Create black and white photography from color and vice versa in Photoshop. Color Mode Monochrome

Has become quite popular these days black and white style Photo. This style has some zest, romance and charm.

There are two known method obtaining black and white images - the function of converting the image in b / w to digital camera and in any graphics editor. Of the two above methods, the second is preferable, i.e. processing in Photoshop. Because of which?

A digital camera automatically performs processing from a color version to black and white, without capturing all the nuances colors and does not leave color data at the end of the mixing of all data, partially losing along with this the details of the frame.

Photoshop is so beautiful that it can transform a black-and-white photograph, highlight the details of an object, and also highlight any colored element against the background of the "gray mass".

So, let's look at a couple of ways to instantly turn color photography into black and white.

Making a black-and-white photo of color Method # 1

This is the most uncomplicated method, but not the best quality, tk. the image is slightly hazy due to low contrast. But it is invariably possible to correct the result.

Open the photo in the photo editor. Find in the menu the "Image" tab (Image) and do the command "Correction - Desaturate" (Adjustments - Desaturate).

Making a black-and-white photograph of color Method number 2

In the "Image" tab (Image) we make the command "Mode - Grayscale" (Mode - Grayscale). Also a very simple, but not effective method.

We make a black-and-white photograph of color. Method # 3

This is a more complex method. Go to the "Layer" menu and execute the command - "New Adjustment Layer" - "Color / Saturation" or Ctrl + U. Move the "Saturation" slider to zero.

Affairs duplicate of the domestic image: "Layer" - "New duplicate layer". In the side menu on the right, change the blending mode from "Normal" to "Overlay", reduce the opacity to 70-80%. Now add an adjustment layer by making a command "Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Brightness / Contrast".

Set the parameters you need, for example, as in the picture. Merge the layers by pressing the Shift + Ctrl + E keys at one moment.

Your photo is made with a little more contrast, broader, deeper.

This method is also considered difficult for a beginner, but fully doable. We open the domestic color photograph and add an adjustment layer by making the same command "Layer - New Adjustment Layer", but choose not "Brightness / Contrast", but "Mixing Channels." You should see a window like this:

We put a tick next to the function "your" photo and Monochrome is made as if overexposed. So that it does not remain as such, move the sliders (red, green, light blue and constant) in different directions, choosing the shade that suits you.

By the way, if you succeed in this business, then you can take a photo in the style of "pseudo big key". To do this, I reduced the constant to -12, increased the light blue channel to +6, green to +28, red to +92. But you will be able to have completely different parameters, it all depends on the original color and the already set brightness of your photo.

In order to whitewash the background (if, of course, it is necessary), create a new deserted layer by making the "Layer - New" command or by pressing the Shift + Ctrl + N keys at one moment. Now let's take the brush white opacity from 20 to 40% and paint over unnecessary areas background... The deed is done, now we merge the domestic layers, using the Shift + Ctrl + E keys.

The last move is to enhance the contrast and sharpen the photo. To do this, execute the command "Image - Correction - Brightness / Contrast" and set the parameters you need. But don't make the photo too contrasting! Now let's increase the sharpness a little by making the command "Filter - Sharpness - Sharpness on the edges"

So, black and white photography turned out to be successful. If thirsty, it may add a little color or highlight some catchy object in the photo.

To give a little romantic color to the photo in the right toolbar next to the "Layers" tab we find the "Channels" tab

Select the light blue channel. Then we execute the command "Image - Correction - Brightness / Contrast", reduce the contrast to -10 - 15. As a result, we have a photo with a little purple tint.

The same can be done with the green and red channels.

Now, using the example of the second photo, we will try to select one catchy object in 2 steps against the background of a black and white photo!

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Little secrets of monochrome pictures. Photoshop tutorial.

Monochrome is now very popular in decoupage and scrapbooking. Monochrome pictures are used for translation on both fabric and wood. But it is not always possible to find a suitable picture, and I also want the work to be really unique. But almost any picture can be made monochrome, having the most basic skills in Photoshop. In this tutorial I will tell you how to make this monochrome image from this color picture.

1. Open the picture in Photoshop. It is better to open it not with the background, but with a new layer.

2.First of all, let's desaturate it. Image-Correction-Desaturate.

3. Having completed this operation, we get the following picture. It seems to be monochrome. But I don’t think that anyone would like such a picture. Therefore, we continue to work on it. We perform the following operations:

1-turn off the background.

2- with the left mouse button, double-click on the picture in the layers palette. The Layer Styles tab will drop out.

3- in the Layer Styles tab, start moving the slider to the left on the This layer scale. Move the slider until the white and gray areas become transparent.

4. Approximately in this position of the slider, the desired result is obtained. Sometimes it is enough to move the slider just a little to get the desired result.

