Buckwheat husk pillow. Buckwheat husk — All about fillers — CH-Textile

Health is the most important thing a person has. Unfortunately, with age, old sores begin to make themselves felt. One of the most common problems is neck pain. Medicine and manufacturers offer a huge selection of assistants in solving the problem. One of these proposals is a buckwheat pillow. What is it and is it really that good?

Buckwheat husk pillows

Pillows from natural materials have always been famous for their beneficial properties. And now, pillows with buckwheat filler have become an indispensable attribute of adherents of a healthy lifestyle. According to the manufacturer, this sleeping accessory is able to save the buyer from pain in the muscles and neck joints, snoring, and establish a healthy and sound sleep.

How the product is made

Pillows are made industrial way. To create the right bedroom accessory, the husk goes through several production steps, such as:

  • separation from grain;
  • steam treatment;
  • screening;
  • air blowing;
  • special husk cleaning procedure.

Careful control of the process allows us to talk about healing and its hypoallergenicity.

Healing effect

This type of bedding is designed to take care of your health. Buckwheat pillow has an orthopedic effect. The healing effect is due to the quality and naturalness of the filler used. It is a buckwheat husk, which remains after a special cleaning of the grains. The husk takes the form of a pyramid. This allows it to perfectly pass air, retain heat and take the shape of the head and neck of its owner.

More than one study was made before it was possible to prove the orthopedic effect of this type of bed accessory. The pillow easily adapts to changes in shape and takes the position of the human body, thereby reducing the load on the cervical vertebrae and muscles.

It has been proven that a pillow with such a filler contributes to better sleep. Even after the first night, the buyer will be able to feel health effect new acquisition. After constant use, the disappearance of pain and spasms associated with cervical osteochondrosis is noted.

Pros of a soft sleeping accessory

It is possible to distinguish such positive sides pillows:

Disadvantages of a pillow with buckwheat filler

Despite the abundance positive properties this sleeping accessory, it also has disadvantages. So, many people are frightened by the fact that pillows filled with buckwheat husks rustle when used, making it difficult to fall asleep. In fact, the noise is not so strong, the benefits of the acquisition are much higher. In addition, unlike other sleeping accessories, a buckwheat pillow cannot cause any harm to the health of its owner.

The main disadvantages are:

  1. Noise. Indeed, the husk during friction creates a kind of noise that may seem intrusive to someone. Less he will disturb the lover of sleeping on his back.
  2. Pillow firmness. Thanks to this quality, the accessory perfectly keeps its shape and adapts to the person. However, lovers of sleeping on their side note that the peculiarity of the pillow can even lead to numbness of such parts of the face as cheeks and ears. Those who sleep on their backs even like this quality of the buckwheat pillow, as it provides an additional massage and orthopedic effect.
  3. The weight of the accessory. Some types of buckwheat pillows can reach 5 kilograms in weight. It is difficult to cope with a lot of weight both for children and for the older generation (who mainly choose orthopedic and natural products). However, if desired, part of the filler can be removed, thereby reducing the weight.

Despite all the listed negative qualities of the product, buyers notice that the benefits and comfort of using a pillow are much more important, and characteristics such as noise and stiffness are only a matter of time and habit.

Where can I buy unusual goods

As a rule, in stores selling bedroom accessories, it is difficult to find this species pillows. They are mainly sold by salons specializing in products for improving and maintaining health, as well as stores with orthopedic products.

Product prices

Prices for pillows with buckwheat filling vary quite a lot. So, choosing not the most famous manufacturer, you can find a product for 300-500 rubles. If you choose a proven brand that has used additional beneficial additives as a filler, you can pay up to 1,500 rubles for a pillow.

Pillow Care

The accessory does not require special care. Fluff the pillow periodically so that it maintains its shape. Washing the product is not recommended. The buckwheat pillow does not have a limited period of use. Can only over time not withstand the pillowcase.

