How to remove bedbugs: all known methods. How to get bedbugs out of an apartment forever at home

Factors contributing to the appearance of bedbugs:

  • irregular cleaning;
  • purchase of uncertified furniture of unknown origin or stored in dirty warehouse;
  • lack of deep chemical cleaning of mattresses and sofas.

Clean the apartment regularly, do not let it get littered. Change linens, and when changing, steam it along with the mattress.

How and how to get bedbugs out of the apartment?

There are several methods that will help you remove bedbugs from your apartment forever. These are folk remedies and powerful modern chemicals. Anyone can purchase professional chemicals to kill bed bugs in their home without the help of a pest control.

Folk ways to remove bedbugs

First of all, folk remedies are allocated to combat bedbugs. They are less effective than chemistry, but with a small lesion, they will do an excellent job with the problem. They are safe for human health; after using them, you do not need to leave the apartment. Among folk methods most commonly used ingredients:

  • kerosene;
  • turpentine;
  • table vinegar;
  • wormwood tincture;
  • laundry soap;
  • transformer oil.

At home, you can use vinegar, it is available and ubiquitous. Presumptive areas of accumulation of bedbugs, their paths and wooden part furniture.

Turpentine is a toxic substance that is made from resin conifers... It must be diluted with water and treated with the affected areas. The higher the concentration of turpentine, the greater the effect, but a highly concentrated solution leaves greasy stains on the furniture. For greater efficiency, it can be mixed with kerosene in proportions of 1 to 1. This solution can be used in technical rooms. It is worth remembering that turpentine and kerosene are very flammable, so they should be used with caution.

Not all folk remedies are capable of destroying bedbugs. Some of them can only scare them away and temporarily prevent their spread, they can be destroyed by mechanical action. For a long time, people have managed to understand that bedbugs are sensitive to high and low temperatures. To do this, you will need to use special devices(steam generator, vacuum cleaner) or simply take the affected furniture out into the cold or sun. Sub-zero temperatures are enough for all furniture bugs to die.

There are two types of chemicals:

  • household;
  • professional.

The first option can be purchased by absolutely anyone. They are sold in specialized stores. To use professional drugs, you will need to use special spray devices.

The class of insecticides includes a huge number of drugs, both highly toxic and capable of harm to humans, and safe. Because of this, only specialists should use them. The most effective professional remedies include:

  • Sinusan;
  • Karbofos;
  • Sichlor.

You can also highlight the following insecticides:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Chlorophos;
  • Mikrofos;
  • Tetrix.
Dichlorvos "Neo"

If you need to process large room, you can use Tetrix. The drug is often used by professionals. Tetrix contains powerful chemicals that are poisonous to many insects, especially those that feed on blood. If it acts on bedbugs, then they will die in a short period of time.

To remove bedbugs from the apartment once and for all, you can use Sinusan's emulsion. The product is highly toxic, it is diluted in water in accordance with the instructions for use, and then sprayed indoors. It is active for 4 weeks. All this time, the person must be outside the treated room. You can apply the product using a special spray bottle. The drug is used as a last resort, if nothing else helps. It is prohibited for use in childcare facilities. In residential apartments, it must be used with great care. In an apartment with a small child, it is better to use other means.

To process upholstered furniture, you can use Mikrofos. This drug is a mild insecticide. Almost any part of the living space can be processed with it. He actively fights against living insects, but practically does not have any effect on their eggs.

You can quickly and reliably defeat bedbugs using any insecticide. If the lesion is very serious, then it is recommended to seek help. For personal use, you must adhere to general rules the use of toxic agents (use overalls, follow the instructions on the drug).

Preparation for processing the apartment

Regardless of which method is chosen, it is necessary to prepare the room for processing. This will require removing or covering unaffected furniture with a protective cloth. If there are animals, move them to another apartment or give them to friends for a while. There are very few products on the market that do not harm pets and humans. Eslandez gel can be distinguished, but it is a local remedy.

