Diet of ballerinas: what do the most slender girls in Russia eat. How do ballerinas live and what do they eat

When women are busy with their lives and careers, it's hard to find the time to hit the gym and stick to the principles. healthy eating. You are probably curious to know how the day of the American prima ballerina Isabella Boylston goes. She has an unusually busy work schedule, and her track record includes the roles of Odette-Odile in Swan Lake, as well as the main role in the ballet Giselle.

Wake up and breakfast

Isabella usually wakes up at 9 am and tries to saturate her body with a hearty, nutritious breakfast. Ballet takes a lot of energy, so you can’t do without fuel in the morning. At home, our heroine eats fried eggs with toast and always drinks coffee. Isabella considers all these products to be the main ones in her life. If the ballerina has time, she goes to Gray Dog's restaurant to taste her favorite eggs and pancakes. A hearty leisurely breakfast in a cozy place is complemented by French toast, fruit and chicken sausage. You probably expected that the ballerinas' food consists of brown rice and spinach? It's a delusion. In fact, slender and graceful dancers tend to eat a lot.

ballet class

Immediately after breakfast, Isabella heads to the ballet class. This is how the usual day of every dancer begins. Stretching and warming up the muscles last for an hour and a half, and then they begin to hone their filigree technique. Training takes place every day, they are especially important on the day of the performance. Each lesson from the outside is like a kind of meditation. When the body, soul and mind are in unison, it is much easier to prepare for responsible shows.


If the trainings are of a standard nature, then at rehearsals the dancer perfects the movements of her own ballet part. You will be surprised, but on average, Isabella spends six to nine hours a day on training and rehearsals. It's a lot, but it keeps our heroine in top physical shape. If a performance is not scheduled for that day, rehearsals are held from 12 noon to 7 pm. On the day of the three-act ballet "Swan Lake" Isabella significantly reduces the load. She wants to save strength and sunk into the evening performance.


As you understand, our heroine does not have a fixed time for lunch. Therefore, he often eats during a break. Be that as it may, she tries to eat well three times a day. However, under time pressure, it allows snacks (fruits, dark chocolate with sea ​​salt). Isabella's usual lunch consists of an elaborate vegetable salad and sandwiches. Our heroine believes that potatoes, cabbage, arugula, mushrooms and white cheddar have a beneficial effect on the body. She also enjoys eating apples and whole wheat bread. Of course, the dancer does not eat the same thing every day. However, it is this salad that saturates her body with essential vitamins and minerals. Coffee is my favorite lunch time drink. As, however, and in the morning.

Physiotherapy and gym

Whenever she has a free moment, Isabella visits the physiotherapist's office. As a rule, this happens immediately after classes in the ballet class. Unfortunately, our heroine is haunted by a constant problem with her knee, and this annoys her a little. But such is the fate of the dancers. Throughout their professional career, they are haunted by minor, but extremely unpleasant injuries.

Isabella doesn't have a personal trainer. She just goes to gym and doing exercises recommended by physiotherapists. This is a very important part of injury prevention. So, for example, the "bar" is very effective. Our heroine performs one approach up to two minutes. If you do the “bar” correctly, then the press, back and many other muscle groups are well worked out. There are other exercises, such as lifting the pelvis from a supine position. This is a good workout for the lower back and buttocks. When Isabella takes the stage, this exercise helps her keep her balance. Usually our heroine visits the gym three times a week, when she has the least stressful schedule.

High injury rate

But if she feels discomfort in the body or pain, she will immediately go to the physiotherapist. Most of the injuries that dancers receive are due to asymmetrical movements and disproportionate stress on the body. That is why exercises that allow you to align the symmetry of the body are so important. For example, Isabella has repeatedly dislocated her ankle. As you understand, a ballerina spends a lot of time dancing on one leg. Therefore, our heroine often resorts to performing complex exercises to restore ankle tone. Also, once a week, our heroine appears on the massage therapist's table.


