How to get rid of wireworms in the garden. How to get rid of wireworms in the garden - methods and means of control. How to get rid of wireworms and is peaceful coexistence possible?

Like the Colorado potato beetle, it is one of the main pests that destroy potato crops, while specialized means For effective fight there is not much to it, and many people are generally unaware of the activities of this insect.

This article will tell you how to get rid of wireworms in your garden forever, protecting your potatoes from it.

Here you will learn how to get rid of it in your garden.

Who is a wireworm?

Today, tens of thousands of species of click beetles are known, all of their larvae are called wireworms. At the beginning of spring, female click beetles create clutches in the ground consisting of 3-5 small white eggs, from which the first larvae soon emerge.

They are distinguished by a long development cycle; to degenerate into a sexually mature beetle, the wireworm requires at least 5 years. During this period of life, the basis of the diet is root shoots and tubers. various plants, but they begin to pose a threat to potatoes only in the second year.

Beginner gardeners may not even be aware of the presence of wireworms, but more experienced people quickly notice characteristic features his presence.

The larvae themselves look like this:

  1. The wireworm has an external resemblance to an ordinary worm, but has a shiny shell that performs protective functions.
  2. The color of the larvae can vary from straw yellow to light brown.
  3. The body is characterized by increased smoothness and density; these characteristics are provided by the outer shell.
  4. The body of the larva is divided into separate segments, which are clearly visible even with the naked eye.
  5. The length depends on the stage of development and age, usually it is approximately 1.5-2cm.
  6. Behavior and appearance provide a resemblance to a small piece of wire, for this reason the larvae received the corresponding name. It is very difficult or almost impossible to crush them; it is much easier to tear the wireworm into several parts.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

How to deal with wireworm?

The fight against potato wireworm will be effective if you use several different methods at once.

Below are the main ways to get rid of this pest:

  1. The use of various chemicals to kill insects and their larvae.
  2. Planting lettuce bushes between potato rows, since they root system is more attractive to the wireworm, which allows.
  3. Pre-sowing cereal crops that act as bait. The seedlings are then destroyed along with the larvae that have collected on them.
  4. Reducing soil acidity, for this purpose liming of the soil is practiced.
  5. Fertilizing the soil with superphosphate, which not only has a positive effect on the quality of the soil, but also reduces the survival rate of larvae in it.
  6. Watering the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate is the safest method of controlling wireworms, but this method is effective only if there are a small number of larvae.
  7. In summer and autumn, small piles of straw or tops of various crops are laid out around the site. Gradually, wireworms will begin to gather under them, so the traps must be checked and burned periodically.
  8. Plowing the garden before sowing crops.

I regularly inspect my site, and I am very pleased with the results! I really liked that it works for solar battery. I recommend this repeller to everyone."

Methods to combat wireworms

Methods for combating this pest can be divided into three main groups:

  1. use of chemical or biological agents;
  2. mechanical destruction;
  3. using traditional methods.

Methods to combat it, as well as their main features, are discussed in detail below in the article.


Modern chemical means of controlling wireworms make it possible not only to completely get rid of the pest from a potato field, but also to ensure reliable protection from him reappearance. Exist various options drugs that help in the process of fighting wireworms, each of them is discussed in detail below.


The drug "Prestige" is one of the most popular means for combating wireworms.

Its main features are as follows:

  1. The drug is available in the form of a suspension; before treating the soil, 10 ml of the substance must be diluted in 10 liters of water.
  2. The diluted product is poured into pre-prepared holes immediately before planting the potatoes.
  3. The solution can be used to provide protection to others vegetable crops, ornamental plants or bushes. Depending on their size and stage of growth, watering can be done using a watering can.
  4. It takes about 2 months for the active substances of Prestige to completely dissolve in the soil, after which the protective functions weaken and the drug does not pose any threat to human health.


The drug "Tabu" is one of the analogues of "Prestige", its cost-effectiveness goes well with high degree efficiency.

The main features are as follows:

  1. For getting ready solution It is necessary to dilute 10 ml of suspension in 1.5 liters of water.
  2. Treatment is allowed only at the time of planting the crop, since a significant amount of time must pass before harvesting so that all active substances have time to dissolve in the soil.
  3. The root crops themselves, which will be used for planting, are subject to processing. They can be buried in the ground only after they have completely dried.


Often used to combat wireworms various drugs or diazinon-based baits.

This substance is highly toxic and can pose a serious threat to the health of humans or warm-blooded pets, therefore, when using it, you must be careful and strictly follow the attached instructions.

Products containing diazinon are usually used in the presence of a large number of pests, since in such situations their effectiveness is 20-23% higher than that of “Prestige” or “Taboo”.

The consumption rates of such products depend on the concentration of the toxic substance. Most experts recommend using the drug "Diazinon 10% Gr".

