Providing a spelling dictionary. The meaning of the word orthoepy in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov

alphabet, from Alpha and Vita
airports, fixed stress on the 4th syllable
bows, fixed stress on 1st syllable
beard, win.p., only in this form singular. stress on 1st syllable
accountants,, motionless. stress on 2nd syllable
religion, from faith to confess
hyphen, from German, where the stress is on the 2nd syllable
dispensary, the word came from English. lang. through French, where the blow. always on the last syllable
blinds, from French lang., where is the blow. always on the last syllable
significance, from adj. significant
X, im.p. pl., motionless stress
catalog, in the same row with the words dialogue, monologue, obituary, etc.
quarter, from it. lang., where the stress is on the 2nd syllable
kilometer, on a par with the words centimeter, decimeter, millimeter ...
cones, cones, motionless stress on the 1st syllable in all cases in singular and plural.
cranes, fixed stress on 1st syllable
flint, flint, blow. in all forms on the last syllable, as in the word fire

lecturers, lecturers, see the word bow(s)
ski track
localities, genus, on a par with the word form of honors, jaws ... but news
garbage chute, in the same row with the words gas pipeline, oil pipeline, water pipeline

obituary, see catalog
news, news, but: see localities
nail, nail, motionless. stress in all forms singular.
Adolescence, from Youth-teenager
parter, from French. lang., where is the blow. always on the last syllable
dowry, noun
call, in the same row with the words call, recall (ambassador), convocation, but: Review (for publication)
orphans,, stress in all forms pl. only on the 2nd syllable
a statue
carpenter, in the same poison with the words painter, doYar, shkolYar ...
convocation, see call
cakes, cakes
scarves, see bows
chauffeur, on a par with the words kioskёr, controller ...
expert, from the French. lang., where the stress is always on the last syllable
correct, short adj. zh.r.


most beautiful, excellent
agility, short adj. zh.r.
mosaic m
perspicacious, short adj. zh.r., on a par with the words cute, fussy, talkative ..., but: gluttonous
plum, derived from plum
spoil, on a par with the words spoil, spoil, spoil ..., but: the minion of fate
turn on, turn on
turn on, turn on

break in-break in

hand-hand over

call - call

get through
cork up
occupied, occupied, occupied,
occupied, occupied
lock up-locked up (with a key, with a lock, etc.)
call, call, call,
call them
start-started, started, started
cheer up - cheer up
paste over
seal, in the same row with the words form, normalize, sort ...
vulgarize - vulgarize
inquire - inquire
call back-call back
take off-taken off
speed up
enabled-enabled, see relegated
spoiled, see spoiled
having poured
relegated-reduced, see included…
having given
having understood
in time
to the top
enviably, in the meaning of the predicate
ahead of time, colloquial
before dark
after dark
prettier, adj. and adv. in comp.
over a long time
for a long time

A language dictionary that gives the normative pronunciation of words. [GOST 7.60 2003] Topics of the publication, main types and elements EN pronouncing dictionary DE orphoepisches Wörterbuch ... Technical Translator's Handbook

pronouncing dictionary- orthoepic dictionary: A language dictionary that gives the standard pronunciation of words. Source: GOST 7.60 2003: System of standards for information, library and publisher ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

pronouncing dictionary- Rus: pronouncing dictionary Deu: orphoepisches Wörterbuch Eng: pronouncing dictionary A language dictionary that gives the normative pronunciation of words. GOST 7.60 ... Dictionary of Information, Library and Publishing

pronouncing dictionary- a dictionary containing words in their correct standard literary pronunciation ... Explanatory Translation Dictionary

See dictionary linguistic ...

pronouncing dictionary- Lexicographic edition reflecting the norms of pronunciation and stress of words. It may contain grammatical information, as well as information about semantic and word-formation features ... Dictionary linguistic terms T.V. Foal

A dictionary that provides an explanation of the meaning and use of words (as opposed to an encyclopedic dictionary that provides information about the relevant realities of objects, phenomena, events). Dialect (regional) dictionary. Dictionary containing ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

Dictionary- Dictionary 1) vocabulary, vocabulary of a language, dialect, any social group, an individual writer, etc. 2) A reference book that contains words (or morphemes, phrases, idioms, etc.) arranged in a certain order ... ... Linguistic encyclopedic Dictionary

- ... Wikipedia

Check neutrality. The talk page should have details... Wikipedia


  • , Borunova S.N., Vorontsova V.L., Eskova N.A. The dictionary contains about 65 thousand words of the modern Russian language. It gives information about pronunciation, stress and the formation of grammatical forms of the words included in it. It has extensively developed…
  • Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms, Borunova S.N., Vorontsova V.L., Eskova N.A. The dictionary contains about 63,500 words of the modern Russian language. It gives information about pronunciation, stress and the formation of grammatical forms of the words included in it. It has extensively developed…
  • Orthoepic dictionary / Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian language for schoolchildren (flip book), Mikhailova O.A. , students of lyceums, colleges, everyone, ...

