How to interest your ex. How to attract your ex-girlfriend. How to attract the attention of your ex: women's tricks

If a girl is not interested in you, then dating will be of no use. The girl will remain indifferent to you. That's why guys ask the question so often

This is a fundamental moment at the stage of approach and acquaintance. After all, if you have hooked a girl, then all the processes will go much easier, since she already wants and is sexually interested in you.

How to get a girl interested in you

Your behaviour.

How confident you are in yourself plays a decisive role. If a girl sees that you are not afraid of her at all, that you can say whatever comes to your mind at any moment and that you are not looking for her approval of your actions, then it works very cool.

If your confidence is not all right, then there is only one way out - practice. Go out and interact with as many people as possible big amount girls. And, as soon as you make, for example, the 500th approach to a girl in your practice, you suddenly realize that you have become a completely different person. That you are already confident, don’t worry, have a great sense of humor, and show initiative at the right time.

And girls just don’t have enough of these kind of confident guys. Indeed, often, even those men who have big businesses and earn a lot of money are often afraid to talk to a girl. And only Gopniks, who don’t care about anything, are not afraid of them in their natural state.

But a normal, adequate girl will be very happy to meet an intelligent and cultured young man, and at the same time strong in spirit.

Your appearance.

Please note that appearance I put it in second place. Because you can interest a girl in a wrinkled sweater if you know what and how to do and behave boldly and confidently.

But if you buy yourself a new expensive suit, make it and go out to meet someone from a cool car, but at the same time you don’t know what to say to the girl, then nothing will come of it, except that you can pick up a girl in this way who is not interested in on you, but on your money. Do you need it?

Therefore, you need to develop your self-confidence and your appearance as a whole. Only then will the effectiveness of communication with the female sex greatly increase.

How to interest a girl by correspondence on VK

It’s better not to ask questions, since you yourself turn into someone waiting until she deigns to write an answer.

There are rare exceptions when it also intrigues and creates the right image in her head:

“Would you talk to a guy if you knew you’d never be able to sleep with him?”

Bottom line

Get a girl interested possible by showing your truly masculine qualities. This manifests itself not so much in words as in actions and body language.

The more experience you have in communicating with girls, the more interesting you will be for each next young lady.

That's all. Good luck!

Relationships often end in quarrels and accusations. You probably said a lot of unnecessary things. Now that a little time has passed, you realized that you got excited and were wrong. Do you want to get her back but don't know where to start? We'll tell you how to do it!


Part 1

You need to improve your life
  1. First, you need to understand what is happening in your life. You for a long time were in a relationship with a girl, but this relationship recently ended. Now you are sad and lonely, but if you want to return to your old relationship, you need to change.

    • Girls want their guys to improve themselves. Perhaps your girlfriend often complained about some quality of your character, or something else, when you were together. Or do you have a few not so good ones? good habits or qualities that you would like to get rid of. Now is the time. Stop playing video games all day long (if that's what she's always wanted you to do), or it's time to start wearing clean clothes so she'll notice you've changed. If you focus on becoming a better person, she will notice that you have changed, and this will work in your favor.
    • Stabilize your emotional condition. You have no chance of getting your ex back until you bring yourself to a normal, calm and balanced state. Women don't like emotionally dependent, annoying guys. So pull yourself together, don’t look unhappy, broken, don’t bother her - get your life together before asking her to come back to you. She will love that you act as if everything in your life is perfect. Girls like self-sufficient and confident guys. Start going to the gym, go to the movies with friends, or do something else. If you feel good and have fun, she will notice it and want to join you.
    • Buy new clothes. Fashion is constantly changing. External changes in this case will symbolize your internal changes for the better - she will definitely appreciate it. Buy some fancy new shirts and jeans. If you look good, she will be drawn to you even more; when she meets you, she will see you in new clothes and understand that you have changed.
  2. Change your attitude. Girls like mature, courageous and independent guys, optimistic and self-confident. Yes, we know that it is not easy to change so dramatically, but you have to start somewhere!

