Crib: Urban uprisings of the middle of the XVII century. rebellious age

The 17th century was remembered in the history of Russia as a period of mass uprisings, born due to the difficult economic and political state of the country. At this time, famine, dispersion of power, civil strife for the royal throne raged.

In the second half of the 17th century, serfdom was in the decline of its existence. The peasants are out of control large sizes organized flight to the periphery of the country.

The government instituted everywhere the search for fugitives and their return to the landowners. Contemporaries called their age "rebellious". At the beginning of the century, the state was agitated by the first Peasants' War. Bolotnikov was the leader of the peasants, the poor. The suppression of this movement was followed by an attack by the peasant Balash, followed by discontent in the Smolensk troops, about 20 uprisings that took place in different cities of the country, the Copper Riot, and of course, the war of Stepan Razin. The country was literally in a fever from widespread upheavals.

Salt Riot:

At the very beginning of the 17th century, there was a terrible famine in the country. Several years due to weather conditions there was a crop failure, the king made attempts to help: he distributed bread and money, reduced the price, organized work, but this was not enough. Subsequently, pestilence began from the disease, times passed, terrifying.

In 1648, Moscow replaced the single duty with a tax on salt. Naturally, this prompted its increase in price. The lower strata of the population (serfs, archers) were involved in this performance. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who was returning from worship, was surrounded by petitioners (messengers from the people) with a request to intercede for the people before the boyars who issued this decree. There was no positive action on the part of the king. The queen dispersed the people, many were arrested.

The next fact was the disobedience of the archers, who beat the boyars. The officials had complete freedom of action. On the third day, the participants of the salt riot destroyed many noble houses. The initiator of the introduction of the tax on salt "mob" chopped. To distract the people from the rebellion, a massive fire was set up in Moscow. The authorities compromised: the archers were given 8 rubles each, the debtors were saved from extorting money, and the judges were replaced. The rebellion subsided, but the instigators among the lackeys were taken and then executed.

Before and after the Salt Riot, unrest broke out in more than 30 cities.

"Copper" rebellion:

In 1662, a collapse of copper coins occurred in Moscow, due to their mass production. There was a depreciation of money, a rise in the price of products, speculation, a fake of copper coins. The government decided to collect extraordinary taxes from the people, which caused great discontent.

The rebellious townspeople and soldiers (about 5 thousand people) handed over to the tsar a petition, insisting on a reduction in the tax rate, the price of bread. There was a defeat of the merchants, the royal palace was surrounded with a demand for the extradition of government leaders. The rebels refused to disperse, after the suppression of the uprising, more than 1 thousand people were executed and up to 8 thousand were exiled. The king put forward a decree banning copper money. An attempt to improve the monetary reform ended in failure.

Stepan Razin's uprising:

In 1667, Stepan Razin stood at the head of the people, who recruited a detachment of poor Cossacks, runaway peasants, offended archers. He came up with the campaign because he wanted to distribute booty to the poor, give bread to the hungry, clothes to the undressed. Wherever people went to Razin: both from the Volga and from the Don. The detachment grew to 2000 people.

On the Volga, the rebels captured the caravan, the Cossacks replenished the supply of weapons and food. With renewed vigor, the leader moved on. There were clashes with government troops. In all battles he showed courage. Many people were added to the Cossacks. There were battles in various cities Persia, where they went to free Russian prisoners. Razintsy defeated the Persian Shah, but they had significant losses.
The southern governors reported on Razin's independence, about his intention of turmoil, which alarms the government. In 1670, a messenger from Tsar Evdokimov arrived at the leader, whom the Cossacks drowned. The rebel army grows to 7,000 and advances on Tsaritsyn, captures it, as well as Astrakhan, Samara and Saratov. Near Simbirsk, the seriously wounded Razin is defeated, and then he is executed in Moscow.
During the 17th century, there were many popular uprisings, the cause of which lay in the policies of the government. The authorities saw in the inhabitants only a source of income, which caused discontent among the lower masses.

The reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in history is called the “rebellious age”. During this period, there was a huge number of various uprisings and riots, which were caused by increased tax oppression and tightening of government policy.