As one movie heroine said: “A person is betrayed by two circumstances: if he puts stress in words incorrectly ... And he asks stupid questions.” Unlike the false daughters of Professor Tikhomirov, ordinary people no need to pretend to be someone else, but the advice is not stupid. If not asking all sorts of nonsense is not difficult, then it is often very difficult to pronounce words correctly even in your native language. This is where the orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language can come to the rescue.

and why is it so important to put it right

Before learning more about the orthoepic dictionary, it is worth refreshing your knowledge about such a simple thing as stress. So, stress is the selection with the help of a voice of a certain syllable in a word.

Despite the seemingly insignificant role of stress, the meaning of the word often depends on it.

Features of stress in Russian

In Russian, stress can fall on absolutely any part of a word.

Moreover, when declining the same word for cases, the stress can fall on its different syllables, which increases the chance of making a mistake in pronunciation not only for foreigners, but also for native speakers. In this regard, the main assistant of any person who wants to speak correctly is the spelling dictionary. Emphasis on how to put it in correctly, he will tell you. For example, even the Russians themselves very often mispronounce widely famous titles certain foodstuffs, items of clothing, or abstract concepts. But in fact, the emphasis is placed on them as shown in the figure.

The science of orthoepy and orthoepic dictionary - what is it?

The science of orthoepy is engaged in the study of stress in words (the name is translated from Greek as " correct speech"). In addition to stress, this science is engaged in the study, regulation and establishment orthoepic norms literary speech.

All data on the correct pronunciation of words and word forms are entered by linguists specializing in orthoepy into special dictionaries called orthoepic dictionaries.

Each language has its own spelling dictionary. This helps foreign language learners to develop and native speakers to improve their own speech.

History of spelling dictionaries

Despite the fact that the science of orthoepy came from Ancient Greece, The Roman Empire humanity should be grateful for the first orthoepic dictionary. The fact is that, conquering another country and turning it into their province, the Romans declared it official, and the conquered people, willy-nilly, had to teach it. Over time, in the provinces, Latin began to differ from the official one, since the words of the local language of the conquered territory were added to it, and the pronunciation Latin phrases heavily distorted. In order to somehow streamline speech and reduce it to one norm, special reference books began to be published in which the correct pronunciation of the most complex Latin words and phrases was recorded. These reference books are considered the first orthoepic dictionaries in history.

With the collapse of the Roman Empire, orthoepy fell on hard times. Only in the 16th-17th centuries in France they began to gradually fight for it. However, at that time, information about the correct pronunciation of words was given in the form of supplements to grammar.

Later, by analogy with Roman reference books, orthoepic phrase books began to be published, which gradually turned into dictionaries.

AT Russian Empire developed at the beginning of the 20th century. By that time, many linguists began to publish their own spelling dictionaries in order to streamline the Russian language.

With the development of radio and television, they began to publish special dictionaries for announcers and presenters, so that their speech was an example for listeners.

With development computer programs orthoepic dictionaries are gradually becoming relics of the past. Since today, in order to find out where to put the stress in a particular word, you just need to enter it into an online translator - and you can not only see where the stress is placed in it, but also listen to the correct pronunciation recorded by a native speaker.

Types of orthoepic dictionaries

As you know, all dictionaries are divided into two types:

  • Encyclopedic - contain information about various countries, phenomena, historical events both individuals and others.
  • Linguistic - specialized dictionaries containing information about the word (its meaning, spelling, origin, translation, pronunciation, etc.). An orthoepic dictionary is a linguistic view.

To date, all orthoepic dictionaries are divided into two categories: paper and electronic.

Two more separate types can be distinguished - according to what norm this orthoepic dictionary describes. pronunciation dialect words different regions are engaged in orthoepic dictionaries of dialects. But how to correctly place the stress according to the norms of literary speech will be prompted by dictionaries of the second type, which everyone uses when they strive to speak correctly.

Sometimes stress dictionaries are distinguished by parts of speech. For example, an orthoepic dictionary of verbs, an orthoepic dictionary of nouns, etc.

Paper spelling dictionaries

Everyone imagines what a paper spelling dictionary is. This is an ordinary book in which alphabetical order words are placed and it is indicated where they are stressed.

Before the advent of computers, this was the only kind of dictionary. However, now he has a serious competitor - electronic.

Electronic spelling dictionaries

Often paper editions of spelling dictionaries are scanned and digitized. Thus, anyone can download the electronic version of the necessary spelling dictionary and use it, since paper editions are quite expensive, especially rare ones. But such scans are not electronic dictionaries.