After all the tedious procedures, you can take a little nap, and then taste your favorite dinner: pasta. Approximately five hours before each performance, Isabella eats pasta for dinner. This usually happens in a restaurant. She is very nervous before the show, so she wants to balance the hormonal balance by eating bananas. She drinks another cup of coffee while the make-up artists put on makeup before the concert. Our today's heroine admits that she does not know how to cook and relies on her own husband for this. She often goes to a restaurant. True, there is a dish that nevertheless obeyed her: pasta with spinach and salmon. She adds olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon.


Isabella tries to stay away from sugar. She does not eat a lot of sweets, allowing herself only occasionally. The only exception is dark chocolate. During the show, the ballerina always eats a couple of bananas. This saturates the body with energy and helps keep potassium levels normal. Intermission's favorite drink is coconut water.

The beauty, grace, grace of the ballerinas is simply mesmerizing. Most women think that it is impossible to have such a graceful body as a ballerina. After all, they are constantly starving and engaged in exhausting exercises, and for most women this is beyond their power. However, this is not quite true The secret to the harmony of ballerinas is to follow a special diet. A universal diet has not been developed that would suit all ballerinas, so it is created individually. The most common diets for ballerinas are those that provide for a weekly loss of up to four kilograms. These diets are based on the consumption of low-calorie foods and exercise.

Rules that ballerinas must follow during a diet:

  1. Food portions should be small. This helps to reduce the number of calories consumed and not harm health.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to breakfast, it should be the most satisfying. After all, it is in the morning that the best metabolism, which does not contribute to the deposition extra pounds. Be sure to read the very fascinating article "proper nutrition for ballerinas"
  3. For one meal, you can eat one type of dish. If this is the first course (soup), then you do not need to supplement it with other dishes, drinks, buns. The first dish is enough for the body to receive the necessary nutrients and work normally.
  4. Every day, ballerinas should consume foods high in carbohydrates. They provide the body with the energy it needs to vigorous activity ballerinas. So you need to include in your diet oatmeal, rice and buckwheat porridge, fruits and vegetables.
  5. In order for food to be well digested and assimilated, which is so important for ballerinas, it is not necessary to mix proteins. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the consumption of meat, fish dishes and cheese.
  6. It is necessary to include in the diet products in which the percentage of fat content does not exceed 2.5.
  7. Ballerinas should completely eliminate salt from their diet. It can be replaced with spices and soy sauce, lemon juice, which must be added immediately before use.
  8. Ballerinas should forget about dishes containing mayonnaise. This is a very high-calorie product, which also slows down the digestion process.
  9. Ballerinas must comply special treatment water intake to speed up metabolic processes. You need to drink water half an hour before a meal or an hour after a meal. During the day, ballerinas should drink up to two liters of water. Water helps to reduce appetite and improve metabolic processes.
  10. It is necessary to exclude from your diet all sweets, semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, spicy, pickled and salty foods.
  11. The daily diet of ballerinas should be rich not only in essential nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins), but also in minerals and vitamins.
  12. The last meal of the ballerinas should not touch the generally established framework. After all, the performances of ballerinas can be late in the evening, after them they must definitely restore strength with the help of food. However, meals should be light and low-calorie.

The diet of ballerinas

Ballerinas need to consume daily foods that provide them with essential nutrients. Be sure to include in the diet of ballerinas foods that are rich in:

  • carbohydrates (oats, buckwheat, rice porrige, fruits and vegetables);
  • proteins (low-fat dairy products, sea ​​fish and chicken meat)
  • fats (fatty sea fish and vegetable unrefined oils).

Ballerinas need carbohydrates for a constant supply of energy. Proteins for building muscle fibers and cell repair. Fats are necessary to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the ligaments.

Ballerinas should definitely exclude from their diet foods that retain water in the body and contribute to weight gain. Therefore, their menu should not include semi-finished products, sweets, rich products and carbonated drinks.

