What can you earn in a crisis. Silly way to make money. What is a good idea

There is a crisis in Russia again, which means that we will have to adapt to new conditions. How events can develop and what should be done in this regard. Changes should not be perceived as a catastrophe - everything can be overcome if you play it safe and do not lose vigilance.

Denying that a crisis has broken out in Russia is already meaningless: we are told about the upcoming difficulties on the TV screen, officials paint clouds gathering on the horizon, and officials from the highest echelon call for tightening their belts.

There are several options for impending disaster, but we will consider the most likely one: oil and gas prices will continue to fall, the economy will be in recession, inflation will unwind and everything will rise in price. Many goods will become inaccessible, especially foreign-made clothing, food and technology. We will have to live economically on everything, most will be forced to give up foreign trips and other familiar pleasures. But this is not the most unpleasant thing - the unemployment rate will inevitably rise, and this is no longer a joke.

You and I cannot change these circumstances, which means that we will have to change our attitude towards them in order to minimize the damage. This wisdom is not new, but is still universal, like the other statement: "Crisis is the best time to start a new business." Just yesterday, we did not dare to open our own business in Russia, but today we are simply forced to start our own business in order to stay afloat.

If this statement seems absurd to you, think carefully and agree that services that were unclaimed yesterday will be very needed tomorrow. The crisis forces us to reconsider our priorities, so let's look for new opportunities together. We do not urge you to drastically change the course of life, leave your place of habitation and go on a campaign for capital. Taking risks, creating something new and taking responsibility for other people requires a special kind of personality. Our reflections are mostly theoretical, but it is possible that they will be useful to someone. So, what changes await us and what can be done in the new circumstances?

1. Everyone will have to save

This, obviously, means that services will be needed to save money. There have long been sites where you can pick up or. And why not, for example, help people find products at affordable prices? AT major cities many supermarkets publish catalogs with prices, promotions and sales messages.

The consumer, having looked through the offers of several retail chains, can choose where his usual “basket” will cost less. If you manage to consolidate all the information on your site, the sellers themselves will seek cooperation with you. Earnings can consist of a subscription to the placement of information from stores, advertising and commissions from online sales.

Saving money, people will repair shoes and clothes more often, call hairdressers, masseurs and beauticians at home - this is another way to capitalize on the crisis. Companies will also have to cut costs, perhaps here you can find an application for your services.

2. Many will refuse to travel

Judging by the decline in sales of air tickets abroad, the decline has already occurred. The fall of the ruble cannot but affect the plans of travelers, but people will have a rest anyway, only they will have to wait a little with trips around the world. Can you offer something to people left to rest in hometown. Summer is coming and there is no doubt that the beaches, parks and recreation areas will be filled. If you have time to organize, for example, the rental of bicycles, volleyballs, badminton rackets, you will not be left without work. By the way, it is not at all necessary to buy new “entertainment tools”, for a start you can limit yourself to used ones, but put in order. In the development of this topic, think about organizing bike rides along an interesting route. Your task is to think over a mini-trip plan and organize everything in the best possible way.

Services that are in demand in places of mass recreation are well known: trade in tea, coffee, soda, ice cream, pies, etc. Usually these segments are occupied by experienced "fighters". Come up with something fresh and you'll be out of the competition. Why not sell fresh washed and packaged fruits and vegetables? In China, for example, peeled cucumbers are sold in the heat, and a queue forms behind them. Keep in mind that your customers will be people who have known Western service, so everything should be civilized - do not try to sell shish kebabs from meat of unknown origin.

3. An influx of foreign tourists is possible

Oddly enough, the crisis will attract foreigners to our country. Moscow has ceased to be one of the most expensive cities in the world, and those who previously did not want to spend extra money will take advantage of this. Organize a travel agency for foreigners, especially if you are good at foreign languages. Offer customized city tours, schedule exclusive tours.

