How to cook rice side dish. Note to the housewife: how to cook fluffy rice

Boil boiled and delicious rice Not all housewives can. It is necessary to maintain certain proportions, then your side dish will always turn out well. Our recommendations will help you prepare this cereal correctly.

Choosing the type of rice

When choosing rice for preparing a particular dish, you should consider its type.

  • The round variety has good absorption capacity and is easy to glue. Good for making rolls, sushi, porridges, casseroles.
  • The medium grain is represented by small oval grains about half a centimeter long. Used to make pilaf, soup or pickle.
  • Long grain is characterized by long, thin grains up to a centimeter long. This type of cereal does not stick together. It is an ideal side dish for fish and meat. Goes well with vegetables. Used as an ingredient for salads.

Cooking rules

Boiled rice is a simple dish. However, in order for it to be successful, There are certain tricks you should know.

  • Initially, you should choose the right dish; it should be deep, have thick walls and a bottom. It can be a saucepan or a cast iron. The main thing is that the grains are heated evenly on all sides. First, the shell of the grain must soften, then the core undergoes heat treatment. The use of aluminum and enamel containers for these purposes is not recommended, since they do not provide uniform heating. For this reason, the cereal may burn.
  • The rice is sorted, specks and dark grains (if any) are removed.
  • The cereal is washed repeatedly in running water until the white and cloudy liquid becomes a transparent and clean substance. It should be remembered that the water used for rinsing must be cold. This is due to the fact that by using hot or warm water for washing, you can brew the starch that is contained in the outer shell of the grains.

  • The washed rice is placed in a cooking container and filled with water, which is salted and supplemented with spices (according to individual taste preferences). Chicken or mushroom broth can be used as a base. In order to prevent the grains from sticking together, add vegetable oil (a spoon is enough) before cooking.
  • Next, the container is sent to the stove.
  • At first the flame of the fire should be large. After boiling, cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid to create a greenhouse effect. At the same moment, the fire is reduced to a small flame, the rice should be ready.
  • The duration of the process from the start of cooking to the end of cooking is determined by the type of rice.


The ratios of water and cereals, depending on the type of rice, are as follows:

  • round grain – 2.5:1;
  • medium grain - 2.25: 1;
  • long grain – 2:1.

If you take a glass of cereal, then in the first case you should take two and a half glasses of water for cooking, in the second - two glasses and a quarter, and in the third, two glasses will be enough.

Cooking time

The cooking time also depends on the shape and size of the grain:

  • corn round shape cook for 20 minutes;
  • the average grain is boiled for a quarter of an hour and infused for a quarter of an hour;
  • long grain will be ready in a third of an hour.


Universal side dish

Take a glass of water for 200 g of cereal. Rinse the rice thoroughly to remove gluten. Place the rice grains in a saucepan, add water, and add salt to taste. Place the pan, covered with a lid, on the fire. At the moment of boiling, reduce the power of the stove. The cooking process will take about 15 minutes. At the moment when the liquid is absorbed by the rice, remove the container from the heat. In the next half hour, you need to keep the heat in the pan; for this purpose, cover it with a warm cloth. After the above time has passed, stir the side dish and add a piece of butter.

Puffy rice using a slow cooker

A multi-cooker home helper will help you make crumbly garnish no problem. To do this you will need:

  • one part rice cereal;
  • two parts water;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • a handful of salt.

Well-washed rice is immersed in the bowl of the device. Water is poured from above. Salt and oil are added. The device closes. The “Rice” (or “Milk porridge”) mode is set. After completing the program, you should wait for some time so that the rice is completely steamed and becomes even tastier.

Parboiled rice

This product is subjected to special heat treatment, which, however, takes away a fifth of its beneficial properties. You can prepare fluffy steamed rice as follows. Take 1 cup of steamed rice to 1 and a quarter cup of water. After washing, soak the cereal for 30 minutes. Place the cooking container with cereal and water on the stove. After the water boils, reduce the heat. Salt and add oil to taste. After this, cook the side dish for approximately 20-30 minutes until it is completely cooked.

Another option for preparing steamed rice is without soaking. In this case, you need to take a liter of water for 1 and a half cups of cereal. Rice grains are placed in boiling water. It cooks for 30 minutes in a covered pan. After finishing cooking, remove the dish from the stove and leave for 10 minutes.

