The best methods for cleaning cupronickel cutlery. Cupronickel: cleaning at home

Cutlery - important detail perfect serving. Glittering forks, spoons and knives whet your appetite and cheer you up. That is why it is so important to know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home, forks and other utensils and appliances.

All products from cupronickel need to be cleaned, both preventive and forced, regardless of care, period of use, manufacturer and other factors. To achieve desired effect it will turn out if you follow the recommendations below using tools and methods like homemade and industrial.

Darkening cupronickel: the main reasons

Dark bloom - the main problem cupronickel products... It is impossible to get rid of it by simple washing, even if it is impossible with the use of a soap solution, but all because it is not just dirt. Plaque on cupronickel has a name - patina. The reason for its appearance is not old dirt, but chemical reactions in which the metal enters.

The oxidation process is natural and inevitable, especially if the air (cupronickel comes into contact with it) contains an increased amount of moisture.

If you do not promptly clean cupronickel spoons and forks from darkening, then over time the situation will worsen. In addition to a dark coating, ugly greenish stains will appear. Appliances and utensils that require cleaning not only do not look aesthetically pleasing. They should not be used due to direct health risks.

As for the harm of cupronickel alloys for humans, in principle, everything is not so scary here. The composition is based on copper - there are more than 75% of it. In addition to copper, nickel is included in the cupronickel alloy; there is only 20% of it. It is nickel that causes allergic reactions in people prone to them. But the amount in which it is contained in the cupronickel alloy is not critical even for allergy sufferers. The rest of the impurities included in the composition (5% -10%) do not pose any threat.

So that cupronickel with gilding or in its pure form does not harm your health, you need to properly care for it with regular cleaning. How to do it? Below are helpful guidelines.

Homemade care products: which ones to choose

Improvised means for cleaning products from cupronickel are chosen for several reasons. First, most of them are available. Secondly, recipes based on them are safe. Thirdly, the effect of their use is really there, and tangible and persistent.

To understand how to clean cupronickel, you need to determine their character. Typically, surfaces are coated with a dark bloom. In second place in popularity are stains that look like traces of dried liquid. Less common, but there are stubborn traces of dirt and grayish-green plaque.

In the fight against stains and plaque formed as a result of damp storage of products, ordinary table vinegar will be the solution. They moisten a microfiber cloth and wipe the surface.

Dark spots and deposits on appliances as a result of careless use for a long time can also be cleaned with baking soda. To do this, soda is applied to a dishwashing sponge and the surface is treated without fear of damaging upper layer... As an alternative to baking soda, fine sea ​​salt... In no case, using soda or salt to clean cupronickel, you can not choose hard brushes that can irrevocably spoil the metal.

A known way to clean cupronickel is using food foil. It is neatly laid out at the bottom of the container. The products are laid out in the dishes, soda is poured and boiling water is added. A few minutes will be enough for the alloy to react with soda and the plaque from its surface begins to move away. As soon as the cutlery and utensils are clean, they are rinsed and wiped dry.

To clean cupronickel cutlery without foil, a baking soda solution with added salt is suitable. The main thing is to maintain the water temperature for at least half an hour. Such a solution is quite effective for ordinary cupronickel products, but is not suitable for treating dishes and appliances with the addition of gilding or blackened surfaces. As in previous cases, after processing, the products are rinsed and thoroughly wiped off.

An unusual way to return newness to cupronickel products is to use garlic husks against plaque and stains. The effect can be achieved by boiling the devices along with the garlic husks for a few minutes. The saturation of the solution will depend on the number of devices requiring cleaning. The more products and the more contaminated they are, the more husk will be needed for the broth.

The power of carbonated drinks in the fight against dirt is already legendary.

Indeed, "Cola", "Fanta" and other sodas are suitable for cleaning cupronickel products. To clean outdated dishes or appliances from blackness, it is enough to rinse them with carbonated drinks, followed by rinsing and polishing.

Alternative methods according to "grandmother's" recipes

To clean cupronickel dishes at home from improvised means, the remains of eggshells are often used. The mixture formed from 3-4 eggs will be enough to make a paste.

Before use, the shell is finely pounded to form a powder, poured with water and put on fire, bringing to a boil. Cupronickel products are placed in a decoction and "boiled" for 5-15 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. After cleaning, wipe the dishes dry.

