Create the ideal living environment. Why game learning is the most effective

V modern conditions it is considered very prestigious to have your own real estate in the suburbs. In particular, such objects are to the liking of the capital's residents who are tired of the noise and gas pollution of the metropolis. Moreover, many people dream of housing in a modern cottage community, where activity and regularity are successfully combined. Developers are well aware of the relevance similar type real estate, therefore they are trying to create all conditions for the construction of comfortable facilities located at an acceptable distance from Moscow and sold at affordable prices.

The cottage village Afineevo Park can be safely called one of the best offers for modern market... It is located just 28 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, so you can reach it by car in just 20 minutes. It should be noted that the development plan was created in such a way that the residential area is divided into 345 plots, the area of ​​which varies from 8.5 to 15 acres. It is also encouraging that the responsible authorities are planning to build specialized infrastructure facilities here, among which there will be Kindergarten, sports complex, leisure center, school and more.

Afineevo Park is a profitable investment in the future

Naturally, the territory has not yet been equipped with everything necessary, but over time it is planned to turn the village into a developed place that will not only be suitable for living, but will also be able to demonstrate to all residents the profitability of buying a home on this territory. It is curious to note that brick, wooden cottages and duplexes are being built here. The layouts of buildings are diverse and functional, so each buyer gets an individual solution that will surely suit his taste. Thanks to large areas glazing cottages acquire visual weightlessness and lightness. This architectural solution allows you to make sure that Living spaces will be filled with natural light. The thoughtfulness and functionality of the interior will have a positive effect on good mood all residents of the house.

Having visited the Afineevo-Park-Poselok.Ru website, you can leave a request for the selection of the best offer. Since the objects are very popular among connoisseurs of high-quality housing and a favorable location, the village is periodically filled with new residents, who will surely appreciate all the features of their purchase.

Remote work, freelancing is not at all the desire of individual unorganized citizens to get away from the oppression of labor discipline, but a global trend in the digital economy. Employers are primarily interested in hiring remote employees.

  • Incessant economic forces are forcing businesses to look for opportunities to optimize production. There is no need to create for the remote worker workplace, rent an office, purchase equipment.
  • The developed internet creates ideal conditions, in which it can be quite efficiently conducted in a remote format.
  • Working via the Internet significantly reduces the cost of dynamics work force... There is no more need to move to a place of attractive work - you can collaborate online.

However, effective and efficient remote work requires a completely different organizational structure project management, rather than when employees are concentrated in one place. The creative team at Wrike, a cloud-based project management system, has compiled a list of best practices to make remote work more comfortable and productive.

Wrike Remote Optimization

A common mistake aspiring remote workers make an attempt to transfer traditional office discipline principles into the home environment. Free from supervisory supervision, working conditions provide new opportunities and they need to learn how to put them into practice.

Trying to move office project management to freelance is like trying to live like a metropolis in a wild forest - uncomfortable and counterproductive.

Stop thinking like an office worker

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The editors of the site have not given harmful advice to our readers for a long time. This is probably because we are terrible bastards here. Do you know how good it is to be pigs? You do something so slowly that your colleagues will end up spitting and doing everything themselves. And no, this does not threaten a reprimand at all. Or, friends are going to the dacha, and you come later than everyone else, when the salads have already been cut and the brazier has been lit - well, beauty. And it doesn't annoy anyone that you are!

Rule one: hurry up!

To grow a kopushka, you need to constantly push the child. Your main words are “come on already,” “faster,” “as long as possible,” “are you even going to get dressed ?!”, “we're late,” etc. Try to make any situation where the child hesitates as uncomfortable as possible. Then the baby will be even more confused, and if you're lucky, he will start to hesitate even to spite you.

If the child is doing something slowly, for example, putting together a portfolio, do it for him. You will still do it faster than your little snail. At the same time, when doing the job for the kid, it is also advisable to constantly whine about the fact that he cannot do anything himself and that you always have to tinker with him. This will help the child understand that if you do something slowly, someone will come and do it for you.

Do not give the children extra time so that they can do everything calmly and without haste. Get up at 7 - go out at 7.30. And no, no - wake up 10 minutes early and have time for everything. Put the child in a well-defined box and constantly rush. "Everybody, give it up, let's go."