The reasons:

  1. the folding of the townsman taxable estate (the townspeople spoke about their interests at the top of their voices);
  2. strengthening of centralization and serfdom, abuse of power;
  3. unbearable tax burden (state building with scarcity natural resources, harsh climate, poverty and relative sparse population, low crops and frequent natural disasters).
  4. the government sometimes embarked on frank financial adventures (an example is the replacement of a silver coin with a copper one at the same cost);
  5. 1613-1633 – 7 times emergency taxes were collected (the state needed funds to maintain the army and return lost lands);
  6. the government sought to include all new categories of residents in the taxed population.

Population Struggle:

However, the weakening of the state threatened the Russian even worse - anarchy, death in internal strife, the invasion of foreigners.

1648 - Moscow uprising salt riot); the actions of the rebels were directed against the entire government elite, the aspirations of various social forces and strata of the inhabitants of Moscow and the provinces were united. Reasons: the growth of the "salt tax", the abuses and greed of the Moscow administration.

1650 - an uprising in Pskov and Novgorod, the impetus for it was an attempt by the government to pay off with Sweden for defectors from the regions captured by it from Russia, with bread bought in the Pskov market → a sharp rise in the price of bread. social base the movements in both cases were ordinary, "young", townspeople and instrument ranks.

July 25, 1662 - uprising in Moscow (copper riot); the immoderate issue of copper money, as well as the appearance of "thieves'" copper coins, led to their depreciation → rising prices and hunger.

1666 - the uprising of the Don Cossack Vasily Us.

Late 60s-early 70s - "Stenka Razin's rebellion"; the actions of the rebels were considered anti-state (S.M. Soloviev), explaining their cause by the clash of the specific-veche and autocratic ways of Russian life (N.I. Kostomarov).

The main value is in limiting the exploitation, abuses of the authorities.

But in general, they pushed the state to centralize and strengthen the state apparatus.

1648 - "Salt Riot" Reasons:

A sharp deterioration in the socio-economic situation of the townspeople, peasants and service people.

In 1646 the government introduced an extremely burdensome indirect tax on salt.

In 1646-1648, arrears of state taxes for many years were severely collected, as well as non-payments on the salt duty (despite its abolition in 1647).

Private-feudal land tenure in the cities continued to increase, against which the bulk of the townspeople waged a stubborn struggle.

The first is June. Unsuccessful attempt file a petition to the tsar against the abuses of officials. The archers refused to obey the pr-vu and joined the uprising. The pogrom of the courtyards of the workers of the pr-va, boyars, nobles and guests began, which lasted until June 5 (St. 70 courtyards were destroyed). The government was forced to extradite L. S. Pleshcheev (the head of the Zemsky order) on June 3, and on June 5 - P. T. Trakhaniotov (the head of the Pushkar order), who were executed.

B. I. Morozov was hiding in the royal chambers. Further, strong fires in the city, the cessation of the uprising by the archers (they were urgently given a salary) led to a gradual attenuation of the struggle. The initiative was intercepted by the provincial nobility, large merchants and the upper tenants. At the meeting on June 10, they accepted a petition with wishes:

On the abolition of the term for the investigation of fugitive peasants;

On the liquidation of private feuds. holdings in cities

The issuance of monetary salaries to the nobles and an increase in its rates,

Streamlining the distribution of nobles (the transfer of estates by the tsar for military and civil service);

Reform of legislation and legal proceedings, etc.

Their program was mainly aimed at strengthening serfdom. The first stage ended on June 10-12: B. Morozov was exiled to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, and a boyar group hostile to him, headed by Prince. Ya. K. Cherkassky and N. I. Romanov, to-heaven began to distribute money and land to the nobility and went to satisfy the department. the demands of the rebels: a deferment was introduced in the payment of arrears.

The second stage (June-August 1648) was characterized by otd. outbreaks, open class struggle in the capital (the performance of serfs on June 27), mass uprisings in many northern and southern. and sib. cities. An acute social struggle accompanied the preparations for the Zemsky Sobor. At its meeting on July 16, it was decided to convene a new council on September 1. and the preparation of the "Cathedral Code".

At the third stage (Sept.-November 1648), within the framework of the Zemsky Sobor, the nobility and the top merchants sought to satisfy their class requirements. The king managed to achieve the return of Morozov. His administration switched to wider repressions against the participants in the June events, which again caused unrest in the capital.

