What to put in the hole when planting peppers: top dressing secrets for a good harvest. What to put in the hole when planting a tomato in a greenhouse

Growing a tomato on a personal plot is popular and affordable. For a high yield garden culture, you need to know what to put in the hole when planting tomatoes. It is also important to follow the technology of planting seeds or seedlings and the rules of subsequent care.

How to make holes for tomatoes

If on permanent place we plant tomatoes with seedlings, then the dimensions of the planting holes prepared in advance are of particular importance. First, you need to correctly plan a place for planting and determine the number of early and late maturing or undersized and tall varieties that will be planted on the site.

The standard planting hole depth is 20-25 cm. The distance between the planting holes performed directly depends on the varietal characteristics. For early maturing varieties a distance of 20-30 cm is sufficient. For late-ripening tomatoes, holes should be made at a distance of 30-50 cm. Each planting hole should be shed with a couple of liters of water with the addition of several crystals of potassium permanganate, which will disinfect the soil.

As a rule, one plant is planted in one hole. It is necessary to transplant the seedlings carefully, without damaging the root system. The plant must be laid at an angle, which allows the tomato bush to form additional roots and has a positive effect on productivity.

After covering the root system with soil, the soil needs to be compacted for the quick survival of the garden culture, and then repeated spilling with water at room temperature is performed. It is advisable to cut off everything lower leaves from a tomato bush and install a support peg to which the aboveground part is tied.

What to put in the hole when planting tomatoes

For proper nutrition root and full development of a tomato bush, in a planting hole experienced gardeners be sure to put in various organic or ready-made nutritional components.

How to plant tomatoes in the ground (video)

To stimulate growth

Stimulation of growth processes is an important stage in tomato cultivation. For this purpose, ready-made fertilizer can be added to the planting hole for vegetable crops or use folk remedies. Highly good result gives spring addition of yeast mixture. This simple nutrient must be added to each planting hole the day before.

To prepare a yeast planting mixture, it is necessary to dilute 10 g of yeast in a bucket of settled water room temperature. You can add several crystals of potassium permanganate to the yeast solution. Yeast feeding should be infused during the day, and when planting tomato bushes, about a glass of the mixture is poured into each hole.

In the pre-prepared planting holes, before planting tomato seedlings, experienced gardeners recommend pouring eggshells crushed to a powdery state, which contributes to the enrichment of the garden plant with the main nutrients. Common potassium can also be a good source of potassium. wood ash, obtained from burning straw, wild grasses or sunflower green mass. In one prepared planting hole, you need to put about 80-100 g of such fertilizer.

What fertilizers to apply to the hole when planting tomatoes

When growing tomatoes you need to remember that mineral nitrogen and potash fertilizers are most often applied only in the form of liquid dressings, so there is no need to fill such compositions into the planting holes. Tomatoes belong to the category of garden crops, which are better to be a little undernourished with nutrients than to fill them excess amount when planting. It is for this reason that it is commonly believed rational way only a gradual introduction of such nutrients at each stage of the growth and development of a vegetable crop.

Any phosphorus-containing fertilizers must be applied to the soil when planting seedlings of a garden culture in a permanent place. This type of fertilizer allows tomato bushes to adapt as quickly as possible and accelerates the flowering process. Phosphorus-containing compositions help to improve the quality characteristics of the formed crop, and also accelerate the ripening of fruits and increase the productivity of the plant. Potash and nitrogenous fertilizing is given only at the stage of formation of the first flowers on tomato bushes. The result of the lack of such components in the soil is wilting and weakening of tomato bushes, as well as the formation of a small number of small and watery fruits.

When to plant tomato seedlings in open ground (video)

What to add to the hole for pest control

In order to prevent damage by late blight and alternaria, all planting holes, as well as the soil around the planted plants, must be spilled with a trichodermine solution. Experienced gardeners also recommend to protect tomato bushes from pathogenic microflora pour a handful of ordinary onion or garlic husks into each planting hole under the tomatoes. After planting tomato bushes in a permanent place, it is advisable to mulch the soil, which can significantly reduce the risk of injury garden plants diseases or pests. You also need to remember that the most reliable way to avoid crop diseases is still planting only the most resistant varieties or hybrids of tomato.

