Temperament psychology tests. Who are you by temperament type: full characteristics and features by age

A person is born with a certain genetic predisposition, on the basis of which he is able to form other personal characteristics. For example, if a person is not born with wings, then he will not be able to fly, no matter how much he wants to. However, he can learn various manipulations that his hands can perform. Also with the type of temperament, which has certain characteristics and definitions that affect the further development of a person. A special test can help to identify it.

There are still discussions about whether temperament is an innate quality. Many refer to the fact that temperament is already inherent in a person from birth, and certain character traits are formed on its basis .. If there are stable features in temperament, then they should be attributed to features nervous activity that is already in the person.

Thus, temperament is an innate property of a person, and character is acquired. A person can only influence his character, which is formed on the basis of what temperament he has.

What are temperament types?

Temperament types are understood as personality traits that are stable and characterized by the dynamism of manifestation, and not by their content. This is a type of activity of the higher nervous system, which manifests itself in the emotional sphere.

In psychology, there are those that clearly distinguish people into certain reactions and behavioral models. However, we do not forget that actions and character traits are subject to a person, regardless of what temperament he has.

Each person has their own temperament and character. Many people confuse these concepts, thinking that they are one and the same. In fact, these are two different indicators of a person's mental reaction. One is hereditary and practically unchanged, and the second is acquired and depends only on the individual himself.

Temperament is a mental reaction and a state that depends on the structure of the human nervous system. The nervous system of the individual is formed even in the womb on the basis of the genetic program that is transmitted from both parents.

Temperament is a hereditary gift. That is why a child is often the same as his parents. The device of the nervous system allows relatives to be the same, which helps to strengthen them and maintain the family.

is a set of qualities that a person develops in the process of life. How does this happen? There is a situation. A person begins to react to it, think about it, draw conclusions, make decisions, take actions. On the basis of experience, conclusions are made (beliefs are created). And subsequent situations in which a person begins to react in a similar way and perform similar actions form habits in him.

Habits in actions, thoughts and decisions make you certain situations exhibit certain traits of character. A person can develop any quality and trait in himself. But only that which corresponds to his actions, thoughts and decisions that he uses develops in him.

If you change your habitual actions, then the character will also change, since the manifestation of other qualities will be required and others that were previously used will be excluded.

Thus, temperament is transmitted to people from their parents, and character is formed by the person himself in the process of life.

Types of human temperament

There are 4 types of human temperament today:

  1. Choleric type - unrestrained, unbalanced, quick-tempered, unbridled. Emotional experiences in this category of people proceed very quickly and are clearly manifested. So, they are easy to get out, because they quickly flare up, however, they also subside emotionally just as easily.

Choleric is a very passionate and emotional person. He can not experience emotions dimly. If he experiences something, it is very deep and bright. And he can experience conflicting feelings at the same time. However, these experiences are not lasting. Soon the choleric quickly switches to other emotions.

Such a person is disgusted by monotonous work. At first, he lights up with ideas and enthusiasm. However, over time, he cools down and begins to do the work, though, carelessly.

Choleric characteristics are speed and strength, harshness and impatience. The facial expressions and gestures of such a person are pronounced, sweeping, active. Teenagers with this type of temperament are rebellious, often naughty, getting into fights, disrupting lessons, etc. They are very mobile and active, and can involve other children in adventures.

  1. Melancholic type - unbalanced, the depth of experiences with their implicit and sluggish manifestation to the outside. Such people behave imperceptibly and slowly. Their movements are distinguished by restraint, inexpressiveness, monotony, slowness and poverty.

The melancholic is very sensitive and vulnerable. His voice is quiet and expressionless. Such a person is afraid of difficulties, therefore, before performing any action long time considers its necessity and implementation plan. If the action does not require mental stress, then it is performed.

Melancholic has an asthenic character, when emotions are very deep and stable, monotonous. Such a person is unsociable and closed. He is almost always sad and lethargic, because he reacts painfully to external stimuli.

The melancholic is weak, indecisive, constantly wanting to settle everything and hesitates. The absolute melancholic is characterized by passivity, disinterest in business and lethargy. Such a person seems to live in his own world, practically unadapted to life.

