Bedtime story. Magical Birthday. Remade fairy tales for the anniversary

What does a baby need to sleep peacefully and soundly? Of course bedtime stories! Short good fairy tales for the night will calm the baby and give wonderful dreams.

"Magic Birthday"

Today is Katyusha’s birthday, she is 5 years old. The girl woke up early in a very good mood. "Hooray! Gifts, cake and guests!” she thought. Katya put her feet in slippers and ran to her parents.

Mom, dad, get up! It's my birthday!

Yes, daughter, we congratulate you, dear. Now you will receive a gift.

Katyusha closed her eyes and jumped with impatience, first on one leg, then on the other. Finally, mom and dad gave gifts to their daughter. Dad took out a large doll from the box with long hair, and mom has a beautiful fluffy dress, like a real princess. The parents kissed their daughter on both cheeks. The happy girl ran to the nursery to look at the new clothes.

Mommy, can I wear a dress?” she shouted.

Of course, just don't get it dirty or tear it. In the evening, when the guests come, you will be in it,” she warned mother, father went to work, and I'm going to the store for a cake. Be smart: behave well and don't open the door to anyone.

When her mother left, Katya put on her dress and ran to show off in front of the mirror. The dress was peach color, with a full skirt, and decorated with flowers on the chest.

How beautiful I am in it,” Katyusha praised herself, “Oh, my mother’s pearl necklace will go very well with this dress!”

The girl ran and took out her mother’s jewelry box. Katya pulled out the beads from the pearls and put them around her neck.

That’s better! - Katya was delighted and began to jump and spin in front of the mirror.

Suddenly, the string of beads broke and the pearls scattered across the room.

“Oh no,” Katya whispered with horror, “these are my mother’s favorite beads.” She will be very upset. I'm a bad daughter!

Katyusha sat down on the floor and burst into tears.

Suddenly, something rang above her ear. The girl raised her eyes, full of tears, and saw a butterfly.

How did you get here? “Probably flew into the window,” Katya asked and wiped her eyes.

When the tears dried, Katya noticed that this was not an ordinary butterfly. It was a tiny girl, only with wings.

Fairy!,” Katya exclaimed, “but fairies only exist in fairy tales.”

“We very rarely show ourselves to people,” the fairy said in a thin voice, “only as a last resort.” You good girl, and your tears were so bitter! Good children shouldn't cry, especially on their birthday. So I was sent to help your grief.

Katyusha told how she took her mother’s beads without asking and tore them.

The fairy waved her magic wand and the pearls flew into the air, lined up in a row, and were strung on a thread.

Katya couldn’t believe her eyes - the beads were whole and unharmed. She took them carefully and put them back in the box.

Thank you, thank you very much,” the girl thanked.

Please, just never take other people's things without asking again! And now,” said the fairy, “I want to show you our country,” none of the people have seen it. This is my birthday present to you.

The fairy sat on the girl's shoulder, and they found themselves in a magical land.

It was a huge green meadow. A large lake sparkled in the center. Mirror fish frolicked in its crystal clear water. And a rainbow spread over the lake, shimmering with all colors. Wonderful flowers grew around, Katya had never seen anything like them. In almost every flower there was a fairy, similar to her friend. “They probably live in flowers,” the girl thought. The fairy told Katya about her country, then they swam in the lake, sat on the rainbow, dangling their legs, laughed and made faces at their reflection in the mirror lake.

Suddenly a loud knock was heard.

“Mom is back,” the girl realized, “it’s time to go back.”

Katya said goodbye to the inhabitants of the fairy-tale land and promised to be obedient. The fairy waved her magic wand, and Katyusha found herself at home.

Mom returned from the store with huge cake in hand.

Oh, how elegant you are in this dress, daughter. By the way, my pearl necklace will suit you very well, try it on.

Katya laughed and hugged her mother. It was the best birthday of her life. Magical Birthday!

Let short good bedtime stories will become a good tradition and will bring you and your baby closer.