Clients can be found in social networks, on sites where travelers communicate. Make contacts and offer your services. In a foreign country, it is very important to have a reliable guide, as every traveler knows. Along the way, you can set up an overview of hostels on your website, post train and train schedules, explain routes and teach foreigners how to use the domestic service. Helpful information will definitely interest potential users, and you will need to captivate them with the idea of ​​​​a trip to Russia.

Of course, travel agencies have long oriented themselves in the new conditions and are actively developing this direction, but their prices are high, and people all over the world want to save money. You can develop inexpensive but exciting trips with overnight stays in village houses, potato and herring dinners, and transfers on regular buses. Such an extreme is sure to find fans. When your idea takes on real forms, you can establish cooperation with a travel agency that diversifies its services with your offer.

If this plan seems too complicated for you, try making and selling souvenirs. See what souvenirs are sold in your hometown and you will understand that this market is waiting for you. There will be a demand for original and well-made colorful pieces.

4. The real estate market collapsed

Have you seen how often there are signs for the sale or rental of premises? And apartments in new buildings are almost never sold. Many of the premises that used to house shops and firms are idle. You can take advantage of this by setting up a daily rental of commercial real estate. For example, seminars, presentations, lectures or corporate events can be held in empty rooms. You need to take care of the appropriate equipment and negotiate with the owners of free space.

5. Gold is getting popular again.

Speaking about gold, I noticed that it is hidden in the ground when everything is calm, in order to dig it out in a crisis. Today's crisis has confirmed the billionaire's rightness - the shelves of jewelry stores were empty when the Russians began to save their savings from devaluation. Jewelery sellers experienced a high point - last fall, sales increased by 70 percent. It is unlikely that you will be able to open a jewelry store in big city, where this market has been busy for a long time, but you can try your luck in smaller settlements.

6. Depositors withdraw their money from banks

Another type of business that thrives in a crisis is the production and sale of safes. With instability, people try to keep money at home, and not in banks, so the demand for safes has increased significantly.

7. People will always eat and get sick

No matter what happens, food and medicine will always be needed - this is completely understandable. We do not propose to open a pharmaceutical factory or a cannery - this requires very serious financial investments. But the opening of pharmacies, counters selling over-the-counter drugs can be profitable. It also seems timely to launch a small agricultural business, like a quail or rabbit farm.

The economic crisis has changed many areas of business: some industries have become irrelevant, while others have opened up new prospects. Travel companies were among the first to suffer from the collapse of the market, which is explained by the depreciation of the ruble.

Travel when, become too expensive pleasure for many. Also, not everyone can afford to buy expensive imported goods - cars, household appliances etc., although it must be admitted that domestic cars are also bought less. All this indicates that in the coming years, economy-class goods and services will be in demand, while it is unlikely that it will be possible to make money on luxury goods. Offer consumers what they need, and they will gratefully use your services.

The question of how to make money in a crisis must have overcome every person. However, many are still trying to find the answer now, since the financial turning point already reigns. long years. The catastrophic lack of money does not please anyone. And in principle, there are several methods by which you can improve your situation. But first things first.

Organization of own business

How to make money in a crisis? You need to start your own business. Undoubtedly, this method many are perceived as skeptical. What kind of business is there if you can barely make ends meet! But immediately deny this idea not worth it.

In a crisis, a whole flurry of problems falls upon all people. And this is the best time to start helping them cope with them. A person only needs to think about the opportunity to solve what kind of human problems he has.

And for this you need to turn to your own resources and abilities. Preferably those that are able to contribute to the satisfaction of human needs, which are and will always be. A doctor can organize an IP and offer private services, setting initially low prices to attract clients. For a craftsman with skillful hands, it would be a good idea to take on a large project (build a house, for example). Teachers can get carried away with tutoring. There are a lot of possibilities and options, the main thing here is the approach.

Need to decide

When talking about how to make money in a crisis, it is also necessary to mention several good reasons that can convince a person that organizing a business in such a difficult time is a good idea.

First, the perfect moment with good circumstances can wait forever. The sooner the case is started, the better. You will be able to quickly change your life and begin to fulfill your dreams.

