Buckwheat husk pillows - are they good? The benefits and harms of a pillow with buckwheat husks

Find out how myths sometimes prevent us from sleeping and enjoying life.

Myth 1. A pillow with buckwheat husks is hard

This myth was born many years ago, when buckwheat pillows just appeared on our market. The importance of thorough cleaning of buckwheat husks was not yet known at that time and unpeeled waste from husking buckwheat grains was poured into the pillow. In addition to buckwheat husks, they contained dust, sticks, small fragments of husks, flour, and even whole grains. Naturally, this pillow was heavy, hard and completely uncomfortable.

A good pillow with buckwheat husk is light, loose, very plastic. It is very comfortable to sleep on it. If you still come across a hard buckwheat pillow today, you should know that it's all about the filler. you got defective goods. Buy good pillows with peeled whole husks.

Myth 2. She rustles

Frankly, she really rustles. If the pillow is teak or synthetic, it rustles very loudly, it is noticed. This is due to the properties of the fabric itself.
Our pillow also makes a very quiet rustle. But this is until you lay down on it. As soon as you settled on the pillow, it stops rustling for two reasons: the first is that you don’t toss and turn and sleep in one position all night, the second is that your sleep on the buckwheat pillow is so strong that you can’t even wake you up with guns, not like a quiet rustle.

By the way, such rustling is called "white noise". White noise also includes the sound of foliage, the murmur of a stream, the sound of the surf, and even a cat's purr. This is a natural sound that has a beneficial effect on nervous system, soothing and relaxing. Maybe that's why sleeping on a BIO pillow is so sweet?

Myth 3. I can do this myself

You can, of course. But how do you ensure fine cleaning of the husk and dedusting, as well as the necessary treatment with hot steam at home? How do you guess with fabric? And it is necessary to provide a hole with a fastener for pouring and pouring. And then fill it, filling the whole apartment with husks. Trust me, it's not worth it. Better buy a quality, professionally made pillow, sewn in a BIO pillow factory.

Myth 4. It's just trash

There is no garbage in the BIO pillow with buckwheat husks - only pure whole buckwheat husks.

Myth 5. She smells bad.

BIO-pillow smells delicious - buckwheat. And that is not for long, over time the smell disappears.

And here bad smell appears only in low-quality pillows. The reason is poorly dried, damp husks, which are put into pillows and hermetically sealed. Moisture cannot evaporate, and therefore mold starts in the pillow.

It is very difficult to remove it and get rid of the smell, and therefore it is better to throw away such a pillow and buy a quality pillow with a guarantee and a quality certificate. The fact is that professionals with many years of experience know about this problem, and therefore use only dry husks. Only beginners who sew and stuff pillows in an unheated garage “get” with mold.

We have a technology that allows not only to dry the filler well, but also to prevent the appearance of any "living creatures" in the pillow - from mold to bugs. But it's our secret and competitive advantage. You do not need to delve into these subtleties.

Just trust the professionals and buy high-quality factory-made pillows with buckwheat husks from the company "BIOPOUSHKA.RU"

Sleep is designed to provide complete rest for the entire body. If you regularly wake up with a heavy head, frequent headaches, stiff arms and neck, then this is an occasion to think about the wrong position of the head on the pillow during sleep. Long gone are the days when they preferred to sleep on high feather pillows, like our great-grandmothers.

Scientists have proven that the quality of sleep depends on the size of the pillow, its height and filler. It is recommended to sleep on low pillows that support the head and neck in an anatomical position. These include orthopedic pillows made of buckwheat husks. They have long been used in Asian countries, have become widespread in the United States of America, Canada. Gradually, our citizens also acquire pillows that bring health benefits.

What is buckwheat husk?

Everyone knows the pieces of black husks that come across among buckwheat. This is buckwheat (or buckwheat) husk. Purified from flour, it began to be used to fill pillows. When buying products from buckwheat husks, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, the quality of the pillow and your health depend on it.

Husk and dust mite

In a pillow of buckwheat husks, dust does not collect and do not start dust mites- a constant companion of down and feather products. This fact was proven during scientific research which were held in 2004. Therefore, people suffering from allergic diseases and bronchial asthma. For those who still doubt their absence, we will give one piece of advice - freeze the husk in the freezer for a day.

Types of pillows

In addition to traditional rectangular products measuring 40x60 or 50x70 cm, children's pillows, neck cushions in the form of a horseshoe or the usual round shape are made.