During the day, ballerinas should eat at least five times (you can read more about the diet in this publication). The daily diet should contain a variety of healthy foods that contain all the nutrients. Thus, the supply of nutrients will be constantly replenished. The most high-calorie should be breakfast. After all, metabolism is highest in the morning and gradually decreases during the day. Therefore, in accordance with the metabolic rate, you need to build your diet.

The video will show the real life of a ballerina

How do ballerinas eat or a diet menu for ballerinas

Becoming a ballerina is the dream of many girls. After all, these ephemeral fragile creatures are more like fairy fairies than people. They easily flutter around the stage like butterflies, barely touching the floor with their feet. In order to achieve this effect, ballerinas have to constantly keep their bodies in good shape. Many people ask themselves - how do they do it? After all, colossal physical exercise, for sure, cause an inhuman feeling of hunger. It may seem that the life of a ballerina is continuous prohibitions. However, this is not at all the case. The diet of ballerinas is quite simple and not exhausting at all.

Principles of the diet of ballerinas

Usually women lose weight to become more beautiful and healthy. However, for the ballerinas of the Mariinsky or the Bolshoi Theater, a slender figure is also the key to success and a good career. Therefore, from generation to generation, they pass on simple, but mandatory principles of nutrition, which at the same time allow you to maintain health and beauty, saturate the body with all the necessary substances, and also make your body slim. Now these principles are known far beyond theaters and dance studios.

The diet of ballerinas never forces you to give up important micro and macro elements. Low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat foods are quite popular now. But ballerinas are well aware that the body will work well only when it receives all the necessary substances - fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Moreover, the basis of the nutrition of ballerinas is precisely carbohydrates, which many women are so afraid of. They eat rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, bread, vegetables and fruits in large quantities. It is these foods that provide a large amount of energy needed for heavy physical exertion, so they are present in every meal. Ballerinas consume less protein products, but also in enough because they are essential for building muscle mass.

Each diet of ballerinas includes lean meat - fish, white meat of chicken or other poultry, as well as dairy products, the fat content of which does not exceed 2.5%. Fats are also necessary for the ballerina, because it is thanks to them that the ligaments remain elastic. Therefore, foods rich in fats should also be eaten daily. This does not mean that you need to eat pastries with cream or fatty meats. It is enough to feast on oily fish a couple of times a week, and add vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil.

The question arises - how do ballerinas stay in great shape if they eat almost everything? The answer is simple. Ballerinas ruthlessly get rid of all products that can add extra pounds to them. Eating a variety of foods does not mean that you can eat everything. These women completely forget about sweets, pastries, semi-finished products, smoked meats, salty foods and marinades. To reduce the amount of salt in food, you can add to dishes lemon juice or soy sauce. Of course, any lemonades and beer are prohibited. They not only impair digestion and cause fat deposition, but also weaken muscle tone.

Of course, not all ballerinas follow a strict diet. Many allow themselves small weaknesses, because for every woman peace of mind is in first place. Sometimes, before a performance, ballerinas allow themselves some dark chocolate to recharge their batteries and positive emotions.

Benefits of the Ballerina Diet

One of the most important advantages of the ballerina diet is its absolute safety.. Consuming all the substances necessary for the body, you will not harm your health. Therefore, everyone can use this method of losing weight.

Also, this diet is quite effective, despite the fact that no one can say how many pounds you can lose using it as a nutrition system. First of all, this is a way of healthy eating, so the body of each person will get rid of excess weight at the pace that suits him best.

Since this diet does not imply strict restrictions, the likelihood of a breakdown will be extremely small. Over time, you can completely switch to this diet, using it as part of your healthy lifestyle. After all, ballerinas eat so constantly, while they feel great, constantly experiencing heavy physical and psychological stress.