Give the children complex and multi-step tasks like: "We are going to leave soon, go get dressed, wash, feed the hamster, find a notebook in Russian and run to collect the portfolio." The child will surely get confused, listen to half of what has been said and go into his own thoughts. And he will take a notebook on mathematics. He remembered this!

Never negotiate a time frame for your child. Everything needs to be done now, soon or already. No "let's go to dinner in 10 minutes." Just face the fact that he is already late, this will excite the child even more. And why rush - if it's too late?

Rule two: scold!

Kopushu must constantly be scolded. "How unassembled you are", "well, you and a turtle", "because of you, we ...". This will traumatize the child. You get angry, and he will start doing everything to spite you. This means that it will learn to procrastinate, which is what we need.

Don't give him the right to make excuses. "Where did you leave the textbook?" - and without waiting for an answer: “Forgot again? Come on, remember quickly. " It's the same with lessons. Don't let the kid collect his thoughts before answering, be responsible for him.

We advise you to cultivate a conscious kopushu. Who understands all the advantages of slow work. Such a child will quickly do what he wants, and slowly what he does not want. To do this, you need to convince him that there is no slower child in the world. You can use swearing, or you can tell him and with him what a special child you have with subtle thinking, who is a genius, but it takes time for genius thoughts. And soon the baby himself will begin to use your arguments.

Slowness for a child is the possibility of rebellion. He cannot openly tell you that he is unhappy with something, so he chooses an option where there is nothing to blame him for. Well, for a long time, but what to do ... It is much easier to scold a kid for other misdeeds, but who scolds for daydreaming?

Never praise children for doing something quickly and accurately. So he tried to do his homework as soon as possible to go for a walk, and you just said: “Well, finally! There is no more time for a walk, it's time to have supper. " And why then try, if no one praises and there will be no reward!

Rule three: don't help!

Helping a child to concentrate is quite simple, you can do it by accident, in between times, so now we will warn you in advance that we can turn a real kopushka into an ordinary boy or girl.

First, no sports sections! Such activities develop discipline in children, and physical labor generally helps to concentrate. So no time competition. And not for a while, either, just in case.

Secondly, no summer camps, long-term stay of circles and summer at the grandmother. Once in an unfamiliar environment, a child can begin to adapt to circumstances, try not to stand out from the crowd and, thus, gain speed.

Thirdly, no memory training sessions, no breaks between work, no requests to help mom, no "who's faster" games. Let the child lock up in his fantasy world and continue to lose the thread of what is happening at the snap of his fingers.

Finally, dig for yourself. Let the family be an example for the little hogwash!

And if you do not want to grow up a mess, read our useful materials:

Date of publication:

We lost the first two cherries when we planted them next to a barrel of water, where we washed dishes and hands. As a result, the bark of the trees underwent an excess of water and they died. The third tree was lost due to coccomycosis. We didn’t know then that early falling leaves were a sign of a severe disease that would negate all efforts to grow cherries. As a result, in August the cherry was left without foliage, and in the spring it turned out that it did not survive the winter. The weakened plant simply froze out.

Since then, we have been very attentive to planting cherries. We choose a place for planting sensibly. It should be on a hill or southwestern slopes. The soil warms up there better and the tree will never be flooded. melt water and just heavy showers. However, strong hills are also not suitable. In winter, the wind blows off the snow there, which can damage the roots. And in summer, the trees on the hills suffer from strong winds.

But the worst of all are the lowered areas and pits. It is better to completely abandon planting cherries than to plant them in the lowlands.

But cherries have an omnivorous attitude to soils. It can grow in both carbonate and acidic areas. But it is desirable that the soil is fertile. Therefore, before planting for digging, you need to add 500 kg of manure per one hundred square meters of land. It will be useful to clayey areas add straw, since if the soil is not loosened there, then the cherry will suffer from gum leakage and sunburn... And of course, acidic soils must be limed before planting.

The planting pattern is highly dependent on the variety. Varieties with wide crowns: Yubileynaya, Flask pink, Shubinka, Vladimirskaya, Chudo-cherry, Dessertnaya Morozova and others are planted at a distance of 3-3.5 m from each other.