For kids

Pillows for children buckwheat are allowed to be used after two years. The amount of filler should be minimal, and over time it can be gradually increased. If the child cannot immediately sleep on it, then you can limit yourself to using it during illness or when overexcited. To enhance the therapeutic effect, some manufacturers add various herbs to the pillows - mint, hops, oregano, cedar shavings.

First make sure that the child is not allergic to medicinal herbs.

for seating

People who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car, in the office can look after a buckwheat husk pillow for sitting. It can be used for car seats, sofas and chairs. They have a tonic, conditioning and light massage effect on biologically active points our body. This helps to get rid of various pains, activate blood flow, and prevent many problems in the genital and internal organs.

The use of buckwheat husk as a filler has many advantages over a down or synthetic pillow. For those who are allergic to house dust, feathers or bed mites, such pillows will be a real salvation.

For people who have diseases of the spine, lead a sedentary lifestyle or are employed in hard work, sleeping on a pillow with buckwheat will help relieve tension in the muscles of the neck and back. This is due to the rigidity of buckwheat, which takes the shape of the body, fixes it.

Before going to bed, the pillow should be fluffed up so that it takes the correct shape. If at first you feel discomfort at night, you will wake up with a desire to turn around, take a different position, you can also lightly knock out the filler with your hand.


The advantage of buckwheat husk pillows is their ability to absorb sweat without creating a thermal effect in the heat. The structure of the buckwheat husk, its shape allows air to pass into the product.

It will be useful for you to know about the massage effect of the husk on the muscles, face and head skin when you go to bed.

  • Relaxing the muscles of the neck and forearm improves blood circulation in the head.
  • The headache associated with the incorrect position of the body on the pillow will pass.
  • The snoring that bothers you and your loved ones will decrease or completely disappear.
  • Acupressure of the skin of the neck and face will serve as the prevention of wrinkles.
  • The impact on the scalp increases the blood supply to the hair follicles, which will improve the condition and growth of hair.

Buckwheat pillows are ecological products. If they do not suit you according to individual indications, then you should pay attention to a synthetic filler.


For all positive properties ah products filled with buckwheat husks have some disadvantages.

  • Some people on buckwheat husk allergies appear, so they will have to limit themselves to synthetic pillow fillers.
  • At first, the pillow seems too hard, the rustle is annoying, the smell is intrusive. After a while, getting used to the rustle and stiffness comes, the smell of the husk becomes softer, and sleep brings pleasure, gives an easy awakening without a headache and numbness of the hands.
  • Small disadvantages include the greater weight of the pillow and the short life of the buckwheat husk. A buckwheat pillow will last from two to five years.

Choosing the Right

When buying a buckwheat husk pillow, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The fabric from which the cover (napernik) is made must be natural;
  • The presence of a snake makes it possible to clean the pillow and adjust the height by adding or reducing the amount of buckwheat husks;
  • The light cover allows you to see when shaking that fine dust does not spill out of the pillow.

  • The husk-filled pillow cannot be washed. You can pour out the husk and wash the cover separately. Buckwheat should be sieved to remove crushed particles.
  • Periodically, the pillow must be shaken, and in the summer it must be dried for outdoors without direct sunlight.

Compliance with these simple rules will increase the life of buckwheat husks.

After the harvest of buckwheat is harvested from the fields, it is sent for further processing to bakeries. There, the kernels of this cereal are washed, and then dried and threshed to remove the husk from them. These wastes are also husks, which are then used as an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic filler for pillows and mattresses.

Bedding stuffed with buckwheat husks has been used for centuries in those regions of Russia where this cereal was grown. They were especially convenient because such mattresses and pillows did not need to be periodically cleaned or washed - they served only a year, from harvest to harvest. With the same frequency, the contents of mattress covers and pillowcases were replaced with new ones.

Advantages of buckwheat husk pillows

In addition to being an eco-friendly natural material that does not cause allergic reactions, pillows evenly stuffed with it have orthopedic properties, taking the shape of your head and supporting it and your spine during sleep, allowing you to completely relax all the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Thanks to its orthopedic qualities, the buckwheat husk pillow will provide you with a comfortable position and a restful deep sleep.
A comfortable position of the head during sleep, which is provided by a pillow made of buckwheat husk, helps to get rid of snoring.

