Hyacinth what does this flower mean for women. PR in ancient mythology. Why dream of Hyacinth in a dream book

The name of the flower "hyacinth" in Greek means "flower of rains", but the Greeks at the same time called it the flower of sadness and also the flower of memory of Hyacinth ...

There is a Greek legend associated with the name of this plant. V Ancient Sparta Hyacinth was for some time one of the most significant gods, but gradually his fame faded and his place in mythology was taken by the god of beauty and the sun, Phoebus, or Apollo. The legend of Hyacinth and Apollo has been one of the most famous stories about the origin of flowers.

The favorite of the god Apollo was a young man named Hyacinth. Often, Hyacinth and Apollo arranged sports. Once, during a sporting event, Apollo was throwing a discus and accidentally threw a heavy disc directly at Hyacinthus. Drops of blood splashed on the green grass, and after a while, fragrant purple-red flowers grew in it. It was as if many miniature lilies were gathered into one inflorescence (sultan), and on their petals the mournful exclamation of Apollo was inscribed. This flower is tall and slender, the ancient Greeks call it hyacinth. Apollo immortalized the memory of his beloved with this flower, which grew from the blood of a young man.

in the same Ancient Greece hyacinth was considered a symbol of dying and resurrecting nature. On the famous throne of Apollo in the city of Amikli, the procession of Hyacinth to Olympus was depicted; according to legend, the base of the statue of Apollo, seated on the throne, is an altar in which the deceased youth is buried.

According to later legend, during the Trojan War, Ajax and Odysseus simultaneously claimed possession of Achilles' weapons after his death. When the council of elders unfairly awarded the weapon to Odysseus, this amazed Ajax so much that the hero pierced himself with a sword. From the drops of his blood grew a hyacinth, the petals of which are shaped like the first letters of Ajax's name - alpha and upsilon.

Huriya curls. So called hyacinth in the countries of the East. "The interweaving of black curls will only scatter the scallop - And a stream of hyacinths will fall on the roses of the cheeks," these lines belong to the Uzbek poet of the 15th century Alisher Navoi. True, the assertion that beauties learned to curl their hair from hyacinths appeared in ancient Greece. About three millennia ago, Hellenic girls decorated their hairdos with "wild" hyacinths on their friends' wedding day.

The Persian poet Ferdowsi constantly compared the hair of beauties to swirling hyacinth petals and highly appreciated the fragrance of the flower: Her lips were fragrant better than a light breeze, and hyacinth-like hair is more pleasant than Scythian musk.

Hyacinths in gardens were cultivated for a long time only in the countries of the East. There they were as popular as tulips. Hyacinth lives in Greece, Turkey and the Balkans. He was popular in Ottoman Empire, from where it penetrated into Austria, Holland and spread throughout Europe. V Western Europe the charming hyacinth came in the second half of the 17th century, primarily to Vienna.

In Holland, the hyacinth was accidentally shipwrecked a ship that carried crates of onions; broken and washed ashore by the storm, the bulbs sprouted, bloomed and became a sensation. It was in 1734 when the fever for growing tulips began to cool and the need for a new flower was felt. So he became a source of great income, especially when he managed to accidentally breed a terry hyacinth.

The efforts of the Dutch were directed first to breeding, and then to breeding new varieties of hyacinths. Flower growers have tried different ways to propagate hyacinths faster, but nothing worked. The case helped. Once a mouse spoiled a valuable bulb - it gnawed out the bottom. But unexpectedly for the frustrated owner, children appeared around the "crippled" place, and how many more! Since then, the Dutch began to specially cut the bottom or cut the bulb in a cross shape. Tiny onions formed at the sites of damage. True, they were small and they were grown for 3-4 years. But flower growers do not take patience, and good care behind bulbs accelerates their development. In a word, more and more marketable bulbs began to be grown, and soon Holland traded them with other countries.

