Buckwheat husk pillows - are they that good? The benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows

Sleep is intended for complete rest of the whole body. If you regularly wake up with a heavy head, frequent headaches, stiff arms and neck, then this is a reason to think about the incorrect position of your head on the pillow while sleeping. Long gone are the days when people preferred to sleep on high feather pillows, like our great-grandmothers.

Scientists have proven that the quality of sleep depends on the size of the pillow, its height and filling. It is recommended to sleep on low pillows that support the head and neck in an anatomical position. These include orthopedic pillows made from buckwheat husks. They have long been used in Asian countries and have become widespread in the United States of America and Canada. Gradually, our citizens are acquiring pillows that bring health benefits.

What is buckwheat husk?

Everyone is familiar with the pieces of black husk that are found among buckwheat. This is buckwheat (or buckwheat) husk. Cleaned of flour, it began to be used to fill pillows. When purchasing products made from buckwheat husks, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, the quality of the pillow and your health depend on it.

Husk and dust mite

The buckwheat husk cushion does not collect dust and does not start dust mites– a constant companion of down and feather products. This fact was proven during scientific research, which were carried out in 2004. Therefore, people suffering from allergic diseases and bronchial asthma. For those who still doubt their absence, we will give one piece of advice - freeze the husks in the freezer for 24 hours.

Types of pillows

In addition to traditional rectangular products measuring 40x60 or 50x70 cm, children's pillows and neck cushions in the shape of a horseshoe or a regular round shape are made.

For children

Buckwheat pillows for children can be used after two years. The amount of filler should be minimal, and over time it can be gradually increased. If the child cannot sleep on it right away, then you can limit its use during illness or when overexcited. To enhance the therapeutic effect, some manufacturers add various herbs to pillows - mint, hops, oregano, cedar shavings.

First make sure that the child is not allergic to medicinal herbs.

For sitting

People who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car, or in the office can look for a buckwheat husk cushion for sitting. It can be used for car seats, sofas and chairs. They have a tonic, conditioning and light massage effect on the biological active points our body. This helps to get rid of various pains, activate blood flow, and prevent many problems in the genital and internal organs.

Using buckwheat husk as a filler has many advantages over a down or synthetic pillow. For those who suffer from allergies to house dust, feathers or bed mites, such pillows will be a real salvation.

For people who have spinal diseases, lead a sedentary lifestyle or are engaged in heavy work, sleeping on a pillow with buckwheat will help relieve tension in the muscles of the neck and back. This occurs due to the rigidity of buckwheat, which takes the shape of the body and fixes it.

Before going to bed, the pillow should be fluffed so that it takes the correct shape. If at first you feel discomfort at night, you wake up with the desire to turn around, take a different position, you can also lightly tap the filler with your hand.


The advantage of buckwheat hull pillows is their ability to absorb sweat without creating a thermal effect in hot weather. The structure of buckwheat husk and its shape allow air to pass inside the product.

It will be useful for you to know about the massage effect of the husk on the muscles, face and scalp when you go to bed.

  • Relaxing the muscles of the neck and forearm improves blood circulation in the head.
  • Headaches associated with incorrect body position on the pillow will go away.
  • The snoring that bothers you and your loved ones will decrease or completely disappear.
  • Acupressure of the skin of the neck and face will prevent wrinkles.
  • The effect on the scalp increases blood supply to the hair follicles, which will improve the condition and growth of hair.

Buckwheat pillows are environmental products. If they are not suitable for your individual indications, then you should pay attention to a synthetic filler.


In front of everyone positive properties Products filled with buckwheat husk have certain disadvantages.

  • Some people are allergic to buckwheat hulls, so they will have to limit themselves to synthetic pillow fillings.
  • At first, the pillow seems too hard, the rustling sound is annoying, and the smell is intrusive. After a while, you get used to the rustling and harshness, the smell of the husk becomes softer, and sleep brings pleasure, giving you an easy awakening without headaches or numbness in your hands.
  • Minor disadvantages include the greater weight of the pillow and the short service life of buckwheat husks. A buckwheat pillow will last from two to five years.