It has the following features:

  1. The release is carried out in the form of granules; there is no need to dilute them in water or carry out any additional manipulations.
  2. The granules are applied to the ground in the spring, after which they are buried in soil.
  3. The drug has a wide spectrum of action; it will protect planted crops not only from wireworms, but also from many other common types of pests.


One of the most popular baits based on diazinon is “Gromoboy-2”, with its help you can get rid of even the largest populations of wireworms.

Using of this product The following rules must be observed:

  1. Baits are placed in the ground, optimal indicator depth varies from 3 to 6 cm depending on soil characteristics.
  2. It is important to ensure compliance with the substance concentration standards for each square meter In a vegetable garden or field, no more than 2-3g of the drug is consumed.

“Medvedtox-U” is no less popular, since this product is distinguished not only by a high degree of efficiency, but also by its versatility: it provides reliable protection simultaneously from wireworms and another common underground pest -.

Apply it as follows:

  1. Soil cultivation is carried out even before planting potatoes or other crops.
  2. The drug is scattered along the perimeter of the field, beds or the boundaries of other areas where planting is planned.
  3. After such treatment, the preparation must be sprinkled with a small layer of earth, its thickness is 0.5-1 cm.
  4. Immediately after this, the soil is abundantly moistened, since Medvedtox-U begins to perform its functions only after getting wet.


The product "Calypso" is an insecticidal drug that is equally effective against virtually any type of pest.

Its main features that must be taken into account before use are discussed below:

  1. When using Calypso, it is important to ensure that no volumes of the drug enter ponds or other water sources, since it is toxic to the organisms living in them.
  2. The drug is less dangerous for warm-blooded creatures, but you should still avoid getting it into the digestive system. skin covering or mucous membranes. It is also recommended to limit the access of pets to the treated areas throughout the day.
  3. The drug must not be used with other insecticides, fertilizers or other products that are alkaline or contain copper in any volume.
  4. To obtain a solution, 1 ml of Calypso must be dissolved in 2 liters of water. The same tool can be used for external processing plants if clusters of insects are noticed on their surface.
  5. The action begins 2-3 hours after the treatment, protection against the reappearance of pests lasts a month.


The drug "Provotox" is available in granular form; it has a toxic effect both when it enters the digestive system of pests and during normal contact.

Other features of the drug are as follows:

  1. One granule of the drug must be placed in each planting hole; the distance from the potato tuber should be 2-3 cm. If this rule is followed, the product is not toxic to the crop.
  2. Unlike most analogues, Provotox does not cause addiction among pests; the granules can be used every season and their effectiveness will not decrease.
  3. The protective functions will be maintained throughout the season; it is enough to use the drug in the spring and the wireworm will not appear in the garden until next year.


The main active ingredient of Bazudin is diazinon, its concentration is quite high, so the drug has a high degree of toxicity and must be used carefully.

The main features of this tool are discussed below:

  1. “Bazudin” can be used to combat not only wireworms, but also the larvae of other insects living in the soil. It has no effect on earthworms and Californian worms.
  2. The drug is toxic to aquatic organisms and cold-blooded creatures, for this reason the release of any quantities into water bodies should be avoided.
  3. The drug is applied to the surface of the soil in a thin layer, after which it should be buried with soil. The recommended depth for controlling wireworms varies from 5 to 15 cm depending on the type of soil.
  4. The active substances begin to act within 24 hours after application; if the drug gets wet, a persistent unpleasant odor may appear.
  5. The period of protection against wireworms is approximately 1.5 months.


Nemabact should be used in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Packages with the product are placed outside for some time in a place where direct sunlight does not reach. These measures are necessary for high-quality acclimatization of nematodes.
  2. It is necessary to prepare several buckets of water, the temperature of which corresponds to street conditions; stretch a mosquito net at the edges.
  3. The contents of the package with the product are poured onto the mesh and moistened, after which you need to wait 1-1.5 hours.
  4. It is necessary to water the garden with this water evening hours, it is advisable to do this during wet weather. If there is a long drought, the soil is pre-moistened with a hose.
  5. One bucket of nematodes is usually enough to treat 100 square meters of area.
  6. The remains of the foam rubber that was in the package do not have to be thrown away: it can be buried somewhere near the place where the potatoes were planted. The nematodes remaining in it will gradually move into the soil.

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We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it."

Fighting wireworms with folk remedies

Many people, for various reasons, do not want to use chemicals containing insecticides. For this reason, folk methods of fighting wireworms have still not lost their relevance, some of the most common and effective options are given below.

Onion peel

Onion peel since ancient times has been a person’s assistant in the fight against various types insects and their larvae.

It can be used against wireworms in the following ways:

  1. Pour dry onion peels into the holes before planting the tubers., however, its quantity must be large enough to repel the pest. This method It is not recommended to practice in windy weather, as most of the husk will be blown away by strong gusts.
  2. Preparation of a decoction based on onion peels. It can be used to treat the soil in planting holes or the potato tubers themselves, after which the wireworm will lose interest in them.