A well-known remedy for the care of precious and semi-precious metals is toothpaste. It can be used to clean cupronickel utensils in combination with cotton pads. The process will take time, effort, patience and accuracy. It will be especially difficult to clean products with complex designs and delicate weaves.

One of the extraordinary methods of cleaning cupronickel alloy is with the help of potato broth. It is prepared from potatoes in their skins. Cupronickel products are immersed in a boiling broth and allowed to boil for at least half an hour. You can boil products without fear of damage until traces of plaque and dirt begin to disappear from the surface, after which they are rinsed and wiped off.

You can replace the paste with tooth powder, if you first dilute it in a small amount of water until a soft mass is formed. For processing small parts use cotton swabs dipped in powder paste or toothpaste.

Chemistry in the fight against dirt and plaque on cupronickel

It is not always possible to achieve the desired result with foil, eggshells, and even vinegar and baking soda. In especially neglected cases, one has to resort to "heavy artillery" based on chemical compounds.

One of active funds- sodium thiosulfate solution, which is easy to buy at the pharmacy. No less effective will be a solution based on thiosulfate diluted in water from a count of 10 ml to 30 ml.

Before processing, products are washed in warm soapy water. Clean surfaces while still warm with a cotton pad.

A proven way to bring back the shine and shine to devices is electrolysis. This is about galvanic method cleaning, which gives 100% result, but is associated with certain difficulties. To carry out electrolysis, a working current source is required.

You can build a device for such cleaning with your own hands at home. To do this, proceed according to the following scheme:

  • the glass container is filled with water;
  • place cupronickel products there;
  • additionally put any metal object in the dish.
  • a minus is connected to the product requiring cleaning, plus to a metal auxiliary product.

The processing time is adjusted depending on the voltage. The higher it is, the faster the cupronickel surface will become clean again. So, for example, at a voltage of 24 V, products will sparkle clean in just one minute.

Industrial methods and tools - which are suitable

When "home recipes" do not inspire confidence or do not give the expected effect, it is worth trying special preparations developed for the care of cupronickel surfaces. With their help, it will be faster and better to clean cutlery from dirt, but only if the manufacturer's instructions are followed. The most famous remedies:

  • Gel "Sif";
  • Emulsion "Amethyst";
  • Polymet paste.

Paste products for cleaning stainless steel kitchen surfaces without abrasive particles are also suitable. For delicate processing of products self made or jewelry use jewelry pastes that are not capable of damaging their surface.

As a more practical and affordable alternative to silverware, cupronickel products are beyond competition. Sets of spoons, forks and knives made of this metal look solid and graceful, but only when they shine with cleanliness, do not have any plaque or streaks. Keeping your appliances shiny and tidy is easy with regular maintenance.

Rule number one for cupronickel devices is correct storage only in dry form. Spoons, forks and knives should be stored in a clean and dry place in the vicinity of the same cupronickel products. Additionally, you can use foil or paper to protect the devices from humid air.

It is equally important to timely clean cupronickel spoons from darkening, followed by rinsing with warm water. Under no circumstances should the devices be left to dry in the dryer. After processing, it will be correct to dry them delicately with a soft towel and sand with flannel.

It is recommended to regularly polish cutlery and utensils for special occasions and store them in special cases, separate from the sets for daily use. It will be appropriate to polish them every 2-3 weeks. The easiest way to do this is to use a special polishing paste. A more affordable and cheaper analogue is chalk powder mixed with grated laundry soap. Do-it-yourself paste is used to process products, rinse and dry.

Cupronickel cutlery over time lose their "ceremonial" appearance, darkening and covering with a brownish bloom. How to clean cupronickel spoons, forks and knives to restore their original silver shine?

Rules for the operation of cutlery made of cupronickel (nickel silver)

Cupronickel cutlery coated with silver and (or) gold.

