How to hide a closet. Wardrobe disguise. Retractable knife compartment

Many housewives know that the fewer open storage surfaces in the kitchen, the easier it is to maintain order. Or at least its visibility. If you prefer practicality or in principle do not like open systems storage - we offer you an excellent piggy bank of ideas on how to hide everything you need.

So, meet - 21 tricks with examples of the most convenient devices hidden storage in the kitchen. They will help you win more space for cooking, and also make it much neater and prettier.

Some ideas will require enough space, so they are more suitable for a spacious kitchen. But if you are unlucky with the area, there are a lot of interesting ideas for you too.

In this collection we have included variety of options, and, for most of them, you will not need to purchase new pieces of furniture! It will be enough to optimize the existing ones (including those places that you would never think to use).

If you are considering buying new kitchen, this gallery will become a source of practical finds that less "advanced" housewives will envy.

What can be stored there:

  • petty kitchen appliances(both rarely and frequently used);
  • crockery and cutlery;
  • spices, bulk products and other necessary in the cooking process;
  • and much more.

You are ready? Then check out the new convenient ways hidden storage in the kitchen right now! We are sure that at least a couple of ideas will be a pleasant surprise for you.

1. Secret locker.

Do you think this beautiful panel from the same material as the cabinet tops - decorative? Not only. It is sliding, and tiny shelves with seasonings are hidden behind it. When needed, they are easy to get, and the rest of the time it looks like a "kitchen apron".

2. (Not) Comfortable seats.

When installing the stove, there is a tiny space between it and the cabinet wall? You will be surprised, but even it can be used for storage!

It is enough to fix a sliding panel with hooks for utensils or provide a narrow section with shelves. This option will certainly be appreciated by the owners of small kitchens, where every centimeter counts.

3. Retractable compartment for knives.

The magnetic knife board is perhaps a wonderful invention. But what if you find it creepy to keep sharp objects in plain sight all the time? Or do you have ubiquitous children? If you want to hide knives, but at the same time have constant access to them, make such a retractable module specifically for knives.

Important: knives should be exactly where you use them all the time. Ideal Solution- a narrow gap between the stove and the pedestal.

4. Drawer with drawer for coffee maker and toaster.

Is a coffee maker and a toaster something that (in your case) should always be at hand? Equip a special locker with sliding doors and a pull-out shelf for this daily technique.

For this purpose, by the way, you can convert an existing one. In addition to equipment, other necessary little things will fit there: a bag or capsules with coffee, sugar and mugs.

5. Cabinet with sockets for small kitchen appliances.

Surely you rarely use the mixer and food processor. So why would they take up a valuable work surface? Set up a small "garage" for small appliances - a locker where they will be stored when not in use. Make the facades of the "garage" to match the kitchen - and no one will guess what is hidden behind these doors!

6. For narrow kitchen utensils.

Storing trays and oven trays, because of their versatility, can be a source of discomfort if you don't find a suitable hidden storage space for them in the kitchen.

Designate a narrow drawer for them or delimit an existing cabinet.

- a similar problem, find out all about it in our collection of ideas (50 photos).

7. Drawer for kitchen utensils.

Spoons, spatulas, skimmers - all this takes up a lot of space. And it's not used very often. If you don’t want to hang all this on the wall or if it doesn’t fit there anymore, replace one of the drawers by the stove with a special one with cups for utensils. The convenience is the same as from a similar device on the surface, but what a space saving!

8. Rotating shelves for corner cabinets.

Surely you have already lost count of the countless molds, saucepans and containers. However, this is no reason to let them turn a neat kitchen into an island of chaos.

Place a spinning shelf in the corner formed by adjacent cabinets (another "dead" zone for most kitchens) - and admire how you can put things in order once or twice! In addition, compact pull-out shelves for storing pots and pans can be installed there.

9. Plinth boxes.

There is usually small space, which is not used in any way. Meanwhile, it is enough to accommodate a small utensil.

Put there items that are rarely used: lids, large dishes, tablecloths, etc. Or maybe it is worth placing bottles with inexpensive wine there?

10. A tricky place by the stove.

Has it ever occurred to you that the distance between the hood and wall cabinets can also be used wisely? Install narrow sections (10-15 cm wide) on the sides of the slab with sliding shelves or boxes. They are ideal for spices that may be required at the time of cooking food.

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11. Spices as art objects.

