What countries belong to the Slavs. Slavic states. Formation of the Slavic states. Flags of the Slavic states

Modern Slavic peoples and states.

The first information about the Slavs. Wends.

The origin of the word "Slavs"

In this book, addressed mainly to students and students Russia, there is no need to elaborate on the topic of who the Slavs are. The largest Slavic people, Russians, constitutes in our country the so-called "titular" or state-forming nation.

Slavs live mainly in Eastern and Central Europe (and also in Siberia). As a result of immigration processes, there are Slavic diasporas even in the USA, Canada, Australia and a number of other regions of the planet.

Russians, according to the latest available data, more than 145 million. The second largest Slavic people are Ukrainians. There are about 50 million of them. The third largest Slavic people are Poles. Their number approaches the number of Ukrainians and is about 45 million. Further, in descending order of numbers, there are almost 10 million Belarusians, until recently there were at least 10 million Serbs, about 10 million Czechs, more than 9 million Bulgarians, 5 Slovaks. .5 million, Croats too - 5.5 million, Slovenes - up to 2.5 million, Macedonians - 2 million, Muslims - about 2 million, Montenegrins - 0.6 million people16.

For centuries, the Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) lived in one state, which changed names ( Russian empire, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), but united these fraternal peoples, mutually reinforcing them culturally, economically, and military-politically. At the end of 1991, due to complex socio-political processes, the USSR collapsed. Since that time, Ukrainians and Belarusians live in their own separate from Russia and Russian national states.

On the Balkan Peninsula for several decades there was a Socialist federal Republic Yugoslavia, uniting almost all southern Slavs - Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Muslims and Montenegrins. Since the beginning of the 1990s, due to similar processes, Yugoslavia has gradually disintegrated. At first, the Slovenes, Croats and Macedonians almost simultaneously emerged from it and proclaimed the creation of their own states. In the end, only Serbia and Montenegro remained part of Yugoslavia, but recently Montenegro, as a result of a referendum, declared its independence from Serbia, and Yugoslavia ceased to exist as a state.

In 1993, it broke up into two West Slavic states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, a single Czechoslovakia that existed since 1918. Only West Slavic Poland and South Slavic Bulgaria remained within the borders that they acquired after the Second World War.

As a result, at the moment there are Russia (the capital is Moscow), Ukraine (Kyiv), Belarus or Belarus (Minsk), Czech Republic (Prague), Slovakia (Bratislava), Poland (Warsaw), Bulgaria (Sofia), Macedonia (Skopje) ), Croatia (Zagreb), Slovenia (Ljubljana), Serbia (Belgrade), Montenegro (Podgorica)17.

Russian readers know what a spiritual tragedy the destruction of the USSR and the SFRY, powerful states in which peoples lived peacefully, created and developed uniquely vibrant cultures, turned out to be for all Slavs. At the same time, for example, the death of Yugoslavia resulted in an ethnic catastrophe.

In the early 1990s, a largely externally provoked war took place between the fraternal peoples - Serbs, Croats and Muslims - in the Yugoslav regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina18.

Many Bosnian Serbs were eventually expelled from the lands where their distant ancestors lived. Homeless people fled en masse to Serbia.

In 1999, Serbia, which had previously accepted them, in turn, became a victim of aggression by a number of countries that are members of the NATO military bloc.

The pretext for aggression was the declared intention of the NATO members to "protect" the Albanians living there from the Yugoslav police in the Serbian province of Kosovo. For 78 days, Serbia was constantly subjected to massive bombings, as a result of which thousands of civilians were killed, ancient cities and architectural monuments were destroyed.

After that, Albanian gangs, in conditions of complete impunity, staged a series of Serbian pogroms in Kosovo with numerous murders of unarmed people, as a result of which the Serb population in the first half of the 2000s almost completely fled this region, leaving their homes and property19.

At the beginning of 2008, with the huge support of the United States and some other NATO countries, Kosovo declared its "state" independence, although such a declaration was accompanied by a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and international law.

Foreign forces in the XXI century. have repeatedly interfered in the internal affairs of the Slavic countries, provoking the so-called "orange revolutions" in them.

At present, the Slavic world is in a state of unprecedented cultural and historical disunity, disintegration.

All the more important now is the task of getting to know Slavic issues within the framework of the course Introduction to Slavic Philology20.

The first information about the Slavs comes from Roman historians Pliny the Elder and Cornelia Tacitus 21. These are brief mentions, and both Roman authors call the Slavs "Venedi".

Thus, Pliny in his natural history" (98 AD) writes: "Some writers convey that these areas up to the Vistula (Vistula) river are inhabited by Sarmatians, Wends, Scythians, Girrs." Somewhat earlier Tacitus in his essay " Germany” also in the form of a passing mention says that the Wends live next to the tribes of Peukins and Fenns. He finds it difficult to attribute them to the Germans, whom he repeatedly criticizes for "barbarism", but argues that "the Wends adopted many of their customs", building similar dwellings and also distinguished by a sedentary lifestyle.

"Venedi" - the Slavs themselves, apparently, never called themselves this word. This is a name from the outside: that is what others called them in ancient times. In a similar way, one can recall all the well-known European people, whose representatives call themselves "Deutsches", and other peoples call them differently - Russians "Germans", French "Alleman", English "Jemen", etc.

Names that refract the word "Venedi" have survived to this day in the Finno-Ugric languages. In Estonian Russian - vene ("vein"), Russian - vene keel.

In the II century. n. e. Claudius Ptolemy in his " geographical guide” once again briefly mentions the Wends, who, according to his information (very vague), live “along the entire Venedsky Gulf” (meaning the Baltic Sea). From the west, the land of the Wends is limited, according to Ptolemy, by the river Vistula (Vistula).

Byzantine author of the 5th c. Priscus of Pannia was part of the embassy sent to the court of Attila. Speaking about the Turkic conquerors, the Huns, he unexpectedly names such words of the "Hun" language as the names of the drink - medos and the name of the funeral feast - strava.

Since in the first word it is easy to guess honey, and the second meant a meal in the Old Russian language and is still available in some Slavic languages, insofar as the Czech philologist Pavel Shafarik(1795-1861), author of the work " Slavic antiquities"(1837), made a reasonable assumption about the presence of the Slavs in the multinational horde of Atilla. (By the way, Prisk also calls the drink kamos, in which one has to suspect kvass.)

The Gothic historian of the 6th century knew more concrete about the Slavs. Jordan and Byzantine historians of the VI-VII centuries. n. e.

For the author of the essay About Goths» Jordan, who wrote in Latin (he for a long time served the Romans and only at the age of sixty became the “court historian” of the Gothic king), the Slavs are hated enemies who “now, because of our sins,” “rage everywhere” and for whom, like other opponents, he is ready, he regularly expresses underlined official contempt. In particular, he calls them a “crowd of cowards”, “powerful in their numbers”, and reports that they “now have three names: Wends, Antes and Sklavins”23. However, in relation to the Antes, whose lands stretch “from Danastre to Danapr” (from the Dniester to the Dnieper), Jordan makes an interesting demonstrative reservation, calling them “the bravest” (of the Slavs).

Dig Caesarea(VI century) in his work "War With Goths" divides the Slavs into two categories: he calls the Western "Slavs", and the Eastern (our immediate ancestors) "Antes". Procopius says:

“These tribes, Slavs and Antes, are not ruled by one person, but since ancient times they have lived in democracy (democracy), and therefore they consider happiness and unhappiness in life to be a common cause. And in all other respects, both of these barbarian tribes have the same life and laws.

At the end of the VI century. interesting and detailed information about the Slavs brought in his military leadership " Strategicon» a certain Byzantine Mauritius (the emperor of Mauritius was mistakenly considered the author of this work for a long time, later the author was conditionally called Mauritius Strategist). He writes, for example:

“The tribes of the Slavs and Antes are similar in their way of life, in their customs, in their love of freedom; they can in no way be persuaded into slavery or subservience in their own country. They are numerous, hardy, easily endure heat, cold, rain, nakedness, lack of food. They treat foreigners who come to them kindly and, showing them signs of their favor, when moving from one place to another, they protect them if necessary, so that if it turned out that due to the negligence of the one who receives the foreigner, the latter suffered ( any) damage that took it earlier starts a war (against the guilty), considering it a duty of honor to avenge the stranger. They do not keep those who are in their captivity, like other tribes, for an unlimited time, but, limiting (the term of slavery) to a certain time, they offer them a choice: whether they want to return home for a certain ransom or stay there (where they are) ) in the position of free and friends?”

Here, their military adversary tells about the Slavs, who aims to acquaint his soldiers with the methods of the most effective fight against them. Such an author "will not overpraise". All the more valuable is his objective evidence of a special Slavic love of freedom (they cannot be enslaved), endurance, cordiality and hospitality, and an amazingly humane attitude towards prisoners. All these are very informative, testifying features of the national character.

Information coming from Procopius of Caesarea and Mauritius the Strategist will be repeatedly drawn below in various sections of the Introduction to Slavic Philology.

The question of where the ethnonym "Slavs" comes from has been debated for centuries. As is usually the case, the Slavs romanticized and, in particular, glorified their name in various ways. The point of view was popular that they are called so because they "covered themselves with unfading glory."