Choosing the right one

When purchasing a buckwheat husk pillow, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The fabric from which the cover is made must be natural;
  • The presence of a snake makes it possible to clean the pillow and adjust the height by adding or reducing the amount of buckwheat husk;
  • The light cover allows you to see when shaking that fine dust does not fall out of the pillow.

  • A pillow filled with husks cannot be washed. You can pour out the husks and wash the cover separately. Buckwheat should be sifted to remove crushed particles.
  • The pillow must be shaken periodically and dried in summer. outdoors without direct sunlight.

Compliance with these simple rules will increase the service life of buckwheat husks.

Healthy sleep is essential for good health. An uncomfortable pillow can be one of the reasons for lack of sleep. Positive reviews got bed dress filled with buckwheat husks. Such products are readily purchased. But before use, you need to find out the benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows. Especially if people with posture and spine problems rely on their help.

Buckwheat husks are hollow pyramid-shaped flakes of buckwheat grains, which are thoroughly cleaned and treated with hot steam. They are an environmentally friendly material of natural origin.

A pillow with such filling takes the shape of the contours of the body. Thanks to this, during sleep the head and neck receive support, and the shoulder region and spine relax.

In addition, a pillow with buckwheat husk has the following useful characteristics:

  • there are practically no bacteria in it that provoke allergies, including asthma;
  • prevents snoring due to a comfortable position of the head and neck;
  • The granular structure of the scales, in contact with bioactive points on the body, improves blood circulation and provides micromassage. As a result, blood pressure normalizes, muscle tension decreases, headaches and fatigue go away;
  • Buckwheat husk has the ability to maintain a neutral temperature in hot and cold weather, the head does not sweat;
  • the product is breathable: does not accumulate moisture, is not susceptible to mold;
  • The height can be easily adjusted by removing excess filler if necessary. It can be added later.
  • light buckwheat aroma promotes relaxation - essential oil This product is used in aromatherapy for insomnia.

Orthopedic properties allow it to be used for scoliosis, radiculitis, crooked posture as a preventive and auxiliary remedy.

For serious problems with the musculoskeletal system, a pillow alone will not be enough.

Disadvantages and harm

In addition to benefits, a pillow with buckwheat husks can also cause harm. But this only happens in cases where unscrupulous producers have poorly carried out the procedure for cleaning the husks from the remains of flour and chemicals used to control buckwheat pests.

To protect yourself from poor quality goods and not cause harm to health, it is recommended to buy bedding in specialized stores.

The disadvantages of the products include the following properties:

  • The rustling sounds of husks when the body moves can distract from sleep. This usually stops bothering you after a few days.
  • At the beginning of operation, a strong odor may be present. Over time, it disappears and does not interfere with rest.
  • The filler requires special care, but it is quite simple.
  • Heavy weight compared to other fillers and rigidity. But you can put up with this, given the benefits of a pillow with buckwheat husk.
  • A significant disadvantage is the limited service life of the pillows. The gradual compaction of the husk during use leads to loss of shape and rigidity of the product, which directly affects its properties.

How to choose a pillow

Standard husk pillows have sizes: 40*60 cm and 50*70 cm. The first size option is suitable for women, and larger ones can be chosen for men. Products are also made in the form of semicircles that support the head, and rollers under the neck.

For your information

They also produce children's pillows with husks, recommended for children from 2 years old. And you don’t have to sleep on them all the time. They are good during illness (bronchitis, colds), when you can add medicinal herbs, or with increased excitability of the child.

Pillows good quality must have a cover with a zipper. This is necessary for proper care for the product. When purchasing, it is advisable to unzip the zipper to examine the filler and make sure there are no foreign particles or dust.

It is important that the materials from which the covers are made are natural (linen, jacquard-satin). This will provide a breathable effect.

A light-colored cover is preferable to a dark one, under which it is easier to disguise dirty husks.

The price of a buckwheat pillow cannot be suspiciously low.