    • Stop being jealous. It won't do anything. Jealousy is always associated with fear and anxiety - very unattractive traits. When you are jealous, she perceives it as if you want to control her. Nobody wants to be controlled. So learn to control and not show your jealousy. You'll catch me with honey more flies than vinegar.
    • Act like everything is fine. Even if you are simply shaking with jealousy or resentment, never show it in front of her. She won't want to be with you if you act depressed, constantly whine, get jealous and get angry. Laugh and have fun when she's around. Try to do it sincerely. Who knows, maybe it will actually make you feel better. If not, you are depressed and sad, try to communicate with friends and relatives more often. You don't have to be alone, sit around doing nothing and hope she comes back.
    • Don't forget about your sense of humor. What quality do girls value most in guys? Girls like funny guys with a sense of humor. These qualities are very attractive, as they are a sign of confidence, youth and optimism. So it won’t hurt you to memorize a few jokes (try them on your friends), select the funniest ones and go ahead. Learn to laugh at yourself, but don't whine and complain, always be confident in yourself, no matter what. Be casual and cheerful when she is around - joke with her, laugh - and no negative emotions! You will immediately notice how her attitude towards you will change.

Part 2

Prepare for the attack
  1. Give her some time. Let her think about everything that happened, about your relationship. If you have had by and large, a good relationship– she will remember this, and she will miss you.

    • Stop communicating with her. Don't talk to her for several weeks or even months. It will be very difficult and you will miss her, but she will also feel bad. And then, it will help you calm down and put your thoughts in order.
    • You need to give her some time for three reasons: 1) People just need time alone. If in your relationship you haven't given her time to be alone, do it now. Perhaps she will see that you have changed. 2) She will have enough time to understand how good she was with you. When she is left alone, she will feel it more clearly. 3) This will give you the opportunity to show her that you are self-reliant and emotionally independent. Single guys usually attract girls because of their independence from others - they don’t need anyone.
  2. Start chatting with another girl. There is no need to flirt with her. Just become friends. You will increase your value in her eyes if she sees that other girls are interested in you.

    • Don't take this advice the wrong way - don't hit on another girl. Just walk and talk together, go out for pizza. Be friends. After all, if you set a date with another girl, your ex will never forgive you for this, and is unlikely to return to you.
    • Go for a walk with a group of girls. Show her that girls enjoy your company. If you surround yourself with beautiful and prominent girls, your ex will automatically become interested in you.
  3. Show her that you are a real alpha male - the leader of the pack, that you are a leader by nature, who can do anything, who always comes first.

    • Most girls are attracted to these guys for purely biological reasons. They believe that such a guy can better provide for them, protect them, and give her healthy children. Even if you think that your ex doesn’t like these types of guys, still try to change a little in this direction, it won’t hurt you. Pump up a little - let people notice your manly chest and toned legs.

Part 3

Take action
  1. Apologize to her. It doesn’t matter who left whom, you still need to apologize. This will show her that you are capable of putting her, not yourself, first, and that you are not afraid to admit your mistakes. If you do everything correctly, it will be a huge plus for you.

    • Send her flowers. Girls love flowers. Despite the fact that the flowers will wither in a week and have no practical application– no girl can resist them. Your ex will not miss the chance to brag to her friend that someone gave her flowers. So, let that “someone” be you!
    • Send her a letter. Girls love to receive letters. If you wrote a letter, it means you spent your precious time on her, not being lazy to express your feelings. Start the letter with something like: “I know that one letter will not correct all my mistakes, but I want you to know that you are very dear to me and I will never forget you. You have always been very important to me. I'm a fool for missing out on a girl like you."
    • Talk to her face to face. Make an appointment with her in a public place - a cafe or park. Choose a place that she's sure she likes. When the time is right, tell her, “I know I made a lot of mistakes. I understand and admit my mistakes. The biggest one is I lost you. I don't expect anything from you... I just wanted you to know that."
  2. Try to restore your friendship with her. Maybe you betrayed her trust in the relationship. To restore lost trust, become her friend. Trust is very important for girls. Show her that she can trust you again.