Features of planting tomatoes two in one hole

V recent times often domestic amateur vegetable growers practice planting two tomato seedlings in each hole. Planting two roots in one hole is not a new technology, but it requires some experience:

  • the area for tomato beds must be distinguished, taking into account the correct crop rotation, and carrots or onion crops will be the best predecessors. You can grow tomatoes or potatoes on the same area no more often than once every three to four years;
  • it should be borne in mind that tomato seedlings for a "double" planting will require much more, therefore, a sufficient amount planting material care must be taken to plant young bushes, starting from the last ten days of May, on pre-prepared ridges for a film shelter;
  • seedlings are planted in pre-prepared planting holes, two roots each, with a standard distance between holes of about 40-45 cm, and a distance between rows of at least 50-60 cm.

It is not at all difficult to properly care for the "double" tomato plantings. The main activities include regular watering, timely feeding, shallow loosening and mulching of the soil around the bushes. Do not forget that young tomato seedlings with great difficulty secrete fertilizers directly from the soil and, therefore, it is necessary to introduce a sufficient amount of phosphorus substances at the stage of planting seedlings. Under the tomato bushes planted on greenhouse ridges, fertilizers rich in potassium sulfate must be applied to the holes.

The competent formation of already grown tomato bushes requires special attention. Indeterminate varieties are best formed into one stem, and on the bushes determinant varieties you can leave two or three stems. With strict adherence to all the recommendations of the cultivation technology, "double" planting of a garden crop shows themselves very well and guarantees an increased yield, without losing the taste and quality characteristics of the formed fruits.

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Despite the fact that tomatoes are planted in spring, but preparatory work should start in the fall. Preliminary work take place in several stages.

Choosing a place for the garden

Well-lit and warm areas are selected for planting tomatoes, where groundwater does not run close to the earth's surface. Tomatoes cannot be planted in the same place for two years in a row., as this contributes to the depletion of the soil and an increase in its acidity level. It is better if the seedlings or seeds are planted in the place where they grew last season:

  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin.

Land preparation

In autumn, after harvesting, the land should be plowed or dug manually to a depth of 22 - 25 cm. In the spring, before planting a crop, the land is processed a second time: digging with a shovel or pitchfork. The soil prepared in this way is saturated with oxygen, becomes loose and soft; also, when digging, you can remove and destroy the roots of all weeds.

Preparation of planting material

Seedlings of tomatoes


  1. Before sowing seeds in the ground, they also need to be processed: the seeds are placed in a cloth bag and immersed for 15 - 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of manganese per 1 tbsp. Of water), then washed with running water.
  2. The next step is to soak them for 12 hours in a nutrient solution (1 tsp nitroammophoska (nitrophoska) per 1 liter of water).
  3. Then for 24 hours - in clean water.
  4. After 1 - 2 days, the tissue bag is sent to the refrigerator (+ 1C- + 2C), where from time to time they need to be irrigated to avoid drying out.

What to put from organic matter?

Consider what is best to put in the hole when growing tomatoes from organic fertilizers, what is always at hand, from proven folk remedies.

Important! Three essential minerals for the normal development of tomatoes and future high fruiting - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

  • Nitrogen is necessary for the plant during the period of its active growth, the lack of this element affects the formation of lateral shoots, their strength and color of the leaves.
  • Phosphorus accelerates fruit development, stimulates increased fruiting, promotes active growth of the plant's root system.
  • Potassium also affects the development and quantity of fruits, their quality.


Manure is a natural fertilizer that is a source of trace elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, silicon, which are necessary for the full development of tomatoes. Manure forms a fertile soil layer, it becomes loose, nutritious, the level of acidity decreases. There is no fundamental difference in the chemical composition of the manure of different animals. The plant will benefit from any of them.

Usually the manure is collected in a certain place, where it is re-heated, covered plastic wrap... In the fall, it is scattered over personal plot(8 kg mullein per 1 sq. M.), And in the spring it is introduced directly into the holes before planting.

Rotted manure (250-500 g) is introduced into the hole dug under the tomatoes (depth about 50 cm), then a layer of earth, and only then, after 2 - 3 days, the seedlings are planted.


Compost is an organic fertilizer resulting from the decomposition of organic matter under the influence of microorganisms. Compost helps the soil to restore vitality, improves its structure, and increases fertile qualities. This effect can be achieved due to the fact that it includes such chemical elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and carbon, released during the decay process.

Reference! Compost is made from cut grass, fallen leaves, vegetables and fruit scraps, sleeping tea and coffee, eggshell, husks from seeds, straw, shavings, etc.

When the compost is crumbly, slightly damp and outward appearance will resemble forest land, it can be added to the planting holes (200 g per 1 plant), mixing with the soil.