Green manure

Planting green manure on an area that is then planned to be used as a potato field. This method is quite effective, but requires additional time and effort to grow crops.

The following can act as green manure:

  1. Phacelia, which repels not only wireworms, but also many other pests.
  2. Mustard is the most popular green manure because it not only provides protection from pests, but also improves the soil.
  3. Various legumes, ordinary peas are the most effective.

Mustard powder

Usage mustard powder is a good alternative to the previous method if there is no time or desire to grow mustard in a potato field. The product is completely natural, so it does not pose a threat to human health, and it can be used to protect many cultivated crops.

Many summer residents advise mixing mustard powder with pre-ground hot red pepper, which will significantly increase its effectiveness.

Root baits

Many summer residents use natural bait; for this you can use potato tubers, other varieties of root vegetables, and sprouted cereal crops. They are placed in the ground to a depth of no more than 10 cm even before the potatoes are planted, and after some time they are removed out along with the wireworm, which is then subject to destruction.

This technique is guaranteed to get rid of detected pests, but it has two significant drawbacks:

  1. The need to waste time and effort on burying and then removing baits.
  2. Possibility of destroying only detected larvae and lack of protection against pests.

Reducing soil acidity

Reducing the acidity of the soil also helps in the fight against wireworms; for this purpose, liming is usually practiced.

To do this, you need to add one of the following components to the ground:

  1. Chalk powder.
  2. Ground wood ash.
  3. Lime.
  4. Coal dust.

All these components can be scattered over the surface of a potato field, but their application into planting holes is much more effective. Lime can be mixed with onion peels, which will create additional protection.

Fertilizers containing ammonia and minerals

Regular use of various fertilizers that contain ammonia and minerals is effective way combating wireworms or preventing their appearance in the potato field.

For these purposes it is used ammonium sulfate or ammonia water, which must be brought into deep soil layers to prevent rapid weathering of basic substances. The consumption rate is about 20-30g of fertilizer per square meter of land.

Ground eggshells

Ground eggshell has been used in gardens for quite some time, including to combat wireworms. It allows you to get rid of pests by simply scattering
it on the surface of the soil of a potato field.

But this method is not without the following disadvantages:

  1. The process is labor-intensive if a large area is allocated for potato crops.
  2. The need to renew the husks on the surface of the earth throughout the season.
  3. The need to have large reserves of the product, since the consumption will be rather large.

Potassium permanganate solution

The soil, before planting potatoes in it, can be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate - this is the most gentle and safe method of combating wireworms. However, it must be taken into account that it will allow achieving positive result only with a small number of pests.

Dosages should look like this:

  1. To prepare 10 liters of solution, no more than 5g of potassium permanganate is diluted in water.
  2. 10 liters of solution is used to treat 10-15 planting holes.

Seasonal digging

Seasonal digging of a potato field should be carried out at least twice a year - in autumn and spring. The autumn procedure is most important, since along with clods of earth, wireworms also appear on the surface and die after the temperature drops.

Such measures do not get rid of all pests, but they significantly reduce their number and make it easier to combat them in the warm season.

Preventive actions

Every summer resident should know not only how to get rid of wireworms when planting potatoes, but also have information about the necessary preventive measures.

Following the following rules will significantly reduce the likelihood of this pest appearing in the garden:

  1. It is necessary to change the location of the potato field every 2-3 years. When choosing a new location, you need to pay attention to the beds where legumes were previously grown.
  2. Seasonal digging of a potato field should be carried out even in the absence of a pest.
  3. Periodically it is necessary to loosen the soil.
  4. All weeds must be removed promptly.
  5. The torn tops should not long time be in a potato field.
  6. Root crops should not be left in the ground over the winter, as they will be the main source of food for pests.
  7. In the immediate vicinity of planting potatoes, you can organize a flowerbed with marigolds: the aroma of these flowers has a deterrent effect on wireworms.
  8. Chickens can be periodically released into the potato field to hunt wireworms.
  9. It is recommended to attract the attention of toads and frogs to the potato planting site by any means, since they eat wireworms as food.

Wireworm is less known, but the same dangerous pest for potatoes, like the Colorado potato beetle. A large number of larvae can reduce harvest volumes several times, so even in their absence, you should remember the possible danger and take action. preventive measures. They do not require much time or effort, and even novice gardeners can cope with them.

And although the number of wireworms does not reach such proportions as Colorado potato beetle, it does no less harm, especially since it destroys not the leaves or stems, but the potato tubers themselves, making them unsuitable for consumption. Many people are interested in the problem of combating this pest. To protect the crop, you need to take the advice of experienced vegetable growers.

Naturally, pests appear where there is something to eat. Therefore, the plot of land where potatoes are planted is especially attractive for wireworms, since here they can feed themselves, and there is plenty of food for the larvae.