Birthday and gifts All children, young and old, are looking forward to it. However, organizing this holiday is not an easy task. Every family has its own traditions and secrets. Many of them are aimed specifically at pleasing and surprising kids. Still would! After all, children's laughter and sparkling, cheerful eyes are the best reward and praise for parents, as well as significant proof that the holiday was a success. In some cases, a well-thought-out scenario for a child's birthday will save you, in others - a light impromptu. But each of you can give your Sun a fun, magical birthday, and a selection of the best scenarios will help with this. Or maybe you want to diversify the adult holiday with elements of scenarios?

Scenarios on the topic:

Children are the joy of parents. And when our children’s birthday comes, parents don’t know what to do? Every parent wants to throw a grand celebration so that our kids will be filled with happiness for a long time. And then scenes from a fairy tale come to the rescue, which parents themselves can organize with the participation of the birthday boy and his guests. We offer simple and uncomplicated scenes from fairy tales for birthdays.

Children's Birthday Scenario “Balloon”

Decoration with balloons children's party- this is always a guarantee Have a good mood the young hero of the occasion and his guests! Therefore, if your child loves to play with balloons, then the “Balloon” Birthday script will help you organize an unforgettable holiday for him. Children will be happy to take pictures with animal figures made from balloons, and at the end of the holiday, the balloons can be distributed to guests.

  1. Prepare a list of children you will invite in advance. Give each child an invitation card indicating the place and time of the event. You can attach (for example, with a ribbon) a small balloon to the invitation.
  2. Children's clothing style is free. But it’s better for the host of the holiday to dress like a big balloon. He will be the leader of all balloons who came to the holiday to entertain the children.
  3. The birthday gift in this scenario is something related to air, flight and balloons. For example, for a boy it could be a model of an airplane, and for a girl it could be a toy butterfly.
  4. The room for the celebration should definitely be decorated with balloons. For example, at the entrance you can make an arch of balloons, and release balloons filled with helium under the ceiling. You can also attach helium balloons to the decanters into which you pour the juice, and make a composition of small balloons in the middle of the table.
  5. The purpose of the holiday, taking place according to the “Balloon” scenario, is for children to go through tests in order to get to the gifts. Designed for this various games and competitions.
  6. The leader of the balls announces to the assembled children: “ Balloons We prepared gifts for the children. But in order to receive these gifts, children will have to play with balloons.”
  7. First, for example, a “Balloon Throwing” competition is held for children. Children must throw balls, competing with each other in terms of throw distance. The winner of the competition is awarded the first prize from the “State of Balloons”. This prize can be a set of 5 balls.
  8. Next, the leader of the balloons announces: “The balloons go to be closer to the children - to get under their T-shirt.” The competition “Fat Men” is being held. Children under a T-shirt big size, put on one person from the couple, they insert balloons. The couple who puts the most balloons under their T-shirt wins the competition. The participants of this pair are awarded the title “ Best friend balloon” and a prize is awarded - large balloons.
  9. Then other competitions and games with balls are held. The entertainment program can be completed with the “Gift from the Balloon” competition. In this competition, children must choose a ball from a large pile of balls and crush it. As a result, they will discover that there were gifts for them inside the balls.
  10. After receiving small gifts from the State of “balloons,” the children congratulate the birthday boy on his birthday and go to the table.

Birthday in fairyland - the most interesting scenario children's day birth.

Host: Dear guests, you know that we have gathered today for Polina’s birthday. It is customary to give gifts on birthdays - and you have already brought wonderful gifts. You probably love receiving and giving gifts? Which of your gifts do you remember most? Who do you think can give the most magical gifts? That's right - fairies and wizards. What fairy tales do you remember in which magical gifts were given? Do you know that you and I are also a little bit of a fairy? Today we will go to the Festival in the land of fairies! To do this, we need to go to a fairyland, where each of you can become your own a real fairy and give each other magical gifts. I’ll now turn on magical music - you should all dance to it, and we will find ourselves in the land of fairies!