Rules of care

How to care for a buckwheat husk pillow so that the product does not lose its properties ahead of schedule? If not indicated on the label special conditions, then adhere to the following tips:

  • It is not recommended to wash. You can wash the cover separately when it gets dirty, either manually or in an automatic machine (in the “gentle wash” mode). The husks are first removed.
  • To remove damaged particles formed as a result of friction, buckwheat husks are sifted 1-2 times a year. You can use a sieve or colander.
  • In summer, the product is ventilated outside, avoiding direct sunlight, or on a balcony. And the buckwheat filler is dried in the sun on a windless day, laid out in a thin layer on substrates.
  • The rest of the time, clean the pillow through the cover with a vacuum cleaner, once every 2 months is enough, and shake it well periodically.

Choice the right pillow will ensure healthy and comfortable sleep. Buckwheat husk filler is safe, natural and useful material, which is worth paying attention to.

An orthopedic pillow made of buckwheat husk, thanks to the optimal rigidity of the filler, supports the head and aligns the spine. This promotes complete relaxation of the muscles of the neck and forearm, which improves blood circulation and allows you to have a great rest and sleep.

The beneficial properties of buckwheat husk have been known since ancient times. For example, since the 7th century, the pillows of Chinese emperors were made with such filling and were valued for beneficial influence on the body and extraordinary comfort. In India, yogis still use such pillows for sleeping and claim that they have healing qualities.

When planning to purchase such bedding, you should find out in what cases it is recommended buckwheat pillow, get acquainted with the properties of buckwheat husks, and weigh the pros and cons. This article will help you in choosing a quality product.

Buckwheat husk is obtained by threshing buckwheat. Harvest thoroughly washed and dried, and then the scales are separated from the kernels. The resulting husk is washed and dried again, and then used as a filler.

Important positive quality Buckwheat husk is that it is hypoallergenic and does not accumulate dust. Pillows with these properties are ideal for people suffering from allergies and chronic diseases respiratory organs, for example, bronchial asthma.

Pillows filled with buckwheat also have orthopedic properties. Buckwheat husks have sharp corners, due to which the pillow has a light massage effect during sleep. Impact on bioactive points improves blood circulation.

Due to its optimal hardness, it perfectly supports the head and neck, which promotes muscle relaxation. As a result, chronic headaches and back pain go away, and blood pressure normalizes.

In addition, restoring blood microcirculation is the prevention of osteochondrosis and scoliosis. The correct position of the head on a buckwheat husk pillow allows you to get rid of snoring and insomnia.

It is comfortable to sleep on such pillows in the summer heat, because the filling does not heat up, perfectly absorbs moisture and ensures air circulation.

Doctors recommend sleeping on pillows with such filling for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, allergies, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, chronic insomnia and migraines, snoring, and if it is necessary to stay in a lying position for a long time.

Video: What are the benefits of buckwheat pillow?

As you can see, pillows with buckwheat filling have only a beneficial effect on the human body, without causing any harm to it. Their only drawback is minor discomfort during the first days of use. Compared to usual soft pillows, this sleeping accessory will seem quite hard, so sleeping on it will not be very comfortable at first.

Besides, buckwheat husk makes a rustling sound when the sleeper turns over, and the sound produced can interfere with falling asleep. Although for some, a slight rustling, on the contrary, helps them calm down and fall asleep quickly.

Another property of a buckwheat pillow, which you also have to get used to, is the light aroma of buckwheat husks, which has an positive influence for respiratory and nervous system. Some will not find it very pleasant, while others will not pay attention to it at all. It all depends on the sensitivity of a person’s sense of smell. But in any case, after some time the discomfort will pass.

Varieties of buckwheat pillows

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are available in different sizes and forms. Moreover, only a rectangular buckwheat pillow has medicinal properties. Round, oval and square products cannot support the correct position of the head and neck, and accordingly, for hedgehog nap absolutely not suitable.

For people of average height, pillows measuring 40x60 cm are best suited, while tall people should choose a model measuring 50x70 cm. They adapt perfectly to anatomical features bodies, remove muscle tension and provide healthy sleep.

Pillows for children are usually produced in sizes 40x50 cm. They are allowed to be used by children over two years old. Moreover, the mother must regulate the thickness of the pillow herself and add filler as her child’s age increases.