The advantage of such pillows is the absence of microscopic mites in them, which literally teem in down and feather products. The waste products of these mites, which enter the body by inhalation, can cause great harm and provoke allergic attacks.

Using such a pillow, you will be able to provide yourself with regular point bioactive, located on the neck and shoulders. Buckwheat husks will affect them even through dense fabric cover. The benefits of this are great - you will forget about a headache, since such a massage will restore the microcirculation of blood and lymph in the vessels of the brain, help normalize and relieve chronic fatigue that suffers from residents of megacities.

Orthopedic pillows and mattresses made from buckwheat husks can be purchased at stores selling organic products, as well as ordered online.

Disadvantages of buckwheat husk pillows

The only drawback of such pillows is their short

Bedding made from natural materials.

Today, a buckwheat husk pillow is popular, the benefits and harms of which are widely discussed by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. People suffering from cervical osteochondrosis are especially interested in the accessory. According to experts, it is with this disease that a pillow filled with buckwheat is able to show its best characteristics.

Benefits of using a pillow

Buckwheat husk pillow has a pronounced orthopedic effect. This is largely due to the quality of the filler. When cleaning grains industrial way buckwheat husk acquires a pyramidal shape, due to which it not only passes air well, but also creates optimal temperature comfortable for sleeping.

As a result of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the husk is able to adapt to the shape of the human body, which means that the load exerted by the neck and head of the sleeping person on the accessory is distributed evenly. Rest not only the muscles, but also the vertebrae.

Even a single use of a pillow with buckwheat husk allows a person to feel alert and well-rested. If you use bedding all the time, the fatigue and pain that accompany people with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will go away quickly and for a long time.

To the advantages of using orthopedic pillows with buckwheat husks, the following must be attributed:

  • Body support. Under the influence of the load, the accessories do not flatten or wrinkle, supporting the head and neck of a person in the correct stable position, the most optimal for the musculoskeletal system.
  • The ability to independently reduce or increase the density of the pillow. Depending on preferences, each owner can add or remove some filler, making the bedding softer or stiffer.
  • Removal of pain. About 20% of people with osteochondrosis noted that the feeling of discomfort and pain left them with the start of using the buckwheat pillow. Most quickly disappeared pain in the neck.
  • Low hygroscopicity and ability to "breathe". Buckwheat husk practically does not absorb moisture, retaining its original qualities.

  • Hypoallergenic. Since buckwheat allergy is very rare, people with a tendency to allergic reactions can use a buckwheat husk pillow.
  • massage effect. The rigid structure of the husk has a slight permanent effect on the tissues of the neck.
  • Ease of maintenance. With prolonged use, the filler may stray to one side, but this is easy to fix: just take the pillow and shake it well several times.
  • Getting rid of snoring. Since the neck and head of the sleeper are in a physiologically correct position during sleep, snoring either decreases or disappears altogether, which has the most positive effect on a person’s health.

Each owner of the accessory can adjust it to their liking: by unzipping the cover, by increasing or decreasing the amount of filler, it is easy to make the pillow more or less voluminous. At the same time, its healing characteristics will not suffer.

Disadvantages of a pillow with buckwheat

Many people consider the benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows from a position of comfort. And this is not surprising, because a hard and noisy filler may seem quite uncomfortable at first use. Despite the fact that the accessory is not capable of delivering even a small amount of harm, some people refuse to use it.

The main claims for this product are too dense, heavy and rigid. Consider the main disadvantages of bedding:

  • Noise. The main feature of buckwheat husks is the ability to rub against each other, creating a pronounced noise effect. It will be noticeable if a person has the habit of sleeping on his side, with his ear to the pillow.

  • Rigidity. People sleeping on their backs rarely complain about this disadvantage of the accessory. Those who are accustomed to resting on their stomach or side can fully enjoy all the unpleasant sensations that arise from the unusual structure of the filler. So, the ears and cheeks suffer the most. Pillow owners note that when lying for a long time, there is a feeling of numbness and tingling in these parts of the body.
  • Big weight. Buckwheat husk pillows, the benefits and harms of which have long been a controversial issue, depending on the size, can reach a weight of 5 kg. manage with such bedding It will be difficult not only for children, but also for the elderly.

Despite the shortcomings described above, most people agree that the healing effect delivered by a pillow with buckwheat husks nullifies all inconveniences. 3-4 nights are enough for the body to get used to the features of the accessory.