All silver and gold plated cutlery is made of nickel silver. Nickel silver is an alloy of zinc 18-22%, nickel and cobalt 13.5-16.5% copper - the rest, impurities no more than 0.9% (Copper, Nickel, Zinc - MNTs 15-20). Nickel silver by inertia is called cupronickel, although cupronickel has a slightly different chemical composition (usually 75% copper and 25% nickel with minor additions of manganese). The main difference between these two alloys is the presence of zinc in chemical composition nickel silver. If you have a sample of such cutlery, take a look at reverse side pens, you will see the letters MSC. Cutlery from cupronickel has not been produced since the middle of the last century, they were replaced by cutlery from nickel silver (MSC), although such cutlery by inertia is called "cupronickel". Due to the fact that nickel silver is a soft alloy, the knife blades are made of stainless steel 40x13.

Cutlery made of nickel silver must be covered with silver or gold.
Silver coating thickness is:
24.00 +/- 3.60 μm. - for cutlery
18.00 +/- 2.70 μm. - for knife handles
The thickness of the coating with gold alloys on the silver sublayer: 0.500 +/- 0.075 microns.

It is nickel silver (and not cupronickel) coated with silver that is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for use in Food Industry... All cutlery made both in Russia and in Ukraine comply with GOST 24320-80 (1982)

Cutlery care rules:

Remember that your cupronickel (nickel silver) cutlery is silver plated and should be treated like silver cutlery. Yes, such cutlery sometimes needs to be cleaned, but, you must admit, eating with a silver fork is much more pleasant than with a stainless steel fork. In addition, silver-plated nickel silver cutlery retains all the hygienic properties of silver.

Please do not use cleaning powders to clean these cutlery, especially those containing chlorine. The cleaning powder will damage the polish, and chlorine will accelerate the oxidation of silver, in other words, your cutlery will darken a little faster than you would like. For the same reason (scratches), we do not recommend using toothpaste for cleaning cutlery.

In fact, it is quite simple to properly care for cupronickel cutlery.
It is only necessary to observe two rules:

For cleaning, use a special tool "for cleaning silver and jewelry" - sold in jewelry stores and soon in our online store. Modern chemistry works wonders. Patina cleans quickly and easily. After cleaning, it is necessary to rinse the cutlery abundantly in running water.

After washing cutlery with dish soap, rinse abundantly in clean running water and be sure to dry cutlery immediately with a clean soft cloth.

Cutlery storage:

If you do not plan to use cutlery made of nickel silver (cupronickel) every day, it is better to store them in a special case (sold in our store) or in boxes. We strongly advise against storing cutlery on the same shelf with household chemicals or perfumes (alcohol vapors accelerate the oxidation process).

Remember that your cutlery is coated with silver and the darkening of the surface of the products is a natural self-oxidation of silver (patina) and is not a defective sign, it can be easily removed by cleaning with a special agent.

We are sure that cleaning the cutlery will not take much time, and you will get much, much more pleasure from using silver-coated cutlery.

How to clean cupronickel spoons?

The popularity of the use of cupronickel cutlery came to us from Soviet Union... But, unfortunately, cupronickel products have not been produced since the middle of the last century, they were replaced by similar alloys. Real cupronickel devices are passed from generation to generation along with the secrets of proper storage and care. Even in those days, serving unpeeled spoons and forks to the table was always considered bad form. Therefore, if your favorite spoons have darkened, you must immediately give them a presentable appearance. It is quite simple to clean cupronickel spoons, and many really useful folk recipes will come to the rescue.
What is cupronickel and why does it darken?
Cupronickel is an alloy of various metals: red copper, nickel, zinc and silver. In the future, finished cutlery and dishes are coated with silver. If over time the layer of silver is rubbed, then such dishes can be silver again, and they will be as good as new. Products from cupronickel tend to darken, which is caused by the high humidity of the room where it is stored.

Cupronickel spoons and forks are much more pleasant to eat than steel and aluminum ones. And guests can be pleasantly surprised by laying out beautiful silverware on the table. In addition, you can feel like a real aristocrat eating soup with a spoon of cupronickel.

Methods for cleaning cupronickel spoons

You need to clean cupronickel spoons very carefully, without the use of abrasive agents. There are countless ways to clean spoons from plaque, and they all came from the people:

1. Soda-salt solution, for the preparation of which you need:
salt and soda 2 tablespoons each
The foil is placed on the bottom of the pan and cupronickel spoons are placed on it, poured with a small amount of water (to cover the spoons) and soda and salt are poured into the pan. The pan is placed on the stove to heat for about 15 minutes, until the salt and soda dissolve. The spoons will acquire their original shine during this time. After the procedure, they need to be rinsed. running water and wipe dry.

