How to make an axial powerful generator. End-mounted axial generator for wind turbine. Homemade low-speed generator for a wind turbine

The fact that a generator using neodymium magnets, for example a wind generator, is useful is no longer in doubt. Even if it is not possible to provide energy to all the appliances in the house in this way, it will still show its advantage with prolonged use. Making the device yourself will make operation even more economical and enjoyable.

Characteristics of neodymium magnets

But let's first find out what magnets are. They appeared not so long ago. It has been possible to purchase magnets in stores since the nineties of the last century. They are made of neodymium, boron and iron. The main element, of course, is neodymium. It is a metal of the lanthanide group, with the help of which magnets acquire enormous adhesive force. If you take two pieces big size and attract each other, it will be almost impossible to disengage them.

Mostly, of course, there are miniature species on sale. In any gift shop you can find balls (or other shapes) made of this metal. The high price of neodymium magnets is explained by the complexity of extracting raw materials and the technology of their production. If a ball with a diameter of 3-5 millimeters will cost only a few rubles, then for a magnet with a diameter of 20 millimeters and above you will have to pay 500 rubles or more.

Neodymium magnets are produced in special furnaces, where the process occurs without oxygen, in a vacuum or an atmosphere with an inert gas. The most common are magnets with axial magnetization, in which the field vector is directed along one of the planes where the thickness is measured.

The characteristics of neodymium magnets are very valuable, but they can easily be damaged beyond repair. So, a strong blow can deprive them of all their properties. Therefore, you need to try to avoid falls. Also different types there is a temperature limit that varies from eighty to two hundred and fifty degrees. At temperatures above the limiting temperature, the magnet loses its properties.

Proper and careful use is the key to maintaining quality for thirty years or more. Natural demagnetization is only one percent per year.

Application of neodymium magnets

They are often used in experiments in physics and electrical engineering. But in practice, these magnets have already found wide application, for example, in industry. They can often be found as part of souvenir products.

Their high degree of traction makes them very useful when searching for metal objects found underground. Therefore, many search engines use equipment using neodymium magnets to find equipment left over from war times.

If old acoustic speakers barely work, then sometimes it’s worth adding neodymium magnets to ferrite magnets, and the equipment will sound great again.

Likewise, you can try replacing the old magnets on the engine or generator. Then there is a chance that the technology will work much better. Consumption will even decrease.

Humanity has been searching for a long time. On neodymium magnets, as some believe, the technology may well take on real shape.

Finished vertically oriented wind generator

To wind generators, especially in last years, interest was renewed again. New models have appeared, more convenient and practical.

Until recently, horizontal wind generators with three blades were mainly used. And vertical types did not spread due to the heavy load on the wind wheel bearings, which resulted in increased friction that absorbed energy.

But thanks to the use of the principles, a wind generator on neodymium magnets began to be used precisely vertically oriented, with pronounced free inertial rotation. Currently, it has proven its higher efficiency compared to horizontal.

An easy start is achieved thanks to the principle of magnetic levitation. And thanks to the multi-polarity, which gives the rated voltage at low speeds, it is possible to do away with gearboxes completely.

Some devices are capable of starting to work when the wind speed is only one and a half centimeters per second, and when it reaches only three to four meters per second, it can already be equal to the generated power of the device.

Application area

Thus, a wind generator, depending on its power, can provide energy to different buildings.

    City apartments.

    Private houses, cottages, shops, car washes.

    Kindergartens, hospitals, ports and other city institutions.


    Devices can be purchased ready-made or made independently. Having purchased a wind generator, all that remains is to install it. All adjustments and alignments have already been completed, tests have been carried out under various climatic conditions.

    Neodymium magnets, which are used instead of a gearbox and bearings, allow you to achieve the following results:

    friction is reduced and the service life of all parts is increased;

    vibration and noise of the device during operation disappears;

    the cost decreases;

    energy is saved;

    There is no need to regularly service the device.

