Curtains and blinds on the balcony are beautiful, and that’s all! Blinds for the balcony: an original and practical design option Color of blinds for the loggia

Every owner modern apartment or country house If you have a balcony, at some point you will definitely think about installing blinds. Long gone are the days when the balcony space was used exclusively as a place to store canned goods, skis and old sleds. More and more of our compatriots regard the balcony as an additional place of relaxation that they want improve and make as attractive as any other living room. To do this, they have to buy various items and accessories, which necessarily include blinds.

Increasingly, you can see curtains and blinds on many balcony windows. The use of such a device brings the following advantages to the owner:

Modern blinds have many useful properties. But don’t rush to install them on your balcony. First of all, the owner must find out what blinds manufacturers offer and what materials they can be made from.

Variety of materials

Companies involved in the production of blinds pay great attention to the design component, and therefore today in their assortment you can find sufficient quantity models that can be made from various materials . The most common variations of blinds for balconies are wooden, fabric, metal, plastic and multi-textured.

Plastic types

Most often, consumers choose on plastic models . This is explained by the good price-quality ratio.

These products have the following advantages:

  • Easy to use, so they do not create maintenance problems;
  • Strength. They are able to cope with wind loads without losing their original shape and appearance for many years;
  • Can be made in a wide variety of colors. If desired, you can purchase products decorated with a specific design.

They have a number of disadvantages. If the buyer decides to purchase a product that is too cheap, then over time he will will encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon like color fading. Another defect is often discovered after prolonged use of the product - over time, the blinds begin to open poorly, crumble, break and bend.

Wooden curtains

Another option that is in fairly high demand among compatriots is wooden blinds. They have the following advantages:

Among the disadvantages that wooden blinds have, the main ones include significant weight and high cost. Similar products It should not be installed by owners living in apartments with large windows on the balcony. Otherwise, they soon run the risk of encountering difficulties when turning the slats.

Be that as it may, wooden blinds are very attractive products. If you like these particular designs, then initially needed discuss this issue with the manufacturing company where the order will be placed. It is possible that they will offer to buy several smaller pieces instead of one bulky structure.

Metal constructions

They are not as popular compared to the above options. The main reason is that they create a lot of noise during operation. If they are purchased, it is mainly for industrial enterprises.

The main advantages of metal blinds are:

  • Affordable price;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Resistance to negative impact from moisture and sun.

Fabric products

This type of structure can be made from various types of fabrics. Most often, buyers choose products made from polyester. This is explained primarily durability blinds, as well high stability to sunlight and no problems in care. One of the disadvantages that fabric structures have is the lack of protection at the edges, and this risks the fact that after some time the structure of the material will begin to change in a negative direction.

Original multi-textured

These products differ from the above in that their design can be used simultaneously several different materials, textures and shapes. They attract attention from consumers with interesting and unusual appearance. Thanks to this feature, they will look harmonious both in a simple interior and in a romantic balcony setting.

Design selection

Despite the fact that today there are many different options for balcony blinds on the market, most often consumers buy horizontal, vertical, roller and pleated.

Horizontal for each window

This is by far the most popular option. To make it more convenient to use horizontal blinds, they are usually installed on each balcony window separately. This is the solution brings considerable benefits for the owner, since it allows him to open the windows. To prevent horizontal blinds from knocking on the window frame during operation, they can be equipped with special fishing lines or clamps.

Horizontal blinds on the balcony have the following advantages:

  • It has the lowest price of all blinds available on the market today;
  • Very easy to clean - to keep it clean, just regularly remove dust with a damp cloth;
  • Due to their tight fit to the surface of the glass unit, they not only do not create interference when using the balcony, but also save usable space;
  • Allows you to quite accurately regulate the amount entering the room sunlight;
  • Available in a wide variety of color options.

But horizontal blinds also have a number of disadvantages:

  • It is impossible with their help to create a cozy atmosphere on the balcony if it is used as a place to relax;
  • The control mechanism is extremely short-lived and breaks down quite quickly.