Onion peel

The onion peel, familiar to everyone, is often simply thrown away in the culinary process. In fact, this is a unique substance, in chemical composition which includes:

Most of the listed substances have antiseptic properties, but at the same time they favor the reproduction of beneficial microflora. That's why experienced gardeners from onion peel do not get rid of, but add it in a crushed form into the wells(based on a handful of husks for 1 plant). This fertilizer is thoroughly mixed with the ground before being poured into the hole.

Wood ash

Wood ash is a miracle substance containing a large amount of essential elements for the growth and fruiting of tomatoes:

Ash not only provides the soil with the necessary nutrients, but is also an excellent means of protecting soil and plants from many diseases and pests.

Ash can be applied directly to the hole before planting seedlings(100g dry matter per plant). The soil dug from the planting hole is mixed with fertilizer and the planted plant is covered with the resulting mixture.

Important! Ash must be a combustion product of plant residues!


Yeast is an environmentally friendly, unique product containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals:

They contribute to the supply of nutrients to the soil, contribute to the accelerated adaptation of tomatoes, their enhanced root formation, and increase the immunity of plants.

Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable for many people. But to get juicy and ruddy fruits, you need to work hard, because the tomato is a rather demanding crop. This vegetable needs a lot of fertilization. To provide it with the necessary nutrients, you need to know: what to put in the hole when planting tomatoes, how to prepare the soil and how to fertilize it? After all, pre-prepared and nourished land is the key to a high and tasty harvest!

Before planting tomatoes, the holes must be well seasoned.

Fertilizing the soil in the autumn

Tomato planting takes place in spring time, but soil preparation should begin in the fall. This process is very important, because the application of fertilizers during digging will contribute to the saturation of the earth with the necessary vitamins, as a result, it will become fertile and nutritious.

Digging the soil will saturate it with oxygen and destroy many pests

What fertilizers should be used to feed the soil?

  1. The introduction of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers when preparing the soil for a tomato is simply necessary. Any soil composition needs them. Spread fertilizer over the ground, then dig.
  2. If the soil is acidic, lime it.
  3. Also, the soil requires organic fertilizers and nitrogen, which in large quantities contained in bird droppings.
  4. If there is a manure heap on the site that has rotted, spread it over the ridges within a year. By adding superphosphate to manure, the effect of nutrients will increase, root system tomatoes will be completely saturated with the necessary elements.
  5. It will bring considerable benefits to the soil and future vegetables compost heap and ash.
  6. The earth will become not only perfectly prepared for planting a tomato, but it will be light and airy.

Do not forget that a high yield of tomatoes depends entirely on the preparation of the soil!

What to bring into the hole when planting a tomato

After the soil was prepared in the fall, it was completely saturated with all useful elements... However, in the spring, 24 hours before planting the seedlings, it is necessary to add a weak solution of manganese and a yeast mixture to the ridges at the rate of 10 grams per 10 liters of water.

The yeast solution in the hole will help the bushes to quickly adapt to new conditions

Yeast fertilizer should be infused for a day, when planting tomatoes, pour it into each hole, an approximate dosage of 220 grams.

In an organized planting hole, where tomato seedlings will grow, it is necessary to put crushed egg shells. It will contribute to the enrichment of the plant. Also potash fertilizer will be beneficial for the root system of the tomato. The source of potassium is ash, which can be obtained from burnt straw, grass or sunflower. Put 100 grams of dry matter in each prepared hole.

Wood ash - a source of minerals

When the seedlings are planted, each hole should be sprinkled with black soil or compost fertilizer (no more than a pinch!).

Do I need to put a tomato, mineral fertilizers into the hole when planting

When planting tomatoes both in the greenhouse and in the open ground, apply mineral fertilizers Not recommended. They will be needed with the further growth of the vegetable, but you should not bring them directly into the hole.

At first, the plant should get stronger and form a root system.

Therefore, those substances that were introduced into the soil in the fall and a little added organic matter in the spring are quite a sufficient amount in the early stages of plant development. Excess fertilizer when planting seedlings can destroy the tomato root system. If the seedlings were grown in peat glasses, then you do not need to put the fertilizer mixture in the hole when planting a tomato!

Humus - required element for tomatoes

What to put in the holes after the tomatoes are planted

In order for the tomato crop to please every gardener, it is necessary to regularly feed not only the bushes, but also the soil. It is worth considering what fertilizers should be applied, their dosages and time:

  1. After the preparation of the soil is done, the seedlings are planted. After 14 days, we feed the soil with complex fertilizers, with the calculation of 1 tsp per 900 grams of water.
  2. After ten days have passed, pour potassium permanganate under each well with the addition of nitrophoska.
  3. After fourteen days, feed the soil with superphosphate and potassium, 100 grams of fertilizer mixture in each hole.
  4. On the tenth day, after disembarking the seedlings, add chicken droppings... It must be diluted with water at the rate of 1:15. On this stage dusting around the wells will be helpful.
  5. After three weeks, apply 25 grams of ammonium nitrate per 8 liters of water. When the first flowers appear, feed the plant with mullein and Azophos, 20 grams per 8 liters of water.
  6. Then make three more dressings with a sustained interval of 14-20 days.