Do you want to unload kitchen cabinets, but at the same time keep everything you need at hand? Try this option: a metal board with magnetic containers, inside of which there will be bulk, seasonings, or something else needed during the cooking process. Not only convenient, but also original.

12. Locker in a locker.

The deeper the kitchen cabinet, the less intelligently its space is used. And how about doubling the usable area by making a “locker within a locker”? This is a retractable double-sided spice rack, which is attached to the inner wall.

Can be attached to the back narrow shelves for tea, coffee or other less commonly used spices. You no longer have to turn over all the shelves to find what you are looking for - everything is at hand and in quick access.

13. Pantry with "vertical takeoff".

Often in spacious kitchens, a cupboard is used to store small items. But this bulky structure does not always justify itself. However, kitchenware, spices and bulk should always be at hand. What to do?

There is perfect solution- "pull-out pantry". It takes up much less space than a buffet, but many times more convenient. Everything you need will be in free access and at the height you need.

14. Storage on the door.

Mini shelves attached to the cabinet door are another way to make the most of the space. Suitable for both kitchen cabinets, and for a buffet or pantry - depending on the height and depth.

15. Island of convenience.

Have a kitchen island without a cabinet under the countertop? And it can be turned into a practical device, moreover, without sacrificing beauty. Attach several kitchen accessories under the countertop or on the side: cutlery baskets, shelves, or even a full-fledged dish compartment. Comfortable and beautiful!

Or maybe even get a kitchen island that serves as a bar and buffet? Under the tabletop you can place drawers for cutlery, napkins and other things.

16. New dimension.

If you have a bar counter, you have probably noticed a small space between the countertop and the superstructure. It can also be used - for example, to store small dishes, spices and other things that are used regularly.

Want to hide as much as possible? Use wicker baskets.

17. Order under the sink.

Are you using this scarce space correctly? Doors can be inconvenient, and drawers block access to pipes. How to solve this problem? The answer is simple - buy a retractable drawer in the shape of the letter "P". So you can easily get access to everything you need without touching communications. Cloths can be stored in the drawer detergents, gloves, spare sponges…

Tip: if you have children, secure the drawer with a special mechanism to protect against " crazy hands". Now you can not be afraid that the kids will get to the chemicals.

18. Closet of cleanliness.

Undoubtedly, the kitchen needs to be cleaned. But when the mop is in the corner behind the bathroom, the vacuum cleaner is in the pantry, and detergents have accumulated inaccurately under the sink, cleaning will turn into a duty even for the most inveterate cleaner.

Streamline this process by gathering all your household items in one tall kitchen cabinet. Not only washing and rags will fit here, but even a vacuum cleaner with a mop. And you no longer have to blush for an unaesthetic mop, which again stands in the corner.

If big hinged doors for your kitchen - luxury, use high drawers.

19. Hidden home office.

Working on your laptop in the kitchen or dining room? So that nothing reminds you of work in your free time, hide it in a specially equipped closet with a worktop, drawers and shelves on top.

Choose doors to match kitchen facades- and no one will guess what is hidden inside.

20. Ideal pantry.

If you are the lucky owner of a spacious kitchen, the best "hidden" solution for large capacity is the "correct" pantry.

You can search ready-made version, admiring the number of shelves and drawers of all sizes. Or - independently think over a complete set of ready-made modules and hide behind folding doors.

21. With a slight movement of the hand ...

If you are going to completely renovate the kitchen, and there is enough space, try to make a "kitchen in the kitchen" by separating part of it into a separate "study". It will be a full-fledged workspace that you can enter, cook food, and store anything you want there. Now you do not have to be afraid for a working mess when guests appear on the doorstep.

It can be used for any corners - large and small, more in our review on this topic.

Have you made sure that in the kitchen there is always the opportunity to organize additional hidden storage spaces? Assess your needs and optimize this space wisely!

Thoughtful and preferably hidden storage systems are today's ideal. Almost all trendy interiors built on the fact that most things are removed from sight, and only the minimum that can decorate the room remains in sight. But what about those who move to a house where there are no large closets yet, especially clothes? We share a dozen tips to help you organize an open wardrobe and enjoy it.

Apartment without wardrobes: reduce the amount of things

This can be tricky if you're a clothing lover, but not having a closet means you have to clean up rows of your favorite outfits. Consider this a great opportunity to find out what you really love and wear often, feel free to donate the rest to a charitable foundation.