Uzbek pilaf

Cooking Uzbek pilaf involves knowing the intricacies of the cooking process and requires certain skills. When you get down to business, you should prepare the necessary dishes. Ideally, it is a round cauldron with a convex bottom (cast iron or aluminum with thick walls). On preparatory stage You should stock up on provisions:

  • ½ kg of fatty lamb (preferably ham);
  • ½ kg of premium long grain rice;
  • ½ kg carrots (the sweeter the better);
  • ½ kg of onion;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 4 teaspoons of a mixture of ground spices, which includes paprika, ground black pepper, cumin, barberry;
  • In the classic version of the dish, lamb fat can be replaced with vegetable oil; accordingly, 75 grams of fat should be taken, sunflower oil- cup.

Initially, the cauldron is placed on the fire and warmed up. Oil is carefully poured into the heated vessel, which should flow along the walls of the cauldron (or the fat is heated). The fire at this moment should not be large. Oil or fat is not brought to a boil, since vegetables and meat are to be fried, not stewed. The lamb is cut into pieces of the same size, of any shape (but not too small). The meat is fried before it is purchased brown tint on maximum heat.

Hulled onion wash and dry with a paper towel. Cut into half rings and add to meat for frying. Peeled carrots are also cut, but in the form of long sticks (you should not use a grater: in this case, a lot of carrot juice and the vegetable will be stewed). The resulting preparation is added to the cauldron at the moment when the color of the onion turns golden. The mass is mixed and fried for five minutes.

This entire mass should be slightly salted, since after placing the rice in the cauldron, the dish will not be re-salted. Add the pre-prepared spice mixture.

Thoroughly washed rice is given a place on top of an improvised pillow (do not allow the cereal to mix with the components of the pillow). A saucer is placed on top of the rice, onto which boiling water is carefully poured from a kettle until the rice is covered with liquid by 1-1.5 cm. The saucer is removed with care, since it is important not to disturb the monolithic layer of rice. The final preparation process is carried out over high heat, without covering with a lid. It turns out that the rice is steamed over a bed of meat and vegetables, resulting in a crumbly dish.

After the water has boiled away, the rice is pierced in several places to the bottom, and a little is poured into these holes. hot water. Garlic cloves cut into four parts are carefully distributed. The container is closed with a lid, the flame is reduced to a minimum, and the dish simmers for a quarter of an hour. After turning off the stove, you should not open the lid for another quarter of an hour so that the dish reaches the desired condition. Before serving, turn the contents of the cauldron onto a large flat dish: there will be rice at the bottom, a pillow of vegetables and meat on top.

It wouldn’t hurt to serve lavash with pilaf, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

Vegetable rice in a frying pan

The side dish is attractive, tasty, and easy to prepare. To prepare you need to take:

  • ¾ cup long rice;
  • larger onion;
  • more carrots;
  • ½ can of green peas;
  • ½ can of sweet corn;
  • a teaspoon of turmeric powder;
  • sunflower (or sesame) oil.

Oil is poured into a frying pan with high sides and heated until hot. Diced onions and carrots are fried in it for 5 minutes. While frying, stirring occasionally, add turmeric powder. After the onions and carrots are sufficiently fried, the cereal, cleared of starch by washing, is laid out on top, leveled in an even layer and poured with boiling water.

The liquid should cover it by 1 cm. Add salt. After boiling, cover the pan with a lid: the dish is simmered over low heat. After a third of an hour, green peas and corn are laid on top of the steamed rice. And in this combination, the dish simmers under a tightly covered lid for a few more minutes. Mix everything before eating.

Mushroom risotto

A gourmet dish with Italian roots, it is best made from round rice. To prepare it you should have:

  • ⅔ cup round rice;
  • 100 g parmesan;
  • ½ chili pepper;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • medium onion;
  • 300 g champignons;
  • 1½ cups mushroom broth;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley.

To prepare this risotto, follow these steps. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in a frying pan. Onions, chili, garlic are chopped very finely and fried in oil. This is done carefully: the onion should become simply transparent, but not change color. Mushrooms, pre-cut into large pieces, are placed in the vegetables. All ingredients are fried for 5-8 minutes. In another frying pan over medium heat, dry rice is fried in olive oil until it becomes transparent.

