Making furniture with your own hands from plastic bottles, the subtleties of the process. How to make a do-it-yourself chair from plastic bottles for a house, a loggia or a summer cottage

Plastic bottles have long been an integral part of our life, and they accumulate quite quickly, without special efforts... Used PET containers began to attract attention as a material for a wide variety of crafts and firmly took their place of honor, because plastic bottles turned out to be a fairly versatile material for making many things. In addition to making various decorative things, they began to choose plastic bottles for rather practical products, for example, furniture, and, moreover, very functional.

Depending on stock plastic containers you can focus on this or that type of furniture. If you have an interest in this type of business and creative attitude to recyclable materials, you can completely furnish a summer cottage, more than on a budget, while contributing to saving the world from waste associated with packaging. There has even appeared such a trend in needlework, called "recycling", that is, a new cycle of life of used things. And this is in recent times has become very popular and continues to evolve in new ideas and forms.

The presented options for furniture models made of PET can be obtained by grouping and combining plastic bottles, like a constructor. It is very simple to connect the bottles, for this a wide adhesive tape is used, the connection is quite reliable.

The simplest and most obvious piece of furniture from plastic bottles, this is poof. It can be done by spending several hours, and there are more than one or two options for its implementation.

Details on how you can make an ottoman from plastic bottles can be found in the article of the same name.

The next piece of furniture is an armchair. The models are varied, from a simple one, when the back is attached to the ottoman, to a real throne with armrests and a wide seat and back.

A bed or even a sofa will become quite a bearable bed or a place for collective gatherings. Even a teenager can install or move such a sofa. If you cut out shapes from foam rubber to fit the seat, back and armrests, and sew an individual cover, then the sofa will become comfortable, and the cover will hide its true essence.

The fact that it is made of plastic bottles will only remind you of creaking under significant loads, and even then, if only you make small errors when gluing with tape.

In addition to upholstered furniture from PET are obtained as compact coffee tables and tables for installing equipment, indoor plants, interior items or tables for work, such as cutting, drawing, assembling models, and so on.

For compact tables, round or rectangular tabletops are used (ready-made or cut from plywood or chipboard), while the height of the table can be equal to the height of the bottle.

For larger tables, a stable structure is built from bottles, placing and worse not vertically, but horizontally. The type of plastic bottles is up to you.

They can be left in their original form, or covered with paint from a pulverizer. In large tables, to make the structure more stable and monumental, the bottom row of bottles is filled to the top with clean dry sand or stones.

From plastic bottles of small format, elongated shape, you can make a bookcase or a small rack. In this case, the lower tiers must be filled with a weighting agent. To give such furniture more home view, it can be pasted over first with newspaper to level the surface, and then with self-adhesive film or again apply the staining method.

Large-format PET, such as cans, is used to construct a cabinet with cells, which is suitable for storing both ordinary things and household utensils. The canisters are made of dense plastic, they do not require additional reinforcement, but it will take some effort to cut through the shapes of the shelves.

There are definitely no big difficulties in making any of the presented furniture samples from plastic bottles, it is not difficult to take care of it. So come up with and implement new ideas.

What should be the furniture in your cafe? Beautiful, practical and durable. We would like to bring to your attention metal accessories for your furniture metal table tops. Wide choose, high quality, which will delight you for more than one year.

Everyone who has country cottage area, strives to make it well-groomed and beautiful. I would like, in addition to the beds and greenhouses, to please the eye with graceful flower beds with bright colors, everywhere there were small pretty garden sculptures, water gurgled in artificial streams and ponds lined with decorative pebbles.

In such a garden you want to relax, sit with a cup of tea, lie down with an interesting book. The question arises about the need to buy durable, functional and beautiful garden furniture. It is usually made of rattan (wicker) or wrought iron. Such tables and chairs look very elegant, but ...

They are expensive and there is a high chance that furniture will disappear from the garden while you sleep. How to make the garden furniture inexpensive, comfortable, durable enough and unpretentious, which is especially important in our weather conditions, and even looked original?

There is a way out, let's make furniture from plastic bottles with our own hands. Our master class will be happy to help you with this.