If the room is being processed with your own hands, then you will need to use protection, which includes:

  • gloves;
  • respirator;
  • protective glasses.

Hazardous chemicals involve the use of a special suit. A person's clothing should cover all parts of the body from contact with liquid.

It will be necessary to provide access to all cracks and closed places. The drug for combating bedbugs should be evenly distributed throughout the room. All things that can be washed or treated with boiling water are not included in the processing.

After the apartment has been processed, you must leave it. If you used local funds, you can move to another room. If a folk remedy was used, then it is not necessary to leave. The instructions for each drug indicate the time after which you can return to the room and whether you need to leave it. After the end of the action of the chemical, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room and carry out cleaning. It is important to collect the remaining items, especially if small children or pets live in the apartment.

Final result

The effectiveness of chemical and folk remedies directly depends on the correctness of their use. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, take precautions. If you cannot remove bedbugs on your own, call a specialist - exterminator, he does this difficult job every day and knows what methods and means will help in your circumstances.

If, after successful destruction of insects, regular prophylaxis and maintenance of cleanliness in the house are carried out, then you can forget about their return forever.

Question: " How to get bedbugs out of an apartment?"Is becoming more and more popular with the passage of time, since very often a huge number of all kinds of animals live in our apartments. It is sometimes incredibly difficult to take them out on your own at home, very often you have to seek help from specialists, but even after processing the premises professional means insects are back. What is the reason? Did they really like the apartment so much that now nothing can help?

Unfortunately, couch bugs and bed bugs are one of the most common types of household pests that live near humans. It is quite difficult to get them out of the apartment, but it is very easy to find out: if you noticed small reddish or brown insects, which means your apartment is infested with bedbugs. You can also recognize them by their characteristic red marks on the human body, which can itch. Bedbugs can be called true gourmets, since most often they drink the blood of children and women. This is because they have softer and more delicate skin, which makes it much easier for bedbugs to feed.

It is often very difficult to find bedbugs in an apartment, since they are nocturnal and are active only around four to five o'clock in the morning. As a rule, at this time, most people are asleep, and when they wake up, no one pays attention to a few red spots that appeared during the night. You can only see bedbugs if you are looking for them with confidence and purpose. In the picture you can see the most popular bedbug habitats in the apartment.

Bedbugs love to hide in the most inaccessible places, and due to the fact that the size of adults rarely exceeds three millimeters, they can crawl into the most secluded and unexpected places, which makes them difficult to get out. Since bedbugs have a very small size then you will have to try very hard to find them. Make sure that the room has excellent lighting. You can additionally arm yourself with a flashlight and examine the most dark places in the room. Also, be sure to look into the mattress, pillows, sofa joints, armchair and other upholstered furniture. Bedbugs also love to live under the wallpaper, but for this you have to rip them off, and few people will agree to this.

It is very important to find the bedbug "parking lot". The place where he most often spends the night or hides from the daylight. You need to start processing directly from these places.

Where does the apartment come from?

Most often, bedbugs are brought to us directly from neighboring apartments. Although these insects like to move often, they do not like to travel too long distances. This means that the main places where bugs can come from are the neighboring apartment, basement, attic, ventilation shaft and garbage chute. Also, if you have pets, there is a great possibility of infecting an apartment with bedbugs due to the fact that your furry pet brought them to you from the street or entrance. At the same time, bedbugs do not feed on animals, but use them simply as a personal transport, with which you can get closer to people.

Even if your house is always clean and sterile, you cannot be insured against the appearance of bedbugs, since if no one fights insects in neighboring apartments, then taking them out once, you will have to do this constantly. Thus, the entire floor, or even the entire entrance, suffers from bedbugs.

How to quickly withdraw at home?

In order to quickly remove bedbugs from the sofa in an apartment at home on your own, you need to prepare well. Purchase the necessary drugs, find the enemy's locations, and carefully read our article, in which we will tell you in detail how to remove bedbugs on your own.