The cereal is transferred to the first frying pan, where the vegetables and mushrooms are located. Next comes the gradual introduction of mushroom broth: first, 50 milliliters are poured into a mixture of rice and vegetables, which is stirred periodically. After the liquid has been absorbed by the rice, the process is repeated several times until the rice is completely cooked (it should be soft, but not mushy). A mixture is made of coarsely grated cheese and finely chopped parsley, which is laid out in rice. Melted cheese gives the dish a delicate and unique taste.

It was previously noted that the characteristics of rice grains, expressed by shape and size, affect the cooking time and the characteristics of the cooking process itself. Below are some guidelines for preparing different types of rice grains.

Round shaped rice

  • Such raw materials are characterized by the presence of a larger amount of starch compared to other types of rice cereals.
  • To obtain a crumbly state in the finished form, such a product must be thoroughly washed and dried before cooking. You can dry it by spreading it on a sieve.
  • When cooking, use medium heat before the water boils and low heat after it boils.
  • The cooking container must be covered with a lid.
  • You should not stir the rice, as this will cause the production of excess starch, which prevents the formation of a crumbly structure.
  • After the rice has absorbed all the liquid, it can be removed from the heat and left until cooked.

Long rice

  • It is advisable to cook long grains in pans with thick walls and a tight-fitting lid.
  • Preparing such cereals for cooking involves washing them until the cloudy tint of the liquid disappears.
  • To check whether there is enough water to cook rice, you can use this trick. Submerge thumb into the water by touching the rice: if the phalanx is half covered, it means that enough liquid has been poured exact amount.
  • It is important not to oversalt, because when using rice as a side dish or component of a salad, do not forget that sauce may be used when preparing the dish.
  • A lid that tightly covers the pan will help make the grains more crumbly and prevent them from sticking together.
  • Before the water boils, the fire is made as high as possible, after boiling - the slowest.
  • After turning off the heat, it doesn’t hurt to keep the rice covered for a couple of minutes.

You should know that long grain rice comes in white, brown, and black.

Brown rice

  • In terms of composition and content of microelements, it is healthier than white.
  • It is prepared similarly to white, but the cooking time after boiling should be longer (5-10 minutes).
  • Its downside is that it deteriorates faster.
  • There is no need to use oil to cook this rice because brown rice contains it within itself.

Wild black rice

  • It has a considerable cost, so it is not as common as white rice.
  • The taste is sweetish and has a nutty aftertaste.
  • As a rule, in the store you can find packaging where black is combined with brown or white rice.
  • Subject to long-term soaking before use (12 hours), which is done to clean and preserve the nutritional properties of the product. After this operation, the cereal softens and will cook well.
  • Since it greatly increases in size during cooking (almost four times), you should take 3 times more water than cereals.
  • Cooking time for black rice is longer than brown rice - up to three quarters of an hour.

To learn how to cook rice for a side dish, watch the following video.

Most often, the starch is to blame for the fact that you end up with a piece of flatbread instead of pearl grains of rice that are perfectly separated from each other. It is its content in this cereal that contributes to the fact that during cooking everything gets confused into an incomprehensible consistency of dubious purpose. Of course, such a boiled product is completely unsuitable for cooking. delicious dishes, and even more so as an independent ingredient.

The right choice of cereals - ideal results

The first and probably the most important step in preparing perfect rice is the process of buying grains. Often, inexperienced housewives make a mistake while still standing at the store window. Experienced chefs will say that it is pointless to hope for perfect result, if you choose the wrong product in advance. At first glance, it seems like there is a lot to choose from. I took the bag from the shelf and headed towards the stove. So what's the secret?

In fact, there are many varieties of rice in the world. But, in order for the dish to be cooked well and get the perfect result, it is important to take into account some aspects of the choice.

The most expensive type is basmati - this variety of rice is the most expensive and has excellent taste.

Chefs all over the world include it in many dishes. Basmati stands out visually - thin, long and pointed grains. It is lovingly called “royal” for its main properties and taste differences.

With this type of rice great result does not require titanic efforts. Everything works out, it seems, by itself. Of course, this cereal is not affordable for everyone and it is not so easy to find it in our stores. Therefore, we will make do with the varieties that are on display. The easiest way is to take “steamed” rice, which does not require a chef’s sophistication. But it is not suitable for all dishes. Round grains or long ones - at the discretion of the housewife herself.