Melancholic children are often offended and teased, they do not know how to fight against injustice. It is difficult for them to get along in a team, but they are easily influenced by others. Melancholy teenagers are whiny, timid and shy

  1. The sanguine type is characterized by speed, poise and moderate strength, but weakness of intensity. mental processes. Sanguine is able to quickly switch from one job to another. His activities are diverse, he does not get tired, he learns quickly and can work on something for a long time. His emotionality is rapidly changing, so it is not deep.

Sanguine people are manifested by expressive and vivid facial expressions, which can be accompanied by active movements. They are cheerful and mobile. Such people are very easy to be distracted by any external stimuli, since their depth of experience is very low. They are quite impressive.

The sanguine is able to quickly solve problems, especially if they are not too difficult and serious. Their decisions are often hasty. They, like choleric people, quickly light up various ideas but then quickly lose interest.

Sanguine refers to sociable and sociable people. However, the relationship with him is quite superficial, as he quickly switches from one emotion to another. Today he loves, but tomorrow he may not love. There is a plus here, since the sanguine person quickly forgets insults, sorrows, troubles (as well as joys, pleasant moments, help).

Sanguine likes to take a leading position, command and take responsibility, be the center of attention, be ahead.

  1. The phlegmatic type is characterized by lethargy, little mobility, slowness. Such a person has a poor emotional sphere, therefore he is not able to be energetic and quickly move on to action. The balance of character is explained by the fact that the emotions of the phlegmatic are even and constant. He is called measured, calm and unflappable. Affective manifestations, disorders, impulsiveness are not typical for him, since it is almost impossible to piss off such an individual.

The gestures and facial expressions of the phlegmatic are inexpressive and monotonous. His speech is lifeless, slow, accompanied by gestures and expressiveness.

Before performing any action, the phlegmatic thinks over his future for a long time and carefully. However, if he decides to commit it, then he will gradually and purposefully implement it. It is difficult for such a person to change from one job to another, so he prefers to do what he is familiar and familiar with. Changes and changes are possible only when the phlegmatic was warned about them, he was able to think them over in advance and get used to them. When a phlegmatic mentally gets used, then changes occur easily.

It should not be assumed that a person belongs only to a certain type of temperament. Usually, each contains the characteristics of several types, which is called a mixed type. One type is clearly expressed in it, and the other three complement the first one to one degree or another.

Psychological types of temperament

Temperament types are divided according to the following psychological characteristics:

  • Sensitivity - the amount of the smallest forces from the outside world, which is necessary to cause a mental reaction.
  • Reactivity - the level of reaction and its manifestation in the outside world.
  • Activity is the ability of a person to overcome difficulties, to influence the world around him.
  • The ratio of reactivity and activity is the level of dependence of human activity on external stimuli.
  • Rigidity and plasticity are the levels of a person's adaptability to external stimuli (high or low, inertia).
  • The rate of reactions is the speed of mental processes and reactions, motor activity.
  • Introversion and extraversion are types of thinking and behavior that are directed to the external or to inner world person.
  • Emotional excitability - the amount of the smallest stimulus that should cause an emotional reaction, as well as the speed of its occurrence.

Test for the type of temperament

All readers are encouraged to take a test to determine the type of temperament. The main thing here is to quickly answer the questions posed, without particularly thinking about the answers. Answer as you would in real life.

Why reveal the type of temperament of your own and other people? This will allow you to more clearly know how to interact with others, what they are capable of, not to be offended if suddenly others do not behave as you would like.

There are many tests to identify a person's temperament:

  1. Rusalov's Questionnaire.
  2. Belov's method.
  3. Eysenck's test questionnaire.
  4. Questionnaire Smishek.

Knowing your own and someone else's temperament will be useful if a long-term relationship is built with a person. To avoid some conflict situations better understand the characteristics of another person.


A person is born with temperament, and character is formed over the years. A person can influence the manifestations of certain qualities and behavior. However, everything will be based on the nervous system and its characteristics with which the individual was born.

How often when communicating with people we have to marvel at the difference between us. Perception, speed of decision-making or even just the speed of movements are completely different. Sometimes such a difference is touching, sometimes annoying, and now we are saying in our hearts that we are completely different in temperament. But what does it all mean and is it possible to change your temperament to the ideal? We propose to deal with the types of human temperaments and determine their pros and cons, and also, if you wish, take a test and find out what temperament you have.

Temperament - what is it?

What is temperament? Temperament is called the innate characteristics of a person, which determine the dynamics of the course of his mental processes. It is temperament that determines a person's reactions to external circumstances. It largely forms the character of a person, his individuality and is a kind of link between the body and cognitive processes. Allocate four simple type temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.