Vertical for sliding frames

This type of blinds is not often chosen by buyers for installation on balconies. Purchase it only in cases where it is necessary to replace it. regular curtains, and for installation on a balcony or a loggia with sliding windows installed. The use of horizontal blinds is inappropriate here due to the fact that their cornices will prevent the balcony structure from fully functioning.

Vertical blinds for loggias have the following advantages:

  • Completely cover the surface of double-glazed windows, without creating problems when opening and closing;
  • In appearance they are very similar to ordinary curtains;
  • They are distinguished by the presence of a dust-repellent coating, which makes it more easy care behind these structures.

But they also have some disadvantages:

  • After installation, windows and window sills are closed, which makes access to them limited;
  • If such products are installed on the loggia, the owner has difficulty opening the windows;
  • If the balcony was installed vertical blinds length to the floor, they often begin to get dirty or break;
  • In the event of a strong draft, they can create a lot of noise;
  • They should never be washed during care. It is only allowed to carefully remove dust and other contaminants from the surface.

Rolled options

This is excellent option of blinds for the balcony, where they will help create a truly cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

These types of blinds have the following advantages:

They also have certain disadvantages:

  • Limit the ability to open windows;
  • Cleaning such blinds requires only wiping with a damp cloth.

Pleated models

This type of blinds will also look good on the balcony. True, one important thing needs to be mentioned the disadvantage of these designs- they are more expensive than other models. It is with this nuance in mind that you need to choose the appropriate blinds model.

Pleated blinds have the following advantages:

  • They can be washed during care;
  • The opening of such products occurs from the bottom up;
  • Can be installed on windows of any shape;
  • Depending on the wishes of the buyer, they can be made using various types of fabrics;
  • Installation can be made on windows made of different materials;
  • Provides a large number of mounting and control methods.

Every owner of a country house or apartment with a balcony wants to create even in this room atmosphere of comfort and coziness. To do this, you can use a variety of devices, among which are very popular in Lately use blinds.

These designs are presented on the market in the most various options, which significantly complicates the choice suitable model for the consumer. However, you shouldn’t rush and run to the store to buy the most popular model. Need to know, how to choose correctly these products. You should always proceed from your own preferences and characteristics of the balcony. It must be remembered that each owner has his own idea of ​​what a balcony should look like and how it is planned to be used most effectively.

A large number of options for blinds allows us to satisfy the needs of every customer, because today among them you can find not only products that are attractive in design, but also designs that are highly practical and reliability, which, perhaps, for many owners may be the main factor in favor of choosing a specific option.

Modern blinds for balconies can be used instead of curtains or as an addition to curtains. Their design is such that they can transmit light in different positions of the plates or close the window tightly. This property is especially useful in the bedroom when you still want to sleep in the morning.

Photo No. 1 Through the horizontal slats you can look out onto the street

The control mechanism is simple, it consists of a cord that lifts the slats, a cane that turns them down or up for horizontal ones, and a cord and chain for vertical ones.

Balcony blinds are made from the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • fabrics;
  • bamboo;
  • wood.

Photo 4. Bamboo slats.

Wooden. The most expensive, even if they are not made from precious wood. This is due to the difficulty of technological processing and adjustment of the lamellas. They are made from valuable wood veneer, and there are no plastic parts in the control mechanism.

Photo 5. Wooden slats

They wash well and are easy to wipe off dust. Wooden blinds in an apartment are a sign of the high status of the owner.

Two words about the advantages and disadvantages


  • easy to install;
  • regulate the luminous flux;
  • provide air circulation when the window is open;
  • close windows from outside observers;
  • fit easily into any interior;
  • inexpensive.

They have one drawback: it is a continuous system connected by a special mechanism of ropes. In order to change one lamella, the entire structure must be disassembled.