Buckwheat husk pillow: reviews

Item receive mostly positive reviews buyers. Customers who bought the product are satisfied with the quality and price of the pillows. The therapeutic effect of use is noticed by almost all owners of such an integral accessory as a pillow. Buckwheat husk does not cause inconvenience in care, the pillow is easy to use. Even if the filler has gone astray on one side, it is enough just to beat it. Buckwheat pillow also receives negative reviews. So, there are dissatisfied with her rustling. However, buyers note that getting used to the noise is easy. It takes about two or three days.


Thus, the buckwheat pillow will become your perfect night companion. By purchasing it, you can get rid of many health problems, and a good full sleep will be a nice addition.

Good sleep is a sure guarantee of excellent well-being and good health. In order to stabilize sleep, people resort to using various methods. For example, some people prefer to take sedatives before bed, while others Special attention pay attention to the choice of pillows. In modern times, a buckwheat husk pillow is very popular, its benefits and harms have already been proven and justified. The buckwheat husk pillow has a huge amount of feedback from users, but does it have a positive effect on the quality of sleep? Can a buckwheat husk pillow harm the human body?

The history of using buckwheat husk pillows came from the countries of ancient Japan and China. Residents of these countries used this remedy to improve sleep, as well as to eliminate pathological diseases associated with nervous disorders. Later, the use of buckwheat husk pillows spread throughout the vast world. The useful qualities of such a pillow are appreciated by both folk healers and doctors. For example, in the countries of the East, sleeping on a pillow based on buckwheat husks is indicated for people suffering from back diseases. And in America, sleeping on such a pillow is recommended for people with poor posture.

What is the benefit of sleeping on a buckwheat husk pillow?

The main direction of using a buckwheat husk pillow concerns:

  • sleep normalization;
  • relieving a person of headaches;
  • treatment muscle pain;
  • ability to align the spine and improve posture.

Doctors claim that the benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows directly depend on the quality of this product, as well as on the brand of the manufacturer.

When purchasing a therapeutic and prophylactic pillow, special attention should be paid to the country of origin. It is advisable to purchase the appropriate product from producing countries that specialize in the manufacture of environmentally friendly products and things. For example, Canada, Asia, and the United States are recognized as countries that deserve positive ratings. In the production of buckwheat husk pillows, a multi-system cleaning process is used. This process helps to make the pillow non-allergenic. The pillow produced according to all parameters is capable of acquiring an anatomical shape and possessing orthopedic qualities. Moreover, buckwheat husk has a mild aroma, the inhalation of which contributes to the healing of the body.

Benefits of a buckwheat husk pillow

  • The convenience of use. The technology for the production of pillows from buckwheat husks allows you to choose the volume of a thing according to your individual desire. Fabric base the pillow is equipped with a lock that allows you to reduce or increase its volume.
  • The correct formation of the body position of any person during a night's sleep. A pillow made of buckwheat husk is able to take the shape of a sleeping person's body, this ensures that the latter fully eliminates muscle soreness, neck tension, which is especially important for osteochondrosis.
  • massage effect. Small particles of filler from buckwheat husks are similar to massage procedures. During sleep, the movement of particles of buckwheat husk provides a micro-massage of the neck, shoulders, and head. This quality provides improved blood flow and normalization of lymph flow to the brain, elimination of headaches, stabilization of blood pressure.
  • Pain treatment. Sleeping on a buckwheat husk pillow is recommended for people who suffer from neck and head pain.
  • Snoring treatment. Correct location body of a person during a night's sleep on a pillow of buckwheat husk helps to reduce snoring, and often completely relieves a person from it.
  • Treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Possessing mild aromas, buckwheat husk is an analogue of aromatherapy, which is very useful for inflammatory and infectious diseases respiratory system.

In favor of using a buckwheat husk pillow, one can confidently say that it is hypoallergenic, as well as environmentally friendly. Sleeping on such a pillow is recommended for people suffering from asthma. The pillow does not contribute to the accumulation of moisture and heat, moreover, it is equipped with excellent breathability.

Care for the cleanliness of a pillow made of buckwheat husks is minimal. It is enough to remove the surface material and wash it. Manufacturers strongly do not recommend soaking buckwheat husks. If it has gone astray after washing the material in one direction, then just shake the pillow vigorously.