Health is the most important thing a person has. Unfortunately, with age, old sores begin to make themselves felt. One of the most common problems is neck pain. Medicine and manufacturers offer a huge selection of assistants in solving the problem. One of these proposals is a buckwheat pillow. What is it and is it really that good?

Buckwheat husk pillows

Pillows made from natural materials have always been famous for their useful properties. And now, pillows with buckwheat filler have become an indispensable attribute of adherents of a healthy lifestyle. According to the manufacturer, this sleeping accessory is able to save the buyer from pain in the muscles and neck joints, snoring, and establish a healthy and sound sleep.

How the product is made

Pillows are manufactured industrially. To create the right bedroom accessory, the husk goes through several production steps, such as:

  • separation from grain;
  • steam treatment;
  • screening;
  • air blowing;
  • special husk cleaning procedure.

Careful control of the process allows us to talk about healing and its hypoallergenicity.

Healing effect

This type of bedding is designed to take care of your health. Buckwheat pillow has an orthopedic effect. The healing effect is due to the quality and naturalness of the filler used. It is a buckwheat husk, which remains after a special cleaning of the grains. The husk takes the form of a pyramid. This allows it to perfectly pass air, retain heat and take the shape of the head and neck of its owner.

More than one study was made before it was possible to prove the orthopedic effect of this type of bed accessory. The pillow easily adapts to changes in shape and takes the position of the human body, thereby reducing the load on the cervical vertebrae and muscles.

It has been proven that a pillow with such a filler contributes to better sleep. Even after the first night, the buyer will be able to feel health effect new acquisition. After constant use, the disappearance of pain and spasms associated with cervical osteochondrosis is noted.

Pros of a soft sleeping accessory

It is possible to distinguish such positive sides pillows:

Disadvantages of a pillow with buckwheat filler

Despite the abundance of positive properties of this bedroom accessory, it also has disadvantages. So, many people are frightened by the fact that pillows filled with buckwheat husks rustle when used, making it difficult to fall asleep. In fact, the noise is not so strong, the benefits of the acquisition are much higher. In addition, unlike other sleeping accessories, a buckwheat pillow cannot cause any harm to the health of its owner.

The main disadvantages are:

  1. Noise. Indeed, the husk during friction creates a kind of noise that may seem intrusive to someone. Less he will disturb the lover of sleeping on his back.
  2. Pillow firmness. Thanks to this quality, the accessory perfectly keeps its shape and adapts to the person. However, lovers of sleeping on their side note that the peculiarity of the pillow can even lead to numbness of such parts of the face as cheeks and ears. Those who sleep on their backs even like this quality of the buckwheat pillow, as it provides an additional massage and orthopedic effect.
  3. The weight of the accessory. Some types of buckwheat pillows can reach 5 kilograms in weight. It is difficult to cope with a lot of weight both for children and for the older generation (who mainly choose orthopedic and natural products). However, if desired, part of the filler can be removed, thereby reducing the weight.

Despite all the listed negative qualities of the product, buyers notice that the benefits and comfort of using a pillow are much more important, and characteristics such as noise and stiffness are only a matter of time and habit.

Where can I buy unusual goods

As a rule, in stores selling bedroom accessories, it is difficult to find this species pillows. They are mainly sold by salons specializing in products for improving and maintaining health, as well as stores with orthopedic products.

Product prices

Prices for pillows with buckwheat filling vary quite a lot. So, choosing not the most famous manufacturer, you can find a product for 300-500 rubles. If you choose a proven brand that has used additional beneficial additives as a filler, you can pay up to 1,500 rubles for a pillow.

Pillow Care

The accessory does not require special care. Fluff the pillow periodically so that it maintains its shape. Washing the product is not recommended. The buckwheat pillow does not have a limited period of use. Can only over time not withstand the pillowcase.

Buckwheat husk pillow: reviews

Item receive mostly positive reviews buyers. Customers who bought the product are satisfied with the quality and price of the pillows. The therapeutic effect of use is noticed by almost all owners of such an integral accessory as a pillow. Buckwheat husk does not cause inconvenience in care, the pillow is easy to use. Even if the filler has gone astray on one side, it is enough just to beat it. Buckwheat pillow also receives negative reviews. So, there are dissatisfied with her rustling. However, buyers note that getting used to the noise is easy. It takes about two or three days.


Thus, the buckwheat pillow will become your perfect night companion. By purchasing it, you can get rid of many health problems, and a good full sleep will be a nice addition.