How I lost weight stories from life. Incredible Weight Loss Stories

Nothing is more inspiring than the success of people who have lost weight. Looking through weight loss stories with photos, you get an incredible incentive and confidence that you can lose weight too. excess weight and look good too. The article will tell the most interesting stories transformations from celebrities and the most ordinary people.

The famous master of photography, Felice Fawn, knows how to shock the public with bold and vivid images. Spreads with photos of the beauty adorn many glossy magazines.

But not always Felice looked so stunning. The problem of extra pounds did not bypass her. Real story weight loss Faun teaches a lot. The struggle with hated kilograms led the photographer to. The story of how she fought with herself, Faun published in her personal blog.

At seventeen, the girl's weight reached 72-73 kg with a height of 168 cm. Such a figure suited the young Felice. She did not follow diets and did not monitor the calorie content of foods. With personal life, too, everything was in order.

Once, at a youth event, she seemed to see the light. Seeing around her a lot of slender nymphs, Felice felt like a hippopotamus. At that moment, she decided to lose weight.

Faun worked on herself on her own, without nutritionists. The methods were cardinal: limiting food to a minimum, sometimes starvation. As a result, minus eighteen kg per year. But the young beauty continued to torture herself further. Refusal of food introduced the girl into a deep depression. The state of health worsened, health left, anorexia developed.

The process of recovery and rehabilitation was long. Now Felice does not advise anyone to resort to such radical methods of losing weight as she does. Everything should be in moderation.

Real weight loss stories with photos

The story of Natalia's successful weight loss (from 90 to 64 kg)

Natasha's total weight loss was 26 kg. The basis is the transition to proper and wholesome nutrition.

The girl was never slim, but also excessively fat too. Strong weight gain was triggered by the birth of three children. After pregnancy, the weight reached 90 kg with a height of 163 cm.

On the advice of a friend, Natalya resorted to a kefir diet.

For three weeks, the girl's menu consisted of the following products:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • green apples;
  • toaster croutons made from black bread (no additives);
  • boiled meat without salt.

As a result, the weight decreased by eleven kg. But health problems began. Weakness, intestinal discomfort, fatigue and depression.

Therefore, it was decided to change the diet. Boiled fish, poultry, sour-milk and dairy products, fruits, cereals. No sweets or late meals. Dinner strictly until seven in the evening.

Bottom line: in six months, the weight decreased by another fifteen kg.

There is nothing complicated, it's all about controlling your diet. This is the essence of the girl's weight loss success story.

Weight loss before and after: Elena's story (from 81 to 60 kg)

The basis of weight loss:, healthy eating, refusal of alcohol and fast food.

Elena's weight loss began with a weight of 81 kg. It was then that she realized that it was time! Lack of fans, heaviness in the body and self-doubt.

The girl was never friends with sports, so she decided to resort to a diet. Of all - she liked ginger. After analyzing several diet options, Lena made her own.

Daily diet:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water and ginger drink.
  • Dinner: chicken breast prepared in a dietary way, vegetable salad with cabbage, ginger drink.
  • Dinner: unlimited low-fat cottage cheese, ginger drink.

Elena observed such nutrition for a month. Result: minus ten kg. She could no longer hold out on such a meager diet and decided to derive for herself certain rules for further weight loss:

  • The last meal before six in the evening.
  • The basis of nutrition is vegetables.
  • Fast food exception.
  • Refusal of alcohol.
  • Exclusion from the diet of sweets, pastries, white bread.

As a result, another 4 kg was lost in four months. A little, but gradually and without starvation.

The result - minus 21 kg in 5 months!

Weight loss stories with photo of Gali (from 62 to 52 kg)

The basis of weight loss: sports, water and optimism.

Galina was always enough slim girl. How did the extra weight appear and why? Like many: somewhere a delicious cake, somewhere unwillingness to play sports.