A wind generator can be purchased with a built-in inverter that charges the battery, as well as a controller.

Most common models

The generator with neodymium magnets can be manufactured with a single or double mount. In addition to the main neodymium magnets, the design may include additional ferrite magnets. The height of the wing varies, usually from one to three meters.

More powerful models have double fastening. They also install additional generators on ferrite magnets and have different height wing and diameter.

Homemade designs

Considering that not everyone can afford to buy a generator with neodymium magnets powered by wind, they often decide to build the structure with their own hands. Let's consider various options devices that you can easily make yourself.

DIY wind generator

Having a vertical axis of rotation, it usually has from three to six blades. The design includes a stator, blades (stationary and rotating) and a rotor. Wind affects the blades and the entry and exit of the turbine. Car hubs are sometimes used as supports. This neodymium magnet generator is silent and remains stable even in strong winds. He doesn't need a tall mast. Movement begins even in very light winds.

What could be the design of a stationary generator?

It is known that electromotive force through a wire is generated by changing magnetic field. The stationary generator core is created by electronic control, not mechanically. The generator controls the flow automatically, acting resonantly and consuming very low power. Its oscillations deflect the magnetic fluxes of iron or ferrite cores to the sides. The higher the oscillation frequency, the stronger the generator power. Starting is realized by a short-term pulse to the generator.

How to make a perpetual motion machine

Neodymium magnets are basically the same type in terms of their operating principle. The standard option is the axial type.

It is based on a car hub with brake discs. Such a base will become reliable and powerful.

When deciding to use it, the hub should be completely disassembled and checked to see if there is enough lubrication, and if necessary, clean off the rust. Then the finished device will be pleasant to paint, and it will take on a “homey”, well-groomed appearance.

In a single-phase device, the number of poles must be equal to the number of magnets. In three-phase, the ratio of two to three or four to three must be observed. Magnets are placed with alternating poles. They must be precisely located. To do this, you can draw a template on paper, cut it out and accurately transfer it to the disk.

To avoid mixing up the poles, make notes with a marker. To do this, magnets are brought on one side: the one that attracts is designated with a “+” sign, and the one that repels is marked with a “-”. Magnets must attract, that is, those located opposite each other must have different poles.

Usually superglue or something similar is used, and after the sticker is applied, more is added. epoxy resin to increase strength, having previously made “curbs” so that it does not leak out.

Three or single phase

A generator based on neodymium magnets is usually designed to operate with vibration when under load, since constant current output will not be ensured, which will result in an abrupt amplitude.

But with a three-phase system, constant power is guaranteed at all times thanks to phase compensation. Therefore, there will be no vibration or buzzing. And the operating efficiency will be fifty percent higher than with one phase.

Winding the coil and the rest of the assembly

Calculation of a generator using neodymium magnets is mainly done by eye. But it is better, of course, to achieve accuracy. For example, for a low-speed device, where battery charging would begin to function at 100-150 rpm, from 1000 to 1200 turns will be required. The total quantity is divided by the number of coils. How many turns will be required in each of them. The coils are wound with the thickest possible wire, since with less resistance the current will be greater (with a high voltage the resistance will take up all the current).

Usually they use round ones, but it is better to wind elongated coils. The inner hole must be equal to or larger than the diameter of the magnet. In addition, the optimal magnet will be in the form of a rectangle rather than a puck, since in the former the magnetic field is stretched along its length, while in the latter it is concentrated in the center.

The thickness of the stator is made equal to the thickness of the magnets. You can use plywood for the form. Fiberglass is placed on its bottom and on top of the coils for strength. The coils are connected to each other, and each phase is brought out to be connected then with a triangle or star.

All that remains is to make a mast and a reliable foundation.

Of course, this is not a perpetual motion machine based on neodymium magnets. However, savings when using a wind generator will be ensured.

This article is devoted to the creation of an axial wind generator using neodymium magnets with stators without metal. Windmills of this design have become especially popular due to the growing availability of neodymium magnets.