Secondly, during a crisis they pay negligibly little, but at the same time they have to work an order of magnitude harder, because the problems are only increasing. What is not a reason to leave a useless job and use the time more usefully by investing it in yourself?

Thirdly, the crisis really loves the brave. It is in these times that decisiveness and a non-standard approach win. In addition, financial collapse is a consequence of changes that need to be caught. It can be something new, a whirlwind of fresh activity, getting under which you can soar to the skies. And by the way, at such moments there is always a chance to be the first entrepreneur in a particular area. And these are just a few good reasons to start a business, and you can count a few dozen more of them.

Option for common people

It is also worth noting attention, talking about how to make money in a crisis. Again, one must turn to human needs. What does every person need? Food. Prices for it are rising, and people are desperately trying to save. Great time to start growing vegetable crops. This requires a plot, a little financial investment and diligence. Some people then go to new level- begin to make pickles and canned food.

By opening a mini-bakery, you can also earn. Bakery goods have always been in demand among people, so there will be no problems with its implementation. And the idea itself is one of the most promising in small business. A little investment is also required. The most important thing is the ability to cook.

The most profitable (but also costly) business is to open a small grocery store. You will need to issue permits, rent a room in a passable place and reliable suppliers.


This is another human need. And talking about how to make money in a crisis, it is also worth contacting.

During a crisis, tuition prices rise. Because of this, many refuse to enroll in a university. This unfortunate phenomenon provoked an increase in demand for short-term training courses. Every person who has higher education, can apply for an IP and become a private teacher. A certificate of registration is needed here only in order to show it to a potential client. They must make sure that they really receive valuable knowledge from an educated person.

You can become a private instructor, teacher of choreography, vocals or playing the musical instrument. Naturally, with the appropriate education and skills. And you can organize a children's educational circle. This is what you can earn in a crisis. The vast majority of parents, regardless of the financial situation in the country, want their children to be literate and comprehensively developed.

Responsible approach

If a person is thinking about how to make money in a crisis on own business He needs to think through everything in detail. When there is a financial collapse in the country, a business can become profitable only if all indicators are calculated at the planning stage.

The first thing to do is to analyze in detail and deeply the current situation on the market.

Then - try to predict the development of the area in which you want to declare yourself as an entrepreneur.

After that, you need to assess any likely risks and try to think about ways to minimize them. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to add confidence to yourself. In addition, a plan will already be prepared to prevent the consequences of difficult circumstances.

Be sure to consider all kinds of business development options, as well as how much investment they will require.

The last stage is the most enjoyable. It calculates the potential payback and profit. It is important to be objective and focus on indicators of the minimum likely income, and not the maximum. It’s better to get satisfaction from more impressive results later than to be upset because of a “shortage”.

Hello dear readers. Today we'll talk about how to make money in a crisis! Even every schoolchild already knows that the dollar has more than doubled against the ruble in recent months, but what can I say, and the euro and the yuan and the tenge, everything is growing against the ruble. I will not undertake to say that the crisis is not far off, but everything is possible. In this connection, there is a noticeable increase in prices for food, cars, imported goods, etc.

How to make money in a crisis

People will try to save

It is a fact! This has always been the case during any crisis. People will look for goods and services at cheaper prices, and before writing further, I will say right away what, in my opinion, will be competitive advantage in a crisis. Price! Keep the price lower than your competitors and you will have sales. It's trite, but true.

To keep the price or make it lower than competitors, you need to spend less. Accordingly, in most cases, you will have to reduce the cost of your goods and services. For example, do more work yourself or look for cheaper rent, staff, etc.

Below we will analyze some ideas for starting your own microbusiness or self-earning, but for starters, one more thing ...

This is a good time for very small entrepreneurs!

Let me explain why I think so. Some businesses will close, there will be less competition in the market and people will want a lower price. It all makes sense to me! Larger companies have a large staff + costs such as theft, damage, etc., which require additional costs. Although the purchase price for goods or materials for the provision of services from such companies is much lower (suppliers give them cheaper for a large wholesale) than from a small entrepreneur, but the costs, staff, etc. it's all covered. Accordingly, it is problematic for them to reduce prices.