It is better not to use this method of cleaning cupronickel for gilded cupronickel spoons - if the gilding layer is thin, it can be damaged. Also, do not boil blackened products with soda and salt - you can accidentally "wash" those places that should remain dark, thereby ruining the thing.

Helpful advice
If cupronickel devices have faded a little and do not give the impression of being soiled, you can lighten spoons and forks in an easier way. Just leave them overnight in the water in which eggs or potatoes were boiled - and by the morning cupronickel will become light and shiny.

2. Pasta broth:
Boil water and add pasta. Cook them, stirring with cupronickel spoons, or dip them in the broth for a while, without taking out the pasta. The spoons will quickly clear of darkening, but the pasta should be thrown away. It is better not to clean spoons with blackening in this way.

3. Ammonium alcohol.
What only does not clean ammonia, it can even clean cupronickel spoons. To do this, the spoon is dipped in ammonia, then rinsed and wiped dry.

4. Decoction from the shell raw eggs:
shell of 2 eggs;
1 liter of water.
The shell is poured with water and brought to a boil. Cupronickel spoons are placed in the resulting broth for 2 minutes, after which they are rinsed and wiped dry.

5. Decoction of garlic peel.

If you use cupronickel appliances, then do not throw away the garlic husks. She can also clean cupronickel spoons. The amount of husk depends on how strong the plaque is. Pour it over with water and bring to a boil. Put spoons in the broth and boil until they brighten. After the procedure, they are also rinsed and wiped off.

6. Toothpaste or tooth powder.
In this way, you need to clean cupronickel spoons very carefully, since mechanical friction can break the silver coating. Nevertheless, people use this method, which means it is effective.

7. Potatoes.
Darkened spoons can be immersed in water for several hours, where peeled and chopped potatoes lie. Or boil potatoes, and put cutlery in the resulting broth. You can also put spoons in grated potato gruel, only raw. The method of using potatoes is popularly called the mildest and safest.

8. Special means, silver cleaning services
You can go to the store and purchase a special cleaner for cleaning such products. Fortunately, finding them today is not a problem. Or you can take the darkened spoons to a master who is engaged in cleaning silver items. In addition, even some jewelry stores practice such a service as cleaning gold and silver.

If you clean cupronickel spoons correctly, they will sparkle as brightly for many more decades.

Cupronickel cutlery, as well as silver, are available in almost every home. So I, while tidying up my parents' closets, came across a small box with gilded cupronickel teaspoons. But after lying unnecessarily for thirty years, they acquired a very deplorable appearance.

In search of information on how to clean cupronickel spoons, I reviewed a lot of different sites and found a lot of pretty simple ways elimination of this eerie plaque on the spoons. In practice, I decided to try several cleaning options with simple home remedies as an experiment.

To begin with, I tried to simply wash the spoons using my usual dish detergent, but this, of course, had no effect on the plaque.

So let's experiment.
1 way. Cover the bottom of the stainless (or enameled) container with foil and place the spoons. Pour 60 g of soda ash and 40 g of salt.

Fill in hot water so that the items are completely covered by it. We put the container on the stove and boil for 15 minutes over low heat (so that the signs of boiling are barely noticeable). Spoons begin to brighten right before our eyes.

Rinse them clean water, in order to eliminate traces of soda and salt, and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Not a trace of black spots remained.

Method 2. We put a little toothpaste on a cotton pad (you can also use powder) and rub a cupronickel spoon, of course, with a little effort. And the spoons sparkled again with their pristine brilliance. This is the effect!

Method 3. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, put it on the fire, throw in the crushed shell from two eggs (raw) and 30 g of salt.

As soon as the water boils, we put spoons of cupronickel in it, boil for literally two minutes, and ... all efforts were in vain. The spoons have not changed at all.

Method 4 is designed specifically for cupronickel with gilding. Wet a ball of cotton wool apple cider vinegar(you can also use egg white, turpentine or wine vinegar) and thoroughly rub a spoon with it. Alas! Again, no positive result. I even tried to soak the spoonful in pure vinegar for a few minutes, but to no avail.

