Types of ringing. Bell ringing

According to the prevailing church traditions The bell ringing is divided into two large groups: the ringing itself and the evangelism.

The first type: the actual ringing

Actually chimes call the church bells ringing, which is produced with the help of all or several church bells. Such ringing is divided into several varieties:
- pealing;
- two-ringing;
- chime;
- overkill.

The ringing is done by striking everything. Such strikes are carried out three times in three steps. First, all the bells are struck, then they take a short break, then another blow and a break, then another blow and a break. Thus, the bell ringing occurs three times.

When busting, after hitting a large bell, all the bells are struck at once and this is repeated many times.

Two-ringing - such a ringing is called the blows that are made twice on all the bells. At the same time, the bells are rung in two steps. Chime is the alternating sound of a bell, which starts with the largest and ends with the smallest.

Busting is a slow ringing in turn in each bell 1 time, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest.

The second type of bell ringing: evangelism

Church ministers call the bells and whistles measured beats in a huge bell. This type of impact is very well heard at a great distance. That is why the workers decided to use this bell ringing to call the people on.

Such a ringing was called the gospel because with its help the good, good news of the beginning of the divine service was proclaimed.

The evangelism is done in a certain way. First, the church minister produces three slow and drawn-out strikes, while waiting for the sound to fade, and then he makes more measured strikes. However, the impacts may differ depending on the size of the bell itself. If it is relatively large, they are produced over the entire diameter of the bell. If it is not very large, the tongue of the bell is simply pulled with a rope to its edge and, with the help of the set board, kicks are made by pressing the foot.

In turn, the gospel is divided into several types:
- ordinary (frequent) - such a ringing is produced with the help of the largest bell;
- (rare) - such a ringing is performed with the help of a small bell during Lent.

If the temple has several large bells, and this is possible with large monasteries, cathedrals, laurels, then large bells, depending on their purpose, are divided into several types:
- Sunday;
- festive;
- everyday (simple day);
- polyoleonic;
- small.

A couple who decides to go on to perform such a ceremony should be clearly aware of their intentions and be sincere with each other. This is a rather significant and solemn event. Therefore, you should approach him responsibly and prepare in advance, including morally.


If the people who are going to unite each other by marriage have no obstacles to holding the wedding ceremony, you can continue preparing for it and choose the temple in which this event will take place. The choice of a temple is usually started in advance: two to three weeks before the ceremony itself. This is done so that the ministers have time to explain the process of the wedding ceremony, determine the location of the invited guests, the possibility of filming the wedding with cameras and video cameras.

When organizing this event, the future married couple will have the opportunity to choose a priest who will conduct the ceremony. The choice can be made from among the priests of the temple in which the wedding will take place, or it can be

Bell ringing causes joyful surprise in every person, regardless of whether he is a believer or not. The iridescent bells make people, against their will, turn their eyes towards the temple and smile.

A bell tower with several melodious voices is the pride of every temple. Bell ringing possessing healing power for Orthodox souls, depending on the species, it “calls” people to the service, “sings” during the celebration and sounds like an alarm bell in case of danger.

Hearing the bell ringing, you need to cross yourself and pray

What is the purpose of church bells

In arrangement christian temple every thing has its own purpose. The souls of Orthodox Christians, when listening to church trickles, are filled with light, joy, peace, tranquility. When the bells ring like an alarm, Christians know that something has happened.

Orthodox ringing is filled with amazing power that has the ability to penetrate human hearts... In church sounds and overflows the Russians Orthodox people learned to distinguish between triumph, call and alarm, hearing a certain ringing.

An amazing phenomenon - when the bells sound, doves, the prototypes of the Holy Spirit, do not fly away, but, on the contrary, rush to the temples.

Hearing the play of bells, the Orthodox people rush to the services, to which they are called upon by the rhythmic beat of the bell. The sounds of the Church's triumph and festive services fill the hearts of believers with merriment and joy. Triumph and veneration cause chimes during solemn services.

Types of bell ringing

Falling in love with the church bell ringing, the Russian Orthodox people united with it all their solemn and sad events. The Orthodox bell ringing serves not only as an indication of the time of the Divine service, but also as a filling of joy, sadness and triumph. This is where different kinds ringing, and each kind has a name and meaning.

A bell-ringer can only be a church-going person who possesses certain qualities:

  • inner flair;
  • a sense of rhythm;
  • knowledge of the sound row;
  • knowledge of the execution technique;
  • knowledge of the Church charter.