Most effective, but far from free way remove bedbugs - call specialists. But some people who faced this misfortune and decided to take such an expensive step note that bedbugs can disappear only for a while if your neighbors have the same problem. In this case, you need to try to protect yourself as much as possible from repeated penetration of bedbugs into the apartment by plugging all the cracks and holes through which they can enter the home, as well as buying your pets and making a home tray for them. Thus, they will not be able to bring insects into the house by picking them up from the street.

The second way to remove bedbugs is take advantage of household chemicals to rid the apartment of harmful insects. The most popular and effective substances for controlling bedbugs are:


  • Phospholan;

In order to remove bedbugs with household chemicals, you need to remove all edible products away, send the children to their grandmother for a while, arm yourself with rubber gloves with a mask, and then you can start. Seal windows and doors carefully to keep air from the contaminated room to a minimum. Then start working on the furniture in which the largest accumulation of insects was found (or is suspected). Very carefully process the baseboards, mattress, places behind and under the cupboard, as well as the carpet and the joints of upholstered furniture. After that, quickly leave the room for a few hours, and when you return, thoroughly ventilate it. After that, you need to do a general and wet cleaning.

Folk remedies

If you do not want to poison yourself and your family with chemicals while treating your apartment, then a more lightweight option is suitable for you: the fight against bedbugs folk remedies. Fortunately, there are a large number of tools that are in almost every home and with which you can remove bedbugs from an apartment on your own. Below we provide several ways in which this can be done.

    Bedbugs hate a pungent smell. vinegar... If you, too, will have to be patient. Purchase or obtain vinegar essence, then treat furniture with it, walls and mattress. As practice shows, it is possible to remove bedbugs in this way rather quickly.

    if you have steam generator, then you can take advantage of it by treating upholstered furniture and especially the bed. At high temperatures, the bugs and their larvae die, and if before that you poisoned them with something, then this method will finish them off completely.

    Several twigs will help to remove bedbugs. wormwood... Fresh is best, of course, but dried will do.

Using the tips above, you can easily and quickly remove bed bugs at home. But it should be remembered that they can return to the apartment at any time if the neighboring apartments are also infected. Therefore, it is better to advise your neighbors to also carry out several measures to rid the apartment of insects.

How to remove bedbugs in an apartment or house on your own is a rather difficult task. The fact is that at the slightest mistakes during the process of getting rid of, they quickly recover and multiply.

What means to get bedbugs out of the apartment if they quickly get used to poisons and any chemistry directed against them? There is no universal remedy for this scourge, but you can complex work and get rid of insects by trial and error. It depends on how infested the room is with these insects. Today there are many chemicals that can help you get out bedbugs yourself.

Before dealing with the destruction of bedbugs in an apartment, you must carefully process it. Before processing, pack all foodstuffs, as well as the utensils that you use, hermetically, so that the drug does not enter the body of households.

Also, children and animals must be taken out of the room so that they do not get caught. chemical substances... For children, it is necessary to isolate their toys as well as their personal belongings, as children often pull their belongings into their mouths, and this contact must be avoided. When sealing things, make sure there are no bugs or larvae (eggs) on them.

Pre-protect yourself: buy rubber gloves and a protective mask. Self-destruction of bedbugs is not always financially beneficial, because in the desire to save money, you can spend even more, due to ignorance of effective means. In addition, destroying bedbugs with your own hands is quite dangerous, because you have to breathe the fumes of chemicals.

Folk remedies

If, before starting to fight bed bugs with chemicals, you decide to try folk remedies for bedbugs, then you will need:

  • Boiling water;
  • Turpentine;
  • Kerosene;
  • Transformer oil;
  • Sagebrush.

If we talk about kerosene, turpentine, transformer oil and vinegar, then all these agents scare away bedbugs. The first even affects their respiratory tract, but only if used in large quantities... All of them will help get rid of pests for a while, but over time they will return.

One of the most effective classic remedies is wormwood - you need to lay it out behind the baseboard, wherever possible. Insects do not tolerate this smell and leave the room as quickly as possible, regardless of whether it is a house or small apartment... Since the fight against bedbugs is a difficult process, let's talk about other, more effective ways.