The term "temperament" itself was introduced by the ancient physician Claudius Galen and comes from the Latin word "temperans", which means moderate. The very word temperament can be translated as "the proper ratio of parts." Hippocrates believed that the type of temperament is determined by the predominance of one of the fluids in the body. If blood predominates in the body, then the person will be mobile, that is, have a sanguine temperament, yellow bile will make a person impulsive and hot - choleric, black bile - sad and timid, that is, melancholic, and the predominance of lymph will give a person calmness and slowness, make phlegmatic. It should only be noted that temperaments in their pure form are very rare, usually in each person they are present in various proportions. It is also not necessary to equate character and temperament. The latter only characterizes the type of the nervous system, its properties, is associated with the structure of the body and even metabolism. But it is in no way connected with the views of the individual, beliefs, tastes and does not determine the possibilities of the individual.

Brief characteristics of temperaments

People of this type easily adapt to a new environment, respond vividly to what attracts their attention. They control their emotions well and willingly take on new things. Representatives of this type of temperament are subject to frequent mood swings, but their characteristic state is cheerfulness.

Is it possible to determine that a particular person is sanguine? Yes, there are features inherent only to them, according to them you can always distinguish sanguine people from the society around you. As a rule, people with this type of temperament have a smooth and confident gait, movements are light and fast. Sanguine is easy to distinguish by good posture and expressive gestures. Facial expressions and gestures are rich and natural, and speech is loud and clear.

As a minus for a sanguine temperament, one can write down the fact that people of this type are quickly distracted from business or emotions if external stimuli do not change for a long time. As soon as the novelty of sensations is dulled, sanguine people become lethargic and indifferent.

If your colleague or subordinate is sanguine, then remember that his decisions are often rash. His activity is most effective when he is busy with new interesting projects keeping him in suspense. Do not forget that the duality of this temperament requires control over the progress of work.

Cholerics are easily excitable and unbalanced, it is difficult to switch their attention. They are very mobile, up to excessiveness, their feelings are strong and manifest themselves vividly. They take on new cases with great ardor, give themselves completely to them, but at the same time, an inadequate assessment of their strengths leads to a sharp decline in activity. The disadvantages of this type of temperament lie precisely in the imbalance, due to which there are outbreaks of harshness, irritability, exhaustion.

Cholerics also have characteristic features: people of this type have hasty, often confused speech, bright and expressive facial expressions. It is difficult for choleric people to sit in one place, they often jump up or change positions, gesticulate a lot and sharply. There is something defiant about their uneven gait.

They are passive, unstable, easily vulnerable and react little to external influences. Most often, melancholics are immersed in themselves, they prefer a calm, familiar environment. The undoubted advantages of this type of temperament are the depth and constancy of their feelings.

People of this type of temperament have a restrained, albeit quick, gait. They are immersed in their thoughts, so they can think and slow down. Their gestures are sparing, but sharp due to the awkwardness they experience in society. strangers. Speech is slow, often halting, its speed is uneven.

Please note that if you manage to arrange for your melancholic employee a calm workplace, then its performance will amaze you. With support and a measured rhythm of work, they are able to work miracles, but they will painfully experience any difficult psychological situation. Subtly feeling melancholics are very receptive and observant, which makes them indispensable in working with staff.

Such people are persistent and stubborn, walk smoothly and calmly along life path. These are reliable people who are difficult to piss off. They are stingy with emotions, detailed to the point of tediousness and reliable like no other. The disadvantages can be called the fact that phlegmatic people react very poorly to external stimuli, slowly rebuild, converge with people, and are unresourceful.

Phlegmatic people move heavily and thoroughly, their gait is often lazy, unhurried. Sitting, they can maintain the same posture for a long time. Gesticulation and facial expressions are sparing, it is impossible to read something on their face. Speech leisurely, they are taciturn, do not like idle chatter.

In difficult situations, your most reliable employee will be a phlegmatic person. A person of this type will not argue, in any discussion he will limit himself to summing up, and he will skillfully take into account the opinion of each side. These are reliable and executive workers who do not need to be controlled. But in no case should you entrust a person of this type of temperament with work that requires initiative.

How to determine your temperament?

As mentioned above, pure temperaments are very rare. There are not only mixed types temperaments, but also intermediate, transitional. To determine the type of temperament, many methods and tests have been developed.