Very fond of hyacinths in Germany. A descendant of the Huguenots, gardener David Boucher, who had an excellent collection of primroses, began to grow hyacinths. In the second half of the 18th century, he arranged the first exhibition of these flowers in Berlin. Hyacinths so impressed the imagination of the Berliners that many were carried away by their cultivation, taking up the matter thoroughly and on a grand scale. It was fashionable entertainment, especially since King Frederick William III himself visited Boucher more than once. The demand for hyacinths was so great that they were grown in huge arrays.

In France in the 18th century, hyacinth was used to stupefy and poison those people they were trying to get rid of. Usually, the bouquet intended for this purpose was sprayed with something poisonous, and the flowers intended for poisoning were placed in the boudoir or bedroom of the victim.

Hyacinth - bulbous plant lily family, pleases with its flowering in early spring. Its unusually beautiful inflorescences come in all colors of the rainbow. Even the ancient Roman poet Ovid called this plant "the favorite flower of the gods." Hyacinth is white and blue, red and pink, orange and purple, and even "golden" and purple. Indeed, the magic in this plant is felt. With its extraordinary dizzying aroma, it equals even fragrant lilacs. V real magic hyacinth is a flower of long-term memory. For Valentine's Day you can grow it magical plant at home and give already blooming to your beloved. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent.

flower on the windowsill

You can start distilling a flower now. So, let's start with the choice of bulbs. In the seed shop, choose your bulb carefully. It must be at least 5 cm in diameter and more than 50 grams in weight, without mechanical damage and rot. How is the color of the future plant? In general, you can guess: light is always white or blue. You can solve this issue with an experienced seller, if he is also a gardener to some extent.
You make the substrate sandy, plant the bulb and put it in the refrigerator for a long time - 2.5 months. It is at a temperature of +5 degrees that the onion begins to grow. When tender sprouts appear, put on the windowsill and wait for a beautiful inflorescence. Everything is simple and clear.

Hyacinth Magic

The magic of plants was familiar to the ancient Greeks: hyacinths symbolized sadness, grief and even death. According to ancient Greek legend, the favorite of the god Apollo, Hyacinth, died from the heavy hand of the enemy, and the gods turned his body into a fragrant flower.
V Ancient Rome it was the opposite: hyacinth was considered a flower of joy and fun. The girls curled their hair with them - thus, they dressed up for the weddings of their friends.
Hyacinth has some magical properties: great bright love, passion, protection from evil, dark forces. This is a kind of amulet of the house or a talisman. Its magical effect was used during childbirth: in order to facilitate the upcoming birth, a woman in labor was given a specially sewn bag with dried inflorescences of the plant. They kept it in the same bag from the evil eye, from evil spirits, and also, putting it under the pillow at night, or sewing it into a pillowcase, got rid of disturbing and nightmarish dreams. intoxicating smell fresh flowers hyacinth destroyed for a long time Bad mood and sadness.

Hyacinths for a love spell

Lilies, white daffodils and hyacinths are very often used to love loved ones. They take the land that the person has passed through, in whose heart love needs to be engendered. This earth is mixed with the earth from under the threshold of the house where the person who yearns for love lives. Then the bulb is planted on the first day of the moon. She must be carefully looked after, affectionately called her by the name of her beloved. The night following the opening of the bud is always favorable for love. In this way, you can only attract a person with a "free heart", otherwise you will have to resort to methods, but, believe me, it is dangerous to get involved in this business.

The history of the hyacinth began in ancient Greece, where this spectacular handsome man was not only a symbol of love and happiness, but also had a sad meaning. Translated from Greek, its name means "rain flower", and the plant itself is often associated with death and sorrow.

This ambiguous perception was born out of Greek legends, where Apollo's favorite young man named Hyacinth died by a tragic accident. In those places where his blood splashed, wonderful flowers appeared among the grass, named after him. Since then, hyacinths have been simultaneously considered a symbol of both dying and resurrecting nature, and the magic of their beauty and aroma has given rise to many conflicting signs associated with rain flowers.