It’s good if you have the opportunity to play with the lighting - I turned off the overhead light, leaving a sconce and a couple of candles in beautiful candlesticks. And what could be more magical than Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker”! While everyone was dancing, I caught the smallest one - the birthday girl’s sister - and in the hallway I put a cap on her, drew a heart on her cheek with makeup and gave her a magic wand. Well, she warned the newly-minted fairy that she was a fairy of songs!
We stop the music and return the lighting. The girls gasped when they saw our beauty in a cap and with a wand - and how her eyes glowed!

Presenter: Our first fairy is the fairy of songs - she will now give us talent and love for singing, and in gratitude we will sing the most birthday song to her.

The fairy waved her wand at everyone - and the girls themselves chanted “Let them run clumsily...”. Although, to be honest, I intended to dance in a round dance to “Loaf”. Which is what we did after the song.

Host: But to get into magical land, we should all turn into fairies. Let's dance on!

Secondly, I turned the birthday girl herself into a fairy - she turned out to be a dancing fairy!
Birthday in Fairyland

With her we played “If life is fun, do it like this!”
The movements are repeated after the leader. Before each movement it is repeated: “If you have fun, do this.”
Movements can be like this:
* two clapping hands in front of the chest;
* two finger clicks;
* two punches to the chest (like King Kong);
* well, in general, what do children have enough imagination for?

With the end of a short musical fragment, the presenter chooses his shift.

To give our dancers some rest, the next girl turned into a quick wits fairy. Having conjured more intelligence for her friends, she helped me solve riddles.

For example, these:

Riddles about fairy-tale heroes
He got leeches
I sold Karabasu,
The whole smell of swamp mud,
His name was... (Pinocchio - Duremar)

He lived in Prostokvashino
And he was friends with Matroskin.
He was a little simple-minded
The dog's name... (Totoshka - Sharik)

He walked through the forest boldly,
But the fox ate the hero.
The poor thing sang goodbye.
His name was... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,
He is looking for a magic key.
He looks terrible
This is the doctor... (Aibolit - Karabas)

He was on the road for many days
To find your wife,
And the ball helped him,
His name was... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich)

He'll find out everything, take a peek,
It bothers and harms everyone.
She only cares about the rat,
And her name is... (Yaga - Shapoklyak)
Birthday in Fairyland

The next guest turned out to be a fairy of dexterity.

"Confusion". A driver is selected, who leaves or turns away for a while. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Then they try in every possible way to “get confused”, while they can crawl under someone’s clasped hands, step over their hands, but they cannot open them. Upon returning, the presenter must unravel the “confusion”, trying not to dislocate or break the players’ limbs.

Not the most successful game for young ladies in elegant dresses and fairy hats - nevertheless, the girls really liked it, and they played it for quite a long time, and laughed contagiously.

The next fairy on the plan is the drawing fairy.
On a large piece of Whatman paper, little fairies, gifted with artistic abilities, all together drew a holiday poster.

The seventh fairy is the theater fairy.
This was the most successful idea - I regretted that I had not prepared some more text + costumes. We had to reshape the story on the fly, using the same characters.

Compose a text or take any fairy tale or miniature. All nouns (including inanimate objects) are roles. The roles are assigned by lot (don’t forget about the author reading the text) and the pantonym performance begins. For example, like this.

Birthday in Fairyland
Summer has come.
Butterflies fly merrily in the clearing.
A Girl comes running with a Net in her hands and tries to catch the Butterflies.
But the Butterflies quickly fly away in different directions.
A boy walks by.
He was thinking about something and did not notice how he crashed into a Tree.
The boy rubs his bruised forehead and cries. The girl holds out the Coin, the Boy thanks him and puts the Coin to his forehead.
Children hold hands and cheerfully leave the forest...

