How to make a beautiful organizer for storing things with your own hands. DIY cardboard organizer: master class with patterns

Unfortunately, not everyone understands why a schoolchild needs an office organizer, which is very easy to make with your own hands. Every mother has the feeling that eternal chaos is following her children around. When babies are just beginning to explore the world and explore their surroundings, mothers try to keep their home sterilely clean. But mountains of toys, onesies, baby clothes and baby dishes are everywhere.

Time is running. Children grow up, their hobbies and surroundings change. Short pants and fairy tales about Kolobok are being replaced by comics and Harry Potter. Only the chaos remains the same. Only now, instead of tumblers and rattles, parents come across magazines and coloring books everywhere.

School years are coming. It would seem that the child has grown up and the long-awaited cleanliness will finally come to the house. Every thing will always be in its place. But no. Rulers, erasers, simple and colored pencils, buttons, paper clips, pens and rods appear here and there on the horizon, bringing with them annoying problems in the form of leaked paste and indelible marker marks.

It’s time to feel sad and stop fighting the natural disaster, hoping that the chaos will go away along with the years of study. But creative mothers are not used to giving up. To help their favorite schoolchildren and to organize their study space, they can make a storage unit for the office with their own hands.

Types of organizers

First, let's figure out what types of organizers there are. functional purpose and what available materials can be used to make them.

Depending on what kind of office supplies need to be stored, there are simple and combined boxes. In the simple ones there is one certain type supplies - paper clips, pencils, notebooks or writing paper. Combined ones combine the capabilities of several simple boxes at once. Several types of tools can be there at the same time: for example, pens, notepads and buttons.

The material used to make the organizer is divided into cardboard, metal, plastic and wood.

Using this master class, let's try to make several types of office storage units ourselves.

Let's look at the three best ideas

The first idea. The lightest, simple organizer for writing instruments and scissors can easily be made from bushings from toilet paper. Even a first-grader can cope with this task.

To work, you will need several cardboard sleeves, a sheet of cardboard, decorating paper, scissors and glue. Let's get to work.

We cut the bushings to different heights. This is how our product will look multi-level. We cover the blanks with multi-colored paper. They can also be decorated with fabric, beads, rhinestones, stripes, braid, and ribbons. Listen to your imagination.

After drying, we glue the parts together and fix them on a sheet of cardboard, which will serve as the bottom of the organizer.

The finished craft can be used for its intended purpose.

Idea two. An organizer no worse than a store-bought one can be made from cardboard; you just need to put in a little effort. This work is not so much difficult as it requires great diligence and accuracy.

The process of making a storage space for office supplies is shown in detail in the photo.

All the parts shown in the drawing are cut out of hard cardboard. Next, white thick paper is carefully glued onto this base. All parts fit together. The organizer can be left white or painted in your favorite colors. You can also decorate it with funny drawings and inscriptions.

Idea three. Housewives in every home have different empty container from under cereals, small-sized household appliances, shoes. This material can be used as a base for making a colorful stationery box. The organizer from the box can be made together with the child, which will allow the child to feel like an adult and important.

Don't rush to throw away an unnecessary cardboard box. With a little effort, we will transform it with our own hands into a very beautiful and functional organizer for cosmetics or any other small items.

Women know that you can find a convenient organizer with compartments and several levels in almost any cosmetic department. The only problem is that they cannot be called budget, and the quality of the plastic sometimes leaves much to be desired. Organizers quickly get scratched and become, to put it mildly, unsightly.

A homemade organizer for small items is a completely different matter. If you cover the product with durable fabric, it will last a very long time. In addition, you can decorate it in decoupage style (this looks especially cool) and varnish it - then no amount of moisture or time will ruin your creation.

By the way, such a cardboard organizer can also be adapted for school supplies: just play with the size and shape of the product and install partitions in the right places. We will show you an example, and you can customize the craft to suit yourself.

What do we need?

  • cardboard box
  • material for finishing (we will look at the example of finishing with fabric sealed with padding polyester)

How to make a cosmetics organizer with your own hands?

From cardboard box cut out two rectangular parts measuring 30*18 cm. The first is the future bottom of the organizer, the second is the back wall.

Now we cut out the future side walls of the organizer - two square parts measuring 18*18 - and make recesses on each of them as shown in the photo below.