Materials and tools used to build a windmill of this model:

1) a hub from a car with brake discs.
2) drill with a metal brush.
3) 20 neodymium magnets measuring 25 by 8 mm.
4) epoxy resin
5) mastic
6) PVC pipe 160 mm in diameter
7) hand winch
8) metal pipe 6 meters long

Let's look at the main stages of building a wind turbine.

The generator was based on a car hub with a brake disc. Since the main part is factory-made, this will serve as a guarantor of quality and reliability. The hub was completely disassembled, the bearings in it were checked for integrity and lubricated. Since the hub was removed from an old car, the rust had to be cleaned off using a brush, which the author attached to a drill.
Below is a photo of the hub.

Then the author proceeded to install magnets on the rotor disks. 20 magnets were used. Moreover, it is important to note that for a single-phase generator the number of magnets involved is equal to the number of poles; for a two-phase generator the ratio will be three to two or four poles to three coils. Magnets should be mounted on disks with alternating poles. To maintain accuracy, you need to make a placement template on paper, or draw sector lines directly on the disk itself.

You should also mark the magnets along the poles with a marker. You can determine the poles by bringing the magnets one by one to one side of the testing magnet, if attracted - plus, repelled - minus, the main thing is that the poles alternate when installed on the disk. This is necessary because the magnets on the disks must attract each other, and this will only happen if the magnets facing each other are of different polarities.

The magnets were glued to the disks using epoxy resin. To prevent the resin from spreading beyond the boundaries of the disk, the author made borders along the edges using mastic; the same can be done using tape, simply wrapping the wheel in a circle.

Let's consider the main differences in the design of single-phase and three-phase generators.
A single-phase generator will vibrate under load, which will affect the power of the generator itself. The three-phase design is devoid of such a disadvantage due to which the power is constant at any time. This happens because the phases compensate for the loss of current in each other. According to the author's conservative calculations, the three-phase design is superior to the single-phase design by as much as 50 percent. In addition, due to the absence of vibrations, the mast will not swing additionally, and therefore there will be no additional noise when the rotor operates.

When calculating the charging of the 12th battery, which will begin at 100-150 rpm, the author made 1000-1200 turns in the coils. When winding the coils, the author used the maximum permissible wire thickness to avoid resistance.
To wind wire onto spools, the author built homemade machine, photographs of which are presented below.

It is better to use ellipsoidal coils, which will allow a higher density of magnetic fields to cross them. The inner hole of the coil should be made to match the diameter of the magnet or larger than it. If you make them smaller, then the frontal parts practically do not participate in the generation of electricity, but serve as conductors.

The thickness of the stator itself must be equal to the thickness of the magnets that are involved in the installation.

The mold for the stator can be made from plywood, although the author solved this issue differently. A template was drawn on paper, and then the sides were made using mastic. Fiberglass was also used for strength. To prevent the epoxy resin from sticking to the mold, it must be lubricated with wax or Vaseline, or you can use tape or film, which can later be torn off from the finished mold.

Before pouring, the coils must be accurately secured, and their ends must be brought out of the mold in order to then connect the wires with a star or triangle.

After the main part of the generator was assembled, the author measured and tested its operation. When manually rotated, the generator produces a voltage of 40 volts and a current of 10 amperes.

Then the author made a mast for the generator 6 meters high. In the future, it is planned to increase the height of the mast by using at least twice as thick a pipe. To keep the mast stationary, the base was filled with concrete. A metal fastening was made to lower and raise the mast. This is necessary to have access to the screw on the ground, since repair work It's not particularly comfortable at altitude.

An expensive and not always completely effective idea. Samples of commercially available wind turbines have a limited service life, low maintainability and high price. Purchasing such a kit is beyond the means of many potential users. The way out is that it costs much less and allows you to get a device with high efficiency and productivity.