1. fairy caps – 7 pcs.;
2. magic wands— 7 pcs.;
3. makeup;
4. a piece of paper with the text of the riddles;
5. a large sheet of paper for a general drawing + felt-tip pens, pencils;
6. for those with a sweet tooth - a saucepan with pieces of sweets and fruits + something to blindfold;
7. for the skit: names of roles written on pieces of paper and a hat for drawing lots; a bow for a girl, wings for butterflies, a cap for a boy, a net - a mesh, a bird - feathers, a large scarf as wings, a tree - leaves, a coin - a shiny medal for the neck.


In the scenario of any holiday, there comes a moment when all the main ceremonial toasts have already been said, but the guests are not yet ready for active competitions or dance entertainment. It is then that the presenters come to the aid of fun activities that can be done right at the table.

The proposed selection is Catholic role-playing tales and games for any holiday, written by talented Internet authors (thanks to them). Each of them can safely be classified as “icebreaker” games that “split the room,” liberate guests, put them in the mood for festive fun, and therefore serve as a wonderful transition to an active entertainment program.

A fairy tale - a noisemaker at the "Drums" table

To conduct this, the presenter divides those present into several teams, each of which will represent one of the members of the “drums” family: Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother or Son, then the participants, at each mention of “their” character, make “their” noise: rustle, rattle etc. When the text mentions a family, everyone makes noise at the same time.

Characters and noise actions:

Grandfather Drum- rustling newspapers,

Granny Drum- rattling dishes

Drum Father- stomp their feet three times and make a creaking sound as the door opens

Mother Drum- make a scratching sound on a wooden surface

Son-drummer- clap their hands three times

Family of drummers - everyone present makes sounds at the same time.

Leading(reads the text):

At number thirteen on Mira Street
In a very shabby old apartment,
What our people call a communal apartment.
Family of drummers has been living for a long time.
They settled in a huge closet,
Where no man has gone before.
This closet, cluttered for a very long time,
Family of drummers here it endures for two centuries.
Other residents of the communal apartment
They gradually forgot about this family:
We got used to their usual noises and sighs -
They lived well under one roof.
Grandfather Drum loved at leisure
To make fun of my dear wife a little:
rustling Grandfather an old newspaper in the corner,
Driving Grandma rustling in sadness.
Granny in retaliation she rattled the dishes,
How Son-drummer I was scared more than once.
Drum Father when I was out of sorts,
He created a mess in his house:
He stomped his feet, creaked doors
And everyone is tired of these sounds.
A Mother Drum loved him so much:
I didn’t scold her at all for these pranks.
And as a sign of your tender and fiery feelings
Mommy I bought him a watermelon.
Drum Father I wasn’t known for being a miser -
The watermelon was certainly shared among everyone.
Residents of a communal apartment then
We heard the family chomping together.
Drummer son tried harder than everyone:
He gorged himself with watermelon gusto.
So friendly Family of drummers lived,
Until big trouble happened:
One day they suddenly decided to resettle the residents.
And this house was urgently demolished.
People left the communal apartment,
Family of drummers, of course, they forgot.
Now they are looking for another place to live
Where they will be nourished, comfortable, warm,
Where Grandfather Drum without any interference
He will continue to rustle with his pile of newspapers,
Where sometimes Drum granny
He can rattle his old pan,
Where Son-drummer will clap your hands,
Drum Father suddenly stamps his foot,
A Mother Drum sometimes without fear
Scratch at the door of your dear spouse.
Please respond, people who are not really against it
Hear all this late at night?

Table role-playing tale "Nebremen non-musicians"

The four guests who received cards with remarks can easily “reincarnate” into their heroes; to do this, they just need to expressively pronounce their phrase after each line where they are spoken about. It is important for the presenter to remember to take short pauses at the right moment and, if necessary, make signs to the participants.

Characters and lines:

Donkey: “I’m a horse in perspective!”
Dog: " Woof! I want to wet my throat first.”
Cat: " Mur-meow, suddenly I’ll become fat and important!”
Rooster: " Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!”

In a neighboring village the year before last
Some peasant suddenly went crazy:
He drove out all the living creatures in the house
She had been living side by side for fifteen years.
And we lived with him all these years in peace:
Donkey is crazy... (I'm a horse in perspective!)
A DOG that no longer growled...
There lived an old robber, a CAT, who loved sour cream...
In this company, the ROOSTER was not out of place...