Disadvantages of using a buckwheat husk pillow

In many respects, a buckwheat husk pillow is useful and convenient, but its use also has certain disadvantages, which, as a rule, appear during the initial use of the pillow due to normal non-addiction.

What kind of discomfort can a pillow made of buckwheat husks bring?

  • pillow firmness;
  • weightiness;
  • a fairly loud rustle of buckwheat husks, which at initial use can dramatically interfere with sleep;
  • short shelf life (buckwheat filler is recommended to be changed every 2-3 years).

Depending on the individual and physical features of the human body, some people do not like the smell of buckwheat husks, which makes sleeping on an appropriate pillow uncomfortable and problematic.

It is important to note that all the inconveniences of sleeping on a buckwheat pillow appear only in the first days of its use. As a rule, after 5 days of using a pillow with buckwheat husks, all negative aspects of a person disappear.

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Buckwheat pillow: reviews, benefits and harms of buckwheat husk products, Full description features and why it is still needed, what qualities it has. A buckwheat pillow is an original, comfortable product that suits many people. Especially for those who like to sleep on hard. Pillows filled with buckwheat husks - optimal solution if you are comfortable on a hard surface, or if your health requires it.

Buckwheat pillow: reviews

Bedding is suitable for people who have back problems, in particular with the spine. This opinion is not confirmed by doctors, however, many owners note that they sleep better. If you have a buckwheat pillow, you can leave reviews on the site, they will be useful to readers. Mark the pros and cons, then the picture will be as objective as possible.

Now more about the reviews of doctors. Asian countries buckwheat filler for pillows is actively used, and in fact it is there that alternative medicine is well developed. If we turn to the official one, then many rehabilitators advise a product for correcting posture and getting rid of back problems. But still, it is better to consult a doctor you trust.

In the middle of the video, a doctor's review:

Buckwheat pillow: benefits and harms

Read about it here. The benefits of a pillow with buckwheat are as follows:

  1. The soothing crunch of the husk has a beneficial effect on a person, contributing to a quick fall asleep. There is another benefit: a light scent that is also soothing.
  2. The product forms a rigid surface, so the head takes the correct, comfortable position relative to the body, which helps to align the posture;
  3. Typically, husk models have a special hole through which you can pour the peel, adjusting to your own requirements;
  4. Eco-filler has a massage effect on the scalp, which improves blood and lymph circulation, maintains overall well-being;
  5. Adjusting to the natural curves of the body, the orthopedic pillow minimizes the load on the cervical region, relieving chronic pain and snoring;
  6. Buckwheat contains natural essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system.

What is useful eco-pillow, we found out. Is there any harm from it? The owners say no. The only problem: the microenvironment, beneficial to dust mite. If you are afraid that the pest will start, freeze the product before use, and the problem will be solved.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting rigidity, not everyone will immediately get used to sleeping like that, and a short period of use: bedding wears out quickly.


Orthopedic pillow buckwheat is used for different purposes. It is comfortable to sleep on it (however, you need to get used to it and choose optimal size and thickness). The accessory can often be found at various classes in oriental techniques. Coming from Asia, it is traditionally used for relaxation and relaxation. It is believed that the soft rustle of the peel soothes, tunes in to harmonious communication with oneself and the outside world. In addition to buckwheat accessories for classes, there are also models for sitting. They are placed on a chair under the buttocks, thereby relieving the load from the spine. Great for people in sedentary professions. Drivers can also be recommended to reduce fatigue, read about these types of products in another article.

Products have an orthopedic effect, helping to solve problems with posture. A children's pillow with buckwheat husks will be a discovery for many parents. Especially when it comes to children with scoliosis and other disorders.

How to wash a buckwheat pillow

Unfortunately, wet cleanings wear out bedding. The husk dries very badly and becomes damp, which will completely ruin the accessory. The filler is generally not recommended to be wetted, it is gently shaken out of the case, put in a cotton bag, shaken, hung out to dry. The vacated case is washed and dried well, and then the eco-cushion is re-stuffed. The shelf life of the product is short, improper care can reduce it to a minimum (about a year or two).