It has high maintainability and, as a result, a long service life. Often, during operation, the design is modernized, improved and brought to the highest possible parameters, which cannot be done with factory kits.

Low-speed wind generators

The most attractive wind turbine designs for most regions of Russia are those that give high performance in weak and medium winds - . They are characterized by the ability to start rotating at low flow rates, producing sufficient voltage to power consumer devices.

Energy production on such devices it is produced by generators adapted to work with wind turbines. The design specificity of such generators is high sensitivity, since the device is initially designed to operate at low rotation speeds.

In order to ensure the specified operating mode, it is necessary to exclude the excitation winding from the design by replacing it permanent magnets. As a result, there will be no need to supply voltage to form electromagnets, and induction will become more stable, independent of the power source on the rotor winding. In addition, there will be no need for a brush assembly that supplies power to the field winding.

Manufacturing a permanent magnet rotor

Permanent magnet generator design in some ways simpler than with electromagnetic excitation. The creation of such a device can be carried out either on the basis of a ready-made generator or using improvised materials.

Modification of a car generator

Creating a permanent magnet rotor requires quite a serious intervention in the design. It is necessary to reduce the diameter by the thickness of the magnets plus the thickness of the steel sleeve, which is placed on the rotor to form a continuous magnetic flux and at the same time serves as a landing pad for the magnets. Some experts do without a sleeve, installing magnets directly on the rotor with a reduced diameter and fixing them with epoxy.

The manufacturing process requires the participation of production equipment. IN lathe The rotor is clamped and the layer is carefully removed so that the installed magnets rotate with a minimum gap, but quite freely. The magnets are installed on the rotor plates with alternating polarity.

The greatest effect can be achieved when installing relatively small-sized magnets arranged in rows in the longitudinal direction. Achieves smooth and powerful magnetic flux, affecting the stator power windings with uniform density at all points.

Making a rotor from a hub and brake disc

The considered method applies to ready-made generators that require minor design changes. Such devices include car generators, often used by amateur designers as a basic device. Often, generators are assembled completely independently, without having a ready-made device.

In such cases, they act somewhat differently. The basis is a car hub with a brake disc. It is well-balanced, durable and adapted to certain types of loads. In addition, the size of the hub allows a large number of magnets to be placed around the circumference, allowing three-phase voltage to be obtained.

Magnets with alternating polarity are placed at a distance equidistant from the center. Obviously, the highest number can be set by gluing them as close to the outer edge as possible. The most accurate indicator will be the size of the magnets, which will determine the possibility of placement at a certain distance. The number of magnets must be even so that the rhythm of alternating poles during rotation does not break down.

Gluing magnets to the hub is done using any glue; the best option is epoxy resin, which is used to completely fill the magnets. This protects them from moisture or mechanical stress. Before pouring, it is recommended to make a plasticine rim along the edge of the hub to prevent the epoxy from flowing down from the hub.

Design of a generator on a car hub most convenient to manufacture vertical wind turbine. It is noteworthy that a similar scheme can be used without a hub, on a disk cut from ordinary plywood. This design is much lighter, allows you to choose a convenient size, which makes it possible to create a sensitive and productive device.

Windmill with axial generator on neodymium magnets

The strongest magnets with optimal parameters for use in generator design are Neodymium magnets. They are somewhat more expensive than conventional ones, but they are many times superior and make it possible to create a powerful device in a relatively compact size.

There is no fundamental difference in the design. Neodymium magnets are manufactured in various form factors, allowing you to choose the most convenient option for yourself - thin oblong bars, tablet shape, cylinders, etc. if a metal rotor is used, then it is not necessary to glue the magnets; they themselves are attached with force to the base. All that remains is to fill them with epoxy to protect them from corrosion.

The easiest way to purchase such magnets is through the Internet; at the same time, you can immediately choose the most convenient form.