Hanger with shirts in a bachelor's apartment on Novoslobodskaya

Sort clothes by type or color

It is in closets that you can hide the mess, and when all things are in sight, you just need to keep them in order. To make your collection of clothes look good on hangers, sort it by type or color: this way you will also quickly find among the things you need.

Hide your shoes

Arrange your shoes nicely small space may not be easy. If you have a lot of it and a part is worn out more than you would like, you should leave only the most beloved and beautiful pairs in sight, and hide the old and unsuitable for the season under the bed.

Open dressing room behind curtains

Use the same hangers

Forget plastic hangers! Hangers with a black velvet finish and a metal hook will look much better (and will not slip off clothes), and if you want to achieve maximum heights style, choose wooden or nice metal hangers.

Invest in a complete storage system

Modular storage systems are expensive and not easy to install, but if you have the money and time, invest it in organizing the perfect space and make everything exactly the way you want it. You can choose the number of shelves and rails, their size and relative position. Decide whether you are ready to give an entire wall for a wardrobe, place things in a corner, or generally limit yourself to only one frame and shelf.

Build your own storage system

If you can't afford ready-made modular system, create your own. Buy two pencil cases and fasten one or two pipe hangers between them. A great opportunity to get creative with the organization of the space of the room! The only caveat: remember that the clothes are not weightless, and make sure that you fasten all the details securely enough.

Change your exposure according to the season

Stumbling eyes on summer dresses in the middle of winter is not very fun. It will also help reduce the number of items on display if your wardrobe is too large. Clothing that is not suitable for the season will not wrinkle for half a year among actual things and interfere with choosing outfits.

Add plants

Decorate your wardrobe nook so that it looks like a full-fledged part of the interior, and not things accidentally taken out of the closet. An excellent choice, as always, will be flowers - they can be placed on the sides of the hanger (or hung directly on it in) or fixed on top.

Avoid windows

Sunlight is great, but keep your clothes out of it: few things can be more annoying than discovering that your favorite dress has a faded sleeve, so make sure that in any season and at any time of the day the sun's rays will not fall on the hanger.

Hanger with cheerful dresses in

P.S. Do you think that this material is not for you because you have a full closet? But he is not a hindrance in order to put a small open hanger in the room! On it you can hang clothes for the coming days or new things that you want to admire. Think of it as an extension of your closet that will showcase your most the best and favorite things.

Since the doors for opening the cabinet move apart according to the principle of a carriage compartment, they do not need a place to open. Consequently, sliding wardrobes can be a very ergonomic way to organize or hallways - this property allows you to use the entire area of ​​​​the room as much as possible. And the layout architecture can help with this: for example, a closet built into a niche is very convenient, where the walls and ceiling of the room itself will serve as its walls and ceiling.

2 Fill in the corners

Often the room is small, and its corners are not used very rationally or are empty. In this case your option is compact corner cupboard-coupe. It does not take up much space, but due to the angle it forms so capacious that everything you need (and even more) will fit there. If we expand a little standard sizes such a closet, it can turn into a real one.

3 Add footage visually

A sliding wardrobe with mirror sliders will allow not only to competently “hide” it in the space of the room, but also help due to reflections. Install mirror wardrobes so that the doors reflect daylight, and the room will acquire new volumes and perspectives.

4 Order a custom cabinet

In some cases, an interesting cabinet design or a pattern on its facades will fit especially organically into the space of the room. The rounded version of the cabinet itself does not attract too much attention, as well. The ornament in a peculiar way disguises the closet under the wall.

5 Strive for minimalism

If the room itself is small, and the closet occupies the entire or almost the entire wall, just give up the intricate decor, photo printing on the doors or accent dark colors. Choose a cabinet with the most light, smooth, concise facades - this way it will look the most light and unobtrusive.

A glossy or matte finish will reflect light sources and make the room appear larger.

6 Create a window effect

An interesting and non-standard technique is a snag in the form of a floor-to-ceiling window, supposedly closed by blinds, behind which there is actually a closet. Instead of doors, it has teak-tinted shutters, which, if desired, can be made in the manner of a coupe. The effect of penetrating daylight gives lighting in the closet itself. It's great, right?

We often face the problem uneven walls at the customer's premises.

We assembled a frame cabinet, moved it to the wall in the room, and back wall uneven slot.