  • The presence of a flowering hyacinth in the house of pessimists, people prone to depressive states, is very useful. This plant brings lightness and optimism to life, makes you take a fresh look at existing problems and troubles. The marvelous aroma without a trace drives away any sadness and sadness and relieves bad mood for a long time.
  • Irreplaceable rain flower for creative people. It contributes to the flight of inspiration, awakens imagination and adds positive energy to the surrounding space. Particularly effective in this sense are the flowers of white and pale pink.
  • For lazy and non-initiative natures, it is recommended to purchase bright hyacinths, saturated shades: purple, lilac, magenta or hot pink. They will help to shake things up, relieve apathy and, finally, show useful activity. In addition, these flowers perfectly restore energy losses after a hard day's work.
  • The enchanting aroma of hyacinths helps to restore peace and tranquility in a house filled with quarrels and conflicts between spouses. He calms the raging passions and reconciles the warring parties, makes family relationships more harmonious and intelligent.
  • But the "rain flower" has an extremely negative effect on sick people. For them, the hyacinth aroma is too bright and irritating, which leads to excessive excitement and a significant deterioration in well-being.
  • Our ancestors were sure that a dried flower or hyacinth bulb is an excellent amulet that can protect against any negative energy. To protect yourself from the evil eye, it is recommended to always carry it with you in a bag or a special pouch around your neck.
  • A plant in the house will protect the home from envious and evil visitors, scare away from households evil spirit and other dark entities. And if you are tormented by terrible or obsessive dreams, then just put a dry inflorescence under your pillow, and the nightmares will stop.

This is a necessary addition to any gift for a woman. Unfortunately, many men do not think long about choosing the right bouquet, but simply buy the first one that comes across. Young people naively believe that flowers are also flowers in Africa, and no matter what their variety, color and quantity. In fact, this is far from the case. Therefore, if you are not indifferent to what to give to your girlfriend, girlfriend, mother, mother-in-law or boss, be sure to get acquainted with flower etiquette. This will help you choose the right bouquet with which you will look like a real gentleman.

It is no secret that for every woman it is of great importance how her reflection in the mirror looks. Therefore, when choosing a bouquet, you should focus on external data ladies . So, the brunette is more to face with bright red flowers, which will make her image even more passionate and expressive. Flowers of light, delicate tones are suitable for blondes: pink, cream, fawn - such flowers will not distract attention from the girl and harmoniously fit into her appearance. Brown-haired and red-haired beauties will look picturesque with a bouquet of purple or burgundy flowers with large quantity greenery.
Of great importance is number of flowers in a bouquet :