According to the philologist P.Ya. Chernykh, "in the popular Slavic consciousness, the name Slavic tribe was first associated with word, and then contacted glory. As one old Polish writer says: “That is why the peoples of our language were called Slavs that all together and each in particular tried to earn a good reputation for themselves by chivalrous exploits.

The original opinion was given by I. Pervolf in the book “Slavs, their mutual relations and connections." A certain Pole Paprocki reasoned that the Slavs “were named either from glory or from the word: they willingly fulfilled this word to everyone ... However, glory and the word do not differ from each other; glory to him who keeps his word.”25

In the medieval Slavic environment, even the so-called "charter" to the Slavic people from Alexander the Great (Macedonian) became widespread. This curious text reads:

“To the bright Slavic generation for its great services for all eternity, the entire part of the earth from the north to Italy itself, and the land in the south, so that no one other than your people dares to stay and settle in them; and if anyone else were found living in those countries, then he must be your servant, and his descendants must be the servants of your descendants.

P.Ya. Chernykh wrote about the word "Slav": "Since ancient times, in the written monuments, this name has been known since about after l and with the suffix -ѣnin. With this suffix, nouns were usually formed in the old days, denoting not only belonging to some tribe, people, but also origin from some particular locality or terrain: Samaritan, Galilean. Therefore, in this case, they make the assumption that the Slavs got their name from the area rich in rivers. Word or from the river The words" 27.

Nevertheless, most likely, the self-name "Slavs" was formed according to the principle that is widespread among world languages.

As correctly wrote the same P.Ya. Chernykh, “since the word was not associated with the word and received the meaning “people, people who speak the word, speaking an understandable language”, all other people who speak not Slavic languages, but other (incomprehensible) languages, were called “silent, dumb”. This concept was expressed by the word nѣmtsi (any foreigners. - Yum.).<...> So, for example, in Moscow at the beginning of the XVII century. they said: “(arrived in Kholmogory) 5000 aglinsky German", go "Danish king Germans", "Spanish king Germans","...in Germans, in Golan land"28.

Peoples in ancient times very often called themselves "having a language", "possessing the word" - in contrast to foreigners, who seemed to them to be speechless, Germans(in fact, foreigners, of course, had a language, but it was different, incomprehensible). Slavs (Slovens) - “having a word”, meaningfully speaking.

traditionally divided into three major branches: eastern, western and southern. This is the largest ethno-linguistic group in Europe. Eastern Slavs are represented by three peoples: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. The western branch includes Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenians, Koshubs, Luzhans, and others. The southern Slavs include Serbs, Bulgarians, Croats, Macedonians, and others. The total number of all Slavs is about three hundred million.

The historical regions of residence of the Slavs are the eastern and southern and central parts of Europe. Modern representatives of the Slavic ethnic group inhabit most of the Eurasian continent up to Kamchatka. Slavs also live in Western Europe, the USA, Canada and other countries. By religion, the majority of Slavs are Christians, Orthodox or Catholics.

East Slavs

There is very little reliable information about the origin and settlement of the East Slavic tribes in the prehistoric period. It is known that around the fifth - seventh centuries Eastern Slavs populated the territory of the Dnieper basin, and then spread to the upper reaches of the Volga in the east and the southern coast of the Baltic in the northeast.

Most researchers believe that by the ninth - tenth century, various tribal unions united into an integral ancient Russian ethnos. It was he who formed the basis of the Old Russian state.

Most of the representatives of the people adhere to the Roman Catholic faith. However, among the Poles there are Lutherans and Orthodox.

Slavic peoples today

The ancient Slavic state and the religious plagiarism of Christians

Long before education Kievan Rus the ancient Slavs had one of the largest state formations existed according to historians from 1600 to 2500 thousand years and destroyed by the Goths in 368. The history of the ancient Slavic state was almost forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history and aimed to rejuvenate the history of Russia, to show that the Slavic peoples are pristine, not tainted by the deeds of the Russians, Antes, barbarians, vandals and Scythians, whom the whole world remembered very well. The goal is to tear Russia away from the Scythian past. On the basis of the works of German professors, a national historical school arose. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov single-handedly fought the German professorship, who argued that the history of the Slavs is rooted in antiquity.
The ancient Slavic state occupied the lands from the Danube and the Carpathians to the Crimea, the North Caucasus and the Volga, and the subject lands seized the steppes of the Volga and South Urals. The Scandinavian name of Russia sounds like Gardarika - the country of cities. Arab historians also write about the same, numbering hundreds of Russian cities. At the same time, he claims that there are only five cities in Byzantium, while the rest are "fortified fortresses." In ancient documents, the state of the Slavs is referred to, among other things, as Scythia and Ruskolan. In his works, Academician B.A. Rybakov, author of the books "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs" 1981, "Paganism ancient Russia"1987, and many others, writes that the Ruskolan state was the bearer of the Chernyakhov archaeological culture and experienced a period of prosperity in the Troyan centuries (I-IV centuries AD). To show what level of scientists were studying the ancient Slavic history, let's give who was academician B.A. Rybakov. Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov headed the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 40 years; M. V. Lomonosov, doctor historical sciences, Honorary Doctor of Krakow Jagiellonian University.
The word "Ruskolan" contains the syllable "lan", present in the words "hand", "valley" and meaning: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable "lan" was transformed into land. Sergei Lesnoy in his book "Where are you from, Rus?" says the following: "With regard to the word" Ruskolun ", it should be noted that there is also a variant" Ruskolan ". If the latter option is more correct, then you can understand the word differently:" Russian (th) fallow deer. Lan - field. The whole expression: "Russian field". In addition, Lesnoy makes an assumption that there was a word "cleaver", which probably meant some kind of space. It is also found in a different verbal environment. Historians and linguists also believe that the name of the state "Ruskolan" could come from two words "Rus" and "Alan" after the name of the Rus and Alans, who lived in a single state.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was of the same opinion, who wrote: “The Alanov and Roxolani are of the same tribe from many places of ancient historians and geographers, and the difference lies in the fact that the Alans common name of a whole people, and the Roxolans are a saying composed from their place of residence, which, not without reason, is produced from the Raa River, as the Volga is reputed to be among ancient writers. Pliny Alans and Roxolani together believes. Roksolane in Ptolemy's portable addition are called alanorsi. The names Aorsi and Roksane or Rossane in Strabo’s work confirm the exact unity of the Russians and Alans, to which the reliability is multiplied, that they were wallpaper of the Slavic generation, then that the Sarmatians were of the same tribe from ancient writers and therefore with the Varangians-Rosses of the same root.
We also note that Lomonosov refers the Varangians to the Russians, which once again shows the rigging of the German professors, who deliberately called the Varangians a foreign, and not a Slavic people. This juggling and the born legend about calling a foreign tribe to reign in Russia had a political background so that once again the "enlightened" West could point out to the "wild" Slavs their denseness, and that it was thanks to the Europeans that the Slavic state was created. Modern historians, in addition to adherents of the Norman theory, also agree that the Varangians are precisely a Slavic tribe. Lomonosov writes: "According to Gelmold's testimony, the Alans were mixed with the Kurlandians, who were of the same tribe as the Varangians-Russians." Lomonosov writes the Varangians-Rosses, and not the Varangians-Scandinavians, or the Varangians-Goths. In all documents of the pre-Christian period, the Varangians were classified as Slavs. Further, Lomonosov writes: “The Rugen Slavs were abbreviated as wounds, that is, from the Ry (Volga) River, and Rossans. This, as it should, will be more detailed by their resettlement to the Varangian shores. , veins."
Lomonosov writes about Rugen Slavs. It is known that on the island of Rügen in the city of Arkona there was the last Slavic pagan temple, destroyed in 1168. Now there is a Slavic museum. Lomonosov writes that it was from the east that the Slavic tribes came to Prussia and the island of Rügen and adds: “Such a resettlement of the Volga Alans, that is, the Russians or Ross, to the Baltic Sea occurred, as can be seen from the above authors’ testimonies, not once and not in short time, which, according to the traces that have remained to this day, it is clear that the names of cities and rivers should be honored.
But back to the Slavic state. The capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, was located in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region near the modern villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi. Sometimes it was also called Kiyar Antsky, after the name of the Slavic tribe Antes. The results of the expeditions to the site of the ancient Slavic city will be written at the end. Descriptions of this Slavic city can be found in ancient documents. "Avesta" in one of the places tells about the main city of the Scythians in the Caucasus near one of the most high mountains in the world. And As you know, Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus, but also in Europe in general. "Rig Veda" tells about the main city of the Rus all on the same Elbrus. Kiyar is mentioned in the "Book of Veles". Judging by the text, Kiyar, or the city of Kiy the Old, was founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani (368 AD), i.e. in the 9th century BC The ancient Greek geographer Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. BC. - beginning of the 1st c. AD writes about the temple of the Sun and the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece in the sacred city of the Ross, in the Elbrus region, on the top of Mount Tuzuluk. The foundation of an ancient structure was found on the mountain. Its height is about 40 m, and the diameter of the base is 150 m: the ratio is the same as that of Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings of antiquity. There are many obvious and not at all random patterns in the parameters of the mountain and the temple. The observatory-temple was created according to a "standard" project and, like other cyclopean structures - Stonehenge and Arkaim - was intended for astrological observations. In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of the construction on the sacred mountain Alatyr (modern name - Elbrus) of this majestic structure, revered by all ancient peoples. There are mentions of him in the national epic of the Greeks, Arabs, and European peoples. According to Zoroastrian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in Usen (Kavi Useinas) in the second millennium BC. Archaeologists officially note at this time the emergence of the Koban culture in the Caucasus and the appearance of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes. Mentions the temple of the Sun and the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the golden fleece and the oracle of Eet. There are detailed descriptions of this temple and evidence that astronomical observations were made there. The Temple of the Sun was a true paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. The priests, who possessed certain knowledge, created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. There were calculated not only dates for reference Agriculture, but also, most importantly, the most important milestones in world and spiritual history were determined. The Arab historian Al Masudi described the temple of the Sun on Elbrus as follows: "In the Slavic regions there were buildings revered by them. Between others they had a building on a mountain, about which philosophers wrote that it was one of the highest mountains in the world. There is a story about this building: about the quality of its construction, about the arrangement of its heterogeneous stones and their different colors, about the holes made in its upper part, about what was built in these holes to watch the sunrise, about the precious stones placed there and the signs marked in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the sounds heard in the upper part of it and about what comprehends them when they hear these sounds. In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the "Elder Edda", in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient German sources, in the "Book of Veles".
For example, here is how they talk about two wars between the Goths (an ancient Germanic tribe) and the Slavs, the invasion of the Goths into the ancient Slavic state by the Gothic historian of the 4th century Jordan in his book "The History of the Goths" and "The Book of Veles". In the middle of the 4th century, the Goth king Germanareh led his people to conquer the world. This was great commander. According to Jordanes, he was compared with Alexander the Great. The same was written about Germanarekh and Lomonosov:
"Ermanarik the king of the Ostrogoths, for his courage in conquering many northern peoples was compared by some with Alensander the Great."
Judging by the testimony of Jordan, the "Elder Edda" and the "Book of Veles", Germanareh after long wars captured almost all Eastern Europe. He fought along the Volga to the Caspian Sea, then fought on the Terek River, crossed the Caucasus, then went along Black Sea coast and reached Azov. According to the "Book of Veles", Germanareh first made peace with the Slavs ("drank wine for friendship"), and only then "went with a sword against us." The peace treaty between the Slavs and the Goths was sealed by the dynastic marriage of Bus's sister Lebed and Germanarekh. This was a payment for peace, for Germanarekh was then many years old (he died at 110 years old, but the marriage was concluded shortly before that). According to Edda, the son of Germanareh Randver wooed Swan-Sva, and he took her to his father. And then Jarl Bikki, adviser to Germanarekh, told them that it would be better if the Swan went to Randver, since both of them are young, and Germanarekh is an old man. These words pleased Swans-Sva and Randver, and Jordan adds that Swans-Sva fled from Germanarekh. And then Germanarekh executed his son and Swan. And this murder was the cause of the Slavic-Gothic war. Having treacherously violated the "peace treaty", Germanareh defeated the Slavs in the first battles. But later, when Germanarekh moved into the heart of Ruskolani, the Antes stepped in to block Germanarekh's path. Germanareh was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck in the side with a sword by the Rossomons (Ruskolans) Sar (king) and Ammius (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarekh, and he soon died. Here is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.
"The Book of Veles": "And Ruskolan was defeated by the Goths of Germanarekh. And he took a wife from our family and killed her. And then our leaders flowed against him and Germanarekh was defeated."
Jordan. "The story is ready": "The wrong clan of the Rosomones (Ruskolan) ... took advantage of the following opportunity ... After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named clan for insidious departure from her husband break, tying to ferocious horses and prompting the horses to run into different sides, her brothers Sar (Bus) and Ammii (Zlat), avenging the death of their sister, stabbed Germanarekh in the side with a sword.
M. Lomonosov: "Sonilda, a noble Roxolan woman, Yermanarik ordered to be torn apart by horses for her husband's escape. Her brothers Sar and Ammius, avenging the death of their sister, Yermanarik was pierced in the side; he died of a wound for a hundred and ten years."
A few years later, Amal Vinitary, a descendant of Germanarekh, invaded the lands of the Slavic tribe of Ants. In the first battle, he was defeated, but then "began to act more decisively", and the Goths, led by Amal Vinitar, defeated the Slavs. The Slavic prince Busa and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths. This happened on the night of March 20-21, 368. On the same night that Bus was crucified, there was a total lunar eclipse. A monstrous earthquake also shook the earth (the entire coast of the Black Sea shook, destruction was in Constantinople and Nicaea. Later, the Slavs gathered their strength and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.
"The Book of Veles": "And then Russia was defeated again. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was a great turmoil in Russia from Amal Vend. And then Sloven gathered Russia and led it. And at that time the Goths were defeated "And we didn't let Zhalya flow anywhere. And everything got better. And our grandfather Dazhbog rejoiced, and welcomed the soldiers - many of our fathers who won victories. And there were no troubles and worries of many, and so the Gothic land became ours. And so to the end abide."
Jordan. "History is ready": Amal Vinitary... moved the army within the borders of the Ants. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and crucified their king, named Boz, with his sons and 70 noble people, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered.
Bulgarian chronicle "Baradj Tarihy": "Once in the land of the Anchians, the Galidjians (Galicians) attacked Bus and killed him along with all 70 princes."