Stator manufacturing

The stator is the stationary part of the generator that carries the power winding that induces electricity. Depending on the type of design, the stator can be used from a ready-made device (for example, from a car generator), or made from scratch yourself. The manufacturing technique is different in each case, but the principle remains general - coils that generate alternating current are located along the circle surrounding the rotating rotor.

At car generator modifications sometimes the power windings are not touched, preferring to change the rotor design and leave it at that. Most often, the reason for this is poor technical or theoretical training, when the master has a very vague idea of ​​how exactly such things are done. Let's take a closer look at the question:

Selecting the number of phases

Many craftsmen try to make their task easier by making a single-phase generator. In this case, the simplicity is very questionable, since savings in effort are achieved only at the stage of winding the coils. But during operation, an unpleasant effect is obtained - the voltage amplitude has classic look, which is why the rectified current has a pulsating structure.

Jumps are contraindicated for batteries; they create a negative impact on all components of the complex and contribute to rapid failure. Vibration appears, which can cause complaints from neighbors or cause discomfort for people or animals.

The three-phase design, on the contrary, has a softer envelope; in the rectified state, the current has practically no deviations. The power of the device is stable, the mechanical and electrical parts of the unit are kept in working order.

The choice between a three- and single-phase device should definitely be made in the direction of a three-phase design. The number of wound coils increases, but the number of turns is not so large as to give up a better result due to illusory time savings.

Autogenerator stator modification

It has ready-made power coils tightly packed in the stator channels. To obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary to change the sensitivity of the stator, since the nominal speed of a car engine is in the range of 2000-3000 rpm, and at its peak it can rise to 5000-6000 rpm. A windmill is not able to produce such parameters, and the use of an overdrive gear will significantly reduce the power of the impeller.

The solution to the problem is to increase the number of turns, for which the old windings are dismantled, and new ones are wound in their place, with a large number turns of thinner wire. At the same time, you cannot use too thin a wire, since as the number of turns increases, the resistance also increases, making the generator less productive. It is necessary to observe the “golden mean”, increasing the amount carefully, without excessive zeal.

Important! Such an operation requires calculation, but in practice it is most often done simply - they wind as many turns as the stator structure can accommodate. The result is usually positive, since it will not be possible to accommodate too many turns.

Manufacturing of axial type stator

This design is suitable for an axial type generator, the rotor of which is created from a hub and a brake disc from a car wheel. The stator has the shape of a flat disk, around the circumference of which the power windings are located. They must be wound from thick enough wire so that the number of turns is sufficient, but the resistance does not reduce the efficiency of the design. The number of coils is a multiple of three, so that each phase has the same number.

They are connected to each other by a star, for each phase 1, 4, 7, 10, etc. are connected. When winding a single-phase stator, each coil is wound in the opposite direction - the first clockwise, the second counterclockwise, then clockwise again, etc. they are connected in series.

The finished stator is installed coaxially with the rotor. The gap between the coils and neodymium magnets should be minimal, but the rotor moves freely, without contact with the coils.

To protect against moisture, dust or other influences, the coils are usually filled with epoxy resin. To do this, a plasticine rim with a height slightly higher than the fill layer is first made along the outer edge of the stator disk.

Impeller assembly

The impeller should provide maximum sensitivity. Before you start building a wind turbine, you should study in detail the meteorological situation in the region, the direction and speed of the prevailing winds, the frequency and strength of squalls, and the possibility of hurricanes. This information will help you choose the most suitable windmill design (vertical or horizontal, size, number of blades, etc.).

Creating an impeller made from available material based on the parameters of the generator. The size of the blades should allow rotation to begin at low flow rates, but not create an excessively large obstruction. This will reduce the risk of the mast falling during a strong gust or squall.

Regions with unstable and frequently changing winds (which are the majority in Russia) are more suitable for the operation of vertical structures. Horizontal wind turbines are considered more efficient, but require installation on tall masts, which creates maintenance problems.