Five main secrets to make rice fluffy

  • Choosing a pan is an important component of success! It is absolutely not recommended to use enamel cookware for these purposes. It will never produce perfectly fluffy rice;
  • The ratio of water and cereals. Best option– 1:1. The chefs of the world's most expensive restaurants reveal their... little secret. Only with this proportion of ingredients can you get good result. If there is more water, then the cereal simply will not be able to absorb everything, which means a viscous, sticky, messy structure is guaranteed;
  • Preparing cereals for cooking. IN Asian countries wash the rice at least seven times. This method ensures that almost all the starch is washed out of the cereal. The main thing is to wash until the water is crystal clear and transparent;
  • It is recommended to add vegetable oil to the cereal before cooking.(sunflower or olive) in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per half cup of rice. And after that, add water and cook;
  • Under no circumstances should you interfere with the cooking process! After the salted water with rice has boiled, you should refrain from stirring. This can be done after cooking before serving.

Over the centuries-old history of the development of culinary art, every kitchen in the world has preserved quite a few different ways of preparing rice. Each is unique in its own way and differs in important technological features.

Popular ways to cook rice

Proven recipes for boiled fluffy rice that help prepare the perfect dish for all occasions. Each housewife will be able to choose the option that is suitable for her.

Method 1: Cooking rice in plenty of water

The basmati variety is ideal for this method. This option is the best for cooking perfectly fluffy grains of rice that separate from each other and at the same time retain their attractive color and shape.

  1. Place a saucepan on the fire, in which the basmati will later be cooked, with two liters of water. The kettle is placed separately to warm up;
  2. At this time, the rice is thoroughly washed big amount running water until it becomes crystal clear;
  3. After the water in the pan boils, pour 1 cup of washed rice into it;
  4. Cook until done. A large amount of water is needed so that the rice can absorb as much as it needs to be fully cooked. To eliminate the possibility of overcooking, you should taste the grains of rice during the process;
  5. The finished rice should be immediately drained through a colander or sieve to remove excess liquid;
  6. Rinse generously with boiling water from the kettle;
  7. Pour into a saucepan with previously melted butter or any vegetable oil. To cover with a lid. Wrap in a towel for 10 – 15 minutes. Ready!

Second method: Pre-soaking the cereal

This recipe for fluffy rice is not suitable for all varieties. But round, steamed and basmati rice will cook perfectly with it!

  1. For half an hour, the cereal must be soaked in cold water;
  2. Rinse the rice in plenty of running water until the starch and gluten are completely washed away. This will help prevent the rice from sticking together and forming a solid cake during cooking;
  3. Then the rice is immediately poured with pre-prepared boiling water. At this stage, cold water should absolutely not be used!;
  4. Add oil of your choice and salt to taste. These ingredients will make the rice tasty and fluffy;
  5. Cook over low heat, covered, until done. Until the water is completely absorbed.

Option Three: Raw Roasting

  1. Boil water in a kettle;
  2. Place the rice, washed in plenty of water, in a sieve. Let it drain and dry thoroughly;
  3. Prepare a pan for cooking: pre-dry it and pour in 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  4. Place the pan on the fire, add rice and fry for 5 - 10 minutes, stirring until each rice forms a beautiful translucent shade;
  5. The toasted cereal is poured with boiling water in the required quantity;
  6. Salt and mix gently with a spoon;
  7. Cook over low heat until all the water is completely absorbed.

The proposed options are the most common and used by both chefs around the world and experienced housewives. These methods are perfectly verified and thought out to the smallest detail. If you strictly adhere to technology and proportions, then a high-quality result is guaranteed.

New technologies for the housewife to take note

With the advent of technological innovations in kitchen space, cooking has become several times faster and easier. But nevertheless, many women are simply afraid to cook food in such ways. And in vain, because fluffy rice in a slow cooker turns out much tastier and faster than in a regular pan on the stove. The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly.

The easiest recipe for a slow cooker

It is necessary to use a special measuring cup and good rice cereal. Ratio: 1 multi-cooker measuring cup of rice to 3 multi-cooker cups of water. Measure and rinse the cereal, place it in a cooking container, and add the required amount of water. Add salt to taste and butter or vegetable oil.