Video: how to make furniture from plastic bottles with your own hands

Sofa made of plastic bottles

Let's start by creating a comfortable plastic sofa. For it, we need a 2 liter container in the amount of 500 pieces. For the fasteners, we will use a wide tape. Since the bottles are easily crushed and may not withstand pressure, we will strengthen the foundations for our furniture. We melt the upper part of the two-liter bottle and insert it into the lower one, with the neck down.

Now we take another bottle and insert it into the resulting base, cover it with a cut bottom on top. So, our design has become solid and reliable. Now we connect the bottles of 2 pieces, for which we wrap them with adhesive tape, not forgetting to apply the necessary pressure. Larger fragments can also be assembled from modules of 2 pieces: this will take at least 16 modules on the seat. Having assembled the seat, back and armrests, we connect them with tape. Our sofa is ready, all that remains is to sew a nice cover for it, although the original look is very stylish. In the same way, it is not difficult to make a bed or an armchair. The first will take 750 bottles, the second will take 250.

Bottle table

The table was inspired by the ideas of avant-garde designer Jinhong Lin, who shocked the public with his plastic chair. We will need square base in which small holes will be made. The size of the hole must be such that the neck of the bottle is inserted into it. This frame can be made of plywood or other available material. Now we insert bottles into the holes, they should be all the same.

To prevent the necks from "dangling", you can lay a foam insulation material. After inserting all the bottles, we wrap the structure with adhesive tape - for strength. The top will serve as a table top, if you are not very comfortable because of the uneven bottoms of the bottles, you can put a board specially cut to fit the table. If you wish, you can decorate the resulting table: paint the bottles themselves or the base, put an original tablecloth on top. By the way, the banquets are easy to make using the same technology.

Many will say that creating furniture from plastic bottles is a waste of time, but the process of creating garden products with your own hands is very exciting, and besides, using unnecessary bottles a second time, we take care of environment breaking the circle of endless consumption.

Children's swing for giving with their own hands

The amazing property of plastic bottles is that they endlessly find new uses. From them you can make not only all kinds of funny trinkets, if you have enough source material, then you can try to create something more serious. Furniture made from used plastic containers will come in handy both on the playground where children play, and in the garage or shed. It is possible to take it with you when you go to a picnic, and such furniture will not become a heavy burden for you, because it is easy to carry. It has recently become fashionable and popular to use furniture of this kind for outdoor presentations, as well as for outdoor events of a various nature. Manufacturing workshop beautiful furniture from the most ordinary plastic bottles, which are no longer needed, with our own hands - for clarity, we will consider some examples, telling how this can be done.

Workshop on creating a breakfast table in nature from bottles

Such convenient device can be built quickly and easily. And from the materials you only need a plastic tray and any four plastic containers. If the bottles are thin and long, then the product may well be used as a coffee table.

The idea itself is very simple:

  • It is necessary to glue the bottles to the surface of the tray with the bottoms. These will be the legs of the table, and the tray itself will be the surface of the table.
  • To make the product look more attractive and have a nice look, bottles can be covered with acrylic paints or wrapped with thin and strong twine or jute twine.
  • The table top can be decorated by gluing various objects to it. This technique is very popular and is called decoupage. Use old photographs and postcards that are unnecessary as items. playing cards... Pieces of cloth are fine too. For gluing, it is possible to use both ordinary glue and PVA glue. The tabletop can be laid out with flat small pebbles.

The fact that it will look just amazing, you can see in the photo.

If you get a taste, then build a bigger table.

Here you will have to act in approximately the same way. It is only necessary to select a more durable material as a table surface. A piece of plywood or, even better, a used countertop from an old table is fine.

In order for the table to be solid, it is necessary large quantity bottles.

You need to act like this:

  • Give surfaces to the intended shape. The table can be made both rectangular and square. If there is a desire, even round.
  • Make the necessary markings on the back of the surface. In these places, use self-tapping screws to connect the bottles with caps to the back surface of the countertop.
  • To make the legs longer and stronger, you can glue the second row of bottles to the first row, so that the bottoms of the first row join the bottoms of the second. Use special glue for plastic or universal glue as glue.
  • If desired, containers can be painted or dyed.