The front part of the product measures 30*6 cm (we make two rounded corners on top).

Now we get down to making the internal crossbars. To do this, we cut out two rectangular parts: the first – 30*8 cm, the second – 30*10 cm.

Then we get to work on the decor of the future organizer. To do this, each part needs to be carefully covered with fabric with padding polyester (or decoupage).

First we make a pattern, then we sew everything from the wrong side, leaving room for turning, and then we insert cardboard and carefully hem the open parts (or glue them). However, you can first assemble the organizer, and then simply cover it with fabric or special adhesive paper.

We fasten the parts to each other using tape or glue (while the hidden seams have not yet been made).

We install partitions and decide on the number of small dividers. We process them separately to suit your taste.

Holders small apartments often think about how to place things so that they do not get in the way, but are always at hand. Owners of large homes would be no less happy to find a solution to this problem. Do-it-yourself organizers will help free up space. Such little tricks for the home give long-awaited order and comfort.

Everyone has heard that a house is the face of its owner. But such words probably do not please those whose apartment is cluttered with items that have no place in the closet. What should you do - come to terms with this or go to the store for expensive shelves and boxes? Neither one nor the other - just learn how to make storage organizers with your own hands. Any materials are suitable for such crafts: cardboard, polyethylene, plastic, fabric. A few minutes of work - and you have somewhere to put every thing, from buttons to kitchen utensils.

Transforming a tiny kitchen into a larger one

There's nowhere to turn in the kitchen, but refuse necessary items I do not want? DIY kitchen organizers will become a real highlight of the interior and free up space on surfaces.

To store spices literally in the air, you need to prepare:

  • several plastic jars with lids;
  • magnetic sheet;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • Super glue.
  1. Place the bottom of the jars on the magnetic sheet and circle.
  2. Cut out the circles drawn on the magnet.
  3. Glue the magnetic circles to the bottom of the jars and wait until the glue dries.
  4. Fill the jars with spices, close the lids and attach them to the refrigerator.

Kitchen appliances can be placed on the wall along with wooden ones cutting boards. To implement this idea you need to take:

  • stapler;
  • thread and needle;
  • textile;
  • decorative braid.
  1. Make rectangular fabric patterns that match the size of your cutting boards.
  2. Cover the fabric blanks with decorative braid.
  3. Attach the patterns to the boards using a stapler.

So, we got it original boards with pockets in which housewives can put spoons, forks and knives.

It is not necessary to keep napkins and plastic bags in sight, despite the fact that you have to use them quite often. To make sure of this, open the sewing box and take:

  • scraps of fabric;
  • braid or elastic;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors.

Then cut off the sleeve from the old clothes - and you have a complete kit for making a charming handbag.

  1. Make 2 patterns from colored fabric in the shape of a circle, which is slightly larger in diameter than the sleeve.
  2. Cut holes in round pieces of fabric, fold their edges inward and sew.
  3. Insert a ribbon or elastic into the opening formed after stitching.
  4. Sew the patterns to the bottom and top opening of the sleeve.
  5. Make a loop on the upper side of the sleeve.
  6. Fill the bag, pull the edges together and hang it on a hook.

Stationery is an essential attribute desk. But if they don’t fit in the pencil case and constantly fall to the floor, this prevents a person from concentrating and spoils his mood. Those who made an office organizer with their own hands have already forgotten about such troubles. Follow their example and purchase:

  • 10 cups made of thick plastic;
  • glue or stapler.
  1. Glue or staple 4 cups, then attach 3 more on top.
  2. Fold the next layer of the pyramid from 2 containers and crown the top with the last glass.
  3. You can decorate the pyramid with paper flowers or a plastic toy.

This device, reminiscent of a honeycomb, can accommodate a lot of pens, felt-tip pens, pencils and markers.

You can also make an equally beautiful and spacious stand for stationery from:

  • 6 tin cans(one should be large);
  • small carnations;
  • fabrics.
  1. Wrap the jars in fabric of your choice (you can use a variety of fabrics) and secure it to them with a needle and thread.
  2. Attach small jars in a circle to the top edge of the large jar using nails.
  3. Bend both ends of each nail to avoid cutting your hands.