    • Do something nice for her. If she is preparing for an exam, tell her that you believe in her success and that she will definitely do well! If something happened to one of her friends, go to her and wish her a speedy recovery. Your friend will definitely pass this on to your ex. If your ex wants to see a movie, buy her two tickets so she can go to the movie with a friend. Take your time, your time will come soon!
    • Go out for coffee or pizza together. Ride bikes. Visit a pool or park. Talk about your common interests. Don't forget to be confident, be cheerful and funny.
  3. Tell her that you still have feelings for her. Once you apologize and become her friend again, you can move on to the next step - tell her you want her back. Choose the right moment, for example, when you are alone with her. Put on your best clothes and be fully prepared for this conversation.

    • Be sincere. You don't need to tell her what was wrong in your relationship or what she did wrong. Focus on yourself. Tell her that you admit all your mistakes and are not going to repeat them. Show her how much you have changed. Say that you are now more patient, understand your shortcomings and are working on them.
    • Tell her something like: “After you and I broke up, I realized that I was looking for love where there was none. You were everything to me, but I didn’t understand it and didn’t appreciate you enough. I only realized this after I lost you. I'd be a fool if I didn't try to get you back. I need you!
    • Or you can say something like this: “You may not like it, but everything I do is for you. You made me better than I was. I realized how happy I was with you only now, after I lost you. I want to take care of you again, I have changed for the better and I want to show it to you. I still have feelings for you - I can't deny it."
    • Reassure her that you can still correct the mistakes and resolve the problems that were present in your relationship. Don't forget why you quarreled and don't repeat your mistakes again. Discuss a plan of action with her - after all, there is simply no point in restoring a relationship that is doomed to inevitable death. You should do things differently this time. Listen to her, try to understand her feelings. If you haven't been very nice to her friends, change that. May everything work out for you this time!
  • When your ex starts communicating with you again, there is no need to talk about your relationship! Even if she wants to return to you, you should not rush things, otherwise you will soon separate again! Treat her like a friend - for starters. This will help you and her restore trust and former friendship.
  • Be kind to her. Tell her she's beautiful.
  • Many people don't appreciate what they have until they lose it.
  • There is no need to force her to do something she doesn’t want, no need to convince her that you have changed - let her see it herself.
  • Do not quarrel with her under any circumstances. Ask her what you did wrong and try not to do it again.
  • Don't let her know your intentions too quickly. But if you still decide to take such a step, be yourself! Girls like confident guys. If you don't change your attitude and admit your mistakes, sooner or later she will leave you again!
  • If you managed to get her back, appreciate her and love her as if today was your last day on earth!
  • Always be yourself! Be confident and optimistic about everything. Always listen to her carefully, tell her that she is beautiful, joke with her, be romantic. If you don't do this, there will always be another guy who will appreciate her.
  • When she says she wants you to remain friends, be her friend. After you have become good friends, you can tell her how you really feel.
  • Let her know that you have changed for the better.
  • Never take anything she does for granted.
  • If you see her on the street, don't pass by. Go over, say hello, kiss her and talk to her.
  • Be yourself, do something nice for her, give her gifts, and even if she’s wrong, apologize, you won’t regret it!

All men are very different, they also differ in their behavior with their former girlfriends. There are mama's boys who can be influenced through their mother or other relatives. There are men who listen to the opinions of their friends, then a woman, even before a quarrel with a man, has to establish wonderful friendly relations with the man’s friends.

There are men who are guided solely by their opinions; it is difficult to influence them. There are those who are not inclined to forgive at all; even little things are unforgivable for them. And therefore it is of great importance what type your man is. Although, it is worth noting that in most cases men are suggestible creatures. They can be manipulated, but this should never be done openly.