While a small entrepreneur like me, you or someone else can simply buy a product and sell it himself. Or provide services yourself. Yes, this cannot be called a business, but we are talking about how to at least make money, and not about opening a large-scale enterprise.

Sale of goods

It is better to forget about the sale of goods from Europe and America.

But, so that people do not appear who will give me their example of making money on such goods, I will say that some goods are still profitable to sell. The other day, for example, I bought a charger for my MacBook from a friend who deals with Apple technology, and he said that even during a period of price increases, it would still be profitable for him to buy these goods in America and bring them to Russia. Therefore, I cannot say about all goods, but in general, the dollar and euro exchange rates are now too high to stare at the goods of countries representing these currencies.

Items from China are still valid

Although the ruble fell against the yuan, prices in China are still much lower and there is room to accelerate with the markup. Do not 200% but 100% and there will be happiness. Some goods will not yet be profitable to transport, but soon everything will stabilize, people will get used to high prices and it will be possible to start selling again.

But still, I would advise you to start with cheaper goods and with those groups of goods that people need most. Clothing, underwear, bags, bed linen, furniture or decor items, children's toys and clothing, small electronics, etc.

Locally produced goods (from Russia) will gain momentum

I don't know how much exactly, but I think they will. V.V. Putin said that prices for domestically produced goods would not rise, but manufacturers still raise them, albeit not as much. Judging by bags (I just have a bag shop), then at current prices in China, we can judge that our production has become more profitable than half a year ago. I would recommend that aspiring entrepreneurs in the field of trade dilute imported goods with domestic ones.

Attention absolutely beginners! It is NOT necessary to ask whether it is profitable or not profitable to bring certain goods. Just count yourself. Look at prices from direct competitors in your city, compare them with prices at which you can buy from suppliers (in China or Russia, it doesn’t matter) and calculate the markup. If you feel comfortable selling with the resulting margin, then go for it. You have to learn to see these things for yourself.

By the way, those who see them, everything works out for them (many people write to me and some of them say thanks for the tip, and they figured out the rest themselves)! Articles can help you: and.

Budget ways to sell goods

At the very beginning, I talked about the fact that people will start saving and you need to cut costs in order to keep the price lower. So for this, you can simply change the model for selling your goods to a more budgetary one and the costs will be reduced.

For example, you can not rent an expensive outlet in mall. You can use cheaper options. Namely:

Trade from a warehouse

You can sell your products at a lower price and put emphasis on it! Say you have a lower price because you sell from stock. We have in the city grocery stores crowds come from the warehouse. And to warehouses with clothes, accessories, furniture, etc. no less demand. There prices are really lower. Yes, there is no beautiful trading floor, no cute female consultants, but there is a decent price! You will always find your customers;)

Sale from the office

All sellers of Chinese clothes started out by renting an office as a point of sale. It was called a kind of showroom. They sell clothes, stationery, accessories, electronics, plumbing, etc. I know many office centers where such small companies rent offices and have a trading floor right in the office. The price is also much lower, because the rent is lower.

Online store for your city

I have already written about this model. This is the store I have. It combines both trade from a warehouse (it is also possible from an office) and home delivery. If they are taken from the warehouse, then the price is slightly cheaper. If you sell on the Internet, then your advertising is much cheaper. You can deliver goods yourself, and when there are a lot of orders, then hire a courier. We also deliver ourselves, but when the season is high, we hire a courier. We pay him 200 rubles. for the delivery of 1 item.

Combine it all

If you sell from a warehouse or from an office, then it is most profitable for you to promote your business on the Internet. You can do this on social networks, launch contextual advertising, promote yourself on city forums, bulletin boards like Avito, etc. People will see that you are cheaper and will come to your warehouse or office. And if you also have an online store, then they will order there with delivery or pickup. Set up a showcase of the main products on the site and invite people to the warehouse or office to get acquainted with the entire range.