Disadvantages of the Ballerina Diet

There are practically no drawbacks to the diet of ballerinas.. However, it is worth considering that such vague recommendations can lead to the fact that the process of losing weight will be delayed. If you overeat, then the effect may not be at all.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that ballerinas experience great physical exertion every day. If you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, then this diet may not suit you. After all, a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet is necessary only for those who are engaged in vigorous physical activity.

Ballerina diet menu

Ballerinas are well versed in the features of the body. They know that the most active metabolism occurs in the morning and gradually slows down in the evening. That is, at this time, all the substances that we receive with food are broken down at maximum speed. Therefore, ballerinas have a rather hearty breakfast, eating the most high-calorie foods from their diet.

Thus, they remain full until the very dinner. And the fact that the calories eaten for breakfast can have a bad effect on the figure, you can not be afraid.

During the day, ballerinas do not dine tightly, they break meals into several times. So food is digested faster, and an acute feeling of hunger never arises. The closer to the evening, the food should be less high-calorie.

Usually nutritionists recommend not eating after 6 pm. However, ballerinas rarely follow this rule, because all performances and performances take place in the evenings. At this time, the body spends a huge amount of calories. Therefore, if you do not eat after the performance, the body will go into economy mode and begin to store fat. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat even after late performances. However, dinner should be very light. You can eat a light salad seasoned with vegetable oil or a small piece of steamed fish.

There is also a more accurate recipe for losing weight from ballerinas. To quickly get rid of excess weight, you need to eat as follows.

First breakfast at 8 am will consist of a quarter pack of low-fat cottage cheese, you can add some fresh berries. You also need to eat a medium portion of porridge on the water, a piece of bread with a piece of cheese and drink a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee.
Lunch will be at 11 o'clock. It includes a glass of natural low-fat yogurt, a glass of freshly squeezed juice (orange or grapefruit) or green tea and an apple.
Lunch menu will be vegetable soup or 100 g of boiled rice or buckwheat. You also need to boil or bake a medium portion chicken meat and prepare a salad of fresh vegetables.
At 5 p.m need to eat again. For an afternoon snack you need to eat an apple, and some cheese with bread, you can drink green tea with a piece of chocolate.
At 9 PM will be the last meal. The menu will be a small piece of baked fish, a salad of fresh vegetables or a serving stewed vegetables(cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, etc.)

The refinement and fragility of the figure of ballerinas causes real admiration, delight. Many are sure that dancers practically do not eat, because their body is just perfect. In reality, things are different. The diet of ballerinas helps to maintain an ideal figure throughout life, strict control nutrition. Although it cannot be said that the diet of these girls consists solely of prohibitions.

Why do ballerinas need a diet?

Slenderness and lightness are not all that is important for these dancers. Every day they experience many hours of physical activity, and this requires strength. Therefore, it is very important that food products deliver the necessary vitamins and microelements to the body in sufficient quantities, as well as other useful material. Therefore, a diet for ballerinas is, first of all, the right diet. In this case, you can impressively lose extra pounds.

Basic rules and principles of the diet

Ballerinas have their own secret. In order to always be in excellent physical shape, they use multivitamin preparations - their doctor selects them individually for each dancer. The thing is that a low-calorie diet of ballerinas cannot give in full all vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, as a dietary diet is provided here.

Each ballet participant has her own nutrition system. There are quite a few methods for losing weight.