The ringer must be a prayer book and observe fasting in order to convey the triumph of Orthodoxy to the people through the overflow of sounds.

The bell ringer paints with sound, like an artist paints

Hearing the uniform beating of a large bell, Orthodox Christians know that this is good news. , calling to worship .

The more significant the event, the more God's voice is chosen:

  1. The festive gospel sounds on Easter or on special holidays; for its sounding, the blessing of the rector of the temple is necessary.
  2. Sunday gospel sounds on Sundays, polyeleos for special services.
  3. The daily service begins with the daily evangelism, in Great post- lean.
  4. Nabat heralds trouble, thank God, it sounds extremely rare.

When all the bells in the church are struck in succession, a chime is announced, water-blessing prayers, Liturgy, temple holidays.

With the actual bell ringing, the ringer strikes two bells.

The ringing speaks for itself, at this time all the bells, large and small, work, each time it makes three beats with a short break. Low and ringing sounds the souls of Christians fly straight into heaven, announcing the beginning of the service or the end of the gospel.

Morning, monastery ringing, healing from all diseases

The history of the appearance of bells

The first mentions of bells were found in documents that are more than 6 thousand years old. The prototype of the wondrous work is the bell flower, whose petals come in motion at the slightest breath of wind. The bells' first task was to sound the signal. They were put on pets, hung on the door.

The birthplace of the first cast bells is considered to be China, where bells are used in cleansing rituals. According to legend, the master could not mix the necessary metals to achieve the desired sound, all products either cracked or did not sound. On the advice of the monks, the daughter of the master threw herself into the molten metal, and the first big bell "Adorable Flower" sounded all over China.

Egyptian monks were the first to use bells to summon Christians to services.

For information! The most wide distribution in Russia, church chimes acquired in the 16th century, surpassing in weight all available in European countries.

The voice of God has become an element of Russian culture. According to legend, bell chimes drive away evil spirits therefore, during the pestilence, the invasion of enemies, the church bells did not stop.

Over time, even musical notation appeared for playing these unique works of human hands. Bell ringing festivals are often held in Russia, filling everything around with God's glory.

The world's largest Assumption bell - "Tsar Bell"

The healing power of bell ringing

Scientists have proven that bell chimes have healing power not only when cleansing space from evil spirits, but also when people are healed.

An amazing discovery made by researchers shows that church sounds propagate in space in waves in the form of a cross, providing positive influence on the physical, mental and spiritual condition of a person.

Repeatedly Christians noted recovery, deliverance from generic diseases after being under the cover of the overflow of God's voice. Bell ringing especially has healing powers for psycho-emotional illnesses.

Modern achievements allow you to listen to various overflows of church music in the recording, while in the room, thereby clearing the surrounding space from evil spirits.

Advice! Play songs of bell tones and enjoy the joy and peace in your home, remembering that sound therapy lasts no more than half an hour.

Bell ringing. Cleansing space and healing

Bell ringing art

4. Types of bell ringing

Church bells are divided into two main types: 1. evangelism and 2. the actual ringing.

1. Blagovest

An evangelist is called measured beats in one big bell. With this ringing, believers are called to the temple of God for worship. This ringing is called a bell because it proclaims the good, good news of the beginning of the Divine service. The evangelism is carried out as follows: first, three rare, slow, lingering blows are made (until the sound of the bell stops), and then measured blows follow. If the bell is very large or huge, then these measured strikes are made with a swinging tongue in both ends of the bell. If the bell is relatively small, then in this case its tongue is pulled quite close to its edge by a rope, a board is placed on the rope and blows are made by pressing the foot. Annunciation, in turn, is divided into two types: 1. Ordinary or frequent, and is produced by the largest bell; and 2. lean or rare, produced by a smaller bell, on the weekdays of Great Lent. If the church has several large bells, and this happens in cathedrals, large monasteries, laurels, then the large bells, in accordance with their purpose, are distinguished by the following bells: 1) festive; 2) Sunday; 3) polyoleonic; 4) common or everyday; 5) the fifth or small bell. Usually in parish churches there are no more than two or three bells. [5 p. 74]

2. The actual ringing

Actually, ringing is called ringing when all the bells are rung at once or several bells. Ringing of all bells differs by: 1. Ringing is a ringing of all bells, then a small break, and the second ringing of all bells, again a small break, and the third time ringing of all bells, that is, ringing of all bells three times, or ringing in three steps. The ringing expresses Christian joy and triumph. In our time, pealing has come to mean not only ringing all the bells three times, but, in general, ringing all the bells. 2. Two-ringing is ringing all the bells twice, in two steps. 3. Chime is the ringing of each bell in turn (one or several beats in each bell), from the largest to the smallest, and this is repeated many times. 4. Busting is a slow ringing in turn in each bell, once, starting from the smallest to the largest, and after striking a large bell, they strike all the bells together at once, and this is repeated many times.