Method 5. On a fine grater, rub the peeled potato tuber and immerse cupronickel spoons in the gruel.

Perhaps this method of cleaning is the safest, since you do not need to rub or boil, and even more so to use chemicals. Only a natural natural ingredient. True, there is no sense in it either. All the blackness remained in place.

Here are 5 ways I've tried to clean cupronickel cutlery. What I liked the most was the toothpaste option. It was with them that I cleaned all the spoons that took part (unsuccessful) in other experiments. The paste instantly removes all blackness.

But this is not all of the ways to clean cupronickel items. The rest I will only mention in passing, suddenly they will be useful to someone.

To clean cupronickel spoons with slight contamination in the form of streaks and darkening, you can also use such available means, how:
ammonia, if you dilute it in warm water and just wash the devices with this solution, then rinse in clean water and wipe dry;
chalk, if it is crushed to a state of flour and, sprinkled on a suede cloth, wipe objects with it;
vodka or alcohol, if you rub cupronickel devices with a soft cloth moistened with them;
water left over after boiling eggs or potatoes - you just need to wash items with it or soak overnight;
special means used for cleaning jewelry.

Now about what in no case should you do when trying to clean cupronickel items. So, you cannot use any products containing chlorine - this has a bad effect on cupronickel;
Use abrasive substances and rub cupronickel products with coarse hard sponges - this will lead to a violation of the integrity of the coating;
These items are dishwasher safe.

And in conclusion, a few words about how to properly "contain" and store items from cupronickel, so that later you do not have to make efforts to restore their former sparkling appearance. To do this, you just need to follow a few rules:
it is advisable to store cupronickel cutlery separately from all others in a box;
after using the devices, it is immediately necessary with detergent wash them, then dip them in a soda solution;
any method of washing or cleaning cupronickel items should be completed by wiping dry with a soft napkin;
after the end of the washing procedure, ideally dry forks, spoons, nickel silver knives must first be wrapped in paper (the wrapper will absorb excess moisture), then wrap with cling film (in order to exclude air penetration), and for greater reliability, also pack in foil.

With proper handling of cupronickel items, no effort will be required to bring them into proper form. All in our hands.

Buy cupronickel cutlery good quality at the best prices from a trusted seller

Cupronickel cutlery was produced in Soviet time, and in the same models as the silver ones. If you clean cupronickel forks and spoons from blackness, then you will not find any difference, except for the marking. These household items are an excellent and economical replacement for silver. And they look no worse. But, of course, if polished to a shine, and not darkened from time to time.

In the case when a similar cutlery problem exists, this article will help you understand all the intricacies of cleaning spoons and forks at home.

The metal begins to darken - what is the reason?

There are several reasons for the darkening of cupronickel cutlery:

  • storage in unsuitable conditions;
  • humidity;
  • violations in the correct care of such dishes.

By the way, of the three named, humidity is the main enemy of cupronickel forks and spoons. If it is high, the devices will be in dark spots and divorces. Attractiveness in such a situation is out of the question. Therefore, if you want the products in your kitchen to be beautiful and enjoyable, store them only in a dry place.

If, nevertheless, this misfortune happened and the dishes turned black, it is not difficult to figure out how to clean cupronickel spoons and forks at home. There are only small secrets and tips that every housewife should know about.

Cleaning cupronickel products: a note to the hostess

There are many ways to clean cupronickel cutlery, consider those that are most effective and proven in practice. The main thing is to rinse the dishes in warm soapy water before cleaning.

  • The first and easiest way is to clean with baking soda.

It is suitable for forks and spoons that are not very dirty. After washing the dishes, simply rinse them in a baking soda solution prepared in a proportion of 50 grams of active ingredient per liter of water. If the contamination has not been removed, dry baking soda can be applied to a sponge and cleaned problem place pointwise. After the procedure is completed, rinse the cutlery in cold water and pat dry with a towel.

Cupronickel products will look better if you rinse them in a baking soda solution each time after washing.

  • Method number two is using alcohol.

Slightly dull objects will be sufficient to wipe with a cloth moistened with alcohol or vodka. Alternative actions can be performed: soak in ammonia for a short time, and then rinse and wipe.

  • The third method is vinegar.