Many women who are interested in sewing, embroidery, and knitting are unhappy that they have to spend a long time searching for the right needle or spool of thread in a box. The situation will be corrected by handmade organizer boxes for handicrafts. To make such a mini-cabinet you will need:

  • decorative paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • ruler;
  • beads;
  • scissors;
  • empty matchboxes (the number of boxes depends on the desired size of the future box);
  • stickers.
  1. Remove the internal parts matchboxes, and put the outer ones one on top of the other and glue them together.
  2. Press the glued parts for a while so that they are well secured.
  3. If you want to enlarge the box, you can make another row of boxes on the sides of the blank.
  4. Cut a rectangle out of paper to cover the outside of the workpiece and decorate it with stickers.
  5. Wrap the box in paper pre-lubricated with glue, and internal parts boxes using a needle and thread, attach beads that will serve as handles.
  6. Insert the drawers into the blank - and the box for buttons, threads, needles, beads, seed beads, etc. is ready.

If your handicraft requires a larger box, make large blanks from cardboard that imitate matchboxes, and then proceed as before.

The hallway of a well-maintained home should be clean and spacious. But good impression, as a rule, disappears at the sight of a bulky shoe box. To avoid this problem, you need to stock up on:

  • polyethylene;
  • scissors;
  • thread with a needle or superglue.
  1. Cut out a long rectangle from polyethylene.
  2. From the remaining material, prepare several small rectangles that correspond to the size of your shoes.
  3. Secure the pieces to the base with thread or glue to create pockets.
  4. Make small loops for nails along the edges of the craft - and the hanging shoe box is ready!

If desired, such an organizer can be made very stylish: black and white, a combination of colored patches or decorated with stripes.

DIY organizers: ideas

There must be order in everything! After all small parts wardrobe, cosmetics, tools and other little things stuffed into different drawers are quite difficult to find at the right time. Not finding necessary thing, you go to the store and buy a second one, and after a while the loss is discovered and you become the owner of two identical items. Thanks to this “cycle”, the family budget. That is why more and more different boxes called “organizers for small items” are appearing on store windows. With the help of such items, you can easily put things in order in a clothes closet, in a workshop, in a garage, etc. Of course, you can buy a design that suits you in a store, but it will be much more interesting to make convenient organizers with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how to do this.

Tool organizer

The main pride of any man is his set construction tools. Here you can find everything: from small screwdrivers, nails and wrenches to fairly large screwdrivers, drills, and jigsaws. And all this huge mass of tools often creates chaos in pantries, cabinets and workshops.

To solve this problem, you can use a tool organizer. Since it is more convenient to have two separate storage units for smaller and larger items, this article will look at creating both options.

Wall organizer

To make a wall tool organizer, you will need:


  • Sand the plywood and boards.
  • Drill in three boards required amount holes required diameter(screwdrivers, drills, wood cutters, cutters and other small tools of similar shape will be inserted into these holes, so the number and diameter of the holes must be selected based on the number and size of these tools).
  • Using glue and screws, attach boards with tool storage holes to the bottom of the board.
  • Cut another board into 10cm pieces.
  • From the resulting blocks, make holders for hammers and planes, cutting out the middle so that the sides remain (as in the picture above).
  • Attach the resulting holders throughout the board.
  • Screw screws into the free parts of the board; on them you will hang squares, spatulas, wrenches and other tools that can be hung.
  • Paint the resulting structure and leave it to dry for 24 hours.
  • Coat the resulting tool organizer with varnish and leave it to dry for another day (this and the previous step can be done as desired).
  • Using dowels, attach the organizer to the wall, screwing them in every 10 cm.

Organizer - holder for drills, screwdrivers, cutters, cutters

If you don't have space to hang a wall item or want to have the necessary small tools on hand, you can always make an organizer desktop type. It is no less convenient than the previous one.

To make such an organizer with your own hands, you will need:

  • An ordinary wooden stump, stripped and sanded, at least 35 cm high.
  • Drills of different diameters.
  • Drill.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Varnish and paint (optional).


  • Drill holes of different diameters in the hemp.
  • Clean them with sandpaper.
  • If desired, paint and varnish the product.