If a child sleeps restlessly on such a pillow, tosses and turns and often wakes up, then it is better to use it two or three days a week for daytime sleep. And as you get used to it, increase the number of days and start using it at night.

Cushion-shaped pillows should not be used every day. They are designed for situations where it is impossible to rest comfortably, for example, during long trips in a sitting position.

In addition to pillows, manufacturers offer orthopedic seats with buckwheat filling. They provide a kind of massage that improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is the prevention of many diseases. The seats are recommended for those who spend most of the day sitting. They are suitable for drivers and office workers. You can also sit on it while camping or at home in front of the TV.

For aromatherapy enthusiasts excellent choice there will be pillows with different medicinal herbs. Manufacturers add oregano, mint, lavender, hops, and lemon balm to buckwheat husks. The therapeutic effect when using such pillows will not take long to arrive.

When choosing a buckwheat husk pillow, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the cover and filling.

It is better to give preference to satin covers. This very durable material is highly breathable, so buckwheat husks will dry out quickly if there is excessive sweating. In addition, due to the high wear resistance of satin, the cover will serve for a very long time.

Manufacturers also produce pillows from other fabrics that are significantly inferior to satin in quality and durability. For example, calico, although it has good hygroscopicity, provides air circulation, does not cause allergic reactions, is too thin and will quickly become unusable from contact with sharp husks.

Teak covers will significantly reduce the therapeutic effect due to low hygroscopicity.

Pillows made of synthetic fabrics are absolutely not suitable for use for medicinal purposes, because this material itself has harmful effects on the human body.

When choosing a buckwheat pillow, pay attention to the fabric that is used as a cover. A good option is linen.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a filler is its cleanliness and integrity of the scales. If the case does not have a special zipper, and there is no way to visually inspect the buckwheat husks, you can check its quality by touch. The filler should not contain twigs or other foreign elements, and the husks should be approximately the same size. If the buckwheat husk is of good quality, then the pillow will quickly return to its original shape when pressed.

Conscientious manufacturers use only calibrated husks as pillow filling. She is subjected to additional heat treatment, as a result of which the scales are disinfected and become more durable. High-quality husks should be free-flowing, which will not allow them to form clumps. It will spring well, providing an excellent orthopedic effect. It is also important that the filler does not have any foreign odors.

Rules of care

Like all bedding, a buckwheat pillow requires care, which has some special features. The main rule is to not get the filler wet.

The cover should be washed as it becomes dirty using the normal cycle for cotton fabrics.

But buckwheat husks will have to be given Special attention. It needs to be sifted periodically to remove crumbled particles. IN summer period It is advisable to air dry the filler, avoiding direct sunlight. During the cold season, you can ventilate the pillows on the balcony.

Every month it is recommended to dry clean the buckwheat husk pillow, which will allow you to get rid of the smallest particles that have broken off. To do this, you can use dry cleaning services, or clean the pillow yourself using a vacuum cleaner.

If possible, it is recommended to vacuum the product a couple of times a month in the first six months. Due to the fact that as a result of friction the size of the scales decreases, the volume of the pillow itself decreases. You can add filler as needed to restore the original size of the product.

After five years, you will need to completely replace the filling, or simply buy a new pillow.

DIY buckwheat husk pillow

Like many bedding items, pillows filled with buckwheat husks can be made with your own hands.
To do this, you will need a piece of chintz that matches the size of the pillow you are going to make. For example, for a pillow 40x60 cm, taking into account seam allowances, you need 50 cm of fabric with a width of 1.5 m, and a zipper about 30 cm long. Sewing a rectangular pillowcase with a zipper is not difficult even for a novice seamstress.

Then you need to purchase buckwheat husks and prepare it before pouring it into the napkin. If you manage to get ready-made husks, it will be enough to rinse them thoroughly and dry them, laying them out on paper. It is advisable to mix the scales during the drying process.

If you can’t buy ready-made husks, you can make it yourself from unthreshed buckwheat. To separate the kernels from the husks, you should put the buckwheat in a tight bag and beat it forcefully with a rolling pin for about ten minutes. Then pour the contents onto one side of the table, and build a kind of barrier on the other edges of the table, for example from cardboard boxes. These makeshift walls should be quite high, and firmly supported by the table.