The fourth stage (Dec. 1648 - Jan. 1649) was characterized by an aggravation of class contradictions and threatened with a new outbreak of armament. speeches in the capital of the urban lower classes and archers. However, the government of a number of measures (ch. arr. punitive) managed to warn them. At the end of January, the "Cathedral Code" was completed, which satisfied the main. the interests of the nobility, the tops of the merchant class and otd. demands of the general public.

Novgorod uprising of 1650, anti-feudal urban uprising. The reason was the government speculation in grain, associated with the purchase of bread for Sweden in the cities bordering it, which made bread more expensive. The townspeople and the archers captured the Novgorod Kremlin and actually removed the governor F. I. Khilkov and the clerks from power. Further, the courtyards of the Novgorod guests Stoyanovs and the richest citizens were defeated. The rebels chose new composition pit hut, foreign diplomatic and commercial agents were arrested and searched, entry and exit from the city was strictly controlled, interception of governments, messengers and the “monetary treasury” sent from Moscow by government for settlements with Sweden.

The rebels sent a petition to Moscow with a number of demands.

Troops led by Prince. I. N. Khovansky, were sent from Moscow on March 20. As a result of the betrayal of the rebel leaders, the royal detachment occupied the city. After the suppression of the uprising in Pskov, the authorities sent active participants into exile.

Pskov uprising of 1650. main reason there was a sharp aggravation of class contradictions between the feudal-serf state and the bulk of the townspeople (merchants, artisans, etc.) and service people "according to the instrument." An occasion to P. of century. was the speculation in grain, undertaken by the government in Pskov and its lands, which sharply increased the cost of food. The rebels achieved a ban on the export of grain, arrested the Swedish diplomat L. Nummens, who arrived, and defeated the courts of prominent merchants, nobles and clergy. A new upsurge in the movement came on March 17, when it became known in Pskov about the uprising in Novgorod and the arrest of petitioners sent to Moscow. In April, the rebels sent a petition to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with a number of demands. In particular, with the demand to cancel the summons of the Pskovites for trial in Moscow and to judge them by the governors together with the zemstvo elders in Pskov, etc.

In the case of the oath of the rebels to the tsar, all of them, by decision of the Zemsky Sobor, were promised complete forgiveness. There was famine in the city. The leaders of the uprising executed noblemen-traitors, weapons and bread were confiscated from the nobles, monasteries, the tops of the townspeople. This caused dissatisfaction among wealthy citizens. By 24 Aug. 1650 Pskovians took the oath to the tsar, 25 Aug. the power of the governor was restored in the city. Contrary to the royal promises and the decision of the Zemsky Sobor in October - November, the leaders of the P. v. were arrested, tortured and exiled.

July 25, 1662 - copper riot. The rebels claimed damages for copper money, salt, and so on. The guest Vasily Shorin was plundered, most went to Kolomenskoye, where they solicited appeals from the boyars and courtiers to the tsar. The king announced that their grievances would be atoned for. In the meantime, an order was sent to two streltsy regiments to suppress the unrest. The regiments were let through the rear gates of the palace, they connected with the horsemen from the courtiers and, having attacked through the large gates, scattered the rebels, some were driven into the river, others were killed. Many rebels were hanged the next day, and about 2,000 with their wives and children were subsequently exiled. Around the same time, the Bashkir Tatars were outraged. The reason for the revolt was the oppression and extortion of the governors.

The Moscow uprising of 1682, "Khovanshchina" (headed by I. A. Khovansky), a major anti-government uprising of Moscow archers and soldiers, supported by part of the townspeople and peasants of the surrounding villages.

Strengthening of the feudal serfdom. oppression, the growth of abuses and violence by the state. administration, a reduction in the salary of archers, deductions from it, will force. the work of archers for their superiors, etc.

The struggle between the palace parties (Peter or Ivan) sharply escalated. Rumors spread about the murder of Tsarevich Ivan by the boyars.

May 15 armed. Streltsy, soldiers and the townspeople and serfs who joined them occupied the Kremlin, demanding to extradite the leading figures of the pr-va. A. S. Matveev, the leaders of many orders, the most prominent military leaders and close relatives of Peter I were executed. The courtyards of the executed were destroyed, and the property was divided. The Judgment and Kholopy orders were also crushed (documents registering servitude were registered in it).