3. The use of ringing and its meaning

1. Before you start All-night vigil- the gospel, which ends with a peep. 2. At the beginning of the reading of the Six Psalms, a two-chime is supposed to. This two-bell ringing announces the beginning of the second part of the All-night Vigil - Matins and expresses the joy of the Nativity of Christ - the incarnation of the Second Person Holy Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ. The beginning of Matins, as we know, directly points to the Nativity of Christ and begins with the doxology of the angels who appeared to the shepherds of Bethlehem: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will in men." The people call the two-ringing at the all-night vigil the "second ringing" (the second ringing after the beginning of the all-night vigil). 3. During the singing of polyeleos, just before the reading of the Gospel, there is a ringing tone, expressing the joy of the celebrated event. At the Sunday All-night Vigil, the ringing expresses the joy and triumph of the Resurrection of Christ. (In some localities, it is performed while singing: "You saw the Resurrection of Christ" ...) Usually in manuals this ringing is called "ringing to the Gospel." The people call the ringing at the All-night Vigil ("ringing to the Gospel") "the third ringing". 4. At the beginning of the singing of the song Mother of God: "My soul magnifies the Lord ..." there is a short message, consisting of 9 beats in a large bell (according to the custom of Kiev and all Little Russia). 5. On Great Feasts, at the end of the Vigil, there is a ringing sound. 6. At the episcopal Divine Service, after each All-Night Vigil, a ringing bell is supposed to send off the bishop.

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Quote post Orthodox bell ringing

"A bell is a prayer in sound, a sounding icon"

Bells are one of the essential accessories of an Orthodox church.
Bell ringing is used to:
1. Summon believers to worship
2. Express the triumph of the Church and her worship
3. To announce to those who are not present in the church about the time of the especially important parts of the service.

Initially, before the appearance of bells in Russia, a more general method of summoning believers to worship was determined by the 6th century, when they began to use beat and riveted. Bila(and candia) - this is wooden planks, a riveted- iron or copper strips, bent into a semicircle, which were struck with special wooden sticks. And only at the end of the 10th century bells appeared.
The Russian Orthodox ringing differs significantly from the bell ringing of other denominations. If the ringing Western Europe contain melodic and harmonic foundations / carellon-bell organ /, then in Russian bells this is practically absent. The Orthodox ringing is based on rhythm and character. The ringer, thanks to his inner instinct, a sense of rhythm, excellent knowledge of the scale and mastery of the technique of performance, on the basis of the Charter, prayer and personal worldview, can convey joy and tranquility, deep sorrow and the triumph of spiritual content through the bell ringing church services... In the souls of believers seeking peace with the Lord God, the church bell ringing awakens a bright, joyful and peaceful mood. So a person can determine the state of his soul by ringing the bell. In the Orthodox ringing lies a wondrous power that penetrates deeply into human hearts.

Falling in love with the church bell ringing, the Russian Orthodox people united with it all their solemn and sad events. Therefore, the Orthodox bell ringing serves not only as an indication of the time of the Divine service, but also serves as an expression of joy, sadness and triumph. Hence, various types of ringing appeared and each type of ringing has its own name and meaning.

The International Center for Bell Art presents a unique archive recording of the Festive Ringing performed by the legendary master Ivan Vasilyevich Danilov and his student Andrey Anatolyevich Dyachkov. Arkhangelsk, museum wooden architecture Malye Korely, 1997.

Types of bells and their names

Bell ringing is divided into three main types:

Chime, bust
The actual ringing

Blagovest- these are single measured beats in one big bell. This ringing proclaims the good news to the believers about the beginning of church services. The evangelism is festive, everyday and fast. In the word "bl a govest "the emphasis is on the first syllable!" Blagovest "is always the name of a ringing, not a bell.
Chime- these are successive beats (from one to seven in each bell) from large to small, enumeration of bells from the largest bell to the smallest, or vice versa with different amounts beats in every bell. There are two main chimes: funeral and water chimes.
The actual ringing- this is a characteristic rhythmic ringing using all the main groups of the bell scale. The ringing bells of this group include: festive ringing / ringing, two ringing /, everyday ringing, as well as ringing made by the ringer himself, which is the result of the ringer's creative work and self-expression.