The wind generator impeller must be well balanced and firmly connected. Installing the kit on the roof of a house is prohibited, especially if several families live in it. It is recommended to choose open place on a hill near the house so that the length of the cable does not create much resistance. There should be no obstacles nearby, tall trees or buildings blocking the direct flow of wind.

How to make a low-speed generator for a windmill from neodymium magnets. Homemade generator for a windmill, diagrams, photos, videos.

To make a homemade windmill, you first need a generator, preferably a low-speed one. This is the main problem; finding such a generator is quite difficult. The first thing that comes to mind is to take a standard car generator, but all car generators are designed for high speeds; battery charging starts at 1000 rpm. If you install a self-generator on a windmill, it will be difficult to achieve such speeds; you will need to make an additional pulley with a belt or chain drive, all this complicates and makes the design heavier.

A windmill requires a low-speed generator, best option axial type generator with neodymium magnets. Since there are no such generators affordable price There are practically no commercially available ones; you can make an axial generator yourself.

In this case, the stator will be a disk with coils, the rotor will be two disks with permanent magnets. When the rotor rotates, the current that we need to charge the batteries will be generated in the stator coils.

Homemade generator: making a stator.

The stator - the stationary part of the generator consists of coils that are placed opposite the rotor magnets. The internal size of the coils is usually equal to the external size of the magnets that are used in the rotor.

A simple device can be made for winding coils.

Thickness copper wire for coils of approximately 0.7 mm, the number of turns in the coils must be counted individually, the total number of turns in all coils must be at least 1200.

The coils are placed on the stator; the coil terminals can be connected in two ways, depending on how many phases the generator will have.

A three-phase generator will be more efficient for a wind generator, so it is recommended to connect the coils in a star type.

To fix the coils to the stator, they are filled with epoxy resin. To do this, you need to make a mold for pouring from a piece of plywood, so that the liquid resin does not spread, you need to make the sides from plasticine or a similar material. At this stage, it is necessary to provide lugs for attaching the stator.

It is important to get a perfectly flat plane, so before pouring the matrix with coils must be installed on a flat surface. Before pouring, the coils must be carefully checked with a multimeter and placed on the matrix in a circle in such a way that the rotor magnets are then opposite the coils.

Liquid epoxy resin is poured into the matrix to the level of the edge of the coils; before pouring, the mold must be lubricated with Vaseline.

When the resin has completely hardened, we disassemble the matrix and remove the finished stator with coils.

The stator is fixed to the generator housing using bolts or studs with nuts.

In this design, the rotor will be double-sided, the stator with coils will be in the middle between the rotating disks with magnets.

On each hub disk, magnets must be placed in a circle, alternating the poles in sequence.

When the rotor disks are installed, the magnets should be directed towards each other with different poles.

The magnets need to be glued to the disks with superglue and filled with epoxy resin, top part magnets should remain uncovered.

Making a rotor for a homemade video generator.

To attach the stator to the wind generator, you need to make a metal base, the stator is attached to it using bolts or studs.

We assemble the entire structure, but you need to leave minimum clearance between the stator and the rotor, the smaller the gap, the more efficient the generator will produce energy. A diode bridge must be connected to the output of the coils.

As a result, you will get an axial generator using neodymium magnets. A homemade generator can operate at low speeds and still generate enough energy to charge the batteries, which is important when installing a wind generator in areas where weak winds prevail.

Windmill generator video.

Homemade generator for a 2.5 kW windmill video.

Verification: 72146f0e872f9296

By the way, the screw turns out to be quite good. Therefore, the last screw was made from a 1.3 m aluminum pipe (see above)

I marked the pipe, cut out the blanks with a grinder, tightened them at the ends with bolts and processed the package with an electric planer. Then I unrolled the package and processed each blade separately, adjusting the weight on an electronic scale.

Protection against hurricane winds is made according to the classic foreign design, i.e. the axis of rotation is offset from the center. Here is the link to the site

Those who want to know more will find all the questions they need here, and completely free of charge! This site helped me a lot, especially with the tail drawings. Here is an example of drawings from this site.