  • 9 flowers symbolize devotion, friendship;
  • 7 colors mean love and heartfelt affection;
  • 5 - family ties, gratitude;
  • 3 flowers are appropriate to give without any reason;
  • 1 flower does not mean stinginess at all, but the elegance and originality of a girl.
  • Bouquets with a large number of flowers symbolize the admiration of a woman, such a bouquet can serve as an independent gift, for example, on March 8, Valentine's Day, or the next anniversary of an acquaintance.
Any buyer who has got to the flower market literally runs up his eyes from this colorful and fragrant world. It is much easier to choose the right bouquet if you know exactly what kind of flowers you want to give a woman. It is known that each flower has its own meaning, and in order to give a “talking” bouquet, you will have to study alphabet of flowers .
Astra - symbolizes grace.
Carnation - The pink carnation is a symbol of motherly love; red - a symbol of victories and leadership (which is why in our country for a long time it was customary to give them to men), it is better to give such flowers to a beloved woman in mixed bouquets; a white carnation means a wish for good luck; yellow - please pay more attention.
Dahlia - is a symbol of light, non-binding relationships.
Gerbera - perfect for giving to a friend or work colleague, means sympathy, complement.
Hyacinth - blue hyacinth symbolizes calmness, red or pink - playfulness and gambling, white - constancy.
Gladiolus - handing gladioli, you position yourself as strong man not ready to give in.
Calla is a symbol of admiration for female beauty.
Camellia - says that your lady is perfection.
Lily of the valley is a symbol of purity and humility.
Lily - an orange lily symbolizes coquetry and mystery; white - nobility and innocence; yellow - originality, attracting attention; brindle - consistency and self-confidence.
Mimosa - means modesty and meekness.
Narcissus - white daffodil - a symbol of humility; yellow - will tell your beloved that she is unique.
Orchid - this flower is given only to loved ones, it symbolizes tenderness, care, intimacy.
Peony - symbolizes the fulfillment of a dream.
Snowdrop - means touching, femininity, the desire to be a protector for a woman.
Rose - red roses express passion; buds of red roses - love; white - angelic purity and mysterious modesty; yellow - joy; cream - harmony and constancy; pink - happiness.
Chamomile is a symbol of romantic youth.
Lilac - expresses exciting love.
Tulip - a red flower means congratulations and best wishes, yellow - a charming smile, and multi-colored - beautiful eyes.
Chrysanthemum - red chrysanthemum - a symbol of success, white - a symbol of trust, yellow - gratitude.

You can also choose flowers according to zodiac sign and with character traits that belong to this sign.
Aries, Taurus and Leo most often like large, spectacular, royal flowers with a pronounced aroma - roses, gladioli, peonies and tulips of rich colors.
Gemini Love Absolutely different flowers, as evidenced by the ambiguity of their nature. Depending on the mood, the twin girl will be happy with either a luxurious bouquet of expensive roses, or simple wildflowers.
Cancers, Aquarius and Pisces callas, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils and lilacs are predominantly white.
Virgos and Capricorns love violets, tulips and roses. For girls born under these signs, who presented the bouquet is more important. From a loved one, most girls, with pleasure, will accept any flower - the main thing is that it be fresh, otherwise you risk losing her sympathy.
Libras like symmetrical bouquets of roses in unusual shades, such as light lilac.
Scorpions and archers prefer bright red flowers. Carnations and unblown tulips look very attractive to them. These girls will also not refuse terry chrysanthemums and peonies.
If you use these tips, do not forget to explain when presenting flowers, what is the reason for your choice. Every woman will be pleased that you took this issue seriously, even if the variety, color or smell of the bouquet is not to her taste. And if you know for sure which flowers the lady prefers - buy them without hesitation. There is nothing more pleasant than to receive a bouquet of your favorite flowers, despite the fact that they do not match the hair color and do not fit the horoscope! ;)

A hundred years after the "tulip madness", off the coast of the same Holland, during a storm, a Genoese merchant ship was wrecked. One of the boxes from the sunken ship washed up on the shore, where it opened, I don’t understand how. Bulbs spilled out from there, which soon took root and sprouted.

What does the word hyacinth mean?

So a hitherto unseen wonderful flower appeared on the Dutch lands. This is how it started European history hyacinth. Although biologists say that this plant comes from the Balkans, Asia Minor and Mesopotamia. Right there in wild nature a wonderful flower grew, which, for its beauty and fragrance, was transferred to gardens and cultivated.

Word " hyacinth appeared in our language only at the beginning of the 18th century. Until then, this flower was called so in Germany. Interestingly, the Germans learned this word from the Romans, where it was called hyacinthus.

But even in Latin you need to look for the first name of the plant. It was the Greeks who called the flower "purple cinquefoil" for the natural (and then the only color), and the shape of the leaves, reminiscent of this military weapon.

In India, the word hyacinth means "flower of the rains", because it bloomed just at that time. Until now, local beauties adorn black braids with such fragrant arrows on special days. In the wreath of the groom, according to Indian tradition, this fragrant flower and only in white.