Electronic orthoepic dictionary is a specialized program with automated word search. To find out information about the required word, you need to run the program, enter the desired word in the search engine window, and then the system will find it itself.

Such orthoepic dictionaries can be offline (all data is on the installation disk and the Internet is not necessary for work) and online (they do not work without the Internet).

Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: history

One of the most famous first orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language was the work of the famous Ukrainian linguist Ivan (Ilarion) Ogienko. In 1911, he published the Dictionary of Stresses in the Russian Language and the Rules of Russian Stress.
According to the traditional version, the history of orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language begins in 1955, when the work of Ruben Avanesov and Sergey Ozhegov "Russian literary pronunciation and stress: a reference dictionary" was published. A little less than 30 years later, the well-known Avanesov's Orthoepic Dictionary was published, which became a desktop guide for many.

In 1960, F. Ageenko and M. Zarva released a specialized orthoepic dictionary for announcers and presenters on radio and television. The same authors in 1993 published an orthoepic dictionary of 76,000 words.

In the mid-80s, R. Khryslova's Dictionary of Russian Language Stresses was published in Minsk. In the same period, S. Borunova published her own spelling dictionary. This edition contained about 63.5 thousand words.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, orthoepic editions began to be actively published again. So, in 2000, the dictionary of Avanesov and Ozhegov was republished. In the same year, M. Studiner published an orthoepic dictionary of 82.5 thousand words. In addition, the authors T. Ivanova and T. Cherkasova published a specialized spelling guide for speakers.

To date, specialized brochures or publications containing difficult cases stresses in new words than orthoepic dictionaries. In addition, many people prefer to create online spelling services because they are cheaper than publishing a book and are easier to maintain and edit.

If the wise Romans had not come up with an orthoepic dictionary in their time, it is not known whether they would exist today different languages generally. After all, not having a standard for the correct pronunciation of words specific language, in a few decades, residents of different parts of the same country would cease to understand each other. As 2000 years ago, the orthoepic dictionary plays an important role today, being the standard of pure and beautiful speech.

  • ORTHOEPY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    a word translated as "correct pronunciation" [Greek orth?s - "correct" and? pos - "word"]. O. raises the question of a certain method ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Greek orthoepeia, from orthos - correct and epos - speech), a set of language norms that ensure the unity of its sound design. Work on …
    (from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech) ..1) a set of pronunciation norms national language, ensuring the uniformity of its sound design...2) …
  • ORTHOEPY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Greek orthoepeia, from orthos - correct and epos - speech), a set of norms of the national language that ensure the unity of its sound design. …
  • ORTHOEPY in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech), 1) a set of pronunciation norms of the national language, ensuring the uniformity of its sound embodiment ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    and, pl. no, f., lingv. 1. Rules for exemplary literary pronunciation. 2. Section of phonetics1, studying and regulating the rules of literary pronunciation. Or-phoepic…
  • ORTHOEPY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, f. 1. Rules of literary pronunciation. 2. Such a correct pronunciation itself. II adj. orthoepic, -th, -th. Orthoepic ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ORPHEPIA (from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech), a set of pronunciation norms nat. language, ensuring the uniformity of its sound design. …
  • ORTHOEPY in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    orfoe "piy, orfoe" pii, orfoe "pii, orfoe" pii, orfoe "pii, orfoe" piyam, orfoe "piyu, orfoe" pii, orfoe "piya, orfoe" pii, orfoe "piya, orfoe" pii, ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Greek orthoepeia, from ort-hos - correct and epos - speech) - 1) a set of pronunciation norms of the national language, ensuring the preservation of uniformity ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    (from the Greek orthos - straight, correct + epos - speech). 1) A branch of linguistics that studies normative literary pronunciation. 2) The totality ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (gr. orthos correct + epos speech) 1) a section of phonetics that studies the norms of literary pronunciation; 2) compliance with the rules of literary ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [gr. orthos correct + epos speech] 1. a section of phonetics that studies the norms of literary pronunciation; 2. compliance with the rules of literary ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • ORTHOEPY in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    and. 1) The system of exemplary norms of literary pronunciation. 2) Compliance with such rules ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    orthoʻepy, ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • ORTHOEPY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    orthoʻepy, ...
  • ORTHOEPY in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech), ..1) a set of pronunciation norms of the national language, ensuring the uniformity of its sound design ... 2) Section ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    orthoepy, g. (from Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech) (lingu.). Rules for exemplary pronunciation. Russian orthoepy. Orthoepy lessons. - ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    orthoepy 1) The system of exemplary norms of literary pronunciation. 2) Compliance with such rules ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    and. 1. The system of exemplary norms of literary pronunciation. 2. Compliance with such rules ...
  • ORTHOEPY in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. 1. A generally accepted system of rules that defines pronunciation norms literary language. 2. Compliance with such pronunciation standards. 3. A section of linguistics that studies and ...
  • USHAKOV DMITRY NIKOLAEVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1873-1942) philologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939). Proceedings on the Russian language (dialectology, spelling, orthoepy, norms of the Russian literary language), general linguistics. Editor...