Types of blind designs

What are the best designs for balcony blinds and how many options are there for use? There are few types of structures:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

In order to choose suitable blinds, you must first focus on the interior design of the balcony or loggia. Many residents remove the partitions between the balcony or loggias, thereby increasing the area of ​​the room. Horizontal blinds for the balcony are very compact and take up little space on the window. And those made of plastic and aluminum have no heavy weight.


  • Remember not to install blinds directly on sliding windows or sliding doors. If they are installed, neither the doors nor the windows will be able to be opened. For sliding windows, choose vertical types of structures with wall mounting.
  • When purchasing vertical blinds, choose one of three ways opening them: from right to left, from left to right or from the center to the sides.

There is a little confusion in the definition of roller blinds and Roman blinds. In fact, neither Roman nor roller blinds for interior spaces does not exist. There are roller and Roman blinds for interior spaces, consisting of one piece of material. The difference between them is in the way the fabric is laid. They are attached only to the window or door frame. But they have one drawback: the round body where the roll of material is hidden can be installed on all types of windows except sliding ones. They are not too heavy and can be secured with double-sided tape or installed on special brackets attached to the window frame. They can also be used on a balcony or loggia.

Did you know that: vertical blinds are not opaque. Fabric materials transmit light to one degree or another.

Blind mounting options

Depending on the design features For a balcony or loggia, blinds are attached to a window or door:

  • inside the opening;
  • outside the opening;
  • directly to the frame.

The structure is mounted on special metal brackets, which, in turn, are attached to the wall or ceiling with dowels.

Photo 6. Options for attaching horizontal blinds

In all cases, the distance from the box to the blinds should be this. So that you can freely open a window or door for ventilation.

Attaching vertical blinds to the ceiling or wall will depend on the distance between the slats and the window itself.

Photo 7. Calculation of the distance from the window to the lamella

Distance X depends on the placement of the battery and shut-off valves. It must be calculated in such a way that the slats do not cling to the valve when opening and closing the blinds or under gusts of draft. The width of vertical lamellas starts from 100 mm, so you need to retreat from the wall by half the width (50 mm) plus 1–2 cm of margin so that the lamellas do not cling to the wall and do not rub against it.

Fastening to the frame can be done in two ways: with self-tapping screws directly to the window frame and on Double-sided tape. In both cases, attach horizontal blinds without distortions. Since the window is checked vertically and horizontally during installation, you need to focus on the horizontal edge of the frame.

Adviсe: When installing self-tapping screws on screws, you must first drill a hole so that plastic box The window frame or sash is not cracked.

Double-sided tape will hold plastic or aluminum horizontal blinds, but this will not work with wooden ones. They are much heavier, the control mechanism is made of iron parts in a metal case and requires fixation with screws .

Elite blinds made of wood and bamboo

Products made from natural materials have been valued at all times. Blinds made of valuable wood and bamboo become part of the interior of a balcony or room. The width of the lamellas made of wood or bamboo can be 25 and 50 mm, and the thickness is about 2 mm. The rope system holds the slats one above the other and is installed in the cornice. It is made of metal, which, in turn, is coated with paints or laminated with a film to match the color of the wood of the lamellas. The control mechanism is identical to other horizontal blinds and allows you to raise and set the slats to the desired height. And the second is to regulate the amount of sunlight entering the room. Fastening elite products is no different from fastening ordinary ones: with screws or double-sided tape, to the wall, ceiling or frame of doors or windows.

How to choose blinds

Before buying blinds, you need to measure the window and opening directly. Having decided on the mounting method, choose the width of the slats less than the window or doorway by 1.5–2 cm and more by 3–4 cm behind the window glass or flush with the frame. Choose the color to match the interior. The fact is that the blinds will become the central place where a person’s gaze will be constantly directed. When choosing a solid color or lamella color, it is best to use a color combination table. Don't reinvent the wheel, everything has already been invented.

There are many tables of color combinations and everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. suitable option. We need to decide on the role of the balcony or loggia. If the balcony is planned for relaxation, you need to select calm color combinations.

Conclusions and some thoughts

Blinds on a loggia or balcony to shade a room from the direct rays of the Sun are certainly a useful thing. Decide on suitable type, color, take the dimensions of the opening and, armed with knowledge, go to the store.