Next, using a hairdryer or fan, you need to blow on the dried and threshed buckwheat. The scales will easily fly off to the barrier, which will prevent them from scattering throughout the room. Now you can collect the husks, sift them, wash and dry them.

Prepared buckwheat husks using any of these methods can only be poured into the napkin. The orthopedic pillow is ready!

Video: master class on making your own pillow from buckwheat husks

Benefits and beneficial features The benefits of buckwheat husk pillows are confirmed not only by doctors, but also by people who have been using them for a long time. According to them, these sleeping accessories are ideal for sleeping. Pillows ensure the correct position of the head and upper spine, which promotes relaxation and full, healthy sleep. For those who care about their health, buckwheat pillows are simply irreplaceable.

We hope that this article will help you choose a high-quality buckwheat husk pillow. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

Dear readers, sleep is necessary for a person’s full functioning. Everyone knows that lack of sleep, or worse, poor quality sleep, can lead to headaches and swelling of the joints. Long feather pillows are a thing of the past, replaced by new products with natural fillers and clear parameters that ensure a comfortable position of the head, and, accordingly, the entire body. Today we will look at a new product - a pillow made from buckwheat husks, their useful qualities and some disadvantages. Buckwheat husks have long been used in Asian countries, the USA and Canada, in Lately they are gaining popularity in our country.

Buckwheat husk is a natural product of plant origin without added impurities; visually, these are particles of buckwheat grains; it is not difficult to note their pyramidal shape. There is hardly a person who is not familiar with buckwheat husk. Before cooking buckwheat, we first wash it, dark pieces float to the surface, this is the husk.

Let's look at the process of obtaining husks: first, the harvest occurs, then processing at specialized enterprises. It is during processing that the husk is obtained; buckwheat collected from the fields is washed and dried, as a result of which small particles are separated from the kernel. Next, this substrate is used to fill the pillowcases, on the quality of which a lot also depends.

When purchasing a pillow, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of the product; this is an important factor for sleep, since your health will be directly related to the quality of the purchased product. The husks must be cleaned, steamed and dried, only in this case an environmentally friendly material will be obtained.

Buckwheat pillow - benefits and harm

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks have the following advantages:

  • Hypoallergenic material is a real godsend for people who cannot tolerate dust and bed mites. We can say with confidence that such pillows will not harbor dust mites;
  • It is a fact that the aroma emanating from buckwheat is an excellent remedy for insomnia;
  • Buckwheat husk takes on the shape of the head relief, which is simply irreplaceable for relieving heaviness and tension in the muscles;
  • Buckwheat filler perfectly absorbs sweat and allows air to pass through without heating the material;
  • Excellent massage effect for the skin of the face and neck;
  • Optimizes blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth;
  • Minimal care - there is no need to wash, it is enough to follow the care measures indicated in this work;
  • Reduces unpleasant sounds in a dream (snoring).

Certainly, positive points quite a lot and many call this product an “orthopedic” pillow. However, like most health devices there are always some drawbacks. Let's highlight the most common ones:

  • If an allergic reaction occurs, there is only one piece of advice - change the pillow with buckwheat husks to synthetic products;
  • short period of use, the pillow is used for 2 years, after which the filler needs to be replaced;
  • the husk makes noise when turning in a dream;
  • rigid structure.

It’s hard to get used to such pillows; at first they seem hard and uncomfortable, but, as you know, health is more expensive, so it’s worth being patient and in return getting a healthy sleep without headaches and joint pain. To soften the aroma emanating from the pillows, you can add dry oregano, mint or valerian.

All negative aspects quickly pass and adaptation does not take long to occur, and besides, the positive effect completely covers up all the inconveniences.

Let's introduce the main types of pillows:

  1. The automobile type, made in the form of a horseshoe, has a beneficial effect on the cervical area, which is very important when driving and traveling;
  2. Special products for pregnant women provide uniform distribution heaviness during pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding. Specialty stores offer various pillow configurations;
  3. For sitting, for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, such pillows will help relieve fatigue in the hip joints;
  4. For the legs, a buckwheat pillow will help relieve heaviness; it is often used by people with varicose veins, arthrosis, and convulsive spasms.


