Putty gypsum knauf uniflot. Knauf uniflot (25kg) high-strength gypsum putty

AT repair work oh putty is one of the most common building materials. Before the advent of drywall, it was used to level walls, and after that it was used to finish sealing joints in gypsum board structures. For this purpose, the Knauf brand offers Uniflot putty, in the manufacture of which the manufacturer selected specifications for drywall work.

Knauf putty is made from finely dispersed gypsum, to which polymer additives and impurities are added to change color. Mixture characteristics:

  • Layer thickness: minimum 0.1 cm, maximum 0.5 cm;
  • Solution consumption: 0.3 kg is spent on processing the ceiling, and 0.5 kg on partitions.
  • 15 mm maximum fraction size;
  • Strength: 5.2 MPa for compression, 2.7 MPa for bending.
  • Shelf life: 8 months in the package without damage.
Packing of dry powder - 25 kg

Preparation of putty

Preparation is important, because due to the use of the mixture not according to the rules, damage occurs, technical characteristics are reduced. We process the surface, without fail, clean it from dust and dry it. It will not be superfluous to pre-priming. Before carrying out work, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned, otherwise there is a possibility of deterioration in the quality of adhesion of the putty to the sheet. Characteristics of the place of application - strength and hardness. This guarantees the quality.

On the proper cooking solution draw Special attention. 1 liter of water is used per 2 kg of dry mix, mixed until a homogeneous mass is created. It is not recommended to exceed the amount of putty for this volume of liquid; if the mixture is too fluid, it will flow down the wall.

Only clean equipment should be used for mixing, since only in this way there will be no unnecessary impurities in the composition. Tools that come into contact with putty are made of stainless steel.

There is 50 minutes to apply the resulting mixture, since after this time the material will set and harden in the vessel. It will be impossible to use it.

Putty mixture Knauf Uniflot is intended for use in internal works. Reinforced tape is not required.

Applying putty


Application takes 1.5 hours and occurs in two stages. In the first, cracks and holes are filled. Then, after an hour, the surface is covered with a second layer. It is advised to work with a wide spatula. If there are any irregularities, they should be cleaned. Do this with fine-grained sandpaper. Coarse-grained should not be taken, since it is intended only for primary processing, and not for polishing the surface. Exactly according to the same principle, the fasteners that you want to hide are puttied.

After all the prepared mixture has been used, it is necessary to immediately rinse the containers and tools that were used. If the plaster remains in the package, then it is carefully closed so that it does not pick up moisture from the air and does not harden.

Result of work

The benefits of putty

The Knauf mixture is in excellent contact with drywall sheets, as it was created specifically for this purpose. Thanks to special impurities and high-tech production, such material does not shrink after application and does not crack. It perfectly masks seams and other shortcomings. Uniflot putty is made from environmentally friendly components that do not have a harmful effect on both humans and the environment.

Dry putty mixture based on high-strength gypsum with polymer additives.

Gypsum dry mixes can be various colors, from white to gray and even to pink. This is due to the presence of natural impurities in the gypsum stone.

The color of the mixture does not affect its characteristics in any way.


Designed for sealing joints of KNAUF-gypsum boards (GKL), KNAUF-super-sheets (GVL), KNAUF-superfloor (floor elements from GVLV) and perforated KNAUF-Klineo boards with 4PK edge and KNAUF-Acoustics with 4PK and 2FK/2PK edges.

When using a mixture of Knauf-Uniflot, butt joints of sheets with a semicircular thinned edge (PLUK) are sealed without using a reinforcing tape.

Designed for interior work.


High-strength gypsum putty KNAUF-Uniflot surpasses all similar materials in its technological and technical performance. It is especially effective when sealing transverse joints of KNAUF plasterboard sheets;

Does not crack or shrink;

The material is made of environmentally friendly natural mineral (gypsum) and does not contain substances harmful to human health.


Layer thickness:

Minimum: 1mm

Maximum: 5mm

For ceilings: 0.3 kg

For partitions: 0.5 kg

Maximum fraction size: no more than 0.15 mm


Compression: 5.2 MPa

Bending: 2.7 MPa

Packing: paper bag, 25 and 5 kg

Shelf life: 9 months in undamaged packaging

Knauf Uniflot high-strength gypsum putty 25 kg. Uniflot price per bag, buy with delivery in the online store of building materials.

High-strength gypsum putty Knauf - Uniflot is widely known in Russia. The foundation building mix- gypsum. Putty is intended for internal finishing works in room. Despite the fact that they buy it less often than Knauf Fugen putty, it has proven itself in the professional environment of builders and finishers.

Uniflot Knauf putty is designed to perform the following work:

Joint processing drywall sheets(GKL) with a semicircular edge without the use of reinforcing tape;

Sealing the boundaries between drywall sheets with other types of edges using reinforcing tape;

Seals of floor parts made of gypsum-fiber sheet (GVL);

Sealing gypsum fiber sheet (GVL) with different types hem.