We are trying to create with our own hands country furniture from plastic containers

Country furniture made of plastic containers is a great option. It is convenient, comfortable and attractive, and most importantly, it is mobile. It can be placed both in the house itself and on the veranda or in the gazebo. It is possible to build a single bed from this material, on which you can rest, placing it in the shade. country garden... It is also convenient because it can be easily transferred from one place to another.

For making furniture, you will need from 600 to 800 plastic bottles.

After you are made of plastic simple types furniture. You can try to do something more complicated. Using the example of making an armchair, it will be convenient to show how the bottles should be fastened, and this will come in handy for creating the most ambitious things. The starting material will be "logs" (modules) made of four plastic containers.

Stages of work:

  • After cutting the bottle in half, turn the top over and insert into the bottom.
  • The whole bottle should be inserted into this construction. Cutting through another bottle, put the lower one on top.
  • To fasten the module, it is wrapped with transparent tape.
  • Also, using scotch tape (you can take cling film), we connect a large module.
  • Building up the modules in this way, we manufacture the details of the chair. Sew the chair cover from the selected fabric.
  • Put a cover on the product, placing a soft material under the seat (foam rubber or synthetic winterizer).

When the desire for creativity lives in a person, and he himself is driven by the desire to put everything in order, any "garbage" in his house turns into colorful masterpieces. He will sew toys for children from old clothes and rags, make beautiful garlands from cardboard and paper to decorate the room for the holiday.

Learn more about what comfy things you can create for your own comfort and decoration country house, find out by watching the video.

The most common thing in the world is a plastic bottle. But do not count the cases how many times it can be useful on the farm. It is possible to create from it, both very small, but extremely useful things, for example, pots for seedlings, and to build very global buildings for a garden and a personal plot.

Video tutorials on the topic of the article

You can independently realize grandiose ideas and make the necessary things from unnecessary plastic bottles by watching the videos we have selected.

In this article, there is a do-it-yourself workshop on furniture made of plastic bottles, which will help to make original and functional furniture even from such garbage as plastic. However, for such furniture, it is important to collect a lot of plastic bottles, so nothing needs to be thrown away. Everything is useful for making furniture.

Plastic armchair

The first thing that can be considered and understood in the basics of creating furniture is an armchair, similar to this one:

Here is the assembly diagram for such a chair. This scheme is universal:

You need to cut the bottle into 2 halves. The top half must be inserted into the bottom. At the next stage, you need to insert a whole bottle there and cover with the bottom of another bottle. Thus, several sturdy modules should be obtained. Next, you need to fix 4 modules with adhesive tape.

In order to make the armrests and the back of the chair, you need to build up such modules to the desired length and fasten them with tape or adhesive tape.

The chair is ready!

The original sofa

By the same principle and exactly the same scheme, you can make a sofa. The furniture is easy to carry, lightweight and compact, perfect for the garden.

The sofa will require more bottles than the chair, but the workflow is the same. Just like for the chair, small 4 bottles need to be collected in modules large sizes.

Increase the modules to the required size, then cover the finished sofa with padding polyester and sew a cover from a beautiful fabric.

Picnic table

How to make such original table? The principle of working on a product is quite simple. Stick bottles to any surface, for example, a tray bottom. These will be the legs of the table, and the tray will be the surface.

To decorate the table, the product can be painted with acrylic paints, or various objects such as old photos or postcards can be glued to the countertop. You can also use fabric scraps for decoration.

If a large table is planned, then the table top should be made of durable materials, for example, plywood, old wood, or good option for the top of the walking table, there will be a countertop from the old table. To give the table strength, you need to use more bottles, and you should also design the tabletop in the shape of a triangle, square, circle. On the back of the table, make markings with a simple pencil and use tools to connect the bottles, glue them with lids to the back of the table.

To lengthen and strengthen the legs of the table, you need to glue the bottles in a certain way. The bottoms of the bottles from the first row should be in contact with the bottoms of the bottles from the second row. Special glue is needed for plastic or all-rounders.

Here is the finished table:

Hinged shelves for summer cottages

The shelves are very comfortable and can accommodate many small items. Convenient and compact. Shelf design and shape can be any.

At the first stage of work, cut off the neck of the bottle and make a smear 2 times acrylic paint... However, before painting the furniture, dip the blanks in the sand.