Below is a test that will allow you to determine percentage each type of temperament in your temperament structure and highlight your main type.

Put a plus if you agree with the statement and a minus if you don't. So,

  1. You are restless.
  2. Short-tempered and impulsive.
  3. Most often impatient.
  4. Initiative and decisive.
  5. Stubborn, even stubborn.
  6. Quickly navigate in disputes, resourceful.
  7. The rhythm of your activity is uneven, spasmodic.
  8. Love to take risks.
  9. You forgive easily.
  10. Your speech is fast and fiery.
  11. You often suffer from your imbalance.
  12. Don't tolerate shortcomings.
  13. Everything new attracts you.
  14. Your mood changes frequently.
  15. You are a cheerful and cheerful person.
  16. Energy is in full swing, you are always collected.
  17. You often quit what you started halfway through.
  18. You do not always adequately assess your strengths.
  19. Your interests and hobbies change frequently.
  20. You get used to the changed plans and new circumstances easily.
  21. It is not difficult for you to be distracted from your affairs, you quickly deal with someone else's problem.
  22. Careful attention to detail and painstaking work is not for you.
  23. You are responsive, love communication.
  24. Your speech is clear and loud.
  25. You do not panic even in difficult situations, you have excellent self-control.
  26. Fall asleep easily and wake up quickly.
  27. It is difficult for you to concentrate, to make an informed decision.
  28. You are distracted, inattentive.
  29. You are a reserved and cold-blooded person.
  30. You are consistent in your words and deeds.
  31. You are careful and thoughtful.
  32. Patient, you know how to wait.
  33. Taciturn, do not like empty chatter.
  34. Your speech is measured, calm.
  35. You correctly distribute your forces, you never give all the best.
  36. You have a clear daily routine, you plan your work affairs.
  37. Calmly perceive criticism, indifferent to censure.
  38. It is difficult for you to immediately switch to another activity.
  39. You have good relationships with other people.
  40. Accurate, pedantic in trifles.
  41. It is difficult for you to adapt to a new environment and changed plans.
  42. You do not like to move a lot, you are slow.
  43. You are a shy person.
  44. The new environment makes you confused.
  45. You are insecure. in their power.
  46. Loneliness does not weigh you down.
  47. Failures and troubles unsettle you for a long time.
  48. In difficult life periods, you close in on yourself.
  49. You are not very hardy, you get tired quickly.
  50. Your speech is quiet, sometimes slurred.
  51. You automatically adopt the character traits of the interlocutor and his manner of speaking.
  52. Sentimental and impressionable.
  53. You are a perfectionist, you have high demands on yourself and the world around you.
  54. You are characterized by some suspiciousness and suspicion.
  55. You are easily offended.
  56. You are pleased when others empathize with you.

Now let's take a look at the test results. There are 4 groups of questions in the test, 14 statements in each group. The first 14 (from the first to the fourteenth statement) describe the choleric temperament. The second group, from the 15th to the 28th statement, describes a sanguine person. The third group, from 29 to 42 - phlegmatic type of temperament. And the last group, from 43 to 56, the statement describes the melancholic temperament.

If in any of the groups you received more than 10 pluses, then this type of temperament is dominant for you. If the number of pluses is 5-9, then these traits are expressed in you to a large extent. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the features of this type of temperament are poorly expressed.

As you have seen, there is no unambiguous ideal among the types of temperaments. And you can’t change it, because. this is not a character trait, but just a feature of the body's reactions. But, having learned in more detail about each of the types of temperament, having determined what type of temperament you have, it will be easier for you to build your relationships with people. It remains to be hoped that now colleagues and relatives will become clearer to you.

A psychological test for determining your character type will determine your emotional type. Each person has one of two types of character, which usually does not change from birth. Our online test: [Your Personality] will help you determine your type. It is very likely that you will not be assigned to only one group, because, as a rule, the character is a mixture of two different types. Try to answer the test questions honestly. At the end of the test, you will be given an assessment of your character type with some comments. Our online test: [Your Character] is completely free without SMS and registrations! The result will be shown immediately after the answer to the last question!

The test contains 30 questions!

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The test will help you determine your temperament type.

Take a sheet of paper. Write the numbers of questions from 1 to 20, in front of them mark the letter of the answer (“a”, “b”, “c”, or “d”). After passing, count the total number of letters.