In the garden, next to cultivated plants Weeds also grow, which are part of the food supply of the click beetle, as it is also called. Therefore, the more plants such as wheatgrass, chickweed and quinoa in the garden, the greater the likelihood of this pest appearing in the garden.

In addition, pests are attracted by the corresponding acidity of the soil, high humidity, the presence of suitable places for shelter, as well as a source of food located very close by. If the potato field is unkempt and weeds grow in it, then the population of this pest may be at its maximum.

This insect feeds not only on potato tubers, but also on the root system of wheatgrass and other weeds. While the Colorado potato beetle is visible from afar, the wireworm has a more modest coloring.

The wireworm is the larva of the click beetle. grows up adult insect up to 3 cm long. The body is covered with a chitinous layer brown tint. The larvae have a light, more yellowish tint and move through the soil without any problems. The larvae, like the beetles themselves, feed on both tubers and succulent stems. It takes about 4 years for an egg to develop into an adult click beetle.

Note to everyone! The wireworm does not actively spoil early potato plantings, since during this period there is enough moisture in the ground. Vegetation more late varieties occurs during hotter periods, and the wireworm eats potatoes more actively.

The fact that potato plantings are actively spoiled by click beetle larvae is evidenced by the following signs:

  • The tubers have clearly visible passages, as well as rotten areas.
  • The potatoes seem to be covered with black dots, but if you look more closely, these are the pest’s passages.
  • If the tubers are damaged by small larvae, then the affected areas become overgrown over time, and black dots appear in their places.
  • If older larvae “work” on the site, then the damage they cause is much more serious: potatoes can be gnawed through, which creates favorable conditions for the development of various diseases.
  • The depth of the passages can be measured in several millimeters or several centimeters. Often the tubers are so affected that they are no longer suitable for food.
  • If there is a wireworm on the site, the potato yield decreases sharply, as does the quality of the tubers.

The fact that click beetle larvae are present in the ground can be determined by the following signs:

  • Gnawed roots of various vegetable crops, wheatgrass and potato tubers.
  • The presence of worms in a dense shell of a light yellow hue.

When potatoes are affected in the ground, it becomes favorable condition for the development of pathogenic microorganisms that infect potato tubers. These include nematodes, pathogenic fungi and putrefactive bacteria.

The development of an insect occurs in several stages. For example:

  • Egg.
  • Larva.
  • Doll.
  • Adult.

Note to all gardeners! If you find click beetle larvae, you should think twice about it, since this indicates that there are representatives of all stages of click beetle development on the site, including adult individuals, since the development cycle takes 4 years. Therefore, it is easy to imagine what they can do to potato plantings if you do not fight them. The gardener's task is to clean personal plot from this pest. Often, the owners cannot cope with its destruction, since the insect is distinguished by its enviable vitality. In addition, failures are associated with untimely implementation of necessary agrotechnical measures.

TO distinctive features insects should be classified as:

  • Firstly, this insect in a shiny shell resembles a worm.
  • The larva has a smooth yellowish shell with a brown tint.
  • The insect's body is divided into parts called segments.
  • The length of such a worm can be within 2 cm.
  • The insect received its name due to a certain rigidity of the body.

Those owners of summer cottages who are unlucky enough to have a click beetle settle on their property know how difficult it is to fight it. The fact is that both larvae and beetles quickly take control of the area. Since the eggs are laid deep in the ground, they easily survive any winter. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly combat this pest. This insect can only be controlled using comprehensive measures, which will help protect the area from the invasion of such pests.

The strategy for combating wireworms is:

  • From installing special traps with poisoned bait.
  • From soil treatment and planting with special chemicals.
  • From constant weed control, which involves loosening and plowing the area.
  • From processing planting material special substances that have a detrimental effect on pests.

Agrotechnical treatment of the site should include:

  • Every spring it is necessary to plow the garden until the beetles and larvae are mobile. As a result, beetles and larvae are exposed to direct sunlight, which has a detrimental effect on them. Beetles are also noticed by birds, which help exterminate them.
  • Add ammonia and nitrogen in the spring, as wireworms do not like acidic soils. In this regard, superphosphate can be used as a fertilizer. When planting potatoes, several granules are poured into each hole.
  • IN summer period you need to frequently loosen the soil to remove the eggs of this pest. The eggs die when exposed to UV rays.
  • Wireworms are a favorite treat of nematode roundworms.
  • Weeds with roots must be removed from the ground in a timely manner.
  • Repeated autumn digging of the site in October-November allows you to pull the pests out into the cold, where they die.

There are several ways to combat this pest, including the use of various traps. Moreover, making traps is not at all difficult from scrap materials, without spending any money. Adult beetles and larvae fall into traps, after which all you have to do is go and collect them.