Provision of services

In fact, all services will continue to be in demand. People have fun and will continue to have fun. Legal services, accounting services, repair, plumbing, etc. won't go anywhere. The main thing here is to keep the price. The tourism business will probably suffer losses, while the rest will also work. It's just that someone will be better, someone will have worse things to do.

The most profitable is the Internet

This area will be the least affected by the crisis and at the moment is almost untouched by price increases. On the Internet, as it was, there are still many unoccupied niches where there is enough space for many. For example, I have an income from an online business (let's call it that) exceeds 90% of the total income.

Why is that? Because:

  1. Businesses always need advertising, and on the Internet it is one of the most inexpensive and effective;
  2. People are spending more and more time on the internet looking for necessary information and the need for quality websites is growing;
  3. In Russia, not every company has its own website, and many of those who do have a poor website. From this follows the conclusion that the scope of web development, advertising, promotion, etc. will continue to grow for a long time;
  4. People began to play and have fun more. Entertainment and gaming sites are gaining popularity every day. And about Online Games I'm completely silent!
  5. Search engines have changed better side and began to cut off low-quality sites. But they should be replaced by quality ones. Hint understood?
  6. Freelancers are needed for all of the above, because it is a fast, convenient and budget-friendly employee. Freelancers work on the Internet more than enough.
  7. What can I say, 10-15 years ago we walked with phones with squeakers, and now the iPhone can solve almost any work task. We are still children on the Internet and we still have to grow and grow. Here the field is not plowed.

And I would like to dwell on this in more detail.

Ideas for making money in a crisis on the Internet

Your site

I always earned, I earn and I will earn on it. There are not many quality content sites out there. Dig into the search engines and you will often stumble upon such sites where there is no specifics on your question. Because all sites do for traffic and earnings on advertising. Make a site for people so they can get detailed answers to their questions and you will get traffic, money and much more. I will write an entire article on this topic, although I have already written more than once. For example, a whole series (see the "Make money on your site" section).

Answering questions and consulting

On your site you can create a section with questions and answers. I have a section on my site where you can ask questions about earnings and business and you will be given answers from specialists or from me (if I am competent in your question), and then there will be additions from other readers. If the issue is serious and requires a long explanation, then you can provide paid consultations. I also provided them, but then there were too many of them that I had to refuse them. The main thing is to help people solve problems and they will reach out to you.

Useful Services

Nowadays, everything needs to be automated, and if you can do it, then you will earn good money. Even Tinkov said that those who can save other people's time will become a millionaire. Or something like that, I don't remember exactly.


On freelance exchanges, you can earn decent money. If you have knowledge in design, coding, advertising, working with images and videos, etc., then you will quickly find customers for yourself. What can I say, if there are a lot of orders on the network for filling the site, for publishing announcements on Internet bulletin boards, for solving homework for schoolchildren and students, etc. Even on such small assignments, you can earn normally. I mentioned one of these freelance exchanges in an article about. In the same article you can find other ideas for making money. I will focus on freelancing later in other articles.


In conclusion, I would like to say that you can find a way out of any crisis. In general, I sincerely hope that there will be no crisis in Russia in 2016. At least someone can say that it has already arrived, I don’t see it yet. I wish you all to become independent from political and economic conflicts, earn as much as you want, but most importantly, do what you would enjoy!

And now open question. What ways of earning do you see? How to make money in a crisis? I would very much like to discuss this issue with you.

How much to earn? This question is especially relevant during a crisis.

Crisis - perhaps the best time in order to run new business or extend an existing one. This is also the best time to advance in your career. . I know it defies common sense at first glance. Let me explain.

First, the media seem to go crazy during the crisis. From just negativity, they move on to a sea of ​​pessimism. This makes many people financially paranoid. People are literally programmed to expect the worst. If you buy into this social hysteria, you will also become a victim.

But if you can avoid this stupidity (just don't watch a lot of TV) and stick to rational thinking, You will see amazing opportunities appearing everywhere you look.

During a crisis, people start cutting their spending out of fear. They get rid of the little things in their lives. They stop buying unnecessary things.