I adjusted my windmill tail using the sawing method.

The entire structure is mounted on two 206 bearings, which are mounted on an axis with an internal hole for the cable and welded to a two-inch pipe.

The bearings fit tightly into the wind turbine housing, which allows the structure to rotate freely without any effort or play. The cable runs inside the mast to the diode bridge. (See drawings above)

the photo shows the original version

To manufacture the wind head, not taking into account two months of searching for solutions, it took a month and a half, now we are in the month of February, it looks like there has been snow and cold all winter, so I haven’t carried out the main tests yet, but even at this distance from the ground, the 21-watt car light bulb burned out. I'm waiting for spring, preparing the pipes for the mast. This winter has flown by quickly and interestingly for me.

The VIDEO can be viewed here, (double click on the video opens a direct link to youtube), Yes, if you like it or don't like it, show your opinion.

A little time has passed since I posted my windmill on the site, but spring hasn’t really come, it’s still impossible to dig the ground to wall up a table under the mast - the ground is frozen and there’s dirt everywhere, so there was time for testing on a temporary 1.5m stand plenty, now more details.

After the first tests, the propeller accidentally caught the pipe, I was trying to fix the tail so that the windmill would not move out of the wind and see what the maximum power would be. As a result, the power managed to register approximately 40 watts, after which the propeller safely shattered into splinters. Unpleasant, but probably good for the brain. After that, I decided to experiment and wound a new stator. For this I made new uniform for filling the coils. I carefully lubricated the mold with automotive lithol so that excess would not stick. The coils have now been slightly reduced in length, thanks to which 60 turns of 0.95 mm winding thickness are now placed in the sector of 8 mm (ultimately the stator turned out to be 9 mm), and the length of the wire remained the same.

I added about 30% talc to the epoxy.

The propeller is now made from a more durable 160mm pipe and has three blades, blade length 800mm.

New tests immediately showed the result, now GENA produced up to 100 watts, a halogen car light bulb of 100 watts burned at full intensity, and in order not to burn it out in strong gusts of wind, the light bulb was turned off.

measurements on a 55 Ah car battery.

Now the final tests on the mast, I will describe the result later.

Well, it’s already mid-August, and as I promised, I’ll try to finish this page.

First what I missed

The mast is one of the critical structural elements

One of the joints (a pipe of a smaller diameter goes inside a larger one)

and swivel unit

now the rest

3-blade propeller (red sewer pipe with a diameter of 160 mm)

I'll start by changing several propellers and settling on a 6-blade aluminum pipe with a diameter of 1.3 m, although greater power was provided by a screw with PVC pipes 1.7m.

The main problem was to force the battery to charge from the slightest rotation of the screw, and here a blocking generator came to the rescue, which even with an input voltage of 2v gives a charge to the battery - albeit with a small current, but better than a discharge, and in normal winds all the energy goes to the battery through VD2 (see the diagram), and there is a full charge.

The design is assembled directly on the radiator, semi-hinged installation, if the installation is correct, it works without problems. In some cases, to start a blocking generator, it is possible to reduce the resistance R1 to 500 Ohms, the transformer is a ferite ring with a diameter of 45 mm, a cross-section of 8 mm by 8 mm (can be wound on a line trance from an old TV), wound with 1 mm wire, first wound 60 turns, and evenly on top wound 21 turns

The charge controller also used a homemade one, the circuit is simple, it was made as always from what was at hand, the load is two turns of nichrome wire (with a charged battery and a strong wind it heats up to red) All transistors were installed on radiators (with a reserve), although VT1 VT2 practically do not heat up, but VT3 must be installed on the radiator! (when the controller operates for a long time, VT3 heats up decently)

photo of the finished controller

simple circuit

The diagram for connecting a windmill to a load looks like this

Back view

My load, as planned, is the light in the toilet and summer shower+ street lighting (4 LED bulbs which turn on automatically through a photo relay and illuminate the yard all night long, at sunrise the photo relay is activated again, which turns off the lighting and the battery is charged. And this is on a dead battery (removed from the car last year)

photographed protective glass(photo sensor at the top)

I bought a photo relay ready for a 220V network and converted it to power from 12V (I bridged the input capacitor and soldered a 1K resistor in series with the zener diode)

Now the most IMPORTANT!!!