1. Overweight appeared in my childhood - I have always been plump. It is quite logical that it was hard for me at school, I especially remember physical education lessons - they were a real test. Although in general I got used to the fact that I did not enjoy much success, but graduation in the 9th grade finally finished me off. I have never felt such loneliness! My classmates did not come up to me, and when I walked in their direction, they quickly went to the other. After several attempts, I realized that all this is not just. It was at that moment that she decided to lose weight, and also began to read books on psychology.

Perhaps you need to briefly tell what happened next. I came to the 10th grade a little different and by the end of the 11th I was already a cheerful and sociable Tanya, with whom, despite her extra weight, everyone was friends.

Outwardly, I have not changed very much, but internally I have noticeably changed. All this did not happen immediately, gradually, but from a downtrodden fat clumsy girl I became popular. And all because I realized - this is no longer possible, I can no longer be in a state of suffering and complaints to the whole world. By the way, I am still friends with those classmates. Once I even discussed this situation with one of them at graduation: she didn’t even know that I remember all this, that I was so offended. She said that then I was somehow not very interesting, stuffy, so it happened. Of course, it was not very beautiful, but who is not mistaken, after all, we were children.

I have always been overweight and, in general, before it became critical (more than 100 kg), I lived almost normally, and then shortness of breath appeared, it became difficult to climb even to the 4th floor at school, and all this greatly reduced the quality of life. Were those around you sympathetic to this? No.

2. Usually they insulted me rather than made neat remarks that I needed to lose weight - it really was very hard.

It took me three and a half years to lose weight. I have tried many things, probably the most stupid way is to boil some terribly tasteless celery soup with tomatoes, peppers and something else, eat it for several days in the hope of losing 8 kg in a week.

This attempt ended with the fact that on the third or fourth day I could not get out of bed and go to work. I was 17 years old, I worked full time and studied at the university in the evening department, that is, I needed strength for such a schedule, and I ate this soup and allegedly “lost weight”. When I was on diets, I broke down very often; when I realized that a diet for a while is nonsense, I began to look at the whole thing differently.

3. Now I don’t lose my temper, but I just competently enter my favorite ones into my diet and, maybe, not so much healthy foods: for example, I ate something sweet at breakfast in the morning, which means that there will be a little less carbohydrates for lunch. Something like that. In general, everything starts from the head, you need to rebuild your attitude to the figure, nutrition, lifestyle.

Competent balanced nutrition in combination with sports gives, perhaps, not the most quick result, but high-quality and one that really hold! There are diets, for example, protein ones, that give big changes for short term but this is all temporary. Therefore, as they say, you go quieter - you will continue. So I developed a menu for myself and now I teach other people to do the same. Sports were periodically, if possible.

I am very satisfied with my results. I used to be fat and insecure. It was terribly unpleasant for me to look at myself, because I was fatter than everyone in my school! It was hard to find myself nice clothes, I had to wear something that fits at least in size, and this was age clothes.

4. Every day I was humiliated, and I wanted only one thing - to break out of this vicious circle.

Most of the problems - well, as it seemed to me - were connected with excess weight, so I decided to lose weight, although it was not easy, I made many mistakes, but I managed to change myself first internally, and then externally.

How to maintain weight

5. In the middle of the weight loss process, my main goal was to maintain weight, which, by the way, has been working out for more than four years! It's even harder than getting rid of extra pounds, since many can get together for a while and set some kind of framework for themselves, but few people are ready to adhere to the regime all their lives.

6. All this I achieve by an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. I eat almost everything - even pasta, for example, but only if they are made from whole grain flour. Almost every harmful product can be found useful replacement, most importantly, include imagination - this is what makes it possible to eat varied, tasty and healthy.

7. This lifestyle, training in the gym or at home, biking, rollerblading, long walks and swimming - all this is great, you need to find what gives you pleasure, and then it will not be torture. In principle, eating right, you can maintain weight, but sports help the figure to acquire the correct shape. Of course, if I start eating everything again, I will gain weight. Weight loss is simple math: eat more than normal - you gain, eat less - you lose.