On May 26, the Zemsky Sobor approved Ivan the first tsar, Peter the second, and Sophia the regent. Streltsy were given huge sums (about 26 rubles for each archer). Khovansky sought to take the position of regent under the juvenile kings. By the end of the summer, Sophia managed to move on to decide, actions against Khovansky and the archers. The government announced the gathering of the noble militia. Khovansky did not dare to openly clash, at the request of Sophia, he arrived in Vozdvizhenskoye, where on September 17. was executed. The lack of a clear program of struggle, unified leadership, the presence of sharp contradictions among the archers themselves - all this led to defeat.

3. Peasant war led by S. Razin

In 1667, after the end of the war with the Commonwealth, a large number of fugitives poured into the Don. Famine reigned in the Don.

Back in March 1667, Moscow became aware that many residents of the Don "selected to steal to the Volga." The Cossack Stepan Timofeevich Razin stood at the head of the mass of unorganized, but brave, determined and armed people. He showed his willfulness by recruiting his detachment from the Cossack gola and alien people - fugitive peasants, townspeople, archers, who were not part of the Donskoy army and were not subordinate to the Cossack foreman.

He conceived a campaign in order to distribute the captured booty to the needy, feed the hungry, clothe and shoe the undressed and undressed. Razin, at the head of a detachment of Cossacks of 500 people, did not go to the Volga, but down the Don. It's hard to tell what his intentions were at that moment. It seems that this campaign was aimed at lulling the vigilance of the Volga governors and attracting supporters. People came to Razin from different places. Lead your troops to him.

In mid-May 1667, the Cossacks and the fugitive peasantry crossed over the crossing to the Volga. Razin's detachment grew to 2000 people. First, the Razints met a large trade caravan on the Volga, which included ships with exiles. The Cossacks seized goods and property, replenished stocks of weapons and provisions, took possession of the plows. Streltsy commanders and merchant clerks were killed, and exiles, most of the archers and rivermen who worked on merchant ships voluntarily joined the Razintsy.

Cossacks clashed with government troops. As the events of the Caspian campaign developed, the rebellious nature of the movement became more and more manifest.

Avoiding clashes with government troops, he short term and with small losses he spent his flotilla at sea, then moved to the Yaik River and easily captured the Yaitsky town. In all battles, Razin showed great courage. The Cossacks were joined by more and more people from the huts and plows.

Having entered the Caspian Sea, the Razintsy headed to its southern shores. Some time later, their ships stopped in the area of ​​the Persian city of Rasht. The Cossacks sacked the cities of Rasht, Farabat, Astrabad and wintered near the "amusing palace of the Shah", setting up an earthen town in his forest reserve on the Miyan-Kale peninsula. Having exchanged the captives for the Russians in the ratio of "one to four", in this way they replenished with people.

The release of Russian captives languishing in Persia and the replenishment of the Razin detachment with the Persian poor goes beyond the scope of military predatory actions.

In a naval battle near Pig Island, the Razintsy won a complete victory over the troops of the Persian Shah. However, the trip to the Caspian Sea was marked not only by victories and successes. Razintsy had heavy losses and defeats. The fight with large Persian forces near Rasht ended unfavorably for them.

At the end of the Caspian campaign, Razin gave the governors a bunchuk, a sign of his power, and returned some of the weapons. Then the Razintsy, having received the forgiveness of Moscow, returned to the Don. After the Caspian campaign, Razin did not disband his detachment. On September 17, 1669, 20 versts from the Black Yar, Razin demanded that the archers' heads come to him, and renamed the archers and feeders into his "Cossacks".

The reports of the governors of the southern cities about the independent behavior of Razin, that he “became strong” and was again plotting “distemper”, alerted the government. In January 1670, a certain Gerasim Evdokimov was sent to Cherkassk. Razin demanded that Evdokim be brought in and interrogated him, from whom did he come: from the great sovereign or the boyars? The messenger confirmed that from the king, but Razin declared him a boyar scout. The Cossacks drowned the royal envoy. In the town of Panshin, Razin gathered the participants of the upcoming campaign in a large circle. The ataman announced that he intended to “go from the Don to the Volga, and from the Volga to go to Russia ... so that ... from the Muscovite state, bring the boyars and duma people as traitors and in the cities the voivodes and clerks people” and give freedom to “black people”.