Vinegar is a great home remedy for damp stains. It is bred like this: one teaspoon of vinegar is poured into a glass of water. Cutlery must be wiped with the prepared mixture, rinsed under running water and wiped off.

  • Chalk polishing - method number 4.

The mixture with which cupronickel forks and spoons are polished at home is prepared as follows:

  1. dissolve 50 grams of soap;
  2. add 50 grams of chalk;
  3. add a liter of water;
  4. stir the resulting mass.

With the resulting mass of soap and chalk, polish the objects, wipe them with a dry cloth.

Polishing paste can be prepared according to another recipe, which is as follows:

  1. take half a glass of water;
  2. add chalk and ammonia (30:60).

And again, the final stage is polishing the products with the prepared mixture.

  • The fifth method is cleaning with eggshells.

The first four methods were applicable if the blackness is insignificant. In the case when the devices have managed to darken strongly, they need to be cleaned by choosing stronger methods and means.

One of these is cleaning with a decoction made from eggshells.

The broth is prepared from water (1 liter) and, accordingly, eggshell. You need to take it from two raw eggs. Step by step, this procedure looks like this:

  1. boil the broth;
  2. lower darkened products into it;
  3. rinse in clean and cold water;
  4. wipe it off.
  • Cleaning with potato broth.

To begin with, this solution must be brought to a boil. And then keep the cutlery in it for 20 minutes. And then, as usual, take out, rinse and wipe.

  • Another decoction is from garlic peels.

Cupronickel is dipped into a boiling broth of water and garlic peel and boiled until it shines. The time is not fixed, as it depends on the degree of pollution.

  • The last method is using foil.

This method is one of the most effective. It is based on boiling again, as in the ones discussed above, only simultaneously with soda and foil. Consider how to clean cupronickel spoons and forks at home using this method.

  1. Take an aluminum container.
  2. Put a piece of foil on the bottom.
  3. Place the cleaning devices in the container.
  4. Add water.
  5. Pour soda into it.
  6. Boil.

What is the effectiveness of this cleaning method?

In the prepared solution during boiling, a chemical reaction occurs, which leads to the fact that the foil darkens, and cupronickel, in turn, brightens and takes on its original appearance. If the devices are very dark, this procedure can be repeated.

For dishes with gilding or silvering, such a tool is not applicable, it will lead to the fact that the entire decoration will simply peel off.

There are many cleaning methods, all of them have been tested and give a positive result: cupronickel devices shine like new. These tips and tricks will help you get rid of darkening on your favorite dishes without difficulty.

Cupronickel cutlery is used for table setting in places Catering and at home. The material is quite capricious, requiring special attention... Cutlery is cleaned according to certain rules using special tools.

Basic rules for the care of cupronickel devices

Cupronickel is made on the basis of three components: copper, nickel and zinc. Alloy is used to cover serving items. A thin layer of precious metals is additionally applied to the surface of the cutlery. As a result, they practically do not differ from items made of gold and silver.

The cost of cupronickel instruments is budgetary. Therefore, devices are often used in restaurants, cafes and home kitchen... Serving items must not be washed in the dishwasher.

Rules for the care of cupronickel products:

  • Place the cutlery in a container with warm water and a little detergent.
  • The washing process is carried out manually using a soft sponge.
  • Toothpaste will help to add shine to the cutlery.
  • Wipe cupronickel with a dry napkin.
  • We wrap it in cling film or paper.
  • We send for storage in a dry place.

Home cleaning methods

  • Pour water into a small saucepan. Add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda and put on fire. Dip cutlery in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. We take out the products and rinse with a gentle product using a soft sponge.
  • Pour water in a volume of one liter into an aluminum container. We equip the aqueous solution with a tablespoon of salt and eggshell... We send products to boiling liquid for two minutes. We wash the cupronickel and wipe it with a woolen cloth.
  • Cover the bottom of the deep dish with foil. We lay out cutlery on the surface of a silvery sheet. Pour in two tablespoons of salt and pour boiling water over it. We leave it all night. By analogy with the previous method, we rinse and wipe the devices.
  • 50 grams of cupronickel products will give freshness laundry soap diluted in warm water. We wash the instruments in a soapy liquid, rinse and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
  • If the cutlery was stored in a damp place, they should be wiped with a cloth dipped in a mild vinegar solution - no more than 8%. Then rinse and dry.