Some women managed to interest and win back their beloved again when they showed up on the threshold of his house in an elegant dress and called for them, maintaining the intrigue. At the same time, women prepared in advance for a man a romantic dinner on the roof of a house, or sex in a place where the man always wanted to try it, or gave some kind of nice gift.

Many men, and not just women, as is commonly believed, can be excited by such romantic actions, but such behavior is only appropriate if the man has simply left you, if he does not live with another woman. If you are not sure whether he is alone, then it is better not to take such steps, you simply may find yourself in a stupid situation. Well, such an act requires courage. But not all women have it.

Before continuing reading, we recommend watching the following video:

You can interest a man in your new look, which you carefully prepare and then arrange for a meeting. You can interest him by text message. For example. You just write to him “thank you” and that’s it. Not a word more. And then after a while the man sends you a reply SMS, he wants to know why you are thanking him. And you just tell him that he helped you change, look at many things differently.

Tell us an incident from your life that confirms that you are completely different now. Discuss mutual friends. Such communication about anything can also be useful; it helps subsequently to establish contact, which is so important for both of you. Very often, men also suffer after a relationship is destroyed, but they rarely admit it and try with all their might to forget the woman.

In order to interest a man, you should never resort to various kinds of magic, which is very dangerous. You should not listen to the advice of friends who have encountered other situations and other men in life. Do not listen to the advice of your relatives, who will tell you that you should forget about your loved one, since you will have hundreds more like them. The fact is that many destinies were crippled this way.

No one, neither friends nor family, can replace your loved one in your life. Your friends will build their lives, give birth to children, they will be happy, but they will treat you with pity. Remember that only you decide what to do. You must be smart and wise, and professional advice will come to your aid. Your family may tell you that a man should be the first to call, the first to come, the first to ask for forgiveness. Don't listen to anyone. Do as you see fit.

So let's sum it up summary How to get your ex interested again?

  1. Romantic actions. Prepare in advance for your man, for example, a romantic dinner, or come up with something that will really excite him. The main thing is to make sure that he is not in a relationship with another woman, otherwise you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
  2. New image. Work on yourself, change your appearance and lifestyle. Attract a man with your new role.
  3. SMS. As an example, you can simply write him “thank you.” He will begin to wonder why?! And you will say that he helped you change. This is how communication begins.
  4. Don't listen to other people's advice, don't resort to magic. Strangers can only harm you, because everyone’s situations are different. And only you know exactly what to do to get your man interested again.
  5. Never openly manipulate a man. Try to use proven tactics that professionals in your field will teach you.

How many articles have been written about this, but still for many men the problem of finding a partner or life partner remains a big problem. Let's try to figure out how to behave in order to find success in your personal life.

Appearance when meeting

No matter what anyone says, this is really important. Nobody wants to date a foul-smelling man in unkempt clothes and torn shoes? Here, of course, the main thing is not to overdo it: if you smell of perfume so much that you can’t breathe, and you yourself are dressed like a ragamuffin who just got his hands on money, then naturally this will push the girl away from you. It’s better to choose clothes in accordance with your image: an elegant macho or a brutal jock - all types have their own character traits, based on which you should choose what to wear. The main condition is that clothes and shoes must be clean and tidy. You should choose a perfume that is not too overpowering or overtly cheap. Hair should be washed and neatly trimmed. If you have long hair, then they should look well-groomed. If you cut your hair to zero, then leave everything as it is, do not try to let your hair grow if the girl never asked you to do so. Perhaps she is impressed by your resemblance to Vin Diesel or Bruce Willes.

Confidence and charisma - show it in conversation

Being confident in yourself definitely does not mean that you have to interrupt everyone around you or chatter incessantly. But you must speak clearly and without any trembling in your voice. Agree, no one will feel comfortable sitting on a date with a person for whom a pleasant pastime together causes as much stress as being dragged “on the carpet” by the boss. Speak relaxedly, do not interrupt. Smile more and you will be happy.