Soon 7000 Razin's army moved to Tsaritsyn. Having captured it, the Razintsy remained in the town for about 2 weeks. The battles in the lower reaches of the Volga in the spring and summer of 1670 showed that Razin was a talented commander. On June 22, Astrakhan was captured by the Razintsy. Without a single shot, Samara and Saratov passed to the Razintsy.

After that, the Razintsy began the siege of Simbirsk. At the end of August 1670, the government sent an army to suppress the Razin uprising. A month's stay near Simbirsk was Razin's tactical miscalculation. It made it possible to bring government troops here. In the battle near Simbirsk, Razin was seriously wounded, and later executed in Moscow.

Apparently, one of the main reasons for the failure of the Simbirsk was the lack of a permanent staff in the rebel army. Only the core of the Cossacks and archers remained stable in the Razin army, while numerous peasant detachments, which made up the bulk of the rebels, kept coming and going. They did not have military experience, and during the period that they were not in the ranks of the Razintsy, they did not have time to accumulate it.

The treasury was always short of money. The government came up with new taxes. Salt is a product that everyone needs, and the government hoped to replenish the treasury by introducing a tax on it. Salt prices increased 3-4 times. Salt consumption in the country has decreased. But without it it was impossible to prepare food for the winter: pickle mushrooms, cabbage, lard, fish. Salted fish was the staple food in the cities. Thousands of pounds of fish without salt rotted on the Volga. Thus, not only the poor population turned out to be dissatisfied, but also the merchants, who suffered heavy losses. And the treasury was not replenished.

As a result of general discontent in 1648, a “salt riot” took place in Moscow. The people stormed the gates of the Kremlin. People close to the king were killed. The courtyard of the boyar Morozov, who was considered the main culprit of the increase in the tax on salt, was plundered. The king was afraid. He dismissed the boyar Morozov and exiled him. The revolt in the capital began to subside.

In 1648-1650. a wave of urban uprisings swept the country. The salt tax was abolished, but the people demanded to restore order in the state and curb the willfulness of officials. In England, at the same time, the rebels cut off the head of the king. In France, the "king-role-sun" was forced to flee from the insurgent Paris. And in Russia, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich convened a Zemsky Sobor and made peace with representatives of the estates. The Council in 1649 adopted the Code, bringing the laws in line with the new situation in the country.

Novgorod uprising

The largest uprising in the capital broke out in 1682, and went down in history under the name Streltsy revolt, or Khovanshchina. People's dissatisfaction with the seizure of power by the boyars, who put 10-year-old Peter on the throne, was led by archers and "elected" (guards) soldiers of the Moscow garrison. The rebels dealt with those who oppressed the people with impunity, and held power in the capital for three months. The uprising also spread to other cities and garrisons of Russia.

A stone monument was erected on Red Square - a monument to the victory of the rebels. Their representatives controlled the work of the Boyar Duma and orders. Archers and soldiers were sure that the class of servicemen on the instrument should be on a par with the nobility in the state. But they allowed themselves to be deceived, bribed with privileges. The uprising ended in peace with the government of Princess Sophia, who promised to observe justice and fairness in the country. material from the site

Peter I had to interrupt his stay abroad as part of the Great Embassy and in 1698 urgently returned to Russia. A streltsy revolt began in the country. The king brutally dealt with its participants. The rioters were hanged on the ramparts in Moscow, many were executed on the chopping blocks. Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna Peter I considered the instigator of a riot. There was no direct evidence, but for him she personified all the past he hated. Sophia was forcibly forced to take the veil as a monk. So from Princess Sophia of the Romanov family, she turned into the nun Susanna.

Why is the 17th century called the "rebellious" century? The name comes from the word "revolt". Indeed, the 17th century in Russia is “replete” with riots, peasant and urban uprisings.