Only in orthoepic aspect.

Dictionary entry structure

Orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language

The most important pronunciation dictionaries of the Russian language are the reference dictionary “Russian Literary Pronunciation and Stress”, which was first published in 1955, edited by R. I. Avanesov and S. I. Ozhegov, which included about 50,000 words, and was published in 1983 on the basis of the second edition of the reference book "Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by R. I. Avanesov, containing about 63,500 words.

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  1. Eskova N. A. Spelling dictionaries // Russian language. Encyclopedia / Yu. N. Karaulov (editor-in-chief). - 2nd ed., revised. and additional .. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia, Bustard, 1997. - S. 306-307. - 703 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85270-248-X.
  2. Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms/ Ed. R. I. Avanesova. - M ., 1988. - S. 4.
  3. Gak V. G. // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. V. N. Yartseva. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - 685 p. - ISBN 5-85270-031-2.
  4. Modern Russian language. Proc. for students ped. in-t on spec. No. 2101 “Rus. lang. or T." At 3 pm Part 1. Introduction. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Phonetics. Graphics and spelling / N. M. Shansky, V. V. Ivanov. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional .. - M .: Education, 1987. - S. 105. - 192 p.


  • Russian literary pronunciation and stress. Reference Dictionary / Ed. R. I. Avanesova and S. I. Ozhegov. - M .: State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1959. - 708 p.
  • Borunova S. N., Vorontsova V. L., Eskova N. A. Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / Ed. R. I. Avanesova. - 4th ed., erased .. - M .: Russian language, 1988. - 704 p. - ISBN 5-200-00315-6.

An excerpt characterizing the Orthoepic Dictionary

At one of the stations, he overtook a convoy of Russian wounded. The Russian officer who was driving the transport, lounging on the front cart, shouted something, scolding the soldier with rude words. Six or more pale, bandaged and dirty wounded were shaking along the rocky road in long German bows. Some of them spoke (he heard the Russian dialect), others ate bread, the heaviest ones silently, with meek and painful childlike participation, looked at their courier galloping past.
Prince Andrei ordered to stop and asked the soldier in what case they were wounded. “The day before yesterday on the Danube,” answered the soldier. Prince Andrei took out a purse and gave the soldier three gold coins.
“All of them,” he added, addressing the approaching officer. - Get well, guys, - he turned to the soldiers, - there is still a lot to do.
- What, adjutant, what news? the officer asked, apparently wanting to talk.
- Good ones! Forward, - he shouted to the driver and galloped on.
It was already completely dark when Prince Andrei drove into Brunn and saw himself surrounded high houses, the lights of shops, windows of houses and lanterns, beautiful carriages rustling along the pavement and all that atmosphere of a big busy city, which is always so attractive to a military man after the camp. Prince Andrei, despite fast driving and a sleepless night, driving up to the palace, he felt even more animated than the day before. Only the eyes shone with a feverish brilliance, and thoughts changed with extreme rapidity and clarity. Again, all the details of the battle were vividly presented to him, no longer vaguely, but definitely, in a concise presentation, which he made in his imagination to Emperor Franz. He vividly presented himself with random questions that could be made to him, and the answers that he would make to them. He believed that he would immediately be presented to the emperor. But at the large entrance of the palace an official ran out to him and, recognizing him as a courier, escorted him to another entrance.
– From the corridor to the right; there, Euer Hochgeboren, [Your Honor,] ​​you will find the adjutant's wing on duty, - the official told him. “He takes him to the Minister of War.
The adjutant on duty, who met Prince Andrei, asked him to wait and went to the Minister of War. Five minutes later the adjutant wing returned and, leaning especially politely and letting Prince Andrei go ahead of him, led him through the corridor to the office where the minister of war was studying. The aide-de-camp wing, by his refined courtesy, seemed to want to protect himself from the Russian adjutant's attempts at familiarity. The joyful feeling of Prince Andrei weakened significantly when he approached the door of the office of the Minister of War. He felt insulted, and the feeling of insult passed at the same instant, imperceptibly for him, into a feeling of contempt based on nothing. A resourceful mind at the same instant suggested to him the point of view from which he had the right to despise both the adjutant and the minister of war. “It must be very easy for them to win victories without smelling gunpowder!” he thought. His eyes narrowed contemptuously; he entered the office of the Minister of War with particular slowness. This feeling was even more intensified when he saw the Minister of War sitting over a large table and for the first two minutes paying no attention to the newcomer. The Minister of War lowered his bald head with gray temples between two wax candles and read, marking papers with a pencil. He finished reading without raising his head as the door opened and footsteps were heard.