Blagovest intended to herald the imminent beginning of the divine service. Blagovest "... not only informs about the time of the beginning of the service, but also prepares Christians for it ... He, in fact, is already a Divine service" - says Professor Mikhail Skaballanovich in the Explanatory Typicon. The evangelism takes place, as mentioned above: on great holidays - on the festive bell, before Sunday services - on the Sunday bell.

The bell-ringer, as follows from the instructions of the Typikon, is supposed to take the blessing for the ringing from the primate (the priest who is to perform the service) before the ringing. The blessing of the priest determines the status of the liturgical action for the evangelism, as well as for the other ringing.

The position of the bell ringer is performed by the paraecclesiarch - in modern version- a sexton, altar boy or reader. However, in our time, the one who was blessed by the abbot has the right to call, regardless of whether this person belongs to the category of clergy, clergymen, or is simply a parishioner.

It is recommended that the bell-ringer read the blameless (17th kathisma) or 12 times the 50th psalm during the evangelism. "The same ascending strikes the great compan not soon, singing blameless, or the verb of Psalm 50-12" (Typikon, ch. 2). From this indication it follows that the duration of the ringing corresponds to approximately 20 minutes. However, now, due to the fact that the ringing carries a more symbolic than practical meaning, the time for evangelism has decreased and is about 10 minutes.

At the beginning of the evangelism, two strikes are made on the designated bell until the sound is completely attenuated, and from the third, measured strikes begin. The interval between beats should be chosen so that it matches the voice of the bell, otherwise the ringing may turn out to be mournful if the beats are too rare, or alarming, in the case of very frequent beats.

On the basis of these Charter recommendations, the Zvonarsky Charter of the Patriarchal Cathedral in the Name of Christ the Savior in Moscow was drawn up. The text of the Cathedral bell-ruling Statute, approved by the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy.

Today, many churches still keep unique selections of church bells. Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Novo-Devichy Moscow Monastery, Kirillo-Belozersky Vologda Monastery, Bishops' Court and Assumption Cathedral in Rostov the Great - and this list of monuments Russian history can be listed for a long time. The term “selection of bells” refers to the selection of a certain number of bells collected in a particular monastery or temple. Such a selection creates a complete musical harmony of all tones and sounds emitted by bells of various sizes. There have been cases when the selection of a particular church was going on for a long time. So the selection, which exists in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, was collected for 486 years. This selection still contains bells dating from 1422. Most of the unique bells could not survive the terrible era of godlessness in Russia, when Soviet authority barbarously ravaged temples and destroyed their property. True, during the Great Patriotic War Soviet government made an attempt to carry out some restoration of some Russian churches with their bell towers.

Healing bell ringing

V Orthodox tradition bell ringing has not only the meaning of a signal calling for prayer, but also attunes a person in a certain way, causing deep feelings of contact with Higher powers... It is not for nothing that the bell is called "the sound of the sun," the evangelism. Bell ringing used in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases. Today it has already been proven: when the bells ring, the acoustic wave propagates in the form of a cross. This was mathematically calculated in the scientific laboratory of the Moscow ZIL during the restoration of bells for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. BN Nyunin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, created an accurate radiation pattern of the bell. The sound, descending from heaven to earth, seems to baptize the surroundings. Perhaps that is why the impact of bells on the human soul is so great. One of the St. Petersburg psychiatrists treats mental illness with the ringing of bells. However, not only mental ailments are subject to mystical sound. Scientists have found that the wave propagated by the bell kills pathogenic bacteria within a radius of several kilometers! It turned out that the bells in the ultrasonic range act as generators of energy. Our ancestors, knowing this, during the epidemic, rang the bells around the clock. Moreover, against each specific ailment - with a special ringing.

No wonder it is said: "If an icon is a prayer in paints, a church is a prayer in stone, then a bell is a prayer in sound, an icon sounding. This is the sound cast from bronze that the Russian ear of an Orthodox person has chosen for itself as an ideal." Orthodox man was born, lived and died with a ringing. Numerous cases are known when a sudden sound of a bell prevented crime and suicide, led to repentance, summoned a desperate person to the temple, who received peace in it and found vitality and the meaning of existence.