About that, we read in another article.

High feather pillows today are losing their leading positions and giving way to other natural fillers, which, according to orthopedists, are much better at promoting healthy sleep. The pillow of their buckwheat husk is just that. It gives a sound sleep not only due to its natural filler, but also due to a low, neck-friendly height.

How is the husk obtained?

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are manufactured industrially. At the same time, the process itself is quite laborious, because it is known that the grains of this plant are quite small, and the husk itself is of low strength. In general, the entire production process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Exfoliation. At this point, the husk itself separates from the hard core of the grain. This is done with the help of special production combines.
  2. Steam processing. It helps to moisturize the husk and increase its elasticity and strength.
  3. Sifting the husk through large but small sieves. This is done in order to select high-quality material from rumpled and substandard, because only whole, high-quality and durable husk can act as a filler.
  4. Air purification. This is necessary to remove the smallest particles of dirt, dust and foreign matter. This procedure is performed by exposing a rather strong air flow to the material itself.
  5. Final cleansing procedure. At this stage, any particles of foreign origin are subject to removal, and the buckwheat husk itself is thoroughly cleaned again.

The process of obtaining husks from buckwheat is multi-stage and takes quite a lot of time. The main thing is that the result of the entire production process is a high-quality and safe filler.

Indications for use

You can use a pillow filled with buckwheat husks to absolutely all people without exception, including children different ages. But there are a number of cases when its use is not only allowed, but also the most preferable. So, a pillow with such a filler is necessary for those people who:

  • There are regular or periodic pain in the spine.
  • There is scoliosis of any degree.
  • There is increased sweating, especially at night.
  • There is osteochondrosis.
  • There is a tendency to permanent allergic reactions.
  • There are persistent migraines or severe headaches.

In all these cases, the use of a pillow with such a filler will help reduce the intensity of the manifestations of diseases, as well as help to stop their acute attacks.

Benefit or harm

But like any other natural filler, buckwheat husk has its pros and cons, which are expressed in its positive or negative impact on the human body. To useful properties Such pillows include the following qualities:

  1. Excellent anatomical and orthopedic properties. The use of such a pillow helps to completely relax during sleep, not only the neck, but the entire spine.
  2. The optimal ratio of product rigidity and its height allows you to solve the problem of regular pain in the head, as well as night snoring. Using a pillow with buckwheat husks, you can notice how after a few days the head almost completely stops hurting, and close people report the absence of snoring.
  3. High level hygroscopicity provides complete absorption of moisture and its further evaporation without discomfort to humans.
  4. Additional massage effect, performed by the husk itself, allows you to relieve tension, stimulates the cells of the scalp, and also, as reviews show, stimulate additional hair growth.


As can be seen from all these advantages, a buckwheat husk pillow will be useful to absolutely everyone. But she has some negative features that must be taken into account:

  • First of all, it's about the firmness of the pillow- it is several times higher than that of feather or any other with a soft filler. At wrong choice the size of the product can only aggravate existing health problems or get a curvature of the cervical spine. This is especially true for young children.
  • Secondly, This pillow makes clicking noises when you move it. This is due to the friction of the particles of the husk with each other. Such a sound sometimes prevents people suffering from chronic insomnia from falling asleep on time, and children often cannot fall asleep because of it.
  • Third minus is currently controversial. It lies in the specific aroma that the husk itself gives off. It is due to the presence of a high concentration in it essential oils. They, by the way, have a very beneficial effect on the general state of human health, but at the same time they can hardly be called pleasant. For some people, this smell, on the contrary, provokes headaches or nausea. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your well-being when using them.

And yet, the benefits in such products are much greater than the harm, and besides, it is more tangible. Therefore, it is not surprising that all types of pillows with such a filler are popular.