Temperament test

Of the four statements, you need to choose the one that is most suitable for you.

a) fussy and restless;

b) cheerful and cheerful;

c) cool and calm;

d) shy and shy.

a) quick-tempered and unrestrained;

b) businesslike and energetic;

c) thorough and consistent;

d) you get lost in a new environment.

a) are straightforward and sharp in relation to other people;

b) tend to overestimate themselves;

c) know how to wait;

d) Doubt yourself.

a) unforgiving;

b) if something ceases to interest, you quickly cool down;

c) strictly adhere to the system in work and daily routine;

d) adapt involuntarily to the nature of the interlocutor.

a) you are the owner of choppy, abrupt movements;

b) fall asleep quickly

c) it is difficult for you to adapt to a new environment;

d) submissive.

a) intolerant of shortcomings;

b) efficient, hardy;

c) in their interests are constant;

d) easily vulnerable, sensitive.

a) impatient

b) quit the things you started;

c) prudent and careful;

d) it is difficult to establish contact with new people.

a) you have expressive facial expressions;

b) fast, loud speech with lively gestures;

c) slowly get involved in the work;

d) very touchy.

a) you have a fast, impassioned speech;

b) c new job turn on quickly;

c) you hold back the impulse easily;

d) very impressionable.

a) work in jerks;

b) you take on any new business with enthusiasm;

c) do not waste your energy;

d) you have a quiet, weak speech.

a) you are inherently incoherent;

b) persistent in achieving the goal;

c) lethargic, inactive;

d) seek the sympathy of others.

a) decide and act quickly;

b) keep your composure in difficult situations;

c) equal relations with everyone;

d) uncommunicative.

a) initiative and decisive;

b) quickly grasp the new;

c) do not like to talk in vain, are silent;

d) endure loneliness easily.

a) strive for something new;

b) you are always in a cheerful mood;

c) love accuracy;

d) timid, inactive.

a) stubborn;

b) interests and inclinations are not constant;

c) you have a calm, even speech with stops;

d) when you fail, you feel confused and depressed.

a) have a tendency to be hot;

b) burdened by monotonous painstaking work;

c) are not very susceptible to censure and approval;

d) you have high expectations for others and yourself.

a) propensity to take risks;

b) adapt easily to different circumstances;

c) finish what you started

d) you are easily fatigued.

a) sudden mood swings

b) tend to be distracted;

c) have endurance;

d) too susceptible to censure and approval.

a) be aggressive, bully;

b) responsive and sociable;

c) gentle;

d) suspicious, suspicious.

a) resourceful in a dispute;

b) you experience failures easily;

c) patient and restrained;

d) tend to withdraw into yourself.

Count how many times you chose the answer "a", how many "b", how many "c" and how many "d". Now multiply each of the 4 numbers received by 5. You will receive the percentage of answers.

For example:

"a" - 7 times * 5 = 35%

"b" - 10 times * 5 = 50%

"in" - 2 times * 5 \u003d 10%

"g" - 1 time * 5 \u003d 5%

Four types of answers correspond to 4 types temperament.

"a" - type of choleric

"b" - type of sanguine

"c" - type of phlegmatic

"g" - type of melancholic.

In our example, type "b" dominates - sanguine (50%). Determine your dominant type.

Temperament types


unbalanced type. Stormy emotions, flashes. Speech is slurred and slurred. Sudden change of mood. With people quarrelsome, straightforward. Can't wait, impatient. Strives for something new constantly, unstable in interests.


"Alive", sociable, maintains composure in a difficult environment. Easily enters into new team, not bound. Quickly switches from one job to another. The decisions are often not collected. Speech is clear, loud and fast.

Phlegmatic person.

Balanced. Reasonable, cautious, sociable in moderation. Inactive, inert. Steady in interests. Adheres to a strict routine at the workplace. Slowly switches from one job to another.


Inactive, unbalanced. All emotions inside. Indecisive, does not believe in himself, very sensitive. Closed, prone to loneliness. Steady in interests. Contact is hard.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Who are these - phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine? How often have you come across these words? In fact, these are 4 possible types of human temperament used in most of the theories currently available (Pavlova, Eysenck).

Curious to know who is who? How does a phlegmatic person differ from a choleric person and who, for example, is it better to be - a melancholic or a sanguine person? And even more interesting to understand who you are. After that, you begin to look at the world with different eyes.