In practice, the church bell ringing is divided into two main types: 1 - evangelism and 2 - the ringing itself.

The most ancient canonical ringing Orthodox Church- this is the gospel, that is, the good, good news about the beginning of the Divine service, which is measured blows on one of the large bells in order to call the faithful to prayer in the temple.

Appearing at a time when churches could have at least one bell, this type of ringing continued to exist along with others, more complex. Since then, the only thing that has changed is that the role of the announcing bell, according to the rituals, began to be performed by various (usually the largest) bells. They are often called evangelists.

The evangelism is carried out as follows: first, three rare, slow, lingering blows are made (until the sound of the bell stops), and then measured blows follow. If the bell is very big size, then these measured strikes are made with a swinging tongue in both edges of the bell. If the bell is relatively small, then its tongue is pulled with a rope quite close to its edge, a board is placed on the rope and blows are made by pressing the foot.

The pace of evangelism, as well as the choice of strikes (one or both sides), depends on the ringer, the size of the bells and the ringing system. With the evangelism in a small bell, it is possible to adjust the tempo, but if the tongue is connected with a rope to the pedal, the ringing is made only at one edge. For large lingual bells and bells, the tempo does not depend on the ringer's desire. In the first case, it is set by the frequency of movement of the pendulum tongue, and in the second, by the speed of the collision of the bell itself with the tongue.

If there are several large bells at the temple, and this happens at cathedrals, laurels, large monasteries, then large bells (evangelists), in accordance with their purpose, differ as follows:

  • - festive - the largest and heaviest in weight bell, which was announced on the twelve and great holidays, as well as some other especially solemn occasions;
  • - Sunday - the second largest bell used during Sunday services;
  • - polyeleos - the third bell, for evangelism on the feasts of the apostles and saints, as well as saints, to whom the polyeleos service is served according to the statute;
  • - daily or weekday - the next largest, for ringing on weekdays;
  • - Great Lent - a bell that preaches the gospel during Great Lent.

The weight of the bells intended for the same occasion, but located on different bell towers, was different. For example, a bell similar in weight to polyeleos or everyday bells in one bell tower could be festive in another, etc.

Of course, not every bell tower had and still has such a complete set of evangelists. Usually, in parish churches, there are no more than two large bells: the first served as a festive, Sunday and polyeleos, and the second - everyday and Lenten. Or even one at a time, which can be observed on the bell towers of the Novgorod churches of St. Apostle Philip and St. righteous Lazarus of the Four days at the Western cemetery.

In addition to the names directly related to liturgical practice, the bells can bear names or nicknames. For example, in pre-revolutionary times there were several evangelists on the belfry of St. George's of the Novgorod monastery. The "Burning Bush" bell (1838, 2100 pounds) was used as a "festive" bell, the "Sunday" bell was called "Cross" (1838, 1140 pounds), the "polyeleos" bell was "George" (1827, 523 pounds) , For “everyday” - “Archangel Gabriel” (1828, approx. 267 pounds), and as “Lenten” could be used “Nicholas the Wonderworker” (1838, 134 pounds) or “Holy Prophet Nathan” (1838, approx. 63 poods).

It should be noted that the names and nicknames of the bells are not significant for the rules of ringing, they are used only in the context of the names in the descriptions or other cases not directly related to their status.

Depending on the rite of the service, large evangelistic bells, in accordance with the Church charter, are used for the following types of evangelism: festive, Sunday, everyday three degrees of solemnity and lenten.

The festive evangelism befits during the celebration of the twelve holidays, and its ringing is carried out by frequent strikes on both sides of the largest bell ("highway"). Sunday - on Sundays and on the eve of large church holidays in the second largest bell ("sub-large"). The message of the All-night Vigil is first placed in a large bell slowly and for a long time, and on large holidays it is more solemn and longer. Polyeleos - performed by a polyeleos saint, as well as in some other cases. Everyday, the least solemn evangelism, is appointed for Little Vespers, Compline, Midnight Office and the clock and beats it with beats of a moderate frequency every day in the smallest of the large bells or medium. The Lesser, or Lenten, Gospel is used in the ringing of the services of Great Lent and at the beginning of the Lesser Supper, and is reproduced with rare beats. If there is only one large bell in the temple, then it is the only evangelism and is used in all cases.

Another type of bell ringing is the ringing itself, when all the bells or several bells are rung at once. The ringing of all the bells differs in ringing, two-ringing, ringing, busting. Let's take a closer look at them.