The stores offer a fairly wide range of such pillows. All of it is divided into several types for the convenience of buyers:

  1. sleep models, have rectangular shape and the average size, approximately 40*50 cm, are characterized by high density and smooth surface.
  2. For the back. Such pillows appearance very similar to the first variety, the main difference is that their surface is even and wavy.
  3. Models on magnets are considered a variety of pillows with buckwheat husks for the back. With the help of magnets, the product is attached to the back of the chair. Such models are very popular with office workers.
  4. Neck pillow with buckwheat husk characterized by an unusual curved oval shape. The neck should be in the middle of the pillow, and its sides should support the cervical vertebrae, allowing them to completely relax.
  5. seat cushions help to relax the spinal muscles after or directly during long work in a sitting position. Both round and square models of high rigidity are available for sale. A big plus is the fact that such products can reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids. All models, without exception, have a quilted surface.
  6. Baby pillows are mainly intended directly for sleep. Usually their surface is smooth and has a medium firmness (slightly lower than standard pillows filled with buckwheat husks). The dimensions of such a product are also small - about 40 * 40 cm.

Such a variety of types allows you to choose a pillow that not only meets the requirements of the buyer, but also the most suitable for the surrounding style of the interior, because such products go on sale in various color variations.

Additional fillers

On sale you can find products both with filler only from buckwheat husks, and with additional additives. As a rule, additional filler serves a specific purpose, so it is necessary to choose a pillow taking into account the characteristics of the entire filler. As additional material The following components can be used for stuffing:

  1. Cedar wood shavings helps to stabilize the psycho-emotional state after depression, it also improves the functioning of the respiratory tract and improves mood.
  2. Mint contributes to the fastest falling asleep, general calm and strengthening of the nervous system.
  3. Lavender in combination with buckwheat husks, they help the body to relax faster, promote muscle recovery and eliminate spasms and night cramps.
  4. Hop also improves psycho-emotional state and strengthening the nervous system.
  5. Oregano favorably affects the improvement of the respiratory organs and helps to cleanse them, and also blocks the spread of inflammation in the body.

That is, if you choose the right pillow with such additional fillers, you can not only take care of the right orthopedic sleep but also solve some other health problems. But for this you need to know how to properly use such a product.

How to use?

In order for the pillow filled with buckwheat husks to serve you for a long time and give you only positive emotions, you need to consider some tips when using it:

  1. Because the pillow has elevated level rigidity, in the first weeks it is not recommended to use it for a good night's sleep. It is necessary to start using the product for its intended purpose from one hour a day, increasing the amount of time daily. So the body will get used to it faster and the adaptation period will not cause a feeling of weakness and fatigue.
  2. In the event that the level of rigidity is still too high and the pillow itself does not take on a suitable anatomical shape even after 15 days, a small part of the husk should be removed from it. It is also recommended to act with children's models, and slowly put the removed filler back after the body gets used to the new pillow.
  3. If the rustling of husks in your pillow annoys you, and the smell emitted by it does not allow you to fall asleep, you can put on a thick pillowcase made of dense material on top, which will help drown out both the sound and the aroma. Over time, when the body gets used to them, the pillowcase can be replaced with a regular one.
  4. The pillow should not be turned over on different sides, because it takes into account anatomical features and "remembers" them only on one side.
  5. It is better to ventilate this product either on fresh air in a horizontal position or after waking up, turn it over to the other side, but do not put anything on it.

But in order to start using such a product correctly, it must first be chosen correctly. This can be done only by observing the following recommendations:

  • Give preference to products that have a special fastener, because if it is absent, you will not be able, if necessary, to remove part of the filler or check what state it is in.
  • Be sure to check the husk itself. It should have a natural buckwheat color, be dry and crumbly, without lumps and impurities. A quality product is sold together with a certificate that confirms the quality of the product.
  • The pillow case in which the pillow is sold must be white or any other natural color. Be sure to see that it was not painted from the filler in dark color. If such spots are present, this is evidence of the poor quality of the husk.
  • Give preference to those products that have not only a pillowcase, but also a special pillowcase. It is better if these products are made from natural fabrics.
  • Pay attention to cost. The process of creating such pillows filled with buckwheat husks is quite laborious and costly, and therefore high-quality ready product can't be too cheap.