Temperament determines the characteristics of human behavior. It's a bit like a horoscope when you read about your zodiac sign and find similarities. But here it's the other way around. You need to read the description of all temperaments and understand which one you are closest to (pass the simplest logical test).

Today we are going to talk about psychological features people with different temperaments, about their capabilities and purpose. Also we will know how to figure out what type your personality is closest to(according to the simplest test) and give a visual psychological portrait of each of these temperaments, in which you will definitely find features that are inherent in you personally.

Types of temperament according to Hans Eysenck (test)

Hans Eysenck's classification is by far the best known. This scientist is to carry a person to one of the 4 main types of temperament (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic) used only two scales:

  1. Neuraticism(emotionality) - it characterizes the degree of emotional instability of a given person, his inherent anxiety and tendency to depressive states. In simple terms, this indicator indicates whether this person is seasoned or, conversely, extremely nervous and prone to go to extremes. A person with high level neuroticism will be impressionable, anxious and insecure. Moreover, all these features are manifested not only in stressful situations but also in everyday life. High neuroticism does not mean that this person is neurotic, but the chances of him becoming one are very high with prolonged stress.
  2. Extraversion and introversion. A high score on extraversion implies that this person is directed to the outside world, to other people and to interaction with them (always with the people). Extroverts are impulsive, optimistic, easy to take risks and are not afraid to interact with other people. Introversion, on the contrary, characterizes people who are closed, immersed in their thoughts or emotions. However, introverts themselves are emotionally reserved, have a narrow circle of friends and prefer to keep their distance from the people around them. If you have already read my publication, then you know that introverts never take risks, they think everything over.

That is, according to Hans Eysenck temperament is formed from just two variables- the degree of neurathism and the degree of extraversion inherent in each individual. As a result, the whole thing can be represented in the form of a graph, when neurotism (excitability of the psyche) is plotted along the vertical axis, and extraversion (degree of unsociableness) is plotted along the horizontal axis:

Different people have different degrees of these parameters, but from their combination the temperament of a particular personality (person) is formed.

Enough it will be hard to find sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic in its purest form, but this is usually not required. It is enough just to understand what signs a person has more and to which of these 4 types of temperament it can be more likely to be attributed.

Just looking at the chart above, it's safe to say that:

is a person who is characterized by high degrees of both neuroticism and extroversion (a kind of "urban madman", if you approach this with humor). He has the highest level of excitability and the lowest level of inhibition of the psyche.

This makes him active, irascible(sometimes even aggressive) with a constantly changing mood. The choleric person speaks quickly and, as a rule, with active gestures and facial expressions. At the same time, he is unable to control his emotions.

is a person who is characterized a high degree neuroticism, but low extraversion (such people are not very sociable).

Melancholics are extremely susceptible and sensitive towards external environment. Because of this, unlike choleric people, they do not show their emotions (of which they have a lot due to high neuroticism), but keep them in themselves (they often have problems with that). They are closed and conservative.

- this is a balanced person who is able to control his emotions (calm choleric). He can quickly change his plans and quickly adapt to external circumstances. If some activity is interesting to him, then he is able to be very active.

A sanguine person is a sociable and cheerful person, but to some extent frivolous and incapable of any long-term occupation (work or relationship).

This is a person who is distinguished by excellent calmness. Its very hard to get out and disturb his inner emotional balance. This is related to its low adaptation to changes and the difficulty in switching activities. From the outside it seems that phlegmatic people are slow and very reserved.

Everything is the same, but in the format of a video medley on entertaining psychology:

This is exactly the classification given in the theory of Hans Eysenck, and I like it because it is easier to apply in everyday life. In this case Eysenck temperament test will look very simple:

There are other versions of the theory of temperaments. For example, as many as sixteen types are considered, but this is already a topic for a separate article.

Sanguine - who is he and what are his characteristics

This type of temperament is, in fact, average representative of humanity and, as it were, an unofficial norm (in any case, Academician Pavlov thought so, considering all other types of temperament to be deviations from this norm).

Choleric - who is it

Phlegmatic - his personality characteristics

Melancholic - who is this

It remains to consider only one type of temperament.