The following options are possible:

  • To prevent the wireworm from spoiling the potatoes, corn is planted every 50-100 cm on the plot. The presence of such a root system on the site will certainly interest pests.
  • In some places on the site, straw or beet tops should be laid out. The warm, moldy litter will attract pests and all that remains is to walk through and collect the insects.
  • A carrot, cut into several pieces, should be strung on a thin rope and lightly buried in a secluded place in the garden. The beetles will definitely crawl to this place to try the carrots. Every 2-3 days you need to go and check the trap.

Application chemical compositions can dramatically reduce the number of this pest in the garden. Unfortunately, chemical preparations require careful and correct application, since toxic substances penetrate the potatoes, which can lead to poisoning. In this regard, many gardeners limit the use chemical substances to protect yourself from problems with your health.

Some owners, on the contrary, resort to using any means to preserve the quality of the harvest, without damage.

The main thing here is to follow the instructions that accompany each drug. It is not recommended to act at your own discretion, increasing the concentration of the substance or treating the area more often than prescribed.

TO effective drugs should include:

  • Medvedox-U.
  • Diazinon.
  • Bazudin, with higher toxicity.
  • Nemabact, based on bacteria and nematodes that destroy larvae.
  • Gromoboy-2.
  • Provotox, with prolonged action.

Some gardeners use the drug “Lazurit” to combat wireworms. It is designed to control weeds whose roots feed on both larvae and adults. The drug has a selective effect, leaving potatoes untouched, but destroying weeds such as chickweed, wheatgrass, rapeseed, ragweed and quinoa.

Folk remedies for wireworms

Some herbal infusions, the smell of which the click beetle cannot stand, will help get rid of wireworms in the garden. If folk methods of control are combined with the installation of traps, then the effectiveness of the control will be obvious.

In the fight against wireworms it will help:

  • A decoction of coltsfoot, celandine or dandelion, which should be used to treat the soil.
  • If marigolds are planted around the perimeter of the garden and between the rows of potatoes, this will also help solve the problem with the invasion of such pests.
  • Alternatively, you can bury spruce or pine branches at a shallow depth. Beetles cannot stand this aroma and will look for a more comfortable area for themselves.
  • Before planting potatoes, the tubers can be placed in a decoction of celandine for several hours. Any parts of the plant can be used.
  • Treat the soil with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Mandatory agrotechnical measures include such a concept as crop rotation. Of course, in the conditions of a summer cottage it is difficult to fulfill such a requirement, which is an effective way to combat pests and not only wireworms. As a rule, on a personal plot or on summer cottage Potatoes are planted in the same place for years. This leads to the soil becoming poor and potato yields falling. Plus, pests do not stand aside and actively help reduce yields.

Our harvest faces dozens of dangers, among which pests are the worst. They can easily destroy vegetables and fruits, regardless of the efforts of the summer resident. Great harm Causes, for example, wireworms.

A little about the wireworm

Wireworms are not worms. This is the collective name for the larvae of click beetles. It appeared thanks to an elongated shiny hard body resembling a wire - it is very difficult to crush the insect. The length of the click beetle larva is usually 10–45 mm, and it lives in the ground for 4–5 years.

Click beetles and wireworms different types have common features by which they can be identified

Not all, but many wireworms are pests that live in vegetable gardens and arable lands. Traditionally, they are considered enemies of potatoes, but in fact they harm any plants by gnawing roots and tubers.

Root vegetables are loved the most. Wireworms are most active in the second half of summer; during rains activity decreases.

You can find out that there are wireworms on the site before the crop is damaged - by the presence of click beetles.

Pest control methods It is difficult to get rid of wireworms forever. To do this, you need to destroy existing individuals and then follow the correct agricultural practices to prevent the appearance of the pest. The fight usually takes several years. For best effect different methods

used comprehensively.

Purchased drugs

Purchased “chemicals” are divided into fertilizers and insecticides. And if the first ones are not out of place in the garden, then poisons should be used only as a last resort. The wireworm loves acidic soils , accordingly, does not like limestone ones. He also doesn't like great content

  • nitrogen.
  • Plants are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers on the 15th and 30th days after planting. For example, ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate (25 grams per 1 m2).
  • carried out in the fall, covering the area with chalk, dolomite flour or lime (1 kg per 1 m2). After this, the beds are dug up.

In the fall, before digging, you can add potassium chloride (10 grams per 1 m2) to the soil. They do this for 2–3 years.

Last year the wireworm ate 90 percent of our potatoes. In the fall, we dug up the soil with a shovel and added dolomite - 400 g per sq.m (our soil is acidic, there is a swamp nearby). Of all the potatoes dug up this year, only one tuber was damaged by wireworm.


If there are a lot of wireworms, it is advisable to use insecticides. They mainly act on other soil pests.