Onion hulls - both fertilizer and protection against diseases

The best fertilizer for tomatoes during this period is mullein and bird droppings.

What to put in the holes when planting a tomato? Folk way

When planting tomatoes in holes, many gardeners recommend using onion peels. As soon as the first stages of preparation for planting seedlings begin, fertilization of rotted manure, humus and onion husks should be combined. It can be used not only dry, but also as a tincture. Along with the seedlings, add onion peel to the pits, then you will get:

  • strong, healthy seedlings;
  • resistance to various diseases;
  • fast plant growth;
  • at low temperatures, the seedlings do not deteriorate, they are not afraid of drafts.

Onion peel is universal fertilizer for a tomato bush. Just a handful of onion husks placed under each plant will ensure normal growth, development, high fruiting and excellent nutritional rich useful vitamins... In addition, the husk is rich in essential substances that effectively fight garden pests.

Prepared holes in the greenhouse

Seedlings are not exposed to adversity colorado potato beetle, and the root system quickly takes root and does not rot.

During the entire growth of tomato bushes, top dressing should be done 2-3 times. Take 300 grams of onion peel, pour hot boiled water over them, leave for 10 hours. Then dilute the resulting mixture at the rate of 4 liters of fertilizer per 20 liters of water.

Eggshells are brought in crushed

Just two sprays, for the entire period of growth of tomato bushes, are able to prevent the plant from contracting fungal diseases and powdery mildew... The spraying procedure should be carried out during the growth of the ovaries and at the hour of flowering.

Prepare a solution: pour 100 grams of onion peel with one liter of boiling water, leave for 20 hours, strain and apply.

The wells must be watered well.

The tomatoes grown in their own area are distinguished by a perfect and unique taste. However, in order to achieve a high, rich harvest, it is necessary to carefully care for the plant and soil. Do not forget and be lazy to put the necessary fertilizers and fertilizing into the holes, because they are the key to a plentiful and tasty harvest. By following the tips above, picking a tomato will bring a ton of positive emotions every gardener.

For the full growth and development of tomatoes, you need potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and other substances. When transplanting seedlings to a garden bed, it is important to take care of introducing the necessary fertilizers into the soil. The soil must be dug up, and various dressings are placed in the holes. This is the key to good development of the bushes and abundant fruiting.

Soil preparation

Tomato seedlings are transplanted to the garden bed when set. Previously, the soil is dug up to make it looser and enrich with oxygen.

The holes are dug 30 by 30 cm. The inner walls of each planting hole are loosened to make it easier for young bushes to root. And also put a variety of useful additives in the hole.

What is added to the hole

As used organics or mineral fertilizing. Organic matter:

  • rotten manure;
  • peat;
  • compost;
  • wood ash;
  • eggshell;
  • onion husks, etc.

Mineral supplements:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • superphosphate;
  • complex formulations.

Organic fertilizers when planting tomato seedlings

Organic additives are rich in micro and macro elements that are required for plant development. These substances act gently and safely. But at the same time, they ensure the health of the bushes and a high yield.


Cow and horse excrement is used. This is very effective feeding... It is important that the manure is not fresh, but overripe. Before use, it is kept from 4 months to 3 years. When planting seedlings, 50 g of substances are placed in each well. From above, the manure is sprinkled with earth so that the roots do not come into contact with it. Then landing pit moisten with water.


For tomatoes, the feces of chickens and pigeons are used. This is a concentrated top dressing that is able to provide plants with nitrogen and potassium for the whole summer.

2 days before planting seedlings, the holes are watered with a nutrient solution. For 10 liters of water, 1.5 kg of manure is placed. The composition should ferment for 5-7 days. Then the resulting substance is diluted with water in a proportion of 200 ml of concentrate per bucket. Pour 250 ml of a diluted solution into each hole. Then .

Tomato is not the most capricious crop, but summer residents often complain about the poor harvest of vegetables. And even when choosing regional varieties of tomatoes, observing all agrotechnical recommendations, the result may not please vegetable growers. The fact is that the quantity and quality of the fruit is directly related to the nutrients in the soil. That is why, during the transplantation of plants into the ground, it is necessary to carry out top dressing.