Busa and 70 princes were crucified by the Goths in the eastern Carpathians at the sources of Seret and Prut, on the current border of Wallachia and Transylvania. In those days, these lands belonged to Ruskolani, or Scythia. Much later, under the famous Vlad Dracul, it was at the place of the crucifixion of Bus that mass executions and crucifixions were held. They removed the bodies of Bus and other princes from the crosses on Friday and took them to the Elbrus region, to the Etoka (a tributary of the Podkumka). According to Caucasian legend, the body of Bus and other princes was brought by eight pairs of oxen. Bus's wife ordered that a barrow be built over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River (a tributary of the Podkumka) and, in order to perpetuate the memory of Bus, ordered that the Altud River be renamed Baksan (Bus River). Caucasian legend says:
"Baksan (Bus) was killed by the Gotfian king with all his brothers and eighty noblest Narts. Hearing this, the people fell into despair: the men beat their chests, and the women tore their hair on their heads, saying: "Dauov's eight sons were killed, killed!"

Those who carefully read "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" remember that it mentions the "gone Time of Busovo" long ago
The year 368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. According to Slavic astrology, this is a milestone. On the night of March 20-21, 368, the Age of Aries ended and the Age of Pisces began.
It was after the story of the crucifixion of Bus, which became known in ancient world and a story appeared in Christianity with the crucifixion of Christ. The canonical gospels nowhere say that Christ was crucified on the cross. Instead of the word "cross" (kryst), the word "stavros" (stavros) is used there, which means pillar, and it does not speak of crucifixion, but of pillaring. Therefore, there are no early Christian images of the crucifixion. Acts 10:39 says that Christ was "hanged on a tree." The plot with the crucifixion first appeared only after 400!!! years after the execution of Christ, translated from Greek. The question is, why, if Christ was crucified, and not hanged, Christians for four hundred years wrote in holy books that Christ was amused? Somehow illogical! It was the Slavic-Scythian tradition that influenced the distortion of the original texts during translation, and then the iconography (for there are no early Christian images of crucifixes). The meaning of the original Greek text was well known in Greece itself (Byzantium), but after the corresponding reforms in the modern Greek language, in contrast to the former custom, the word "stavros" took on the meaning of "pillar" as well as the meaning of "cross". In addition to the direct source of the execution - the canonical Gospels, others are also known. In the closest to the Christian, in the Jewish tradition, the tradition of the hanging of Jesus is also affirmed. There is a Jewish "Tale of the Hanged Man" written in the first centuries of our era, which describes in detail the execution of Jesus precisely by hanging. And in the Talmud there are two stories about the execution of Christ. According to the first, Jesus was stoned, and not in Jerusalem, but in Lud. According to the second story, because Jesus was royal family, the execution with stones was also replaced by hanging. And that was the official Christian version for 400 years! Even throughout the Muslim world, it is generally accepted that Christ was not crucified, but hanged. The Koran, based on early Christian traditions, curses Christians who claim that Jesus was not hanged, but crucified, and who claim that Jesus was Allah (God) himself, and not a prophet and the Messiah, and also denies the crucifixion itself. Therefore, mu-sulmane, respecting Jesus, do not reject either the Ascension or the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, but they reject the symbol of the cross, as they rely on early Christian texts that talk about hanging, not crucifixion.
Moreover, the natural phenomena described in the Bible simply could not take place in Jerusalem on the day of the crucifixion of Christ. In the Gospel of Mark and in the Gospel of Matthew it is said that Christ endured passionate agony on the spring full moon from Good Thursday to Good Friday, and that there was an eclipse from the sixth to the ninth hour. The event, which they call an "eclipse," occurred at a time when, for objective astronomical reasons, it simply could not have happened. Christ was executed during the Jewish Passover, and it always falls on a full moon. First, there are no solar eclipses on a full moon. During a full moon, the Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth, so the Moon cannot cover the Earth in any way. sunlight. Secondly, solar eclipses unlike the lunar ones, they do not last three hours, as it is written in the Bible. Maybe the Judeo-Christians had in mind a lunar eclipse, but the whole world did not understand them? But solar and lunar eclipses are very easy to calculate. Any astronomer will say that there were no lunar eclipses in the year of the execution of Christ and even in the years close to this event. The nearest eclipse accurately indicates only one date - on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. This is an absolutely accurate astronomical calculation. Namely, on this night from Thursday to Friday, March 20/21, 368, Bus and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths. On the night of March 20-21, a total lunar eclipse occurred, which lasted from midnight to three o'clock on March 21, 368. This date was calculated by astronomers, including the director of the Pulkovo Observatory, N. Morozov. Why did Christians write from the year 33 that Christ was hanged, and after 368 they rewrote the "holy" scripture and began to claim that Christ was crucified? Obviously, the plot with the crucifix seemed to them more interesting and they once again engaged in religious plagiarism. This is where the information appeared in the Bible that Christ was crucified, that he endured torment from Thursday to Friday, that there was an eclipse. Having stolen the plot with the crucifixion, the Judeo-Christians decided to supply the Bible with the details of the execution of the Slavic prince, not thinking that people in the future would pay attention to the natural phenomena described, which could not have been in the year of the execution of Christ in the place where he was executed.
And this is far from the only example of the theft of materials by Christians. Speaking of the Slavs, the myth of the father of Aria, who received a covenant from Dazhbog on Mount Alatyr (Elbrus), is recalled, and in the Bible, Arius and Alatyr miraculously turned into Moses and Sinai. Or the Christian rite of baptism. The Christian rite of baptism is one third of the Slavic pagan rite, which included: the name of the name, the fiery baptism and the water bath. In Christianity, only the water bath remained. We can recall examples from other traditions. Mitra - born on December 25th!!! 600 years before the birth of Jesus!!! December 25 - the day after 600 years, Jesus was born. Mitra was born a virgin in a barn, a star rose, the magi came!!! Everything is one to one, as with Christ, only 600 years earlier. The cult of Mithras included: baptism with water, holy water, faith in immortality, faith in Mithra as a savior god, the concepts of Paradise and Hell. Mirta died and resurrected in order to become an intermediary between God the Father and man! Christian plagiarism 100%. More examples. Immaculately conceived: Gautama Buddha - India 600 BC; Indra - Tibet 700 BC; Dionysus - Greece; Quirinus is a Roman; Adonis-Babylon all in the period from 400-200 years BC; Krishna India 1200 B.C.; Zarathustra-1500 B.C. In a word, whoever read the originals knows where Christians got materials for their writing.
But back to Slavic history. The discovery of an ancient Slavic city in the Caucasus no longer looks so surprising. In recent decades, several ancient Slavic cities have been discovered on the territory of Russia and Ukraine. The most famous today is the famous Arkaim, whose age is 5000 thousand years. In 1987, in the South Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, during the construction of a hydroelectric power station, a fortified settlement of the early city type, dating back to the Bronze Age, was discovered. to the time of the ancient Aryans. Arkaim is older than the famous Troy for five hundred or six hundred years. Slightly older than even the Egyptian pyramids. The discovered settlement is an observatory city. In the course of its study, it was found that the monument was a city fortified by two circles of walls, ramparts and ditches inscribed in each other. The dwellings in it had a trapezoidal shape, tightly adjoined each other and arranged in a circle in such a way that a wide end wall each dwelling was part of the defensive wall. Every home has a bronze casting oven! But in Greece, according to traditional academic knowledge, bronze came only in the second millennium BC. Later, the settlement turned out to be integral part the oldest Indo-European civilization - the "Country of Cities" of the Southern Trans-Urals. Scientists have discovered a whole complex of monuments belonging to this amazing culture.