After the blanks are dry, the shelves can be hung on the wall.

The shelves can be mounted in another way. Fasten the bottles to the plywood, and only then secure the shelves to the wall with tools. Before hanging the structure on the wall, it is necessary to make cross-shaped cuts on the wallpaper and then drill a hole for the structure.

At the end of the work, you should get bright shelves, as in the picture.

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Video on how to make comfortable furniture made of plastic:

What folk craftsmen do from scrap materials! Recently in the top-ranking of scrap materials, plastic bottles are in the lead different color and volume. And if once we were amused by the shoes and furniture of the poorest Africans from plastic bottles, today many ideas find a worthy embodiment in our country.

A sofa made of plastic bottles with your own hands can be a useful item in the country or in a garden house.

It's also a way to show your design skills with almost free material.

Where can I get the required number of plastic bottles?

Over the summer, plastic bottles accumulate in large quantities, and if they are not thrown away and disposed of, then by the fall there will be a lot of them. Of course, neighbors or village boys living near the dacha can be connected to this. For a small reward, there will soon be a whole mountain of them in the yard, at the same time they will be washed in the river, if given an instruction.

Hardly anyone will decide to collect bottles on their own, but there are clean ecology enthusiasts and ardent opponents of "plastic meadows" in the recreation area. The results of cleaning the recreation area - a sofa made of plastic bottles, photo:

Who needs a homemade plastic sofa?

They make from plastic bottles:

  • boats;
  • at home;
  • garden decorations;
  • souvenirs and crafts;
  • country furniture.

Homemade furniture can be very useful in unguarded gardening, where, after the "winter migration" of the owners, dishonest people begin to operate. They sometimes they take out not only metal objects and furnishings, but even doors and window frames... It is difficult and even unsafe to deal with this, therefore wise and enterprising summer residents do not leave any chances for lovers of gratis. One way is to fill country house convenient homemade products that cannot be used for enrichment.

Another option is to use one that does not deteriorate from weather. That is, you can leave a sofa in the garden without fear of the onslaught of the elements. Finished garden furniture is quite expensive, and there is not always where to remove it after the end of the season. Perfect solution- a sofa made of plastic bottles with your own hands.

How to make a sofa out of plastic bottles?

There are several ways to use plastic bottles in terms of forming the sections and the way of tying them. If you need a heavy sofa that will stand in the garden downwind, then sand or small stone is poured onto the bottom row of bottles. For a sofa in the house, such an addition is not required.

Regarding how to refine the appearance of the finished bottle sofa and make it the most convenient, there are many options:

  • sew a cover from old curtains;
  • cover with foam rubber and sheathe with fabric;
  • put a mattress and cover with a blanket;
  • turn into a real art object through original design in a patchwork technique or other style.

Sofa from plastic bottles step by step

The sofa is made in separate sections, and the quantities can vary from 8 to 12 bottles.

To decorate the top, cut off the bottom from other bottles and make lids from them, which must be tightly wound with tape. 1/3 of the length is enough, they are connected and rewound, having received a double-sided cylinder. These the blanks are connected by 4 pieces with tape, after that it is already clear how to make a sofa from plastic bottles.

The number of sectional modules is calculated so that there were at least 2 seats. If there are enough raw materials, then you can make a full-fledged sofa, where you can lie down in full growth - this is the best option.

The back can be made in 1-2 rows, depending on the number of bottles. We attach the required number of sections in turn, forming a full-fledged row for the base of the sofa of the required dimensions. We make the backrest and handrails separately and attach in the same way. Further design depends on the imagination.

!!!Attention: There is another option for securing the sections - like a honeycomb, that is, 4x3x4x3, etc., and such sections can be tied on twisted lids and put towards them, gluing with tape. The height of this sofa can vary.

One product takes from 400 to 1200 bottles, but you can limit yourself to an armchair - up to 250 plastic bottles. So if you are inspired by this idea, you can start collecting the source material today!

!!!Advice: For the product to be strong and capable of supporting sufficient weight, it is important that the bottles are filled with air and sealed tightly. Do not feel sorry for the tape for binding - you will need at least 10 wide rolls. As a result, the dacha will be decorated with a durable avant-garde sofa. The handrails can be colored or even tiled