Advice: draw the dimensions of the opening on paper, window frame so as not to make a mistake in choosing blinds by size.

  • It is not recommended to choose vertical slats for a small balcony space.
  • For a loggia with sliding windows, both vertical and horizontal models with ceiling mounting are suitable.
  • For loggias located on the south side, it is advisable to use products made from denser materials.
  • Little ones balcony windows, it is better to design with horizontal structures, with the type of mounting on glass.

Types of structures

There are several varieties, each of which allows you to choose perfect solution for decorating the loggia.


Quite simple and convenient model. This design does not take up much space, looks weightless and does not overload the space of even the smallest balcony.

The photo shows a loggia with horizontal slats on the windows.


They are made of plastic, fabric, aluminum, and have many shades and colors. In full closed, they resemble curtains and perfectly protect the loggia from the sun.

The photo shows a balcony with light vertical slats.

Lamella material

For the manufacture of lamellas they are used different kinds materials from the most different texture and density.


Lightweight, resistant to sunlight and not subject to deformation. The only disadvantage of fabric models is their rapid contamination.

The photo shows a loggia with fabric vertical slats.


They are easy to care for, practically do not fade in the sun and do not lose their appearance over time. However, slats made of inexpensive plastic deteriorate very quickly due to the fact that they are exposed to mechanical stress.


Strong and durable metal slats are easy to clean and are not afraid of moisture. A small drawback is that such structures create noise when opening and closing the doors.

The photo shows aluminum slats on the loggia.


They look very impressive and expensive. They do not fade in the sun and do not dry out. Natural bamboo products look original and exotic and instantly attract attention.

The photo shows wooden horizontal slats on the balcony.


Pleated paper blinds are a universal and multifunctional option for decorating balcony windows. Indoors, they create a unique comfort.

The photo shows a balcony with pleated paper blinds.

Types of blinds for loggias

Balcony blinds not only allow you to control the level of light, but also stylishly decorate the room.

  • Pleated. They are a design with pleated fabric in the form of an accordion with folds of two centimeters.
  • Classic. Plain vertical and horizontal sun protection slats will become the most optimal solution to create a modern and practical look for the loggia.
  • Photoblinds. Models with bright and clear images printed using photo printing. They will add a special mood to the balcony room.
  • Multi-textured. Are universal option, combining the advantages of fabric and plastic slats.

For windows of various shapes and devices

Balcony blinds allow windows to gain a more thoughtful, deep and stylish look.


Both horizontal and vertical models with a ceiling profile are suitable for sliding windows.

The photo shows a loggia with horizontal slats on sliding windows.

Panoramic windows

For such window openings current choice there will be vertical slats to the floor, which can reach up to 6 meters in length or more. Panoramic windows on a small French balcony, decorated with horizontal slats and pleated blinds. They look light and make the room more spacious.

Color spectrum

Various shades create a sophisticated color scheme in room.


Enough interesting solution, which allows you to revive and add variety to the laconic and austere balcony space.


The blue color evokes associations with the sea and gives a feeling of coolness. Therefore, blue or light blue slats are especially suitable for loggias located on the sunny south side.

The photo shows blue vertical slats on the loggia.


Models white reflect light well and return it to the room, thereby creating a visual increase small space balcony

The photo shows white horizontal slats on the balcony.


Classic design option. Calm and gentle beige on plastic windows does not have an irritating effect and looks very organic.

The photo shows a balcony with beige horizontal slats.


They attract attention and look quite stylish. But on a small balcony, dark red slats will make the space overloaded.

How to hang blinds?

Without drilling, blinds can be secured in the following ways:

  1. The structure can be hung using a special tape that has a double-sided adhesive surface. Before installation, it is important to degrease the balcony frame and check that it is not cold.
  2. There is also the option of mounting on special brackets that are placed over the window sash and blinds are attached to them.