Despite their small size, fortified centers can be called proto-cities. The use of the term "city" to the fortified settlements of the Arkaim-Sintashta type is, of course, conditional. However, they cannot be called simply settlements, since the Arkaim "cities" are distinguished by powerful defensive structures, monumental architecture, complex systems communications. The entire territory of the fortified center is extremely saturated with planning details, it is very compact and carefully thought out. From the point of view of the organization of space in front of us is not even a city, but a kind of super-city.
Fortified centers Southern Urals older than Homeric Troy by five or six centuries. They are contemporaries of the first dynasty of Babylon, the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and the Cretan-Mycenaean culture of the Mediterranean. The time of their existence corresponds to the last centuries of the famous civilization of India - Mahenjo-Daro and Harappa.
In 2005 V. Putin visited Arkaim.
Arkaim Museum-Reserve website:


In Ukraine, in Tripoli, the remains of a city were discovered whose age is the same as Arkaim, about five thousand years old. It is five hundred years older than the civilization of Mesopotamia - Sumer!
In the late 90s, not far from Rostov-on-Don, in the town of Tanais, settlement cities were found, the age of which even scientists find it difficult to name. Age varies from ten to thirty thousand years. The traveler of the last century, Thor Heyerdahl, believed that from there, from Tanais, the entire pantheon came to Scandinavia Scandinavian Gods led by Odin.
Slabs with inscriptions in Sanskrit, which are 20,000 years old, have been found on the Kola Peninsula. And only Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, as well as the Baltic languages ​​coincide with Sanskrit. Draw your own conclusions.
The results of the expedition to the site of the capital of the ancient Slavic city of Kiyara in the Elbrus region. Five expeditions were carried out: in 1851, 1881, 1914, 2001 and 2002. In 2001, the expedition was led by A. Alekseev, and in 2002 the expedition was carried out under the patronage of the Shtenberg State Astronomical Institute (GAISh), which was supervised by the director of the institute Anatoly Mikhailovich Cherepashchuk. Based on data obtained as a result of topographic, geodetic studies of the area, fixing astronomical events , the participants of the expedition made preliminary conclusions that are fully consistent with the results of the expedition in 2001, following the results of which in March 2002. a report was made at a meeting of the Astronomical Society at the State Astronomical Institute in the presence of members of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, members of the International Astronomical Society and the State Historical Museum. A report was also made at a conference on the problems of early civilizations in St. Petersburg. What exactly did the researchers find? Near Mount Karakaya, in the Rocky Range at an altitude of 3,646 meters above sea level between the villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi on the eastern side of Elbrus, traces of the capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, were found, which existed long before the birth of Christ, which is mentioned in many legends and epics different peoples of the world, as well as the oldest astronomical observatory - the Temple of the Sun, described by the ancient historian Al Masudi in his books as the Temple of the Sun. the remains of an ancient temple, caves and graves. An incredible number of settlements, ruins of temples have been discovered, and a lot of them have been preserved quite well. Menhirs were found in the valley near the foot of the Karakaya mountain, on the Bechesyn plateau - high man-made stones similar to wooden pagan idols. On one of the stone pillars, the face of a knight is carved, looking straight to the east. And behind the menhir is a bell-shaped hill. This is Tuzuluk ("Treasury of the Sun"). At its top, the ruins of the ancient sanctuary of the Sun are really visible. At the top of the hill is a tour marking highest point. Then three large rocks that have undergone manual processing. Once a gap was cut in them, directed from north to south. Stones were also found laid out as sectors in zodiac calendar. Each sector is exactly 30 degrees. Each part temple complex intended for calendar and astrological calculations. In this it is similar to the South Ural city-temple Arkaim, which has the same zodiac structure, the same division into 12 sectors. It is also similar to Stonehenge in Great Britain. It is close to Stonehenge, firstly, by the fact that the axis of the temple is also oriented from north to south, and secondly, one of the most important distinguishing features Stonehenge is the presence at a distance from the sanctuary of the so-called "Heel Stone". But after all, a landmark-menhir was also installed at the sanctuary of the Sun on Tuzuluk. There is evidence that at the turn of our era the temple was plundered by the Bosporus king Farnak. The temple was finally destroyed in IV AD. Goths and Huns. Even the dimensions of the temple are known; 60 cubits (about 20 meters) in length, 20 (6-8 meters) in width and 15 (up to 10 meters) in height, as well as the number of windows and doors - 12 according to the number of signs of the Zodiac. As a result of the work of the first expedition, there is everything reason to believe that the stones on the top of Mount Tuzluk served as the foundation of the Temple of the Sun. Mount Tuzluk is a regular grassy cone about 40 meters high. The slopes rise to the top at an angle of 45 degrees, which actually corresponds to the latitude of the place, and, therefore, looking along it, you can see the North Star. The axis of the foundation of the temple is 30 degrees with the direction to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The same 30 degrees is the distance between the axis of the temple and the direction to the menhir, and the direction to the menhir and the Shaukam pass. Considering that 30 degrees - 1/12 of a circle - corresponds to a calendar month, this is no coincidence. The azimuths of sunrise and sunset on the days of the summer and winter solstices differ by only 1.5 degrees from the directions to the peaks of Kanjal, the "gate" of two hills in the depths of the pastures, Mount Dzhaurgen and Mount Tashly-Syrt. There is an assumption that the menhir served as a heel stone in the temple of the Sun, by analogy with Stonehenge, and helped predict solar and lunar eclipses. Thus, Mount Tuzluk is tied to four natural landmarks by the Sun and is tied to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The height of the mountain is only about 40 meters, the diameter of the base is about 150 meters. These are sizes comparable to those of the Egyptian pyramids and other places of worship. In addition, two square tower-like tours were found at the Kayaesik pass. One of them lies strictly on the axis of the temple. Here, on the pass, there are the foundations of structures, ramparts. In addition, in the central part of the Caucasus, at the northern foot of Elbrus, in the late 70s and early 80s of the XX century, an ancient center of metallurgical production was discovered, the remains of smelting furnaces, settlements, burial grounds. Summing up the results of the work of the expeditions of the 1980s and 2001, which discovered the concentration of traces of ancient metallurgy, deposits of coal, silver, iron, as well as astronomical, religious and other archaeological objects within a radius of several kilometers, we can confidently assume the discovery of one of the most ancient cultural and administrative centers of the Slavs in the Elbrus region. During the expeditions of 1851 and 1914, the archaeologist P.G. Akritas examined the ruins of the Scythian Temple of the Sun on the eastern slopes of Beshtau. The results of further archaeological excavations of this sanctuary were published in 1914 in the Notes of the Rostov-on-Don Historical Society. There was described a huge stone "in the form of a Scythian cap", set on three abutments, as well as a domed grotto. And the beginning of major excavations in Pyatigorye was laid by the famous dore * evolutionary archaeologist D.Ya. Samokvasov, who described 44 burial mounds in the vicinity of the city of Pyatigorsk in 1881. Later, after the revolution, only some mounds were examined, only initial exploration work was carried out on the settlements by archaeologists E.I. Krupnov, V.A. Kuznetsov, G.E. Runich, E.P. Alekseeva, S.Ya. Baychorov, Kh.Kh. Bidzhiev and others.

