Earthworms, prevention of their spread and destruction on lawns. How to deal with a raspberry beetle. How to treat apple trees from worms in apples

Kivsaki, as you know, live in those places where moisture remains for a long time. Therefore, do not delay the destruction of weeds and cleaning up vegetable debris in your summer cottage.

Also pay attention to the fact that everything on your site lies in its place. The order must be monitored, because these worms can live under abandoned things.

Remember to take time to loosen the topsoil. Thanks to this procedure, its moisture content will significantly decrease, therefore, the likelihood that kivsaki will harm strawberries will decrease.

Isolating the leaves from the soil surface will also help keep strawberries from kivsyak. To do this, you can put straw or, for example, shavings on the ground.

If you pick kivsyak by hand, it will also help to preserve the strawberry harvest. These worms are nocturnal, so they should be collected at a specific time: late in the evening and early in the morning. During the day they can only be seen in cloudy weather.

Before fruiting strawberries, distract the kivsyak from it with bait. To do this, cut potatoes or carrots into medium-sized pieces and arrange them all over. summer cottage... Remember to check your baits daily and replace them with new ones.

To avoid the appearance of kivsyaks, you should properly water the berry - the soil, during the ripening of strawberries, should not be waterlogged under the bushes.

Pick the ripe berries immediately. If you see the affected strawberries with a lump, then immediately remove and throw them away.

All the chemicals that exist on the market, unfortunately, will not help in the fight against this pest, but this is because during spraying, the kivsaki are deep in the ground and the poison does not reach them.

How to understand that there is a nematode on a strawberry

The nematode lives in the axils of leaves and in the buds of strawberry bushes; during one growing season, up to 8 generations of worms are replaced on the plant. Several types of nematodes can live on strawberries: the most dangerous are leaf and bud nematodes, as well as root nematodes. They are transmitted from planting material, seeds, berries, plant residues. The danger of nematodes is that they weaken the plants, affecting their buds, inflorescences and roots, as a result of which the plant becomes dwarf, its yield decreases.

Plants affected by a nematode change: the leaf blades become smaller, become ugly, and irregular in shape. The sheets are curled, wrinkled, covered with brown or yellow spots. Another sign of plant damage by nematodes is a change appearance shoots, they are often shortened, thickened, their fusion occurs. Peduncles become smaller, often become underdeveloped, take irregular shape, the berries grow small or they are not at all.

Prevention of nematode infection of plants

The increase in the number of nematodes occurs in the spring-summer period, continues until the end of July, after which there is a temporary decline in the activity of worms. There are several basic rules to avoid infesting your garden with a nematode:

To do this, you need to observe the crop rotation, but you cannot plant strawberries after onions, potatoes, peas, beets and garlic - all of them are also easily affected by these pests.

In the area where diseased plants grew, it is impossible to plant strawberries and strawberries for two years - the nematode remains in the soil so much.

It is not worth buying strawberry seedlings from random vendors in the market. It is better to purchase it in specialized nurseries.

If plants sick with a nematode are found on the site, you need to immediately dig them up and burn them outside the garden area.

Treatment methods

You can use the heat treatment method. To do this, you need to dig out the plant, rinse the roots from soil residues and immerse together with the leaves in a container with hot water(+ 50-55оС). It is necessary to keep the plants in this state for 10-15 minutes. This method is quite effective when planting seedlings in beds to prevent the spread of the disease.

A good result is given by planting in a garden bed with strawberries.

Asked a question on the Internet. And I find articles only about the benefits of earthworms. And what to do when there are, roughly speaking, "sea" of them? Or are they no longer earthworms? Perhaps like this article from the Internet.

Worms don't give us life.

They appear en masse at the end of April, May and until the end of June. Crawl out to the surface of the earth when it gets dark, after rain,

I was prompted to take up the pen again by the article "Let's not argue with the opinion of the court gardener", published in "KG" No. 4 for

2010 year. This gardener talks about the same worms that I wrote about in KG No. 11 for 2009. In response to the gardener, knowledgeable people,

Like me, they are again writing about the benefits of earthworms. As a veterinarian, I know no less than pundits about the benefits of rainfall

Worms. But these are not the same earthworms. They have very different habits and do more harm than good. These worms

Outwardly, they look like rainwater, only ten times larger than them. And they do not live everywhere. Having lived in Kazakhstan for 20 years and having a dacha, I am such

I have not met, although there were a lot of earthworms. But in the city of Dirt, Lipetsk region, they are full, and summer residents suffer from them.

Worms appear en masse at the end of April, May and until the end of June. Crawl out to the surface of the earth when it gets dark, after rain,

Holding one end somewhere in a mink, they stretch out over the surface by 20-30 cm. The whole garden, like noodles, is covered with thousands of worms.