Basic diet rules

  1. You should eat when you want, in small quantities, excluding prohibited foods.
  2. Salt should not be added to treats. It is useful to eat cereals: buckwheat and oatmeal. When cooking, you do not need to add oil.
  3. There is no strict ban on favorite products. The diet of ballerinas allows you to use different things, because the body will not calm down until it gets its own. It is important that food does not harm the body. You should be able to limit yourself and not overeat.
  4. The popular ballerina diet, which is mostly positive, allows and even welcomes delicacies from Chinese and Japanese cuisine. They have an original taste and have a beneficial effect on the body. The composition of such dishes includes seaweed and fresh vegetables. Mushrooms, meat and seafood should be added to the list. All these components contain many nutrients. In addition, they do not contain fats and preservatives.
  5. Soups can only be eaten as an independent dish, not mixed with other food. The strict diet of ballerinas includes this delicacy, as the soup helps to increase metabolism and rid the body of fat formations.
  6. Be sure to drink water, but within reasonable limits. This will help stimulate your metabolism. It is important to consume this liquid no later than 30 minutes before meals. Immediately after eating, water is also contraindicated - only after an hour.
  7. Effective Diet for ballerinas welcomes a balanced and varied diet. It is important to control the intake of fats and proteins, as well as carbohydrates. Every day, the body needs vitamins and useful trace elements in sufficient quantities.
  8. Dairy products should also be on the ballerina's menu. It is important that they be low-fat or, even better, fat-free.

Diet of a ballerina

If you imagine in the form of a pyramid the products that are present on the menu of these dancers, you can see a certain order.

The basis will be carbohydrates - this includes bread, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, as well as vegetables and fruits. The work of girls is associated with high energy costs, so the body needs carbohydrates, which are a valuable source of energy.

Higher in the pyramid will be foods with sufficient protein content. This is chicken or lean fish. You should add low-fat dairy products to the list. Protein is responsible for building strong muscles.

The next step is fats, less of which involves the nutrition of ballerinas. The menu includes them in the diet due to the responsibility of fats for the elasticity of the ligaments. It is allowed to fill salads with vegetable oil, eat oily fish twice a week.

Prohibited Products

There are certain foods that should not be included in the diet of ballerinas. The menu excludes sugar and salt, muffins and various semi-finished products. Marinades and smoked meats should be added to this list. To cut down on salt, dancers include lemon juice and high-quality soy sauce in their diet. Taboo - alcoholic and carbonated drinks - they render negative impact on the figure and overall muscle tone.

There are also some exceptions. So, before performing, girls of this profession sometimes allow themselves to eat some dark chocolate - this is a great helper for energizing.

Effective diet of ballerinas for legs

In 4 days, it is possible to lose 4 kg of excess weight, give the muscles of the legs the tone necessary for good performance. Special nutrition for ballerinas, the menu of which is quite strict, will help to achieve success for short term.

It is best to start the diet in such a way that the last day falls on a day off. On the first day, it is allowed to eat only boiled rice and drink freshly squeezed tomato juice. On the next day you can use low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. Menu next day- boiled poultry meat, as well as unsweetened tea. On the last day of the diet, you are allowed to treat yourself to a bottle of good dry red wine and delicious cheese.

Diet for 10 days

Before losing weight, ballerinas spend fasting days.

On the first day for breakfast, you need to drink 250 ml tomato juice, at lunch - already half a liter, along with a small piece of black bread. Dinner should be exactly the same as breakfast. On the second day, it is allowed to drink kefir 1% - a glass for breakfast, lunch and dinner. During the day, you can eat a little more bread, literally a piece.

After that, the diet of ballerinas begins for 10 days. 9 kg at initial big weight manages to reset during this time. Such a diet meets the basic principles of nutrition in dancing.

  • the weight of each serving should be no more than 300 grams;
  • it is forbidden to drink food;
  • It is necessary to consume 2 liters of distilled water per day.

sample menu

For breakfast, you can drink skim milk with coffee and eat a third of a pack of low-fat cottage cheese.

Second breakfast - coffee and 30 grams of toasted bread. Top can be smeared with honey.

For lunch, soup should be prepared - 150 ml of broth, 100 grams of boiled meat, two tsp. rice, a little carrot, grated. Everything is cooked separately, cut and poured with broth.

Snack - an apple or an orange.

For dinner - a glass of warm milk and half an st. l. honey.

Before embarking on a particular diet, it is imperative to consult with your doctor. Only he can decide if you have any contraindications for eating according to weight loss methods for ballet dancers.