By following these simple tips, you can choose a really high-quality pillow with buckwheat husks.

It is not enough just to choose and use the pillow correctly, it is also necessary to properly care for it during direct operation.

Care rules

Proper and regular care of a pillow filled with buckwheat husks allows you to extend its service life at times, moreover, caring for this product is quite simple:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to wash the entire pillow, even with your hands, even with a typewriter. It is better to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the husk. Naturally, the filler itself at this time should be directly in the pillowcase or pillowcase.
  2. You can wash the pillowcase by hand, but you must first remove the husk from it. It will be possible to fall asleep the husk back only after the pillowcase itself is completely dry.
  3. This cleaning is required every 12 months, but if the product is new, the first general cleaning should be carried out 30 days after purchase, no later.
  4. So that the filler is always in perfect condition, it must be sifted through a sieve of a suitable size once every six months.
  5. With strong sweating, it is necessary to dry such a pillow daily.

Compliance with these simple but very important rules will allow you to save for a long time not only the original appearance of this product, but also its excellent, and most importantly, useful technical characteristics.

Dear readers, sleep is necessary for the full functioning of a person. Everyone knows that lack of sleep or even worse poor-quality sleep can lead to headaches and swelling of the joints. High feather pillows are long gone, replaced by new products with natural fillers and clear parameters that provide a convenient location for the head, and, accordingly, the whole body. Today we will consider a novelty - this is a pillow made of buckwheat husks, their useful qualities and some shortcomings. Buckwheat husks have long been used in Asian countries, the USA and Canada, in recent times they are gaining popularity in our country.

Buckwheat husk is a natural product of plant origin without the addition of impurities, visually these are particles of buckwheat grains, it is not difficult to note their pyramidal shape. There is hardly a person who is not familiar with buckwheat husks. Before cooking buckwheat, we first wash it, dark pieces float to the surface, this is the husk.

Let's look at the process of obtaining husks: first, the harvest takes place, then processing at specialized enterprises. It is during processing that the husk is obtained, the buckwheat collected from the fields is washed, dried, as a result, small particles are separated from the core. Next, the beddings are filled with this substrate, on the quality of which a lot also depends.

When buying a pillow, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of the products, this is an important factor for sleep, since your health will be directly related to the quality of the purchased product. The husk must be cleaned, steamed and dried, only in this case an environmentally friendly material will be obtained.

Buckwheat pillow - benefits and harms

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks have the following advantages:

  • Hypoallergenic material is a real find for people who do not tolerate dust and bed mites. We can say with confidence in such pillows a dust mite will not start;
  • It is a fact that the aroma emanating from buckwheat is an excellent remedy for insomnia;
  • Buckwheat husk takes on the shape of the relief of the head, which is simply indispensable for relieving heaviness and tension in the muscles;
  • Buckwheat filler perfectly absorbs sweat and allows air to pass through without heating the material;
  • Excellent massage effect for the skin of the face and neck;
  • Optimizes blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth;
  • Minimal care - there is no need to wash, it is enough to carry out the care measures that are indicated in this work;
  • Reduces unpleasant sounds in sleep (snoring).

Certainly, good points quite a lot and many call this product as an "orthopedic" pillow. However, as with most wellness devices, there are always some drawbacks. Let's highlight the most common ones:

  • if an allergic reaction occurs, there is only one advice - to change the pillow with buckwheat husks to synthetic products;
  • a short period of use, the pillow is used for 2 years, after which it is required to replace the filler;
  • the husk makes a noise when turning in a dream;
  • rigid structure.

It’s hard to get used to such pillows, at first they seem hard and uncomfortable, but, as you know, health is more expensive, so you should be patient and get in return healthy sleep without headache and joint pain. To soften the aroma emanating from the pillows, you can add dry oregano, mint or valerian.

All negative aspects quickly pass and adaptation does not take long, and besides, the positive effect completely covers all the inconveniences.