Mix everything thoroughly and select the desired cooking option.

As a rule, the multicooker manufacturer indicates a specific mode in which rice is most ideally cooked. During the cooking process, it is better to leave the rice alone and do not stir. After completing the mode, it is better to let the still cooked rice brew right in the multicooker with the lid closed.

Of course, depending on what kind of rice you need, the cooking method or ingredients are also chosen. If this is a full dish, then you can add salt or sugar, fruits or vegetables, depending on the wishes of the cook.

What you should never do

Contemporary culinary art is replete with different ways and recipe options for how to cook fluffy rice, but the problem may not even be in the recipe itself or the grain. Very often mistakes are made that contribute to positive result fades away.

The most common mistakes:

  • Cereals are not washed to remove starch after purchase. In addition, imported rice is specially coated with a mixture of talc and glucose so that all its qualities are preserved during transportation. All this MUST be washed off with plenty of clean running water until it becomes transparent;
  • When cooking, under no circumstances should you constantly stir or rub the rice with a spoon. You risk getting a heterogeneous viscous mass that will be little like rice;
  • The choice of cooking pot is of great importance. If the housewife is not a fan of scraping burnt lumps from the bottom and walls, then it is better not to use enamel dishes;
  • Strong fire and active boiling of rice. To prepare perfectly fluffy rice, it is important to cook it over as little heat as possible.

So, the proposed options for how to cook fluffy rice are universal. They can be actively used in cooking rice, both as an ingredient and as an independent side dish. The following recipes will help you cook perfect rice, regardless of its type. Cooking delicious food is easy! You just need to know the main culinary secrets!

Rice is an extremely versatile grain: you can serve it sweet, like Japanese desserts, mixed with spicy sauces, or with virtually no spices. It can be either a main dish or a side dish for meat. It often happens that the housewife’s rice comes out too sticky, overcooked and soft, no matter how hard she tries. In this article you will learn several methods on how to avoid such cooking of rice, as well as secrets proper preparation this cereal.

How to properly cook fluffy rice

If you want to get a grain-by-grain side dish, then you should choose long-grain and round varieties of rice. This rice absorbs too much water and gradually becomes overcooked. You don’t need any special ingredients, everything is extremely simple:

  • Take a glass of rice.
  • Two glasses of clean water.
  • The pan should have thick walls, like a cauldron.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Bring the water to a boil, only then start rinsing the rice. This algorithm is due to the fact that the contact of the grain with water must occur almost before cooking, otherwise the rice will have time to absorb excess water which will lead to overcooking.

You need to rinse the cereal at least 8-10 times until the water becomes completely clear. You can use a colander for this if its holes do not allow grains to pass through.

As soon as the water boils, salt it. Add other bulk spices if desired. You need to place the rice in the pan strictly in hot boiling water so that the cooking process begins immediately. The cooking temperature needs to be changed, namely:

  • Once you put the rice in the pan, the heat should be high to get the water back to a boil as quickly as possible.
  • Reduce the heat to low when the water starts to bubble.

Cover the pan with a lid and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Just forget about her. When you open the lid. you will see crumbly cooked rice. Leave it to stand for another 15 minutes under the closed lid with the heat off so that the remaining moisture is absorbed into the cereal.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

Usually, to cook good rice in a slow cooker, use a slightly smaller amount of water. Take one and a half glasses of water per glass of cereal. Don't forget to rinse the rice well.

  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl.
  • Add washed and drained rice.
  • Add spices.

Please note that the cereal must be evenly distributed over the bottom of the bowl, otherwise some grains will not cook well.

Now close the lid and set the “Rice” or “Pilaf” program. Some multicookers differ in their set of options. Cooking time will be 15 minutes.

If you have the “Keep warm” function, then leave the rice to warm for another 20 minutes with the multicooker lid open. This way all the moisture will go into the grains, leaving them crumbly.

Do not forget to wash the cereal thoroughly, since between the grains there is rice flour formed during the friction of the grains in the bag. If this dust is not properly removed, the rice will begin to stick together in the early stages of cooking.