The company walked quietly along the road,
Both the paws and legs of the poor are tired.
Suddenly a light appeared in the forest hut -
The terrible robbers have a home there.
And friends began to discuss right here,
What better way to scare the robbers?
The DOG was suddenly the first to quietly say... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
DONKEY, however, decided that he was not passive either. Still would! ... (I'm a horse in perspective!)
The CAT was very afraid of a night ram... (Moor-meow, what if I suddenly become fat and important?!)
He suggested to his friends to scare the gang -
Disperse the robbers with a shout.
ROOSTER, already flying up to the roof...( Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)

The animals quietly went to the hut
And all together: DONKEY, DOG, CAT, COCK - they shouted (Everyone screams).
The robbers immediately ran away from the house.
Who lived in it? They are familiar to us.
And they lived for many more years in a house in peace
Brave DONKEY... (I'm a horse in perspective!)
A DOG that growled menacingly... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
And a subtle connoisseur of homemade sour cream, CAT... (Moor-meow, suddenly I’ll become fat and important!)
And, of course, the ROOSTER, he’s not superfluous at all... (Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)


Table role-playing tale "Happiness is close."

KLAVA has been waiting for happiness for a long time,

Everyone is wondering where it is

Then her FRIEND came to her

And she hugged the hostess.
Together we decided it was time
Invite PETER to visit.
Like, even though he is a fool,
But he’s a master at singing ditties.
Parrot, having heard about this,
Sat on a higher perch,
The poor thing began to lament:
“Where can I wait out the HOLIDAY?”
At the first call
PETER came - ready for anything.
KLAVA made a salad
And washed the grapes.
Her FRIEND is helping her
And he approves of the recipes.
There's a knock on the door! KLAVA rushed:
What if there is some kind of setup?
The door opened - THE PRINCE appeared.
PETER almost shot himself!
Let's say it straight, without offense:
He had his sights set on KLAVA!
Here they remembered about the HOLIDAY,
The song was sung together.
PETER hiccupped and choked,
And he swung at the PRINCE.
The parrot was flying around the cage,
He called his ancestors for help.
And FRIEND is only happy:
There will be a fight, that's what we need!
Only KLAVA doesn’t yawn,
Raises a toast to happiness.
We took a sip of a glass,
But a glass is not enough for PETER!
But kindly, he goes to the drinking trough
A PARROT pours vodka.
PRINCE, having eaten a herring,
Everyone babbles their motive.
KLAVA speaks quietly:
“We have great grooms!”
And her FRIEND whispers to her:
“You pour them a third…”
The PRINCE made his decision,
Having proposed to KLAVA.
PETER, blushing from exertion,
Makes a cookie for a FRIEND.
And from the cage is a parrot
Suddenly a dog barked.
PETER eventually passed out.
PRINCE hid his face in the salad
(It was very tasty, by the way).
KLAVA sings a song,
How it all ends is waiting.
And the envious one, FRIEND,
Even though I was left without a spouse,
Sings along to her too
About “sorrows from the fields.”
Having seen enough of these things,
Our parrot has turned grey.
On weekdays he is silent,
And like a HOLIDAY, it screams so much.
This is where the fairy tale ends,
And whoever listened - well done!

Game moment "Merry table orchestra"

Who's sitting, who's sitting to the right of the bottle

Beat the glass rhythmically with a fork.
Who's sitting, who's sitting from the bottle to the left
Tap the plate firmly with a fork.
Who's sitting, who's sitting to the right of the herring
Hit the plate with a fork and spoon.
Who's sitting, who's sitting to the right of the potatoes
Hit your knees with both palms.
Who's at the table today? drank quite a bit
Slowly hit the spoon with a fork
Who's in this room today? arrived late
Gently knock the glass on the table.
Who today arrived on time and arrived
Hit the heel on the floor as best you can.
Who's happy everyone left - clap your hands!
Who's a little was angry- don’t be shy either.
And now together everything possible - at once!
Have fun and joy at our holiday!