Photo gallery

Balcony blinds are an ideal design option. Such designs allow not only to make the appearance of the room stylish and attractive, but also to take into account all its functional features.

September 7, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high tech, computer technology, programming.

Recently, at the request of one of my friends who lives on the top floor, I had to worry about choosing blinds for the balcony. She needed products that could be installed on 3-meter-wide aluminum sliding windows and that would effectively protect against the sun and the indiscreet glances of neighbors from the opposite house.

I told her which models are best to use and how to install them yourself. I think such instructions will be useful to all readers, especially since I described, in my opinion, the best models on the market that are suitable for installation on windows or on a balcony door.

Benefits of using blinds

A feature of balconies and loggias is big square glazing of these premises. That is, the windows in them occupy most of the walls. Therefore, they really need light-control structures that will limit the access of sunlight to the rooms and hide the people there from indiscreet views from the street.

Of course, you can use ordinary textile curtains, but I always advise my clients to install blinds on loggias and balconies. They perform their assigned tasks more effectively, as they have the following advantages:

  1. Convenience. Blinds for balcony windows always have controls that allow you to flexibly regulate the amount of light entering inside. Using laces or handles, these products can either be completely unfolded, creating twilight (or impenetrable darkness) in the room, or rolled up, providing 100% visibility.

Blinds for sliding windows performed especially well. In this case, the light-protective structures can be attached to the ceiling, and they themselves will not interfere with the movement of the frames.

  1. Privacy. I recommend using blinds when there is a bedroom or other space on the balcony. living space. In this case, the dense material of the lamellas in evening time will ensure complete tightness of windows. While the fabric of the curtains can be see-through.

  1. Ventilation. Blinds on the balcony do not prevent penetration fresh air inside the room. It creates the most comfortable microclimate for people, which promotes both productive work and pleasant rest.

  1. A wide range of. I have personally come across a huge number of models on sale, which differ from each other in shape, size, color, material, price and many other factors. Even if you are a perfectionist at heart, you will still choose for yourself perfect option, which will organically fit into the interior of a loggia or balcony.

  1. Easy to install. Even a novice master will understand how to hang blinds on balcony windows. These are not curtains, for the installation of which there are a huge number of not so obvious ways.

  1. Versatility. Balcony blinds are a universal design that can be used not only to decorate windows, but also to decorate a balcony, arrange a partition, close a cabinet, and so on.

I hope the listed factors are enough to sway you towards choosing these particular light-protective structures.

Types of blinds for balconies

Now I’ll tell you how to choose blinds. More precisely not so. I'll better describe to you the technical characteristics and features various models light-protective structures, and you yourself.

By material

First of all, I advise you to choose sun protection structures based on the material from which the slats are made. After all, their technical characteristics and ease of subsequent operation directly depend on this.

In my practice, I have encountered the following varieties:

  1. Plastic blinds for a loggia or balcony. This is the most popular option, believe my experience. And such popularity of light-protective structures made of plastic is due to the fact that they have perfect combination affordable price and excellent technical characteristics. Especially for the balcony.

Plastic blinds are quick and easy to clean, do not break with minor mechanical impact, and may have different colour and decorated with drawings. They can not only protect the loggia from the sun, but also become the central element of its design.

Here it is important not to save money and not to purchase very cheap models of their low-quality polymers. Otherwise, the lamellas will either break or turn yellow. In any case, they will not last very long, so you will soon have to purchase new model. So you won't get any benefit.

  1. Wooden blinds for balconies. This expensive models that will make the room truly luxurious. They are perfect for use on balconies, since the wooden slats are treated with special compounds that protect natural material from moisture and direct sunlight.

The disadvantage of this solution is, first of all, the high price. In addition, the structures themselves have a very significant weight, so you will have to take care of high-quality fastening of light-protective structures on the window frames, ceiling or walls.

If you still prefer wooden blinds, do not buy products with large slats covering the entire length of the balcony. It is better to arrange several shorter and lighter sections that are easier to manage.