Organizer for cosmetics

Cosmetics for a girl are like tools for a man. There should be a lot of it, and it should be different. Therefore, it is often quite problematic to immediately find the right jar or tube in the drawer where cosmetics are stored. You can use a cosmetic bag, but such storage is unlikely to solve the problem of long searches for the thing you need. So that each jar, tube and brush has its own place, you can make a cosmetics organizer with your own hands. It won't take much of your time, but it will be a lot of fun.

DIY wall organizers

To create such an organizer you will need:


  • Cover the metal base with fabric (this can be done with glue or liquid nails).
  • Let the glue dry (about a day).
  • Glue a frame or ceiling molding to the edges of the fabric-covered wall organizer.
  • Glue a magnet to each jar of cosmetics that you want to place on the finished stand.
  • Attach the organizer to the wall using dowel nails.
  • Magnetize your cosmetics.

Organizer for cosmetics in small tubes

Of course, the wall stand described above is very convenient and good, but if you have nowhere to place this option, or you simply set out to make a cosmetic organizer for small items, a container of a slightly different type will be more suitable for you. In it you can store mascara, lipstick, blush brushes, powder, eye shadow and other cosmetic accessories that have a similar shape.

In order to make such a cosmetics organizer with your own hands, you will need:

  • Bamboo mat.
  • PVA glue.
  • Wide elastic band.
  • Tape or thin elastic band for fixation.


  • Pass a thick rubber band between the bamboo sticks at a distance equal to the diameter of the cosmetic tubes.
  • Glue the ends of the elastic to the ends of the bamboo mat.
  • Attach a ribbon near the outer edge of the organizer so that its two ends remain free and can wrap around the bamboo organizer rolled up with cosmetics.

To make such organizers with your own hands, you will have to spend no more than 20 minutes.

Linen organizer

Underwear is a real weakness of women, there should be a lot of it... A lot of it... The more, the better... However, lingerie is such an intimate and delicate thing that it needs to be stored separately. Of course, first of all, the issue concerns hygiene, but the safety of intimate wardrobe elements is also an important issue.

To organize your underwear, make your own organizers. If desired, you can buy them. However, often finding an organizer that matches the size of your drawer is quite problematic. We will try to solve this problem.

Organizer for underwear in a drawer

To make a laundry organizer with your own hands, you will need:

  • Ruler.
  • Scissors.
  • Long pieces of cardboard or plastic.
  • Fabric (optional).
  • Glue or stapler.


  • Using a ruler, draw 4 strips on cardboard equal in length drawer, and 5 strips equal to the width of the box (the number of strips can vary depending on the size of the box and your desire).
  • Cut out the marked strips.
  • Make cuts on the transverse and longitudinal strips, 2 cm without cutting to the bottom.
  • If desired, cover or cover the strips with fabric.
  • Insert the longitudinal strips into the cuts on the transverse ones.
  • At the edge of the drawer, leave compartments for bras that are equal in length to two compartments for panties.

Organizer box

What do you need to make your own laundry organizer out of a box?


  • Cover the outside of the box with wallpaper or wrapping paper.
  • Cut the required number of cardboard strips (several equal to the length of the box and several equal to the width), their height should be the same or less than 2 cm less than the height of the box.
  • Make cuts on the longitudinal and transverse strips, 1 cm without cutting to the end.
  • Insert the transverse strips into the longitudinal ones.
  • Install the resulting structure inside the box.

Now you know how to make an organizer with your own hands.

If you have any unnecessary cardboard boxes, do not throw them away - this excellent material for making useful organizers for the home. We'll show you how to quickly and inexpensively transform a box into a practical home decor item.

Organizer box with handle

Open shelves are very popular in the interior. Retractable textile boxes for storing various things look great on them. They can be made to match the interior and with comfortable handles. Here, for example, is a wonderful master class on creating such a box.

You will need: cardboard box, fabric, thick fabric for straps, tape, glue, scissors.

Organizer basket

You can store anything you want in organizer baskets. In addition, they will help hide all the little things that have accumulated in the house. We offer you another master class on turning an ordinary cardboard box into a stylish organizing basket with a leather handle.

You will need: box, fabric, leather strap for the handle, bolts to secure the handle, screwdriver, scissors.

Charger organizer

The boxes can also make a very practical organizer that will hide wires and charging device from phones. what a simple and cool idea!

You will need: shoe box, wrapping paper, glue, pencil, eyelets, knife and scissors.