General characteristics of the 17th century

Each new Age brings a "new order". The 17th century in Russia is not an exception. During this, according to contemporaries, "troubled" period in Russia, the following events took place:

  • The end of the reign of the Rurik dynasty: after the death of Ivan the Terrible, two of his sons, Fedor and Dmitry, claimed the throne. The young Tsarevich Dmitry died in 1591, and in 1598 the "feeble-minded" Fyodor died;
  • The reign of "unborn" sovereigns: Boris Godunov, False Dmitry, Vasily Shuisky;
  • In 1613 on Zemsky Cathedral A new tsar was elected - Mikhail Romanov. From this moment begins the era of the reign of the Romanov dynasty;
  • In 1645, after the death of Mikhail Fedorovich, his son, Alexei Mikhailovich, rises to the throne, who was nicknamed "the quietest king" for his gentle character and kindness;
  • The end of the 17th century is characterized by a real "leapfrog" of succession to the throne: after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich, his eldest son Fyodor ascended the throne. But after six years of reign, he dies. The heirs Ivan and Peter were minors, and in fact the control of a large state passes to their older sister, Sophia;
  • After a series of uprisings, famine and turbulent years of the reign of "unborn" kings, the reign of the first Romanovs is marked by relative "calm": there were practically no wars, moderate transformations were carried out inside the country;
  • During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the church, previously independent, began to obey the state and pay taxes;
  • The events of the 17th century also include the reform of Patriarch Nikon, which introduced changes in the conduct of church rites, led to a split in Orthodox Church, the emergence of the movement of the Old Believers and, in the future, the brutal suppression of dissent;
  • The dominant position was occupied by the feudal system. At the same time, the first rudiments of capitalism appeared;
  • Serfdom was formalized: peasants were the property of the landowner, which could be sold, bought and inherited;
  • Strengthening the role of the nobility: the nobleman could not be deprived of the estate;
  • The urban population was recognized as a special class: on the one hand, it was independent, and on the other hand, it was attached to the cities (townspeople) and forced to pay a “tax” - monetary and in-kind duties;
  • Increase in direct taxes;
  • Restriction of Cossack liberty;
  • Published in 1649 Cathedral Code- the main set of laws that applies to all industries and areas government controlled from the economy to the state system;
  • The country's economy is based on agriculture;
  • Development of new territories in Siberia, the Volga region and on the southern borders of the state.

Rice. 1. Red Square in the second half of the 17th century in the painting by Vasnetsov

Riots of the "rebellious age"

All the events of the 17th century briefly listed above led to a deterioration in the economic and social situation of the Russian population, and as a result, to a massive increase in discontent.

Internal contradictions, frequent change of power, "adventurous" innovations, impoverishment of the population, hunger, economic backwardness - these are the main reasons for the growing "fermentation" among the townspeople and the rural population.

Below, everything was constantly smoldering, and only a spark was needed to kindle a big fire - popular movements. However, each rebellion needed its own spark - a specific reason. The following table presents the largest uprisings of the “rebellious age” in Russia, describing the main reason, indicating the date, participants in the movement, outlining the course of the uprising and summing up.

TOP 5 articleswho read along with this

Rice. 2. Copper coins of the 17th century

Table "Rebellious Age"


the date

Salt riot in Moscow

main reason - an increase in the salt tax on the initiative of Boris Morozov in 1646. As a result of the decree, the price of this irreplaceable product increases several times, and as a result, a decrease in salting of fish and hunger;

Main contributors - townspeople, who were later joined by archers and nobles, dissatisfied with the abuse of royal entourage;

The outbreak occurred at a time when Alexei Mikhailovich was returning from pilgrimage. The crowd stopped the tsar's carriage and demanded the resignation of the tsar's associates. In order to calm the people, the tsar promised to sort it out, but at that moment the unexpected happened - the courtiers accompanying the sovereign hit several people with whips, which provoked a rebellion. The rebellious people broke into the Kremlin. The main royal confidants were torn to pieces by the crowd - Pleshcheev, Trakhaniotov, clerk Nazaria. Boyar Morozov managed to be saved.

Eventually the salaries of the archers were increased, judges were replaced, the price of salt was lowered, and the township reform was carried out.

Unrest in Novgorod and Pskov

main reason - Sending bread to Sweden to pay off the debts of the government, which threatened with famine;

Main contributors - Metropolitan clerk Ivan Zheglov and shoemaker Elisha Grigoriev, nicknamed the Fox, who were the leaders of the rebels in Novgorod; market clerk Tomilka Vasiliev, archers Porfiry Koza and Iov Kopyto in Pskov.