Better bet wooden slats complete with the same windows. Or, as a last resort, plastic structures, decorated “like wood”. Ordinary plastic or aluminum does not combine with noble wood.

  1. Fabric blinds on the loggia. They can be made from various fabrics, but I advise you to pay attention to polyester, operational properties which are ideal for use on balconies.

This material tolerates exposure to direct sunlight well and is easily cleaned of dirt. Also buy blinds made from high-density fabric: they provide better privacy and have a longer service life. Therefore, their higher price is completely justified.

  1. Metal blinds for balconies. The option, in my opinion, is far from the best. Yes, metal slats are highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation and moisture, they are very strong and durable. But when regulated, they make a lot of noise, which is unlikely to please anyone.

I advise you to buy blinds with metal slats only if you will use the balcony as a storage room, workshop or something similar.

Choice suitable material- this is not all you need to know to buy blinds. It is also necessary to decide on the design features, which we will talk about later.

By design

So which designs are the most common? Personally, I came across the following:

  1. Horizontal blinds for the loggia. Ideally matched with metal-plastic windows. They are placed separately on each glazing section, which allows flexible adjustment of the light level.

They are easy to operate, easy to maintain and allow you to completely block the access of light from the street. The only negative for me personally is the very utilitarian appearance. Although it can be diversified by ordering lamellas different colors or by applying a design to them.

  1. Vertical blinds for the balcony. They differ from the previous version in the location of the lamellas. They create greater coziness on the balcony and allow you to conveniently regulate the amount of sunlight entering the room.

The photo shows vertical blinds for the balcony.

In addition, with the help of vertical blinds you can protect your balcony from the indiscreet glances of your neighbors.

The slats of these products can be made of plastic, aluminum or fabric. They are convenient to operate using special cords, and they can be cleaned with household detergents.

  1. Facade blinds. The difference from the other types that I’m talking about here is that they are installed from the street side. Accordingly, they are distinguished by increased strength and the ability to withstand destructive natural factors.

Such blinds serve not so much as a light-protective structure, but as a way to protect the room from unauthorized entry. Blinds usually form a solid façade. After closing the slats, they prevent strangers from entering the room through.

Another plus is the ability to completely isolate the balcony room from sunlight. For example, in the summer you can adjust the tilt of the slats and create the desired lighting and temperature in the room. I installed such a structure on the balcony, which the owners intended to use as a greenhouse.

The slats of façade blinds are most often made of stainless steel or aluminum. Actually, I didn’t use any other options.

  1. Pleated. Such blinds are made of textiles, which are folded into an accordion in folds of several centimeters. These designs are distinguished by their high cost, which, however, is quite understandable.

Pleated blinds have a huge number of advantages:

  • can be mounted on windows of any shape (semicircular, triangular, trapezoidal, and so on);
  • can be connected to electronic control systems;
  • provide both the proper level of privacy and effective regulation of the amount of sunlight penetrating onto the balcony;
  • ideally combined with window frames made of any materials.

You can buy pleated blinds of any color, including those with a printed pattern. And then they will organically fit into the style of your chosen balcony design.

  1. Rolled. Light-protective structures, which many refer to as both blinds and curtains. Structurally, they are a roll of fabric mounted on a shaft at the top of the window, which can be unfolded if desired, limiting the access of light into the room.

Roller blinds are inexpensive and fit snugly window glass and have a wide variety of colors.

The advantage of these blinds, in my opinion, is the possibility of using window sills. The fabric itself is close to the surface of the glass, so it doesn’t interfere with placing whatever you want on the windowsill.

  1. Roman curtains. They belong to the category of blinds, as they have special control systems that make them easy to open and close, regulating the access of sunlight to the balcony.

Structurally, they consist of a strip of fabric, which is divided into sections by several slats moving along side guides. After installation on balcony windows, you can open and close the curtains using ropes. In this case, the fabric will not sag.

The textiles used in these are impregnated with special compounds that protect them from the sun, dust, moisture and other negative factors. So long service life while maintaining excellent appearance provided for you.