For this reason, many companies do not do well, especially those that offer something that is not significant. We can live without new credit cards and fuel-guzzling SUVs. We can refuse this.

We are also becoming more demanding of the quality and value of what we get for our money. We want to make sure we're getting a fair deal.

Accordingly, companies that offer something really valuable, during a crisis, things can go uphill . People will concentrate around such companies during difficult times, while shell companies will increasingly lose ground.

There are many such pacifiers in the USA. Many of them operate from the mindset of a rogue slacker. They are trying to fish for money without offering adequate value in return. Many of the companies that close or die are like this. The American auto industry shrunk in part because it produced a poor quality product that people didn't really want.

stupid way to make money

AT recent times I see a lot of people doing stupid things in an attempt to make money. They get into some lame money-making programs, join and promote useless schemes of various pyramid schemes, and end up victims of fraud.

These people have one thing in common - they focus on making more money. They make it their number one priority. They think about it all the time. But they get into trouble because they are trying to make money without providing any value in return, which is unsustainable and unsustainable.

Finally, such things are self-destructive. The only way to succeed in this way is to find a lot of suckers and rob them for your own enrichment. Most people have a strong moral aversion to such things. This cannot be the path to prosperity.

As a rule, people who focus primarily on trying to make more money lose ground during a crisis, of course, with the exception of those who are not squeamish about the technology of deception.

Smart way to make money

Instead of focusing on how to make more money, how to make more money, use your time and energy to create and deliver something of real value. Find ways to give people what they want, what they really need.

note that keywords here CREATE and GIVE.

Create value means to use your unique talents and skills in a way that has the potential to benefit others.

Provide value means that other people get the opportunity to enjoy the value (the fruits of your labor) that you have created and benefit from it.

If you do one thing, and you have problems with the second, then it will be difficult to have a decent income, especially during a crisis.

This problem is relevant for many creative people related to the type "I could be an artist, musician, writer." They can spend a lot of time honing their skills, but if their works do not fall into the hands enough customers, they are in financial distress. And it also hurts their creativity.

It is sad that many of these people work hard. But almost all of their time is spent on creativity and very little time is left to find clients. They look around, they see much more successful hard workers, although not so creative, but giving people something valuable.

I also went through this experience. In the 90s, I went bankrupt, although I worked hours and did definitely valuable things - my company developed computer game. The problem was that I was not able to popularize this game well, to find my client. I relied on publishers, and for various reasons, the release of the game never took place. The result of which was years of empty efforts, although, I must admit, I gained useful experience. So I know where this road leads, I've walked it.

On the other hand, if you are only in the business of providing value and not creating it, then you are in the business of spreading someone else's value. It may work for a while, but that time is limited. Anyone can join an MLM program or resell. If this is your main source of income, your strategy is weak. The better it works for you, the more competitors will appear. Ultimately everyone will work harder and harder for pennies. This is how it always happens. This strategy is especially weak during a crisis, as many tend to cut costs, causing your profits to shrink.

Bloggers fall into this trap when they paraphrase other people's content and have nothing really unique or amazing to offer. A year later, their niche is already flooded with competitors doing the same. As a result, it is unlikely that any of the competing parties has any decent income.

The most viable strategy is to create and deliver value to people . You can mix and match this strategy with others. But it is better when your main source of income is built on this strategy.

(translation of an article by Steve Pavlin)

Read the continuation of the article in the following publications.

Evgeny Malyar

# Business ideas

Making money during the economic crisis

The Briton successfully sold the property he owned by playing it in a lottery with tickets costing only 50 pounds. Almost 14 thousand people became participants, and the bill of sale was honestly issued for the winner.

Article navigation

  • How to make money during a recession
  • What to do in a crisis
  • How to make money on the economic crisis

Few people have not heard about the crisis that has been shaking the world economy for several years, although not everyone understands what it is and where this unpleasant phenomenon came from. With all the complexity of the origins and causes, there is no doubt about its existence. Both businessmen and ordinary people during this period it becomes much more difficult to earn money. Under the conditions of the crisis in Russia, as in other countries, trade turnover decreased, the volume of national production fell, and the standard of living of the population fell.