In such cases, we help adjustable feet, which are installed in advance in the poly cabinet. We tilt the cabinet so that the gap is leveled. Unfortunately, there is a gap on the front side where the base appears, but as a rule, few people pay attention to it if it is not very large.

It happens that the frame cabinet is installed close to one of the walls in the room. The wall can be curved, and even in the form of a wave. Here adjustable supports will not help us. Let's not warp the whole closet because of a curved wall, and even if it is a wave, it's useless.

The client is very upset because of the uneven gap.

We can take a chipboard plank of the same color as the cabinet frame, adjust its size to the wall curves using a jigsaw. Edge to pass grinder, or close with a U-shaped soft edge.

Now the gap is not conspicuous, but of course this cannot be called an ideal alignment option. It is still noticeable that the wall is uneven.

Consider the following option for masking uneven walls using another specific example.

The sliding wardrobe is built-in, but has sidewalls from LDSP. Why did we do this? The walls are so uneven that the sidewalls are necessary for a smooth fit of the compartment doors, and the shelves inside the cabinet look more aesthetically pleasing than we would shred them with a jigsaw to fit the wall curves.

How to remove the gap between the sidewall and the wall? You can use a plastic corner. In a particular case, we glued one edge to the corner of the wall, and pressed the second to the cabinet. Used liquid nails, temporarily fixed overnight masking tape not to slip.

In order for the second side of the corner to be pressed against the side of the cabinet, we used a second plastic corner in the form of a spacer.

Watch the video showing the result.

If you have, then the compartment doors will be skewed when open. It certainly looks ugly and is very depressing for the housewives. In this case, we can advise you to make a small podium for compartment doors. It is made of the same chipboard as the cabinet frame itself, but inside we installed adjustable supports. Watch the video where we show how we did it.

Of course, this is also not perfect option and it looks bulky, but the doors in any position look strictly vertical without distortions.

You can try to put a strip of chipboard under the lower aluminum track and align it with the help of linings. But we know from practice that it is difficult to firmly fix such a light foundation. Doors sometimes weigh 20 kg. each and when moving, the lower track with the substrate is easily loosened. Therefore, we make such a bulky frame from chipboard.

The ceiling is a little easier if you are planning a closet. The top track allows up to 2cm. hide the distortion of the ceiling. Pay attention to the top track, it is hollow. The door goes into it and does not touch the very top of the track, it only leans on it so as not to fall out. All the load falls on the lower wheels.

If you are at the stage of repair and you are not leveling the walls, at least think about the junctions of future furniture. Maybe it is worth aligning the walls, floor and ceiling at the points of interface with the frame?

Unfortunately, many people leave this question for later, arguing something like this - later we will come up with something, furniture makers will tell you, we are not the only ones who do this ...

Later you will not solve this problem, everything will come out and if the distortion is serious, then the curvature will be very noticeable. Furniture is also expensive now, for ten thousand nice closet no longer buy. You will spend ≈40-≈120 thousand on a closet and get gaps that will spoil the whole impression.

1. use architecture features. Since the doors for opening the cabinet move apart according to the principle of a wagon compartment, they do not require space. Consequently, wardrobes can be a very ergonomic way to organize storage in a bedroom or hallway. This property allows you to use the entire area of ​​​​the room as much as possible.

2. fill in the corners. Often the corners of the premises are not used very rationally or are empty. In this case, your option is a compact corner wardrobe - compartment. It does not take up much space, but due to the angle it forms such a capacious storage system that everything you need will fit there. Only if you slightly expand the standard dimensions of such a cabinet, it can turn into a real dressing room.

3. add footage visually. Mirrored sliding doors closet - compartment will allow not only competently "Hide" it in the space of the room, but it visually expand the volume of the room. Install mirrored sliding wardrobes so that the doors reflect daylight, and the room will acquire new volumes and perspectives.

4. Consider curves. The so-called radial closet - compartment, devoid of sharp corners, semicircular and smooth, will especially organically fit into the space. This version of the cabinet itself does not attract too much attention, but due to the rounded design it makes the space noticeably airy and light.

5. remove the excess. Only in the event that the room itself is small, and the closet occupies the entire or almost the entire wall, just give up intricate decor, photo printing on the doors or accent dark colors. Choose a cabinet with the most light, smooth, concise facades: this way it will look easy and unobtrusive. A glossy or matte lacquer finish will reflect light sources, and the room will appear more voluminous.