Ringing is the most complex and polyphonic type of bell ringing and is ringing all bells, then a small break and the second ringing of all bells, again a small break and ringing all bells for the third time, that is, ringing all bells three times or ringing in three steps ...

The ringing in its form is not limited by the Church Rite and therefore can be different in the composition of the bells, in the form of performance, and in rhythm. Its character is different depending on the size of the bass bells that set the pace of the ringing. If they are very large, then the pace will be moderate, and the ringing will turn out to be stately, solemn and strict. On the contrary, if the bass bells have the ability to give a more mobile tempo, then the ringing will turn out to be alive.

Depending on the number of bells used, the ringing bells can be: small (small and medium bells), medium (all, but without the largest), and great ("in all sorts of things"). In our time, pealing began to be called not only ringing all bells three times, but ringing all bells in general.

Two-ringing is ringing two or more bells twice (in two steps). The leading function of the two-ringing bell is to announce the beginning of the second part of the All-night Vigil - Matins, which expresses the joy of the Nativity of Christ.

Chime - ringing, consisting of alternating strikes in each bell (one or several strikes in each), from the largest to the smallest. In different traditions, the chime can end with a chord in all the bells. Exists different varieties chimes. Each bell ringer has its own variety of chimes, established in a certain sequence or form, originality and beauty depend on the imagination and talent of the performer. The chime can be used as an introduction to the main chime or as a link between its various parts.

In church practice, the most common are rare, or slow, and frequent chimes.

Slow chimes are slow, single beats, one on each bell, starting with the largest, most powerful sound, and gradually progressing to the thinnest and highest sound of a small bell. According to the established tradition, such a chime is made twice a year: at Holy Week- on Good Friday and Holy Saturday... It symbolizes the "exhaustion" of the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of all Christians.

Frequent chimes are characterized by frequent and quick repeated strikes (from 3 to 7 times) in each bell. It was installed for the rite of consecration as a bishop and for the consecration of water. In the water-blessing ringing, rather frequent and strong blows to the large bell are picked up by the next largest bell, thus reaching the smallest one, and when the cross is immersed in the water, the ringing is performed.

Busting is a funeral, wired, or funeral ringing that expresses sadness and grief about a deceased person. According to the classical canons, it is performed in the reverse order than the chime, i.e. consists of a slow, alternate, one time ringing in each bell, starting from the smallest to the largest, followed by striking all the bells. Nevertheless, in church practice there are cases when the execution of the search is carried out randomly.

Slowly turning the bells from smallest to largest symbolizes the increasing human life on earth from cradle to maturity, and the simultaneous sound of bells means the suppression of earthly life by human death, in which everything that a person acquired for this life is abandoned. The search necessarily ends with a short pealing, symbolizing the joyful Christian faith in the resurrection of the deceased. Thus, when the deceased is carried to the funeral service in the temple, a mournful search is made, and when he is brought into the temple, a ringing sound is made. After the funeral service, when the deceased is taken out of the church, a bust is made again, which also ends with a pealing.

Especially popular among the people are festive ringing, among which stands out the so-called red ringing, which is performed in all the bells ("in all grave"). In the Church Rule, this is the name given to ringing all bells without a large one during Holy Week and from St. Thomas to the week of All Saints. As a rule, red ringing occurs at cathedrals, laurels, monasteries, i.e. where there are a large number of bells. Red ringing can be performed by one or several bell ringers. First of all, it is used to designate a beautiful, festive ringing with a concordant selection of bells, performed on days of major holidays, during joyful and solemn events in the life of the Church and society. Usually bell ringers call their best bell ringing red and make sure that this bell, glorifying God, is red and splendid.

However, the above types do not exhaust the whole variety of bell ringing. Classic ringing became the basis for the appearance of a whole constellation of various bell ringing: everyday, wedding, all-day and others. So, the whole-day ringing was practiced on especially important occasions - on Christmas, Easter, during the celebration of an event of state significance (enthronement of the patriarch, accession to the throne, birth of an heir, etc.), and depending on this had its own characteristics. Easter ringing, along with ringing all the bells during the procession around the church on Easter, is also viewed as ringing made throughout Easter week by anyone who dares to climb the bell tower and try himself as a bell ringer.

In the history of bell ringing, there are also counter ringing. They were performed along the way of a high official, including a spiritual one, in all passing churches and were of an upbeat festive character.