Semi-dwarfs can be planted denser - by 2-3 m. These are such low-growing varieties as Turgenevka, Lyubskaya, Polevka, Zagorievskaya, Chernookaya, Molodezhnaya and others.

You can plant it more densely if the area is small. Cherry, unlike most fruits, tolerates a compacted planting well.

It is best to plant cherries in the fall. She is not afraid of frost and winters well. If you did not have time in the fall, planting can be postponed to early spring or winter thaws.

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They are afraid of falling into the wrong hands and losing their value. Money is everything? Money, as people, does not want to work where it is bad for them In Russia, the conviction has formed that the main thing for economic growth is to send the right amount of money to the right place. The programs and proposals of business, experts and the government speak only of taxes, government spending, subsidies, etc. No dispute, money is important, but it does not solve all problems. For example, in the USSR, each investment project approved by the government was provided with credit resources and general norm accumulation was very high (almost 30% of GDP). Despite this, the return on investment every year became lower and lower, and the growth rates were fading (for example, for the Russian economy they averaged 4.6% in the 70s and only 1.2% in the last five years as part of the USSR ). The explanation is simple - money works only where the right economic environment has been created: market mechanisms operate, state resources are distributed transparently and "regardless of faces", etc.

e. World experience unequivocally testifies: an increase in expenditures with a low "quality of the state" practically does nothing for growth. If you turn to Russian realities, then we will see that complaints about the lack of money are accompanied by a chronic outflow of capital (since 2008, on average, 4.5% of GDP leaves the country!). In other words, money, as people, does not want to work where they feel bad. If, however, they are rigidly tied to certain projects (as some economists are now proposing and as it was once in the USSR), then they work extremely ineffectively - as always happens when something is done under the duress. So tax breaks or cheap money are always a boon for those who receive them, but rarely for the country. Graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics and graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Main areas of activity - macroeconomic forecasting, fiscal policy, analysis of the tax system, debt policy, modeling financial system, exchange rate policy. Author of over 100 scientific publications. He worked at the Research Institute for Pricing, the Institute for Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Since 1994 - in the Economic Expert Group. In the modern global world, money is one of the most active substances: they move quickly, as if alive, looking for the most attractive points of application. With a bit of irony, we can say that today you need to treat money not like in Soviet time, when they were a passive object, and, accordingly, their new role - as important subjects of the economic process. There will be no money economic development, but in order for them to work successfully for our economy, money must not be distributed, but attracted. We must create the perfect environment for them, provide whatever they love, and avoid anything that scares them. First of all, it is necessary that the money is not afraid to be with us. The two main dangers for them are falling into the wrong hands and losing their value. The first condition requires reliable protection of property, guaranteeing the rights of investors - in these matters, unfortunately, we are deep outsiders in all international ratings. The second condition implies the pursuit of a strong macroeconomic policy: maintaining low and predictable inflation, current and long-term fiscal sustainability (including in the event of fluctuations in oil prices).

Things are better here, but the government is just learning how to make ends meet in the face of cheaper oil. The next requirement is maximum freedom and equality for money. It is necessary to achieve the elimination of all artificial barriers to investment: external (primarily related to sanctions) and internal, including for foreign capital. Further, it is necessary that all money have equal rights to participate in public procurement, implementation of public investment projects, etc., without being subjected to any discrimination. The third point is that money should be given the opportunity to earn normally. V last years the share of profit in the structure of GDP (which determines the return on capital) has been consistently decreasing, since wages have grown faster than labor productivity. This was largely due to the fact that labor was becoming an increasingly scarce resource. Now this problem is aggravating - the unemployment rate is at a historical low, while, due to demographic trends, a long period of decline in the labor force has begun.

Vigorous action needs to be taken to offset this trend, or it will not be profitable for money to work in Russian economy... Finally, the fourth requirement - it is necessary to allow money to work for the future, and not to preserve the past. Now a significant part of financial, material and labor resources is used to maintain outdated, inefficient enterprises. This is done with the best of intentions - so as not to create the social tension that can arise in the event of bankruptcy. But by doing so, we are solving immediate problems at the expense of the future, blocking the development of promising industries. In a word, money is everything, including where to work! So let's make the country as attractive as possible for them.