If you cook rice for dishes such as sushi, mochi or onigiri, then the very concept of proper rice is turned on its head. For Japanese cuisine, rice should be sticky, but not overcooked. This is difficult to achieve, so ideally, a special Asian vinegar is used, which can be found on store shelves in the sushi section. Add a few spoons of this vinegar when cooking rice and you will get a sticky side dish. You can use it to make onigiri and roll into rolls.

When rice is cooked for desserts, vanilla extract and other flavorings should be added directly to the water during the cooking process. Do not forget that such cereals in desserts should have only a slight aroma.

Do not add to rice:

  • Lemon.
  • Oil.
  • Regular table vinegar.

These are all culinary myths that will only ruin your side dish. Crumbly grains begin to be obtained with experience when you notice for yourself perfect time preparation and the exact amount of water.

To enjoy the cereal for a long time, transfer it from the pan to a wooden container or plastic container. This way it will remain crumbly longer, even when stored in the refrigerator.

Understanding the intricacies of cooking rice is not so easy, so it is not surprising that many do not know how to cook rice correctly in order to turn it not just into a more or less edible mass, but into a real culinary masterpiece. Rice is one of the most popular and beloved cereal crops on the planet. A real culinary chameleon and opportunist who is friends with salt and sugar, fish and meat, fruits and vegetables, sauces and spices. This amazing compatibility and loveliness of rice is explained by its neutral taste. He's cunning like a real Asian! And the east, as you know, is a delicate matter!

According to ancient Chinese and ancient Indian manuscripts, rice was known to man more than six thousand years ago. In addition to eating rice, starch, alcohol, and beer are obtained from it. Rice came to Russia about three hundred years ago and fit very well into Russian culinary traditions. Today, rice is served as a separate dish, used to prepare pilaf, soups, and added to salads and desserts.

Cooking rice step by step

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Secrets of preparing rice

Cooking rice is an art that most Asians master perfectly. They are on friendly terms with rice, so they know very well which rice needs to be doused with boiling water before cooking, which rice needs to be soaked in water for several hours, and which just needs to be rinsed cold water and cook immediately. Well, let's try and find one with rice mutual language.

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Washing and soaking

Before cooking rice, it must be washed and, if necessary, soaked. The washing procedure allows you to remove large debris, small particles of dust and excess starch from rice grains, making the taste of rice brighter and richer. You can wash rice using a sieve under running water, but it’s better to use a deep bowl: add the required amount of rice, add cold water and stir lightly with your hand. We repeat the procedure 3-5 times, each time draining and pouring fresh water.

Soaking improves the color of the rice and makes it more fluffy. In addition, by absorbing moisture, the rice will cook much faster, but for some dishes, for example, risotto, this procedure will be unnecessary. To soak rice, pour one part of the cereal with two parts of water and leave for about half an hour. After draining the water, lightly dry the rice with a towel.

Short round rice, the kind that is suitable for making porridge and pie filling, is usually soaked for 15 minutes in warm water and only then washed with cold water.

Long, but not thin rice, after washing with cold water, is additionally scalded with boiling water, then poured over with cold water again and only after all these manipulations is boiled.

Small, thin, almost transparent rice, without washing, is soaked for 5-8 hours in salty cold water and only then washed several times.

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The nuances of cooking universal cereals

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How to cook fluffy rice in a frying pan

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Cook rice for side dish in a saucepan

Take one part rice and two parts water. Wash the rice and place it in boiling salted water. Set the heat to medium. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Don’t forget that the rice for the side dish should not be too soft, but even slightly undercooked. At the end of cooking, remove the rice from the heat and rinse well. Rinsing is a must! Water washes away the starch that glues the grains from the rice mass, and what we get is not rice, but simply a sight for sore eyes - grain after grain! There is no need to rinse only steamed rice. To prevent the rice from sticking, add a little vegetable oil.

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Oriental rice

We wash the rice 5-7 times. Pour water into a saucepan (one part rice - two parts water), bring to a boil, add salt to taste and add rice. Cover with a lid and cook over high heat for three minutes, two minutes on medium and about seven minutes on low. Let it sit for another 12 minutes, add a little oil and enjoy the wonderful fluffy rice.

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Japanese style rice

Add a teaspoon of salt and a glass of washed rice to one and a half glasses of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and simmer over low heat for exactly 12 minutes. Turn off the heat and let stand for another 12 minutes.