Every gardener dreams of collecting a bountiful harvest of tasty and healthy tomatoes. And the soil only depletes over time. Therefore, in order to provide the culture with vitamins, minerals, microelements in advance, fertilizers are used.

Modern summer residents have a choice between folk remedies and special chemicals sold in agricultural stores.

Tomatoes planted in holes with fertilizers bear fruit with high quality. Experienced vegetable growers claim that the proportions of the root system and the aboveground part of the crop are 1:15. To provide itself with the necessary substances, the plant expends a lot of energy.

The average yield from 1 tomato bush is 5 kg. fruits. For this he needs 2 g of potassium, 0.5 g of phosphorus, 1.5 g of nitrogen.

Digging the soil is mandatory, as it contributes to the saturation of the earth with oxygen and destroys harmful insects. Excavation depth with soil transfer - shovel bayonet.

How to apply top dressing correctly?

Preparing the soil and adding nutrients to it is necessary in the fall, when the crop has already been harvested. 24 hours before the seedlings are transferred from the greenhouse to the garden, you need to make holes and place complex fertilizers for nightshades in them. After planting the seedlings, you need to slightly compact the soil and put some compost or black soil on the surface of the holes.

The amount of fertilizer applied requires control, since an overdose of one of the components may damage the roots of a vegetable crop.

How to prepare compost?

The quality of the soil changes significantly after the addition of this component. Compost is prepared in different ways, each summer resident has his own recipe. For beginners, it is better to use the following scheme:

  • take a box or dig a hole for organic matter in a remote area of ​​the territory;
  • put there household waste, for example, cleaning from vegetables and fruits, fallen leaves, tops, weeds, chips, sawdust, ash - that is, all components of plant origin that can rot;
  • put branches, chips and sawdust on the bottom of the box, and alternate 40-50 cm of waste with the ground on top;
  • stir the compost during the "ripening" process so that it is saturated with oxygen, and salts and organic matter are evenly distributed;
  • in order to avoid drying out humus, water it with water or manure solution in the summer.

What do they put in the holes?

Chemical Compositions

Now on the market and in specialized stores, summer residents are offered a large selection of balanced fertilizers, which are placed in the holes when transplanting tomatoes. The main difference between such preparations is the development, taking into account the necessary vitamins and minerals for tomatoes and other plants of the Solanaceae family.

According to experienced agronomists, the best fertilizers, introduced into the holes for seedlings: "AgriCola", "Zdraven", "Multiflor".

Substances such as saltpeter, carbamide and superphosphate diluted in water act quickly and have a tangible effect. They are dissolved and used only according to the annotation. Yields can be adversely affected not only by a shortage, but also by an excess of fertilizer.

Folk remedies

There are summer residents who rightly consider natural fertilizers to be safer than chemical ones, and prefer them.

Onion husks

The component is placed in the wells together with the seeds. Then they will quickly germinate, and the shoots will actively develop. The seedlings are not affected by temperature fluctuations and cold winds. It does not become infected with the "black midge" or spider mite.

When planting tomatoes in open ground, a handful of onion husks are placed under each young tomato. Then the bush will grow and bear fruit normally. Esters contained in natural fertilizer, scare off the Colorado potato beetle and prevent the roots from rotting.

  • take 2 large handfuls of husks;
  • pour them about 15 cm of boiling water and leave for several hours;
  • the tincture is diluted in water;
  • make a solution in the ratio: 2 liters. infusion for 1 bucket of water.

To prevent the bushes from becoming infected with powdery mildew and other fungi, it is enough to spray them 2 times a season. The procedure is carried out during the formation of flowers and ovaries.


Highly useful fertilizer for tomatoes, which can be obtained by burning wood, dry plants, straw. If you place the seedlings in a hole where a handful of ash, humus or compost was added, they will quickly take root.


Enriches the soil with calcium. The ingredient must be peeled from the inner film, dried completely and crushed with a mortar. Egg shells are a lime fertilizer that reduces soil acidity.


Due to such feeding, tomatoes develop faster and adapt to a new territory. 10 g of fresh pressed product is diluted in 10 liters. warm water and insist for 24 hours.

Watering features

Freshly planted seedlings should not be watered immediately. You can carry out the procedure once every few days, and irrigate the soil in between. The soil should not dry out; it must be moistened from time to time.

Strengthening the root system of tomatoes and adapting to open ground takes about a week. Only after the specified time can the transplanted tomatoes be watered. And after 14 days, hilling is permissible to the full height of the stem, but not more than 10 cm.