Removing bedbugs in an apartment: chemicals

It is worth switching to chemicals if the destruction of insects folk ways turned out to be inactive:

Liquid remedies for bedbugs Aerosol spray for bedbugs Bed bug powders Other means
Lacterin Raptor Riapan Actellik
Foxid Raid Neopin Pyrethrum
Insect Dibro-fin Carbozol Chlorpyrimark
Foresight Persof-P Effective ultra

Everything liquid products from bedbugs are good because they can even handle hard-to-reach places... The method of application for each drug from the list is the same: the liquid is poured in the habitats of bloodsuckers. Lacterin has a nerve effect. Forsyth is practically non-toxic to humans, but it effectively kills both adult insects and their eggs. Insect Dibro-fin and Foxid also show excellent result.

Sprays from bedbugs like Raptor, Reid, Karbozol, Persof-P are suitable for treating upholstered furniture, carpets and any soft surfaces. They are notable for the fact that they do not leave traces. You already know how to use them, but how effective are these tools? As practice shows, sprays are excellent at fighting bloodsuckers, but only if the latter are slightly divorced. If there are a large number of bedbugs in the apartment, it is recommended to use more radical methods.

Such bed bug control products can be purchased at any specialty store. Be careful: the most noticeable effect is given by those chemicals that contain malofos. So remember to read the instructions before purchasing.

A good effect against bedbugs is shown by the insect spray "Delicia". It acts quickly on first contact with insects. The treatment should be carried out without spraying into the air, but strictly processing the places where insects reside.

One of the popular means of fighting bedbugs (and at the same time with cockroaches, wasps, ants) is the GET suspension. Its advantage is that GET can be used on its own. This tool is traditionally diluted 1: 5 with water and the room is treated with the resulting liquid.

Once you have treated the room, it is recommended to ventilate it for 2-4 hours. This remedy, which has helped many families figure out how to breed bed bugs on their own, has a unique formula. The active substance is inside the capsule, so the insect clings to one capsule and then brings it to the breeding site, thereby killing other insects. This product is safe for animals and odorless, moreover, it is resistant to temperature extremes.

  • you cannot force every insect to come out;
  • you will probably lose sight of a couple of pests;
  • the eggs of the bugs will remain hidden, and after a while the bloodsuckers will begin to bother you.

How to get bedbugs out of an apartment: exposure to temperatures

Bedbugs are known to not tolerate exposure to too high or low temperatures... Often, special services resort to heat treatment of the premises, because:

If insects are on your couch or bed, take the piece of furniture outside in cold weather. Leave it there for a few hours and bring it back. Bedbugs and their eggs will certainly die.

After I put my sofa out in the cold, I forgot about bed bugs for a long time. Before that, I used various sprays and even wormwood leaves, but this gave a short-term result.

So, how to get rid of bedbugs? Bed bugs are a real problem, because you don't want to sleep on such a bed at all. However, in this case, it makes sense to contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, since we are talking about your sleeping place and here it is better to trust the professionals. The fact is that specialists will use only those drugs that have already been tested, which means they are as harmless to people as possible. How to remove bedbugs from a mattress on your own, without outside help?

One of the means is Karbofos - this effective remedy against bed bugs. It is also used by summer residents to fight various pests: aphids, cicadas, ticks. Among the advantages of this drug is that it has a wide spectrum of action, as well as a long period when it protects against insects. Karbofos is fungicide compatible and inexpensive enough to be purchased for trial use.

In the process of getting rid of bed bugs, it is also recommended to use a mattress cover. With its water-repellent and anti-allergenic properties, the mattress topper will also help you ward off bedbug bites while you sleep. Remember that you need to put the cover on a clean mattress: if it turns out to be infected, you need to either first clean it of bugs, or get rid of the mattress altogether.