Regardless of the cleaning method, cupronickel devices are necessarily washed under running water.

In addition, in everyday life such solutions are often used, prepared with their own hands, without adding chemicals:
  • sweet water;
  • onion juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol solution.
Cupronickel forks and spoons are kept for some time in one of the compositions. Then rinse and wipe dry.

How to clean cupronickel from darkening and blackness

Serving alloy is often subject to darkening. There are several reasons for changing the natural color of cupronickel:
  • high air humidity;
  • violation of the rules for storing products;
  • non-observance of instructions for the care of cutlery.
The main enemy of serving items is dampness. Being exposed high humidity, cupronickel turns black. Stains appear on the instruments. There are several ways to clean your appliances from darkening at home.

Soda cleaning

The simplest and most common method for removing minor dirt. Dissolve 50 grams of baking soda in one liter of warm water. First, we wash the products with detergent, then rinse them in the prepared solution. If the stains are not removed, rub the contaminated areas with soda powder. Rinse the cleaned instruments under the jet cold water and wipe thoroughly with a dry napkin.

Cleaning with alcohol

If the serving items are slightly darkened, it is enough to wipe them with an alcohol solution using a soft cloth.

Second option: Cutlery can be dipped in pure alcohol, ammonia or vodka for a few minutes. We take out, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.

Cleaning with vinegar

Dissolve one teaspoon of strong vinegar in water - 200 grams. We wipe cupronickel products with a napkin dipped in a solution. Vinegar is widely used to remove streaks from any surface. We finish the cleaning procedure by rinsing and wiping the devices with a dry towel.

Chalk cleaning

Let's prepare a product by dissolving 50 grams of laundry soap in a small amount of liquid. Add 50 grams of chalk and water in a volume of one liter to the soap mass. Mix thoroughly. With the resulting solution, we polish capricious products, and wipe them dry.

A similar polish is obtained by combining 0.5 cups of water with chalk and ammonia in a ratio of 30:60 (in grams).

Egg shell cleaning

This method will eliminate tough and stubborn stains. Let's prepare a decoction by combining the shells of two eggs with a liter of water. Boil the container with the ingredients. Dip the serving utensils into the hot broth for about a quarter of an hour. By analogy, rinse with a stream of running water and wipe.

Peeling with a decoction of potatoes

Bring the broth left over from cooking potatoes to a boil. Let us put cupronickel products in it for 20 minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Garlic peeling

Add the garlic skins to the water and put on fire. We send spoons and forks to the boiling broth. Cupronickel under the influence of high temperature of the liquid is cleared and begins to shine. The cleaning time depends on the degree of browning. As soon as the products shine, they are taken out and rinsed.

Foil cleaning

The method is considered the most effective. Place a shiny sheet at the bottom of the aluminum container. We lay out the devices. Fill with soda solution and bring to a boil. As a result chemical reaction, the foil picks up the dirt on itself. After cleaning, cupronickel takes on its original appearance, and the silver leaf becomes dark.

This method is used to remove serious stains. If at the end of the procedure blackness and streaks remain, the process can be repeated.

Foil cleaning cannot be used for cupronickel products with gold and silver frames. The coverage will suffer greatly. Initial view items cannot be returned.

Housewife Tamara in the heading "Home Tips" will tell and clearly show efficient way for the care of cupronickel using silver leaf:

Special means for cleaning cutlery from cupronickel

Purchase household chemicals to care for cupronickel forks and spoons are available at any hardware store. When buying, be sure to read the composition and instructions. Chlorine and abrasive particles are hazardous substances for capricious coatings.

Most popular among chemicals use: Sif gel, Polymet paste and Amethyst emulsion. You can use normal dishwashing detergents that do not contain banned substances. For example, the "Fairy" gel, which is used in everyday life for the care of items made of precious metals.

Cupronickel cutlery covering outward signs practically not inferior to expensive products. You can maintain the appearance of serving items with jewelry products sold in specialized stores.

For preventive purposes, we wash serving items in a home solution: add a teaspoon of ammonia, peroxide and shampoo to a glass of warm water. The cutlery will shine as good as new. When sending products for storage in a dry place, be sure to wrap them in paper. Avoid contact with cupronickel chlorine-containing substances.