They do not react to the light of a light bulb or flashlight, but they are very sensitive to earth tremors. To catch a worm, you have to

Very quietly step on the heel, then on the toe, bend over and grab it firmly with two fingers so that it does not slip out. Smoothly

Pull to tear away from the mink. If you pull it sharply, you can break the worm. At the same time, the earth will tremble, and all his brothers in

Within a meter radius in a split second, contracting like a spring, they will hide in burrows.

One evening after a rain in just 2 hours, I collected a full ten-liter bucket. So many rainfalls and not a day

Collect. These worms, even in the yard from the cracks in the cement areas, protrude and spread over the surface. Collect them

Manually hard. You walk bent over, dirt sticks to your shoes, and the garden is trampled down. But from such a collection for the next year

I sow cucumbers in grooves every 4 cm, and the resulting clearings are up to a meter, I have to resell. And I grow purchased seeds

Seedlings in jars, planted in the phase of three true leaves. The worm can no longer damage such plants. There's a worm in the ground

Partially eats the seeds that have hatched, and from those that sprout, it tears off the cotyledon leaves and drags them into the burrow. It's the same with

Carrots. Small root crops will not have time to form, in the morning after the rain you look - about 15 carrots are pulled out of the ground.

You stick them in place again, and so on, until the heads take root well. Seedlings of tomatoes in height

I plant 20 cm under the film. The worm will hook it, pull it, bend it and, if it doesn’t break it, scrub the leaves. Here in the morning I check the garden:

I lift the lying seedlings, huddle so that the bush stands, or tie it to a stick.

Once I decided to grow cabbage seedlings myself. I landed early under a double film on sunny side... Three days later

I looked, and there were some dirty sticks sticking out, the leaves were scrubbed. The seedlings were very small, and there was no other greenery for the worms yet.

It was. They rip off everything that can be ripped off, and drag them into the burrows.

When digging a garden, there are a lot of earthworms, and you will not find a single one of these, apparently, they go deep. On new

Plots where people are being built, they also exist, but in smaller quantities.

In the fall, when the garden has already been harvested, but not dug up, bunches of leaves with grass stick out everywhere. I lift the leaves, and this is their burrow closed.

Moreover, the bundle is tightly pulled into the burrow, probably, they are closed from the cold.

So what is the use of them to me? Correctly the gardener calls them creatures. It is a pity that walnut trees do not grow here, otherwise

I tried to get rid of the pest with tincture of leaves. And it cannot be that two hundred years ago they already knew how to fight worms, and

Now nothing new has been invented. She described everything in detail so that readers would understand that the gardener is not writing about a harmless rain

Worm. I really hope for the help of readers. After all, I am not the only one suffering from these worms, but everyone who grows vegetables in our city.

R.A. Kalashnikova, Mud, Lipetsk region

Many people who plant potatoes know about a cunning worm that is capable of gnawing winding wormholes in a potato tuber. It is called a wireworm, and a clicker beetle grows up.

This summer, most of the private potato plantings, having survived the unprecedented heat, were also badly damaged by the wireworm. It becomes quite problematic and unpleasant to clean and consume the root crop after those wormholes that this worm leaves behind. Therefore, many of our readers of the site are probably worried about the question of how you can get rid of the wireworm? We will try to answer, since there is still time to prepare for the decisive "battle" with the wireworm.

The clicker beetle feeds on foliage and stem

You need to know the enemy by sight

The habitat of the click beetle, one of the most common potato pests in our country, is very long: from the southern black earth regions up to the Arctic Circle. The beetle itself is harmless to humans. It feeds mainly on the leaves of cereal plants. Much more trouble with the harvest is delivered by its larvae, wireworms. The name of the worm is due to the similarity of its elongated solid yellow-brown body, with a piece of wire.

In the first year of their development, small larvae of a light yellowish color grow from the clutch, in the next two years the larvae only increase in size, and in the 4th year, in the summer, they turn into pupae, which after half a month are already formed into click beetles. On the fifth day in May, young female beetles are already beginning to lay their eggs.

What does a nutcracker grub like to eat?

Click Beetle Larvae almost omnivorous and in search of food are able to move in all directions. Their mouthpieces make it easy to bite into even the thickest stems and roots of plants. It is harmful to almost everyone vegetable crops such as beets, carrots, potatoes and onions. He does not disdain cereal seeds, especially wheat. Likes to eat wheatgrass rhizomes. To a lesser extent, it damages flax, peas, buckwheat. Wireworms they adore moist, weedy soil with medium acidity.

Where do the clicker larvae come from?

The formation cycle of the click beetle is several years. Depending on the species, female beetles lay up to several hundred eggs in the upper soil layer. About a month later, larvae emerge from the eggs, which grow for several years, and then pupate in the soil. During the period of intensive vegetation of plants, the bulk of the worms is at a depth of 10-12 cm.