The selection is posted for your reference.

An impromptu fairy tale, especially if chosen in accordance with the composition of the company and the occasion, will become the highlight of the holiday and one of the most fun and bright moments of the program. For a man's anniversary or birthday, it is better to choose fairy tales that are related to the hobbies of the birthday boy or those in which he can play a major role.

Proposed fairy tales and impromptu theater for a man’s anniversary exactly like this: funny and targeted - some can become not just entertainment, but also a lead-in to gift-giving, toast or congratulations.

1. An impromptu fairy tale for a men’s anniversary, “The Emperor’s Dream.”

This one, if you dress it up, will really liven it up festive feast, but even without costumes this is a wonderful surprise for the hero of the occasion, arranged to pamper and amuse him. The text is read by the presenter, and the “artists” simply play out everything they hear.


Emperor (celebrator of the day),

Black Ethiopian,

Yellow-skinned slave

The boy is Indian

Blonde girl

Slender Scandinavian,

Humpbacked shaman

Arab girl,

English Great Dane,

Persian cat,


Artists: Caucasian, Spanish, Turkish, Gypsy,

Favorite (wife of the hero of the day)


In some kingdom, in some state, on earth (location of the anniversary) there lived a powerful Emperor.

One day the Emperor was reclining on his favorite golden bed.

Behind him stood a Black Ethiopian with a ring in his ear and lazily waved his fan, creating the illusion of wind.

The yellow-skinned slave massaged the emperor's heels.

A Hindu boy sprinkled rose petals on the emperor.

The blonde girl was gently polishing the delicate nail of the little finger of her right hand.

A slender Scandinavian was holding a tray of food.

The hunchbacked shaman beat a tambourine with his own head, driving away evil spirits.

An Arab girl smoked the emperor with incense.

As always, at the foot of the Emperor's bed, with his tongue hanging out and breathing heavily, lay the Emperor's beloved Great Dane. And the emperor lightly ruffled the fur on his neck.

A Persian cat was caressing, purring and rubbing against his lap at the Emperor’s knees.

A Servant entered the hall and reported to the Emperor that the Artists were ready to bring him joy. The Emperor nodded.

Rushing into the hall like a whirlwind, the passionate Caucasian danced a lezginka for the emperor.

A fiery Spanish woman performed a dance with castanets.

A busty Turkish woman showed off her belly dance.

The black-eyed gypsy woman shook her shoulders and beads for a long time.

But then the Emperor got tired. He signaled for everyone to leave.

And then the emperor’s beloved Favorite entered the hall to give him moments of love. She kissed him deeply, hugged him tenderly, and only the wind ruffled the lovers’ hair.


2. Impromptu for a man’s anniversary “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

The presenter reads the text of the fairy tale, the “actors” play out the action and expressively pronounce a line when their character is mentioned; such impromptu is especially good for the fisherman of the day.

Characters and lines:

Sea: “Don’t worry!”

Seine: “I work here alone.”

Fisherman: “The first guy in the village”

Fish: “I will fulfill any three wishes!”

Girl: “I’m not like that, I’m waiting for the tram!”

Trough: “Indesit is resting”

Grass: “Come, I’ll pet you!”

Apartment: “Come in - don’t be afraid, come out - don’t cry.”


At the very blue sea there lived a Fisherman. The fisherman was full of strength, young and dreamed of catching goldfish. So he threw the Net into the Sea. He sees that the sea is playing up a bit. A Net came with one Sea Grass. Another time, the Fisherman cast a Net.

He sees the blue sea is restless.

The Net came again with one Sea Grass.

For the third time, the Fisherman cast the Net. The blue sea was raging. The Net came with the Fish alone.

With a difficult, but magical Fish.

The Fish inhaled oxygen and turned into a Girl.

Rybak saw such beauty, fell in love and offered Rybka his hand and heart.

Rybka agreed to marry Rybak.