As mentioned above, pillows have some features, but most users respond to the products the best way. It is absolutely certain that the filler is natural remedy with excellent orthopedic effect. Let's present some reviews about pillows with buckwheat husks:

  1. Such products have recently become increasingly popular. And this is due to their natural composition;
  2. I use the pillow on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, I won’t hide it, it was difficult to get used to, but after a week, I could no longer imagine relaxing with another pillow. My skin color has improved, I look younger, others notice it, now I recommend this truly healing product;
  3. I have been using a pillow with this composition for 5 years now, and we can say with confidence that today it is optimal solution for problems with joints. Pillows with buckwheat filling are a guarantee of excellent rest;
  4. Men prefer voluminous, heavy pillows; you can take a long time to choose from the offered assortment, but a product with such filling will solve all your problems, thereby saving you time on searching and forever deciding what best option just can't be found;
  5. Every morning I woke up with a heavy head, and yet there was a work day ahead. After purchasing the pillow, I forgot about the unpleasant moments and I think that there is no better option;
  6. I would like to tell everyone about this miraculous remedy. This is an excellent medicine for joint pain, an excellent remedy for facial skin, and of course, giving such a thing will not be at all embarrassing, but close person will definitely thank you for such a useful and priceless gift.

It is worth noting that a buckwheat pillow has practically no negative properties, and therefore it is convenient and useful to use.

How to choose the right buckwheat pillow

When buying a pillow with buckwheat filling, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The cover must be natural composition. It is best to buy pillows with satin pillowcases; such material is durable, breathable and serves for a long time. Calico and teak do not have such properties;
  2. Try to buy pillows with a snake, its presence makes it easier to clean and adjust the height of the product;
  3. The napkin should be light in color, as this is an indicator that dust does not protrude to the surface;
  4. The pillow should spring slightly when touched; this property indicates that the husk is well cleaned and thermally treated. Products with a large weight can serve as a signal of poor processing of the husks;
  5. The best pillows are products with a rectangular configuration measuring 60 by 40 centimeters. For children, it is optimal to buy a pillow measuring 50 x 40 cm, for men 50 x 70 centimeters;
  6. If you want to buy quality products, ask the store for special documents that confirm the manufacturer and are considered a guarantee of purchase.

Like any product, buckwheat husk pillows require some care. We will try to highlight the most common ones:

  • The product must not be washed; you can remove the husk from the napkin and wash the cover separately, then sift the buckwheat and sleep in the dried napkin;
  • In the summer, caring for a buckwheat pillow is no different from caring for feather pillows. Just place it outdoors out of direct sunlight.

If you follow the above measures, the pillow will serve you for a long time.

To increase the service life it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, which contain:

  1. Cleaning after a month of use. Usually, after 30-40 days, coarse dark-colored dust particles can be found in the structure of the husk. You should not panic - this is a natural process, large particles are ground, and small ones must be removed by sifting; to do this, you need to remove the cover and shake the contents. Then pour the cleaned substrate back into a clean bed. The procedure takes only 20 minutes. Now your pillow is ready for use again;
  2. The next cleaning is carried out a year later, the whole process takes the same amount of time and is performed in the same way;
  3. Daily care includes treating the pillow with a vacuum cleaner, treat with the device, thereby fine dust will be removed and only necessary elements, the pillow will become clean again;
  4. Many people have a question: is it possible to dry the product? Buckwheat husk has excellent absorbent properties, its advantage is that a person does not sweat at all, so it always retains a dry consistency, but if there is a desire to further dry the product, this can be done in the open air (in the yard, balcony) without direct sunlight .

The pillow should not be washed; if you follow the suggested steps, it will serve you for 5-6 years, maintaining its freshness and shape.

Adequate sleep is a sure guarantee of excellent well-being and good health. In order to stabilize sleep, people resort to using various methods. For example, some people prefer to take sedatives before bed, while others pay special attention to the choice of pillow. In modern times, a pillow made from buckwheat husks is very popular; its benefits and harms have already been proven and substantiated. A buckwheat husk pillow has a huge number of reviews from users, but does it have such a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep? Can a buckwheat husk pillow harm the human body?