Wireworm control methods

Potato growers claim that to rid the soil of the wireworm there are currently no chemical agents available for gardeners. Therefore, you should use other proven by different people ways:

  • Digging the soil at late autumn period time (before the first frosts).

  • It is necessary to remove weeds from the garden, especially wheatgrass and ivan tea

  • Reduce the acidity of the soil. For these purposes, coal ash, mineral fertilizers, and slaked lime are added to the soil.

  • From time to time, the soil should be loosened. For potatoes, it is most convenient to do loosening in the aisles.

  • Soil application mineral fertilizers(ammonium sulfate, ammonia water)

  • When digging up the soil, it is imperative to destroy worms, pupae and the beetles themselves.

  • Liming of the soil helps some areas very well. To do this, when digging, you need to add lime, egg shells, chalk, etc.

  • Make so-called baits (some of them are described below).

  • To increase the content of nitrogenous compounds in the soil. For example, you need to plant legumes in an infected area.

  • In the spring, when planting potatoes, holes, and when planting with roots, the grooves must be shed with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate from a watering can or a spray bottle at the rate of 5 grams per 10 liters of water, 0.5 liters of water per hole.

  • One of the old time-tested antiquated ways is the addition of dry onion peel when planting to each tuber.

  • In autumn, spread straw or manure in piles throughout the site. When the first frosts come, the piles must be burned.
  • When planting potatoes, add 5% diazinon (30 grams per 10 square meters) to the holes.

Radical methods of dealing with click beetles and their larvae

Himself effective method fight wireworm currently does not exist for ordinary summer residents. It is necessary to carry out a full-scale integrated tillage.

Here is one of the types of a set of agrotechnical measures for removing the wireworm from your site.

When planting, add Bulba fertilizer (Biomaster) for potatoes to the nest. Together with potatoes, you need to plant beans or beans (after 3-4 bushes). You can plant marigolds or calendula nearby. We plant the potatoes in shallow grooves, made in advance with a hoe. Make the distance between the rows more, at a distance of about 1 meter, you need to plant in a row at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other. Spud 3 times over the summer.

Also for wireworm killing the chemical industry produces the drug bazudin.

Using wireworm baits

1) Getting rid of the click beetle bait crops of oats, corn or barley can help. We soak the seeds of these crops for 2 hours in a solution of complex action insecticides. They should be sown two weeks before sowing the potatoes, or they can be sown together between rows. Plants give poisoned seedlings, eating which the worms die within one week.

2) The hard way... It takes a lot of cans. We take half-liter glass jars and put pieces of chopped raw potatoes and bury it on the site in a shady place up to the neck. For one hundred square meters, about 10 pieces are needed. Every two days in a row, we collect beetles, replacing the spoiled bait as needed. We use it all summer. This method is well suited for exterminating adult click beetles.

3) Place the sliced ​​raw potatoes on sharpened sticks about 20 centimeters long and bury them in the potato field at a depth of about ten centimeters. The ends of the sticks should be left sticking out above the ground so that they can be easily found later. Every two days, the bait should be dug up, the larvae should be collected from them and, again, buried.

Our expert - higher pediatrician qualification category, gastroenterologist Elena Zlotya.

Of course, be aware of what's inside yours own child some kind of tailed creature started up, not just unpleasant, but scary. For some parents, this fear grows to the size of phobias, so they constantly wage an implacable struggle with worms - merciless and most often pointless.

Whom are we poisoning?

Analysis alone is not enough

By the way, it is ineffective to donate feces for eggs to worms once. The most accurate result is given only by three analyzes (passed over several days in a row, well, or every other day). Control tests are also done three times.

Although the most reliable method for detecting worms is stool analysis, there are worms that can be detected with your own eyes. For example, pinworms (pathogens of enterobiasis) lay their eggs only on the surface, so they crawl out at night. They can be seen in the anal folds of the child, on linen or in the contents of the pot. If a child sleeps badly and restlessly at night, turns in bed, scratches his bottom, it is necessary to take him to the clinic and pass scraping for enterobiasis. But just before the analysis in the morning, in no case should the baby be washed away - otherwise all the troubles will be in vain. Scraping for enterobiasis and analysis of feces for eggs, worms are among the mandatory for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren(it is done once a year or 3 times if there is a pool in the garden).

It is very easy to get infected with pinworms, because their eggs are almost weightless and therefore can move in space, settling on any surfaces - toys, books, furniture. Therefore, if there is a sick person in the house, everyone else is better off also being treated. But in principle, you can do without pills. Since all life cycle pinworms fit in 1 month, you can get rid of them in just 30 days if you change your child's underwear twice a day (morning and night), and plug the anus with a cotton swab and petroleum jelly at night. This was done before, before the invention of special drugs.