There is no need to cross the line and descend into rude behavior. Getting drunk for courage before a date is also not the best option, although it is abundantly exploited by literature and cinema. To show your charisma, it's better to just joke. Rare, but accurate. If you love to sing, then find a real reason for it. For example, this is appropriate on a hike or at a barbecue near the fire. You can perform a song at a party.

If you read poetry well, the cards are in your hands. Just don’t do it too pretentiously, otherwise you may become a laughing stock for your partner. Everything is good when it's in moderation.

Humor will help you overcome fear

Believe me, fear on a date is not as bad as you might think. There is nothing reprehensible in this, the main thing is not to show it and skillfully hide it. A couple of jokes can always smooth things over. Swedish scientists have proven that laughter helps fight fear: it helps break down psychological barriers. And if a girl laughs at your jokes, that already says something, doesn’t it?

You entertain her, she feels good with you, and she will want to be in your company again and again. The main thing is that she also has a great sense of humor. If she is a sophisticated person, then she also has a corresponding sense of humor. She won't laugh at how someone fell and hurt himself, but she may laugh until she drops at how funny you portrayed the fall.

Be interesting in communication

But this is more complicated. If everything is clear with the first three points, they are almost universal, then problems arise here - we are all human, and it is sometimes difficult to understand what is interesting to a girl. And this is where the ability to ask questions comes to the rescue. This way you can extract grains of information from her, which in such a situation is almost worth its weight in gold. Then it’s easier - if your interests coincide, then the conversation will not be so difficult. And if not? Try something neutral, ask about her life. Almost everyone has something to cling to when discussing. If you don’t know anything about her hobbies, you can simply ask in detail - most likely, she will be happy to tell you about it.

Be sporty

Of course, not everyone can show off their body greek god. But, it is very advisable to take care of yourself, if you have already decided to find a life partner. It is not necessary, of course, to become a professional bodybuilder or circus strongman. In order to look good, a man most often needs minimal dietary restrictions (if he tends to be overweight) and three to four hours in the gym a week.

Remember, a healthy mind in a healthy body! And you carry the bride in your arms at the wedding. Sometimes - along a humpbacked bridge, which is more difficult for the respiratory system when you go up. When you go down, you just need to be nimble and have good balance. For this alone, you don’t have to go to the gym if time doesn’t allow you, but work out at home. Kettlebells, dumbbells and a small “Easy Step” type exercise machine will help you stay in shape. It is also a good idea to do exercises to train the vestibular system. This will also come in handy.

How can you interest a girl and attract her into your life?

Nothing brings people together like common interests. If you don’t know what the girl you like is interested in, then you need to find out somehow. The easiest way is from her friends. Even if she loves cooking more than anything else, do not rush to classify this hobby as purely feminine. In restaurants, men are often the cooks. So if your bachelor’s table is simple, it’s time to try to diversify it, at the same time learning some culinary subtleties. After all, then there will be something to talk about. In addition, she will clearly pay attention to a young man who knows how to prepare exotic dishes.

Does she like to knit or embroider? You don't have to do this either, but being able to appreciate such work is very important. And to express admiration means to truly “hook” a friend.

What can we say about such things that people of both sexes can be interested in:

  • tourism (both trips to the forest and trips abroad);
  • sports (both being a fan and doing something yourself);
  • music (being a fan or playing an instrument);
  • cars (just drive or understand the brands of cars, their structure, etc.).