5.Above the image layer, add a new transparent layer.

6. Merge the transparent layer with the layer with the picture. To do this, standing on a transparent layer, press the key combination Ctrl-E. Turn on the background filled with white.

7. Optionally, add a border to the picture and get a unique picture, such as no one else will have.

Creative successes to all !. There will be questions, ask, do not hesitate.

Little secrets of monochrome pictures. Photoshop tutorial.

Monochrome is now very popular in decoupage and scrapbooking. Monochrome pictures are used for translation on both fabric and wood. But it is not always possible to find a suitable picture, and I also want the work to be really unique. But almost any picture can be made monochrome, having the most basic skills in Photoshop. In this tutorial I will tell you how to make this monochrome image from this color picture.

1. Open the picture in Photoshop. It is better to open it not with the background, but with a new layer.

2.First of all, let's desaturate it. Image-Correction-Desaturate.

3. Having completed this operation, we get the following picture. It seems to be monochrome. But I don’t think that anyone would like such a picture. Therefore, we continue to work on it. We perform the following operations:

1-turn off the background.

2- with the left mouse button, double-click on the picture in the layers palette. The Layer Styles tab will drop out.

3- in the Layer Styles tab, start moving the slider to the left on the This layer scale. Move the slider until the white and gray areas become transparent.

4. Approximately in this position of the slider, the desired result is obtained. Sometimes it is enough to move the slider just a little to get the desired result.

5.Above the image layer, add a new transparent layer.

6. Merge the transparent layer with the layer with the picture. To do this, standing on a transparent layer, press the key combination Ctrl-E. Turn on the background filled with white.

7. Optionally, add a border to the picture and get a unique picture, such as no one else will have.

Creative successes to all !. There will be questions, ask, do not hesitate.

Not all pictures are spectacular in color. Some look much better in black and white. And the developers of Photoshop have provided a special color mode for their creation. Complexity: low Time: up to 30 minutes Skills for "pumping": - color correction - work in Grayscale mode - quick hair and hairstyle drawing - work with layer blending modes - transformation and distortion of objects
Step 1. Monochrome design lessons are very interesting both in the technique of their implementation and in the final result. Therefore, let's get started. You can take this sketch, or you can make your own, scan it and open it in Photoshop.
Step 2. Open a new Grayscale document and fill the background with black. Select the outline of the model with the Path tool and place it in the main document: Path - Copy - Paste (Path> Copy> Paste). Activate the Eraser and soften the image around the edges. Set the blending mode to Screen.
Step 3. Go to Image - Brightness / Contrast (Image> Adjustments> Brightness / Contrast). Reduce brightness and increase contrast. Don't make the image too dark!
Step 4. Duplicate the layer. Select the Mode Soft Light (Soft Light) and add a Gaussian Blur filter (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) with a sufficiently large radius. Open Brightness / Contrast (Brightness / Contrast) again and tweak the image to your liking. Step 5. Let's work with the hair. Open up new document with the Grayscale parameter. Activate the Ellipse tool and draw a long oval shape. Fill it using a soft white brush with 70% opacity. Duplicate the layer 4-5 times, placing each take on top of the other. Select them and merge them using the Merge Layers command.
Step 6. Import the white strands into the main document. Transform a little by going to Edit> Transform> Warp. Duplicate several times, repeating the transformation each time. See, Photoshop tutorials let you create gorgeous hairstyles!
Step 7. Select all strands and merge the layers (Merge Layers). Set the blending mode to Screen.
Step 8. Let's add flowers to the hair. Take the original image, reduce the opacity, duplicate the layer several times, resizing the colors, transforming them and changing the opacity of each layer. Use the blending mode Lightening (Screen). Add a Gaussian Blur filter to each duplicated layer. Don't make them too bright!
Step 9. Place the flower in the hair, duplicate the layer several times. Flowers should be different sizes Also, change the opacity of each layer.
Step 10. Select the large flower at the bottom of the image and duplicate the layer. Go to Filter> Distort> Twirl and give the flower an arch shape. Feel free to experiment!
Step 11. Open the bubbles image (ChromeBubbles.psd). Duplicate them and place the layers one on top of the other. Transform with the Warp tool and play with transparency to give the image more depth and expressiveness.
Step 12. Again go to Filter> Distort> Twirl and twirl some of the shapes you created. Set the mode to Screen, use a different transparency on each layer.
Step 13. Add more flowers to the background. Apply filter Gaussian Blur, play with transparency. The model in the picture should look very mysterious and mystical!
Step 14. Open the original bubble image again and choose a long, slightly curved shape. Go to Image> Adjustments> Invert, then add Gaussian Blur with a small radius. Increase the contrast slightly to make the blacks more saturated. You should end up with something like ink blots:
Step 15. Drag the ink blots above and open a new layer below them. Use a soft brush to paint some gray dots. Go to Layer> Merge Layers. Place a new layer at the bottom of the layers palette. Place the ink strands around the edges of the image:
Step 16. Let's add fish. Then, you get the effect that the model is submerged in water. You can add more bubbles to
Step 17. Now it's time to tackle chiaroscuro. To do this, work on certain areas with the Dodge tool and Burn tools. Dodge makes the image look more voluminous, and Dimmer - flatter. Reduce transparency. Focus on the picture:
Step 18. Let's create some spirals. Draw straight lines with a soft brush, go to Filter> Distort> Twirl. Twist the lines and add some Gaussian Blur.
Step 19. Almost ready! Go back and adjust the picture as you see fit: change any shapes, shades and transparency.
Step 20. Merge all layers. Again use the Dodge tool and Burn tool to apply light and shadow. Also, you can reduce the shadows and apply white and gray highlights with a small soft brush. Ready! Here is such a mystical portrait. Great, isn't it? Link to