  1. Bamboo blinds. Unlike wooden ones, they are a roll of bamboo fiber, which not only protects from the sun, but also decorates the interior of the balcony.

The disadvantages are also heavy weight and high cost. And they do not fit all window frames.

As for me, I prefer the classic ones plastic blinds white. But I have prepared some tips for you that will help you do optimal choice. About them - below.

So, when choosing blinds for a balcony, consider the following:

  1. Classic horizontal blinds, which are attached directly to the doors, cannot be installed on sliding aluminum frames. You need to select models mounted on walls or ceilings.

  1. For lovers of sophisticated design, I would recommend pleated blinds. They look especially organic on large windows, which are typical specifically for balconies.
  2. Buy roller blinds, which are mounted on guides. Then, when opening the doors for ventilation, the curtains will not hang and dangle. Can you even buy it? cassette curtains, in which the roll is disguised in a special cassette.

The best way to hide from the scorching sun is to hang blinds on the balcony. But which ones to choose, what should you pay attention to when buying them?

This design product was made back in the 18th century, but spread throughout the country only in the 90s. Previously, they were expensive, and not everyone could afford it. Today, every family can buy blinds for a loggia; they are available for sale, available wide choose products, different forms and color solutions.

Advantages of the material

    Limit the space from bright sunlight.

    Reduces heating of the room in hot weather.

    They decorate the window space, giving beauty and an attractive appearance.

    Practical to use.


Blinds hermetically cover windows, take up little space, and are easy to clean from dirt and dust. And their wide selection allows you to purchase the product according to architectural solution premises without changing the interior space.

Which balcony blinds would be the best solution?

Horizontal blinds

Horizontal blinds for the balcony, photo of window design.

They consist of numerous rows of planks, identically fastened together with fastening materials, for example, rope or other decorative product. The mechanism is like an accordion; you need to pull the latch and the blinds open or close. Thanks to this mechanism, even when closed, a metering beam of light can pass through them, and therefore the room will not be dark and uncomfortable.

Attention! Horizontal blinds should be placed on the loggia separately on each window frame, according to its size, so that you can easily open the window and place household items on the windowsill.

Vertical blinds

Vertical blinds for balconies quickly gained popularity. The mechanism of action is similar to the previous version, the vertical planes are rotated around their axis using a regulator and assembled into an accordion. They can be mounted across the entire width of the window, especially when the windows on the balcony are hinged and not sliding. They create the feeling of curtains and maintain coziness and comfort in the room. Let's look at the photo - vertical blinds for the balcony.

Important: such models are convenient in combination with aluminum windows. They are easy to maintain and last for many years.

Roller blinds.

An excellent alternative to previous models, they are easily mounted and installed on individual window sashes. Can significantly reduce the air temperature when closed. Original, attractive, practical and comfortable, they give coziness and comfort to the room.

To do quality choice product, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the blinds are made.


    Easy to care for, just wipe them with a dry cloth and they are like new again.

    Do not fade when exposed to direct sunlight.

    Available in choice.

    Practical to use.

    Durable, resistant to temperature changes.

    Available for sale in various colors.

They also do not bend under the influence of wind when the window is open; if desired, you can order individual plastic blinds with a pattern.

Attention: too cheap models very soon go out of working order, turn yellow and crack.


They are in high demand among lovers of environmentally friendly materials. They are beautiful and rich, but they have too much heavy weight, and soon fail. For large loggias it is better not to buy such structures. Of course, such products can be made to order, for each window separately, then the weight will be distributed and the switching mechanism will not become loose so quickly.


Most often these are aluminum horizontal plates, white or beige colour. Cheap, resistant to weather conditions. They have several disadvantages - they rattle and do not have a long service life, they bend and break easily.


Most often they are made of polyester, do not fade in the sun, are easy to clean, dense and elegant. Can be picked up different shape and colors, according to the owner’s interior preferences. They cost an order of magnitude higher than previous models (except for wooden ones), but over time such costs more than pay off. Long service life is their strong point.