And many such examples can be given. You can even find some minimal point of contact, but develop a great friendship from it. The main thing is to show interest in the girl’s so-called spiritual body, that is, in what she lives and breathes, which is especially important for her. Maybe she just loves pets, and you tell her how much you hate cats or dogs. And then you will get an irreconcilable enemy in her person. And in general, it’s always better to talk about what you love rather than about what you don’t like. Getting together on a positive wave is always better than “being friends against someone.” An exception may be a situation when you need to immediately punish the offenders of your chosen one. This should not be cruel revenge, but more of an exemplary punishment. But the best option is direct protection. Nevertheless, such situations arise infrequently, and deliberately provoking them is already a game on two fronts.

If everything is quiet and peaceful in the life of your chosen one, then you can still find a reason to interest her, for example, when communicating on the Internet.

Attract the attention of pen pals on the Internet

If you are going to take on such a game, you need to do it incognito first. Girls love different secrets, so this style of communication will be much better received than frank, unambiguous offers to “make love” or announcements “I’m looking for a partner for intimacy.” At best, they will take you for a maniac and will not answer. At worst, they will be “banned” from the forum or sent to hell in a “personal message”. And even if the computer, as well as the paper, endures everything, you need to remain noble, and then the chances increase.

Via SMS in VK (in contact), on a dating site

The controversial question of whether it is possible to hook a girl via SMS is actually well resolved if you build the right dialogue. But for this you need to know exactly its number. This could be either an employee or a girl from the company. At the very least, you should have mutual friends. And then you can act. If there are no such connections, then it is better to look for a girl on a social network. Only this imposes certain responsibilities on you.

If you stayed with her and left a message, then you need to be “hospitable” yourself. Just as we prepare the house for the arrival of dear guests, we need to sort out our VKontakte page. All swear words need to be removed. There is no direct ban on swearing on this social network, but a girl can be cultured, and swearing will turn her off at first, just like any unflattering statement about the female sex in general. Next, you will have to revise the photographs. Blatant “compromising evidence” will have to be removed. For example, photographs of orgies, in which, perhaps, you are not present, but still... For now, you can refuse photographs where you look extremely unpresentable. It’s clear that you posted this earlier to have a laugh with your friends. But in this situation, you with a tub on your head or cake cream on your face is not the best best view for acquaintance.

Dialogue examples

It’s always worth starting a dialogue with intrigue. On a social network, you can write to a girl that yesterday you saw her in the city, and she is much prettier in real life than in the photo, although in the photo - wow! On the one hand, this is a compliment. On the other hand, you will make her think about you: where did you come across her that you fell for her so much and quickly found her page. Did you take her picture or torture your friends about her name? This will make her show her typically feminine curiosity.

Intrigue can also be contained in telephone messages. It’s even better to start with SMS rather than voice communication.

It might look like this:

I never thought before that you were like this...
- What do you mean, like this? - she will answer.
- You yourself should know this for sure.
- What exactly?
- Didn’t they tell you?
- Who and what?
- For example, my friends?
- Never!
- Yes, this cannot be!
- What can’t it do?
- So that no one ever tells you that you are so cool! Simply amazing beauty!

The longer this dialogue is drawn out, the more intrigue it will contain. But you shouldn’t drag it out too long, because she may stop responding.

You can't get by with just one phone. You need to somehow arrange a date with her, because this is a logical move to continue communication. If you have established SMS correspondence, then you need to invite her to find out what kind of voice you have. Live communication will take your relationship to the next level. new round. And then we can meet again. If the intrigue is maintained, the girl will not even know what you look like. And now the time will come when it is worth throwing off the mask. There is, of course, some risk in this. After all, she can already build a wonderful macho image, and you are a nondescript, short nerd. Then all the more you need to arrange everything beautifully and show that you know how to look after girls. Give flowers, tell interesting stories or jokes, show beautiful landscapes or invite you to the movies - all this is at your disposal. The main thing is that the lady does not get bored compared to the intensity that was when communicating via SMS.

I want to get the attention of my ex-girlfriend, is it worth it?