The VIII century is the time when the process of folding the first state associations takes place on the territory of the entire Slavic world. In the ninth century it ends with the emergence of the first Slavic states. The first decades of the 9th century include information about the Principality of Ljudevit in Posavian Croatia, which, by its actions, created serious difficulties for the largest European power of that time - the Carolingian Empire. At the same time, the principality of Borna was formed in Dalmatian Croatia, which marked the beginning of the formation of the Croatian state here.

The first information about the Serbian princes also belongs to the beginning of the 9th century. The first state associations of Serbs arose simultaneously in several areas: in Raska, Dukla, Travuniya, Hum. From the end of the 9th to the beginning of the 11th centuries, Raska was the largest among them. Its zhupans, which were at the head of intertribal associations (zhup), recognized the power of Bulgaria. In 931 Župan Cheslav freed himself from Bulgarian domination and subjugated the neighboring Serbian lands. However, at the end of the 10th century, this state collapsed. Serbian lands were absorbed by the Western Bulgarian state. After its conquest by Byzantium, Serbian župans became vassals of the Empire.

From the beginning of the 9th century, a new large state association of Western Slavs began to take shape with a center in Moravia. At this time, the Slavs had to defend their independence in the fight against the East Frankish (German) state. During the reign of Prince Mojmir I (died c. 846), the Moravans adopted Christianity from Bavaria according to the Latin rite. The Great Moravian state reached its heyday under the successor of Mojmir Rostislav (846-870). He vigorously resisted the German invasion and achieved considerable foreign policy power for his state. In search of allies, he turned to Byzantium.

In an effort to make the country independent of the Bavarian Church associated with the Carolingian state, Rostislav asked Emperor Michael III to send a preacher and bishop from Constantinople who would stand at the head of the Moravian Church. The missionaries Constantine and Methodius sent by the emperor introduced Christian worship in the Slavic language in Great Moravia and wrote the first Slavic books using the newly created alphabet. The creation of Slavic worship and writing strengthened the political independence of the Great Moravian state. Using the contradictions between the Frankish Church and the papacy, Rostislav achieved in 869 the creation of an archbishopric for Great Moravia and neighboring Slavic lands, directly subordinate to Rome, headed by Methodius.

The rapid growth of political influence and the expansion of the borders of the state continued during the reign of Rostislav's nephew - Svyatopolk (870-894). However, the large state formation that had developed under him was very fragile, and with the death of Svyatopolk, a significant part of the lands fell away from Great Moravia. The remaining lands were divided into destinies, divided among his sons. In 895, Bohemia became an independent principality. A little later, in 906, the Hungarians defeated Moravia and captured the eastern Slovak lands. The Great Moravian state ceased to exist.

The educational activities of Methodius took place contrary to the wishes of Prince Svyatopolk and the German clergy, who openly resisted the spread Slavic writing and worship. After the death of Methodius (885), his disciples were persecuted and expelled from Moravia. They settled in Bulgaria, which later became the largest center of Slavic written culture. In Moravia, the German clergy and ceremonies in Latin were established.

While being part of the Great Moravian state, two principalities formed on the territory of the Czech Republic: one - with a center in Prague, headed by a prince from the Přemyslid family, the other - with a center in Libice, headed by the Zlichansk princes Slavnikovich. Until the tenth century, there was a struggle for supremacy between them. The first steps towards the formation of a single state were taken in the 80s. 9th century Then the prince of the Czech tribe Borzhivoy from the Přemyslid family, who was baptized at the court of the Moravian prince Svyatopolk, managed, with his support, to become the main among the tribal princes of the Czech Valley. The final unification of the tribal principalities under the rule of the Czech princes with the capital in Prague refers to the reign of Prince Boleslav I (935-972) - A Czech bishopric was created in Prague. The vast power, however, was fragile. Part of its lands subsequently went to the Polish state.

Almost all Polish lands were united at the end of the 10th century by the Piast dynasty into a relatively unified Polish state. The first reliably known Polish prince was Mieszko I (969-992). The young state had to constantly defend its independence from the encroachments of the German kings, who were trying to turn the Polish prince into their vassal. In 966, Mieszko I and his associates converted to Christianity according to the Latin rite. Latin writing spread throughout the country. In 1000, a Polish archdiocese was established in Gniezno. By the beginning of the 11th century, Poland had become one of the major states Of Eastern Europe.

Bolesław I the Brave (992-1025) pursued an active and successful foreign policy. However, after his death, Poland's international position became more complicated. Germany starts the war again, the Czech Republic and Russia also oppose Poland. The country is defeated, and after a big popular uprising 1037, suppressed with the help of German feudal lords, it temporarily falls into vassal dependence on the German Empire.

In the first half of the IX century, Bulgaria expanded its possessions and became one of the major European states. In the middle of the century, Khan Boris (852-889) decided to Christianize the country. For a long time, he hesitated over the question of whose help to do this, trying to play on the contradictions between the pope and the Byzantine patriarch. Taking advantage of the severe famine in Bulgaria, the Byzantines invaded its borders. Yielding to their pressure, in 865 Boris and his associates converted to Christianity according to the Byzantine rite. At the same time, Boris achieved the establishment of an archdiocese in Bulgaria. Twenty years later, it was from him that the disciples of Methodius, persecuted in Moravia, found protection and patronage. In 893 the Slavic language was declared the official language of the Bulgarian state and church. From that moment on, all documents and texts had to be written in the Slavic alphabet.

At the end of the 9th century, part of the Bulgarian nobility attempted to prevent the fortification central government. In 889, the son and successor of Boris, who had retired to the monastery, Vladimir tried to restore paganism. However, this met with strong resistance. Vladimir was deposed and blinded. The throne was taken by another son of Boris - Simeon (893-927), one of the most prominent rulers of Bulgaria. Highly educated, talented and ambitious, he dreamed of founding a unified Slavic-Byzantine state in the Balkans with its center in Constantinople.

At this time, relations with Byzantium escalated. In 894 Bulgarians were forbidden to trade in Constantinople. This was the reason for Simeon to start hostilities that lasted 30 years and ended in his complete victory. He appropriated to himself the title of "king of the Bulgarians and Greeks", which had not previously been worn by any of the Bulgarian princes, and forced the Byzantines to pay tribute. Simeon was preparing for the siege of Constantinople, but it did not take place, and Simeon's successor Peter (927-969) made peace with Byzantium.

In 931, with the support of the Empire, the Serbs separated from Bulgaria. A third of a century later, Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas refused to pay tribute and began to prepare for war. In 971, the northern part of Bulgaria was captured by Byzantium. Western Bulgaria continued to exist as an independent state for almost 50 more years. However, in 1018, under Emperor Basil II the Bulgar Slayer, the First Bulgarian Kingdom fell and became part of Byzantium.

Long before the formation of Russia, the ancient Slavs had one of the largest state formations, which, according to scientists, existed from 1600 to 2500 thousand years and was destroyed by the Goths in 368 AD.

The chronicle of the ancient Slavic state was almost forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history and aimed to rejuvenate the history of Russia, to show that the Slavic peoples were supposedly pristine, not tainted by the deeds of the Russians, Antes, barbarians, vandals and Scythians, whom the whole world remembered very well .

The goal is to tear Russia away from the Scythian past. On the basis of the works of German professors, a national historical school arose. All history textbooks teach us that before the baptism, wild tribes lived in Russia - "pagans".

This is a big lie, because history has been repeatedly rewritten to please the existing ruling system - starting with the first Romanovs, i.e. history is interpreted as profitable at the moment ruling class. Among the Slavs, their past is called Heritage or Chronicle, and not History (the word “Let” preceded, introduced by Peter the Great in 7208 years from S.M.Z.Kh., the concept of “year”, when instead of the Slavic chronology they introduced 1700 from supposedly Christmas). S.M.Z.H. - this is the Creation / signing / of the World with the Arim / Chinese / in the summer, called the Star Temple - after the end of the Great World War (something like May 9, 1945, but more significant for the Slavs).