Definition. economic crisis called a phenomenon expressed in a large-scale deterioration in the prevailing conditions for doing business.

In other words, getting income in the usual ways becomes problematic. The main manifestation of the disastrous factors of the crisis is considered to be a sharp decline in sales of the generalized product. A seemingly insoluble contradiction arises:

  • Consumers buy fewer goods and services;
  • Producers reduce supply volumes and reduce their costs, including in terms of wages;
  • The consumer market is shrinking even more.

For all their seeming destructiveness, these periods are characterized by cyclicity and end sooner or later. In addition, even in the most difficult times there are always people who not only successfully survive them, but also increase their fortune. The article will give practical advice about how to make money on the crisis.

How to make money during a recession

The mistake of many entrepreneurs is to treat the crisis only as a problem. A defensive stance hinders the realization of many of the possibilities offered by this large-scale phenomenon. A business that offers:

  • A product characterized by low elasticity of demand, that is, one for which the consumer is forced to pay regardless of the price increase;
  • Goods produced in a country with the prevailing use of domestic raw materials. In this case, the cost in currency terms is significantly reduced, which creates competitive advantages in international markets;
  • Goods and services by affordable prices. In a crisis, a significant part of buyers reorient their needs to economical products, and manufacturers who are able to offer them at acceptable quality find themselves in an advantageous position;
  • New forms of cooperation. During a crisis, the demand for services and goods offered by special conditions provision and payment. Preferential consumer loans, outsourcing, external consulting and other ways to reduce operating costs are becoming in demand, especially by enterprises. For example, instead of having to spend money monthly on the salary of their own lawyer, the manager may decide to involve an outside specialist as needed. Firms that offer these forms of collaboration appear to be viable.

The main condition for success commercial activities in times of crisis - the ability to provide a quality (preferably unique) product at an affordable price.

What to do in a crisis

Naturally, people are not interested in theoretical calculations (although one cannot do without them), but quite practical advice about what to do to make money even in a crisis.

There are actually more options than it might seem at first glance. There are so many of them that it is difficult to even list them in one article. Most opportunities to use difficult conditions that arose as a result of the changed macroeconomic situation, among the owners of large businesses, but its representatives do not need advice due to their rich experience and powerful financial resources. The recommendations are addressed to medium and small entrepreneurs, as well as people who worked as employees before the crisis and lost their usual place of employment.

Some activities that generate income during a crisis:

Sale from stock. The peculiarity of the business is that the goods can be sold at a price lower than the usual retail price. This result can be achieved by acquiring a wholesale batch and saving in every possible way on trading costs. As a rule, the lease of space in the city periphery or beyond locality it is cheaper, and buyers have an incentive to come in their own cars and stock up on everything they need for future use, paying less than for the same goods in the nearest supermarket. Transportation costs dictate a larger amount of the average bill.

Internet trading. There are more than enough materials on this topic on the net. It is possible to partially combine with the above warehouse system, if the buyer is ready to come for his purchase himself. The variety of assortment is not limited by anything.

Creation of sites and their promotion. The vastness of the Internet is suitable for earning the most different ways, including by creating new information resources specializing in different areas. The main thing to remember is that traffic brings money. achieve high attendance difficult, but this task is relevant both during the crisis and without it.

Construction works. Also an eternal business, but its feature in this aspect should be anti-crisis prices. With such shortcomings of the new company as low fame and limited opportunities, you can always use an important trump card - the client's ability to save on construction, decoration and repair of premises.

Equipment repair. If in a normal prosperous time, in the event of a hardware breakdown, the consumer is often inclined to purchase a new item, then in a crisis, sometimes preferred option repairs. If you have certain skills, repair different technique possible with great benefit.

car service. Machines get damaged and require Maintenance always, and the desire to save on oil changes or repairs is aggravated during a crisis, when the services of licensed workshops and centers strive to make a hole in the family budget. For starters, your own garage can also become a place of work. If we add tire fitting to the usual paid operations, the coverage " liquid rubber” or other possible “chips” technologically available in our time, then there are reasons to hope for a stable income.