Let's imagine the main types of pillows:

  1. The automobile type, made in the form of a horseshoe, has a beneficial effect on the cervical area, which is very important when driving and traveling;
  2. Special products for women in position provide an even distribution of gravity during childbearing and subsequently during breastfeeding. Specialty stores offer different pillow configurations;
  3. For sitting, for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, such pillows will help relieve fatigue in the hip joints;
  4. For legs, a buckwheat pillow will help get rid of heaviness, it is often used by people with varicose veins, arthrosis, and convulsive spasms.


As mentioned above, pillows have some features, but most users speak about products the best way. It is absolutely certain that the filler is natural remedy with excellent orthopedic effect. Let's imagine some reviews about pillows with buckwheat husks:

  1. These products have become increasingly popular in recent years. And this is due to their natural composition;
  2. I use the pillow on the recommendation of a beautician, I won’t hide it, it was difficult to get used to it, but after a week, I could no longer imagine resting with another pillow. The color of my skin has improved, I have become younger, others notice it, now I recommend this truly healing product;
  3. I have been using a pillow with this composition for 5 years already, and we can say with confidence that today this is the best solution for joint problems. Pillows with buckwheat filling are a guarantee of excellent rest;
  4. Men prefer voluminous, heavy pillows, you can choose from the offered range for a long time, but a product with such a filler will solve all your problems, thus you will save time searching and decide forever that the best option just not find;
  5. Every morning I woke up with a heavy head, and in fact ahead of the working day. After buying the pillow, I forgot about the unpleasant moments and I think that there is no better option;
  6. I would like to tell everyone about this miraculous remedy. This is an excellent medicine for joint pain, an excellent remedy for facial skin, and of course, it will not be a shame to give such a little thing, but close person I will definitely thank you for such a useful and priceless gift.

It is worth noting that the buckwheat pillow has practically no negative properties, and therefore it is convenient and useful to use it.

How to choose the right buckwheat pillow

When buying a pillow with buckwheat filling, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The cover must be of natural composition. It is best to buy pillows with satin pillowcases, such material is durable, breathable and lasts a long time. Coarse calico and teak do not have such properties;
  2. Try to buy pillows with a snake, its presence contributes to ease in the process of cleaning and adjusting the height of the product;
  3. The breastplate should be light in color, as this is an indicator that dust does not come to the surface;
  4. The pillow should feel slightly springy when touched, this property indicates that the husk is well cleaned and thermally processed. Products with a large weight can serve as a signal of poor husk processing;
  5. The best pillows are products of a rectangular configuration measuring 60 by 40 centimeters. For children, it is optimal to buy a pillow with a size of 50 by 40 cm, for men 50 x 70 centimeters;
  6. If you want to buy quality products, ask the store for special documents that confirm the manufacturer and are considered a guarantee of purchase.

As with any product, buckwheat husk pillows require some care. Let's try to highlight the most common:

  • The product must not be washed;
  • AT summer period caring for a buckwheat pillow is no different from caring for feather pillows. Just put it outdoors out of direct sunlight.

If you follow the above measures, the pillow will serve you for a long time.

To increase the service life, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, which contain:

  1. Cleaning after a month of use. Usually, after 30-40 days, particles of large dark-colored dust can be found in the structure of the husk. You should not panic - this is a natural process, large particles are polished, and small ones must be removed by sifting, for this you need to remove the cover and shake the contents. Then pour the cleaned substrate back into a clean pillowcase. The procedure takes only 20 minutes. Your pillow is now ready to use again;
  2. The next cleaning is carried out in a year, the whole process takes the same amount of time and is carried out similarly;
  3. Daily care includes cleaning the pillow with a vacuum cleaner, treat it with a device, thereby fine dust will be removed and only the necessary elements will remain, the pillow will become clean again;
  4. Many people have a question: is it possible to dry the product? Buckwheat husk has excellent absorbent properties, its advantage is that a person does not sweat at all, so it always retains a dry consistency, but if there is a desire to further dry the product, this can be done on outdoors(in the yard, balcony) without direct sunlight.

The pillow should not be washed, if you follow the suggested activities, it will serve you for 5-6 years, keeping its freshness and shape.