You may also need a hand-held "vacuum cleaner for bedbugs", because these insects can be removed from the mattress in this way. The model of such hand tool entitled Electronic Insect Catcher Suction Trap costs only 750 rubles.

How to remove bedbugs at home: removing bloodsuckers from the sofa and bed

To get rid of bloodsuckers on a sofa or bed, it is recommended to subject the piece of furniture to heat treatment. As already mentioned, you can take it outside in the cold and let it stand for a few hours. If this is not possible, use any of the above sprays. We advise you to call the special service, which with the help of special equipment will quickly destroy the bloodsuckers. Remember that in addition to processing a sofa or bed, you must not forget about bedding.

We remove bedbugs from the carpet

  1. Clean up frequently using a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Use one of the powders listed above.
  3. To knock out a carpet on the street (preferably in frost).

Often, bugs are not found in carpets, as they prefer more secluded places.

  • wash your favorite things in a very hot water;
  • completely iron the clothes with an iron;
  • sprinkle wardrobe items with bleach.

Precautions and Prevention

There are not so many precautions. First, work with harsh chemicals only with respirators. Secondly, carry out the processing of the room in the absence of people, especially those who suffer from allergies and have high sensitivity. As for prevention, after the destruction of bedbugs:

  • clean all rooms regularly;
  • make timely repairs (a small crack in the wall can serve as a source of penetration into your home);
  • wash bedding often and replace them;
  • try to limit the purchase of used items.

Council number 1.Find the source of your home's bedbug infestation. Most often, bedbugs find refuge among furniture, cabinets, wallpaper, behind a baseboard, among books. Therefore, you should not be lazy when you process the room with a solution, and climb into the most inaccessible places. The more carefully you process the apartment, the more likely a positive result is. Look especially for soft furnishings, pillows and toys. Bed bugs can hide well in bed, so you need to check the sleeping area carefully. Mattresses and sofa cushions- this is one of the places where the owners of the house often find these unpleasant insects.

Council number 2. Fight bedbugs as if you were in the process of general cleaning - move the furniture and look bug larvae... If you clean in winter, then take all household items to the coldest place - preferably on open balcony... Bedbugs do not last more than a day at this temperature.

Council number 3. If it is a hot summer outside the window, then it is worth doing the same steps, since the bugs cannot stand the heat, as well as frost, and will die after a couple of hours. Do not ventilate the room immediately, if any drug has a pungent smell - let the smell "draw", it will Negative influence on the vital activity of bedbugs.

Council number 4. With the successful action of the drugs, the effect does not appear immediately, but after 3-4 days. If the room is heavily infested with insects, then process it several times, taking a break of two weeks. Two weeks is the average incubation period for eggs if you have not been able to get rid of them.

Council number 5. Therefore, if for the first time you did not manage to free your home from bedbugs, then after the incubation period, the invasion of insects can begin with new strength... In order for bedbugs not to become addicted to the drug, and to develop immunity, try to use the most diverse means.

Council number 6. To maximize the effect of your disinfection, do not start cleaning the room right away. after treatment for bedbugs... Only wipe down the areas you regularly use with a baking soda solution. After you completely get rid of the insects, do general cleaning and wipe with a damp cloth over all surfaces. Pre-soak a cloth with a soda solution. Ideally, the apartment should be vacated for some time in order to be able to do several chemical treatments of the room and not "breathe" the fumes from the drugs.

We hope that you have found for yourself useful ways, with which you can get bedbugs out of the house. If you follow our advice, you can quickly and permanently remove bedbugs from your house / apartment with your own hands. Good luck!

The article will show the most effective ways to combat bedbugs.

Insects annoy people from ancient times to the present time. They bring a lot of inconvenience and can cause a number of diseases. Among the most annoying domestic insects is the bug. Bed bugs grow in sofas and beds and feed on human blood... Bed bugs are dangerous for many reasons:

  • Biting a person, they leave red marks on the skin, which are very itchy.
  • During the night, a person can develop many such bites that bother him throughout the day.
  • Bedbug bites are especially dangerous for children and allergy sufferers.
  • If you do not clean the bite sites, pathogenic bacteria can enter them.
  • Bedbugs cause phobias in many people, and as a result - psychological illnesses... The most common are sleep disorders
  • According to some reports, bedbugs are carriers of dangerous diseases.