Table: insecticides for wireworms

The drug Nemabakt stands apart - it is a remedy for many pests, including wireworms, and does not contain harmful chemicals. This is a hybrid of a predatory worm (nematode) that destroys other insects, and a certain type bacteria that harm larvae. The product is absolutely harmless to humans and animals, safe for plants. There is also a special “Protection” primer containing Nemabact.

To protect vegetables from wireworms, it is enough to add 100–150 grams of the product to the hole when planting. I give the Nemabact bioinsecticide three stars. I'm removing one star for not being 100% efficient and another for the high cost. Basically, if a wireworm is a big problem

in your garden, it's worth a try.

Andy Goldred

Photo gallery: preparations for wireworms
Zemlin - an analogue of the drug Bazudin Provotox is designed specifically to combat wireworms Bazudin also helps against the cabbage fly Aktara - a broad-spectrum insecticide Prestige is used for full protection
potatoes, including from the Colorado potato beetle. The bioinsecticide Nemabact has an analogue - Anthonem

The “Protection” soil against wireworms contains the bioinsecticide Nemabact

Video: household chemicals - ammonia for wireworms

Traditional methods Traditional methods of combating wireworms do not require special financial costs and are safe for humans, animals and environment

  1. . Traditionally used traps:
  2. Potatoes are cut into two or three equal parts.
  3. Place them in the ground to a depth of 15–20 cm.
  4. Mark the places where the bait is buried.

After two to four days they dig it up. Each piece of potato will have a lot of wireworms in it.

To make it more convenient to get the bait out of the ground, pieces of potato can be put on sticks

  1. You can use grass baits:
  2. In the garden, holes are dug 15–20 cm deep.
  3. Heaps of cut grass are placed there. Hay and straw are also suitable.
  4. The wireworm perceives rotten grass as a delicacy, and after a few days many click beetle larvae will gather in piles.

Collect and destroy grass along with pests. It's best to burn it. Personally, I fight wireworms quite successfully with the help of baits. Before planting, I bury quarters a week before planting. raw potatoes

into the beds and put marks over them. The next weekend I come, dig up the bait, and now they are “guests”, I usually burn the potatoes. If the area is heavily clogged with wireworms, then I apply bait several times.

  1. Take one of the following plants:
    • half a kilo of nettles;
    • 200 grams of dandelion;
    • 200 grams of coltsfoot;
    • 300 grams of fresh celandine or 100 grams of dry.
  2. Pour 10 liters of water over the grass.
  3. Infuse for 12 hours (except for celandine - it will need 3 days).
  4. Water the soil with the product once a week, as with regular water.

Celandine will help cope not only with wireworms, but also with cabbage flies, earthen and cruciferous flea beetles and many other pests

Other folk remedies:

  • When planting potatoes, add a handful of onion peels or pine needles to the hole, or even better, both together. It is believed that this can repel wireworms;
  • sprinkle ash between the rows; you can sprinkle a little around the plants. This product is also a natural supplement.

Video: how to easily get rid of wireworms

Agrotechnical techniques

Even if there are no click beetle larvae on the site, you need to follow some rules for prevention:

  • Fight wheatgrass and fireweed (the easiest way is to use herbicides, for example, Roundup) - wireworms love these plants, they will certainly attract it to the site.
  • Dig up the soil 10–15 cm in spring and autumn - it will help “pull” the click beetle larvae to the surface, where birds will eat them. Spring plowing will also prevent the beetles from laying eggs in the soil, from which wireworms will hatch.
  • Attract to the site natural enemies wireworm - birds, best of all starlings and tits. To do this, it is worth equipping birdhouses and feeders.
  • Maintain crop rotation. The pest does not like legumes (including green manure) - it is good to alternate planting potatoes and other crops with them. This is done according to the scheme - vegetables for a year, legumes for a year or two, then the cycle repeats.
  • Plant green manure. In addition to using them in crop rotation, they should be used to sow the plot in the fall, as well as in the spring and summer - between the rows and along the perimeter of the plot. After mowing, green manure is incorporated into the soil.
  • Fodder beans perfectly saturate the soil with nitrogen Lupine - a beautifully flowering green manure Alfalfa belongs to the legume family Sweet clover - a good honey plant It is believed that clover also repels wireworms Buckwheat also attracts bees to the site Phacelia green manure additionally neutralizes the acidity of the soil

    It is quite possible to defeat a wireworm. And to prevent its reappearance, use preventive measures.

Tell me how to get rid of wireworms? We started digging up potatoes and were horrified: almost all the tubers were in holes. Of course, I can still clean it for cooking. But this was seed material that we specially grew. So the pests left us without seeds, we will now have to buy them. Is it possible to somehow remove these larvae from the garden?

The wireworm is the main enemy of potatoes after the Colorado potato beetle. And if the second one likes to feast more on leaves and stems, then the first one mainly spoils the tubers. There is a lot of harm from it, because such potatoes are not suitable for long-term storage. In addition, it will not be possible to take it for seeds. However, the wireworm is omnivorous, and not only potatoes suffer from it. Any root crop becomes food for the pest, as well as other crops. For example, sweet corn kernels. How to get rid of wireworm? To find out, you must first understand how it lives and eats.