First of all, the young Trough did it for themselves.

The trough washed the Fisherman and the Fish. Then we bought an apartment. The apartment warmed Rybak and Rybka and delighted them with its comfort.

And Rybak and Rybka lived and prospered and made good things.

A fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it. If you have a beloved little fish wife, with golden hands and a golden character, then life is golden. (Next is a toast to the wife of the hero of the day)

3. Theater - impromptu for the hero of the day "Like in a fairy tale"

You can do something similar and submit it as comic congratulations from close friends and relatives or from all guests, if there are no more than 12 people, ending with the presentation of gifts. This is great general entertainment based on your favorite fairy tales.


Tsarevich (celebrant of the day),

Chicken Ryaba,


Sister Alyonushka,

Brother Ivanushka,

Varvara beauty - long braid,

Vasilisa the wise,




Princess Nesmeyana,

Ilya Muromets,

Nightingale the Robber.


Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Tsarevich. He lived and one day he realized that he would soon be... years old.

And he decided to invite guests to his birthday and throw a feast (characters exit)
All those invited were delighted and began to prepare properly. Ryaba the Hen began to clean her feathers and beak. The bun was smeared with oil until it shined. Sister Alyonushka washed Brother Ivanushka, Varvara Krasa-Long Braid finally unraveled her braid and began to do a fashionable hairstyle. Vasilisa the Wise began to make herself a new dress. The Bear began to rehearse a special congratulatory growl, and the Wolf and Fox began to rehearse a special dance...

Even Princess Nesmeyana smiled her Hollywood smile and giggled! And Ilya Muromets began to plan a new club out of wood - you know, you never know what can happen at the feast!

Then they gathered in a tight circle and thought, what to give to the birthday boy? And they came up with it! They took a big bag and went through the forest to ask who would give what. And they collected a bag full of gifts! (guests give gifts and say wishes in this way) They come back skipping and rejoicing. Suddenly, a terrible, enraged Nightingale the Robber jumps out of the thick thicket with a scream! And let's take away the bag of gifts! Everyone got scared and trembled.

Vasilisa the Wise and Varvara the Beauty lost consciousness... Kolobok rolled under a bush out of fear. Sister Alyonushka covered Brother Ivanushka with her body... The Fox hugged the Ryaba Hen, even the Wolf and the Bear got cold feet and ran away! It was here that the hero Ilya Muromets came out to meet the enemy. He waved his new club once... the Nightingale the Robber began to shake. He waved it a second time and the Nightingale the Robber fell to his knees, and the third time he gave them a bag of gifts and asked for forgiveness. His friends forgave him and decided to take him to the feast with them. They came to the Tsarevich and gave gifts. The bun was smeared with oil until it shined, Sister Alyonushka washed Brother Ivanushka, Varvara the Beauty-Long Braid finally unraveled her braid and began to do a fashionable hairstyle. Vasilisa the Wise began to make herself a new dress. The Bear began to rehearse a special congratulatory growl, and the Wolf and the Fox a special dance... And then they stood in a large circle and all sang a song to the hero of the day (you can have a loaf). This is where the fairy tale ends, and well done to those who listened!!


4. A funny fairy tale- a liqueur for the close company "Gypsy Carriage".

Characters and lines:

Horses - 2 girls: “I-go-go!”

Gypsy: “Oh, strays!”

Gypsy: “Ay, romale!”

Gypsy children - One: “Oh!”, Another: “Oh!”,

Wheels - 2 people: “Both-on.”

The characters bring out chairs and place them in pairs in 4 rows. Seating: first couple - Horses, behind themGypsy and Gypsy, Gypsies, Wheels. The one whom the Presenter calls stands up and says his line. At the word “Gypsies,” the Gypsy, the Gypsy, and the Gypsies stand up and each say their own phrase. When the word “Kibitka” is said, everyone stands up and says their phrases. If someone is inattentive or forgets words, they “refresh his memory” - pour a glass of vodka and he drinks. The presenter warns: * Don’t pour water for the Gypsies!”