Insects multiply rapidly. Therefore, having found the first signs of the appearance of bedbugs, you need to immediately fight them.

Is it possible to remove bedbugs on your own?

I would like to dwell in more detail on the chemicals that are used to destroy bedbugs.

It is also worth knowing that bedbugs can live for several years in a dwelling and not give out their presence, hiding in those buildings where people do not live for a long time, and with their appearance they go outside. Therefore, having bought an apartment, you can get such an unpleasant "inheritance" from the previous tenants, like bedbugs. Moreover, the owners could not even guess that they had such unsafe neighbors.

Important! If you have any suspicions that you could have brought harmful animals with you from the trip, then after the trip it is necessary to send the items that cannot be washed to dry cleaning. Immediately upon arrival, they must be packed in airtight plastic bags.

Breeding features and habitat

Bed bugs are nocturnal. During the day they sit peacefully in the cracks, and at night they go out in search of food. Bedbugs can settle anywhere - in books, in household appliances, in clothes, furniture, under wallpaper, skirting boards. Wherever it is warm and dark.

These insects do not build nests, but most often they prefer to live in clusters. Usually in such places you can find dark spots their feces, eggs and larvae skins.

Unlike other domestic insects, bugs are very tenacious. In the absence of a power source, they can fall into semi-anabiosis for long time... And in such a state to live without food and even at low temperatures. The lifespan of one individual is about a year.

Reproduction in bedbugs occurs very quickly, especially if created for them comfortable conditions living in the form of a warm temperature - +18 ... + 25 degrees and a dark place.

The male needs to fertilize the female only once in order for her to breed for the rest of her life. Fertilization of the female occurs by the male piercing her abdomen and injecting semen.

The development of these insects is carried out according to an incomplete cycle of transformation: egg - larva - adult. In 24 hours, one female is able to lay up to 15 eggs. Larvae at favorable conditions(temperature +25 ... + 27 degrees) are born in three to four days. If the temperature is lower, about +20 degrees, then the hatching process is delayed, it can last about three months. At a rather low temperature (+15 degrees and below), the development of the larva stops, it goes into hibernation and waits for the time when the temperature becomes normal for it.

Clutches of eggs are usually located no further than two to three meters from sleeping place person. Most often it is located in the corners of the sofa, in the upholstery of furniture, in the folds of fabric, under the baseboards, in sockets, that is, in places where it is difficult for a person to reach.

What is the danger to people

The source of food for bedbugs is human blood. The insect pierces the human skin with its proboscis and sucks blood. After bites, red spots remain on the body. As a rule, there are several of them. They can be located at a great distance from each other or at a very small one - within 0.5 cm. If the room is heavily infected, then about 500 bites can be found on the body in one night.

Bites are painful to humans and cause discomfort in the form of itching, burning, especially for children. They interfere with sleep, do not give a normal rest, irritate, and this is reflected in a negative way on the state nervous system and on performance. Numerous bites can provoke the appearance of skin rashes, allergic reactions, Quincke's edema, in children - the development of anemia. Also, when combing the bites, a person can additionally introduce a bacterial infection, which will cause purulent rashes.

Did you know? With the advent of bedbugs in the house, many are associated folk signs, which mainly promise trouble and hardship. For example, in Germany in the 15th-16th centuries, people believed that when these insects appeared, the house left family happiness, and quarrels come in his place. Therefore, the Germans tried to get rid of the misfortune as quickly as possible, reading special conspiracies, using boiling water and steam for processing.

Together with your saliva the bug can bring in human body causative agents of such diseases, like hepatitis B, plague, tularemia and other infections. It is also possible that they carry tuberculosis, typhus, smallpox. However, we hasten to reassure you that in the medical literature cases of human diseases after a bug bite are described very rarely.