What is a wireworm?

The wireworm is the larva of a certain beetle called the click beetle. Outwardly, it looks like a yellowish-brown worm. The length of the worm can reach 25 mm, and the diameter is only 2 mm. The body of the wireworm is very dense and hard, and it itself is long-lived. If the parent beetle lives only for a year, then its larvae live in the ground for up to 5 years. All this time they feed on roots, as well as on what you planted in the garden. Baby wireworms under 2 years of age do not eat much and are not particularly mischievous. But older individuals eat everything in their path.

The larvae have the ability to rise and fall considerable distances in search of food - up to 2 m. However, they crawl to the sides by a maximum of 18 cm.

A massive wireworm attack in an infected area occurs twice during the season. It rises to the surface in the spring and early fall to destroy your crops.

How to get rid of wireworm?

The fight against the pest has been ongoing for a long time with varying success. If you can find it at the very beginning, it is quite possible to clean the area. Otherwise it may take years. But don’t despair, it’s better to try tried-and-tested methods of getting rid of wireworms.

Video: household chemicals - ammonia for wireworms

“Grandma’s” methods work well against wireworms. Most of them are based on the “trap” principle, where the larvae are lured and then collected. For example, like this:

  1. Potatoes strung on sticks are buried among the plantings.
  2. 10 days before planting the site, sprouted corn is sown in nests. Then the seedlings are dug out along with the attached larvae.

In addition, crushed shells soaked in sunflower oil can be added to the holes when planting. And after harvesting, just before frost, dig up the beds. The pest “thrown out” to the surface along with lumps of earth will die from low temperatures.

Chemicals against pests

The wireworm prefers acidic soil and does not like soils saturated with nitrogen. This can be used by applying certain fertilizers to the site, namely:

  • ammonium sulfate;
  • lime;
  • , pre-moistened in a special solution (15 ml of Aktelik, 200 ml of acetone, 80 ml of water).

These substances will saturate the earth with nitrogen, which will force the pest to look for a new home.

If there is only a small amount of wireworm, Prestige liquid disinfectant will help get rid of it. It is used to treat tubers before planting. Unfortunately, it no longer works against the second wave (in the fall).

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about plants that can help in this unequal struggle. The wireworm does not tolerate clover, buckwheat, mustard, alfalfa and legumes. If you plant them in an infected area, this will lead to the escape of the pest or its death.

Video about fighting wireworms

With the arrival of spring, all summer residents begin to puzzle over the same problem: how to protect future harvest potatoes, cabbage, sugar beets, corn and even grapes from the click beetle and, most importantly, from its wireworm larvae. And this is a significant reason to worry, since if you do not “extinguish” the outbreak of an insect pest in time, you can completely lose your crop. The fact is that the scale of the catastrophic decline in vegetable products affected by wireworms is comparable only to losses from the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle. However, it is possible to deal with an uninvited guest with little bloodshed. The main thing here is to start the fight in time, without delay, by creating unbearable conditions for his existence. We will talk about these urgent gardening activities below.

What is a wireworm (larva of a click beetle): what it looks like and why it is dangerous

Wireworms are the larvae of the click beetle (also sometimes called the wireworm). This beetle received this name because if you catch it and turn it on its back, and then slightly touch it with a finger or a twig, it begins to make sounds similar to clicks. The beetle is practically not dangerous, unlike its larva, whose lifespan can reach 3-4 years.

You can see what the click beetle and its wireworm larva look like in the photo below:

The life cycle of the click beetle and its wireworm larvae consists of the following stages of development:

  1. With the onset of warmth, around the end of April, the beetles, which had previously spent the winter in the ground at a depth of about 20 centimeters, begin to wake up and come to life.
  2. The adults mate and the females begin laying eggs (up to 200 eggs), from which tiny larvae (3-4 mm) emerge after 3-4 weeks.
  3. To satisfy their hunger and gain weight, the larvae begin their race in the soil in search of food, eating up and destroying the thin roots of weeds. Therefore, it should not be allowed in the garden.
  4. On next year The larvae grow to 12-15 mm, and their bodies become more rigid.
  5. At the 3rd year of life, they become completely tough (hence the name - wireworms) and can already penetrate root crops, gnawing holes in them.
  6. The larvae pupate and develop into adult click beetles.

What kind of root crops are not damaged by this underground pest: ( although, as a rule ) . . . In addition, he can even eat young seedlings.

Pre-sowing treatment or prevention against the appearance of wireworms in the garden

In general, the appearance of wireworms in potatoes can be prevented if done in advance.