High-strength gypsum putty Knauf - Uniflot is produced in paper bags, weighing 5 and 25 kg. It is recommended to store bags with the mixture in a dry place on wooden pallets. open material must be used first. The shelf life of unopened packaging is 9 months from the date of manufacture.

Uniflot Knauf putty is resistant, looks like a granular powder.

On the market of building and finishing materials, putty is available in 3 colors: white, gray and pink. The shade has absolutely no effect on the technical performance of the putty.

The advantages of uniflot knauf putty include:

High strength;


The strongest connection with the surface;

The coating does not deform when dried;

High service life of the coating;

The material is environmentally friendly;

Economic consumption of the mixture.

In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages. Among the shortcomings, the following indicators can be distinguished:

Preparation of uniflot knauf putty:

Pour the dry putty mixture into a bowl with clean cool water. For 1 kg of the mixture - 0.5 liters of water). The water temperature should not exceed 30 °C;

Stir the mixture with a mixer at low speed;

The addition of other components to the Knauf Uniflot putty mixture is unacceptable! This leads to a significant deterioration in properties.

frozen solution use is prohibited, the addition of water does not restore the working properties of the mixture. Duration of preservation of working properties before setting - no more than 45 minutes.

One of the most popular means for repair work is Uniflot Knauf putty, the technical characteristics of which perfectly meet all the requirements. This material has many advantages that provide high consumer demand.

The purpose of Uniflot Knauf putty and its characteristics

The technical characteristics of Uniflot (Knauf) putty, its purpose are determined by the composition of the material. The basis of the building mixture is gypsum. It provides the putty with ideal plasticity, which allows you to create an even layer, qualitatively close up irregularities, roughness, and depressions. The material is environmentally friendly, so it can be freely used in living quarters. Gypsum base does not provide a mixture of high moisture resistance. Therefore, the data Construction Materials used for interior work.

Uniflot Knauf putty is used in finishing:

  • Ceilings
  • Partitions
  • sexes

The material is ideal for sealing joints between sheets and Knauf boards. In this case, reinforcing tape does not need to be used. Ready putty can be applied in layers of 1-5 mm. Consumption Knauf Uniflot per 1 m 2 when finishing partitions, walls is 500 g, when finishing ceilings - 300 g. The strength of the layer for bending is 2.7 MPa, for compression - 5.2 MPa. The material dries quickly, so the amount of the prepared mixture is calculated for 20 minutes of work. Due to the high rate of hardening of the solution, one hour after applying the first layer, you can proceed to the finishing putty.

Benefits of Knauf UNIFLOT, material reviews

Knauf UNIFLOTT putty has several undeniable advantages that make it popular. This material:

  • Convenient to work
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Strong and durable
  • Economical

The high plasticity of the solution makes it easy to cope with the work even for beginners. The fine fraction of the mixture allows you to qualitatively close up any irregularities. There are no components harmful to health in the material. High compressive and flexural strength ensures that the created layer maintains its integrity for a long time. Knauf UNIFLOT putty is economical. It is enough to look at the characteristics of the Fugenfuller putty () to make sure that Uniflott mixtures are consumed 2 times less for the same area.

In order to ensure high quality result, it is necessary to choose the right material, taking into account the peculiarities of the operating conditions. For example, the differences are insignificant, but you need to pay attention to them in order to properly prepare and use the material.

Decoration Materials, it would seem, do not form the basis of the house, and therefore play a smaller role. But it's not. At the stage of puttying walls and surfaces, the inner beauty of the room is determined.

The evenness of the walls, the integrity of the seams and corners, and durability depend on the putty. decorative design and the comfort of the whole house. One of the highest quality putties sold in construction markets and supermarkets is Knauf Uniflot.

Material Features

The purpose of the material is the formation of a flat and smooth surface, on top of which further fine finish. Also, the putty layer performs minor waterproofing properties.

Use as a leveling layer is relevant when there are minor surface drops, small chips or cracks. In the presence of big problems with evenness of the surface, it is better to replace the material with plaster.

Knauf Uniflot is used everywhere - both for floors and walls, both in residential premises and in basements or attics.

This material from a well-known manufacturer is used mainly for drywall:

  • Gypsum plasterboard sheets;
  • Super sheets or gypsum fiber sheets GVL Superpol;
  • GLVL floor elements;
  • Perforated boards with edges, etc.

However, for any other surfaces, its use is also possible and also relevant. Can be used on wood and concrete surfaces brickwork, thermal insulation materials(styrofoam, polyurethane foam).

Uniflot putty is designed for indoor use only. She not only level and cover the walls, but also seal the seams, level the corners and even glue drywall sheets and slabs to flat surfaces.

High adhesion allows you not to experience any problems with glued on this species surface putty.

Uniflot is sold in dry form, the building mixture is based on gypsum, it is supplemented with special polymer additives. Individual fractions of the finished and dry mix do not exceed 0.15 mm. Traditionally, the color of the mixture is white, but on sale you can find colored putty (from shades of gray to pink).

The color is acquired by adding natural dyes, it does not change any characteristics. On the contrary, it gives the material new properties - decorative. Thus, if desired, plaster can also be used as a finishing coating.