And only one type of bug is considered especially dangerous for humans. It is triatomic. It is a carrier of American trypanosomiasis disease. Fortunately, given view is rare.

Signs of bedbugs

  • bites on the body of those living in an apartment or house - small red spots located along a path;
  • blood stains on the sheet that show up in the morning;
  • the presence of excrement in the form of poppy seeds, discarded shell larvae;
  • the presence of a characteristic klopinoy smell - it is similar to the aroma of cheap cognac.

Important! Even if you accidentally find one bug in the house, you need to immediately take treatment measures. Insects multiply rapidly, and the larger their population, the longer and more serious the fight against them will be.

Step 1: destroy adult bedbugs

To destroy bedbugs, you can call a disinfectant team (although specially trained people, alas, are not always a guarantee of success) or try to remove insects yourself. Below we present several ways to fight.


Today on the market there is a wide range of drugs for the fight against bedbugs in different forms:

  • in the form of powder - "Neopin", "Riapan";
  • in aerosols - "Dichlorvos", "Raptor", "Karbozol", "Reid", "Prima-U";
  • in liquid - "Forsyth", "Lacterin", "GET", "Foxid".

Rapid disposal is promised by drugs with malofos in the composition, however, their active ingredient is very strong and dangerous for humans.

Important! When using any chemical agent you need to take care of personal safety measures, as well as the protection of everyone living in the house, including pets. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug.

To treat an apartment with chemicals you will need:

  • rubber gloves;
  • mask to protect the nose and mouth;
  • special glasses for eye protection;
  • spray gun for spraying the product;
  • measuring capacity.
Pluses chemical method are its effectiveness and speed of action. Among the cons- there are many drugs that, if handled incorrectly, can harm humans and animals. We also want to warn you that bed bugs tend to develop immunity against chemicals.

It is rare when it is possible to defeat bedbugs the first time. More often you have to resort to repeated or multiple treatments. To increase the chances of achieving the effect, you need to combine several methods, for example, chemicals with folk remedies or with mechanical stress.

Before you buy one or another remedy for bedbugs, it is advisable to read reviews about it on the Web, and also ask around the distributors.

Exposure to temperatures

It is known that these insects die at temperatures of -20 ° C and below and +50 ° C and above. Therefore, all items that can be treated with boiling water or steam using a steam generator. If it is frosty winter outside, then furniture or other household items can be taken out into the yard, onto the balcony. If the summer is hot, then they should be exposed to the sun.

Plus this method is that in this way you can get rid not only of adults, but also of eggs. Of the minuses - not all fabrics and materials can be exposed to high or low temperatures without harm to them.

Did you know? The fact that bedbugs have annoyed people since ancient times is reliably known from ancient Greek sources dating back to 400 BC. e., and the works of Aristotle. Until the 18th century, bedbugs were believed to be beneficial - they can treat snakebites and ear infections.

Folk remedies

Places where bedbugs accumulate are treated:

  • boiling water;
  • ferry;
  • a solution of kerosene (15 ml), turpentine (10 ml), (30 g), water (100 ml);
  • a solution of kerosene (100 ml), turpentine (100 ml), naphthalene (20 g);

  • a solution of phenol (20 g), turpentine (40 ml), salicylic acid (3 g);
  • a solution of ethyl alcohol (100 ml), turpentine (100 ml), camphor (5 g);
  • denatured alcohol solution (150 ml) with naphthalene (5 g);
  • valerian;
  • - its branches are laid out in a sleeping place;
  • salt water;
  • alcohol;
If none of these methods helped, you need to use the chemical method.

Mechanical impact

Many people who are faced with the infection of bedbugs advise not only to treat the room with chemical and folk remedies, but also to produce mechanical impact. It is important to find all clutches of eggs and insect clusters and destroy them by crushing them. Sometimes for such searches you have to disassemble furniture and other structures. Since the bug is a nocturnal insect, it will be necessary to hunt adults at night.

