbor and
Let's start creating the landscape. Let's write "Seascape" first. Then
change the "canvases" and write " Mountain landscape". After the end of the game
it is necessary to “erase” everything that is “drawn” with light movements of the hand.
The game contributes to the removal of muscle clamps, the development of tactile
Games and exercises with body-oriented elements
Mechanisms psychological protection and related protective
behavior with which we compensate for our tension, fear, pain,
uncertainty and much more, lead to the formation of "muscle
shell" or "clamp". That is, repressed, unrecognized or
unprocessed emotion is expressed in unnatural tension
various muscle groups, which makes the gait angular, disrupts posture
(hunchback or, conversely, a straight back and a walk like a robot),
hinders breathing.

To reduce the chronic stress of each group
muscles have developed special techniques and methods. Your attention
I will present some of them.
6. Exercise "Curious Barbara".
Turn your head to the left, try to do it in such a way as to see how
can be further / inhale /. The muscles of the neck are tense. Return to original
position /exhale/. Likewise on the other side. The movements are repeated
2 times in each direction.
Curious Barabara
Looking to the left...
Looking to the right...
And then forward again -
Get some rest here.
7. "The sun and the cloud."
The sun went behind a cloud, it became fresh, cool - shrink into a ball,
to warm up / hold your breath /. The sun
came out from behind the clouds, it became hot, exhausted on
sun - relax, / on the exhale /.
8. "Snowman".
The host invites the players to turn
into a snowman. To do this, you need to strain as much as possible
stronger each part of the body and stand still
few seconds.
So our snowman stood all winter, but now
spring came, the sun warmed up, and the snow began to melt / game participants
gradually relax
hands, "go limp", expose the face
sun and squat down/.
9. "Fire and Ice".
On command "Fire!" start
perform vigorous movements
whole body. Smoothness and degree
the intensity of movements each chooses arbitrarily.

On command "Ice!" you need to freeze in the pose in which the team overtook,
straining the whole body to the limit.
After tension comes a phase of natural relaxation.
The host alternates both teams several times, arbitrarily changing the time
fulfillment of both.

These games help
development of self-organization,
self-control, relieve muscle clamps develop a sense of self
body, imagination, reduce tension, anxiety, increase
stress resistance.
To charge you with positive energy and relieve your fatigue,
I suggest you take a walk in the Australian rain.
10. The game "Australian rain".
Purpose: to reduce the level of physical and emotional stress.
Do you know what Australian rain is? Not? Then let's get together
Let's hear what he is. Now I will show the movements, and you will
to repeat.
 The wind picked up in Australia. (Leader rubs palms).
 It starts to rain. (Finger snaps).
 Rain intensifies. (Alternate clapping hands).

 A real downpour begins. (Slaps on the hips).
 And here is the hail - a real storm. (Stomping feet).
 But what is it? The storm subsides. (Slaps on the hips).
 The rain subsides. (clapping hands).
 Rare drops fall to the ground. (Finger snaps).
 Quiet rustling of the wind. (Rubbing palms).
 Sun! (Hands up).
Thank you for your cooperation!
I wish you creative success!

Games for the prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers.

Vanyeva Anna Yuryevna, teacher-psychologist MBDOU kindergarten No. 35, the city of Kovrov.
Description: I bring to your attention a complex of games for the prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers. Games are designed for children 4 - 7 years old. This material will be useful for educational psychologists and educators. preschool institutions.

Prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children

The harmonious development of preschool children involves not only a certain level of development of knowledge and skills, but also necessarily enough high level development of his emotional sphere. Emotions play an important role in shaping the child's ways and means of mastering activities. Emotions perform an evaluative role, encourage the child to activity, influence the accumulation and actualization of his experience, and also take part in the formation of any creative activity.
Emotions are the experience of one's own state. All emotions can be divided into two large groups, i.e. positive and negative. The most acute and persistent negative emotions the child experiences with the negative attitude towards him of the people around him, especially the educator and peers. Negative emotions come in the form of various experiences: disappointment, resentment, anger, or fear. They can manifest themselves clearly and directly in speech, facial expressions, posture, movements, and actions. The child's emotions are a “message” to the adults around him about his condition.
Children 3-5 years old are already able to recognize their internal emotional state, the emotional state of their peers and express their attitude towards them, i.e. a preschooler is well aware that his friend is upset, offended or scared. Due to this, emotions are involved in the formation social interactions and attachments.
Emotional distress can lead to psycho-emotional stress and various behavioral disorders. There are several types of behavioral disorders:
First- this is an unbalanced, impulsive behavior characteristic of quickly excitable children. Negative emotions in this case can be caused by both serious reasons and the most insignificant ones.
The second type of behavior characterized by a persistent negative attitude towards communication. Resentment, discontent, hostility linger in memory for a long time, but they are more restrained than children of the first type.
The main feature of children's behavior third type is that they have many fears. Normal manifestations of fear in children should be distinguished from fear as evidence of emotional stress.
Children are often in state of psycho-emotional stress because they still do not know how to relax, anticipate and control the situation, and therefore are largely dependent on their environment and adults. Adults need to be very careful emotional state each preschooler, adequately interpret his behavior, understand the cause of mental discomfort and choose the most effective form of influence in a particular situation.
The problem of prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschool children remains one of the most important. Most effective method prevention is play activity. The whole life of children is full of play. Game exercises are based on the principles of developmental education, the methods and organization of which are based on the patterns of development of a preschooler. The game is a psychologically comfortable activity for children, which involves: the removal of all stress factors, emancipation, the development of creative activity. Theatrical games enjoy constant love among children. They create an atmosphere of safety and relieve emotional stress in children.