By the way, in non-residential premises and various public buildings often they do this, simply finishing the walls with putty. Cheap, fast, practical and simple, and it looks beautiful.

Uniflot putty is applied easily, the maximum coating layer is 5 mm, the minimum is 1 mm. Material consumption depends on the type of surface, on average, 0.3 kg is spent on the ceiling, 0.5 kg / sq.m. on partitions. meter. This material is very plastic, vapor-tight and absolutely safe for health.

In the store you will be offered a dry mix in Uniflot Knauf 5 kg and 25 kg paper bags. The shelf life in this form is up to 9 months, provided that the packaging has not been broken.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the analogues of putties, Knauf Uniflot is confidently in the lead. Due to its properties, this material is not only safe and easy to use - it has a number of undeniable advantages that make it one of the most purchased and sought-after compositions. In particular:

  • does not shrink (which means it will not crack after drying, which is especially important for seams and joints);
  • relatively easy to use (although it requires some experience);
  • allows you to form a flat, uniform surface;
  • is cheap;
  • can be applied to almost all modern building materials (including heat-insulating ones).

The material still has drawbacks, but they are not related to quality. This material requires a certain amount of experience, both when mixing and when applying.

How to apply?

Apply the material only on a dry and even surface, without oils and other substances complicating bonding. If you are renovating and not building from scratch, then paint or wallpaper should be removed from the walls and partitions. Although textured plaster is still used for this.

The mixture is diluted as follows: 2 kg of dry mixture is poured into a liter pure water and stir until smooth. The “recipe” is general informational and does not encourage action - The right way cooking must be read on the packaging!

Remember that the mixture will begin to harden after 20 minutes - so you have a limited amount of time at your disposal.

This makes the application process less convenient if you want to cover large area(and this is usually the case with repairs). You simply will not have time to apply the solution to the surface of all the walls of the room (for example), and you will have to prepare it again.

However, this drawback is not too significant, and it takes a minimum of extra time. And in fact, almost all solutions from other manufacturers have the same properties, so you should not focus on this.

Now we will describe in stages how exactly the application of Knauf Uniflot will look like (and, in fact, any other putty):

  1. The surface is cleaned from the old coating, dust and dirt.
  2. Ideally, the surface is primed to improve the adhesion of the putty.
  3. The solution is prepared in the required amount.
  4. The application is carried out with a spatula (metal or plastic) - the solution is smeared with it over the surface, after which it is leveled with a plumb line.
  5. The first layer of putty is recommended to be no thicker than 5-7 mm (again, read the instructions on the package).
  6. Cracks, joints and chips should be treated several times.
  7. After the layer has dried, it should ideally be cleaned with sandpaper.

The second layer (and subsequent ones, if any) is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Then you can putty on the walls under the wallpaper and apply plaster on the wall.

How to apply? (video)

How much does it cost?

In the markets now it is not easy to find high-quality and original goods and buy Uniflot Knauf. Pay special attention to the choice of putty, if you buy a fake, you can harm your health.

Pay attention to the expiration date, as well as the integrity of the package: if you can see traces of storage violations on it, then it is better to refuse to buy in this store.

The price for Knauf Uniflot can be different, it depends only on the volume of the package (well, on the region, too, by the way). The price of Knauf Uniflot for 5 kg is 290 rubles, a package of 25 kg costs 1125 rubles. How much does it cost to prepare metal for painting?

Knauf UNIFLOT special putty for joints is designed for sealing joints of gypsum boards and panels based on them (panel finishing elements, perforated and slotted panels). When using UNIFLOT putty, butt joints are sealed without the use of reinforcing tapes. Particularly recommended for sealing transverse joints of gypsum boards (edges with chamfered).

Surface preparation:

Sub-base surfaces must be sound, firm, load-bearing, clean and dry.


Pour a maximum of 2 kg of dry material into 1 liter of clean water and stir with a trowel until the consistency of sour cream. It is not necessary to leave to swell. Use clean containers and tools for mixing. Working time before the start of setting is about 20 minutes.

Knauf Uniflot consumption:

The consumption of putty depends on the shape of the processed edges in the seams between the plasterboard panels.

Operating procedure:

Work with a spatula with a screwdriver and a wide (20 cm) spatula. Longitudinal joints of construction gypsum boards with a semi-circular edge (HRAK) and other joints (chamfered edges) can be puttied with UNIFLOT in two passes within about 1 hour without the use of reinforcing tapes. UNIFLOT dries and hardens very quickly.

Fill the seams by pressing the material with a spatula. After a short exposure (after about 30 minutes), remove excess material in places where thickenings appear. Possible minor irregularities should be lightly sanded with grout.

Fastener details are also puttied in 2 passes.

Seized material must not be recycled due to the risk of cracking!

Rinse tools and containers immediately after use with water (gypsum residues reduce the time of work with the material of subsequent batches).

Storage and packaging of Knauf Uniflot:

Store in a dry place - shelf life is 9 months. Seal the opened package well. Packing - bags on 25 kg, 5 kg.