In the countries of the East, the word hyacinth means “curls of the houris. The great Uzbek poet of the 15th century, Alisher Navoi, wrote:

“The plexus of black curls will only scatter the scallop,
And a stream of hyacinths will fall on the roses of the cheeks.

Although even the ancient Greek girls wove these flowers into their hair, and the hair had to be matched by all means. The ancient Hellenes used to tie wild hyacinths into their hair three thousand years ago when they married their girlfriends. Therefore, the word hyacinth also meant among the Hellenes "enjoyment of love."

Hyacinth Legends

ancient greek the legend of the hyacinth tells that the young man Hyacinth was the favorite of Apollo. Once, during the competition, the god habitually threw a disk and accidentally hit a guy. He fell dead to the ground, and a fragrant and delicate purple-lilac flower soon grew on the drops of his blood. The ancient Greeks called it hyacinth, in memory of the favorite of the handsome Apollo.

It was from there that the hyacinth symbolizes the resurrection of a dead nature. And on the famous throne of Apollo in the city of Amikli, Hyacinth's ascent to Olympus is depicted. Tradition says that the base of the statue of Apollo sitting on the throne is actually an altar with the remains of an innocently murdered youth.

The Mouse Myth and Dutch Achievements

Usually the plant produced 5 arrows, which, growing up, were decorated with delicate tiny lily-like peduncles. But today, breeders have bred varieties that give ... up to 100 branches of flowers!

And the struggle for such "kinship" also began in Holland. After the "tulip" calm, the inhabitants of this country, apparently, lacked a new flower favorite. They became hyacinth. It was there that they took terry variety, which also brought fabulous incomes to flower growers. Although, in fairness, we note that for his onions, nevertheless, houses and all fortunes were not given away.

Most Incredible myths about hyacinth flora lovers tell today. How do you like, for example, the story of a mouse that helped a descendant of the Huguenots, the gardener Bush, in breeding a plant? They say that this florist didn’t come up with anything, but it didn’t work out to quickly propagate hyacinth. But the little mouse got to the onion, and ... gnawed out the bottom in it.

And about a miracle! On the “disabled bulb”, which accidentally reached the landing, children appeared. And not just one, but a great many. Since then, they began to cut the bottom or cut it crosswise planting material. True, you have to grow children for 3-4 years, because they are very small. But still, “the ice has broken” - the myth claims that it is thanks to the gray rodent that today we are able to propagate hyacinth.

What does hyacinth mean

The meaning of the hyacinth flower is different for each nation. And this name has long become a household name. It suffices to recall that only Greek mythology there were 3 famous Hyacinths, except for the favorite of the god Apollo:

  • Hyacinth from Amikl - a handsome young man, the son of the Spartan king Amikl;
  • Hyacinth from Athens - a hero-migrant from the Peloponnese to Athens;
  • Hyacinth Dolion is a hero mentioned by Apollonius of Rhodes.

Nowadays meaning of hyacinth flowers also varied. Depending on the color, it means jealousy, and recognition of the girl as the most beautiful, and a promise to pray for someone, and even a call to forget.

A presented bouquet of these flowers promises victories and achievements. It is a symbol of rebirth and incredible joy. You will be able to purchase hyacinths wholesale in our floristic salon or to please someone with a small bouquet. Flower girls will select the color that suits the occasion and create a charming, fragrant composition.

It is enough for you once in the spring to present your beloved with a hyacinth mono-bouquet or in a mix with other flowers, as joy and tenderness will settle in the heart of the most restrained girl.

With us you can arrange hyacinths with delivery in Rostov-on-Don or buy fresh cut flowers directly from the store. And if you want to give a gift to a person whose zodiac sign is Capricorn, then feel free to complete our bouquet precious stone- hyacinth, invigorating, amusing and giving patience and determination.

Stop your choice on the magical gift of spring - hyacinth flowers.
After all, at other times they simply can not be found!