Trucking. own car, as you know, is not a luxury, but it is probably not worth it in a crisis to limit its functions only to the movement of oneself. A car can become a means of earning money, and if it is a minibus, then the possibility of its commercial use is greatly expanded.

Manicure. There are a large number of beauty salons that provide this service, but the willingness of the performer to come to the client can become a competitive advantage. This clever move solves two problems at once. economic problems: firstly, you do not need to rent and maintain the premises, and secondly, the flexibility of prices sometimes works wonders. It is not at all difficult to carry tools with you, and with skillful advertising, there will be no end to those who wish.

A haircut. Going to the hairdresser is a long process. A home visiting master will always be in demand for the reasons listed above (as applied to manicure). By the way, we should not forget about our smaller brothers. Grooming dogs is a useful skill that makes sense to master in times of crisis.

Organization of holidays. This particular market has always been fiercely competitive, so it seems to many that it is impossible to break into the entertainment business. Nevertheless, there are reserves for promoting the service, and mainly they again relate to the price side of the matter. Create good mood guests can always be at a lower cost.

In a crisis, the pathos of events ceases in most cases to be a criterion for a well-spent holiday. Nothing terrible will happen if instead of a "promoted" group musical accompaniment a lesser-known but well-playing band will perform, and the evening will do without lasers and fireworks, which no longer surprise anyone. You can attract customers with quality and delicious menu, pleasant unobtrusive presenter and comfortable conditions communication. And all this at a lower cost.

Options for business activity in a crisis period are countless. The main unifying principle is the ability of the entrepreneur to provide the consumer with the opportunity to solve an "expensive" problem in a low-budget way.

How to make money on the economic crisis

Historically, Russians and citizens of other post-Soviet countries are less accustomed to crises than residents of states in which capitalist relations have been established for a long time. Most examples good use opportunities provided by the "great turning points" came to us from America and Europe. We can recall the financiers who successfully predicted the collapse of securities quotes and "made" billions on their prophecies (Paulson, Simons, Falcone, Griffin and others).

Noteworthy is the experience of inventing Spam sausage mince from meat products, which until 1937 were considered almost waste, resulting in the most popular canned food (Hormel Foods). There are more contemporary examples successful distribution of resources in conditions of their extreme scarcity, which led to good results during the last crisis in different countries. Here are some of them:

  1. Lease of free pages of school manuals for advertising in the city of San Diego (California, USA) in order to support the financial support of the educational process.
  2. The Ukrainian city of Lviv is famous for the original design of the cafe. In one of them, "Anti-Crisis Kneipp", all the waiters pretend to be bankrupt businessmen offering, in addition to coffee and snacks, to buy different inexpensive products to survive financial troubles. Visitors liked the idea.
  3. In the Russian city of Novosibirsk, a new Promo-Dog service has been invented. The carriers of advertising information are dogs with colorful signs promoting various products. Animal owners are paid for the "exploitation" of their pets, which can only be walked.
  4. The campaign, which at first glance seems wasteful, led to an increase in sales of Renault cars. Test drive during the weekend plus a full tank of gasoline produces on potential buyers such a deep impression that it usually ends with the sale of the car.
  5. Another auto giant, the Korean Hyundai, initiated a program in 2008 under which the buyer of the car received the right to return it in case of loss of work (not because of his fault). Management came to the conclusion that the fear of being insolvent was a major barrier to buying a car. The action had a positive effect - sales increased significantly.
  6. Russian realtors take note! Briton Dave Mackie very successfully sold his property (for £765,000) by playing it in a lottery with tickets costing only fifty pounds. Nearly 14,000 people willing to take risks became participants, and the bill of sale was honestly drawn up for the winner.
  7. In the US, the mortgage crisis has resulted in a rapid fall in housing prices. The way out for many families was to short-term rent cheaper houses, which helped to keep the property.