Unrest began in Pskov, and two weeks later rolled over to Novgorod. However, doubts arose among the leaders of the uprising, they failed to organize the defense of the cities and continued to hope for the arrival and help of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

As a result The rebellion was crushed and its instigators executed.

Copper riot in Moscow

main reason - the introduction of copper money at the price of silver, as a result of which the production of unsupported copper coins increased, food prices rose, peasants refused to sell their products for copper, famine set in the city and there was a surge in counterfeiting;

Main contributors - peasants of suburban villages, artisans, butchers;

A militant crowd of thousands went to the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye, demanding to extradite all the same tsarist confidants-traitors. After threats, the king ordered the archers and soldiers who came to the rescue to curb the rebels. As a result, about 7 thousand people were killed, 150 were hanged, and the rest were exiled to Siberia.

Eventually , despite the bloody massacre yet copper coins have been withdrawn from circulation.

Rebellion of Stepan Razin


main reason The uprising was the social stratification of the Don Cossacks into the "house-loving" - who acquired property thanks to the Russian Tsar and served him, and into the "goofy" (blame) - who had recently arrived and hunted by robbery. The latter hated nobles and boyars.

Senka Razin - Don Cossack and leader of the uprising.

The first campaigns of Stepan Razin- these are mainly attacks on caravans of ships with one goal - robbery. They were not of a social nature, except that the prisoners taken by him from ordinary peasants and workers were granted freedom. However, later successful campaigns turned Razin's small band of robbers into an army of about 7,000 people. The nature of the campaigns also changed: with the conquest of Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara, the ambitions of the Cossack chieftain also increased. He announced that his army was supported by the allegedly surviving Tsarevich Alexei, the disgraced Patriarch Nikon, and he himself was the defender of the common people, intending to spread the Cossack orders throughout Russia.

However, he was soon defeated in Simbirsk, and subsequently the rebellion was brutally suppressed, and Razin himself was executed.

Streltsy rebellion or "Khovanshchina"

Can't single out one reason for the uprising . On the one hand - the dissatisfaction of the archers with the abuses of their superiors and the delay in salaries. On the other hand, there is a struggle between two clans - the Miloslavskys and the Naryshkins. The fact is that after the death of Fyodor Alekseevich, two young princes claimed the throne - Ivan and Peter, behind whom respectively stood the Miloslavskys with Princess Sophia, and the Naryshkins. At the Zemsky Sobor, it was decided to transfer the government into the hands of Peter. However, the opposing side took advantage of the dissatisfaction of the Moscow archers and with their help, supporting their demands, "pushed through" a compromise solution - to put two brothers in the kingdom at once under the regency of Princess Sophia.

Main contributors - Moscow archers led by princes Khovansky;

Streltsy and common people captured the Kremlin. During the uprising, the queen's brother Athanasius Naryshkin, famous boyars, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky were killed. Tsarevna Sofya, in gratitude for the help to Tsarevich Ivan, granted the archers the property of the murdered boyars and promised to pay salaries for 40 years. However, this did not pacify the rebels, and she became a hostage to their growing ambitions: Khovansky claimed an independent role and the overthrow of the Romanovs. As a result, he was captured and executed along with his son. The archers found themselves without a leader and were forced to surrender to the mercy of the princess;

Eventually Sophia ruled for 7 years, and the head of Streltsy was ordered to appoint a new person devoted to the ruler - Shaklovity.

A common feature of all the riots of the 17th century in Russia was spontaneity and pronounced tsarist illusions. In other words, the "rebels" and their leaders did not think and did not take any action against the king. On the contrary, they believed in his absolute power and infallibility, and believed that the autocrat did not know what his subjects were doing - boyars, duma people, landowners, governors.

Rice. 3. Portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

All popular uprisings, except for the Streltsy revolt, took place during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, paradoxically nicknamed the Quietest.

What have we learned?

The 17th century in the history of Russia, studied in the 10th grade, was remembered for the "abundance" of popular uprisings and riots. About what kind of century it was, with whom the popular movements are connected - with what names, the reign of which kings and which cities on the map of Russia, the detailed table “The Rebellious Age” tells.

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