Calling special services

If all of the above methods did not help, or if you simply do not have the time or desire to fight on your own, then you need to call special services(state sanitary and epidemiological station or private company) with appropriate equipment and effective drugs... It is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the reviews of the specialists of a particular private company.

Today, the treatment of rooms from bedbugs is carried out by a ULV generator, with the help of which the insecticide is sprayed in the form of a mist. In this way, it is possible to reduce the amount of substance used, which means greater safety.

It is important to make sure that your home is treated with drugs, which are certified by government services and belong to substances that are low-hazardous to humans, that is, to the fourth group.

Step 2: Destroy the bedbug egg clutches

Often, the owners of contaminated housing conduct a successful fight against adults, however, after a while, they again find bedbugs in their beds. The fact is that killing adult bedbugs is only half the battle. It is also important to destroy their eggs as well.

There are three ways to get rid of eggs:

  1. Thermal.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Chemical.
Despite the fact that bedbug eggs are much smaller than the bugs themselves - their size is 0.5-1 mm, due to the fact that the female lays them in large quantities in one place, it is not difficult to find them. It is enough to know where to look. We have already described the characteristic places for laying eggs in the section "Features of reproduction and habitat".

Heat treatment involves pouring boiling water over places of accumulation or scalding with steam.

Mechanical method consists in manual action on eggs: putting on rubber gloves, a person crushes them.

At chemical processing preference should be given to funds which are valid for one to two months. Thus, they will not only kill the adults, but will also have an effect on the already hatched larvae.

Step 3: Preventing the appearance

  • inspection of a berth while traveling or on a business trip;
  • storage of bags and suitcases on high shelves in a closet or hallway;
  • processing of things and bags that are taken on a trip with vegetable essential oils, the smell of which can scare away insects;
  • if you suspect an infection after a trip, wash things at a temperature of 50 degrees or give them to dry cleaning;

  • do not purchase used furniture or carefully inspect it before purchasing it, and even better treat it with insecticides;
  • do not allow pets that live on the street to bed;
  • in case of contamination of neighboring apartments, protect your home with the smell of chamomile, essential oils, harsh spirits;
  • thorough isolation from neighboring apartments;
  • periodic steam treatment of furniture;
  • preventive spraying of ventilation shafts with insecticidal agents.

Safety regulations

If you decide to fight insects on your own, then when using chemicals personal safety rules should be followed: to work, protecting the face with a mask and glasses, the body - a dressing gown or old clothing, protecting against accidental contact with a chemical. All protective equipment can be purchased at the hardware store.

Also, during the procedure, it is advisable to process the body special means repelling bedbugs.

If the bug nevertheless bit, then the bite site must be treated with an alcohol disinfectant. If an allergic reaction develops, an antihistamine should be taken. Itching will help to remove such ointments as "Fenistil", "Bora-plus", "Rescuer". Seek medical attention if you have a severe allergic reaction or severe discomfort.

When disinsecting a home from bedbugs, you must adhere to several rules:

  • remove to another place or hide in airtight bags and foodstuffs and dishes in order to avoid the ingress of chemicals on them;

  • remove children's clothes and toys, after carefully examining them for the presence of insects and their eggs;
  • during disinsection, only the person who conducts it should be in the room, all people and animals should be outside the home;
  • bed linen does not need to be processed, it should be washed at high temperatures and ironed on both sides;
  • processing chemicals should be done along the upper and lower perimeter: 30-50 cm below the ceiling and 30-50 cm above the plinth;
  • it is necessary to process the cracks in the windows, doorways, furniture, mattresses, places common use, ventilation pipes;
  • some time after processing, you need to air the room for a long time - for 1.5-2 hours, while leaving the house.

Thus, bedbug infestation of an apartment or house is a fairly common problem, the solution of which must be started as early as possible. To get rid of bedbugs, several methods are used, the most effective of which is chemical. When using it yourself, you need to take care of safety measures. If no methods help, then you cannot do without calling a specialized service. In case of severe infection, several treatments will be required.

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