With the advent of numerous graphic editors, active users of computer technologies have an excellent opportunity to modify photos, add visual effects, adjust the picture, etc. So, in Photoshop you can transform an image, change colors and shades, make pictures in black and white.

How to take a black and white photo in Photoshop

Photoshop is perhaps the most optimal graphics program that helps you quickly change the color in a photo, make it monochrome while maintaining the volume, depth and shades of the image, as well as make the picture clearer and more contrasting. This is achieved by several methods.


This is the easiest way to make a photo in black and white in Photoshop. To achieve the desired result, first go into Photoshop, then click " Image", Click on" Correction", We see below in the opened field the item" Desaturate", With which we can desaturate the drawing with one click. You can also perform this operation using the hotkey combination " Shift + Ctrl + U". The function is automatic and by clicking on desaturation, all colors will disappear from the edited picture.

Another automatic method of photo processing is the use of parameters for saturation and brightness... We go to the item " Image» — « Correction"And in the drop-down menu, select item 9 from the top" Hue / Saturation"Or open these settings using the burning keys" Ctrl + U". Use the cursor to move the saturation adjustment lever to the left and the photo will lose its color.

The next way to make an image black and white in Photoshop is to duplicate the original image and desaturate it. We open the program, through the menu we get to the image correction, after which we select - " Black and white". Thanks to these actions, Photoshop will automatically desaturate the image, making it monochrome.

These methods of bleaching considered not very high quality, since they do not allow changing the depth of tones, editing parts of the image, etc. More efficient and advanced properties are possessed by transformation methods using an adjustment layer overlay, mixer, grayscale.

Overlay an adjustment layer

A popular color change option among designers is to use an adjustment layer. When using it, the program makes changes to another layer, and not to the initial image, allowing you to control visibility, opacity, etc. To apply an adjustment layer, you must:

Mixing color channels

The "" function transforms the target color channel using a mixture of the original image color channels. To make a black and white photo through mixing, first select the required layer (when you have only one layer, there is no need to check). Click on the button again to create new adjustment layer, then click - channel mixing... Another window appears in which we observe the sliders on the lines with the description of the colors. To get the effect of a black and white photo in the window that opens, put the icon in front of “ Monochrome". Slowly, we begin to move the visible color sliders, thus choosing the appropriate saturation of the picture. Additionally, you can notice the word " Constant". This button will allow you to change the contrast of the entire photo, and not a separate fragment.

Convert to grayscale

In this case, it is enough to go to the image tab, then to “ Mode", And we can see a field that allows you to convert the photo to grayscale... It is enough to click and the color of the picture used will change, which will allow you to make black and white from a color photo.

Desaturate part of the photo

When you need to desaturate only a small part of the image, without changing the color parameters of the image as a whole, use the instructions below. First desaturate the photo completely. Then we click on “ Archive brush" or " Y"On the keyboard, set tool stiffness about 60%, and pressure should be 40%. Having done this, you can create your own parameters, depending on the diameter of the brush, which you need to adjust with the square brackets keys, and then restore specific places in the photo (those that need to be left in color).

Changing shades (for touching up a black and white photo)

To create the effect of coloring certain elements on black and white photo you can use the setting of the parameters of the target channels. To do this, you need to set on the channel panel composite color channel and mark the mixing correction. Further on the panel “ Properties"Set and then uncheck the value" Monochrome". Next, the function “ Target channel»And manually adjust the sliders of the source channels. This allows you to change the desired shade.

You can also watch the instruction in the video.

How to make a color photo from black and white

The reverse action is to convert the black and white photo to color in Photoshop. There are several options for this procedure:

Using this instruction, you can achieve the result in any described way - transform color photo from black and white or vice versa!