From my experience, I advised you to first make a small windmill, gain experience and knowledge and see what you can get from the winds of your area. After all, you can spend a lot of money, make a powerful windmill, but the wind power is not enough to receive the same 50 watts and your windmill will be like submarine in the garage. Here BETTER A TIT IN YOUR HANDS THAN A WOODPECKER IN A JO-E!!!

The simplest anemometer. The square side is 12 cm by 12 cm, a tennis ball is tied to a 25 cm thread.

I made this anemometer

Many readers often ask the question, how much does such a gene produce?

I had to make a short video for clarity.

We never think about how strong even a small breeze can be, but it’s worth looking at how fast a turbine sometimes spins and you immediately understand how powerful it is.

Wind, you are a mighty wind...(photo from the yard)

The process of modernizing the windmill is completed, this is what it looks like at this stage. The video shows its operating mode (I filmed it with a camera, so the discreteness of the propeller is visible, in fact it is spinning as if it had been blown up). Works in very low winds BLOCKING GENERATOR.

The beginning of the rise into the wind

And here it’s already in the wind

All wind generator calculations (thanks to Nikolai) can be seen here

Here are sites where you can find a lot of interesting things:

Don’t be lazy to look at these sites!!!

For Kharkiv residents and not only

Good luck to all!!!

I will be glad if I helped someone at least a little, all questions on the wall or email

For everyone who has finished reading this article, I offer an excursion into another successfully repeatable design

I haven’t returned to this article for a long time, more than two years have passed since this article was written, during which time the design was repeated many times, I can judge this from the reviews that came through e-mail. Many repeated the design one to one with my version, but those who turned to me for help, I advised them to do only the three-phase version, and the result was much better.

With the permission of Alexey Viktorovich Mikhalchuk, I am posting one with worthy repetitions, the design of a three-phase generator.

Before meeting me, Alexey had prepared almost everything to replicate my design; subsequently, practically nothing was changed, with the exception of I convinced him to make the generator three-phase. To Alexey’s surprise, the generator turned out to be quite good, it charged the battery quite quickly, but since the design was temporary (Alexey did not believe in success until recently), this generator was subsequently dismantled, it was decided to add magnetic poles, and make the design more reliable. Subsequently, a 16-pole axial generator was born, I can say that it exceeded all expectations, even mine.

I will not repeat myself in the description. Just a quick summary of some information

12 coils of 1.18 wire took 1.5 kg, 75 turns per coil.
The thickness of the coil is equal to the thickness of the magnet - 8mm
The internal diameter of the coils is equal to the diameter of the magnets -25 mm
Magnets 16 pairs 25*8
Steel discs thickness 10 mm diameter 25 cm
Blades made of aluminum pipe with a diameter of 300 mm
Metal thickness 4mm blade length -1m

Such a generator produces more than 500 watts without any problems!

We look at the photo for some aspects of generator manufacturing

During the operation of this generator, a significant design flaw was identified; Alexey neglected protection from hurricane winds, so the blades were destroyed. For everyone who repeats the design with WIND YOU CANNOT JOKE, it is necessary to make protection against hurricane winds, it will be cheaper than changing the blades every time.

At the moment, Alexey has corrected the shortcomings, and the windmill brings him significant help

Here Alexey threw in a few more photos after the modernization of the windmill

and a short video

on the left is an asynchronous wind generator, on the right is the generator that is in the description. Well, that’s all for now, saw the weights, Gentlemen, they are golden!

For Kharkiv residents and not only