Text(read by presenter).

Kibitka rolled along the steppe roads. And the Gypsies rode in it: a Gypsy, a Gypsy, One Gypsy and Another Gypsy. And the carriage was carried by bay horses. The horses are dashing. Since the right Horse was lazy, the Gypsy kept grooming this Horse with a whip. The Left Horse was limping, and the Gypsy woman encouraged the Horses all the way. And that Kibitka had two broken-down Wheels. The left Wheel creaked, and the right Wheel bounced, so One Gypsy Little flew off the Kibitka, and the Other Gypsy Little noticed it. The other Gypsies did not see anything, because they sang songs in Kibitka. After all, they were coming to us for a holiday!
“Gypsy” sounds, all participants in the performance dance.

5. An impromptu fairy tale for an anniversary in the Western style “OK - cowboy!”

This one is universal and can be used at any occasion, including an anniversary. The participants’ task is to artistically depict all the actions of their character.


Sheriff Oliver

Sir Tom,

Bandit Sam

Mustang Mike

Groom Nick,

Pretty Mary


Action 1.

The innkeeper hospitably treats Sheriff Oliver and Sir Tom. Sheriff Oliver, having greedily drunk 20 mugs of beer, pays, salutes and leaves with disorganized steps to go to work. The innkeeper Bill stealthily stuffs money into all his pockets (socks). Suddenly the bandit Sam bursts in. "Hands up! Money in the barrel! Trembling with fear, the innkeeper Bill and Sir Tom got everything mixed up. They threw the money up and put their hands on the barrel. The bandit Sam got very angry and killed both of them in a rage: “Puff-puff.” The bodies of the unfortunates fell with a roar. Bandit Sam collected all the money, finished all the beer, and disappeared screaming.
Grif hovered ominously above the lifeless bodies.

Action 2.

Beauty Mary walks carefree across the prairies, collects cacti and stuffs them into her pockets. Grif watches her bloodthirstyly. Then her fiancé Nick appears from a remote canyon in a Mustang. They both smile broadly at the girl. Nick, smiling, jumps down to the girl. Mary rushes into his arms. Mustang Mike laughs furiously. The vulture embarrassedly hides its head under its wing, but still bloodthirstyly watches Mary with one eye. Groom Nick gently takes Mary by the hands, looks tenderly into her eyes and tenderly says: “Mary, be my wife!” Mary shouts: “OK, cowboy!” and faints. Nick says: “Lie here and don’t go anywhere. I rode to your father Sir Tom for a blessing.” The groom dashingly jumps on the Mustang and disappears into the canyon. The Vulture hovers ominously above the beautiful Mary.

Action 3.

The mayor's office is in a deep swoon. Bandit Sam rushes across the prairie. Suddenly he stumbles upon Mary and immediately falls in love with her. Sam picks her up and carries her to his bandit lair. Mary, waking up in the arms of an unfamiliar bandit, screams in horror: “Ah!” Nick appears on his Mustang and at full gallop shoots at the bandit Sam, but misses. Sam throws Mary to the ground, grabs a magnum and kills Nick's fiancé and Mike's mustang with one shot. The vulture happily rubs its wings. Mary sobs inconsolably. Sheriff Oliver appears at the sound of a shot. The Sheriff takes the Bandit at gunpoint and sternly says: “Hands up! You have the right to one call to a lawyer.” The bandit mercilessly kills the Sheriff. Beauty Mary, taking advantage of the moment, lifts her skirt, takes a sharp dagger from her boot and plunges it into the Bandit’s heart. Sir Tom, Mary's father, appears crawling on the horizon. With the last of his strength, he crawls to Mary and dies in his daughter’s arms. Beauty Mary wipes away a tear and dies of grief. Grif hovers above the lifeless bodies. The audience is crying and applauding.

Toast in honor of the hero of the day:

There is a nice fellow among us:

Big leg, keen eye.

Today we just drink to him,

We sing praise and honor to him!

High-quality organization of anniversaries and anniversaries here!