8. Now I help others change their lives and I am happy that I can share my experience. I managed not only to solve the problem of excess weight, but also to become a successful blogger, I wrote a book, created my own online course, visited many TV shows, and many of my articles were published in magazines. Sometimes I look back and I can't even believe it's all real. Obviously, I would not have believed it when I weighed more than 100 kg, which is generally possible!

weight loss stories from real people are always useful, because they confirm our thoughts that nothing is impossible, including weight loss.

AT recent times we hear many stories about incredible weight loss, how women managed to achieve excellent physical shape, and turned from cute fat women into slender, attractive, skinny girls. We will tell the reader a few of these stories, or you can read a low-carb diet.

Incredible weight loss story of the girl Sasha

With a height of 171 centimeters, the young lady weighed at first 60 kg, after marriage - 70 kilos, after a while - 80 kilograms. Sasha recruited them for three years of work in the office. After the woman became pregnant and recovered another four kilos, and after the birth of the baby, the weight stopped at around 94 kilograms.

As Sasha recalls, she was thin only for four years of her conscious life, it was still at school, when the girl turned from an angular teenager into a sweet, slender young lady. But after a while, on the advice of her friend, Alexandra began to take oral contraceptives and disrupted her hormonal levels.

The beginning of weight loss

In the maternity hospital, the woman realized that something needed to be done and that she could no longer remain at this weight. This was the start of her brilliant weight loss. For the first month, the young mother lost 10 kilos.

But it was given to her just like that. To get rid of excess weight, it was necessary to follow the strictest diet, but in such a way as not to harm the little daughter.

And it also helped that the baby took too much time - long walks, eating fitfully and in small portions, constant lack of sleep, employment. So the weight began to drop rapidly.

Weight loss stories - wonderful reincarnations

After a while, the clothes on Sasha already began to just hang like a hoodie and the husband arranged shopping for his beloved woman. It is impossible to describe the delight when the previously inaccessible size M became fit for the girl, and after a while already S.

According to Sasha, her body became light, she began to move a lot. For many years, the girl for the first time approached the ideal weight, according to the proportions of her body.

For supporting perfect shape Sasha decided to do yoga.

As the girl advises those who want to lose weight, first of all, you need to find an incentive, a push that will help you start losing weight. Also, do not forget about healthy eating and introduce the word "sport" into your life. You can hang a photo that you want to focus on. And still need to buy a thing, small size which you just need to get into. Don't stop there.

Tanya's story, how she managed to lose weight

We continue the history of weight loss and present you the author of the book "How to lose weight by 55 kilograms."

“You wouldn’t wish this on your enemy either,” says Tatiana. The girl was simply not able to look at herself in the mirror, the reflection in it was so disgusting to her. At 14, the girl weighed 105 kilos.

She couldn't buy modern clothes, and her years at school were a complete humiliation. Tanya firmly decided to lose weight.

The girl began to look for a suitable diet, she tried everything she could. I drank all day, ate apples and vegetables. But here the effect was not too long.

As soon as Tanya began to eat differently, the weight returned again. After a while, the young lady realized that she needed A complex approach. That is, consume not only low-calorie foods, but start playing sports.

When Tanya graduated from school, she weighed 20 kg less. At the institute, she began to study in detail beneficial features of all products and developed an ideal nutrition scheme for herself. Naturally, it came to forget about sweet, baked, fried.

At the age of 18, the girl already weighed 65 kilos, and at the moment her weight is 51 kilograms.

Tatyana advises to set a goal and go towards it, because everything is not so difficult. The main thing - proper diet and sports, but willpower will not hurt either.

As you can see, two purposeful, strong-willed girls managed to overcome themselves, their appetite and find the strength to fight excess weight.

“I decided to lose weight before the wedding. I chose an express diet for these purposes. What is the meaning of it? It was necessary to eat apples and buckwheat, washed down with kefir. I want to admit that it's not all that tasty, but the effectiveness was not long in coming. Ten days later, I lost about nine and a half kilograms. That is, my size "fell" from the forty-eighth to the forty-fourth size. Unfortunately, this happiness did not last long. Twenty days later we left for Spain. I ended up putting on more pounds than I lost. And I spent two years trying to cure my stomach. I didn't starve and I didn't go on a diet. She lost 12 pounds in exactly one year. They are gone completely and irrevocably. The second year helped me say goodbye to another "eight" kilograms. Now I weigh no more than fifty-five and eat as much sweets as I wish. Girls, stop torturing yourself with diets! Switch to the right nutritional regime.