Milk rice porridge

For a change, you can remember your childhood and prepare a hearty and healthy rice porridge on milk. In this case, you don’t have to worry about crumbling, because the consistency of the porridge should resemble a white sticky mass. For a glass of rice, take 2-2.5 glasses of milk. Pour milk over rice and bring to a boil. Add sugar and salt to taste and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. When serving, you can add fresh fruits or berries to the porridge, and use jam instead of sugar.

Well, the rice is ready, and it’s like a canvas on which you can “paint” the most delicious culinary masterpieces with the help of bright, tasty colors. Create! Bon appetit!

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How to cook fluffy rice - for some it’s as easy as shelling pears, but some still don’t succeed. To cook fluffy rice, this is all you need to know: rules and secrets. The first condition for fluffy rice is correct proportion rice and water. The amount of water depends on the type of rice; it is easier to cook long-grain rice varieties with fluff.

Proportions of water depending on the type of rice

  • Basmati - 2-2.5 tbsp. water (depending on quality and manufacturer)
  • Jasmine - 1.5 tbsp. water
  • Long grain - 1.5 - 2 tbsp. water (depending on quality and manufacturer)

If you overdo it a little with water, the rice will turn into porridge. If there is not enough water, there are two options: leave the rice under the closed lid and it will come, or add a few tablespoons of boiling water and continue cooking the rice. That is, less water is fixable in order to end up with delicious fluffy rice.
There are three more secrets for preparing fluffy rice - salt, oil and boiling water. Rice should not be cooked in cold water., only with boiling water! More information about everything is written in detail in three methods of preparing fluffy rice.


  • rice - 1 cup
  • water - from 1.5 to 2.5 cups (depending on the type of rice)
  • salt – 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook perfect fluffy rice - 3 easy steps step by step

The first way to cook rice is raw frying.

This method of preparing fluffy rice is quite universal, it is suitable for any type of rice, and there are practically no punctures with it. Even the simplest Krasnodar rice can be prepared in this way and it will turn out quite crumbly.

  1. Bring the required amount of water to boil in an electric or regular kettle.
  2. Rinse the rice well in a separate bowl, place in a colander/sieve and let dry a little.
  3. Wipe the pan in which the rice will be cooked dry and pour 2 tbsp. spoons of butter (can be replaced with).
  4. Place the pan on the fire, add the rice and fry, stirring constantly, for several minutes.
  5. Fry the rice until the color of the grains changes from translucent to dense white (5-10 minutes).
  6. Pour the prepared boiling water over the rice in the required quantity. Be careful, at first the rice will sizzle due to the temperature difference between the hot oil and water.
  7. Salt and stir the rice well.
  8. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat until the rice has absorbed all the moisture.
  9. It is possible (but not at all necessary) to stir the rice 1-2 times during the cooking process; it is better not to overdo it.

The second way to cook rice is soaking and rinsing well.

This method of preparing fluffy rice is not suitable for all types of rice. You can cook round rice, parboiled rice or basmati rice using this method. But this method is completely unsuitable for cooking jasmine rice - it will turn into porridge.

  1. Soak the rice for 30 minutes in cold water.
  2. Rinse the rice well under running cold water until clear water- this way, unnecessary gluten and starchy substances come out of the rice, which can subsequently lead to the rice becoming a sticky porridge.
  3. Pour over rice required quantity boiling water Boiling water must be prepared in advance. Under no circumstances should you pour cold water over rice.
  4. Add oil and salt. They help the rice cook and remain fluffy.
  5. Cook over low heat with the lid closed, stirring occasionally as needed, until all the water has been absorbed.

The third way to perfect rice is a lot of water.

This way you can cook perfect basmati rice. It is impossible to achieve such a degree of friability of rice by any other cooking method. It is with this method of cooking rice that you get crumbly rice, which even after it has cooled remains completely crumbly - rice after rice!

If you plan to further, for example, fry rice, or stew it with vegetables, it is better that it is half-cooked. In cooking, the term "al dente" is often used for this. That is, when biting the grain, the color should be uniform, there should be no whiter circles in the center. But at the same time, the rice itself still tastes raw. Then you will get crumbly rice with vegetables, just like in Chinese or Japanese cuisines.