Therefore, is it worth trusting textbooks, which even in our memory have been copied more than once? And is it worth trusting textbooks that contradict many facts that indicate that before baptism - in Russia there was a huge state with many cities and towns (Country of cities), a developed economy and crafts, with its own original Culture (Culture = Culture = Cult of Ra = Cult of Light). Our ancestors who lived in those days possessed vital Wisdom and a worldview that helped them always act according to their Conscience and live in harmony with the world around them. This attitude to the World is now called the Old Faith ("old" - means "pre-Christian", and earlier it was simply called - Faith - Knowledge of Ra - Knowledge of Light - Knowledge of the Shining Truth of the Most High). Faith is primary, and Religion (for example, Christian) is secondary. The word "Religion" comes from "Re" - repetition, "League" - connection, association. Faith is always one (there is either a connection with God or it is not), and there are many religions - as many as the people of the Gods have or how many ways mediators (popes, patriarchs, priests, rabbis, mullahs, etc.) come up with to establish with them connection.

Since the connection with God, established through third parties - intermediaries, for example - priests, is artificial, then, in order not to lose the flock, each religion claims to be "Truth in the first instance." Because of this, many bloody religious wars have been and are being waged.

Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov fought alone with the German professorship, who argued that the history of the Slavs is rooted in antiquity.

The ancient Slavic state RUSKOLAN occupied the lands from the Danube and the Carpathians to the Crimea, the North Caucasus and the Volga, and the subject lands seized the steppes of the Volga and South Urals.

The Scandinavian name of Russia sounds like Gardarika - the country of cities. Arab historians also write about the same, numbering hundreds of Russian cities. At the same time, he claims that there are only five cities in Byzantium, while the rest are “fortified fortresses.” In ancient documents, the state of the Slavs is referred to, among other things, as Scythia and Ruskolan.

The word "Ruskolan" has the syllable "lan", which is present in the words "hand", "valley" and means: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable "lan" was transformed into the European land - country. Sergey Lesnoy in his book “Where are you from, Rus?” says the following: “With regard to the word “Ruskolun”, it should be noted that there is also a variant “Ruskolun”. If the latter option is more correct, then you can understand the word differently: “Russian doe”. Lan - field. The whole expression: "Russian field". In addition, Lesnoy makes the assumption that there was a word "cleaver", which probably meant some kind of space. It also occurs in other contexts. Also, historians and linguists believe that the name of the state "Ruskolan" could come from two words "Rus" and "Alan" after the name of the Rus and Alans, who lived in a single state.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was of the same opinion, who wrote:
“The Alans and Roxolans are of the same tribe from many places of ancient historians and geographers, and the difference lies in the fact that the Alans are the common name of the whole people, and the Roksolani is a saying composed from their place of residence, which is not without reason produced from the river Ra, as among ancient writers reputed to be the Volga (Volga)."

The ancient historian and scientist Pliny - Alans and Roxolans together has. Roksolane, by the ancient scientist and geographer Ptolemy, is called alanorsi by portable addition. The names Aorsi and Roksane or Rossane in Strabo - “the exact unity of the Russians and Alans is confirmed, to which the reliability is multiplied, that they were wallpaper of the Slavic generation, then that the Sarmatians were of the same tribe from ancient writers and therefore with the Varangians-Rosses of the same root.”

We also note that Lomonosov also refers the Varangians to the Russians, which once again shows the rigging of the German professors, who deliberately called the Varangians a foreign, and not a Slavic people. This juggling and the born legend about calling a foreign tribe to reign in Russia had political overtones so that once again the “enlightened” West could point out to the “wild” Slavs their denseness, and that it was thanks to the Europeans that the Slavic state was created. Modern historians, in addition to adherents of the Norman theory, also agree that the Varangians are precisely a Slavic tribe.

Lomonosov writes:
"According to Gelmold's testimony, the Alans were mixed with the Kurlandians, who were of the same tribe as the Varangians-Russians."

Lomonosov writes - the Varangians-Russians, and not the Varangians-Scandinavians, or the Varangians-Goths. In all documents of the pre-Christian period, the Varangians were classified as Slavs.

Further, Lomonosov writes:
“The Rugen Slavs were abbreviated as wounds, that is, from the Ra (Volga) River, and Rossans. This, by their resettlement to the Varangian shores, as follows, will be more detailed. Weissel from Bohemia suggests that Amakosovia, Alans, Vendi came from the east to Prussia.

Lomonosov writes about Rugen Slavs. It is known that on the island of Rügen in the city of Arkona there was the last Slavic pagan temple, destroyed in 1168. Now there is a Slavic museum.

Lomonosov writes that it was from the east that the Slavic tribes came to Prussia and the island of Rügen and adds:
“Such a resettlement of the Volga Alans, that is, the Russians or Ross, to the Baltic Sea took place, as can be seen from the above authors’ testimonies, not once and not in a short time, which, according to the traces that have remained to this day, it is clear that the names of cities and rivers are honored must"

But back to the Slavic state.

The capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, was located in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region near the modern villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi. Sometimes it was also called Kiyar Antsky, after the name of the Slavic tribe Antes. The results of the expeditions to the site of the ancient Slavic city will be written at the end. Descriptions of this Slavic city can be found in ancient documents.

"Avesta" in one of the places tells about the main city of the Scythians in the Caucasus near one of the highest mountains in the world. And As you know, Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus, but also in Europe in general. "Rigveda" tells about the main city of the Rus all on the same Elbrus.

Kiyar is mentioned in the Book of Veles. Judging by the text, Kiyar, or the city of Kiy the Old, was founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani (368 AD), i.e. in the ninth century BC.

The ancient Greek geographer Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. BC. - the beginning of the 1st c. AD writes about the temple of the Sun and the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece in the sacred city of the Ross, in the Elbrus region, on the top of Mount Tuzuluk.

On the mountain, our contemporaries discovered the foundation of an ancient structure. Its height is about 40 meters, and the diameter of the base is 150 meters: the ratio is the same as that of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings of antiquity. There are many obvious and not at all random patterns in the parameters of the mountain and the temple. The observatory-temple was created according to a "standard" project and, like other cyclopean structures - Stonehenge and Arkaim - was intended for astrological observations.

In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of the construction on the sacred mountain Alatyr (modern name - Elbrus) of this majestic structure, revered by all ancient peoples. There are mentions of him in the national epic of the Greeks, Arabs, and European peoples. According to Zoroastrian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in Usen (Kavi Useinas) in the second millennium BC. Archaeologists officially note at this time the emergence of the Koban culture in the Caucasus and the appearance of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes.

Mentions the temple of the Sun and the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the golden fleece and the oracle of Eet. There are detailed descriptions of this temple and evidence that astronomical observations were made there.

The Temple of the Sun was a true paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. The priests, who possessed certain knowledge, created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. There, not only dates for agriculture were calculated, but, most importantly, the most important milestones in world and spiritual history were determined.

The Arab historian Al Masudi described the temple of the Sun on Elbrus as follows: “In the Slavic regions there were buildings revered by them. Between others they had a building on a mountain, about which philosophers wrote that it was one of the highest mountains in the world. There is a story about this building: about the quality of its construction, about the location of its heterogeneous stones and their different colors, about the holes made in its upper part, about what was built in these holes to watch the sunrise, about the precious stones placed there and the signs marked in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the sounds heard in its upper part and about what comprehends them when they hear these sounds.

In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the Elder Edda, in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient German sources, in the Book of Veles. If you believe the legends, near the city of Kiyar (Kyiv) was the sacred mountain Alatyr - archaeologists believe that it was Elbrus. Next to it was the Iriysky, or the Garden of Eden, and the Smorodina River, which separated the earthly world and the afterlife, and connected Yav and Nav (that Light) Kalinov Bridge.

This is how they talk about two wars between the Goths (an ancient Germanic tribe) and the Slavs, the invasion of the Goths into the ancient Slavic state by the Gothic historian of the 4th century Jordan in his book “History of the Goths” and “Veles Book”. In the middle of the 4th century, the Goth king Germanareh led his people to conquer the world. This was a great commander. According to Jordanes, he was compared with Alexander the Great. The same was written about Germanarekh and Lomonosov:
"Ermanarik, the king of the Ostrogoths, for his courage in conquering many northern peoples was compared by some with Alensander the Great."

Judging by the testimonies of Jordan, the Elder Edda and the Book of Veles, Germanareh, after long wars, captured almost all of Eastern Europe. He fought along the Volga to the Caspian, then fought on the Terek River, crossed the Caucasus, then went along the Black Sea coast and reached Azov.

According to the “Book of Veles”, Germanareh first made peace with the Slavs (“drank wine for friendship”), and only then “went with a sword against us”.