Second life weight loss story

“I never considered myself chubby. And not complexed, by the way, about the weight. But the birth of two children, of course, added kilograms. When did I think that I need to change something? When I saw in the store very beautiful thing. Guessed! I didn't fit in it. Even something crackled when I was in the fitting room. I was afraid that the thing was spoiled. But I was lucky: it passed! I returned from my "hundred" to seventy. How? Literature rustled for a long time and not in vain. Then she strictly ordered herself not to eat up the food that the kids could not master. My husband joked about this for a long time. He managed to get used to my "eating" habit. He thought of asking me: “So what…. Will I now have to perform your former function? Men! How funny they are! But they are also serious when we make pleasant surprises for them. My husband, it turns out, has long dreamed of me losing weight. I was afraid to say this in order to offend her. I wouldn't be offended! The diet that I chose turned out to be quite satisfying. And I never felt hungry for a single day. My favorite diet is Star. Search the Internet for its detailed menu and try it on your figurines.”

Third weight loss story

“Many, many years I devoted to experiments on my body. I really wanted to build! But my desire, as it turned out, was not enough. by the most effective method there was starvation. I lost sixteen kilos. But the previous weight returned within six months (to my "invincible" one hundred and twenty). She stopped seeing friends, avoided acquaintances with the opposite sex. I closed myself completely. I said goodbye to short skirts. Everything I wore... Just don't be too shocked, please! I will continue the thought in a different way ... My “true” clothes were “bag-like” sweaters and floor-length skirts. The mirror that adorned the hallway “begged” me to start my transformation. I started! It was for these purposes that I flew to Istanbul and rented a small (but very cozy) apartment there. I bought a lot of vegetables. They filled up the entire fridge. Enrolled in an elite fitness club. In general, look at what “schedule” my first day went on:

  1. I woke up at nine o'clock in the morning (I slept as much as I wanted).
  2. I made myself a carrot salad, decorating it with a huge amount of greens.
  3. I went for a walk and enjoy the city.
  4. I sat on a bench and drank non-carbonated mineral water.
  5. At eight o'clock in the evening I left for a fitness club.
  6. At ten o'clock I returned to the apartment.
  7. Turned on a cool movie on the computer.
  8. I ate cherries and apricots.
  9. Was taking a shower.
  10. I watched the movie and quietly fell asleep while watching it.

The second day was repeated in almost the same "key". There were only some very small changes.

Sunday I spent at home. I drank only water with lemon, ate fruits, read interesting books .... This day (every Sunday) flew by like an instant.

I wasn't going home. Scales did not buy on principle. A month and a half later, I decided that it was time and honor to know! I didn't want to leave. I “got stuck” to the beauty of this city…. But I also missed my home a lot.

On the very last day of my stay at the club, I decided to weigh myself. I expected to lose eight kilograms (no more). And the result, which was "highlighted" on the scales, almost brought me down in a real swoon! Minus twenty two! I didn't believe my eyes. I called a woman (an instructor in this club). She laughed and confirmed what I saw.

I flew out of the club on the wings of happiness. I bought a blue tunic and black leggings in the shop. Then (in another store) I bought pretty sandals and an equally pretty bracelet. I would have bought something else, but the finances ended at the wrong time!

I'm not imagining! I felt much more comfortable on the plane! I calmly fit now in one chair, imagine! And how happy my mother and son were when they saw me in a different guise! I wanted to continue losing weight in my town, but fitness classes there are very irregular. We are flying with my little son to Thailand very soon. I expect that I will return from there as a beauty of unearthly appearance, which weighs sixty kilograms!