Birch tar, potassium permanganate and mustard powder

One of the ways of such prevention is treatment of potato tubers with birch tar. Before planting, the tubers should be briefly dipped in a solution of birch tar (preparation recipe: 1 tablespoon of product per 1 liter of water), and then additional protection spill the planting grooves (or holes) with a less strong solution (dissolve about 1 tablespoon of tar in a 5-6 liter watering can).

By the way! This same method is very effective not only in the fight against wireworms, but also against mice.

Video: a super way to protect potatoes from wireworms using birch tar

Also you can use potassium permanganate solution(5 g of product per 10-liter bucket of water), pouring 0.5 liters of solution into each planting hole shortly before planting.

Adding to the hole has shown sufficient effectiveness mustard powder along with hot pepper.

Onion peel

Perhaps the most popular and effective means against wireworm is the use husks onions . Just toss a handful into the hole when planting. In addition, potato tubers can be soaked in onion broth.

Ways to combat the click beetle directly

If you want to get rid of the click beetle and thereby prevent the appearance of its larvae - wireworms, then here is a proven method:

Plastic bottle and beer (beer trap)

To make a mechanical trap for click beetles, you need to take the most ordinary plastic bottle , trim top part, and insert the cut part with the neck reverse side(naturally open the lid). Pour some into the bottom of the trap beer and place it in a small hole in the garden bed. Moreover, it is better to make several such traps, depending on the size of your garden plot.

Advice! To prevent ground toads and other living creatures from falling into the trap, drill a hole near the neck and insert a nail there - this will be a kind of limiter.

Video: a simple trap for the click beetle (clicking beetle), which will destroy all the wireworms in the area

Folk remedies and methods of combating wireworms

There are a fairly large number of ways to combat the click beetle in your summer cottage. Naturally, the best option is a complex application of several methods at once.

Ammonia to protect seedlings

The protective solution is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. spoon of 10% ammonia (ammonia) per 10 liters of water. Water the freshly planted seedlings at the roots, avoiding the leaves, and then mulch the holes with soil so that the ammonia does not evaporate for as long as possible.

Video: ammonia against wireworm

Green manure

One of the most effective methods The fight against wireworms is to sow green manure. Phacelia, peas and white mustard will perfectly protect your beds from underground pests. Moreover, mustard can be sown before the potatoes, after, or both. And when the mustard grows, you should mow it, and you will get very good feeding for plants.

Bait traps and other mechanical methods of control

Jar and finely chopped potatoes

Take a half-liter plastic machine or better yet glass jar, fill it with 2-3 centimeters of finely chopped potatoes and dig it in the area where the greatest wireworm activity is observed. Check the jar every few days and destroy any trapped pests.

Wheat bait

Boil the wheat for 15 minutes so that it has time to boil and then cannot sprout. Then cool and add one of the anti-wireworm chemicals to the porridge, for example, "Regent" or "Wofatox" or any other insecticide (some of which are suitable and ) “Iskra”, “Korado”, “Konfidor”, “Biotlin”, “Commander”, “Tanrek”, “Taboo”. Let it brew for about 24 hours, and after a day, add additional fragrant unrefined sunflower oil. Then scatter the bait around the area and dig it up. This bait will act on wireworms for 2-3 months.

Digging up the soil on the site

In late autumn (October-November), dig up the beds on the site to a depth of 20-30 centimeters, thereby turning over the soil along with the hibernating wireworm, which will simply freeze out when low temperatures. And if you also reduce soil acidity by adding during digging dolomite flour, lime or wood ash , then the result will be more than worthy, because the wireworm does not tolerate acidic soil.

Good results in the fight against wireworms, application into the soil gives ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, microelements of which this malicious pest cannot tolerate.

At the end of spring - beginning of summer, when the wireworm larvae have not yet matured and appeared, you should carry out as often as possible loosening the soil, thereby disturbing and raising the eggs outside, where they will die from the heat.

Weed control

The less food there is for the pest on your site, the less its quantity will be, which means the garden should be clean.

Chemicals against wireworms

If folk and mechanical means the fight against wireworms or click beetles does not help, and the problem is so serious and large-scale, then you should start using special chemicals against the underground pest, in other words, insecticides.

As a rule, the following chemical agents against wireworms are most popular among summer residents:

As a rule, the main active ingredient in such products is the same - diazinon.

By the way! Many remedies will help get rid of another soil pest - .

As a pre-plant treatment chemicals considered very popular and effective " Prestige" And " Matador".

When potato tops appear, you can spray the plantings with a solution against wireworms "Antikruscha".

Video: advice from an expert on methods and means of dealing with wireworms

The onset of spring brings with it one painfully familiar problem to all summer residents: the invasion of the malicious pest of the click beetle and its wireworm larvae - a real thunderstorm for nightshades, cereals, and aster crops. The whole range of measures will help to nip its spread in the bud proper agricultural technology, stated above.

Video: ways to combat wireworms in the garden

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