The peace treaty between the Slavs and the Goths was sealed by the dynastic marriage of the sister of the Slavic prince-king Bus - Swans and Germanarekh. This was a payment for peace, for Germanarekh was then many years old (he died at 110 years old, but the marriage was concluded shortly before that). According to Edda, the son of Germanareh Randver wooed Swan-Sva, and he took her to his father. And then Jarl Bikki, adviser to Germanarekh, told them that it would be better if the Swan went to Randver, since both of them are young, and Germanarekh is an old man. These words pleased Swans-Sva and Randver, and Jordan adds that Swans-Sva fled from Germanarekh. And then Germanarekh executed his son and Swan. And this murder was the cause of the Slavic-Gothic war. Having treacherously violated the "peace treaty", Germanarekh defeated the Slavs in the first battles. But then, when Germanarekh moved into the heart of Ruskolani, the Ants stepped in to Germanarekh. Germanareh was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck in the side with a sword by the Rossomons (Ruskolans) - Sar (king) and Ammius (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarekh, and he soon died. Here is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.

“The Book of Veles”: “And Ruskolan was defeated by the Goths of Germanarekh. And he took a wife from our generation and killed her. And then our leaders flowed against him and Germanarekh was defeated.

Jordan. “The story is ready”: “The unfaithful family of the Rosomones (Ruskolan) ... took advantage of the following opportunity ... After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named family for the insidious departure from her husband to break, tying to ferocious horses and prompting the horses to run in different directions, her brothers Sar (King Bus) and Ammius (Gold), avenging the death of their sister, struck Germanarekh in the side with a sword.

M. Lomonosov: “Sonilda, a noble Roxolan woman, Yermanarik ordered to be torn apart by horses for her husband's escape. Her brothers Sar and Ammius, avenging the death of their sister, Ermanarik was pierced in the side; died of a wound a hundred and ten years"

A few years later, a descendant of Germanarekh, Amal Vinitary, invaded the lands of the Slavic tribe of Ants. In the first battle, he was defeated, but then "began to act more decisively", and the Goths, led by Amal Vinitar, defeated the Slavs. The Slavic prince Busa and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths. This happened on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. On the same night that Bus was crucified, there was a total lunar eclipse. Also, the earth was shaken by a monstrous earthquake (the entire Black Sea coast was shaking, destruction was in Constantinople and Nicaea (ancient historians testify to this. Later, the Slavs gathered their strength and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.

“The Book of Veles”: “And then Russia was again defeated. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was great turmoil in Russia from Amala Vend. And then Sloven gathered Russia and led it. And at that time the Goths were defeated. And we didn't let the Sting go anywhere. And everything got better. And our grandfather Dazhbog rejoiced, and welcomed the soldiers - many of our fathers who won victories. And there were no troubles and worries of many, and so the land of the Gothic became ours. And so it will be until the end"

Jordan. "History is ready": Amal Vinitary ... moved the army into the borders of the Antes. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and crucified their king, named Boz, with his sons and 70 noble people, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered.

The Bulgarian chronicle “Baradj Tarihy”: “Once in the land of the Anchians, the Galidjians (Galicians) attacked Bus and killed him along with all 70 princes.”

The Slavic prince Busa and 70 princes were crucified by the Goths in the eastern Carpathians at the sources of Seret and Prut, on the current border of Wallachia and Transylvania. In those days, these lands belonged to Ruskolani, or Scythia. Much later, under the famous Vlad Dracul, it was at the place of the crucifixion of Bus that mass executions and crucifixions were held. They removed the bodies of Bus and other princes from the crosses on Friday and took them to the Elbrus region, to the Etoka (a tributary of the Podkumka). According to Caucasian legend, the body of Bus and other princes was brought by eight pairs of oxen. Bus's wife ordered that a barrow be built over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River (a tributary of the Podkumka) and, in order to perpetuate the memory of Bus, ordered that the Altud River be renamed Baksan (Bus River).

Caucasian legend says:
“Baksan (Bus) was killed by the Goth king with all his brothers and eighty noble Narts. Hearing this, the people gave way to despair: the men beat their breasts, and the women tore their hair on their heads, saying: “Dauov’s eight sons are killed, killed!”

Those who carefully read “The Tale of Igor's Campaign remembers that it mentions the long-gone Busovo Time” in 368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. According to Slavic astrology, this is a milestone. On the night of March 20-21, 368 moves, the Aries era ended and the Pisces era began.

It was after the story of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, which became known in the ancient world, that the plot with the crucifixion of Christ appeared (was stolen) in Christianity.

The canonical gospels nowhere say that Christ was crucified on the cross. Instead of the word "cross" (kryst), the word "stavros" (stavros) is used there, which means a pillar, and it does not talk about crucifixion, but about pillaring. Therefore, there are no early Christian images of the crucifixion.

The Christian Acts 10:39 says that Christ was "hanged on a tree." The plot with the crucifixion first appeared only after 400!!! years after the execution of Christ, translated from Greek. The question is why, if Christ was crucified, and not hanged, Christians for four hundred years wrote in holy books that Christ was amused? Somehow illogical! It was the Slavic-Scythian tradition that influenced the distortion of the original texts during translation, and then the iconography (for there are no early Christian images of crucifixes).

The meaning of the original Greek text was well known in Greece itself (Byzantium), but after the corresponding reforms in the modern Greek language, in contrast to the previous custom, the word "stavros" took on the meaning of "pillar" and also the meaning of "cross".

In addition to the direct source of the execution - the canonical Gospels, others are also known. In the closest to the Christian, in the Jewish tradition, the tradition of the hanging of Jesus is also affirmed. There is a Jewish “Tale of the Hanged Man” written in the first centuries of our era, which describes in detail the execution of Jesus precisely by hanging. And in the Talmud there are two stories about the execution of Christ. According to the first, Jesus was stoned, and not in Jerusalem, but in Lud. According to the second story, because Jesus was of a royal family, the execution by stones was also replaced by hanging. And this was the official version of Christians for 400 years!!!

Even throughout the Muslim world, it is generally accepted that Christ was not crucified, but hanged. The Koran, based on early Christian traditions, curses Christians who claim that Jesus was not hanged, but crucified, and those who claim that Jesus was Allah (God) himself, and not a prophet and the Messiah, and also denies the crucifixion itself. Therefore, Muslims, respecting Jesus, do not reject either the Ascension or the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, but reject the symbol of the cross, as they rely on early Christian texts that talk about hanging, not crucifixion.

Moreover, the natural phenomena described in the Bible simply could not take place in Jerusalem on the day of the crucifixion of Christ.

In the Gospel of Mark and in the Gospel of Matthew it is said that Christ endured passionate agony on the spring full moon from Good Thursday to Good Friday, and that there was an eclipse from the sixth to the ninth hour. The event, which they call an "eclipse," occurred at a time when, for objective astronomical reasons, it simply could not occur. Christ was executed during the Jewish Passover, and it always falls on a full moon.

First, there are no solar eclipses on a full moon. During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth, so the Moon cannot block the Earth's sunlight in any way.

Secondly, solar eclipses, unlike lunar eclipses, do not last three hours, as it is written in the Bible. Maybe the Judeo-Christians had in mind a lunar eclipse, but the whole world did not understand them? ...

But solar and lunar eclipses are very easy to calculate. Any astronomer will say that there were no lunar eclipses in the year of the execution of Christ and even in the years close to this event.

The nearest eclipse accurately indicates only one date - on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. This is an absolutely accurate astronomical calculation. Namely, on this night from Thursday to Friday, March 20/21, 368, Prince Bus and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths. On the night of March 20-21, a total lunar eclipse occurred, which lasted from midnight to three hours on March 21, 368. This date was calculated by astronomers, including the director of the Pulkovo Observatory, N. Morozov.

Why did Christians write from the 33rd move that Christ was hanged, and after the 368th move they rewrote the “holy” scripture and began to claim that Christ was crucified? Obviously, the plot with the crucifix seemed to them more interesting and they once again engaged in religious plagiarism - i.e. simply by stealing… That's where the information appeared in the Bible that Christ was crucified, that he endured torment from Thursday to Friday, that there was an eclipse. Having stolen the plot with the crucifixion, the Judeo-Christians decided to supply the Bible with the details of the execution of the Slavic prince, not thinking that people in the future would pay attention to the described natural phenomena, which could not have been in the year of the execution of Christ in the place where he was executed.

And this is far from the only example of the theft of materials by the Judeo-Christians. Speaking of the Slavs, we recall the myth of the father of Aria, who received a covenant from Dazhbog on Mount Alatyr (Elbrus), and in the Bible, Arius and Alatyr miraculously turned into Moses and Sinai ...

Or the Judeo-Christian rite of baptism. The Christian rite of baptism is one third of the Slavic pagan rite, which included: naming, fiery baptism and water bathing. In Judeo-Christianity, only the water bath remained.

We can recall examples from other traditions. Mitra was born on the 25th of December!!! 600 years before the birth of Jesus!!! December 25 - the day after 600 years, Jesus was born. Mitra was born a virgin in a barn, a star rose, the magi came!!! Everything is one to one, as with Christ, only 600 years earlier. The cult of Mithra included: baptism with water, holy water, faith in immortality, faith in Mithra as a savior god, the concepts of Paradise and Hell. Mitra died and resurrected in order to become an intermediary between God the Father and man! Plagiarism (theft) of Christians is 100%.

More examples. Immaculately conceived: Gautama Buddha - India 600 BC; Indra - Tibet 700 years BC; Dionysus - Greece; Quirinus is a Roman; Adonis - Babylon all in the period from 400-200 years BC; Krishna - India 1200 B.C.; Zarathustra - 1500 B.C. In a word, whoever read the originals knows where the Judeo-Christians took materials for their writing.