It’s not always the case that a girl leaves for a guy who will then treat her better than you did. She may fall for the external shine, but then she won’t notice how she turns out to be a kind of background for the guy, “ free application“, and even in front of her he will flirt with other girls. If he is used to always being in sight, then he will remain so. For him, the public is more important than privacy. And if you notice that your ex-girlfriend simply disappears with him, then this is a reason to get her back. Perhaps she already regrets the breakup and would like to return everything to its previous course.

But if she seriously fell in love with a new guy, then it will be almost impossible to get her back. That is, you should not do this right away. We need to wait until she is disappointed in him. Exactly she. If he leaves her himself, this does not mean at all that there will be no place left for him in her heart. Yes, she will mourn this love, but she will become unapproachable to others. Here you can only gradually wipe away her tears and be there as a comforter, but in no case impose the previous relationship. You need to let her soul get over it, and then the girl will see that she is not alone, that there is a person nearby, and what better could she wish for!

Psychology of attractiveness: what girls pay attention to

People are greeted by their clothes - so says the proverb. But both appearance and clothing may be different, but girls find something in guys that they would certainly like. Some like brunettes, others like brown-haired or blond. But in reality it turns out that the chosen one may not have the “declared” hair color or even skin color! And girls pay attention not to facial parameters, not to the chosen style, but more to the ability to wear these clothes, manner of speaking and gestures. That is, something that somehow reveals a person’s soul.

Therefore, there is no need to be clamped and force yourself into some kind of framework. There is no need to try to be someone else who, from the girl’s point of view, is “good” or even “ideal”. You need to be yourself, because you yourself are not so bad. If you strive to be, say, Elvis Presley or Arnold Schwarzenegger, then you may miss the girl who was interested in you at that moment.

Pretty girls don't notice me - I'm a loser, what should I do?

There may be objections to this situation: “Well, how and why should I be myself if I was born a loser?” In the end, things may come to the point where you consider yourself worthy only of that “gray rat” with thin pigtails and glasses, but not of the prom queen. But it is precisely this position that can indicate your low self-esteem and at the same time creating an ideal girl who would be suitable for you. Thus, you expect that you are worthy only of the prom queen, and will not consider yourself successful person, if you do not achieve her location.

But you are already sure in advance that they will not pay any attention to you. Becoming prom king is beyond your reach. Showing off muscles of steel is unrealistic. Shyness and poor memory prevent you from telling jokes incessantly. But you can tell stories from life in vivid colors. If this happened to you, then you remember it, and you don’t have to learn anything special. And don't try to do it in front of the prom queen. You will still be shy in front of her. And try asking out someone who was recently considered a “gray rat.” Most likely this one ugly duck before the date will turn into a beautiful swan. Albeit not with such a stately gait, albeit of short stature, but an elegant, well-groomed and quite pretty girl will come to you. It's not a fact that you will continue dating, but the fact that you had a date will give you confidence. It will get easier!

Just recently, young people met completely by chance on the street, at a party, but today, thanks to the Internet, you can meet a pretty girl without leaving home.

Social networks have literally burst into our lives, so why not take advantage of them and charm a cute young lady on VKontakte? In order to please your interlocutor and arouse her genuine interest, you should adhere to certain rules and not use standard phrases that are boring to everyone.

Advice from psychologists and experienced pick-up artists will help you figure out how to interest a girl on a social network.

Before you write to the beauty you like, you need to carefully study your own VK page for possible incriminating evidence and simply not the most pleasant things. For example, it is difficult to seduce a girl:

  • photographs where you are presented in an unfavorable light - drunk, hugging depraved girls, just having a bad night out, etc.;
  • photographs in which, in addition to a person, you can see garbage on background, a sloppily made bed;
  • obscene or indecent statuses, especially in which you speak poorly about female representatives (for example, after breaking up with your ex-girlfriend);
  • by being in groups that clearly indicate your intentions, for example, “Pickup for dummies”, “How to seduce in 5 minutes”, “How to hook her up on VK” or “How to seduce her for quick sex”.