Ballerinas are fragile, sophisticated girls who carefully monitor their weight throughout their lives, and, consequently, their diet. They attract admiring glances as they flutter around the stage, doing all sorts of steps. Looking at how men carry them in their arms, girls involuntarily dream of being in their place and becoming just as tiny. And sometimes women are visited by thoughts: what does this fragile creature eat to seem so airy and weightless? The answer to this question is hidden in a special diet and a few halt meals.

Rules for the nutrition of ballerinas

  1. Each portion of the food you eat should be cut in half. This will allow you not to change your menu, but significantly reduce the amount of calories consumed. Many people count calories, but they really don't like to do it. If you reduce portions, then calories can not be counted.
  2. Soup should be consumed as a complete meal, nothing else should be combined with it. We'll have to abandon the power system first - second - compote. Soup helps to normalize the metabolism in the body, and if you eat it without other food, it will work as a fat burner.
  3. Do not eat different proteins at one meal: fish with meat, meat with cheese. Food with such a nutrition system is better absorbed without fat deposits.
  4. Do not use mayonnaise. It impairs digestion, which promotes the deposition of fat. Athletes also do not use mayonnaise. It is included in the list of contraindications. An exception may be homemade mayonnaise prepared by you.
  5. Do not add table salt to food, it is better to use spices, seasonings, soy sauce. Salt whets the appetite and retains water in the body. And for a person who dreams of losing weight, appetite is one of the enemies and taming it means doing half the work for losing weight.
  6. You need to learn how to properly drink water and drinks. More about this is written in the article "".
  7. Stick to the principle of a balanced diet. On the day you should eat foods that contain all the necessary substances: proteins, vitamins, etc. This is needed for correct operation organism, and in order to avoid failures.
  8. Do not eat after 6 pm.

If you follow these rules, you can lose weight without debilitating diets and without harm to health. But if you need to remove a few kilograms in a short time, there is a diet for a ballerina for seven days, with the first and second days being preparatory.

Ballerina Diet: all recommendations must be followed

Menu for the week

Menu for the first two days

1 day

Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice.

Lunch: a piece of black bread and two glasses of tomato juice. You also don't need to add salt to the juice.

Dinner: one glass of tomato juice.

And don't forget to drink water. Remember that you need to consume at least one and a half liters of fluid per day.

2 day

Breakfast: drink a glass of kefir or milk of your choice, but only fat-free. There is no need to add sugar to kefir. In general, get ready to eliminate sugar for the duration of the diet.

Lunch: a slice of black bread with two glasses of kefir. Kefir contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the normalization of the intestinal microflora, which will help improve well-being.

Dinner: products are the same as for breakfast.

These days, as you can see, are unloading days. They involve the use of one product for the whole day. In this case, kefir and juice are used. You can arrange such days without continuing the diet once a week.

Menu for other days

For a second breakfast, you can use a glass of freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice. Thirty minutes later, you can eat an apple and natural fat-free yogurt without additives, preferably homemade.

Lunch: fish, vegetable salad. You can use buckwheat porridge or rice as a side dish. An apple and a slice of dark bitter chocolate, you can not use milk chocolate.

Afternoon snack: soup cooked in low-fat meat, chicken or vegetable broth.

Dinner: vegetable stew with a piece of lean fish, vegetable salad and greenery. Salad should not be salted, dressed with mayonnaise. Instead, add soy sauce. It is advisable not to add potatoes to vegetables, because. it has more calories than all other vegetables.

If you have the willpower and desire to lose weight, this diet is for you. Compliance with the rules of food intake will help to fix the weight and not gain extra pounds again. Ballerinas are very purposeful and strong natures, despite all their grace and diminutiveness, that's why they have such a difficult diet, but we can all see the result by coming to the theater for ballet. This result can be achieved by following all the above tips and recommendations.