So modern neo-Christians, who are trying in vain to find some mythical Russian roots in the native Jew Yeshua - Jesus and his mother, need to stop doing stupid things and start worshiping Bus, nicknamed the Cross, i.e. Busu Cross or what would be completely clear to them - Busu Christ. After all, this is the real Hero from whom the Judeo-Christians wrote off their New Testament, and the one invented by them - the Judeo-Christian Jesus Christ - turns out to be some kind of charlatan and rogue, to say the least ... After all, the New Testament is just a romantic comedy in the spirit of Jewish fiction, allegedly written by the so-called. "apostle" Paul (in the world - Saul), and even then, it turns out - it was not written by him himself, but by unknown /!? / disciples of the disciples. Well, they had fun though ...

But back to the Slavic chronicle. The discovery of an ancient Slavic city in the Caucasus no longer looks so surprising. In recent decades, several ancient Slavic cities have been discovered on the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

The most famous today is the famous Arkaim, whose age is more than 5000 thousand years.

In 1987, in the South Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, during the construction of a hydroelectric power station, a fortified settlement of the early city type, dating back to the Bronze Age, was discovered. to the time of the ancient Aryans. Arkaim is older than the famous Troy by five hundred to six hundred years older than even the Egyptian pyramids.

The discovered settlement is a city-observatory. In the course of its study, it was found that the monument was a city fortified by two circles of walls, ramparts and ditches inscribed in each other. The dwellings in it had a trapezoidal shape, tightly adjoined each other and arranged in a circle in such a way that the wide end wall of each dwelling was part of the defensive wall. Every home has a bronze casting oven! But in Greece, according to traditional academic knowledge, bronze came only in the second millennium BC. Later, the settlement turned out to be an integral part of the most ancient Aryan civilization - the “Country of Cities” of the Southern Trans-Urals. Scientists have discovered a whole complex of monuments belonging to this amazing culture.

Despite their small size, fortified centers can be called proto-cities. The use of the term “city” to the fortified settlements of the Arkaim-Sintashta type is, of course, conditional.

However, they cannot be called simply settlements, since the Arkaim “cities” are distinguished by powerful defensive structures, monumental architecture, and complex communication systems. The entire territory of the fortified center is extremely saturated with planning details, it is very compact and carefully thought out. From the point of view of the organization of space in front of us is not even a city, but a kind of super-city.

The fortified centers of the Southern Urals are five or six centuries older than Homer's Troy. They are contemporaries of the first dynasty of Babylon, the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and the Cretan-Mycenaean culture of the Mediterranean. The time of their existence corresponds to the last centuries of the famous civilization of India - Mahenjo-Daro and Harappa.

Site of the Museum-Reserve Arkaim: link

In Ukraine, in Trypillya, the remains of the city were found, the age of which is the same as that of Arkaim, more than five thousand years. It is five hundred years older than the civilization of Mesopotamia - the Sumerian!

At the end of the 90s, not far from Rostov-on-Don, in the town of Tanais, settlement cities were found, the age of which even scientists find it difficult to name ... The age varies from ten to thirty thousand years. The traveler of the last century, Thor Heyerdahl, believed that from there, from Tanais, the entire pantheon of the Scandinavian Gods, led by Odin, came to Scandinavia.

Slabs with inscriptions in Sanskrit, which are 20,000 years old, have been found on the Kola Peninsula. And only Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, as well as the Baltic languages ​​coincide with Sanskrit. Draw your own conclusions.

The results of the expedition to the site of the capital of the ancient Slavic city of Kiyara in the Elbrus region.

Five expeditions were carried out: in 1851,1881,1914, 2001 and 2002.

In 2001, the expedition was led by A. Alekseev, and in 2002 the expedition was carried out under the patronage of the Shtenberg State Astronomical Institute (GAISh), which was supervised by the director of the institute, Anatoly Mikhailovich Cherepashchuk.

Based on the data obtained as a result of topographic, geodetic studies of the area, fixing astronomical events, the participants of the expedition made preliminary conclusions that are fully consistent with the results of the expedition of 2001, following the results of which, in March 2002, a report was made at a meeting of the Astronomical Society at the State Astronomical Institute in the presence of members of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, members of the International Astronomical Society and the State Historical Museum.
A report was also made at a conference on the problems of early civilizations in St. Petersburg.
What exactly did the researchers find?

Near Mount Karakaya, in the Rocky Range at an altitude of 3,646 meters above sea level between the villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi on the eastern side of Elbrus, traces of the capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, were found, which existed long before the birth of Christ, which is mentioned in many legends and epics of different peoples of the world, as well as the oldest astronomical observatory - the Temple of the Sun, described by the ancient historian Al Masudi in his books as the Temple of the Sun.

The location of the found city exactly matches the indications from ancient sources, and later the Turkish traveler of the 17th century, Evliya Celebi, confirmed the location of the city.

On Mount Karakaya, the remains of an ancient temple, caves and graves were found. An incredible number of settlements, ruins of temples have been discovered, and a lot of them have been preserved quite well. In a valley near the foot of Mount Karakaya, on the Bechesyn plateau, menhirs were found - high man-made stones similar to wooden pagan idols.

On one of the stone pillars, the face of a knight is carved, looking straight to the east. And behind the menhir is a bell-shaped hill. This is Tuzuluk ("Treasury of the Sun"). At its top, the ruins of the ancient sanctuary of the Sun are really visible. At the top of the hill is a tour that marks the highest point. Then three large rocks that have undergone manual processing. Once a gap was cut in them, directed from north to south. Stones were also found laid out like sectors in the zodiac calendar. Each sector is exactly 30 degrees.

Each part of the temple complex was intended for calendar and astrological calculations. In this it is similar to the South Ural city-temple Arkaim, which has the same zodiac structure, the same division into 12 sectors. It is also similar to Stonehenge in the UK. It is close to Stonehenge, firstly, by the fact that the axis of the temple is also oriented from north to south, and secondly, one of the most important distinguishing features of Stonehenge is the presence of the so-called “Heel Stone” at a distance from the sanctuary. But after all, at the sanctuary of the Sun on Tuzuluk, a landmark-menhir was installed.

There is evidence that at the turn of our era the temple was plundered by the Bosporus king Farnak. The temple was finally destroyed in IV AD. Goths and Huns. Even the dimensions of the temple are known; 60 cubits (about 20 meters) in length, 20 (6-8 meters) in width and 15 (up to 10 meters) in height, as well as the number of windows and doors - 12 according to the number of signs of the Zodiac.

As a result of the work of the first expedition, there is every reason to believe that the stones on the top of Mount Tuzluk served as the foundation of the Temple of the Sun. Mount Tuzluk is a regular grassy cone about 40 meters high. The slopes rise to the top at an angle of 45 degrees, which actually corresponds to the latitude of the place, and, therefore, looking along it, you can see the North Star. The axis of the foundation of the temple is 30 degrees with the direction to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The same 30 degrees is the distance between the axis of the temple and the direction to the menhir, and the direction to the menhir and the Shaukam pass. Considering that 30 degrees - 1/12 of a circle - corresponds to a calendar month, this is no coincidence. The azimuths of sunrise and sunset on the days of the summer and winter solstices differ by only 1.5 degrees from the directions to the peaks of Kanjal, the "gate" of two hills in the depths of pastures, Mount Dzhaurgen and Mount Tashly-Syrt. There is an assumption that the menhir served as a heel stone in the temple of the Sun, by analogy with Stonehenge, and helped predict solar and lunar eclipses. Thus, Mount Tuzluk is tied to four natural landmarks by the Sun and is tied to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The height of the mountain is only about 40 meters, the diameter of the base is about 150 meters. These are dimensions comparable to those of the Egyptian pyramids and other places of worship.

In addition, two square tower-shaped tours were found on the Kayaeshik pass. One of them lies strictly on the axis of the temple. Here, on the pass, there are the foundations of structures, ramparts.

In addition, in the central part of the Caucasus, at the northern foot of Elbrus, in the late 70s and early 80s of the XX century, an ancient center of metallurgical production, the remains of smelting furnaces, settlements, burial grounds were discovered.

Summing up the results of the work of the expeditions of the 1980s and 2001, which discovered the concentration of traces of ancient metallurgy, deposits of coal, silver, iron, as well as astronomical, religious and other archaeological objects within a radius of several kilometers, we can confidently assume the discovery of one of the most ancient cultural and administrative centers of the Slavs in the Elbrus region.

During the expeditions of 1851 and 1914, the archaeologist P.G. Akritas examined the ruins of the Scythian Temple of the Sun on the eastern slopes of Beshtau. The results of further archaeological excavations of this shrine were published in 1914 in the Notes of the Rostov-on-Don Historical Society. There was described a huge stone “in the form of a Scythian cap”, installed on three abutments, as well as a domed grotto.
And the beginning of major excavations in Pyatigorye (Kavminvody) was laid by the famous pre-revolutionary archaeologist D.Ya. Samokvasov, who described 44 mounds in the vicinity of Pyatigorsk in 1881. Later, after the revolution, only some mounds were examined; only initial exploration work was carried out on the settlements by archaeologists E.I. Krupnov, V.A. Kuznetsov, G.E. Runich, E.P. Alekseeva, S.Ya. Baychorov, Kh.Kh. Bidzhiev and others.