The history of using buckwheat husk pillows comes from the countries of ancient Japan and China. Residents of these countries used this remedy to improve sleep, as well as to eliminate pathological diseases associated with nervous disorders. Later, the use of pillows with buckwheat husks spread throughout the vast world. Useful qualities Such pillows are appreciated by both traditional healers and doctors. For example, in Eastern countries, sleeping on a pillow made from buckwheat husk is recommended for people suffering from back problems. And in America, sleeping on such a pillow is recommended for people with poor posture.

What are the benefits of sleeping on a buckwheat husk pillow?

The main use of buckwheat husk pillows concerns:

  • normalization of sleep;
  • relieving a person of headaches;
  • treatment muscle pain;
  • ability to straighten the spine and improve posture.

Doctors say that the benefits and harms of a buckwheat husk pillow directly depend on the quality of this product, as well as on the manufacturer’s brand.

When purchasing a therapeutic and prophylactic pillow, special attention should be paid to the country of origin. It is advisable to purchase the appropriate product from manufacturing countries that specialize in the manufacture of environmentally friendly products and things. For example, countries that have earned positive ratings are Canada, Asia, and the USA. When producing buckwheat husk pillows, a multi-system cleaning process is used. This process helps make the pillow non-allergenic. A pillow produced according to all parameters is able to acquire an anatomical shape and have orthopedic qualities. Moreover, buckwheat husk has a mild aroma, the inhalation of which helps to improve the health of the body.

Advantages of a buckwheat husk pillow

  • Ease of use. The technology for producing a pillow from buckwheat husk allows you to choose the volume of the item according to your individual wishes. Fabric base The pillow is equipped with a lock that allows you to reduce or increase its volume.
  • Correct formation of the body position of any person during night sleep. A buckwheat husk pillow can take the shape of the sleeper’s body, this provides the latter with complete relief from muscle soreness and neck tension, which is especially important for osteochondrosis.
  • Massage effect. Small particles of buckwheat husk filler are similar to massage procedures. During sleep, the movement of buckwheat husk particles provides a micro-massage of the neck, shoulders, and head. This quality improves blood flow and normalizes the flow of lymph to the brain, eliminates headaches, and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Treatment of pain. Sleeping on a buckwheat husk pillow is recommended for people who suffer from neck and head pain.
  • Treatment of snoring. Correct location the body of a person during a night's sleep on a pillow made of buckwheat husk helps to reduce snoring, and often completely relieves a person from it.
  • Treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Possessing mild aromas, buckwheat husk is an analogue of aromatherapy, which is very useful for inflammatory and infectious diseases respiratory system.

One thing we can confidently say in favor of using a pillow made from buckwheat husk is that it is hypoallergenic and also environmentally friendly. Sleeping on such a pillow is recommended for people suffering from asthma. The pillow does not contribute to the accumulation of moisture and heat, moreover, it is equipped with excellent breathability.

Maintaining the cleanliness of a buckwheat husk pillow is minimal. It is enough to remove the surface material and wash it. Manufacturers strongly do not recommend soaking buckwheat husk. If it gets confused after washing the material in one direction, then just shake the pillow vigorously.

Disadvantages of using a buckwheat husk pillow

In many respects, a buckwheat husk pillow is useful and comfortable, but its use also has certain disadvantages, which, as a rule, appear during the initial use of the pillow due to the usual non-addiction.

What kind of discomfort can a buckwheat husk pillow bring?

  • pillow hardness;
  • weightiness;
  • quite loud rustling of buckwheat husks, which during initial use can dramatically interfere with sleep;
  • short shelf life (buckwheat filler is recommended to be changed every 2-3 years).

Depending on personal and individual physical features of the human body, some people do not like the smell of buckwheat husk, which makes sleeping on the appropriate pillow uncomfortable and problematic.

It is important to note that all the inconveniences of sleeping on a buckwheat pillow appear only in the first days of its use. As a rule, after 5 days of using a pillow with buckwheat husk, all negative aspects in a person disappear.

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