How to choose blinds for a balcony? What should you pay attention to?

It is important that the products do not lie on the windowsill, or even worse, hang on the floor and dangle.

Before choosing a specific model, you need to take measurements of the window and pay attention to the turning mechanism. It should consist of moving parts that do not creak or make loud sounds. Functions smoothly and comfortably for daily use.

Blinds on the balcony with sliding windows will pass inside the opening, and therefore to select the length you need to remove 2 cm from the height of the window frame. If the products are planned to go beyond the window openings, then no less than 10-15 cm. When the user wants to install vertical blinds on the balcony, they should have a distance from the lamella to the floor of no more than 5 cm.

Excellent for plastic windows economical option- fabric vertical products. The owner will be able to easily adjust the level of lighting and cover all large windows. To create coziness and comfort great solution will become roller blinds, multi-colored, bright and spectacular. They may be a big expense for the buyer, but they will last more than 15-20 years.

The advantage of blinds on the balcony is that such structures do not hang to the floor, save space, create a comfortable and original look, and their huge assortment allows you to create real interior masterpieces, bright and extraordinary.

Features of all types of blinds for balconies

Today, the most popular are roller blinds; they are not only original, but also very practical. They consist of a very dense fabric that is wound onto a roller that is attached to one sash or to the entire window. They complement the interior and are very easy to use. They create a pleasant twilight and do not let direct sunlight into the room. The material is not darker, the color does not fade, they can be combined with curtains or hung lambrequins on top.

Vertical blinds for balconies are the most affordable in price and are made from plastic, aluminum, and fabric. They have vertical slats, and therefore reliably close the window opening. The maximum price per square meter is no more than 1,500 rubles. Installed on windows with aluminum or sliding frames.

Important: the process of cleaning them is quite labor-intensive; the filters vibrate under the influence of wind, creating specific noise in the room. Best quality Plastic weights are different because they do not rust or tear over time.

The standard width of the slats is about 1, 27 or 8.7 cm, for narrow and wide window openings.

Horizontal blinds for balconies are made from various materials and have varied design, easy to care for, economical and affordable. They fit tightly to the window and are small in size. But they cannot be installed on sliding frames, as this will complicate the process of using the windows. The slats are rotated with a special turning rod and are made of fabric, bamboo, plastic, and aluminum.

Pleated curtains - the new kind decorative blinds decorate the room and create a twilight effect. Clean with a special brush, which can be purchased at any hardware store, expensive products do not fade in the sun and last for more than 20 years.

How does the type of balcony affect the choice of blinds?

    When the room is completely glazed, then it will be correct to install vertical structures or roller shutters, you can tissue based, which do not allow light to pass through and create a pleasant coziness.

    Vertical blinds are installed if there is a high ceiling on the loggia. They brighten up the room and make it more down to earth.

    On plastic windows Fabric roll products are better suited.

    In a standard balcony, horizontal or wooden curtains, which have a window glazing bead.

Type of blind slats

Fabric ones have antiseptic properties, do not fade in the sun, and are perfect for any interior design. Textile structures do not deteriorate even after 5-10 years of use; they are based on jaccade and fiberglass. Depending on the density of the material, the service life of the product will be calculated. Intended for use at home.

Plastic slats can be disinfected and used on the balcony, they are not deformed and long time retain their original shape. The more expensive the plastic, the better and more reliable the product.

Wooden - safe, solid, expensive. Not always affordable for ordinary citizens. Although you can find cheaper substitutes, from inexpensive tree species, pine, birch.

Combined slats consist of different materials and are suitable for a complete replacement of curtains in any room. They decorate and improve the light emission in the room.

To darken the windows on the balcony, it would be rational to use blinds rather than curtains. They are practical to use, allow you to open and close windows for ventilation, and look aesthetically pleasing and elegant. They are easy to clean and have a fairly long service life. Fashionable, beautiful, reliable, affordable! Let's use and enjoy the comfort and coziness!