10 games for the prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers

Purpose of games:- prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschool children.
1. Relaxation, reduction of muscle tension and overwork.
2. Development in children of the ability to be aware of their emotions and recognize the mood of their peers.
3. Education of friendly relations in the children's team.
4. Formation of teamwork skills and group cohesion.
5. Development of positive emotions.

1. "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did - we will show"
Rules of the game : A leader is selected from among the children. He goes out the door, and the teacher with the children come up with a dramatization of some action (washing in the bathroom, drawing, picking berries in the forest, making a phone call, mopping, painting lips, playing ball, dressing, combing, eating). Each show is preceded by the well-known phrase: "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show." When the leader returns to the group, the teacher with the children silently shows the planned action. He needs to guess what his comrades are doing. Then a new driver is chosen and the game continues.

2. "Find out who called?"
Rules of the game: The leader is chosen. He stands at the end of the room and closes his eyes. One of the participants calls his name. The driver needs to guess who called him. If he guesses, then the comrade who called him becomes the leader himself. If not, then he drives again.

3. "The sea is worried"
Rules of the game: The teacher invites the children to play sea ​​waves. Children need, at the command of the teacher, to freeze in place, showing some figure (animal) or object. The teacher commands: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the marine figure freezes in place.” Children freeze, depicting the inhabitants of the sea. The driver must guess what was guessed.

4. "Touch to..."
Rules of the game: All players are dressed differently. The host shouts out: "touch ... blue!". Children should instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the clothes of the participants and touch this color. Colors change periodically. Who did not have time, the leader. An adult ensures that each participant is touched.

5. Velcro
Rules of the game: From among the children, 2 drivers are selected. All children run around the room to cheerful music. The drivers, holding hands, are trying to catch their peers, while they say: "I'm Velcro - sticky, I want to catch you." Each Velcro child caught is taken by the hand, joining their Velcro company. Then they all catch other children together.

6. "Cheerful greeting"
Rules of the game: Children stand in a circle. The teacher says that when people greet each other, they shake hands. And then invites them to say hello in a circle various parts body (cams, backs, knees, tummies, foreheads).

7. "Fox and chickens"
Rules of the game: the teacher becomes a fox, and the children become chickens. While the "fox" is sleeping, the "hens" peck grains, run, flap their wings - arms. The awakened fox is trying to catch the chickens, and they run away to the house. The chicken that is caught becomes the fox and the game continues.
Note: You can use music. While the music is playing, the children can run and the fox can sleep in the hole. As soon as the music stops, the driver runs out and tries to catch or taunt any player.

8. "Golden Gate"
Rules of the game: two children stand side by side, holding hands, and raise their hands up. Get "gates". The rest of the children stand in pairs one after another and hold hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate. "Gate" pronounce:
Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

After these words, the “gates” abruptly lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “gates”. Gradually, the number of “gates” increases, and the chain of those running through decreases. The game ends when all the children become "gates".

9. "Uncle Tryphon"
Rules of the game: Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher becomes the leader and stands in the center of the circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sing the words:
“Like Uncle Tryphon
There were seven children
seven sons
They didn't drink or eat
Everyone looked at each other.
They did it together like me!”

At last words everyone begins to repeat the movements of the driver. The one who repeated the movements best of all becomes the new driver, and the old driver turns into an ordinary player.

10. Centipede
Rules of the game: “Imagine how difficult it is for a centipede to live, because it has as many as 40 legs! There is always the danger of confusion. Let's play centipede. Stand next to each other and put your hands on the shoulders of a neighbor. We start moving forward. Slowly at first so as not to get confused. And now - a little faster. Oh, how tired our centipede is, she literally falls from fatigue. Let's get some rest."