The fourth weight loss story, from life

“Three years ago I gave birth to a wonderful son. Since I fed him with my milk, I could not afford to think about diets. And so I wanted! But the child, of course, was more precious than anything and everyone. When I stopped feeding him, I decided to take care of myself. I chose the soup diet because I read reviews about it. Of course, I don’t like to cook soup, but for the sake of the diet I had to make sacrifices. Received an award. In six and a half months, I went from ninety to fifty-eight. Here! That's how much I weighed when I was twenty years old!

My husband bought me a lot of all sorts of outfits and beautiful things. True, then I had to buy a locker. Things no longer fit in the old one! But I definitely won’t put my closet on a diet!

Nowadays overweight problem relevant to many. People realize that this issue must be addressed as soon as possible in order to avoid health problems. But picking yourself up and getting started is the hardest thing to do.

Therefore, we have collected 12 stories of people who have lost a lot of weight so that they inspire those who cannot gather their strength with their example. These tips work, you just need to put in a little effort.

  1. Take your time, start small
    Signe Heffernan, who lost 57 kg in 2 years: “It all started with a walk to work. I walked about 6 kilometers. After 6 months, I switched to a healthy diet. Then I went to the gym for a whole year. My advice: start small. Do what you can first.".
  2. Listen to your body
    Hunter Montgomery, who lost 48 kg in 1 year: “There is a lot of information on the Internet about training and dieting. But it should be remembered that each person is an individual. Choose only what suits you. Your body knows what it needs.".

  3. Do what you like
    Olivia Sullivan lost 45 kg in 1 year: “I was advised to do cardio, but I didn’t like it, and it’s very hard. I started exercising less. But then I met strength training and realized that this is just for me. After a while, I fell in love with boxing and began to give all my best at 100%. Do what you like. It's more efficient.".

  4. You don't have to go to the gym right away.
    Diana Nosgaard, who lost 41 kg in a year: “Many do not go to the gym because of complexes. I was no exception. So I started with hiking and working out at home. Already after 9 months, after the constraint had passed, I was ready to conquer the gym ".

  5. It will get easier with every workout.
    Jackie Kankam lost 32 kg in 2 years: “The first workout was terribly hard. I wanted to quit everything. But I pulled myself together and noticed that with every workout I feel better. You can't quit - you have to fight".

  6. Try to travel
    Garinder Pabla, who lost 32 kg in 3 years: “I changed my lifestyle. Now I will never exchange active travel for sitting in the evenings near the TV with chicken wings and pizza..

  7. Find support
    Zaar Rieger said goodbye to 24 kg in a year: “People's support works. My parents were with me during my first marathon. My girlfriend, who became my wife, admired my perseverance. One friend worked with me. I wouldn't have been able to do anything without them.".

  8. Down with bad habits
    Timothy Reed lost 46 kg in 1.5 years: “The hardest thing was to say goodbye to junk food especially with sugar. But I learned how to eat right and count calories, from that moment my life changed.”.

  9. Consult with a specialist
    Vanessa Nelson lost 32 kg in 5 months: “I had a lot of fears about losing weight. The thought of this scared me. But a psychologist helped me cope with my anxiety disorder. And the process of weight loss has moved forward.”.

  10. Compete with friends
    Jenn Flores lost 27 kg in 16 months: “I wanted to run a five-kilometer marathon. I told my friend about this idea. He decided to run with me. Every day before the big race we practiced on the beach. We argued who would come running first. It motivated me to do more.”.

  11. Reward yourself for victories
    Athena Garza lost 84 kg in 2.5 years: “Reward yourself, even for small victories. Just not with food. After each successful weigh-in, I buy myself shoes, an outfit or jewelry. ”.

  12. Accept failure calmly
    Kelly Geistler said goodbye to 56 kg in a year: “I gained weight because I was sick viral infection and took steroids. But after recovery, I started working on my weight again and lost 56 kg. I didn’t immediately manage to lose weight, but I took failures calmly. ”.

These people deserve respect. They did not give up and managed to cope with their problem. Take their recommendations into service, as they really work.