  1. The melancholic has a rather weak nervous system (it is subject to emotional outbursts). This means that he is incapable of long workloads and has a high distractibility. In this regard, they, by the way, do not lend themselves very well to hypnosis - they are too distracted and unable to concentrate.
  2. In this case, the nervous system of the melancholic is stuck. Therefore, know that if you offend such a person with something, then he will remember this for the rest of his life.
  3. It would seem that such a nervous system should allow one to control for some purpose (to stick), but the problem is that with any failure, the melancholic gives up and does not make more attempts.
  4. people are the most sensitive of all personality types to the external environment, so they see subtleties that no other person (with a different temperament) will ever notice. Including subtleties in the behavior of other people.
  5. The melancholic much better than others distinguishes shades of emotions and people's behavior, although at the same time he himself sometimes seems unemotional and is often confused with a phlegmatic person.
  6. The speed of the nervous system in a melancholic is quite high, which, however, is not particularly manifested outside (all emotions boil inside a person).
  7. Outwardly, the melancholic looks inhibited, but unlike the phlegmatic, it is also emotionally loaded.
  8. Thought processes in a melancholic proceed rapidly and one thought quickly replaces another.
  9. The melancholic is an introvert (internal representation is more important than external stimuli), but he is already mostly immersed in his emotions, and not thoughts, like a phlegmatic. At the same time, his facial expressions and gestures are not expressive, because he tries not to show his feelings outside (and these feelings, as a rule, are many).
  10. These people have a rather weak ego. They are, in principle, able to restrain their expression, but they are not able to restrain their impulses and emotions. For example, it is very difficult for such a person to get up in the morning on an alarm clock.
  11. The melancholic is the most maladaptive personality type. He usually can't find anyone mutual language and practically does not adhere to social norms and rules.
  12. A person with such a temperament adapts to a particular activity or environment for a very long time. This is again connected with a weak nervous system and the anxiety that this weakness generates.
  13. That is, a melancholic is at the same time a very disturbing type. Any insignificant external stimulus already causes tension in him. In this regard, it is to such people most often.
  14. He is not interested in communicating with other people (he is an introvert), and he does not accept to splash out his emotions like a choleric. Although, there are exceptions. A melancholic can talk for a long time on a topic that is interesting to him. If the topic is not his, then he will be silent. In this regard, silence and shyness are not deservedly attributed to this temperament, which in fact is completely wrong.
  15. Melancholic people are more rational than choleric people because they suppress their emotions. In this regard, a person with such a temperament is best suited for individual work (not in a team), but where no hard tension is required (this is the battlefield of phlegmatic people) and clear deadlines.
  16. And, of course, creative work is well suited, and not acting like choleric people, but the creation of something new, such as a designer, director, scientist.
  17. Melancholics are the most trainable personality type. That is, they learn the fastest and their skills remain for a long time. At the same time, melancholics teach others quite well, because they always go deep into the topic. And it is this type of people that is the main engine of science. Genius is most often inherent precisely in melancholics, well, also in phlegmatic people.
  18. The melancholic converges with people for a very long time, but he can part almost instantly. That is, such people are sometimes characterized by a sharp change of opinion.
  19. People belonging to this type of temperament communicate most often with phlegmatic people (they load them the least). They hate choleric people, unless it is a creature of the opposite sex (options are possible here). At the same time, they are monogamous and capable of long-term relationships.
  20. About leadership qualities melancholic is very difficult to say. He has all the data for this (mind, the ability to quickly grasp everything), but communication overstrains them nervous system, and often just not interesting. Therefore, he quickly burns out all the motivation for some kind of leadership.
  21. Melancholic people react to conflicts in different ways. Basically, they slow down and fall into a stupor, preventing emotions from coming out.

Conclusions on determining the type of temperament

It is important to understand that although temperament is a certain innate structure of the psyche, the above description should not be taken as dogma. There are sufficiently pure types to be able to distinguish one from the other. But any temperament is always refracted through social constructions in which man lives.

And in general, the older a person becomes, the more socially adapted he becomes and the more certain boundaries between temperaments blur.

On the other hand, I do not believe in primordial equality and the ability to become who you want to be. You need to understand that, for example, the same work with people from a melancholic will require much greater mental costs than from a sanguine person. And at the same time, a sanguine person will be much happier due to his natural social adaptation.

Well, in conclusion, I can’t resist not to show a picture from my childhood (Bidstrup’s album was at home) that perfectly shows the relationship of diametrically opposite temperaments (in this case, phlegmatic and choleric):

P.S. I am a phlegmatic person, so I always liked this drawing. You can say that he has become

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