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about uniform requirements for filling out your profile on VK or other in social networks, however, some principles can still be voiced.

Examples win-win options, are given below:

  1. "Hello. I came across your page in the community (group name). I decided to write to you because I am also interested in these issues.” This is how you show that there is something in common between you.
  2. "Greetings! I saw you yesterday in real life, you are even cuter in real life than in the photographs.” Here we can highlight two successful moments: firstly, you, and secondly, the girl will begin to find out where you could have met. That is, a conversation begins and questions about how to interest a girl are no longer so pressing.
  3. “Imagine, just yesterday I saw you in a dream, and today I noticed you on VKontakte. Do you believe in such coincidences? This is the so-called pickup truck. But if you don’t mind this way of seducing a girl, bombard her with similar questions.

Giving numerous examples and templates for correspondence on the Internet is a thankless task, since only in your own words can you convey your admiration for the girl’s appearance and character. The main thing is that they should not contain vulgarity, overt flattery or sexual innuendo.

10 rules for attracting attention

How to interest a girl by communicating with her on VK? Of course, it all depends on your specific goals: serious relationship, idle chatter on the Internet, pickup. However, several basic principles can be identified that will help seduce a young lady, intrigue her and encourage her to continue correspondence.

  1. Be positive. No online beauty can resist a cool guy, so try to demonstrate your positive attitude as often as possible. Intriguing jokes, moderately humorous stories, and the use of funny emoticons will help simplify communication and pick up a girl.
  2. Don't brag. Self-promotion is, of course, good, but knowing when to stop is even better. It is unlikely that a young lady will positively perceive a guy who constantly brags and talks about how great he is in some area. Let her draw her own conclusion; your task is to please and intrigue her.
  3. Show a variety of interests. Again, don’t brag, but show how unusual and versatile you are. For example, you appear before her as a shirtless guy, and then send her touching poems own composition. This will definitely help to seduce the unapproachable beauty.
  4. Make communication easier. To pick up a young lady, create a relaxed communication situation. Indicate those questions that are pleasant to both of you. This could be literature, travel and recreation, a general passion for sports or pets. This is another answer to how to interest a girl.
  5. Leave the intrigue. Pickup – effective method attracting female attention, no matter how they treat him. Try to stay closer to your interlocutor, then further away. For example, communicate with her for several days, and then disappear from VK for a couple of days. The “reason” can be very different: helping a sick grandmother, babysitting a niece.
  6. Send media files. Writing a message is too boring for social networks with their truly limitless possibilities. In VKontakte you can send pictures, music files, video clips, GIFs, etc. to your interlocutor. This will help, if not hook her up, then definitely interest her.
  7. Don't be intrusive. If you want to find out if a girl can pay attention to you, try simply writing a message with a similar question. This will show that you value her time and respect her opinion. Otherwise, she will begin to get irritated, which means that you will definitely not be able to seduce her later.
  8. Be polite. How to attract a girl with the first questions and messages? Show your politeness and good manners. We repeat once again - give up swearing, especially since obscene words they look much more repulsive in writing than in oral speech. In addition, address the girl by name, this will make you stand out among the crowd of fans.
  9. Don't ask about your personal life. Asking a woman about previous relationships is not best idea. Perhaps she dreams of forgetting her ex, and generally does not want to talk to a stranger about such personal topics. Questions like these will only alienate your interlocutor.
  10. Go to SMS. If you managed to pick up a girl and she gave you her phone number, be sure to take advantage of it, because with the help of SMS you can date in real life. In SMS you can confess your feelings, offer to meet, wish good morning.

Perhaps every guy is worried about how to interest a girl on social networks, since dating and flirting have successfully migrated from real life into virtual space.

To pick up a pretty young lady, you need to put in a lot of effort, but if something doesn’t work out, you shouldn’t worry. It is likely that somewhere on the Internet is waiting for you real love. All that remains is to write her a short “hello.”